How To Make A Smokeless Campfire - "Tip Of The Week" E47

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It's not really "smokeless" but how to keep the smoke from following you. Cool videos there though.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fuckyoua 📅︎︎ Jun 30 2014 🗫︎ replies
I'm Chris with an inspire a son and I'm out here in the heart of the Idaho wilderness with John and you're watching intense anglers tip of the week take it away John [Music] hey there guys John here of course and I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I enjoy spending time in the outdoors now that can be fishing as we saw or hanging out with a good buddy but one thing I really love is hanging out around a good warm campfire something about it just can't be beat I'm sure you guys can relate to that one thing that's not quite so enjoyable about that however is the smoke in the face thing you guys know what I'm talking about right the smoke just wants to follow you everywhere you go I'm gonna show you a tip today that's hopefully going to at least reduce if not completely eliminate that smoke wanted to follow you around the campfire now this is actually kind of a two-part tip here we got to cover the first part to get to the cool part and that's always the way it works right but we'll keep the first part kind of quick and that is covering kind of how fireworks fire aloft and it's really simple fire requires three things to burn at its maximum efficiency giving you the best fire you can have and less smoke now those three things are fuel oxygen and heat and they can be found obviously the fuels are wood the oxygen and it's self-explanatory it's all around us right and the heat is you know the fire itself it starts with the ignition source and generally grows to you know include the coals and just that heat of the fire all those three things working in combination make the perfect combo for the ultimate fire now one of the things getting onto the mean tip here that we usually see and we usually do I know I'm definitely guilty of it ten two thousand times yes we dig it a nice deep fire pit we line it completely with the circular rocks build our fire right well the problem with this is that it actually reduces one of the key components to the fire which is oxygen the oxygen has a much harder time getting down underneath those calls in feeding that fire feeding that heat keeping an increasing sustaining burning that fuel and so the pit design that I'm actually going to show you today is going to drastically help increase the oxygen level of the fire that key component that most of the time is the culprit behind our lack of a good fire and that creates all that smoke that gets in our fate now we're gonna start off with a nice big solid rock and this is a bad boy right here yeah as you can see it's got kind of a nice flat face here and it's a much bigger rock than the rest of the ones that we'll be using now we're gonna want this rock to be a nearly vertical it can be you know kind of slanted but pretty much we're gonna want this vertically and we'll explain the reason for that is to go along here the rest of the ring will pretty much do like we normally would I'm just gonna ring the fire here right put a few rocks around mukara you know nice little ring which means a flat rock if you want to put a nice hot cup of coffee on people warm you know whatever we want to do there so we've kind of got our whole firing established here I'm sure you guys can see one thing's missing right off the bat alright we've got kind of a gap in them in the front of the fire ring well that's actually there for a reason the same reason that our backstop is here and that is to create a healthy supply of oxygen for our fire like I said one of the key reasons that we get that smoke and we don't always get that optimal fire that we want now to see this in action I guess first I'll explain in principle the fire is kind of self-explanatory you guys I'm sure get it the fire or the oxygen rather can come now in near the bottom just kind of flow in get under the get under the fire itself especially we have a good bed of coals going and just really feed that fire with as much oxygen as it and the residual unburned fuel which is smoke is actually going to hit the backstop and go up it and that's one of the things is that smoke is attracted to objects and that's why it's attracted to us unless it just really likes me or something I don't know but that's a totally different video anyhow guys smoke is obviously heated air a little bit of unburned fuel there and it is attracted to objects to follow them and heat rises and so it goes up and generally wherever we are that's where the smoke wants to go well with this system here we have the oxygen coming in burn the fuel very efficiently and what smoke is left is going to be attracted to the backstop rise up it and go in one direction which means it's not gonna follow me or you are in the fire anymore it's gonna pretty much be contained to one area which is what we want right giving us a lot less smoke in the eyes there and we'll get a quick fire here going just as I kind of wrap this video up really simple here one of the things I love the most for tinder out here is good old-fashioned dry pine needles they never fell me and they just can't be beat so you get those pine needles ignite it there and we'll come on a little bit of kindling here nice dry fighting kindling toss that on there well this just helps our skelter because you know what one thing fire also likes is chaos we don't have to live a fancy log cabin we don't have to build the fancy fire pyramid we just get that helter-skelter thing going on there which provides a lot of oxygen it's like the word of the day right oxygen so as this fire burns we can progressively put on more in bigger pieces of wood and ultimately have a really nice fire going and that's pretty much all there is to it and so as we wrap up this video here and my fire continues to grow I want to of course think Chris from YouTube channel inspire son for putting together the intro to today's video we were actually fortunate enough to be able to get together on a backpacking kind of outdoor adventure got to film some great videos together I don't awesome time out here in Idaho wilderness guys so a huge thanks to Chris and I highly recommend going and checking out Chris's channel because when he's a professional videographer which means he's definitely got a step up on me so you can expect some much better quality over that way and Chris also has a unique way of doing videos looking at things and expressing them and Chris definitely brings that to the table and he brings it with an artistic flair that makes it very enjoyable and inspiring to watch so I guess what I'm saying is coax check out Chris's channel the links up here if you're not clicking on it right now I suggest you do but there's also one down at the description area below so after the video you can click on that one but anyway guys that's about it as you can see my back's helps working with seven interface full of smoke sitting in the one place that I don't want to sit so I'm gonna temp the old fire here wrap this video up and before I go I of course want to say thanks to you guys for all the support and encouragement that you have always and continue to extend my way it is vastly appreciated and until next time guys take the best of care and we'll be streaming as soon [Applause]
Channel: IntenseAngler
Views: 2,016,152
Rating: 4.5662527 out of 5
Keywords: how to make a campfire, how to make a fire, making a fire, campfire, campfire cooking, camping, How-to (Media Genre), how to, smokeless fire, smoke free fire, fire, how to start a fire, wood gas stove, tip of the week, tips, tricks, life hacks, camping tips, survival, survival fire, Survival Skills (TV Genre), easy fire pit build, diy, fire pit, survival skills, firestarter
Id: mMJov2vbQqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri May 30 2014
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