Make Modern Animated Titles In Davinci Resolve 16 FREE

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what is on Marcel and welcome back to the modern filmmaker in this video I'm going to show you how to use Fusion to make animated titles in DaVinci Resolve 16 so I'm in DaVinci Resolve 16 and first things first we have to make a fusion composition and if I'm over here on the left hand side of the Edit tab under toolbox go to effects and then fusion composition drag that in to a new timeline or whatever timeline you're working in and then I will drag this out a little bit just by going to the side clicking that and dragging it out gets a little more space to work in and then click the fusion tab which will take us into fusion and I know fusion can seem really overwhelming at first because I mean it pulls up but this just a bunch of blankness and you're like where do I even freaking start but once you get the hang of it it is a lot simpler than it looks I like to kind of look at it as a tunnel from left to right instead of looking at it as layers from top to bottom fusion kind of works in this note structure and if you kind of think of this as a tunnel and everything you put in through here kind of comes out this media al and that's what you see in the end everything that is before this media al it's really simple so instead of thinking top to bottom just kind of think from left to right and top to bottom it's I know it seems complicated but I'm going to start with a basic title animation the blink reveal from my title pack and it's really simple really clean and how I usually start off with any animation that uses little elements like shapes and stuff like that is by clicking in a background to just get a color base laid down and to make this shape that I'm going to make and if you click this little background tool here this background thing will pop up the background node with all these attributes on the right hand side you still can't see anything but that is just because you need to assign a preview window for this to be seen out of and if you look on the bottom left hand corner of the node you'll see these two dots and if I click this left one it'll go straight to the left preview window and you can see over here my media out note that the right side has clicked but you can't see anything because there's nothing going over there if I were to drag this line to me out then boom you see what we're working with you see how this works it's really simple everything goes to the media out eventually it's like a tunnel to the media out and but for now I'm going to unlink that because it's not quite how this node structures is gonna work out in the long run but now that we have this background I'm going to just make this white I'm gonna be working with white elements and white text on a black background and so now we have a color and then I'm gonna make a mask for this color by clicking this little rectangle tool here I was gonna call it a square and then a triangle I didn't know what to say and so now you can see this connected to the effects mask triangle that's connected to the background and this is pretty much how you make a basic 2d shape in fusion you can make a custom shape or you can make a circle but this is the easiest way to make a rectangle or a square anything like that and if I move this around you can see it moves around like a square wood even though it's really just a mask moving around on a large background so it works the same exact way you really just have to keep that in mind when you're placing these things but now that we have our color and a little rectangle here I can reshape this by going over here to the width and the height and I can take the width and I will bump this all the way down just something like yeah point three that's perfect now we have this line and I'm going to also take the height and squish this down I'll be around right here that looks pretty good and boom we have our line now we're gonna use I'll make this a little smaller aesthetics or everything when it comes to titles and so for now boom that's what we got and moving forward I want to make the text but first we have to make a merge node because that's kind of how you connect different it's infusion by using the merge so if you go to this merge tool right here you can click this and it'll add a merge to the background it did that clad the background selected if I wouldn't have had the background selected and click merge it just would have thrown one in there and then I would have had to connect it myself which is fine they kind of gives me another chance to show you guys something so as we point out this effects mask triangle here in the background you can see in the merge we've got three triangles we have the effects mask the blue one and then the yellow one is a background and then the top green one is a foreground so technically you know if you're using the same color it could not matter with this in particular animation which side you put this on but I would like the the the little shape here this little line to move over the text so I'm gonna have this on the foreground that way if I happen to make this line red and I want the text white then you can see that the line is clearly going over the text when we animate and then from here I will make a text + by clicking this little text button it'll throw a text in here and I can just take this little output and connect it to the background that way now the text is behind our line and now we can add in some text over on the right I'll do filmmaker as always let's type right though and I'm going to click this preview window left on the merge now we can see everything that's merged to this node right here we can see all of it so we got filmmaker in there I'm going to space these text out with the tracking to give it more of that cool modern look we're all going for and then I'll come back to this line and replace this I like to put the line down and the text down because now that we know how long the text is now we know where the line used to be so I'll go ahead and move this over by clicking on this and moving this to the right and this is where this animation will speaking of animation we'll need to clip the spline button I'm gonna move this over to give us more room and I'll hit the spline button it'll bring up the spline window nothing's there yet because we have no animations no keyframes so we want to key frame the rectangle aka the mask and the first thing this animation does is blink in to existence so I'm gonna go to about keyframe five that's where this will start and I'll hit this level button here I'll go to the level and hit the keyframe button because the level is like the opacity if I bring this all the way down you can see no more line and now if I go to if I click the right arrow and go to the next frame I can bring this up and it'll make a new keyframe for me so I can go over again and come back down and let me think it just did make one more up over one more frame go down then I'm gonna go over to frames one two and go back up so we have one frame with it off see one frame with it off one frame with it on another off on off on opening q with it off okay you know what I need to do there is space out the off so I went over two key frames but I didn't make a new key frame therefore it kind of fades in because it goes between the one that's at zero and the other one that's at full opacity so if I go back one keyframe where it goes here to the middle pull that down boom now we kind of had this glitchy blink in that's really tight and one thing that can make it a little smoother you can see these all in the spline window now and we can give us our give ourselves a little more space here and this button here will zoom in to fit so that's a really nice button if you're like over here working on some different you know splines and you're like I gotta get back to wherever or where is everything you know boom just click that button in your back oh man don't you comment that's awesome thank you guys love your comments leave more comments love the comments anyway moving on so if we grab all these just by clicking and selecting all these impress s that is the smooth button and it'll smoothen out all these now you see these wavy lines so now kind of smoothly goes in and out of these little key frames which is really cool because it gives us a little more of a technical kind of look it kind of flutters more than it does blinks so it seems more like a fluorescent light like flickering on then it seems like a straight blink yeah that's like a little flutter anyway moving on so from here now that I have that there I'm gonna go ahead and animate this over so in that last keyframe it comes up at about keyframe 11 so I'm going to go let's say 5 keyframes 1 2 3 4 5 and I will make a keyframe in the positioning because now we're gonna slide this thing over to the left click that then I'll come over let's say we're on keyframe 16 I'll come over it about keyframe let's say 26 it's probably not even long enough but we'll just click a new keyframe there and then I can go to the exposition and drag this all the way over to the opposite side boom and now we should have a blink and the slide I love it let me get on here the playback just down the half there we go alright so that's a great way to make the footage play a little smoother go your playback proxy mode half you can get a quarter which will make it look kind of like crap if it's zoomed in but if you're at like 25% scaling or 50% scaling and that's still looks really bad but I'm here I'd go to half and that should look a good bit better and still playing really smooth boom but one thing about that animation is the way it slides over is really just kind of straightforward really linear really militant boom and that's not really that cool so I'm gonna click this zoom to fit button again so we can see everything now and I'm gonna do that same thing I did earlier I'm gonna click and select these two new keyframes hit s smooth those right out now we should have a much smoother blink boom now looks a lot more organic a lot smoother and honestly I'm even going to pull this one here out a little more you can see it made these little points here we can stretch this out to determine how long it takes to ease into the next animation and our the next keyframe and I want it to end really slow I wanted to start off kind of quick and then she kind of come to an end so I'm gonna make that one pretty long this last one here if I go back play this yeah that's that but I can even whoops I can pull this over a little more and then bring this out even further and yeah yeah I like that that's tight that works so boom so now the hardest parts been done kind of now we have to make the mask for the text which that's the last part and then we're done with this whole animation and then Bob's your uncle so click the text and then we're didn't do that same math thing we did earlier so we're just gonna click this rectangle tool boom it'll add a mask on the effects mask a little indicator here and now you can see that it's chopped a lot of the word off totally cool let's go back to where we animated in or animated across that line keyframe 16 and what I'm gonna do is make this bigger and this is just in this situation what I would do in this case I'll bring this over and then I'm going to move the position over here to match the line make a keyframe there then I'll come over to the other line or get a keyframe with a line in this animation and shove this Z position over here maybe right here and make it wider now I'm just making it wider for symmetry you can you know it would have worked the other way as well but this works just fine and then let's go back to that first keyframe and make sure this one spot on because we made it wider and now if you play it back it's not gonna play at that same speed is the line if you can see we're getting our cool sweep but it's not playing at the same rate as the line and see it shouldn't be this cutoff right now it just shouldn't shouldn't be that cutoff guys it really shouldn't so down here I'm gonna go ahead and click this rectangle one if you click that it'll kind of lock it so it keeps it there visible but it locks it so you can't move around with it can't play around with it and you can just move around the attributes you want to get to you if I click it again then it'll take away completely and so that's just good to know if you don't need that information so it with rectangle two I need to make this the same speed of the other animation so I'm gonna do what we did before select both those keyframes hit s and in the way I usually do this I don't know if this is a professional way but it's the way I do it I just kind of match him up this one's locked so I can't move that one around I know I can only move this rectangle to around so I'm just going to go here to this handle and pull this over until it kind of matches at the top and I'll pull this over and that looks pretty solid right there now if I play through this it's almost sticking right on that line and we can make a few more adjustments boom and I think now it'll stick right on that line that looks great so now boom that's so sick that's so sick I'll show you how to animate this out but come on guys it's pretty much exactly what we just did but backwards from here though I would connect this to the media al and then we can come back to the Edit tab and we have our animation here ready to go you can put on top of footage do whatever you want with it it's super awesome you can render it out like if this was a normal animation that I was going to use all the time in the beginning of a video then I would just edit it out as is and then I can just throw it on top of other clips you know just bring in as a clip later on take a less CPU power that's just a few using the same exact words and everything every time so now that we've made something a little more simple I'll move on to something more complicated a little more advanced but a lot of fun so you guys bear with me here I'm going to start just like I started the last one I'm going to move in this new fusion composition and then I'm going to elongate this a little bit to give us more room to work with just in case we need it and I will go to the fusion tab so now that we're here I will get rid of this blind window for now and I will make our text first so I'm going to start just like we started last time this time I'm going to make the text first so I'm going to click the text tool so it gives me a texture on this and I will type in my typical filmmaker and space it out a little bit let's click this so we can see it in the left preview window space this out that looks good right there maybe even make the size a little bigger this isn't really that important though so I will move on and let's see let's get good and make our masks that's not really necessary for now but just so we know it's there and I'll widen this to about let's say right there I like that and from here we'll leave this on the bottom you know like the chain of command I was talking about in the last one you know you want the dots or the squares to drop down oh and this one we're gonna make the Technica animation by the way in case you were curious but you want the squares to drop down and then you want them to animate over on top of the text so I'm gonna have the text be on the bottom and then from here I'm going to add a merge to that text and it came on the foreground that's perfect and I can move this over to the media out and this whole line right here will stay exactly the same for the rest of the video and from here I'll make a background to make our first square then I will click the rectangle mask and go ahead and I'll add a merge actually first I'll just go ahead and take a look at this in the left preview window by hitting that little left dot there on the background node I'll go to the background I'll make it white go back to the rectangle and I'll make this one point zero two and point zero four let's see yeah it's a good-looking little square there and let's see then I'll make our merge so we can make a merge onto this background and we will put you'll just connect the merge down to this merge and now we can see our square right here in our right preview window where the media out is and I'll move this over by hitting the rectangle and just dragging the X space over this way and remember are the width of our mask on the text wise about to this line to this line so I'm going to put this about right here right in the middle of where the mask ends and that is for a reason what you guys will see in just a minute and another thing I'm gonna do is move this up because I want this first Square to drop down I think in the title pack it like blinks on then drops down but in this one I already showed you guys how to do the blank so and this one I'm just gonna drop down from the top of the screen and then the other two squares will fall out of it or I guess one square will follow it and then the next core will fall out of that square and so I want this one to start on the top this one would be like my top square and I'll put this about right here that's fun yes and then I'll just copy these by selecting this whole string of notes hitting ctrl C and then boom control V will drop them all in and then I can connect this to the foreground this one and I can get control and paste do that again and move this merge down to the foreground of this one and so this would be our top square this is now our top dog top of the food chain right here and so what I'll do is animate this one in so at keyframe let's say say 10 at keyframe 10 this rectangle will be drop down here and I'll go from keyframe let's say 3 and I will scroll up and move this off the screen boom that way this drops right in love it boom so what we need to do that's at frame 10 is we need to hide these other two squares right here these are the other two squares we need to hide these and so if I go to frame 10 go this second square down and go to the level boom make key frame there go back left hit the left arrow to go back one keyframe and then move the level all the way down that way that one is gone and for now we will take this last square and we will just move the level all the way down for now and all you'll see now is this first square drop right in so let's go to the spline and give us animation right so we have 2 2 2 1 1 boom this one right here I like this button which will zoom everything in for us we can select these and actually we really just need to select the last one and then hit s because the first one the first the drop down doesn't need to be smooth it's just the ending of the animation needs to be smooth now that we've done that let me move this back I hate this little window here but it can be very useful and boom now it drops in really nice and I'm gonna slow it down a little bit by dragging this out boom about right there and I like that I like that I think that looks really solid for now it'll look even better when we have the other two fall out of it so let's go to this second Square and we'll go to keyframe 10 where we know the first square stops will create a position keyframe here on the right and then move forward let's say 1 2 3 3 keyframes and then we'll just slide this down in the Y position now if we select that last keyframe and they hit s smooth that out it should have a cool little drop out boom I love that and then we will do the same exact thing for number three but if you notice number three will have to drop out of where number two came from so we'll go to keyframe 13 where the second Square stops and that is where we will move this last square and the way to really do that well is go to the second square goes up to the Y positioning copy that at frame 13 go back to the third Square and paste it and then it'll be exactly in the same position as a second Square and we can hit the level keyframe on the third Square come back one keyframe make another one go back to that first one and raise the level up so that way this one comes in and appears even though you can't see it because it's under the other square I hope you guys are following along with this because this is gold now it drops down that can't get frame 13 it stops and we'll have we move this over I don't have this last square we'll hit a keyframe in the position there move up one two three I'm hitting the arrow button to the left three times and then we will scoot this down boom and let's see how that spacing is it's pretty good it's good enough for sure so now again select that last keyframe hit s and now we should have three little awesome drops oh yeah very cool that is perfect right there so from this point we just have to animate these across the screen and then mask out the words so I'm gonna go over here to let's say frame 25 and I'll go to this first square here and make a keyframe and then let's say 10 frames 4:35 and just move this xbase right all over to right about here yeah and then I can take that X positioning copy that and then come back to frame 25 go down to this bottom one the one right underneath it frame 25 keyframe then go to frame 35 and paste that X positioning in to make sure that they're perfectly lined up do the same thing for this third square frame 25 keyframe in the positioning frame 35 paste that X positioning information in there yes it's now all I really want to see is so let's see all of these at this point we hit this button again and now I can select all of these and hit s just smoothing them out and boom and one thing you can do that's really cool is just take one of these and maybe throw the positioning off a little bit so maybe slide this one forward so it smoothens in the animation a little slower than the rest of them and then now you kind of see that they're a little staggered and we can do the same thing maybe this top one slide that over a little bit too but not the same exact yeah now they're a little staggered and it's a little more organic I love that look very cool yeah we'll leave that right there and maybe even take just one of them let's say it's a number it's this last one and pull the keyframe one frame to the right yes now they all kind of have their own line of trajectory I may even go one lunch though over one frame to the left and said it's there right yeah and then now we'll just mask the words by going down to the rectangle mask we have on the text we'll go back to frame 25 where it all starts hit the positioning and a keyframe on the positioning and we'll actually move this all the way to 35 and make another keyframe of my positioning it'll come back and we'll just remove to come back to frame 25 and we'll move this right here now it'll slide across like the rest of them but not the same speed so let's go ahead and fix these line animation select both of the keyframes for the text mask hit s and then now we should have a much more uniform slide over and one thing you can do also is you can take the mask and soften the edges to give it a little smoother of a reveal and now we should have a much smoother organic kind of reveal yes and it looks like it's coming right out from underneath those squares so sick and it's smooth it's clean it drops down they fall out slides over oh it's so clean it's still awesome I love da Vinci and for all you guys that picked up the modern titles v1 animated titles pack thank you guys I love you guys you guys are awesome for any of you guys that picked it up whether you're using it or you just want to show some support I really appreciate it and I just want to show you guys how I made those titles I made them all the same exact type way with just different little elements and for text anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope you guys really learned something from it and if you did just press that like button just press it if you liked the video then press the like button and if you didn't like the video press the like button in UI and if you have any comments questions or concerns leaving the comment section down below I always reply make sure to subscribe if you like videos like this one and as always I am Marcel and this has been a mother filmmaker and I will see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 342,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make Modern Animated Titles In Davinci Resolve 16 FREE, animated titles in davinci resolve, animated titles tutorial davinci resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, fusion 16, fusion title animations davinci resolve 16, fusion title davinci resolve 16 tutorial, fusion title tutorial, fusion titles davinci resolve 16 tutorial, how to make animated titles davinci resolve 16, how to make title animations davinci resolve 16, modern animated titles in davinci resolve 16
Id: uUi_GxvRtVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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