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all right we are back at daddy's kitchen with another meal one that has been requested for so so so long i love how you guys actually see him put it back in the drawer and everything it's all about tradition um this is a meal that so many people have been asking about daddy they've been asking for quite some time since instagram days okay so tell the people them what we're cooking today we are cooking steamed fish steamed fish and coconut milk and coconut milk okay all right so there's obviously more to the steamed fish but we are going to show you daddy's version you guys have been asking about snapper and fish and steamed fish and all this stuff there's so many people who do not eat meat and so i'm really happy that we are finally here with another option all right daddy so how do we start this off okay i'm gonna have all of this season together make it much more easier for me to see the location okay all right so it's easier for you to season the fish when you add it all together why is that though oh because you can't sprinkle individually sprinkle yeah everything in one container mix it up put it on the face okay all right so let's see like this okay all right so let's see how this is done we got some flavor rice in there which is you know all finished [Music] okay what else do we have in this concoction fish seasoning fish seasoning cool running springs okay i've never seen that before okay let's bring it over into the light a little bit more okay it's using salt seasoning salt powder garlic powder ginger ginger powder the good old jamaican holy grail all purpose seasonings an onion powder can't forget black pepper the one that makes you sneeze [Music] hilarious mix it up mix it all up and obviously your hands are clean right guys are clean yeah always always mix it all up it smells so good smell all the spices i feel like the fish seasoning might be what makes it super different too because usually your spices don't smell quite like this i think the fish seasoning definitely changes things yes all right okay now we're gonna season our fish all right so how did you prepare this fish steady your washing well we're gonna have to show a video on how to prepare fish because i'm pretty sure it's not as easy as you're making it look right now it's easy what's easy for you we get this fish cleaned from from the place where it buys oh okay so it was already cleaned out okay so you can buy it like i just do my liquor finish wash it make sure all the skills that comes off yeah we're gonna have to do a video on the scale out how clean it is wow it's beautiful yeah clean clean clean that's it can you wash it down with lime and vinegar okay lemon whatever you have okay all right okay so let's see how he sees it now i i go first to the back first to the belly inside probably even the head that some people like to hear about i'm more of like a tale person but there are people here [Music] you go [Music] look at the size of that one [Music] into the belly and out on the skin into the belly and out on the skin so i used to be like really creeped out and i still kind of am creeped out seeing the eyes of the fish there's a lot of people who can eat meat but actually can't eat fish because of the eyes and the fish there's people who are like definitely afraid i think i met someone i can't even remember what's wrong with your head well it's still in there that's the first part yeah exactly and that's why it's even more scary every hundred miles yes i know but when it arrives to your dinner table with it still in there you want to pick it out that's so funny real it's like how i felt with the chicken foot when i was a kid scared yeah toes yeah i do exactly i have toes and now i'm eating their toes and it's like nobody was eating my toes like an invasion of privacy you finally got it finally smell good so do you let them sit yeah i'm gonna cover it okay well 15 to 20 minutes i like these little parts how come you don't put some of those little tail parts i mean or am i look at it guys well coated seasoned from the belly i mean all those smells are not the most enticing thing right now but i'm telling you steam fish when it's cooked oh my gosh my gosh and he's cooking it down it's with some coconut milk today too so these are the things that are gonna hurt so these are all the things that are gonna be added to the fish okay pumpkin pumpkin okra onions thyme red pepper and yellow peppers red pepper and yellow pepper tomatoes tomato pepper hot pepper green screen green scallion green green onion whatever you want to call it and garlic and garlic so later i'm going to chop all of these [Music] cook it down okay and it's going to go into the pot with the fish yes you you you fish you know you pescatarian people i know you are just shaking inside right now and i'm so excited for you because i am too steep fish is like a face okay so next step what are we doing gotta cut up your veggies onions always for the win sliced not diced therapeutic [Music] you might have to come up with an asmr channel that he probably has no clue what that is there's people who literally just want to hear the sounds of certain things like they really like they will sit there and just listen to you chop the onions because yeah or listen to you chew on to something or bite ice or or yeah it's famous oh you'd be surprised there's probably people who are obsessed with like the sound of chopped vegetables and stuff you could be making millions on here by just that maybe we really should we're gonna get somewhere excited are you gonna do that yeah you just gotta i'm gonna show you you're gonna cry okay so this is the you're gonna try laughing um i just know you are um okay so that's pumpkin right yeah okay so he's chopping dicing up the pumpkin this will be not too big but decent sizes putting it all in here [Music] [Music] [Music] green onions or scallions or scallions depending on where you're from crush [Music] and chop finally oh my gosh always doing that starch bonnet pepper can't forget it scotch bonnet pepper is obviously the pepper of choice for jamaican because i don't see them ever use any other pepper that's a flavor yes okay looking gorgeous look at that you guys look at that i love seeing all the colors all the veg that goes into these meals just beautiful okay so what's next fire is on fire is own and what heat are we starting max right now it's on max okay all right what oil are we using olive oil how come we're not using the grapeseed oil that we usually use feeling olive oily today yeah okay what else here for you better for you okay [Music] see what i'm saying i see what you're saying let it get hot okay and then what do the veggies go in first put in the onions and the garlic okay so the onions and the garlic are going to go first get more flavor out of the onions than you got okay some flavors so you said sweat it off meaning like you just allow it to cook a little bit first okay and then okay we'll just watch we'll just watch how it goes i'm always skipping ahead you know anxious to learn okay i'm gonna turn the heat down okay so you just felt it so it's hot enough so now you turn it down to medium okay majority [Music] okay now we're gonna sweat them but they're already sweating unlocking the flavors that change lives call it gotcha see how sweet i am with that camera huh now we put the garlic in so we don't sweat that garlic a little bit and i wish you that because as it's sweating it's definitely really sting don't it won't burn your body don't get [Music] [Music] bitter okay now my pumpkin pumpkin and peppers okay this is all real time guys still the amount of time that this has taken like you've been here so this is not sped up this moment here this is real time so if you're doing the same thing at home you're gonna be able to make this meal to the tea baby to the teeth because that was like my issue when watching like cooking videos sometimes i'm like well i don't know what they sped up i don't know how long they kept it on i don't know certain details and so you're like oh i don't know but the great thing about this is that you're literally watching this cook with us tell me a better channel and if you know that this channel is the channel you need to like right now give this video a thumbs up right now mid cooking okay and drop down in the comments what you want us to cook next next up green onions tomatoes okra hot peppers got your bodies all right on my screen it's showing that it's been three minutes since we first put in the onions and stuff guys so that should just go to show you timing is not too crazy right it's been three minutes and 26 seconds since the onions first went in the pot so if that gives you a little bit of a better understanding so that you can kind of scale it towards your to your own meal okay do you remember the seasoning remember the seasoning so it's coming back the leftovers the okay in here are screaming because they're like the pot is perfect just as is right now right as it is doesn't need any fish it doesn't need any meat it doesn't need anything because i'm sure when this cooks down by itself it's delicious as debbie would say oh yeah okay so you put all the seasoning in [Music] there so you turn your heat back up yes okay because we've been slow down the heat okay so because everything's thrown in it'll slow down the heat okay so you got to bring it back up a little bit so you can really get it all to sweat then you're gonna add in your what teddy my coconut milk okay yeah my dad's been on this coconut milk flex daddy what is it with you and this coconut milk you guys are like best friends lately it's a lot of flavor in coconut coconut very good for you sure this is the best let's see the brand all right charles organic okay all right looks delicious doesn't it you guys i know you might be you might be like me but i trust this guy that's one thing i'll tell ya this guy in the camera you guys you guys have learned to trust him too trust him i put some water in it okay so you added some water okay why did you add water that's not enough to cook the fish down i'm learning so you need enough like liquid in the pot in order to cook whatever meat or poultry or whatever it is like you can't have just like a little bit you have to have a good amount so that everything can cook down in it a tasty apart see if it need a little salt i know you don't need any more seasoning oh yeah it's good need some more need some more seasoning and put seeds salt okay so he's adding more seasoning salt i'm gonna make this boil before okay so this has to boil before the fish is added before you put your fish okay going in for some real butter what does the butter do flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor flavor and more flavor so i'm gonna cover it okay approximately how long do you think that we're gonna be covered for you guys look at how he struggles as he tries to put on pot cover that doesn't go with the bottom of that pot but remember remember you guys it's not great it's not real authentic jamaican cooking if the parts are matched don't make no sense okay [Laughter] um yes so how long do you think approximately 10 minutes covered up cooked and then we're adding the fish okay you don't want that pumpkin to cook yeah because you don't want raw pumpkin seed right here hardest thing to cook is the pumpkin so you kind of created like a little soup for it to cook it right interesting so what i'm just going to turn to gravy once that finish okay so basically you're making your pre-making the gravy yes interesting yes these guys have been sitting chilling for the last couple hours [Music] when these are fried oh my gosh you guys i know we're not frying them today but my favorite way to have them is fried oh my okay so 10 minutes has gone by and let's look at the geesh look at it you guys this is the bed that that beautifully seasoned fish is going to take a little bath in look at this oh my gosh you guys are you you're killing me man daddy you're killing me in the best way look at this you guys look at this look at this wow so you just kind of press down you need a bigger puck definitely looks like you need a bigger pot for real [Music] see one squeeze her in on the side this that's the question you should have put the big one in first that's what us plus size girlies do we get the front seat first everybody can mangle up in the back you know you know the vibes that you really where your fish will go i'm gonna find i'm gonna cut it you're gonna cut it and then put it in smart guys look at this look at this man if you ever smell the seasoning and the coconut milk cheese cheese look at this oh my gosh oh i'm struggling i need my cookie boy careful daddy please no butter i am the man he's not a fish i have called for him okay this the fish like that wow that fish is huge what the heck look at okay get out of the seasoning that's left okay turn it back up high see i would feel like oh no i shouldn't leave all that stuff at the bottom because it's gonna burn but not no no see pumpkin already cooked pumpkins cooked so by the time these fish cook the pumpkin give a nice gravy by the time the pumpkins cooked the fish oh the one time the fish is cooked the gravy will be nice nicer really nice nice hair oh oh oh okay cover it and how long approximately are you thinking now daddy 10 15 minutes 10 15 minutes and it's done max 15 minutes 15 minutes because fish doesn't take long right okay okay so squatting now boiling i'm gonna turn it down to medium okay turn it back down to medium while it cooks while it takes that 15 minutes right it's a 15 minute medium bath betty it smells like jamaica in here yeah i know but it smells like when we went to go get that fish oh my gosh you guys look at it already look at what's happening in here just to be careful you turn it underneath it it's already cool so you got to be really careful because it'll break up okay but what are you doing right now you're just like shifting them a little bit so they can get everything okay so that they can get some loving on all their sides see that what you have to be careful you're really cool five more minutes wow quick meal daddy five more minutes yes see i get good stuff this is not like and for recording sake i feel like this meal is appearing to take longer but you guys this is such a fast efficient meal especially if you want to make something delicious really authentically jamaican really tasty you know that's not going to take a whole lot of time but still like it's a thorough meal this is it look at that i just want to drink that i know it's so good you can drink it that's good for you fish soup soup people have been asking about fish soup too daddy he's super engraving so you need to get into it yes it's coming take time okay patience yes tell them again because people will be coming for me people will be coming for me oh i hope it's not like someone said i hope it's not the same um as taking as long as sasha's videos on her channel i said excuse me first of all i'm one person okay i'm gonna taste it taste if i follow you pick me up of course [Laughter] it's good isn't it oh yeah i want a taste too yeah i will be the judge of this all right let's see what your reaction is when i have some you can't see my reaction oh wow daddy that really can be a soup for real wow that's so good yes and nice and peppery just like how i like it five more minutes and now for the moment of truth reveal whoa and the winners are here clearly [Music] ready ready ready like freddy wow this looks so delicious daddy so it doesn't need to hook anymore no or it would be overcooked it looks so beautiful i'm so ready for it i know mommy's ready for her food so let's show you how this looks plated [Music] foreign [Music] peace and love always
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 742,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam fish, how to cook steam fish, jamaican meals, how to cook jamaican steamed fish, how to cook steamed fish, steamed fish, jamaican cooking, quarantine meals, quarantine, cook like a jamaican, toronto chef, jamaican chef, cooking lessons, learn how to cook jamaican food
Id: ZRdx88ye6cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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