DaVinci Resolve 17 Crash Course! | Complete Guide for Beginners to Create your First Project

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what's happening guys welcome to this davinci resolve 17 crash course super excited to share this program with you and help you get your first project created in davinci resolve 17. it's a super awesome program and there is a little bit of a learning curve but don't worry i'm going to break it all down make it simple for you and i think you guys can do it because if i can do it you guys can do it for sure but hey if you're new here my name is jade lovski and on my channel i make tons of davinci resolve tutorials and i talk about little youtube tips help you guys grow your youtube channel as well as some gear stuff because we all love some gear stuff right so if you're into any of that stuff consider subscribing to my channel so we are going to get right into davinci resolve i'm going to cover tons of information in this crash course so you might want to grab a cup of joe or something and make yourself comfy or refer back to this video so just a couple things to get out of the way in the beginning here i'm going to add timestamps to everything down in the description below you should see it in the progress bar down there too so you can jump to parts of the video that you want that way you don't have to watch things that you might already know or that you don't care about and another thing i'm also going to give you guys the opportunity to purchase the footage that i'm actually going to use to make our first project the way this course is going to go is i'm basically going to start from scratch we're going to go through installing the program i'm going to show you the interface the windows how it's all laid out and then we're going to actually build our first little project because i think there's no better way to learn it than actually get in and do a project i could show you a little tips and tricks here or there but what you want to do is create a project bring in your stuff make your project edit it and then you want to export it out so you got a video at the end of the day right so that's what we're going to be doing and if you're interested in purchasing the files for this tutorial you can follow along and do the exact same things that we're going to be doing so there's also a link in the description for that and if you want to head over and pick those up i'd really appreciate that and anything that you do purchase maybe some merch down below or those files will go and help support my channel so the first thing we need to do is actually go ahead and get davinci resolve installed on our computer so typically i'm working on a macbook pro but for this tutorial i'm actually going to be using this pc right here which is an acer nitro 5. so this is not a high-end pc uh it costs maybe 800 bucks or so um and just real quick the specs on this machine here i got them written down here so i don't forget it's got an i5 8300 processor in it it's got eight gigs of ram and although davinci resolve and blackmagic design recommend 16 gigs of ram you can run it on less so we're going to see how real world performance does on this machine here with only eight gigs of ram now this also does have an integrated graphics card on the cpu but it also has a separate graphics card it's got a nvidia 1050 graphics card so that's the specs on my machine here it's not a super high-end machine i feel like it's maybe more comparable to something that a lot of you have out there so the first thing we need to do is go ahead and download davinci resolve now before we get into the website and downloading it you need to know that there's two different versions of davinci resolve you have the free version which is completely free and you have the paid studio version so the studio version costs 300 one-time fee no subscription costs just one-time fee 300 might even be 295 on the website actually and you get that program and all of the updates so i think that 300 for the studio version is a great deal but i would recommend get started with the free version first so that way you can try it out make sure you like the program it's what you want before you go ahead and dump 300 bucks on it because that's not cheap right 300 bucks is 300 bucks so the biggest difference between the two programs the free version and the studio version is that in the free version it's going to mostly use cpu power so what does that mean it can make your machine feel a little bit slow and a little bit sluggish and even if you have a good graphics card or a good gpu if you're using the free version it's not going to allow you to take advantage of that gpu and that's one of the drawbacks of the free version now when we look at the studio version the studio version will take full advantage of your gpu and can make a big difference on your performance so keep that in mind if things seem a little sluggish on the free version but you've got a decent gpu in your computer the studio version is probably going to run a lot smoother for you but for this tutorial we're going to be going through with the free version so you can see how it works and when there's limitations if any i'll go ahead and point them out to you now there are other things in the studio version that are in the free version but they're watermarked in the free version and a lot of that's effects and more advanced features most of which you actually don't need to create your videos you can get by with the free version and create some awesome videos and i did that for a long time here on my youtube channel free version lots of videos uh before i've decided to upgrade to the studio version which was totally worth it i mean 300 bucks for that program what you get totally worth it but like i said go with the free version first try it out see what you think and you can always upgrade at any time so let's jump on to blackmagic's website we're going to go download davinci resolve 17 the free version we're going to install i'm going to show you everything start to finish and like i said check the time codes down below if you want to jump ahead a little bit i'm also putting a link in the description below where you can jump right to the blackmagic design website and go download davinci resolve all right let's check it out all right so here we are on the davinci resolve 17 website you can go ahead and take a look at all this and see all the awesome features and things that it can do this program is amazing it's there's so much you can do it's awesome but where we want to go is just scroll all the way down the page here and we want to download the free version of davinci resolve so way down the bottom here and here we go two great versions so you have davinci resolve which is the free version on the left here and on the right you have davinci resolve studio so i'm going to go ahead and download the free version now it's going to pop up a window here that davinci resolve 17 is in beta currently as of the filming of this video but if you feel like you need to stick with version 16 that's okay you've got both options here so davinci resolve 17 beta i'm gonna go ahead and download it for windows so you're gonna have to fill out a bunch of information you see here on the screen no big deal i've never had a problem with it i know some people don't like putting in all their info but i've never had a problem with it so go ahead fill this out and then you're gonna come hit register and download so while this downloads here i just wanted to take a second and let you guys know that davinci resolve is an awesome program there is a steep learning curve to it it helps if you're coming from another uh nle editor you know maybe you're coming from premiere pro or something like that maybe final cut but if you're coming from maybe imovie or one of one of the more basic uh editors there's a little bit of a learning curve and it's kind of steep in the beginning there it takes a little while to get up to speed on everything but i can guarantee you that if you guys stick with it you're going to be able to figure it out and then you're going to be off and running and one day it's just going to click and you're going to be able to cruise through videos and really get through projects much quicker than you will in the beginning so don't get frustrated make sure you keep working at it and i've got tons of videos on my channel that are going to help you out if you get stuck just come on over to my youtube channel search for what you're having a problem with and there's a good chance that i made a video about it so it looks like it's about done downloading here so let's head on over we're going to get this guy installed show you how to install it and then we're going to get into the program itself all right looks like davinci is downloaded we see it over here i'm in google chrome so i'm going to go ahead and click that we're going to open it up so as you can see here it's in my downloads folder so i'm going to click on this and then i'm going to do extract all because it comes in as a zip file so i'm just going to let it put it back in the same location here i'm going to say extract and it'll pull out all our davinci resolve files for us now here we've got several options of things that we can install so i'm going to go ahead and just install all of them now i would install all them except for maybe this first one you're probably not going to have the control panels but you can go ahead and install it anyway i'm going to do all of them so click install so while davinci resolve is starting to install here there's a couple things you want to start to think about and that is how are you going to set up your files not only your media like your video your audio your songs your music your pictures whatever it is you're going to be putting into your video your assets where you're going to keep those and then you also want to think about where's the actual davinci resolve project file gonna live so we're gonna talk more about that in a second but start to think about that and i do have a video all about davinci resolve workflow there's a link up here you can go on over and check that out to see my workflow and what i think might work good for you too so you can check that out all right jumping back in here welcome to davinci resolve setup wizard and we're going to go ahead and click next we're going to accept the terms because if you don't you can't install the program and i'm just going to leave this at the default location and click install and let it run and do its thing all right once it's done you can go ahead and click finish and the installation should be complete so now that we got it all set i'm going to go over to the start menu we're going to find it and open up davinci resolve so in my start menu i've got black magic design right here i'm going to open that up and down in here we've got davinci resolve so go ahead and click that just a quick note when you first open davinci resolve even after you've already got it installed it does take a little bit of time i mean less than a minute but still a little longer than you might be used to for and applications just pop up it's a lot to load up in there a lot of good stuff so it takes a second or two to load up all right so taking a look at the screen here looks like we've got our project manager window that's what they call this window and this is where you will see all of your projects on the right hand side here once you start creating your projects now all these projects live in a database now the database is not your media files and your videos and pictures and all that the database is only your project files and your project files tell davinci resolve where to look for those other assets so you always want to have the database on your internal hard drive that's going to give you the best performance for all of your projects now it looks like mine came up with a database already created in the default location but let's jump over here and take a look if you don't see this database or maybe you don't see that at all you just see this you want to click on this little icon right here and that's going to open up the databases for you so right here local database that's where you should be creating all of your projects and if you don't see that or you don't have a database you can always come down and click new database now if you're curious to where this is if you right click on it you can say open file location and then that's going to show you in explorer exactly where that database is created the database file does not get too big i've got tons and tons of projects couple years worth of youtube videos in my database and it's only like 600 megs because it doesn't include all of your media that you actually use in your project so keep that in mind so there's a lot of things you can do in this window right here but i'm going to put a link at the top of the screen you can go check out this video i've already created about the project manager window and all the cool things that you can do here but for now we want to get going and start our first project so i want to come down to new project right here i'm going to go ahead and click on that and you can name it whatever you want i'm going to call it my first project and once you put a name in go ahead and click create congratulations you got step one done that's install davinci resolve and start your first project so now what we're going to do is we're going to run through the interface i'm going to show you how the whole thing's laid out i'm going to explain some of the important features of each section to you so you have a general idea of what's going on where and kind of how to navigate around this whole program a little bit so that should help you get going and then we'll jump into creating a project and some more uh things like bringing in media how do we edit it how do we trim clips you know how do we color grade a little bit maybe work with the audio a little bit and how do we finally export so i'm gonna try and keep it pretty basic i've got a lot of videos that are a little more advanced on a lot of these things so when i do have a video that can give you more information i'm going to link to it up at the top of the screen here you can click on that card and it should shoot you over to another video to give you a little more info and just help you with whatever the particular topic is that we're on so let's jump in and we're going to go through this whole interface and i'm going to explain it all to you so here we are in davinci resolve and this is the first window that i've got open when i first load up the program so davinci resolve is broken down into different tabs they call them now if we look at the bottom of our screen here we've got media cut edit fusion color fair light and deliver so i'm just going to quickly click through these where i'm going to summarize what they do and then we're going to jump into each one in just a little bit more detail and i'm going to give you the basic info that you need to know to get started the first tab that we have here is media now this is where you can view and bring in any media that you want to use in your project for example video files music pictures any kind of media that you're going to use to create your project you can bring it in in here now it's not the only place you can bring it in but it's one of the main places that you can go through and bring in your media the next page here is the cut page and this is kind of like a simplified editor it's used for making videos that are maybe less involved maybe you have a ton of footage you got to cut together a whole bunch of different clips you can do things really quickly here in the cut tab but if you have a little more advanced edits and what i typically recommend is that you just jump over into the next one which is the edit tab now the edit tab is going to give you all the options that you need to create pretty much any kind of video this is the more advanced tab uh as compared to the cut tab you've got more tools easily accessible most of the work that i do is i always do it in the edit tab and i just find that that works out best for me the next tab here is the fusion tab now this may look a little uh crazy to you but the fusion tab is used for creating effects and more advanced effects maybe it's 3d effects or text effects or animations or things that are more advanced so that's a whole animal of itself and we'll talk about that a little bit more when we get to it the next tab we have here is color now the color tab is where you're going to do all of your color grading for all your footage now davinci resolve has a super robust color editing system here built right into the program it's one of the best color grading softwares out there and even before the editors were good here in davinci resolve it used to be used for color grading footage and you know movies all kinds of stuff tv shows you name it they used to use the color tab to do it the next tab we have down here is fairlight and that is going to be a complete audio editing piece of software built right into davinci resolve i love me some good audio and i've got tons of audio tutorials and there is just amazing amount of stuff in here that's super good that can make your audio sound awesome and really take it to the next level again each one of these tabs is super deep there's a ton of stuff in there but in this video i'm just going to be covering the basics and that should get you set going in the right direction and the last tab we have here is the deliver tab and this is going to be where you export all of your projects whether you want to export uh 4k 1080 you want to do just audio you want to do um any kind of codec there there's a 100 different options in here of different ways to export your project so that's what's going to happen in the deliver tab here so now that you have a quick overview understanding of how they're laid out let's go back to each tab and i'm just going to point out some of the key features and run over the interface of that tab so you're a little bit familiar with it as we get going here in our project all right jumping into the media tab here let's run over the window we're going to start at the top in every tab here you've got different menus with all kinds of options up here and that's going to be the same regardless of what tab that you're in down below that you've got options like media storage here and what we see on the left here is our hard drives we've got our computer drive and my external hard drive and that's how you browse around to find whatever media you want to bring into your project so for example i'm going to browse here to my project and we're going to find some media to bring in so i've got a folder here i just navigated to dr17 tutorial and these are all the video files that are in this folder that i want to bring into my project and we'll get to that shortly here over here on the right you have your viewer so for example i can click on any one of these clips and it's going to show it here in the viewer now it's not in my project yet but i can scrub through here and see what the clip looks like i can set in points and out points and bring just that part of the clip into my project if i want but the viewer's super helpful just to see what's going on there and you've got some other tools up here like the audio levels you can look at you can look at metadata the inspector here is going to give you information about anything that's in your media pool and capture you don't have to worry about that getting started here moving down here you have favorites on the left and that's going to be you know if i made a shortcut to this directory right here for example it'll just shoot you to wherever you want to go now down here is our media pool everything is organized into different bins right here on the left we've got a master bin now if i right click here we can add a bin and a bin is basically just another folder so let's say uh all footage just so we can start to organize some stuff here right so everything that you see here in the bins is actually in my project so i have this folder art set setup called all footage and we'll get to dragons in some footage there shortly after we run through all of these different windows here now down here you have smart bins and you can organize them by keywords in all kinds of different ways so that's the basics of this window we're going to look for our clips and we're going to bring them down here into our media pool and like i said we'll get to that shortly but first i want to just run over all these windows for you the next window we have here is the cut tab and let's just start right at the top again you see all your menus up here and now we have a few more menus down below that and we have a little icon with the name so we have our media pool the media pool is where all of your footage lives you've got a sync bin that'll allow you to sync up audio and video clips or multiple video clips you've got transitions so this is a quick way to get to all the built-in transitions but that you can use between clips here right in davinci resolve all this stuff's built in it comes with the program so you can get to that really easy you can get your titles really quickly and if i hover over any of these you can see it'll give me a little preview here over in my viewer which is on the right so you can see a little preview of the animation and that's super helpful when you're trying to decide what should i bring into my project and the next icon here we have effects so there's all kinds of different effects that you have here in davinci resolve again most of them are available in the free version but not all of them there's some that won't work and it'll pop up a message and tell you whether it's available or not or whether it's watermarked you'll see you'll see that when you add it to your clips so it makes these things really easily accessible and quick to get to in the cut tab here now over here in the next window that's your viewer that we already talked about any footage that you've got in your timeline you would see right here and you've just got different ways to view things up here with these icons you can quick export a project if you've done your edit here in the cut tab you don't even have to go to delivery you can do it right here in the cut tab you can look at it full screen and you've got your inspector over here and we'll talk a little bit more about the inspector it's super important but we'll get into that more once we get some footage into our project down below that you've got some cool tools like the boring detector which will cut out dead space in your footage you've got the ability to split clips you've got a bunch of icons here that allow you to insert clips whether you want to append them you want to ripple overwrite you want to do an automatic close-up you want to place something on top of another clip maybe something on top of a track you've got a source overwrite there's all kinds of tools in here you can cut you can dissolve you can do smooth cuts a lot of these tools are just set up here so that it's quick for you to grab them and use them here in the cut it tab and that's really the point of the cut tab is just for things to go quick coming over here by your viewer you've got your obvious your rewind buttons you've got stop play and fast forward as well as a loop button right here you've got your time code where you are in your project and you've got a meter over here that shows you your output levels now down here is our timeline and once we add in some footage both video and audio you're going to see that appear here and you'll see your tracks appear over here and again just some different tools over here which we'll cover as we get to them if we need to but you can hover over them and you can get an idea of what they do jumping over into the edit tab so this is the edit tab here run through this window and this is primarily where i'm going to do all of the work and probably where we're going to work on this project too because in my opinion i think it's the best place for you guys to start just get into the edit tab and get going here so going across the top here again all the same menu right here we've got our media pool and that's going to be where all our footage lives that we want to drag down into our timeline so typically you've got your media pool open we have our effects library and again this is different effects so you see we've got toolbox we've got video transitions audio transitions titles generators effects we've got open effects things like blur and uh dehaze there's all kinds of stuff and actually if i come back up uh to something like contrast pop here you see it says in the viewer davinci resolve and it's got that watermark that's what you're going to see if something's only available in the studio version but you've got all kinds of different audio effects there's all kinds of effects right here and they're quick and easy to access if you want to drag them onto a clip or whatever you might want to do with them next you've got your edit index and that's just going to give you some information about your clips times and where they are in your timeline things like that you've got a sound library that you can download for davinci resolve and i'm not going to cover it in this video but you can head on over to their website and download the free sound library or just click right here that should bring you to it across the top you've got your project name and then over here we have our mixer which if you open that up that's going to give you uh audio information show you some faders along with your levels of your audio clips next you've got metadata where it'll show you metadata for any one of your clips last here you have the inspector and again we're going to cover this in more detail but this is super useful you're going to be using the inspector all the time so you want to get familiar with everything that's in here and this last little button here which is on both ends you can see it right here as well as over on the other side i'm going to call it a box with a down arrow when you click on it it's going to extend whatever is showing here all the way down to the bottom of the screen sometimes you just need a little more room and that's how you can do it and now it looks like a little tv up here and if you just click it again it's going to shrink that window back so coming over here this is our viewer this is where we'll see our footage that we bring into davinci resolve here so right now we see nothing but once we get something in our timeline then you'll see it coming down here you've got a bunch of different tools in here that we'll get to a little bit later on you have a jog wheel here that allows you to scroll through footage really quickly again you've got your go to previous buttons your stop your play and looping buttons over here we've got a match frame as well as marking in points and out points moving down below that right here this is an important button right here this is your timeline view options and this affects the way that you see your clip in the timeline so we'll get into that more shortly here we've got a bunch of different tools for editing and we're going to get into those in a little bit as well here we've got flags and markers that you can put on stuff this next set of tools is how you zoom around your timeline you've got a zoom to extends a zoom to detail which will zoom into where your playhead is and you've got a custom zoom as well as being able to slide in and out wherever you want coming all the way over here on the right you've got a mute button to mute any of your audio and this is your audio volume you can adjust that and you have a dim button which kind of reduces the volume output a little bit if it's you know a little loud but you want to hear something but you don't want to play with your master volume here you can just go ahead and turn that on and off moving into the fusion page just going to touch on this real quick because it's super advanced and if you're a beginner you don't really need to know too much about this to get started but you've got your media pool your effects library there's tons of different effects in here and building things in fusion is a whole nother animal that we're not going to get into in this video but just to understand that all these tools are here to build pretty much anything you want to build in the world of video editing next you've got clips that you can look at you've got nodes which is how everything is set up in here and then you've got splines keyframes metadata inspector this is all way more advanced than we're going to be getting to in this tutorial this is really for beginners to understand how to use the program create your first project but you can do pretty much anything you can imagine here in fusion moving along to the color tab here this is where you can apply luts you can adjust color grades you can do any kind of color related exposure any kind of thing like that that you want to do this is where you would do it just coming across the tools real quick here you've got your gallery where you can save what they call stills which is kind of like presets for any of your color grades you've got luts here we got the media pool that you can see over here on the right you've got your timeline you can show or not show it you can look at your different clips you've got different ways to sort things the color grade again this gets really deep and there's a lot going on here you've got effects you can apply all kinds of things but we'll get into this a little bit once we get our project created and i show you how to do some basic color grading we're just going to cover basics here but it's good to kind of know the layout of the land here so to speak so here is our viewer this is where you would see any of the changes that you make and your footage over here is where all the nodes go for all of your color grading and then down here are all the color grading tools which i'm not going to go into right now we'll cover them a little bit when we get to it after we finish our project but there's all kinds of tools down here to use for color grading now jumping into fairlight here we've got a lot of good info here again we've got our media pool starting at the top here our audio effects library where you can add all kinds of effects and i actually have an audio effects series i'm going through every single one of these clips link above if you want to go check that out and know what some of these effects do you've got your edit index a sound library that we talked about earlier you can do voiceover work right into davinci resolve record right into it all the way over on the right here we've got our mixer which we see on the bottom of the screen over here you've got your meters which shows you all of your tracks as well as all of your levels for those tracks you've got metadata you can look at and again we have our inspector here which is going to be super important and we'll get to more of that in a little bit next section down here we've got meters that tell us all kinds of different things as well as a viewer over here where we can see our video moving down below that we've got our play buttons repeat a loop button as well as automation buttons a lot of this stuff's more advanced than you need to worry about but just so you kind of know what's there moving down below that we've got a bunch of tools for editing our audio here which we'll cover when we get into our audio edits in the project here and down here will be our timeline where you'll see our actual audio that we have in our project and moving on over into the deliver tab this is where we would have all of our render settings and how we want to export our project so over here on the left you've got your render settings again you're going to see these little icons in the corner here all over the place you click on that and it's going to make the window bigger for you there are a bunch of presets here that you can use although i do recommend some custom settings which i'll tell you about and link to some videos about so that way you can uh set your own settings because i find that they work better in the presets here eh they're all right not great but they're okay moving over this will be your viewer where you see all of your footage that's in your timeline in the section all the way on the right this is going to be where you see your jobs that you've created maybe you want to render it in 4k maybe you want to render it in 1080 you can set up all kinds of jobs here and just render them out whenever you want and at the bottom here we have our timeline this will show our footage and everything that's in our timeline when we have it created and we're going to talk more about that once we get our project done hey real quick if you guys are enjoying this video could you go and hit that like button for me hey maybe even subscribe if you're interested but definitely hit the like button thanks a lot guys let's get back to the video so that's an overview of each tab kind of what's going on in there and what some of the key features are so i hope you're sticking with me you're doing good we're making some good progress here you're getting some of the basics under your belt and now we're gonna move into the fun stuff right actually creating our first project here in davinci resolve so let's jump back into resolve and the one the first things i want to look at are some project settings that are going to help us be successful here in davinci resolve so let's jump in and check it out all right so i'm here in the media tab which is the first tab here on the left and it doesn't really matter which tab you're in to take a look at these project settings but let's come on up to the top here go to davinci resolve and we want to come down to preferences now in our preference window make sure you're on the user settings right here and we want to come down to project save and load now right here i don't know why these two options are not turned on by default but live save and project backups why would you not want these on by default right so live save is going to continuously save every time you make a change davinci resolve is going to save and you should be good to go so you don't lose any work if davinci resolve crashes out and likewise the project backups are automatically going to be created by davinci resolve if you turn them on but you got to turn them on which i don't know why they're not on but they're not so let's get in here and turn these on so live save boom check it on project backups boom check it on now you can leave these default settings here if you want i'm okay with uh backups every 20 minutes that's fine for me hourly backups for the past two hours that's okay for me too but daily backups for the past two days now i like to keep backups a lot longer than that just in case i'm gonna say 30 days which hey maybe that's a little long but you know what i'm going to say 30 days you could pick any amount of days you want i'm going to go with 30 here so i'm just going to double click in here and change this to 30 and then you have your project backup location so where do you want to save these guys at so for me i save them on an external hard drive because i don't have a ton of space on my macbook pro or even on this computer here there's not a big hard drive on there i forget what it is 256 500 gigs i don't know it's not a lot so i'm going to save it on my external hard drive which is an ssd drive if you want to know what ssd that i use check out the link in the description below for the samsung t5 ssd hard drive works out great one terabyte drive and i use it for all my projects so once you have that set in here you should be good to go with the project save and load settings so the next two options we want to change that are going to save you a lot of headaches are under ui settings so go ahead and click here and you want to come down to these last two items here there's stop playback when a dropped frame is detected you want to make sure there is no check mark there and stop renders when a frame or clip cannot be processed you want to make sure that both of these are not checked they used to be checked on by default looks like here they're not checked on anymore by default which is good but double check your settings because you don't want it to stop playback when a drop frame occurs you just want it to keep going who cares you drop one frame so what right keep going and you don't want it to stop the render if a frame can't be processed and that happens all the time for random reasons maybe a animated piece of text one frame is no good and then it stops the whole render forget that right we want it to keep going blow past it because most of the time you end up with a render that's just fine anyway so make sure those two are unchecked another option you can check is under the system menu here memory and gpu and you want to make sure that these two are boosted up as far as they will go and you can let the gpu get selected automatically if you want now keep in mind like i mentioned in the beginning if you're running the free version of davinci resolve it's not going to make much use of the gpu regardless of what kind of gpu you have that's just one of the limitations of the free version of davinci resolve but if you have the studio version it's going to make full use of your gpu you can go ahead and make sure whatever you want is selected there and you're going to get better performance so just keep that in mind here now coming down to media storage you can check that see where it is and i've got a whole video about uh media storage and setting up your files and where davinci is off keeps your files so link above you can go check that out but if you don't want it to be on your internal drive you can go ahead and click add and it will set up a new location for you and that's where all the cache files and all that kind of stuff is going to go so i'm actually going to come and click add and i'm going to pick a new directory 2 on my external hard drive and i already have a directory set up for my other project so i'm going to go ahead and click on davinci resolve working files and i'm just going to let it make all the folders right in there so there's a lot of other things here in those preferences that you can change and take a look at but those are the main couple things that i want you to take a look at and make sure you have set up this way so that way it doesn't cause you headaches later on as we get moving in our project so go ahead and hit save and close this window out so now that we covered the preferences let's quickly take a look at the project specific settings so preferences are for the whole program any project that you start right project specific settings are for that specific project so there's a couple things we want to take a look at and adjust in there too so let's jump on over and i'll show you how to get there so there's a few ways you can get the project settings one is come to the file menu here and come on down to project settings or you'll notice in every single tab of davinci resolve down on the lower right hand side here you've got a house icon which is your project manager and that brings you to this which is what we saw in the beginning and my first project that's where we are now go ahead and close that but the next little cog gear icon here is project settings so go ahead and open that up so under master settings here this is where we can set the master timeline resolution and frame rate playback for our project now you can come in here and set it here or there's going to be a shortcut i'm going to show you on how to get this all set up automatically for you based on your clips but if you want to come in here and change you know your timeline and your frame rate you've got all your different frame rates here your playback frame rate your different uh resolutions here this is where you could change it and set that up for your project and likewise the monitoring down here you can change that if you need to so some important sections down here under optimize media and render cache so there's different ways that you can optimize your media or create proxy files to make playback smoother and i've got some other videos on that i'll link to a few of them above here you can go check that out i don't think we're going to need to use them for this particular project but you might if you're having slow playback or playback problems check out some of the videos i link to above and that should help you out a little bit so under the optimized media and render cache i'm going to leave all these items as they are for now we're not going to get into it too much but one item i would change is i come down here and where it says enable background caching after five seconds i'm gonna change that to one you can either just click on there and drag to the left or you can just punch in the number one so i'm going to change that to one what the render caching is is that davinci resolve will pre-render stuff kind of in the background whenever you stop working so transitions uh fusion effects um anything like uh text effects or animated text or animated things davinci resolve will start to render that in the background i'm going to show you how to turn that on when we get to there but you want to make sure it's set up here so that way davinci resolve starts working as quick as it can and then the next two items here you can turn those on to automatically cache transitions in user mode and automatically cache composites in user mode next down here you have working folders so these are going to be set by default based on wherever you set up that original file back in preferences so these will just automatically be created you don't necessarily need to change them unless you want to move it to somewhere else and that's all the settings that you need to worry about in here for master settings so there's a lot of different settings here in the project settings that you can change and play with but these are some of the important ones that i think are helpful as a beginner that you want to know about and that you might want to change or adjust all right so i think that's it with getting all our preferences and project settings set up now let's get to the fun stuff let's bring in some footage so like we already talked about i am here in the media tab which is all the way on the left and you click on this guy right here so looking on the left here i've navigated to where my folder is that has all my media and this is everything that's in that folder all these clips right here now i want to bring them all into this project now like i said before i've got a tip on how to set up your project timeline resolution and your frame rate super easy without having to go through that project setting menu let's check it out so what i want to do is find a clip that's going to be the resolution and frame rate that i want for me i know i want it to be 23.976 frames per second because that's what i filmed most of my footage in and i know that i wanted to be 1080 because i filmed everything in 1080 because i think 4k was a little overkill for this so if i grab this little slider here i can slide over and just check out the frames per second here and i'm going to look for one that's 23976 so there's one right there so i'm going to drag this file down into my media pool first now when i do that it's going to pop up this window that says change project frame rate and i'm going to say change because i want my project frame rate to match the clip i just brought in since that's the way i'm going to be creating this project so i'm going to go ahead and click change now one tip it only works like that on the first clip that you bring in so if you bring in a clip that's the wrong timeline uh resolution or frame rate and you actually want something else then you'll have to go in and change it manually it's not a big deal you can always go change this stuff in the project settings like i showed you already but in order for it to set up by itself you got to drag in a file a video file that's got the resolution and the frame rate that you want it just makes it a little bit easier and kind of cuts a step out when you're setting up your project here so now that i've got uh one in there that is exactly what i want for the timeline resolution and frame rate i'm just going to come in here and i'm just going to control a select all of them and drop them into the media pool and as i mentioned earlier when we were first taking a look at this tab if i click on any one of these files here it's going to show me a little preview over here in the window case i'm not sure what's in the file maybe i don't need everything you can scrub through it play it see what's in there and that'll help you out if you're only needing certain clips or you're not sure what you need so now down here in my media pool you see i did create that uh folder that said all footage so i think i'm actually going to rename that to b-roll i want to put any of my b-roll footage in there because i can use the media tab here to kind of start to organize my footage a little bit if i don't want it all in just one spot you can leave it all like this that's fine too it's up to you it's whatever you like to do but i'm going to change this i'm going to right click on here and i want to come to rename bin and i'm going to call it b-roll so now i'm going to look through my clips here and i'm going to select multiple files and i'm going to bring them into that bin called b-roll so i'm going to select this one up to i know all these are b-roll all the way up to this one where i start talking am i talking headshot so i'm going to hold shift and click all the way across i'm just going to drag these guys and drop them into that bin so you can organize as much or as little as you'd like i'm just going to go through real quick and grab any of the rest of them that look like b-roll and i'm going to go ahead and dump them into this folder all right so now that i went through i kind of organized things a little bit i think we're in a good spot here in the media tab we've got all the media that i want at this point in time and now we're ready to go and start editing together our video so you've got a few options here you can jump into the cut tab which if we look back and resolve here you got the cut tab right here you can jump into there and start editing in there if you'd like however i'm going to recommend that you go right to the edit tab because i feel like most of the time you're going to end up in the edit tab anyway so i feel like you should jump over in there and if you're just getting started get started in the edit tab because it's going to be in my opinion a little bit easier to get going and just be familiar with the tools there because you've got everything that you need as opposed to working in the cut tab and sometimes then you have to go from the cut tab to the edit tab to do certain things it can get a little confusing especially as a beginner and like i said the learning curve's a little steep so i'm trying to simplify it as much as i can for you so in hopes of simplifying it i'm going to have you go right to the edit tab so here we are in the edit tab you can see it right down here at the bottom of the screen let's get a little bit better of the land here as far as how we're going to be working here so again down on the bottom here is our timeline that's where all our footage is going to go so where's my footage right so come on up to the top we've got our media pool here go ahead and click that open so now that we see our files here we want to take a look at them and see what what they are so if i go ahead and double click on any one of them it's going to bring it up in the viewer right here now this is not in my timeline yet because you can see down here there's nothing there right so this is just the viewer showing me what is in this file and i can scrub through i can play it i can listen to it i can do whatever i want here to see what's in the clip i can set in points out points all that kind of stuff now i'm gonna go ahead and put on my headphones so i can hear what's going on here in this clip but if i just play through all right i can hear noise i hear me talking that's perfect now this is just a viewer so come on up over to the right hand side here and look at this little icon looks like a window it says dual viewer mode go ahead and click on that now that should open up two viewers for you so you have a viewer on the left and a viewer on the right so the viewer on the right is whatever is in my timeline and right now there's nothing there so we don't see anything on the left here is a viewer that shows me what's in my media pool that i have selected so if i go through any one of these clips it's going to show me in this viewer what i'm selecting in my media pool now this is helpful because it allows me to select endpoints and out points or just portions of a clip to bring into my timeline if i want to but let's say i just want to add a clip to my timeline and get started here so i'm going to come double click on my first one that's the one i want to use so all i'm going to do is click on it hold drag it down into the timeline and i'm going to let go of my mouse button and it drops it right in the timeline so nice job you got your first clip in the timeline now you notice it brought the video and the audio so let's take a look at our timeline here how can we see what we're doing a little bit better oh and real quick by the way if you don't see both viewers you may need to hover over the edge of the clip here because if it's too small you might not see both viewers you might need to extend it out a little make sure you can see everything there so if you're having issues with the viewers you could give that a try so i see my clips down here they're awful small how do i get them a little bit bigger so i can see better so the first thing we want to do is come over here to our timeline zoom options so we've got this one which is zoom extent which zooms to everything in your timeline and in this case that works out pretty good so you notice on my video clip which is on top and it says video track one most of it's blue i can't really see too much what's going on here so how do i start to play through this well if you hit the space bar that's going to go ahead and play through your clip so let's try that like this all right there's me fumbling around a little bit so you hit the spacebar to also stop playing through your clip now what if i want to change the way i see these clips for example maybe i want to see the waveforms on my audio clip here so i know where to make my cuts and stuff well that's where we want to come over to this guy the timeline view option so go ahead and click on that now you've got different options here that will change the way you see your timeline so you've got subtitle tracks here i'm going to turn that off because i don't have any subtitles you've got this guy right here which is audio waveform so that's going to turn on the waveforms you want to make sure it's highlighted like that now you notice you still can't see it because that audio track is not big enough just yet so the next item here we have view options video view options so you've got the smallest track here the simple view you've got thumbnail view which is what i like or you've got the film strip view which shows you video across the whole top of the thing i kind of feel like that's a little overkill so i'm just going to go with the middle option here next you have your audio view options and these are different ways to see your waveform so you've got non-reflected you've got the full waveform and you've got a little border they can throw on there for you so you're saying jay i still can't see the waveform so uh why does this mean anything well that's where the track height comes in now our video has already you know got a little height to it you can make it as big as you want or as small as you want we'll go in the middle there now the audio track here this is where we're going to see the waveform so you can see if i open that up now we can see our waveforms and that's going to help us a lot when we go to make our cuts and make our edits so timeline view options an important window that's going to help you get the right look for your timeline so now that our clips here are a little bit bigger you notice we can see the names of the tracks and we've got some things going on here so the first thing we want to do is rename our track so it makes a little more sense so i'm going to go ahead and double click on where it says video 1 here i'm just going to select all of it and we're going to change this to 5d mark iv so i know what the track is now the next track for audio i'm going to do the same thing with double click going to control a to select everything i'm going to call this audio 5d mark iv and go ahead and hit enter when you're done or just click outside and it should save those settings for you so while we're here by the track names let's just take a look at these couple icons right here real quick the first one is lock track you click that you can't make any changes your track locks it in place the second one here auto track selector don't worry about that for now and then this one right here is your disable video track it's basically like a on off button for your track you turn it off you can't see anything and down on the audio track we've got our lock track again so you can't change anything your auto track selector don't worry about that for now next you have a solo button and what that does is you click that and it will only play the track that is soloed or you can have multiple tracks soloed at once but it will only play that track it saves you the trouble of having to go through and mute everything else and last you have the mute button here that's going to mute just this specific track so it's good to know those and keep those in mind now you see this little 2.0 there that means this is a stereo track if it was mono you'd see a 1 and if it was a 5.1 surround sound you'd see 5.1 so good stuff to keep in mind as you start working on your project here all right so now we're ready to get in to start editing and cutting up our clip so the next questions you might be having is alright how do i cut a clip how do i delete part how do i get what i want in the timeline so we're going to take a look at just a few tools in this toolbar right here the first one is your selection tool and this just lets you select uh different tracks or objects or elements in your timeline as a beginner the next two don't even worry about it you can skip over those the fourth one here is the blade tool and this is going to allow you to make cuts on your clip for example if i click and turn it on you see when i hover over my clip it shows me a little blade and anywhere i click it's going to make a cut on my tracks so i'm going to go ahead and hit ctrl z and just undo that real quick now the blade tool does have a keyboard shortcut for it and that's pretty much what i use all the time so that keyboard shortcut is control b on a pc and if you're on a mac it's command b so if i come to right about there i'm going to hit ctrl b and that's going to go ahead and cut my clip so if i back up a little bit here in my timeline you can see it made a cut on my clips for me so again to play through my clip and just kind of see what i got you're going to hit space bar and another tip for you is if you want some easy keyboard shortcuts to play forward backwards and stop you can use the jknl keys and i've got a video about that link above you can go check that out if you're interested so these are your primary editing tools really the the cut tool i mean that's what you're going to use most of the time when you're trying to put together your videos so let's say i have this clip right here and i want to get rid of it how can i get rid of it we've got a few options here you can click on the clip and highlight it and then just hit backspace undo that command control z i can select the clip and i'm gonna use the delete key and now the delete key is cool the delete key is actually gonna ripple delete so let me undo that so what ripple delete is if you're not familiar with it it's gonna take the clip it's gonna delete it and it's going to take everything that is past the clip on this side and it's going to move it on over to wherever the beginning of the clip you just deleted was so ripple delete is super helpful and i definitely use that all the time so i'm going to select my clip i'm going to hit the delete delete key ripple delete now that part of the clip is gone i don't need it and now i have this part that i can play through and see what we got so i'm gonna hit spacebar we're gonna play through and see what we got here what's happening guys today we're gonna be learning how to change the oil on a john deere l-111 tractor so let's jump into this video all right so i bring it down to me i know i want to make another cut there so i'm going to come to the end right about there looks good so i'm going to ctrl b make a cut now this time i'm going to select this clip and i don't need to ripple delete it because there's nothing after it so i'm just going to go ahead and hit backspace boom clip deleted and now i've got just what i want in my timeline so i'm going to come to my timeline zoom options over here and i'm going to click on the minus guide just to zoom out now you notice it jumped way out because that's where the setting was the last time this tool was used i guess or didn't use it at all but that's where the default was so i'm going to go ahead and just kind of zoom in to right about there now i got one clip in my timeline now we want to start throwing in our footage and we want to add in another clip so i'm going to come back to my media pool here double click on the next clip and now i've got some looks like b-roll actually of me walking here see what the next clip is b-roll me walking and the next clip after that okay it's me opening the shed so i want to throw in some b-roll clip all right so i got a clip of me walking here looking down on my feet and let's say i only wanted to bring in part of this clip i don't want to bring in the whole thing so i'm gonna come forward a little bit let's say right about there looks good i want to set an in point and an out point so i'm going to come over here and these two icons at the end here mark in and mark out that's going to be your in points and out points or keyboard shortcut you can just press the letter i to set your in point i'm going to move ahead a little bit and then i'm going to press o and set my out point so this is the part of the clip that i want now when i look at this clip i don't need the sound i just want the uh the visual right of the b-roll so as i'm hovering over the clip here you notice we have these two icons at the bottom here so if i wanted to bring this whole clip video and audio down into my timeline super easy just click on it drag it down and drop it on the timeline and boom it's there so that's one way you can do it i'm gonna delete that now let's say i wanted the video only of this clip well i could come down here grab the video only icon drag it down drop it in my timeline and then i get the video only gonna undo that now likewise if i want the audio only go ahead and click on the audio drag it down you get just the audio only so that's a few ways you can bring the footage into your timeline and it's super helpful to know about these options right here now you also have a few other ways to drop some clips into your timeline if you come down you look at these couple icons right here the first icon is insert clip so i can just click that and it's going to insert the clip right there now this is good if i want to insert a clip say in between two clips so let's say i want to insert this clip in between these two not that i would but for example's sake here boom you can see it dropped it right in between the two clips so i'm gonna undo that the next icon here is overwrite clip so if i uh let's say you have my playhead right here i go ahead and click over right clip it's going to insert my clip from the media pool on top of and in place of the clip that was already there sometimes you might want to use that i haven't found a need to use it too much but the options there to do that now the last tool here is replace clip so if i select this guy and then i'm going to hit replace clip you can see it takes out the section of the clip that matches with you know what i want to replace it with and it will replace the clip it's very similar to the overwrite clip now for me i generally don't use these options too much if i do it's usually this first guy the insert clip so i'm going to go ahead and undo all these primarily i'm going to drag it from here down and use one of these options here so like i said we only want the video so let's grab that bring it on down into the timeline so now that we got our first clip in the timeline let's talk about some other tools you're going to need to know about as you work here in davinci resolve on your project so the first one we want to talk about is your inspector super important there's a ton of stuff that we can do in here so let's check that out you guys are doing great so far i hope uh you're hanging in there you're doing well remember you can always refer back to this video and uh if you're enjoying it it's helping you out definitely give this video a little thumbs up for me would you i appreciate it thanks all right so we have our first clip in here i'm going to go ahead and select the clip by just clicking on it and i want to open up my inspector so i'm going to come on all the way up over here and you see inspector go ahead and click on that now the inspector is full of all kinds of things that we can do to our clip so you've got a bunch of different categories here and if you click on the category name it'll open and close a little menu there with different options in it just running over the windows real quick here at the top we've got transform so these are all of your transform tools you can zoom your video in and out you can change the position left and right you can rotate the video change the angle you can change the anchor points you can change the the pitch of the video you've got all kinds of different things here flip it whatever you want to do you can do pretty much anything you want to do with your video as far as transforming it and changing the shape or size of it right here and then if you look over on the right here you've got little diamonds that is your key frames and we're not going to talk too much about keyframes in this video but i do have some other videos about keyframes if you're interested i'll link to one above you can go check that out then all the way on the right here we've got these little uh circle arrow symbols here and that's basically going to reset the effect so you know i made a bunch of changes here and oops i don't want to do that so i'm going to go ahead and hit the reset button and it's going to reset it back to the default settings now if i want to reset all of them you can just click on this guy right here and that's going to reset everything back to the default settings for your clip a few other cool things to know about here is if you hover your mouse over any one of these items here the numbers you can just click and slide your mouse back and forth and it's going to zoom or whatever the tool is you click on it's going to change it for you so that's kind of cool it's helpful to move in small increments when you want to just move it just a little bit you can just put your mouse right on there click drag and slide back and forth so that's a helpful tip to know and just moving down in this window here if i double click on cropping you see we can crop from the left top right bottom you can make it soft which is like fading your image in or feathering the edge of your image you've got dynamic zoom here which is uh if i turn it on and just you could leave it as it is or change it to any one of these options here it's just gonna dynamically zoom on your clip so if i just play through it here all right it's hard to tell on this clip but it is zooming in or zooming out just very slowly and you've got some options to change those things you can change the composite mode of images say you lay something on top of one of your clips you can change to all different kinds of composite modes similar to photoshop if you're familiar with that you can change your opacity for those modes if you'd like to the next item here you've got speed change so you can change the speed of your clips which we'll talk about in a little while here maybe we want to try some speed ramping or something like that like a lot of programs there's a bunch of different ways to do things in davinci resolve so there's not just one way to do almost anything there's multiple ways to do it so we'll talk about that a little more later on you've got stabilization if you're walking with your clip like i am here we can stabilize the clip you've got lens corrections for any corrections you might need to make and then you've got retime and scaling down here and all this is going to affect the quality of your clips and right now i'm just going to leave everything at the default but it's important to know that if your clip looks a little shaky it doesn't look as good as you think it should you may need to adjust some some of these settings and they can be adjusted either on a project level or on a clip by clip basis so there is a ton of stuff here in the inspector and you're going to be using it all the time you're almost always going to have the inspector open to make changes to your clips you're going to be able to use the keyframes in the inspector to animate things move it on the screen move it off the screen pop up a subscribe button kind of like that all that's going to be done with the key frames right here in the inspector you don't have to get too crazy and go to any other tab you can do it all right here in the inspector so get familiar with that because you're going to be using it a lot so also in the inspector you've got a lot of other items across the top of your inspector window here so right now we're working on the video part of our clip which is why the video parts highlighted and these are all the things we can change in the inspector for our video clip now if i want to work with the audio a little bit i can go ahead and click on audio and then that's going to give us some other options we're going to be able to adjust the volume the pan right and left you can adjust the pitch you've even got a basic eq right here if you need to use a little eq on your clip although you can do that in fair light in a lot more detail and that's where i prefer to do it but you do have the option here to put a little eq on your clips if you want to now you see we've got a few other options here that are grayed out we've got effects so if we put an effect on our clip we would have an option to make adjustments here for that effect you've got an option for transitions which we'll see as we move forward here because we'll try out some transitions and you've got image here which is if you have an image in your timeline you'll be able to make some adjustments there and the last one here you just have some file information about your particular clip that is currently selected so anytime you're trying to make an easy change here to some video or some audio or an image or something in your timeline check out the inspector here first maybe it's a transition whatever it might be open the inspector take a look and see if you can make the change that you want to work on as opposed to having to go somewhere else and do it most of the time you're gonna be able to do that right in the inspector here so i'm just gonna go ahead and close our inspector now let's take a look at our clip and i just want to mention a few more things about a clip and some adjustments that you can make that are going to be helpful the first thing i wanted to mention is that you can fade your clips in and out super easy so first you want to make sure that your timeline view options if we come here are set to at least this one right here and you need to have the clip be about the size it looks on the screen it just can't be all the way small like that you need to bring it up a little bit so uh you know it's a little bit wider and you can see the image there but if you come and you click on your clip and you hover over the ends you're going to notice there's a little white tab there well you can hover over that click and drag and that's going to fade your clip for you so now if i play through the end of my clip let's jump into this video you can see it faded out and actually if i go all the way to the end it'll fade out to black so you can adjust that as far as you want and that little number that you see there that's the number of frames and seconds so it's one second and 10 frames so i'm in a 23.976 frames per second timeline so there's you know about 24 frames per second so yeah you do the math figure that out but you can make it as long or as short as you would like now let's say i wanted to make this clip a little bit longer and it's already in the timeline how do i do that well if you hover over the end of your clip here you see i get this little symbol and you can just click drag it out easy as that then you also have this icon right here which if we had two clips together you click it and it would drag them both back together and we'll look at that more in a little bit now if we look down at our audio clip here we've got similar options so you've got the fade in and out right on your audio clip at the top here so i can fade the audio out so if we play that now onto your l111 tractor so let's jump into this video so you can see it fades out the audio for us there and then you one other cool thing you'll notice with the audio here is that it's got a little dot on the middle of that fade so you can actually hover over that and grab that little dot and it should give you four little arrows one in each direction if you click and drag you can move it up and down so you can change the way that that fade works it's not just a concept fade maybe it comes in quick and slows down or maybe it's slow and then dies off quick you've got all kinds of options there that you can use whatever fits your particular clip and whatever you're trying to achieve so go ahead and put that back so those are a couple real handy tools to know about when it comes to your clips here the next thing i want to mention are these couple icons right up here in your toolbar so this first one here is the snapping icon so what that's going to do is allow me to snap to different points so let's just uh for argument's sake here put a cut in the middle of my clip so if i drag my timeline i want it to snap right to this point right and if i do it boom it snaps right there as soon as i get close it just snaps to it so if i turn that off and then i try and find i'll make my window a little bigger there if i try and find it it's not going to snap right to it it's not going to stop on there so if you're having trouble snapping and getting the playhead to go where you want go ahead and make sure that this icon the snapping icon is turned on and that's going to help you navigate around a little bit easier and that'll snap to anything between clips to transitions to audio pretty much anywhere where there's a point that you could snap to you'll be able to do it with that tool turned on go ahead and undo that so next i wanted to mention this icon which is the link icon so if we take a look at our clips we see in the corner here we've got a link on the video and a link on the audio now these two are stuck together right because came from the same camera record at the same time boom they're there together which is perfect most of the time that's what i want but what if i have a separate audio track or let's say for some reason i recorded on another audio track and they just don't line up things aren't lining up how do i fix that well if they're linked together you may need to unlink them right so if you come and you right click on your clip you can come right here link clips hit that and now when i select just one clip i can move that independent of the other one so i'm going to go ahead and undo that now if i come to my clip and let's say i want them to stay together but for some reason i want to move them separate right but i want to make sure that these clips always stay together and that they're linked up well if i just temporarily want to unlink them we can also come up and just unclick this icon right here and then that's going to allow me to drag just one of the clips but you're going to notice it's going to tell me in this little red box here how much i'm moving the clip by and it's going to tell me hey they're out of alignment they're supposed to be linked but they don't match so keep that in mind if you move things separate or if you have this linked icon turned off you could accidentally move your video and then it would line up with your audio which most of the time you don't want to do that but there are certain situations where you want to unlink things and you want to move things separately and those are the two different ways that you can do that so i'm going to turn my link back on and make sure everything is good to go i'm going to deselect them re-select them and now they're back together again so let's add some more footage into our timeline here and start getting this video going so i want to add in some b-roll so when i double-click on my next file here it's a clip of me walking so i want to show you know some me walking to my shed where i'm going to be getting out the tractor so let's say i don't want this whole clip i just want part of it and i also know that i filmed this in slow motion so right now if i play it back here just hit the space bar on my viewer it's a little bit choppy and actually if i come and look at my clip here and scroll over i can see that it was filmed at 60 frames per second or just about 60. right we'll call that 60. so i won't actually slow this clip down before i bring it into my timeline so how do i do that well let's back up here i'm going to come on my clip i'm going to right click and i'm going to come down to clip attributes so go ahead and open that up now when i'm looking at this this is telling me all the information about this particular clip and when i look at the video frame rate here it's at 59.94 so i want to go ahead and change this so that it matches my timeline frame rate so i'm going to hit the drop down menu i'm going to come to 23.976 i'm going to select that now you do have other options in here but for now don't worry about those and you don't have to worry about any of these other ones but that's how you can take a clip that was filmed at a higher frame rate and change the frame rate so that you can drop it into your timeline in slow motion let me go ahead and hit ok so now if i play through my clip here in the timeline you can see it's slow motion now i heard that the audio is not in slow motion but that's okay because i don't care about the audio for this particular clip so let's select an in and out range to bring in so let's say i don't know we'll just start right here i'm going to press i on my keyboard for in point or you can press this guy right here mark in and go ahead a little bit and then i'm going to come and you can press o on your keyboard or this button right here which is mark out and now i just want the video so i'm going to hover over my clip come and grab this guy drag her on down into my timeline and then let go where i want to put it so now let's play through our clip and see what it's looking like so far let's jump into this video so i know that this clip is a little long and i only want it to be let's say a second long well here's a good tip for you on how to move the playhead forward just one second if you go ahead and hold your shift key and then press the arrow keys right and left that's going to move the playhead ahead one second each time you hit your arrow key and same forward arrow key and back arrow key is going to move it one second now if you want to move frame by frame you can let go the shift key and just use your arrow keys and that's going to move ahead frame by frame forwards and frame by frame backwards so that comes in super handy i definitely use that all the time so i'm going to come to the beginning of my clip here i'm going to hold shift press the forward arrow boom there's one second so i'm going to go ahead and press ctrl b to cut that i'm going to select my clip and just hit the backspace key to delete that so now let's go up and see what my next clip is here i'm gonna double click on it and if i come through it's me walking again so i know that this one was filmed in 60 frames per second again if i slide this on over we can see right here 59.94 60 frames per second so let's change that into slow motion as well i'm going to right click on it come down to clip attributes come to my video frame rate and i'm going to change that to 23.976 and go ahead and hit ok so now i'm going to find a part i want and you know since i'm walking here i want to have my feet match up from the previous clip so you know i'm just going to pick a spot i'm going to bring it in and we're going to work with the clip from there so i'm going to use my in and out keyboard shortcut i to select an end point o to select an out point i'm going to grab just the video drag her on down drop it in so let's just play through this see if a second looks like it's long enough all right so maybe uh maybe we'll do a second and a half so i know that this one's a second if i come here hold shift forward arrow and since i'm using you know just about 24 frames a second i can move ahead 12 frames for another half a second so i just hit my arrow key one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so that's a second and a half now if i hover over the middle of these two clips you see this icon right here that's gonna allow me to change both clips at the same time which we mentioned before so go ahead click on that drag it over boom snaps it right in perfect loving it so now let's have this second clip be just as long so i'm going to shift forward arrow key there and then another 12 clicks of my right arrow key to move 12 frames all right that looks good so i'm going to go ahead ctrl b cut that clip and i'm going to delete everything at the end now we're looking at this clip here in my timeline and it's upside down what do we do about that how do we fix that well this is where you're going to jump into your inspector and make a couple adjustments right so i'm going to click on the clip come on over and open my inspector and you may notice sometimes it'll go to one window here when you open the inspector because there's just not enough room on the screen don't worry about it you can close the inspector and get both viewers back but i'm going to come on over here click on the video and now i need to flip it i've got a few options you know i can rotate it or i can just flip it like this boom flipped good and that's all i got to do for that now the clip is perfect just the way i want it to be so now we're going to just take a look at these and try and match up the feed a little bit so looks like right here i'm stepping with my left foot and that's when that hits the ground so in this clip i'm gonna close my inspector here get a little more room so in this clip i want my left foot to be on the ground at the start of the clip so right about there is where i want this clip to actually start so you've got a few options on how you can change things i could come over here and get this icon and just drag the clip into there and then move the clip back by clicking holding it and dragging it back so i'm going to undo that now another option that you have instead of doing it that way by moving the clip and cutting and stuff is to come up to this little icon right here i'm going to go ahead and click on this now when i come over here i'm going to be able to keep this clip the same length that i have it but if i use this tool click and hold i can scrub back and forth what is showing in my clip which is perfect right so let's say uh i want my left foot to come down and it looks like it's throwing it upside down again there maybe i undid it too much so let's just go ahead and flip this for us there we go so i'm going to scrub here right there is i think where i want to match it up so now let's play through our clips and see if it looks like they line up all right doesn't so i'm going to come here drag that over do the best i can to line these guys up there we go that looks pretty good so not too shabby right so that's the basics of how you start to build your video here in the timeline so i'm going to go ahead and throw a few more b-roll clips in there until i get to the next speaking part and then we're going to talk some more about some maybe some transitions and some other cool things that we can do in our timeline here but a lot of what we just talked about is the basics that you need to know to start to build and create your project here in davinci resolve so let's uh speed this up here and you can watch me throw in a few more clips if you're following along and you have these clips too go ahead and build out a little timeline make it however you want and uh we'll be right back in a second here so as i'm adding in some clips here i'm noticing i'm looking through the media pool and it's kind of hard to tell what's what i got to click on every clip so let's take a look here in davinci resolve now if i want to change these to be more of a thumbnail view so i can see what they are a little easier i can go ahead and click on the tile view here and then you get a little preview what the clip is as you scrub through it you see it'll show you what's in the clip or you've got this one here which will give you a little bit more uh details and a little more info about each clip if that's something that you're looking for so just different ways to view your media files here and it can just help you speed things up a little bit so i jumped into the b-roll folder here because i wanted to add some more uh b-roll so i'm just going to go ahead and continue editing this together a little bit and if you're working on this at home too see what you can come up with [Music] oh if you need to get up stretch it out a little bit could you hit that like button for me if you're learning a little something this video is working out good for you smash that like button for me would ya all right cool let's get back into it alright so we just sped through me adding a whole bunch of clips into the timeline now let's jump in there we're gonna get some more tips and tricks on how to work with our clips here in the timeline so i'm in the timeline i've got all my clips put in here now uh let's say i want to zoom out so i can see my whole timeline so i can come over here and click on this guy zoom full extent and that's going to show me my entire timeline now you notice i did use the audio from some of the parts where the tractor is running and stuff because i'm not sure if i'm going to use it or not so i figured i'd throw it in there and we can always figure that out later so any of the clips i wanted to be in slow motion i did change them using our clip attributes like you saw earlier just so that it would play back in slow motion in our timeline so let's come back and let's just play through this here and see what we've got far i'm going to just mute my audio track by clicking this guy so when we get to the audio we don't have to hear it and i'm actually just going to make one viewer here so if i come on up to this guy right here go click on that so we just got one viewer and let's just play through we got some b-roll of me walking and then me coming up to the shed now i made this clip a little bit longer because what i was thinking is that we can do a little speed ramp because that's something a lot of people like to do and it's fairly easy to do so we're going to take a look at that now some of these clips we may need to shorten up or move around a little bit but i just kind of threw together a little sequence and actually this clip right here i want to make it go in reverse so i'm going to show you how to do that we've got i mean you know firing up the track there we're going to be coming out of the shed there and uh going to be going backwards coming out so we got me firing up the tractor here i'm going to actually have to trim this one back a little bit and you know we'll we'll just make it as we kind of go along here so let's back up let's come on over to this clip right here of me walking up to the shed so let's do a little uh how to speed ramp lesson here real quick so i want this to speed up and then maybe where i put the key in and turn it it's slow and then it speeds back up again so how do we do that so in order to speed up a clip or slow it down you can select your clip and use command or control r to bring up this little uh icons here on your clip and it's called speed change so if i zoom in a little bit so we can see a little bit better maybe i want to make my track a little bit bigger you can always do that by coming your timeline view options and increasing the height of the video track a little bit so let's say i want this clip to go fast until i get to right about there so you want to put your playhead where you want it to start to slow down and then right down here you see 100 so come over here click on that little drop down and you want to add in a speed point so go ahead and click that and now you see the clip is all one clip still but we've got two different parts where we can change the speed now you've got two different options to change speed you can come to the little drop down menu again here come on over to change speed and you've got the option to select any of these items right here if you'd like or if you're not sure how fast you want to make it or it's just not matching one of those numbers that you saw just a second ago you can come up here click on this little icon and just drag it in and if you launch that little percentage it's automatically going up and that's the speed of the clip so i don't know how fast i want it to go let's try there and notice i can't see the the percentage anymore so if i zoom in more now i can see it it's at 1 137 so let's just see what that looks like so it's a little choppy so not too bad a little fast maybe i'll slow it down just a little bit let's uh let's bring it down to say i don't know 700 percent so by clicking that little top icon that's going to change the speed of your clip and you're going to see those little blue arrows change you can speed it up or slow it down now if you look at the little button at the bottom here that's actually going to change the location on your clip where that speed change occurs so this is going to stay the same your speed will stay the same it's just going to change where that takes place on the clip so if i drag it over we'll get more of the clip if i come this way it's less of the clip so between these two options you can really kind of fine tune uh how you want your speed ramp to work so let's just see play through walking up all right pretty good it's going to slow down maybe i even want this to go faster longer so let's pull it over yeah right about there play through boom slows down open and then actually i want to cut this clip right when i start to pull it open because i want it to tie into the next clip so i've got different options here you can come over get that little icon drag the clip in or if you want you can just hit command or control b to cut the clip and then i can hit this and delete it and if i play through my clip here not too bad so i want it to speed up a little bit longer and drag that in a little bit all right see how that looks not too shabby might even need to extend this back out a little bit now if i wanted to slide my next clip over to butt up to this clip if i scoot over you've got a few ways you can do it i mean i could go and grab all these clips and select them and drag them over but that's kind of a pain right so if you just click in the blank space it's going to highlight it and then you can just hit your backspace key boom slides it all right over so that's a handy trick to know right there so now if we come back to our cl our speed ramp clip here comes in and we notice it's a little choppy on the playback right so we want to make this a little bit smoother but it's also choppy on the playback so so this is a great time to get into some things that can help speed up your playback if you're running a machine that doesn't have too much power now if i was running the studio version on this machine i can tell you i wouldn't have a problem because i'd be using a lot of the graphics card but by you only using the cpu in the free version here sometimes it's going to get a little glitchy like that or or a little uh stuttery as you're playing through your clips so here's what you can do to help get rid of that problem if you want to come up to your playback menu up here click on that you want to come down to timeline proxy mode and you can change this to either half resolution or quarter resolution so what that's going to do is just change the resolution of what's playing back in your timeline it's not changing the actual clips it's not going to change anything when you render out your file everything's going to be full res and all that but it's just gonna play it back at a lower resolution in your timeline so it's easier for resolve to play it back and i use this all the time even on my macbook pro typically i'll use half resolution and for me most of the time it's not gonna make a difference because when i'm working on a laptop the picture's so small anyway you're not going to notice the difference if you go down to half resolution and it's just going to allow everything to play back smoother so keep that in mind change that to half resolutions and start there the next thing you want to change is again come to the playback menu come down to render cache and you want to click smart right here what that's going to do is allow davinci resolve to pre-render things in the background so say you uh stop working for a second you got to go run grab a coffee or something you stop working davinci resolve is going to work in the background to pre-render stuff so it doesn't have to do it while it's playing back your video it's going to do it ahead of time so once it gets to it it's no problem it's not going to stutter through it it's not going to get jittery or anything like that it'll just play through smoothly now that's going to work for things like slow-mo clips uh transitions text uh any other effusion effects all that kind of stuff it'll pre-render it and we did change the setting a while back in the preferences so that it was only one second before that kicked in and started so that's what that would do so you want to set that render cache to smart get things working in the background while you're not working let them resolve do some of the work for you right so go ahead and click on that now you do have the option to create some optimized media i'm not going to go over all that right now here's a link to some videos above that you can go check out that talk about optimized media and that is basically davinci resolve pre-renders your video files so that way it's easier to play back and it doesn't bog down your machine so much so if you don't have a lot of power you're running the free version you might need to make those optimized media files or new and davinci resolve 17 is proxy files which is very similar although it's portable and you can manage it yourself but i've got a few videos again they're linked above there you can go check those out if you want to know more about optimize media and you're trying to get smoother playback and i do have videos all about smooth playback with all the options and things like that in there so you can head over to my youtube channel check that out too all right jumping back into it here so now let's play through this clip and just see if that helped at all so if i play through a few times here we can see not too bad now right that first time was a little choppy but after that it's not so bad so let's say i want to smooth out that transition a little bit because as it kind of you know goes from fast to slow it just kind of makes an abrupt change so let's talk about smoothing that out a little bit how do i do that so if i come in i click on my clip and i right click i can come on up to right here retime curve on that and now if i kind of scroll down here i might have to adjust my window a little i can adjust my uh tracks to make my audio ones a little bit smaller there make this one a little bit bigger i can even come up here and grab there it is push this up a little so i've got a little more room to work with here when we look at this right here this is basically a graphical representation of what's going on with our clip so if i come over here you see reframe we've got a little drop down arrow now these are all the things that you can keyframe and change in the inspector that are going to affect your clip so for me i'm working with read time speed right now right here so i'm going to go ahead and check that on and i'm going to turn off the retime frame because i don't need that so i'll just click back over here now you notice when our clip is going fast it's right here then boom it abruptly changes and goes back to normal speed or slow motion in this case so how do we smooth this out well you notice right here is our little uh speed point so if i hover over it and i click on it you can see up here we've got two options so this is just a hard change which is what you see now but if we click on this guy boom gives us a nice little s curve pretty sweet right and you've got the option to adjust your s curve by coming to the little handles here click hold and you can drag it in and out and that's going to ease in and ease out of that speed change so let's play through that and see what it's looking like again it's a little glitchy there the first time and you can see it's a much smoother transition into the slo-mo clip and i think that works out a lot better so one of the reasons that it might be stuttering on me here on this computer is because a i've only got eight gigs of ram b i'm not using the gpu at all because i'm running the free version so if i loaded up studio on here i'm pretty sure i would have no problem with the playback but you can see i played through it once or twice and then it seemed to be okay after that so if you're noticing issues you might want to try upgrading your ram or consider upgrading to the studio version if you've got a gpu that you can use on your computer already so i think this clip is good to go so in order to close all this down i'm going to just select my clip right click and come up to retime curve i'm going to uncheck that and then while i'm on my clip i'm going to use the keyboard shortcut ctrl or command r and that's going to turn off my speed controls so now we're good to go so if i just play through it does the little uh speed ramp there and you know you could add in another speed point at the end and you know have it speed up come in slow and then speed out whatever you want to do it's all up to you so now as i open the door here boom i got the inside view me walking in i might even want to speed that up a little bit so this seems a little slow here so you know all this stuff i'm just going to be going through and making adjustments you can adjust both clips at one time you've got a lot of options and things we've talked about already on how to start putting together your video here all right so you got the basics here on how to edit and how to start putting your clips together how to make adjustments to clips and really just kind of start building your project right these are some of the basics it's things you need to know that you're going to use over and over and over again and that's what's going to get your project built right so now let's get into something a little bit more advanced still not too hard and that's transitions everybody loves a good transition right we love to use them they're fun you like throwing them on your clips so let's talk about that so davinci resolve has a ton of great transitions built right into the program let's jump over here and i'll show you how to get to them so we're back in our project and if i go ahead and close the media pool by clicking on the little media pool button we want to open up the effects library so go ahead and click on that once that opens we've got all kinds of tools over here on the left and the first one is video transitions so down in the timeline here i've got my playhead right between two clips and that's where i want to put a transition right so we're going from john deere to the l111 the model right so i want to throw a transition in between these how do i do that well a new and awesome feature here in davinci resolve 17 is the ability to preview your transitions this is awesome and a super great feature here in davinci resolve 17. so if i just hover over and drag my mouse back and forth we're going to see a preview of this transition over in our viewer now you can try any one of these they all work some of them might be a little more uh you know processor intensive than others but you're just going to go through and find whatever you like scroll through there's all different kinds here and there's even some fun ones down here when you get to the fusion transitions and these you know will be a little bit more taxing on your computer but uh depends on you know how strong your computer is to how well these things will run but you've got all kinds of stuff here you've got noise wipes you've got all kinds of cool stuff zoom in zooms out you even got this cool little burn away one right pretty cool i mean for it to come included that's awesome right you almost don't even need to go pick up any you can just use the ones that are here so i'm gonna choose uh the glitch here because i think that's kind of cool so to add the transition onto your clip just click it drag it over and let it go and it should drop right on your clips i've got a bunch of videos on my channel about transitions how to add them how to add multiple transitions and an important video if your transitions aren't working you try to drop it on your clip and it's not working here's a link to a video that's going to fix that problem for you so you can head over and check that out but i've got other transition videos too i'll throw them up here in cards you can check those out if you're interested but there's a lot of things you can do with transitions that they're awesome they're just so cool right so if we look back at davinci resolve we can edit our transitions too we can change the length of it so if i hover over the end we get the little arrows can make it shorter or longer we can select our transition and we can come up to our inspector and now you notice this little transition uh icon here is now available in the inspector so we can change the duration here again if i hover over top of the little number there i can click and hold my mouse drag it back and forth to change it you can also change the number of frames instead of seconds you know maybe i want to do i don't know 12 frames i can key it in i can move my mouse change it however you want you can change the alignment and it just depends on what transition you're using and you might get some different uh you know options here of things to change but it's super convenient to be able to just make these changes right here now one common problem you might run into is you put your transition on there and you see it working in your video but you can't see it on your clip so for example if i just zoom out a little see once i zoom out so far i can't even see the transition on the clip so if you can't see your transition try zooming in closer to your clips there so you can see it and also if your videos are really small you're going to notice that it's a really small icon there at the top of those clips it's really hard to see so you got to kind of make those video tracks a little bit bigger so it's just easier to see i mean you don't got to go huge like this but you know big enough so that you can see it there so that's the basics of transitions it's super easy drag and drop man just drop it right on there you should be good to go you can add a sound effect if you want down below the davinci resolve ones don't come with the sound effects but you can always just drop one onto an audio track and have a sound effect go with that transition so again if you have any troubles or you won't know more about transitions go check out some of the other videos that i link to above so let's go ahead and play through that real quick see what our transition looks like cool looks good so maybe we'll make it a little bit bigger and now one thing you can notice look at this red line right here so this is your render cache this says okay this item here can be rendered and when it's red it's not rendered yet but once that line turns blue that means davinci resolve has already gone through and rendered it so it should play back a whole lot smoother than when it's red and you don't have your render cache turned on so if i play through again here cool there we go looks alright i'm liking that so far so now let's go up to this clip right here now as i mentioned when we were playing through the first time i want this clip to actually play in reverse i want to zoom into the logo instead of zooming out and this was just me moving the camera while i filmed it this is nothing i did in davinci resolve it's how i filmed it so basically i want to play the clip in reverse in order to do that i can just select my clip right click come on up to change clip speed and in here we've got a bunch of different options you can change the speed of your clip change the frames per second and the one that i want is right here reverse speed and that's going to play the clip backwards for me i don't want to keep the timing so i'm just going to go ahead and hit change and now if i play through the clip so see it's a little glitchy there the first round and then it's smooth and there you go now it's zooming in instead of zooming out and it's just playing the clip backwards there for you so you guys are doing great thanks for hanging in there i hope you're learning a lot and you're understanding kind of how davinci resolve works and how you can start to put your project together so now i'm going to take a few minutes here i'm going to go through and add a little bit more to this project and then we're going to get back here and talk more about some audio work maybe how to add in some titles and some other things that you'd be interested in when you're creating your first project here in davinci resolve and by the end of this thing you guys are going gonna be doing great we're gonna export it out we're gonna have a whole project that's all done and complete and you're gonna have your first project done in davinci resolve [Music] so real quick i want to show you guys how the ripple delete function works here super helpful you're going to use it all the time when you're going through your clips and editing and cutting and removing and that kind of stuff so real quick looking at davinci resolve here so i have a section that i want to remove and i could just hit the backspace key like we talked about earlier but then i've gotta click right here and i gotta hit backspace to bring this clip to meet up with this clip over here so instead of doing that you can have davinci resolve delete this clip and move everything over all at the same time and that's called ripple delete so if you have a delete key on your computer which most do sometimes like on my mac you got to use the function key with delete but uh on my pc that i'm working on here i've got a delete key so if you just hit delete it's going to delete that middle section move everything over and then you should be good to go you can keep on editing it kind of just takes one step out of the process for you so that's super helpful being able to use ripple delete and another tip for you when you're moving around your timeline you've got a few different ways so you have the zoom tools that we've already talked about but if you look here in davinci resolve you can also use your middle mouse wheel and just click and hold your middle mouse wheel to scroll back and forth like this and that's pretty convenient you can also zoom your video clip here in and out by holding shift and rolling your mouse wheel if you hold ctrl and your mouse wheel that'll scroll back and forth as well and if you hold alt and your mouse wheel reel it in and wheel it out that's going to zoom in and out of your timeline so you have other options here of how you can navigate around too and for me i find most the time i'm using my mouse wheel to go back and forth and i'm using these guys to zoom in and out right here and i usually pick a level that looks good to me and then i just continue with my edit so as you're going through editing there's going to be times when you mess up you make a little mistake and super easy to undo it just like you would in any other program you want to go and hit control z or command z if you're on a mac so i use that all the time you might have caught it and this little speed through that we're doing here maybe you didn't know that's pretty quick but anyway commander control z undo your last move and uh you can do it you know a couple times many times you need to to fix your mistake that you might have made so use it all the time commander control z to undo so all right back to the edit so i have our first go through edit done here i've got all the talking head stuff in and i'm going to go back and kind of spice it up with a little bit of the b-roll stuff and you guys can do the same if you've got these files or just kind of add more to your own project that you might be working on so let's jump back and resolve and i'm gonna explain a few more things to you that might be helpful all right so this is my uh overall timeline so far again i just have my video track here and one audio track below that now let's say i need to add in another track because i'm going to have multiple items text and all kinds of other stuff well i can come right here i can right click and i can come and add a track and that's going to add another video track now i can also come over here right click and add another track and when i'm adding an audio track i can add a mono track stereo track or any surround sound track so i'm just going to go with a stereo track here and now i've added in some extra tracks now you can have as many tracks as you want or at least more than i think you would need so you don't have to worry about having too many tracks or anything like that now let's say maybe you want to move a track you can just right click on the track and come on down to move track up or move track down will be available if that's an option this is the first track so there's nowhere to go down but you get the idea you can move the tracks around a little bit if you'd like to so i'm just jumping into my b-roll folder here i've got all kinds of stuff going on i'm gonna just go through these clips uh one at a time as i watch through my video gonna find things that pertain i kind of remember what i shot and stuff and i'm gonna go ahead and drop them in and i'm going to let you guys know how i'm going to do that some of them i might put on a track above my primary video track maybe i want to insert it not really sure probably most of them are going to get dropped on this top track so i might as well just actually call this track here b roll b roll so i'm going to come back here now we did add in those first couple b-roll clips already so uh that's just fine i'm going to zoom in here i'm just going to watch through my video and i'm going to drop in the b-roll clips where it seems like they fit so i'm going to fast-forward through all this part and i'll stop at anything that might be of value to you guys and then we'll catch up at the end when all the b-roll clips are in [Music] so one of the things when you're adding in b-roll you probably don't want the sound for it so a lot of times make sure that looking at davinci resolve here when you're in your viewer you want to grab just this icon right here and that'll bring in just the video clips so let me just get an important now point here bring up my funnel all right so i'm going to hit i for end point we'll just call that now point now i'm going to grab just this to bring down just that part of my video and i don't care about the audio because i'm talking and it doesn't matter at this point so i'm going to put these guys together and you can see i used a simple fade to get this started now i just wanted to go from one to the next so i'm not going to fade these two clips right here i'm just going to let it play so here's a little tip for you let's say i don't have an extra b-roll the oil itself here so i want to zoom in on this part of the clip well i'm going to come over here and right there is where i want it to come in so i'm just going to select my clip i'm going to cut it by pressing command or control b i'm going to go ahead and select the clip open my inspector i'm actually going to zoom in on those oil cans and i'm just going to use my tools here to adjust my view to see what i want there we go looks pretty good so as i'm adding in some b-roll here i ran into a situation that's going to be common and then you're probably going to run into this situation too where i dropped in my clip and i try to play it back in slow motion but i filmed it at 23.976 frames per second so when i slow it down it doesn't quite have enough frames right it's a little uh a little choppy a little slow so let's take a look at davinci resolve here now if i play through the clip you're gonna see see that b-roll clip stutters a little bit right now the reason that it's doing that is because there's not enough frames in this particular clip to slow it down 50 like i did so there's a couple things we can do in davinci resolve to help any video that looks a little uh glitchy that's not smooth maybe you got b-roll and you slowed it down but you know it's a little shaky or something we can we can kind of work with that a little bit here in davinci resolve so if you select your clip come on over to your inspector open that up and you want to come down to stabilization you can go ahead and open that and you can click right here just click stabilize you don't have to do anything else you can just hit stabilize and it's going to analyze that clip and stabilize it so that's going to help take care of some of the jitters that might be in one of your clips if say you're shooting handheld stabilize is going to help you stabilize that clip or whatever however many clips you got so that way it's smooth right and you've got some options there that you can change if you know when you stabilize the first time it doesn't look good it twists it makes it weird you got some things that you can change now you can also stabilize over in the color tab i'm not going to get into that in this video it's a little more advanced but right here this stabilization i'd say give it a shot if your clip was handheld and is a little wobbly you know needs some stabilization so you can try that out but the other thing you can do looking back in the inspector here scroll all the way down to retime and scaling now down here it's going to be just the default settings for the project which are the most basic settings are the default settings so right here we have motion estimation so if i come here now the project settings are generally set up as a default of standard faster and the farther down this list you go the better and better davinci resolve does at interpolating frames and just making a smooth footage speed warp is the best one and if i click it on here we can try it i'll let it load up and i don't know that it's going to be able to play back so well because i don't have a lot of ram on this computer but i do know if i install the studio version and used the graphics card on this computer it would play back fine because i've tested it so this is one example where studio would probably work better than the free version but let's take a look here see if we can play through this and just see how this clip looks now so that looks pretty good it did a pretty good job there compared to what it was before now if we come back to our inspector here the other thing you can try is come under retime process now nearest is the default setting but optical flow is going to give you a much better result so you might even want to try optical flow first before you try the speed warp setting here so now i've selected optical flow it's going to give me this red bar up here i'm just going to wait a second until it renders out and then see if we can play through and see how it looks so now we've got that blue line across the top here and i actually did change my most in motion estimation settings to be something a little bit lower because it's a little taxi on this machine so let's play through this and just kind of see how that looks so you see how much smoother that really is right originally it was a little slow and kind of jittery a little bit but when we threw on that uh that setting of optical flow that really did a big difference and that's going to make a big difference with any of your your b-rolls and your you know just trying to smooth out footage and make it look good it takes a lot of power for your machine to do it that's why in the studio version if you can use that graphics card it's going to make a big difference for you but that's one way that you can kind of smooth out clips and get some cool uh good smooth b-roll or just any clips really maybe you're walking and holding it uh you're vlogging or something and you want to smooth all that out in addition to stabilization you can do motion estimation or optical flow here and that's really going to make a big difference but it's gonna be taxing on your machine so keep that in mind so i'm gonna finish up this b-roll then we'll talk about some cool stuff like effects get into some audio a little bit of color grading and how to export your project out of davinci resolve all right so i think i got all my b-roll clips in there it's looking pretty good it's starting to come together a little bit and if you guys are following along hope it's coming together for you guys as well so what i would do now is i would go back and i'd stabilize some of those clips like my handheld clips like right in the beginning if we look back on davinci resolve here i got this clip i'm going to want to open my inspector and i'm going to use the stabilizer on that you know it's a little shaky as i'm walking because i'm holding the camera so i'm going to stabilize that it'll it'll bump it in a little bit and if i play through just muted it you can see it smooths it out quite a bit it looks pretty good so i'd go through and do that on the any clips that need it and again a lot of this stuff now it's going to start to uh you know require a little bit more of your computer as far as power and uh just processing ability to take care of some of these clips and things we're putting on here hey real quick if you guys are enjoying this video could you go and hit that like button for me hey maybe even subscribe if you're interested but definitely hit the like button thanks a lot guys let's get back to the video so one of the next things you might want to start to look at once you've got your video set up the way you like it is your audio audio is super important in videos especially here on youtube or really any project you're doing because people can watch a bad video if it's got good audio but if your audio stinks it almost don't matter how good your video looks nobody wants to watch it or it's hard to watch right so you want to have some good audio so let's jump into resolve talk about some audio real quick so let's clean up our window a little here i'm going to close my inspector i'm going to close my media pool and when i'm starting to look at my audio i want to make sure that i've got good audio levels now looking at the waveforms you know that helps a little bit but i want to open my mixer so if you come to the top of your screen right here you've got your mixer and i'm going to make my uh just adjust my view a little bit here so i can see my mixer a little bit better now so in your mixer you've got a few things going on here you've got uh what track it is right here in the middle as well as on the top you have a little pan feature here shows you where your clips are panned if they are at all you've got the solo button and the mute button which is the same as in the track you've got your solo and mute button right here and you've got a fader down here so the fader is going to adjust your levels and can boost or lower your levels if you want and then you've got your meter right here and that's going to show you what levels are currently coming from your track so if i play through this uh first little clip here let's watch our meter and see where they fall what's happening guys today we're going to be learning how to change the oil on a john deere l-111 tractor so ideally you want your speaking audio to be between -8 decibels and minus 15 db so that's kind of where we want it to fall if possible now i've got tons of videos on audio as far as setting levels all kinds of effects and dynamics and all kinds of stuff that i've already created so here's a link above to set in your audio levels which is probably the most important in getting started working with your audio you want to set good levels and give yourself a good place to start from but that said one quick way that you can kind of get started with your audio here is to normalize your audio clips or your tracks so let's check this out and resolve so how do we normalize our audio well if we come to any clip and you can select multiple clips at once if you'd like but i'm just going to select one right here looks good i'm going to right click on it and come up to normalize audio levels so what normalization does is it takes whatever audio target level you set and it will bring a part of that clip say you're setting your the peaks of your clips the loudest part of your clip it'll bring that up to there and adjust everything else accordingly so if you have a whole waveform that's like this and this is your peak boom it'll bring it up to there because it doesn't um dynamically change things all it does is just set everything relative to whatever your target is so looking at the normalized audio levels here if you want to use sample peak program you can go ahead and use that and i'll boost this up usually most maybe i'll do like minus 8 as a way to normalize so then i click normalize and it's going to analyze that audio clip and it's going to set the levels at the proper place and really all it's doing is adjusting the overall volume that's really what it's doing so if i click on the clip and i open my inspector and i come to the audio tab here you can see it adjusted my volume by minus 5.9 so it actually lowered the volume a little bit so let's just play through see what that sounds like process is to make sure you got all the stuff that you need to get the job done so we get so that sounds okay but it's going to vary based on how loud maybe your speakers are on your computer or your headphones it's going to change that's why you need to watch the levels it's more important to watch your meters and your levels in davinci resolve than it is to go off of what you hear in your headphones because you might have your volume set at you know whatever all the way up so you set your audio so it sounds like it's you know good for your headphones but if your volume's maxed out and your levels are really low once you say export that video give it to somebody else upload it to youtube whatever it might be people aren't going to be able to hear your audio so in this case uh i'm going to i'll leave that where it is it almost sounds a little low so maybe i'll just reset that for now in our audio tab here and to reset any of these you can just double click it and it's going to reset so i'm going to go through and look for any clips that look like you know the waveforms are a little small you know i'm going to play through and i'm going to watch the levels and see how they do now you can do this kind of on a track level in fair light you've got more tools accessible to you and we'll jump over there in a minute but for now let's take a look at some of the other effects and things that are here in the edit tab that you might want to use so i'm going to close my mixer close the inspector gonna zoom out my project a little bit and uh let's take a look at some effects we have here so we already talked about transitions but if we come back to our effects library and we open that up we looked at our transitions we have audio transitions so if you have two audio clips say you're trying to join two songs together you can use a cross fade and just drop that on there over here you've got titles and you've got all kinds of different titles in here and again an awesome feature in davinci resolve 17 is that that you slide across the title that you're looking at it'll give you a preview of it over in your viewer and that's super helpful because you used to not know exactly what these things did until you dropped it in your timeline but let's say i i want to use i don't know a drop in lower third right here all i have to do is click on it drag it down and drop it on my timeline and if i put my play head over it now we can see it appears here in my viewer let's make that a little bigger so it's easier to see go with one viewer here so we can see it's right here now if i want to edit that text and i want to open my inspector so now in the inspector you've got all kinds of controls for your text you can change the font obviously you can change it to whatever you want so we're going to say oil change okay you can put in whatever you want and make any kind of changes that you want change the size the tracking the spacing the animation all that kind of stuff you can also come over into the settings tab here which allows you to zoom it change the position of it do all these kind of things that are listed here you've got lots of options now another thing that's helpful for any text or video clips or really anything that's in your timeline video wise is this tool over here if you come here this is the transform tool so not only can you change it all right in your inspector but if you click on this guy well now i can come over here and i can just change it visually you know i want to move it there i want to move it up here wherever you want to put it you can change it to be wherever you want and notice over here in the inspector it updates those numbers for you so a lot of times this comes in super handy if you don't need to be exact and you want to you know put it where visually it looks good at the size that you want it and all that and if you decide you change your mind you can come over here and just hit the reset button and it's going to reset all these settings to their default settings so over in this tool right here you do have other options too like crop and dynamic zoom and things like that but i'm not going to get into that it's a little more advanced that you don't need to worry about if you're just getting started in davinci resolve so some text like this one is a fusion text and it's got animation to it and stuff and it may take a few seconds or whatever to uh process and load as long as you got your render cache up so let's go ahead and play through it and watch what the text does on the screen here what's happening guys today we're going to be learning how to change the oil on a john deere l-111 tractor so let's jump so there you go you saw the text pop on it goes off and you can also shorten these if you want you can make it longer whatever you want to do you've got lots of options here and they're really easy to work with now if you wanted just a basic plain text that doesn't do anything you'd come up and pick this guy basic text right here and then you can change it to do whatever you want coming down the next section here is generators most of these i don't use i do use the solid color one if i want to uh you know maybe put a dark background behind my text over here so for example if i click on this guy and i just drag it up it'll actually add a new track for me grab this solid color i'm going to drop it down behind the text i know my text is on it but let's say i only want it behind my text so if i click on my solid color i can actually come over to my inspector and use the cropping feature to crop this guy exactly where i want it to be now just make a little adjustments and go like that and you can adjust the softness a little here and then boom you know as you move ahead adjust it a little bit there and turn that off like that and then i've got a little black background behind my text so you can use the solid color for things like that the next section here is effects so the first thing we have here is awesome it's an adjustment clip so if i just click on my adjustment clip and i drag it down into my timeline we can see that sits on top of my video clips now the way an adjustment clip works is you can make any change you want to an adjustment clip you can zoom you can flip it you can crop it whatever you want to do and it's going to effect clip the video clip that's below it so you don't actually have to change your video clip itself you can change the adjustment layer it's like a layer that's above your clip you can make the changes there and it doesn't actually affect your clip itself so it's really cool because it's kind of like a non-destructive way of editing here even though adjusting your clip is non-destructive but using the adjustment clip i think is a little bit easier especially when it comes to adding your color grades and things so if you take a look on the screen here if i just put my cursor over top of the adjustment clip and i highlight it let's say i zoom in here right i zoom way in now that zoom is on the adjustment clip so if i move this off you can see my original clip down here is still exactly how it was and now whatever's over here is affected by the adjustments i made in my adjustment clip so this is a really handy feature and for me a lot of times i will put an adjustment clip on top of my footage and i'll do my color grading on the adjustment clip instead of every single individual clip because what i can do is just take this adjustment clip drag it out do the color grade on it once and then i'm usually good to go i'm going to delete that for now the next thing you have here is a fusion composition so when you want to make cool graphics or anything in fusion you need a fusion composition and this is just a blank composition that you can use to get started in fusion if you're interested in doing that and so you can check that out if you're interested and then you've got other fusion effects here and if you just hover over these they'll pop up on the screen there and you can see what they're going to do you've got binoculars cctv and you can see once i try to access some of these things it says you know that's only available in davinci resolve studio so you can buy it now or you can say not yet and uh you know you're not going to be able to apply some of these effects so you'll just have to try things to see what's available in the free version and what's not all of your basic tools that you're going to need for your basic edits and you know to make really cool videos is all part of the free version it's just once you get into some of the effects the more advanced things and more advanced tools that is going to be included with your studio version because you really need some more processing power that comes with the studio version like being able to use your gpu to get those things to work good because otherwise if you're just using your cpu it's really just going to bog down your machine i think even if you've got a really powerful cpu so keep that in mind you want to use the more uh you know advanced uh effects and things and there's a lot of templates in there in fusion even which if you check out that video i mentioned you can see what they are you really want to be able to use that graphics card to kind of speed things up now moving down to the next category you've got open effects and these are all kinds of different effects from blurs to uh mosaic zoom blur there's all kinds of color tools and grids there's so much stuff in here there's a light rays there's a ton of cool stuff here and for all of these you would just take them and drop them right onto your clip and then you can open your inspector come to your effects tab here and start making adjustments you can sharpen clips you've got edge detection stylized things motion blur i mean there is just a ton of cool stuff and i would recommend that you kind of go through these and check them out now if you can't add them in the davinci resolve the free version you'll get a little thing that looks like this on the screen that says davinci resolve studio it's watermarked so you can throw it on there but you're gonna get the watermark so i'm not sure how many of these are studio only some of them are but you definitely do get some of them with the free version so keep that in mind like this one right here you can get in the free version because there's no watermark there and then finally you have audio effects here and again there's tons of audio effects in davinci resolve so if you want to see how all these audio effects work and you're really interested in checking them out i actually have an audio effects series where i go through every single one of these effects i try them out i show you the knobs the buttons what do they do i explain it break it all down try and make it nice and simple for you and show you a few examples on how they work there's a lot of cool effects here that you can use and you can do all kinds of stuff with your audio it's pretty cool so if you want to check those out link above you can go check out that playlist and learn more about each one of these audio effects now with the audio effects you can drop them on a clip or on the whole track in fairlight so i explain all that in a bunch of my other audio videos you can head on over and check that out if you're interested in learning more about that so that about covers it all for the effect library here in the edit tab i'm going to close that down so i'm probably going to do a little bit more work on these but for now the next thing i would do is i want to add an adjustment layer above my clips so that i can go and color grade my clips so how do i do that well for me i like to add an adjustment layer above all my clips that i can use for color grading so i'm not going to get too deep into the color grading i'm just going to kind of give you a brief overview of how it works and some simple changes that you can make to make your video look better so looking at our timeline here i'm going to get rid of this text that i put in there just a minute ago delete that so i'm going to open up my effects library i'm going to come down to effects and i want to grab the adjustment clip right here go ahead and drop it down onto my timeline i close my inspector i'm in a little bit now i'm just going to stretch this out over all of uh my parts of my video that are like the talking head kind of things right now a quick way you can copy clips is you can select one and hit control c move over and hit control v and it'll copy and paste it for you or you can select your clip and just hold your option or alt key drag it over and it'll make a copy of it there for you so all my clips that are outside i'm going to want to put them here so so you notice i ran into my b-roll tracks here because i like to have my adjustment clip go all the way across if i can that way i only have to do the color grade once so i'm going to go ahead and select all these guys and i'm just going to move them up just like that and if you want to make sure they go directly straight up you can hold shift or you can move your play head there so they snap right to it as long as your snapping tool right here is on now i can select my adjustment clip and just drag it across my timeline and again with this b-roll i'm going to select it and a cool shortcut here is if you want to move a clip up or down a track if you hold option or alt and press the up or down key it'll move it tracks for you but if you've got something above it or below it it will overwrite it so by clicking it and dragging it this way you won't overwrite anything but if you use the keyboard shortcut i just mentioned you will overwrite whatever might be there let's drag this guy out here get out to the next b-roll i'll move that up option up now i don't know if the color grade is going to be good enough for the whole thing but i can make spot adjustments uh when i need to what i want to do is i'm just going to come somewhere around here i want to select my adjustment layer and now we're going to jump over into the color tab which is this guy right here so now that we're in the color tab we're going to take a look at how to color grade our footage now i'm just going to show you the basics here because there's a ton that you can do in here and like every single tab in davinci resolve there is way more than we have time to go over there's so much stuff that you can do here it's pretty much crazy it's crazy there's so much stuff i mean i don't even know everything but we're gonna get into basics here in the color tab so let's jump into davinci resolve and check it out so in the color tab we did run over the whole window but now let's just uh refresh a little bit since we have a project actually in our timeline and we're looking at some actual clips here so just coming across the top here we've got our different windows that we can have open right now you see my media pool is highlighted here and it's actually open and i don't need it open in this case so i'm going to go ahead and just close that make my viewer a little bit bigger on the right here we have our nodes and in here is where we're going to put all of our color grades you can almost think of a node as like a layer maybe you want to put one thing per node or maybe you want to put a bunch of things that are common or similar in the same node so this is where we actually start to build our color grade and we have the ability to put it on different nodes and things like that again there's a ton of info that you can learn about here we're going to cover some basics here in a second down below that is my timeline right here so that shows me the entire timeline you see i have this red clip selected right here that's our adjustment layer that we talked about just a little bit ago and if you don't see your timeline you can come up here click on your timeline and it's going to show it down there for you you don't necessarily need it but it's nice to have it on you can also work on clips so if you're color creating individual clips you might want to have the clips on like this instead of your timeline that way it gives you a little preview of each clip and you can go clip by clip and make your adjustments there for now i'm just going to turn it off give us a little more space now this bottom section as i mentioned before is where you do all of your color grading so you've got different tabs here and you can click through and take a look at them a lot of them are kind of self-explanatory as far as what the tools do if you've seen these kinds of things before now some things like noise and motion effects here are going to be reserved for the studio version you can't really do too much in the free version here you've got a few options but it'll pop up a message and tell you if it's only available in the studio version you've got your curves here that you can work with you have your color warper here which is really cool you can pick a color on the screen and change the color of it um you have your qualifier which allows you to select certain colors or parts of your image you've got power windows here power windows help you create things like vignettes or select certain areas in your image you've got a tracker here this is how you can stabilize things you can track different things and do all kinds of stuff here you've got sharpening as well as some options of things you can do with the key levels here and you've got sizing in 3d so you've got a lot of tools here to use and it can make for a whole crash course by its own so i'm just going to cover a few of the basic tools here and how you can get going with the color grade so let's just start right up here so i have one node and what i like to do is i like to leave just a plain node right in the beginning so i want to add a new node and you've got a few ways to do that you can right click on here and you can come down and say add a node now you've got different kinds of nodes here and they do different things i'm not going to cover all of them right now but if you just want a basic node you can go ahead and add a serial node and that's going to just drop another node on here for you so you do have the option you can label these so you know what's on them so if you right click on them again you can say label node and let's just call this one white balance okay we'll go with that so let's say we want to set the white balance on this image so i have my node selected here and now i'm going to come down and i want to make sure i have this option selected right here these are going to be some of the main tools that you're going to use pretty often when you're trying to grade your footage here so you've got a few options when we look down here there's all kinds of stuff going on you've got temperature tin contrast pivot mid detail then you've got your lift gamma and gain you can kind of think of that as your dark tones your mid tones and your higher brighter white tones and then you've got offset now you've got different ways you can adjust these you have a wheel down here which you can just drag up and down that's going to affect you know the darker parts of my image here you've got a little icon here you can reset it now if you wanted to change say the color say i wanted the shadows or darker areas to be you know a little bit of a blue tint i can drag it down like that you can change the color a little bit you've got a ton of options here and then down at the bottom you've got color boost to increase the color a little bit opening up the shadows dropping the highlights or brightening the highlights and any one of these you can just double click on it to reset it if you need to got saturation hue and luma mix so they do all different kinds of things some of the basics you might want to use or start with is one is your white balance so this little icon right here that's your white balance and come into your image here let's find something that looks kind of white let's go with the gloves there all right that looks good now it just made a minor adjustment there which is fine i'm going to leave that like that so now that i have the white balance on this node let's say i want to add in a new node just so i can make any new changes on a different node in case i want to erase changes easily or make changes just to kind of stay organized and keep track of what i'm doing here so a good keyboard shortcut to add a new node is if you use alt s or option s if you're on a mac in this one i'm going to label this one so you label it i'm going to call it exposure so let's come on down now it looks pretty good here right but let's say maybe i wanted to uh open up my my mid-tones a little bit i want to drop my highlights a little and again i'm changing these by just hovering over it with the mouse i'm clicking and dragging down a little bit i can open up our shadows a little bit and color boost let's try that add a little little extra color in there okay i'm kind of liking that and when we're looking at our nodes here we're actually building on the previous node so you know my white balance has been applied now i'm building on that it's kind of like building up the effect or the color that you really want so let's say i like this and you know it looks good now again you can go through make as many changes as you want you can change things all over it's really up to you for example maybe let's add in a little more a little more contrast here all right that looks pretty good i'm liking that i want to add in a vignette so i want to add in another node now you can do everything on one node if you want it's up to you i'd recommend using several nodes i don't know how many you can have you can have a ton of them but i would recommend breaking it out just to kind of keep things organized so i'm going to hit alt s make a new node here going to change the name and i'm going to call this vignette so in order to make a vignette what i want to do is come on over to this guy right here which is my power window so i want to create a circle or oval vignette so you've got different shapes you've got squares circles you know lines a custom shape or gradients so these are ones that are already preset here you can just click on it and if you need more you can add more from right up here so i'm going to go ahead and add that now you see it added a element on my screen here so if i zoom out by using my middle mouse wheel just kind of scroll back a little i can size this guy by grabbing the little handles here so i want to make that bigger so these handles on the outside along this blue box here hopefully you can see that are going to change the overall size of our circle here and i can even make it into an oval if i grab the middle ones and now you notice on the outside there's two lines so from this smaller uh lighter line on the inside to the lighter line on the outside that's your feathering so how much feathering do you want on this so if i come and grab one of these little red circles white dot with a red circle if i drag that out that's making the feather be a little bit greater on my clip so let's say i want to make this whole thing a little bit bigger like that all right that looks pretty good so i can make adjustments here by clicking on these little icons or you can come down to this little transform section right here and you can click your mouse hold and drag back and forth and that's going to help fine-tune things for you if you want to do it that way again like so many things here in davinci resolve there's more than one way to do almost everything here so now i've got my my uh oval in here where i want the vignette to be so if we look down here at our power window in this little section here you see we've got two little icons here so this little icon here is telling us where is the effect or the change going to take place so right now it's going to take place on the inside of this shape so i'm going to go ahead and click this and now we can see it's taking effect on the outside the other cool thing that we notice is if we look up over here we notice in our little node here it's actually showing us what it's affecting so everything that's gray is not being affected for example if i change this back you can see now we see the inside of the image here but the outside's getting a little gray on it right so that's not what i want i want the outsides to get dark so i'm going to select this option here the gray is the untouched part okay great so now how do i make the edges a little bit darker well there's a lot of ways you can do it you can go back to that first tab we were in or what i like to do is come on over here to the curve panel and i just like to grab you know around my mid-tones here and drop that back a little bit now if i drop it down a lot you can see where the effect is taking place right obviously that's too much but just to show you what it looks like and so you can see it happening here so i'm going to bring it back up a little bit there we go that looks pretty good now if you make a mistake or say you can't get it back to you know the default settings always look for these little icons here that look like this this is always a reset button you see them all down the sides here you see them on the top here so i can click that boom resets it back to the default settings so we'll just drop that down just a little bit and there we go decent little vignette on there and i'm happy to go with that for now so the last thing i want to do is add a little bit of sharpening to my video here so i'm going to go ahead and add a new node with alt a again you can right click and select a node if you want that works too so on this one i'm going to relabel this and i'm going to call it uh sharpening so on here i'm going to select it and i'm going to come over to this icon right here go ahead and click on that now you've got some different options here and the first one here is radius so that's going to be your sharpening so if i bring this in and again there's a lot of different ways to do it this is just a quick easy way to do it down and dirty get it done right so if i just scroll down you can see my image gets sharper obviously that's way too sharp usually what i recommend is uh what i do you know it's at 0.5 now i'll just come down one scroll of my mouse wheel which brings it to 0.47 and i find that's good enough because you don't want to overdo it the image isn't going to look good and it's just going to look too crispy right so there i'm happy with that i think that great is pretty good so i could just you know move ahead in my other clips and see how things look like this one okay that's a little overexposed i think uh you know back here looks okay this is overexposed so what i would do is i'd go back now that i have like you know an overall color grade on my clips here using the adjustment layer i'd go back into my timeline and you can do it you know in your clip view or in this view right here i would click on the clip itself and now in this clip i would actually you know fix the exposure you know so i'm going to add a new node here and then i'd come back to my uh first icon right here that we were looking at the color wheels and another tip here with the color wheels is that you've got uh additional options here so not only do you have this look with the lift gamma and gain but if you click on this little uh icon right here you can work with the color bars and the last one you can work with your log wheels which are you know shadows mid-tones and highlights and they're very similar so let's say this is definitely too bright so i want to kind of fix the exposure a little bit so uh you can come over here and a cool tip is to set your white points and black points so you've got these little icons right here so if you want to set your white points and black points you go ahead and just click on that now it makes it uh my cursor basically and i come up here and find a point in the video clip that should be white so i know my neighbor's house here that's white so i'm gonna hit on that and then let's say i want to find a point that should be black in the image here so i'm gonna come i don't know i'll just try clicking right here and see what happens with that so you can see that kind of helped fix it up a little bit it's not great but you know gets you in the ballpark now let's say i want to come to my mid tones here my gamma and i'm just going to drop this down a little bit and let's say i want to try just dropping my highlights all right it's a little rough right uh maybe close down the shadows a little i don't know i'm just going to play with it here and see what gives me the look that i want maybe i need to drop down the white points maybe maybe not maybe try the offset a little so i'm going to just play with these and go through each clip and make sure that you know it looks pretty good while i'm there because in this case i set my overall grade using the adjustment clip which is fine but i want to go through each individual clip and some of them you know they might be okay this probably fine you know this one probably finds a little bit bright you know maybe it was a little overexposed when i filmed it so i would just go through and kind of take a look at each of the clips and make sure everything looks good exposure wise now a lot of these ones since we kind of based it off this image look pretty good so you can just take a look at your clips and make adjustments as necessary so let's say i've got a color grade on this clip and uh let's just make it something you know crazy different just so we can see what we're working on here so i select this and let's just make a change like that okay so let's say i want to copy this color grade onto that clip so if i select this clip all i have to do is come to this clip and hit my metal mouse wheel push it in and boom it just copies the color grade right over for you so that's super convenient let's say that i wanted to copy this to several clips well if i select the clip that has the color grade and then i come over however many you know you want to you want to select using my shift key and then i just click the last one or you can use your controller command key to select multiple uh frames here or multiple clips well then i can come back to the clip with the grade and i can right click and then you've got the option to append grade so that's going to take the color grade on this clip and put it on the end of the nodes for all of the other clips ahead boom you can see it changed all those if i jump ahead it made that change to every single one of those clips so that's a super handy tool and feature to know about how to copy a color grade from one clip to the next and again there's other ways that you can do things here you can make power grades and save stills and all kinds of stuff but i'm not going to get into all that now i just want to give you guys a brief overview of how the color tab works some of the common tools that you might want to use and this should be enough to get you going and off and running and you can always learn some more as you get more experience and you get more comfortable with some of the basic tools so before we jump out of the color tab and over into fairlight there's one more section i want to show you and cover real quick uh just so you have an idea of what it does so back in the color tab here we didn't really cover this section much right here now in this section you have the option to create keyframes you can have different color grades and different things with your color happen over time and keyframe things it's a little more advanced than i'm going to get into in this video but i do have a video about it link above you can head on over and check that out if you're interested in how to do that but it's good to know that this is where you would add keyframes for the different items in the color tab here now you do have some other options here so right over here this icon is the keyframe icon you can also come over here and open up your scopes now you've got different forms of uh scopes that you can look at you've got your parades waveforms vectorscopes histograms and this guy on the bottom here so all these scopes and parades and everything they can all help you out with your color grading to help you get exactly what you're looking for now you can click on this little guy here and it's going to pop them out so you can see them all at once so if you're working on two monitors that might be helpful to see things that way and you've got some other options up here too and then just hit the x if you want to go ahead and close that down and then the last little icon here is information it just gives you some info about your clips another thing i want to quickly mention here is that in the color tab you also have access to the open effects now you can add some of these in the edit tab that we saw but you've got other options in here for adding them onto a node and you would just simply you know click one drag it onto a node and then boom it would apply the effect once you drop it on your clip if you select that node it'll bring up all of the settings that you can adjust and change for that particular effect so sometimes it's easier to add the effect here in the color tab versus in the edit tab it just depends on what you're trying to do but like i said you've got lots of different options on how to do different things i'm just going to undo that so we can get rid of that and you just want to know that these are there you can use them here and like i said there's a ton more that you can do with all this stuff but just a general understanding that these are here and you can use them is a good place to start so in this video i'm not really going to jump into the fusion tab more than we've already covered because it's a little more advanced and if you're just getting started in davinci resolve you really want to learn all these basics first that's going to be your best way to go now if you are interested in learning a little bit more about the fusion tab how it works i do have a video on that i'll try to link to that above or in the description below you can head over and check that out it's going to give you some basics of what fusion is how it works and how you can kind of get started in it so now we're gonna jump over into fairlight so i'm a big audio guy love me some good audio love working in fairlight there's a ton of great tools there so let's jump on over there and we'll get going with some audio so to get into fairly click on the little musical notes right down here and that brings you into the fairlight tab so we covered the window already and now that we've got some clips in our timeline we can see that we've got our video up here and we have our audio clips down here in our timeline so you don't see your video clips in this particular default view and at this point i'm okay with that so let's say we want to make these clips a little bit bigger over here we've got our timeline tools to help us zoom so i'm going to bring these guys up make them a little bit bigger if i use my mouse wheel you can scroll up and down in the timeline here we've got our playhead right here so there's a lot going on here and i'm just going to try and cover some basics for you so when we're in fairlight here one of the things you want to have open is your mixer which is right here at the top click on this and that's going to open your mixer now this is going to help us watch the levels of our clip to make sure that they're in the right spot and where we want them to be so i'm going to actually make my little area down here a little bit bigger by hovering over this middle of the screen and pull these up a little bit so in my mixer is where i can do a ton of awesome stuff so just looking at it real quick you've got effects so these are all of the different effects that you can do in davinci resolve there's everything from noise reduction to uh dynamics and compressors and uh echoes and there is just a ton of cool stuff here so if you're interested in checking them out i've got videos on my channel about all these guys and how to use them and what they do there's a lot of cool stuff you also have an eq now this eq is a little different than we saw in the edit tab this is a lot more robust you can do a lot more with it and it's got more points on it we have six bands here instead of only four bands like we saw in the edit tab next you've got the ability to pan your clips anywhere you want to the front to the back wherever you want to pan it you've got the option to do that below that we have bus outputs and that's how you send audio out of davinci resolve you send it to a main bus out then below that we have our track names with our r s and m buttons so r is record because you can record directly into davinci resolve with a microphone s is solo meaning pick one track or however many you have soloed it'll play just those tracks and then you have your mute button right there and then below that we have our faders now this is our meter right here and then our fader is kind of like adjusting our level we boost it up it gets louder we drop it down it gets quieter and if you want to reset it just go ahead and double click on any of them so let's play through our clip here and we're just going to take a look at the meters here and see what it looks like dirt and grime off of there and then you can go ahead and put your cap back on put the oil on the side next we're going to take off the oil filter all right so you can see it's kind of hovering in that minus 10 to minus 15 db range and that's kind of where we want it to be it could be boosted up a little bit but uh that's generally where you want to be you don't want to peek up too high because you don't want to be clipping and get some bad sound and audio right so i do have a bunch of videos on how to make your audio sound better more professional take care and noise all kinds of different stuff so if you're looking to fix a particular problem you might have there's a good chance i've got a video on it so head on over to my channel you can check that out see if you can find a fix for whatever issue you might be having now that said there's a bunch of different things that i would do to these audio clips here one is i'm going to go through and add an eq on there because i think eq can always help it sound a little bit better i'm also going to go into dynamics and i'm going to probably boost my levels a little i'm going to throw in a little compressor use an expander or gate there to help reduce some of the background noise now some of this might sound like i'm talking a foreign language to you and that's okay don't worry about it just try and deal with audio problems as you come to them so you should see links popping up at the top of the screen here i've got videos on how to eq how to do dynamics how to do all these different things and add different effect onto your audio tracks so definitely check those out if you're interested you want to know how to make your audio sound better for your video because this video is already pretty long and i don't want to make it longer for you guys but i've got tons of videos on all that stuff that you can check out and it'll really help take your audio to that next level so i'm just going to jump into the resolve here i'm going to make a few changes i'll speed through it here and hopefully we'll get some better sound and audio and then we'll jump back to it and go from there all right so i think i got some decent audio settings now i might tweak it a little bit more but you should have seen a little speed through me doing it it usually doesn't take that long and if you're using the same microphone all the time you can make a preset so you don't have to always go back and redo everything so you can make a lot of presets here got a video about that too so you can head over my channel check that out if you're interested in creating presets so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every single time you're making a video so one problem i just came across here that might be helpful for you let's jump into resolve let's say i have this clip right here and i sped through it and i've got my audio here but i don't want to hear the audio so if i play through you can see i sped the clip up so i want to get rid of that audio i've got some options but if you come in here and you just hover over this little line you're gonna get that up and down arrow i'm just gonna click on there and boom drop it down to zero now there's gonna be nothing there and what i can do is throw in a little music there so that's how you can just kind of turn off a clip or you know mute the volume you can also open your inspector and you've got some options here which looks very similar to the options that we had in the edit tab so the last thing i think we want to do is throw some music under this video right maybe for the intro or something like that or definitely the b-roll parts where we don't have any noise or any sound i want to get a cool track so i can throw in some music so let's go back to the edit tab i'm going to show you how to throw in the music track real quick then we're going to jump into the deliver tab we're going to render out this project and hopefully if you guys follow along you should be able to have your first project created here in davinci resolve and be able to get it exported out so that way you can share it with your family friends the world whoever you might want to share it with so here we are in the edit tab if you're not sure how to get here right down here you click on this guy and it's going to bring you back into the edit tab now i want to add in some music below my video here and i didn't have any music when i started my project so what i did is i went over to a website called art list artless is a great website that gives you all kinds of royalty-free music you pay a subscription price for the year and you can use anything on their site they've got tons of great stuff i've been using them for a while now and definitely love it so uh there's a link in the description below if you want to check that out and you can go get two free months added on to your yearly subscription if you're interested so i downloaded two songs from there now we can bring in our music the way that we did uh earlier in the video but there's a lot of ways to do things as we've mentioned several times here so this is an easier way to bring footage or images or music or anything into your project so i'm going to go ahead and just bring up my explorer here and here's the two sounds i want to use so i'm just going to select them and it's as easy as just drag and drop drag and drop it right into your media pool so you can do that in any tab you don't have to be in the media tab you can do anywhere that you have your media pool open just drag and drop anything in there makes it super easy i'm going to close that so i got two different songs because i don't know what i want to use so if i want to preview it uh i can turn on my two viewers with this icon right up here and now when i double click on one of my songs it'll actually play it in my second viewer up here on the left so if i hit spacebar it's playing through it so i've got the option just like a video clip to select in points out points whatever i want to do so here's another song let's see what this one sounds like in the beginning [Applause] all right that's kind of cool something different let's try that so i'm just going to click on this and if you don't have a track in your timeline already you can come over here right click and go to add track and you can add a stereo track i've already got one here so that's what i'm going to use so i'm just going to click on my audio clip bring it over drop it in the timeline now you'll notice those waveforms are big and this is probably going to be pretty loud but let's bring our playhead to the beginning here and let's just see what it sounds like so that's definitely way too loud one quick way that you can just get this volume at a reasonable level is to right click on it come to normalize audio levels like we saw earlier and i'm just gonna go sample peak program minus eight normalize and that should drop down the volume for us so let's see how that sounds gonna be learning how to change the oil so that's definitely quieter but it's still a little too loud for my voice right i'm gonna come up here i'm gonna open up my mixer because i always to check my levels and see where things are at and the mixer will allow me to do that the other thing that i notice is that if i look at my waveforms here i notice that the music starts after i start talking well i want that first hit like this to come in right when i'm talking so i'm going to just adjust this clip i can click on the end drag it back or you can cut it using command or control b or the blade tool again lots of ways to do things and then i'm just going to drag this guy over so now it should start as soon as i start talking guys today we're going to be learning how to change the oil on a john deere so that's pretty good not too bad but if i look at my levels over here while i play through this clip you're going to notice they're pretty high right today we're going to be learning how to change them they're almost as loud as me speaking so i don't want that so i'm going to select on the audio clip here my music i'm going to hover over and get these two little arrows click and drag down now this is just lowering the volume so i'm going to bring this down to say i don't know minus 25-ish 26. you can also select your clip come up to the inspector go to the audio tab and right here drop your volume down and this number right here is going to be the same that we saw when we adjusted it right on the clip itself so you've got multiple ways to do things always multiple ways to do things so let's play through that and see how that sounds guys today we're going to be learning how to change the oil on the john deere l-111 tractors so that's pretty good maybe i want to boost it back up a little bit a little bit more there what are we at about mines 21 sounds good let's jump into this video all right so that's pretty cool i think that's good you know where i'm talking you want that to be maybe somewhere in that you know minus 20 to minus 35 range depending on your your music and what it sounds like right that's usually what i do but let's say now i get to this point right here and since it's b-roll i've got no audio i want that music to get a little bit louder so how do i make it a little bit louder well i want it to fade into getting louder i'm going to use keyframes to do that so if i select my audio clip come on up to the inspector i'm going to keyframe the volume because that's what i want to change so i'm going to start where i'm at and i hit the keyframe button right here and then i'm going to go back a little bit you can go back however far you want or go forward so i'm going to go forward just a little bit i'm going to go ahead and add in another keyframe and there's two ways i can do it one i can just adjust the volume and you can see down here in my clip it actually added a keyframe for me or you can go ahead and click on the icon here to add a keyframe either way is okay so now the volume is going to be up and now i'm going to let's close the media pool here and make a little more space i'm going to scroll over until i get to here and i know that's where i want the volume to go back down so i'm going to click add a keyframe here in my inspector and i'm gonna go backwards just a little bit so it kind of fades out and let's say uh we're gonna just click the keyframe button again because that's nice and easy and then i'm gonna come on this side and just drop this down to about what it was on the other side so if we zoom out here and we play through that let's see how that sounds let's jump into this video [Music] so it didn't go up too much i can even raise it more so if i come to my clip let's bring this guy up all right let's play through and see how that sounds 11 tractor so let's jump into this video [Music] [Applause] [Music] and fast forward just a little all right so i actually i loaded too early i wasn't talking there because i didn't really look at the clips but you get the idea that's how you would kind of change some volume now there is ways that you can automate this it's called uh audio ducking and i've got a video on that you can jump up there and check that out so you can automate it so that your track that has your vocal talking on it will send a signal out to your track with your music on it and it will automatically know when to lower that volume super handy tool and i would do that over doing it this way you know all day because it's just quicker saves you time and you don't have to go through and do all kinds of tedious work so for youtube that that method is going to work great so you can check out that video if you're interested in how to do that so you can go through these audio clips here music or whatever kind of audio clip you might bring in make any changes you know you can fade the beginning the end cut them do whatever you want all kinds of things just like we've talked about in lots of other parts of this video so in a nutshell that's how you would add in a music track below some of your speaking tracks all right so let's say you've edited your whole project everything's done it looks awesome you're happy with it and you're ready to export it so you can go share it with the world your friends your family youtube whoever so how do we do that oh and by the way if you made it this far congratulations because this is not an easy program you're doing great i know there's a lot of information i've been packing in here hopefully all those time stamps you can jump back to things later on will help you out but i just want to say good job you're doing great let's jump into the deliver tab now and export that project out for you so looking and davinci resolve here down here we have the deliver tab so i'm gonna go ahead and click on that now this is where we're gonna export our project from davinci resolve so on the left hand side here are our render settings so you've got a bunch of presets up here and you're more than welcome to choose one of those and if you just scroll across you can see you have audio only pro tools final cut if you're moving to you know another program to do some more work you've got vimeo youtube and then you've got custom settings right here so for example if i click on youtube you're going to see it's got a bunch of things already set for me it is important to note i don't think that these export settings for youtube are all that great i would recommend doing your own custom settings which are not hard i'm going to talk about them here real quick but i've also got a video up here you can go check that out a little more in depth on how to set them up and how to save the preset but looking back here in davinci resolve i'm going to click on the custom tab first you've got a file name you can name it whatever you want i'm going to name this uh john deere oil change next you would click down here browse and pick your location so i'm in my crash course here i've got a folder for final video and i'm just going to hit save so that's where it's going to save it the next section here is render you want to do a single clip that's going to be one long video clip of your entire timeline in the video section here you've got export video make sure that's checked on i'd recommend using either quicktime or mp4 whichever one that you'd like the codec is going to be by default h.264 you can use that or change it if you know what else you want to use you've got your resolution and frame rate which are going to match your timeline and then you've got your quality settings here you can use automatic but i would recommend that you come down here to the restrict to and i'm going to change this to 30 000. and leave that right there to start and then everything else in here i'm just going to leave it as it is you've got advanced settings here i'm going to leave all that as it is subtile settings leave all that as it is now you can just come down here click add to render queue and you can see it popped it right on up over here for us and it saved all of our settings so this is going to stay here and anytime we want to render this project out with these settings we're just going to click that come on down to here and hit render all the other thing you just want to check too is make sure right here when it says render that you have either your entire timeline checked which is going to be the default settings and probably what you want to do or you can select an in and out range so for example maybe you want to run a test and see what a little part looks like when it's exported you can use an in and out range here and that's just going to give you the footage between those in and out points in your export now you can have as many different types of exports as you want here different sizes different orientations whatever it is you might want to do you can have tons of options here and then once you hit render davinci resolve is going to go through it may take some time depending on your project your computer specs and all that gonna go through render out that file put it in the location where you specified there on the render settings should have your video all set and exported from davinci resolve all right guys so there you go you should have completed your first project here in davinci resolve and a big congratulations to you guys because this program is not easy there's a lot to it the learning curve is steep but if you made it through this video i think i gave you enough good tips and tricks on how to get your first project done here in davinci resolve so if you want to know more about any topics definitely check out my youtube channel i've got tons of great videos for beginners on how to do different things in davinci resolve so give this video a thumbs up for me if you could if you purchased the files to follow along with us thank you so much for supporting the channel if you want to say a little thank you to me and the channel feel free to head on over to my buy me a coffee page buy a cup of joe or a couple love me some good coffee right long edits need good coffee right or if you want to head down below the video here there should be some merch a little focus my company name is focus photography and design hence the word focus but pick up a mug a shirt or something like that if you guys go pick anything up i would really appreciate it and it all goes to help support our channel here and everything that we do so thank you guys for hanging in there if you have a question leave a comment down below thank you for sticking with me and the opportunity to share this awesome program with you guys and i look forward to seeing you guys in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 81,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 17 Crash Course, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 17, Da Vinci Resolve, How to Use DaVinci Resolve 17, Resolve 17 Crash Course, Resolve 17, DaVinci Resolve 17 Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Tutorial For Beginners, DaVinci Resolve Beginner Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve Tutorials, Video Editing Tutorial, DaVinci 17, daVinci Resolve Free, how to use davinci resolve 17 for beginners, davinci resolve free vs paid, Best Free Video Editor, DaVinci Resolve 17 Beginners Guide
Id: H2R58yGI9f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 39sec (8619 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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