Start Editing YouTube Videos for FREE with ZERO Knowledge - Video Editing for TOTAL BEGINNERS

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[Music] hello i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube and today we are learning the very basics of editing just the most silly basic video if you've never done video editing before and you're just like i have something something camera and it goes into a computer somehow this is the video for you by the end of this you're gonna be like i kind of know how this works and i don't know why you're talking that voice but you do let's go let's get started with the very first kind of concept which is what is editing editing has kind of grown over the years uh from meaning like literally just putting your shots together in a timeline putting your shots in order and making sure that the shots that you have are the ones that you want to doing all of that and doing effects and doing audio and doing color correction and all of that stuff but we are going to focus mostly on just the putting things in order the honest-to-goodness editing side of things today and so editing is just that it's taking the pieces of media from whatever you've produced whether it's shooting with your camera animation music audio pictures slideshow whatever it is and it's putting them all together in a sequence so that you actually have something to watch without editing most things that you watch would be really boring or just wouldn't make any sense at all because often times if you have a movie it won't actually be shot in order so looking at the trailer for storks obviously the greatest movie of all time this is obviously an animated movie so they didn't shoot it but they still have to create all of the scenes and they certainly didn't render every scene in order right but every scene imagine if you shot this you'd have a shot of this and then you'd have to move the camera and get set up and relight and do all of these things for this shot and so you have to cut out the parts that are boring or that don't work for the story and then you have to put them in order so really for a story to exist for a video to actually make any sense you have to edit it the only time you might not actually need to edit is if it's literally just one shot and it's somebody telling a story from beginning to end without very many screw-ups you know something like a youtube vlog or something but for any kind of visual storytelling there needs to be quite a bit of editing so as far as the software that you use to edit with there are a ton of different choices a really popular one is adobe premiere we also have final cut pro which is only available on mac we have vegas pro we have one called filmora there's one for ipad called lumafusion and there's davinci resolve and there's like probably 20 or 30 other editors that will probably edit video just fine these are kind of the big ones and which one you pick isn't really going to affect the type of stories that you tell the type of videos that you make too much just because they all use the same basic concepts some of them might have more features some of them might have different price points that kind of thing but resolve has a place where you put your clips and then you put your clips into the timeline and you edit them right lumafusion has a place to put your clips and then you put them into the timeline and edit them filmora has the same thing a place to put your footage and a timeline to edit them vegas same thing final cut pro media and timeline premiere your media goes here and you throw it on the timeline so the good news is that no matter what you pick they all work in a very similar way for this video we're going to be using resolve 17 because it's a super powerful video editor it's the one i use all the time and they have an insanely good free version it's not a trial or anything like that you can literally just use the free version for as long as you want and make commercial work for it and there aren't really any drawbacks it's just awesome to download it you go to and go up to support and click on davinci resolve and fusion software and find the latest version right here under latest downloads it's available for mac windows and linux just click on whichever one you want download it and install and you'll have resolve on your system so what i'm going to do today is build a sequence a lot like this and we're going to learn how editing works through building this so let's look a little bit first of all about how resolve works the first time you open resolve you're going to get a window like this this is called your project manager and what this does is it just holds all of your projects anything that you're working on this is how you import new projects this is where you save your current projects duplicate projects all of that stuff it's just a window where things live so you can right-click anywhere here in the blank space and select new project and it'll ask you what you want to call it so i'll call this basic editing and hit create what that'll do is close that project manager and bring you into an interface that looks like this a couple things to note about resolve is that resolve is broken up into pages so down here on the bottom there are these buttons and what these do is switch out the interface to do different jobs right now we're in the edit page which is great because that's pretty much what we're going to be doing today but there are different pages for different parts of making our movies so when we do color correction we can switch to color mode when we want to do a bunch of audio work we can switch to fairlight mode for fancy effects and everything that's fusion but we're just going to stay in the edit page we even have a cut page here which works a lot like the edit page and we might jump back and forth here which works a lot like the edit page and it's definitely worth checking out but for now we're going to stay in the edit page so when we talk about editing i like to compare it to cooking but i also like to compare it to telling a story because it's kind of both it's almost like you're cooking a story so let's say we're writing a story let's say we have a character named jessica and she does something she rode her horse at sunset on tuesday so we have our little story here jessica rode her horse at sunset on tuesday we can edit this just like we would edit a story by taking out certain parts let's say we don't care if it's at sunset we can just take out at sunset and we can just say that jessica rode her horse on tuesday if you can get your head around that if you kind of understand that you have that freedom to be able to change the story by taking out words putting in new words that kind of thing video editing works the exact same way we can change the story by taking things out splitting things up or moving them around we could even introduce new characters jessica and ben rode her horse on tuesday we can easily change the story just by taking parts out moving them around that kind of thing so video editing is sort of like this but it's also kind of like cooking because when you talk about video editing you really need to have videos to edit so if you're going to tell a story like this you would need a shot of jessica and a shot of ben or a shot of them together a shot of them riding their horse some way to tell that it's tuesday maybe it's a calendar or maybe it's you know a shot of their phone that says tuesday you kind of need each of these things in order to tell the story you can't necessarily just write them so in this way it's kind of like cooking because you need ingredients to put together to make something to eat right each of these ingredients we're going to call media media is something that you've recorded in resolve media lives in the media pool which is over here on the left hand side in the edit page this is just a place where you can put all of your audio and video and all the ingredients to your story and you're just kind of laying them out on your counter and kind of getting ready to work on them so let's do that there's a few different ways to get media into resolve one way is you can right click here in the media pool and go down to import media you could also go up to file and say import media or my favorite way you can open up an explorer window like this and shift select all of your videos and drag them into the media pool just like this so now we have some of our ingredients for our story these are all the different shots for this movie that we want to make about this guy who climbs mountains near the sea and that's really cool and you'll notice if you mouse over these you can see a preview a big preview on this screen here and so you can kind of just mouse over them and pretty quickly see what is in each clip which makes it really easy to kind of understand all of the media that you have available but just like if we're cooking if we have something on the counter say like a piece of celery what we're probably going to want to do is cut it up or work with it in some way so you can think about this as kind of the counter and then the timeline down here this is your cutting board this is where you actually kind of work with things where you literally cut things in half and move them around and combine them with other things so let's just grab this first clip and i'll drag this into the timeline which is kind of like putting the ingredient on the cutting board once we have our media in our timeline you'll notice we have this bright red line here this is our playhead just like if you play a youtube video there's a little bar that goes across this is the bar that goes across your video here in the timeline so if we hit spacebar we can play this back and it moves across and then up here in the upper right hand corner we can see a preview of what is going on this viewer up here this is what your movie is really going to look like so this is what the person who watches your project is actually going to see but the cool thing is that we don't have to just watch this we can actually change a bunch of things about this piece of media because it's down here in the timeline it's down on the cutting board right so we can actually do stuff like cut this in half so if i go to our toolbar in the middle of the screen here and i grab this blade i can select that and now my cursor turns into a razor blade and i can just click wherever i want and chop up this video the reason you do that is so that you can move different parts around or you can get rid of parts so you can just select it and hit backspace or you can click and drag them around the timeline and you can use these different parts to build your story if you're just on your normal selection mode you can actually grab an edge of a clip and when it turns into this little bracket and that edge turns green you can make it shorter or longer so you have two tools already you can chop it and you can adjust that part that you chopped now something to note if it turns green you can go crazy all you want and move it back and forth but if it turns red it means you're at the end of the clip that means that there just isn't any more media there there isn't you can't go back in time right a clip is only so long and it actually shows you a little preview there of how long the actual clip is in that little white outline and so you can make it as big as the clip actually was or as small as you want so if we were going to combine this with another clip let's say this one of him messing with these carabiners i can grab this and drag it onto our cutting board again maybe i'll select some of these clips down here and get rid of them i can drag this over and i can just click on this ruler and that'll control where my playhead goes and i can kind of scrub through this and find exactly the parts that i want to show i want to show him actually clipping stuff on so let's start right there so i can go down here and grab the edge of this and have that just start right where my playhead is and then i'll move down here to where i unclip stuff and that's where i want it to end and i could do a couple things i could grab my blade and just blade it right there and delete the last part of this or i could grab the edge of this and just trim it to be that length and honestly that is most of editing is just getting your head around the concept of you can put media in the timeline and you can adjust what part of the media that we want to see so we want to see just this part where he's just taking a couple steps then we want to see just this part where he's unlatching that carabiner and then we can put these together in sequence to build a story so if i grab this second clip and i bring it a little bit closer to this other clip it's going to snap in place and you can control that by clicking this little button right here the magnet if the magnet's bright white things will snap if it's gray it won't and a lot of things in resolve actually act like that if they're white they're active and if they're gray they're not active so i can grab all of this and move it all the way to the left because this is right when our movie starts on this far left hand side and if there is nothing there then we're going to be watching black for a while we're just going to be watching black space and you generally don't want that in your videos you want it to start right off you don't want to have any gaps and so now it's just a matter of putting all of these shots in order to tell a story so let's say we wanted to make a really basic story like okay he walks up to the cliff then what happens um let's find out what happens next let's go through our footage here we don't have a shot of him getting onto the rock but maybe we have one of him climbing a little bit lower which might be right here oh this is him hooking up so maybe he hooks up his ropes so that's what happens next and then he starts to climb which by the way if you want to you can double click on a piece of footage right here and load it up here in the source viewer which is this left screen right here and this is just like looking at something think about like picking up something and looking at it before you put it on the cutting board that's kind of what we're doing now that i've decided i like that i can actually just grab the middle of this and then drag it down into the timeline again and trim it to what i want and put it in sequence right so now we have our story of he walks up to the cliff he ties up and he starts to climb now let's say he climbs a little bit higher let's use this clip where he's climbing a lot higher drag that down same thing and we can trim it to be a little bit shorter and really you just continue that until you've told your whole story couple tips let's say we want to use this clip here but maybe we know we just want to use a little tiny bit of it right maybe we just want to use this beginning we can actually make a selection here in the source viewer so that we don't drag down the entire clip like this see how long it is we just drag down a little piece of it and the way that we do that is with something called in and out so at the very beginning we're going to set an in which you can do by clicking this little button right here this is called mark in and that will set just kind of the start of our clip that we're going to use in the timeline we can play this back maybe like that and then we can hit mark out and that's going to be the end of the clip you can see here there's this little gray bar and this will show the in and the out of our clip now if we have that set we can grab the middle of this again and drag it down and now it only drags that little section that we selected down so this is great if you have a much longer clip and you just want part of it and once you get used to working like this you can move through this really fast you can even start to use keyboard shortcuts because on the keyboard if you hit i that's the same as clicking this button it's marking an in so i'll hit i for in and then i like this and then i'll hit o for out and i can drag this down and now we have another shot in our story now let's say at the end he gets up at the top and he's standing up at the top really cool same thing in out grab this and drag it down so now we have our basic story we have the beginning we have the middle and we have the end the other part about editing is playing through it and just seeing if you like it so let's just hit spacebar and see what we think it's cool he's tying his rope i feel like he ties his rope for a really long time so we don't have to show this for as long let's just play it back and right about there and i'll hit spacebar right about the time that i want that shot to end and then i can grab this edge and bring it down and grab the rest of this and bring it over what i can also do if i need to trim something like that is if i have that trimmed i can select this empty space and hit delete on the keyboard and that will move everything over that's an easy way to get rid of a gap if i don't want to do any of that if i just want to trim this and not worry about grabbing everything and moving it back down i can use a different kind of edit mode and what that basically means is just your cursor does something different so up here we're in selection mode the second icon over is trim edit mode you can also hit t on the keyboard to activate that and when that's red that's active and your cursor turns to this like double bracket thing but if you grab the edge this time look what happens it just moves everything over with it and so you don't have that gap you don't have to move everything afterwards and it's a really quick way to kind of trim shots and adjust their timing a little bit easier that's good let's climb it up here this one's way too long so we're gonna do the same thing in trim edit mode i'm going to grab this edge and just bring it down there we go by the way if you want to scroll and kind of move back and forth in the timeline you can click and hold with the middle button on your mouse that's like pushing down on the scroll wheel you can kind of grab the background here and move this view around that actually works for everything in resolve if you middle button mouse click you can move things around like this so now we have our edit looks pretty good if you want to get a little more detailed with your editing you'll probably want to zoom in and out of the timeline you can do that with this little slider right here if you hit plus it zooms in and minus it zooms out you can also hold down alt on the keyboard and roll with your scroll wheel to zoom in that's a great way to do it and if you want to just see everything laid out in your window really nicely you can hit shift z you can remember that like shift zoom that'll just zoom everything so that you can see your whole timeline so that's a basic way to edit our video tracks there's a lot more to go over but if you just know this stuff you're going to do really well and be able to make a ton of different kinds of videos but we've just been working with video tracks what about audio well let's grab some audio and put it into our media pool i have a couple things i have a voiceover and some music grab that and just drag that into our media pool just like that and just like video if we double click we can actually preview and kind of listen to this before we even put it into our timeline my name is david and i'm a professional climber so we have this voiceover and what this is doing is just telling a story that we can make a little bit better with our visuals and audio works exactly like video here in resolve i can set an in and out so i'll hit i for in and i can play this back my name is david and i'm a professional climber and let's say i just want this line i can hit o for out and i can just grab the middle of this and drag it down but this time i'm going to drag it down to this track below which is our audio track and this again works exactly like video i can grab this and move it around i grab the edges and trim it and i can put this exactly where i want in the story so let's say we want to start out with him saying my name's david my name is david and i'm a professional climber i think that works great so from there we can just grab our different lines and climbing for me is the next best thing to flying start to build our story here we can even just set our in and are out at the very end and grab this and drag it down and just edit it in the timeline same thing so i can chop it up and depending on what you prefer this might be a better way an easier way i tend to kind of go back and forth between doing it this way and then just grabbing pieces and bringing them into the timeline but now we have all of our different audio lines here and if we listen back we'll notice that this isn't perfect and i'm a professional climber climbing for me is the next best thing to flying you're 20 30 100 feet off the ground everything else in life just kind of put gets when you're like 20. so this part right here our voiceover guy kind of messed up and so we can get rid of that right i'll just hit backspace and we can just use the good take when you're like 20 30 100 feet off the ground everything in life just kind of gets put in perspective when you reach the top there's nothing like it great and then it's just a matter of figuring out okay where does this audio go to tell the story better where does the video go to tell the story better we can put this part where he says when you reach the top right here when you reach the top there's nothing like it so that tells a nice little story now if we're going to add some music again it works basically the same way we're just dealing with a big long music track so i'll grab this and drag that down but this time i'm going to grab it and drag it down into a second audio track so this is like just another layer of audio here so we can have our voiceover playing at the same time when our music is playing so we can just put our music under our voiceover and we'll be able to hear him talking while the music is playing my name is david and i'm a professional climber climbing for me of course we have one problem automatically already and that's that this music is way way too loud one way that we can fix that is grab the bottom of this track right here on the left hand side and drag it down to make the audio a little bit bigger and then if you look really closely there's a little white line here this is our volume line so you can grab that volume line and move it up and down and you see how it pushes that waveform it makes it look a lot stronger you can bring that down to be quieter just like this you just drag it down and now professional climber climbing for me is the next best thing to fly it's a lot easier to hear the voice over that music another really powerful way to edit things like the volume of a clip is in the inspector which we haven't even talked about yet it's super important so if you select a clip like this this can be an audio clip or a video clip and you go up to the upper right hand corner of resolve if you click on inspector it'll bring up this little control panel here this is a way to control the details the properties of anything that you have selected down here in the timeline so if you have audio selected you'll be able to adjust volume so i can bring that down a little bit the pan whether it's you know in the left or right hand speaker the pitch and even put audio filters and everything on it it's really really powerful so same thing with audio if i click on one of these clips up here in the inspector there's all different kinds of things that we can do to it so if we want to do something like rotate this we can grab the slider and rotate it and click on this little circle arrow to reset things anytime that you see a number if you put your mouse over it your mouse will turn into this little double arrow that means you can grab it and just slide the number and so we could zoom this in if we wanted to we could change the position of it and i mean the sky's the limit when it comes to adjusting all kinds of things here in the inspector there's some really really cool stuff you can do you can even crop things to combine shots on different layers so if we were to grab this and put this over another video track here we can put this layer over another one and do all kinds of fancy composites that way which is pretty neat off the ground so you can get some really fancy results just by messing with stuff here in the inspector but a great way to remember this is anytime that you want to adjust a detail of something here in the timeline you select it and then go up to the inspector to do so and this is something that's universal within all of resolve pretty much everything that you select you adjust details with in some kind of inspector whether it's in the edit page or in the other pages so we have a pretty good story going on here but look how long this music is we need to do something about this the very easiest way to just make some music shorter is just to cut this off about where we want so i can grab my razor and just cut it right there and then select that second part and delete it and obviously we have it shorter now so [Music] just kind of ends but let's say we want this to fade out the easiest way to fade something in or out inside of resolve is just to grab this little white handle and drag it in and now this will fade out over time check this out there's nothing like it [Music] and this kind of thing actually works pretty well especially for something like a youtube video because you'll generally have a end screen of some kind and just the ending of a youtube video just doesn't really have to feel like it wraps up everything necessarily it can kind of just end because generally you want people to watch the next youtube video right and so often what i'll do is just let this play for 10 seconds or so and then just fade it out here's the end of the video you reach the top there's nothing like it and then we can just show links to the other videos here and that totally works great for youtube now if you do want to make this ending a little bit nicer we can do this a little bit of a different way so i'll just hit ctrl z until we're back to where we were and one thing that i like to do is just go to the very end of a clip of music and play just the end and see what that sounds like because usually he'll have an ending that actually kind of has a resolution like that so right here where it goes blue right there this is going to be the very ending this is like the last note okay and now all we have to do is find a similar note right here generally after a measure if you know anything about how music works there's nothing like it so it might work right there usually what i do is just play through this and then i hit spacebar right when that note happens and so we'll split this right here and i'll select this middle part right here and just hit delete on the keyboard and that will bring the ending in so we're just cutting from in the middle of the song to the ending and let's see how it sounds and it's not quite right so what we can do is nudge this back and forth if we select this we can hit the comma and period keys to move it back and forth like this and so we can just move this one frame this way see how it sounds all right and to smooth it out a little bit we can do a crossfade an easy way to do that is just to right-click right here when you have two brackets and add one of these cross fades i'll just say 12 frame crossfade see how that sounds see that totally works there it feels like it should end there so there's our ending and let's say this is looking great and all we want to do is add some titles to the end you can add text or effects or solid colors or all kinds of stuff using the effects library if you go in the upper left hand corner there's a button called effects library right here and if you click on that your effects library will come up right here there's all kinds of different transitions and things so you can take something like a transition and drag it in between two clips and it will have that nice little transition in between those are really fun but another major thing that you'll find in the effects library are titles there's all kinds to choose from these top ones are a little bit easier for resolve to play back and the bottom ones are fancier but they take a little bit more computer power and so if we just want some basic text we can just grab text and we can drag this over to the end of our sequence here and then it just acts just like a video clip or an audio clip right you can trim it you can do all the things that you would normally do you can even put it on top of things to put text over something or you can put it on its own line to just have it on black that's what we'll do right now and again if you have something selected you can go up to the inspector in the upper right hand corner and adjust things about it so we can adjust the actual text this video's climbing is fun that's what it's called and let's pick a font so there's our text we can make that only show up for as long as we want [Music] and we can time this out with the music too so so this appears right here where it goes we can have that come in right there and we can actually see it on the waveform here that's a great way to time things as if you can line up the edge of this with this little bump on the waveform that's a great way to make sure that you're kind of cutting things on beat now let's say we want to make a title that's similar to this we could drag this text down here and change everything again but the easiest way is just to duplicate this one and the easiest way to duplicate it is to hold down alt and grab it and just drag it somewhere else and that will make a new copy of this now we can select this one go up to our inspector and say edited by john jacobs right and you can kind of start your credits this way and you could go on and build a whole bunch of credits if you want to or if you wanted to have scrolling credits there's a title here called scroll you can grab that put that here and this will roll whatever credits you want to put in here so our movies looking pretty good a couple things to note to be aware of this is only one page of resolve this is like only one thing that resolve does so you can obviously edit videos and you can output a video like this and it would be okay but there are also these other pages and what these do are fancy things to this exact same timeline probably the easiest one to understand is color if we go to the color page just click on that that moves our entire timeline that we were working on into the color page and now we can select each clip and we can adjust its colors so if you're familiar with any kind of image editing program like photoshop or whatever you have curves you have hue saturation controls and everything and this is really more than we can get into now but just so you know you can adjust your colors and really make some unique looks for your video and you can even take that same look and copy it to everything so that your whole video can look really nice you can even do fancy things like select a part of your shot and brighten it up to stand out a little bit more now we're kind of highlighting this little guy and it's a lot of fun i actually have a video on just kind of an intro to color correction right here if you're unfamiliar with it definitely check that out but each of these pages does something different so fair light is all about audio so you can get really really detailed with your audio you can put on filters and all kinds of things and anybody who is really familiar with audio production will be right at home in the fairlight page there's also the fusion page and the fusion page does fancy stuff like compositing like the fancy stuff that you would probably do in photoshop you can do inside of fusion so you can do something like add some clouds to this thing to give that sky a little bit more character right that's the kind of stuff that you can do inside of fusion and it's really neat so let's say that we like our project and it's ready to go if we're going to render this as a youtube video which we're kind of assuming for this particular training there's a couple different ways to do that the very first easiest way is just to go up to file and quick export what that'll do is give you some of the most basic settings for exporting your movie you can click on the youtube preset and it will give you a pretty good render to upload to youtube you can even check this box and upload directly to youtube if you're signed in in your preferences so you can go to davinci resolve to preferences and under internet accounts you can sign in here you can even sign in to vimeo or twitter or frame io to upload things directly to those platforms pretty cool once you have that if you have this upload directly to youtube checked you can put in your title and description and everything and upload right from resolve which i use this all the time super helpful but if you want your video to look the very best you're probably going to want to adjust the settings a little bit so if we go to deliver over here click on deliver this is our deliver page and this is just the page that specializes in rendering in exporting your movie so people can actually see it and just like the quick export thing we have our presets up here and if you click on youtube that will set all of your settings but one thing to note is that it doesn't quite use the very best settings it uses one that will look pretty good but if you want your footage to look super awesome you're going to want to dive into the custom settings here so i'll just click on custom and what it's going to do is load all of those settings from our youtube preset into this custom preset and let's go down here the big thing i would recommend changing would be this number right here where it says restrict to depending on the type of movie you want i would probably make this around 60 000 or so that's going to give you a lot better image it's going to be a bigger file but it's going to be a lot better the other thing i would do is take this resolution and make this ultra hd if you have room on your hard drive if you have some time to wait for this to upload this is going to look noticeably better even if you shot things in hd you didn't shoot in 4k or anything like that i've done a bunch of tests and this makes it look really really good so i would definitely recommend changing to those things and on the studio version you can switch this codec to h.265 which is even better h.264 works and will look awesome but h.265 looks just a little better so if we have all of that set we can click add to render queue it's going to ask me where to put this movie i'll put it somewhere pro like the desktop and i'll call it untitled because i'm just the best and then it's going to give me a warning it's going to say hey you said to render this in ultra hd and everything in your timeline is regular hd so what are you doing and you just say i know what i'm doing just say just say add it's fine then it pops up over here and this is the render queue this is just a like to-do list for resolve to render a bunch of stuff so what you can do is you can make a bunch of different versions you can make one for twitter you can make one for youtube you can make one to just save on your system all with different settings if you want to and add them all to render queue and it'll just stack them over here but once you have all of the things that you want to render we're just going to render our youtube version you can click render all and what that'll do is start the render and it'll go through your movie and it'll save it out i'm just going to stop this for the training but that's how you do it and then you find the file on your system and you can upload it or you can show it to your friends or whatever you want to do so that's really the basics of how to get some footage into resolve and edit a video before we go i do want to make you aware of a couple things first of all anytime that you set up an edit you want to make sure that you have your settings right so if we go down to the lower right hand corner let's click on this little settings cog that'll bring up our project settings and the biggest deal is this part right here you want to make sure that your timeline resolution and your frame rate are right and when i say right i mean generally what you shot it at so if your camera shoots at 30 frames a second you want to make sure that your frame rate is 30 frames a second all my footage is 24 so this is fine you can set your timeline resolution you can actually change this at any time but the timeline and frame rate you can only change at the beginning like before you add footage to it see it's kind of locked right now so we always want to make sure that that is set right that's really really important so if you're going to start a new project always make sure to check this first but that's pretty much the basics of putting together a video just in general and especially how it works inside of resolve again i mean if you learn this basic way of doing it that media lives up here you drag it to the timeline in some way and then you can manipulate it and move stuff around stack layers of things adjust your audio you select something here and you can adjust the properties of it this is how it works in almost every editing program pretty much the same way instead of the inspector they might call it the properties instead of the effects library they might just call it effects instead of the media pool they might call it the project panel instead of the timeline it might be a sequence but they're all basically the same thing but we did it isn't that isn't that great so there you go there's the basics of video editing inside of resolve if you want to dive a little bit deeper and go hardcore when it comes to video production we have an amazing training course that teaches you how to do the whole youtube editing thing where we edit four different youtube videos all together you're gonna learn everything you need to know to make your next great youtube project in results you can download footage and follow along and just learn the heck out of this thing that's where you click for that to happen because i mean you got through this video you at least tolerate me enough to do that maybe that's the next level 2.0 maybe so that rhymed all the time
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 45,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Start Editing YouTube Videos for FREE with ZERO Knowledge - Video Editing for TOTAL BEGINNERS, how to edit, editing for beginners, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, how to edit youtube videos, video editing for beginners, beginner video editing, how to edit videos, video editing, video editor for beginners, how to edit video, video editing tutorial, video editing for youtube, video editing software
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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