How to make Turkey Wings! | (Wifey Style!) | Deddy's Kitchen

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[Music] alright we are back back back back back in tennis kitchen hello mommy and dad hello how are you doing today we are doing well wonderful wonderful i love when you guys are doing well you look well you look beautiful mommy oh thank you and you guys already know what it is when mommy is on the channel that means that there is something special on the menu that she has a little you know she has a upper hand at making the true daddy yeah daddy can't make it but i am the one that always makes this yes yes yes so this one so daddy or sorry mommy without further ado tell the people that where we are cooked today we are cooking turkey wings in the oven all right so turkey wings in the oven okay so turkey wings is what we are making and we're just gonna get straight into the video because i know that you guys want to learn how all right mommy so what is the first step so the first step we're gonna go over here and i totally forgot to tell you guys that i i chipped in some turkey necks in it also we we love turkey necks and the wings so these are they this is the package that i bought it in so we're just gonna open the package and put the rest in and i'm just gonna show you how i wash it and everything so i'm gonna wash it with some vinegar and water okay all right let's do it so i'm just going to open this package here most packages always come with about four wings in it okay i'm about to say i'm like that does not look like much in there yeah four wings and okay um sometimes it comes when it comes you will see a little bit of maybe feathers on it so you just pick them off if you see any on it okay okay like little little little um little feathers there give us an example of what um well that's a little one a little tiny one there okay all right okay yeah just tiny tiny ones might be on still they still um from when they they did it at the at the plant or whatever um so you just make sure they're off okay just make sure they're off um really don't see much on these so i'm gonna just put it in the sink here now okay okay cold water get some cold water okay i'm just gonna wash it off first some people you can use some lemon if you want some lime if you want and where i'm gonna be using some vinegar vinegar today okay so i'm just gonna give it a wash first just give it a first wash just get in there and make sure you wash it off properly just wash it properly you want to make sure you'll wash your meat you guys okay if you're new here make sure that you're washing your hands just run it off in the sink and then i give it another little watch here [Music] and then you just drain it off drain it off in the sink here and then i'm going to put some vinegar in it now so daddy i'm just going to ask you to put some vinegar on it for me yeah and then now i'm just gonna wash it in that vinegar and water just wash it in the vinegar and water can actually feel the difference when you put the vinegar in on it you know it's not as slippery or slimy as we would say you know it feels more clean you do i okay wash it and i'm using cold water again with the vinegar you guys know what it is it's been a long time since we've shown you the washing process we just assumed that you know you got to wash your meat but every once in a while it's good to go back and show everybody how okay and i just drained the water off drain it off all the water so this this um these wings now are now clean okay they're clean okay any little fat or anything and stuff like that you can pull you know take a knife and take it off anything that you do you look on it and you see it and you don't like the look of it you just take it off okay get rid of it okay so there you go that's your cleaned turkey wing see this is a part of a feather you see it's in there right plus i just plucked it out okay there's another little one okay i just pluck it out to make sure that it's all clean to clean because we are going to be eating it so we have to make sure that it's well taken care of okay all right so let's move on to the next step okay so i'll just wash my hands here so now i have they're cleaned and now i'm gonna be putting all the seasoning like the onions we have we have onions here we have some thyme dried thyme we have some tomato we have some scotch bonnet pepper we have garlic we have some green onion which in jamaica they call escallion and we have some um peppers um sweet peppers okay so what i'll be doing and we also have some um pep um pimento okay so i'm gonna be putting a couple of pimento seeds in it also all right so here i go i'm going to be putting all of these in that's the the time is going in the thyme okay i'm going to put the onions in onion okay and then i'm gonna be putting all of these in okay so there's the peppers okay the tomato pepper everything just gonna go in [Music] thank you all right come on let's get coming around yeah and that's that's all the the vegetables that we're putting on it okay now i'm gonna get the real seasoning right the spices the spices is over here so i'm gonna get the spices over here so i'm gonna go over here with the pan okay and i am gonna be putting this is garlic garlic um um granulated garlic so i'm gonna put some of that in so garlic powder yep okay this is seasoning salt okay i have seasoning salt here okay so i'm just gonna shake some of that on and this is what this is the salt that i'll be using okay okay i'll put a little bit of the all-purpose seasoning in it also sorry all-purpose seasoning all-purpose seasoning has a little salt in it also so i'm very careful where the salt is concerned okay [Music] i'll use a little bit of black pepper some onion powder [Music] okay sorry let's see look here and then our little baby maggie here sister maggie yeah we're gonna be shaking some of that in on it okay and i need some soy sauce okay soy sauce so here we go [Music] i don't want it too too dark so i'm not gonna put a lot lot on it and i always put a little bit of barbecue sauce on it okay so i have some a little bit in this bottle daddy can you just put a little bit of water in that [Music] okay so just shake that around i just had some smoky barbecue sauce what brand is that um this i think i got it from costco it's called um kettle creek okay kettle creek okay barbecue yeah and i'm gonna put a little bit of lady diana sauce on this diana sauce okay cousin diana yeah just open that okay thank you so i'll squeeze some of this on it and now i'm going to bring it over to the sink and i'm just going to rub everything in okay all right so now we're going to rub all the seasoning and the spices that we have put on to the turkey wings rub it in make sure it's really totally covered all the meat is properly covered with it already smells so good every time we make this we don't have any leftovers because everybody really enjoy this turkey wings looks good already smells good already yeah smells good looks good sure it will taste good i feel like if you're something like swings you'll definitely yeah and this is similar to if you want if you're making this that he has the stew chicken on it's similar it's a similar way that we make this stew chicken or if you want to stew any meat or anything it's similar it's similar you just get all your seasoning and put your spices on and you know just rub it right in there and it's really tasty okay get that out of the sink here [Music] very tasty i know so turkey night is mine yep we always have a fight over the turkey neck there somebody nick is gonna start growing long like the turkey yeah and it's yours okay so there we go that's well seasoned there now if you do have time you can keep it in your fridge maybe if you do it overnight you know i let it marinate if you have time to marinate it and leave it for an hour or so it's even better okay yeah but right now we're gonna show you we're gonna put it into the roasting pan and put it in the oven and then we'll check it maybe on the half an hour mark all right okay yeah so now that we have seasoned our meat and it looks so good smells so good looks delicious um it looked like almost feel like you could eat it raw but no we can't but yeah but we can so what we're gonna be doing we're gonna be putting it now into the roasting pan okay okay so i am not gonna take off the seasoning i'm gonna put everything in it in the roasting pan and you don't have to specifically say um spread it out i just put it i just put it all in okay all right and this is this is one of our older roasting pan and it's really handy it's really really does well okay to whatever you put in it and now we're just we're going to put it in the oven we're going to check it so we're going to cover it in the oven and let it cook because we want to make sure it's cooked properly okay i'm used to you putting it on a flat pan what's your different this time um nothing really nothing special what i find is that it even browns even better um once you cover it in this roaster okay okay okay okay all right so yeah because when you put it on the flat plan then we have to use the foil to cover it and all of that at least now we this does have the cover its own cover and you just cover it and you just put it there and it just leave it there and let it cook properly okay okay and then after when it start when it's finished cooking now then you open it and and you can um use its own water that is in to baste it baste it so it comes nice and brown and then you cook down your gravy with it okay okay all right so now we're gonna leave here we're gonna be putting that in the oven i'm just gonna put a little bit of water in this just swish it around okay that we get everything out of the pan [Music] okay let's make it cook properly and then we'll just ask daddy to just put it in the oven the oven is already set at 350 degrees okay we're going to put it in in the the first time we're going to be checking it maybe in a half an hour to 45 minutes or so okay all right just to see what's going on and then we go from there okay that's it yeah and we're going to be serving this with some salad and some rice and peas we have um dry congo peas um cooking to serve it with all right okay here we are on our first check okay let's see what's going on in the oven how long has it been approximately like what [Music] 40 minutes or so yeah so let's see what's been happening oh yay see i'm just coating it nice and cooking really nice look at that you guys i'm telling you the turkey next mine is just a common name a lot of mercy yeah it's not yet cooked but um it's coming along coming along really well yeah so i'm gonna cover it again and let it cook some more and then when it's basically cook i'm gonna open it and you know get it all brown so what you're doing right now is called basing yes i'm basting it yeah okay and sometimes what i find with this roasting pan you don't even have to open it it will actually brown on its own in there with this pan yeah so basing it guys is obviously taking the juices and covering them nice mmm all right it's so good and tasty so approximately how long do you think from this point on it'll take i'm gonna give it another half hour and see what happens another half hour daddy yeah let's see what happens yeah so we gotta make sure it's properly cooked okay back on in we go yeah cover it up nicely put it back in the oven careful there we go we will be back okay so we're back and we're gonna do the second check okay okay so here it is second check and i'm just gonna poke the meat to see how soft it is yes it's soft see it's soft okay so what i'm gonna do now i'm just gonna baste it again leave it open leave it open for a bit and let it brown some more like give it that nice brown and then i'll i'll cook the gravy down okay so let's just leave this so from this first check to the second check how long do you think it's been um um an hour we checked it first maybe about 40 minutes and then we checked it again after 30 minutes okay so like an hour and a half yeah okay okay i heard that guy so almost about an hour and a half you gotta have it in here cooking yeah so i'm just basting it now nicely base it okay the the juice is so um in the bottom here looks so tasty it's really good oh my goodness okay so i'm gonna leave it open now okay and i'm gonna just let it brown on the outside for a bit and then um and then i'll take it out of the oven put it on the stove and i'll just cook the gravy down okay okay so i'll put some um some ketchup in it and i'll use some vegetable broth just to yeah give it a nice gravy okay all right so we're just gonna put this in the oven for a little bit more um so you're putting it on bro and otter set okay and it will um give it a quick browning on the top okay all right yeah nice brown okay okay so how long do you think we're gonna have it on broil for ah geez i will check it after say 10 10 minutes 15 minutes okay yeah just to make sure that it doesn't burn okay okay all right all right we're coming okay here we go again just checking in we had it on broil for a bit look you see broil yeah the brown yeah it's gotten browner yeah [Music] you guys really don't know how good this is if you haven't had turkey wings before or if you haven't had my mom's dressing before you missing out so now you guys know how to make this on your own so i'm just gonna stir it up a little bit so that the the bottom ones can be at the top it's really soft very fun that's how we like it i think someone should try that turkeyman okay just space that a little bit again and just put it i'm just gonna put it in for maybe another five minutes or so just to let it at the broil brown the ones that we put up on top because roy when you put the oven on broadly you have to be careful because it will burn the stuff right yeah you have to watch it guys for anyone who doesn't know right um royal it's like all the heat comes from the top rather than the bottom yeah so okay so we'll just put it in for a short couple minutes again and get it all brown and then we'll just put it on the stove and just cook the gravy down okay okay that's for sure okay here we go again just i think this is the second yeah this might be the one yep we're gonna take it out and we're gonna put it on the stove so we can make our gravy finish it up make our gravy okay all right so look at it it's getting all brown and nice okay that's good enough for us okay all right and then we're gonna put it on the stove turn off that oven turn off your oven guys make sure okay i'm gonna put it on the on the stove okay look at that can i take it run with it careful before you burn up yourself daddy looks good i can tell you all the pieces that are mine especially wow that one okay all right so now what i'm gonna be doing i'm going to be adding some i'm going to turn on the stove under this okay so you're turning onto the stove okay because i'm going to cook some gravy um what i'm going to be using i'm going to use some some um vegetable broth just to add to it you can use chicken broth or whatever i'm using some organic vegetable broth okay so i'm just gonna add it so that we can have a nice gravy maybe half of this box because we like the gravy nice gravy okay okay and i'm gonna put some ketchup in it okay like jamaicans do yeah i'm gonna put some ketchup sorry here we go with a pine sketch up here put that over there squeeze some in because the ketchup thickens it and also give it an added flavor a tomato okay all right okay i'm just using the gravy here to cover everything here i think i'll put a little bit more of them already yeah it sounds it sounds thick already i'm so ready for this oh my gosh my mouth is watering oh man this looks good [Music] delicious who wants a piece of the turkey neck we need i deserve that yeah everybody see all that ts gordon look at that gravy man wow you gotta take it and put it it's too hard for you to eat right now and try if you make it cool down a little bit because you have to just go right at it just by the eyes did you see guys just by the eyes tell the people them how good it is man this is good [Music] delicious wow so see it's simmering down now simmer down do you hear what i say see my dog yep simmering down nicely nice what's the heat on on the stove i i actually have it down high yeah so it's cooking nicely nicely gravy whatever you want on your own [Music] not greasy yep just nice whoa you guys confess some no man sure man thank you it is so good okay postcode man we're gonna link up right yeah all right poor scorpion [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] peace and love always
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 196,890
Rating: 4.8888702 out of 5
Keywords: how to make turkey wings, how to cook turkey wings, how to make wings, turkey wings recipe, turkey wings, how to make jamaican turkey wings, how to cook like a jamaican, deddys kitchen, quarantine meals, quarantine, lockdown meals, jamaican style, jamaican meals, husband and wife cooking, gourmet meals, stay at home meals, pandemic meals, couples cooking, jamaican foodie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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