Wilderness Survival Fire In The Rain, My Method

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hi everybody now you might be wondering as Dave lost his mind no I have not I've been looking forward to this day for about a month too everybody that knows me knows I don't like coming in a but to get a point across I have to film the end of the run now it's winter time cold it's going to be wet when it's raining it's not a good situation to be called Alan about a month or two ago I did a video called fire in the rain survival practice and what that was is where I depicted where your average person was out unprepared they went out with a knife and a Ferro rod because normally a good bushcrafter and definitely a good survival expert or enthusiast can make 8 fire with a Ferro rod and they not but when it's been very very rain very wet very rainy for a while a few days it's very tough if not dang near impossible if you're under unprepared so what I'm doing today is I'm showing how I actually do how I and actually prepared how I go out when I am expecting conditions like this so and what I wear and how I go about doing it and I don't like filming in the direct rain but to me this is really the only way to get my point across and the best part is it may or may not work so let's give it a try now like I said last time I went out with a knife and a Ferro rod okay well this time I am prepared because I normally carry with me an axe and I mean a machete and a knob and a folding saw that's usually the trio I carry and when you carry a trio like that you pretty much got it nice and I also carry two different fire starters and three or four different ways of making fire because the items are so small now the way I'm dressed alright let's cut to a different scene and I'm going to talk about that as we're heading up to where we're gonna wind them so right off the bat what am I looking for okay I'm looking for a place to shelter from the Rhine okay now behind me there's some trees two trees leaned up two trees laying on ground all right what I'm gonna do is a lot of people winter out they will wear some kind of Renta not maybe I wear honking now the idea is people say oh you can wear a poncho because that way you can that way you can take the talk show off and make a shelter and get a phone well what's the problem with that once you taking a poncho off and then you leave out from underneath japanese-made you're going to get wet that's not a good time now in the summertime I wear ponchos and then I carry an extra lightweight thin poncho I carry a clear hooded poncho that way I can wear it while I'm gathering wood now in the wintertime I just throw a head and break down and I wear two ponchos and then I worry rim height that way the brim hat will keep the rain from dripping down in my hood or in my face all right so now what I'm going to do the first thing that I'm gonna do now I have on my side my machete and try to get the die off there's little sticks let me show you something there's little pokey sticks on that that branch retire and that will poke a hole in my poncho so the first thing that I want to do is when I get my machete yeah I can't see my machete I hope I don't get holding it out after fumbling around for a minute I got my machete out so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go across the top and I'm going to chop away some of the little branches [Applause] now I'm chopping some these branches off and I'm hope I'm getting this into you kind of hard to see me now and I may be getting the top of the umbrella the tripod okay here's a number this is a good example why you should use a lanyard when your hands are also deployed what I'm doing is I'm chopping the branches off another one and I'm gonna scoot it closer's but I'll have a place where I can make the roof [Applause] all right now that I feel like I'm kind of comfortable with this what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take one poncho off and try to set it on and then I'm all like some more sticks on this I think I'm gonna have to I think I might move the camera because this number was being in Hawaii of me I'm trying to get all of it I think I got you in sight now so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my outer poncho off and lay it out here and then like some sticks cross I say I've got the poncho off I hope that that was in shot and it's really hard to film with this umbrella on there and I've got the other poncho and see I'm still going to be dry because I have my remaining poncho on [Applause] now I'm gonna prop some sticks up underneath it a little bodies so what I'm doing now is laying more sticks up against the shelter why sticks are good because they don't roll over [Applause] I think I've got me a decent little spot under there now that I can build a fire all I got to do now is I got to find I got to find some wood laying around that took forever for me to find the wood but I think I found three pieces and this right here is a free pretty reasonably fresh split so this may be the one that I'll actually get the fire started wizard you know I've saw these up to set them on the fire anyway what you want to do is you want to find the wood that is as vertical as possible anything laying on the ground or anything that's you know heart horizontal is going to absorb more rain more water so you want the stuff that's been kind of kind of standing upright a little bit so what we're going to do now is I'm gonna try to adjust that address to the tripod down to where we can get into the shelter here and see if I can see if I can get a fire going elect hammer I can't believe how foggy it is I hope I'm actually making a good video here here's the umbrella of the tripod I got some plastic here hanging off of it for extra protection because the wind blew it over and broke the back of him bro look I'm trying to save my camera so anyway and I here it is here's the shelter you can see I'm up under it that's one of the blue clips right there from my plastic alright so I'm under the shelter what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna salt a couple of pieces up if I got you in shot man everything's getting so foggy it's bad I'm gonna try to solve some pieces up now in my sheet they're [Applause] getting shot in my sheet here [Applause] I have a saw we'll solve some of these pieces at first now I'm under the shelter I'm under the roof right now so I'm a fourth poncho up over my leg oh one other thing I always carried some kind of plastic it's big enough to fit into my cargo pocket and that's what I need alone to keep my pants from getting further away let's go ahead and do that now I want to make sure when I put this on the ground that I want to make sure that I'm still under the roof because I don't want Ryan to land on this and track on to me some elate right there I got one day on it so I'm comfortable now so what I'm going to do now now set the Woollett up on my foot and I'm gonna saw me a couple feet [Applause] now it started slacking up a little bit on writing so I'm going to show you another technique for whenever the pieces start getting kind of small how you can solve them put them between two trees and pull back while you're sawing [Applause] take your pieces of wood and put them under your poncho see how I've got my I'm leaned right here and I've got my knee under here well I'm affecting pictures of wood and lay them under my poncho this is one of the processes for getting the wood [Applause] Thunder means there's more coming so now I hear the Thunder picking up so I'm gonna pull some things out of my shirt pocket to show you real for you and my cargo pocket now in my cargo pocket you always got to have a backup so I carry a couple of different things I carry some fatwood that way I can carve it up and get it lit and I'll have a flying now a while back corporal Kelly Sean Kelly did a video fire and rain and I go by the same advice he is and weather like this don't even mess with a Ferro rod you need a flame you need either a lighter or matches right so I carry Tiffin dig it out of my pocket and he also he did a video on fire in the rain but he did it with no tools to where he walk around gathering up small sticks in a way of catching the starting fire and drying the sticks now that's a different method from this because with this method I've carried I'm prepared I have carried a machete and a saw so corporal Kelly's is a different method be sure and check it out so that you'll have two methods in your toolbox now in my upper pocket I will carry a candle of some kind and then I carry a case of waterproof matches now this case is not a waterproof case but it is a crushproof case so that I don't crush anything now you can add silicone to this this is some sort of a mint test carry breath mints in it whenever you go on a job interview now in here I have another case let's show you I have another case inside here and what it contains is [Applause] come on let's open it up that's a good sealed up case it's got in two lighters and some wax cotton pads and then underneath it it's got some birthday candles because a birthday candles are handy because a regular candle gives you one flying this will give you multiple flames which gives you greater chance of starting a fire [Applause] now that stuff up here that corner back here when the cranky down here for me at that corner back there is actually starting to dry out a little bit wonderful so what I'm going to do now is I may not my face may not be in shot but what I'm doing will be so let's move you down here there we go I think that'll work and I've laid some sticks here to where I'm going to try to build a fire I think I may need to move you a little closer she kind of watch what I'm doing here and I'm fixing to get under here cuz I am getting kind of wet all right I think I think we got it made now let's see I'm gonna cut this scene off and restart it so that the editing won't go by it because this next scene should go yeah I'm a solid piece here alright what I'm going to do now is I want to get to the center this wood and I want some sharp edges here so what I'm gonna do is on the front of it on this into some pieces [Applause] one more time this is a very rickety base and I'm gonna try my best all right now I am under the cover of this poncho so if it was raining much heavier this wood that I'm splitting with your sight now what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to baton this stuff down as small as I can so I can have all these sharpie now this is one of the things to wear rather than being a survival expert I think that you should be an expert at being prepared because being prepared is everything and don't go out with an axe or machete alright now I got those all botando let's put calling up another one and another important things like I said remember were two ponchos oh and what I'm saying about corporal Kelly's method that method where you don't have to have toes and you're going around in your ear here gathering up you're gathering up a bunch of small sticks when you're gathering up you're going to try to sustain them with a fire you got to remember it's going to take you about a half hour to hour to gather up and this sticks to do them that way if it's actually raining my method of wearing carrying to talk shows it's gonna be wonderful because you're not going to walk around out there and get soaking wet while you're doing that's not a good thing at all you want to stay nice and dry for that half hour that you're you're gaining the gathering up your water all right I'm gonna do one more of these and then we're gonna we're gonna start a fire all right and that's even better when they explode into really tiny fish and the beauty of this is these pieces then I can start sawing up the other pieces well actually I maybe I need to saw them up ahead of time to get them ready to go [Applause] okay what you do carve off the pieces now I want to show you something out there not only am I prepared this was with the machete with a little fire kit in my pocket but I want to show you what's on my shirt here I have a neck knife and in my pocket on the lanyard I have another lighter let's see both of these are attached now buddy take your sponsor off in the minute but anyway that's that's another layer of protection right there for me let's run you down here alright let's see if we can get this fire going let's get this candle out [Applause] now I don't care if I watch this hole handle if I get a good fire going I can always you know I can always pull the pan lasers firing save it from the next fire or you can just carry a bag with three candles all right now I got a corner of the well that all I got to do now light this candle Luddite loitering like there you go right there be prepared be prepared there you go now I got flying don't ever carry just one live not a good idea alright so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna let graded you do what I say I'm not wasting my lighter and I'm not worried about a man I've got nice dry woods and a boon for you and I can just stand here all day being this [Applause] all right now that would do not want to catch on we'll get so what I'm going to do now I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna go ahead and catch it on fire what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold it over here now I'm gonna hold it until I can't hold it no more say it's starting to get hot [Applause] I say the wind is blowing my flight in one direction I'm pitching all my edges on fire and say what I've got now is I've got an extra I've got a much larger flame that it's sustainable because this fatwood will be going for a while and I can always find more fat wood while I'm out in the woods but I can't always find another candle that's the beauty of using fat will it is fat wood is a renewable resource a candle is not a candle is something you have to be prepared with [Applause] they say now what I'm that what I've done I'm gonna blow my candle out so I can save it for later or if I need another fire then I'm gonna lay this right here and then I'm gonna start leaning all these sticks up against there [Applause] [Applause] let's say that way the bigger piece is unused I don't have to be in such a hurry to try to add wood and see all these sharp edges here are going to catch on quick and I will have a nice sustainable fire here to me now I want to put my smallest pieces over here on the side where the flame is without choking at all now in a minute I'm going to have a roaring fire and I've laid it on the bunch of wood that will sustain even though the wood wet it'll sustain now some of your little skinnier pieces you can even put them in the top and let gravity do the water if you can be careful to do it without knocking the fire oh let me pull em off that's gonna catch on there in a minute I think we're at nine minutes no I don't know let another paced up here on Paul I got a couple more faces there's I say well this fire is trying to sustain itself I'm just going to sit here on my green tarp where it's nice and dry and I'm just gonna watch this fire road I don't even have to do anything course I could help it along by holding a piece of wood over safe at wood is a lifesaver an absolute lifesaver yeah I'm at ten minutes I better stop this time I better stop every story alright I had to stop it and start it because that's ridiculous trying to edit a scene more than ten minutes tumble back yet just a little bit here and I think you get the idea of what I am doing down then we're just gonna sit here and watch your son go [Applause] and I'm probably having to yell so that you can hear me I say all I did now is just continue adding sticks all the line I can just put in all right in the left pocket I think I'm a carry the camera around the side and show you where the flames are really catching on it's kind of hard to do this with a candle that's easy to do it without me [Applause] there you go I say if you think for a minute that your fire is about to go out and you know you've got good dry wood but ond in there just keep on putting some air in there [Applause] that's a little while for its come to life but it will here in a minute [Applause] there you have it there's your fire in the running that is how I do it now with tons of moisture in the air and so I'm still having to kind of blow on the fire but the thing is is I now have a shelter set up and I have a fire under it and I can continue to add tiny pieces and blow on it because the core of that fire is in good shape and it's not going to get wet it's under my poncho roof does so and I got my wood under there I can sit under there and I can saw it I can split it baton it keep ahead and keep blowing and before long I'm gonna have a giant glowing fire so that's how I do it especially go out so I got a blow on it so till next time I'll see you in the next one [Applause] you [Applause]
Channel: Reallybigmonkey1
Views: 84,250
Rating: 4.8271604 out of 5
Keywords: rain, wet, survival, wilderness, ferro rod, campfire, outdoors, cold weather, wet weather, teacher, instructor, education, realistic, G.I. poncho, waxed canvas hat, Parang, Condor bushcraft parang, Mora Garberg, Bahco, Bahco folding saw, #survival, #bushcraft
Id: gP7bewfFbBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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