How to create an Intro in Davinci Resolve - Awesome, Clean and Super Easy!

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As it was so well received, here's a part 2 with some more ideas 🙂👍

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AlexMatravers 📅︎︎ Oct 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] yes what up folks it's alex here and it's that super funky clean little intro that we're going to be taking a look at in this video today now we're going to do all of this without stepping foot into fusion we're going to do it all using the built-in effects from within the edit tab now we're doing it this way because a it's a little bit easier and b i want to show you how much great stuff you really can create if you just get creative with the built-in effects library so with all that out the way let's open davinci resolve and take a look shall we so here we are in davinci resolve and we're on the edit tab now i've already got some music set up on my timeline and i've added some markers but that's purely for my own reference so you can pretty much ignore that right let's get to it the first thing we need to do is to change the color of the background so what we're going to do is click on the effects library in the top left hand corner come down to the toolbox we're going to go to generators and then we're going to select solid color now if you've never used solid color before it's a really great generator that just allows you to change the color of the background so once that's on the timeline give it a click open up the inspector in the top right hand corner and at the very top you've got generator and then you've got color give that a click and then you can just choose any color you want for this background color to be so like my intro let's go with a dark sort of red that will do and we'll click on okay so that's just that color set but it hasn't got any sort of animation yet now rather than doing things in fusion which can get complicated we're just going to use the built-in standard video transitions so we're going to click on video transitions and you can just experiment with these have some fun play around see what works for this demo though i'm going to scroll down to the shape area and we're going to use triangle left and triangle right so i'm going to grab triangle right and i'm going to add this onto my solid color like so and then if i hit play we've got a real simple color white like so give that transition a click still within the inspector you've got triangle right here and you've got all of the options so you've got color border feather and ease now the one we're going to look at first is the border if i just increase that i get a white border if i want to change the color of that border i just go into color and i can change the color of it now you'll notice the animation is what we call linear so that white line is moving across the screen at a constant speed it doesn't accelerate or decelerate you can change the ease to accelerate it or decelerate it which just gives it a nicer look so we're going to go to ease change it from non to either in out or in and out it's your preference have a player see which one you prefer in simple terms in means that it will start off slowly and then speed up so if you watch the white line it starts off slow and then speeds up as it goes out is the opposite it will start off fast and then slow down while in and out will start off fast slow in the middle and then fast out so it's completely up to you which you want to choose i'm happy with that so we can go on to the next step and all we want to do is make a duplicate of that solid color and then we're just going to flip it so it goes the other way so give the solid color a click hold the alt key on your keyboard and then just drag upwards to make an exact duplicate of what you've just done with the transition included first thing we're going to do change the color of this new solid color so i'm going to go with the orange i went for in the introduction now what i want to do is just to move this over a little bit so we'll go with something like that so now our orange one follows that red one now at the moment they're both doing a triangle right so we need to change this one to be triangle left so i'm going to click on the video transition still within the inspector at the very top here you've got video transition style and what this allows you to do is to change the transition style without affecting any of the settings you've already set so i'm going to click that and i'm just going to change it to triangle left and now i've got something that looks like this so we've got this crisscross white it looks really cool now in the introduction i've got this second one to reveal some text so that's our next step so the first thing we need to do is to add our text so within the toolbox we're going to go to titles we're going to grab a text and we're just going to put that directly above a second solid color like so let me just change the font to something better looking and now we've got something like that now at the moment it just stays in place which is not what we want fortunately we've already done the hard work so we need to do is copy this transition onto the text to have it reveal our text so again same thing click on the transition hold down the alt key drag up release and now we've got a real nice little wipe just a solid color and reveals the text at the same time now i want to do that little effect where the background and the font swap colors again this is really really simple what we're going to do is highlight the text and the solid color so i'm just going to click and drag i'm going to do ctrl and b on my keyboard to do a quick cut we're going to move to the next point where i want the colors to swap back again i'm going to do the same thing like so and then all we need to do in this middle chunk is to swap the colors over so i'm going to click on the text in the inspector i've got the color of the text here give that a click and then i just need to change the color to match the background now there's a nice easy way to do that you've got pick screen color here give that a click you can then pick any color off the screen click on ok and we've just changed the font color to completely match the background which white looks like it disappears if we then click on the solid color underneath we're going to change that to white and there we go then if we just hit play from the beginning cool starting to look really good and then all i've done is basically use this exact same technique with different transitions to build up the entire introduction so let me just show a couple of other ones which work really well so what i'm going to do now is copy my text and my solid color we're just going to move them up so we've got some duplicates once again we're going to move them over a little bit i'm going to change the color of my solid color just to something else let's go with a let's go with the purple and we'll change the color of our font as well just to keep things looking a bit different go with the yellow now this next one's a great one it's called barn door so we're going to go to our video transitions we're going to scroll down to the shape again and we're going to grab a barn door i'm going to just put that one on this solid color here and then if we hit play you can see it just wipes open like so same thing give it a click change the easing we're going to go to in and out and it looks something like that there's another really great little trick here if you add a border you get the solid border like so which looks cool but if you go to the very beginning of the transition you'll notice the border just sort of suddenly appears like that and it doesn't look great so move your player to the very beginning of the transition like so put the border to nothing and then click this little icon here to add a keyframe then move your playhead to the end and then increase that border just all the way to the top then what happens is the border will start off really small and as the transition goes on it'll get thicker and thicker and it's just a really nice look so now if we hit play it moves across like that which looks cool and then we can just copy that one again holding the alt key copy up to our text let me change this text to just put alex and now we've got this barn door opens up to reveal alex now last little trick go to the end of that transition select this wad up text which as you can see just gets overwritten but it doesn't actually do anything fancy so what we're going to do do a little cut there and we can delete this section and once again just copy that barn door down and now what happens is the wad up gets separated moves across with the transition while the background is also moving reveals our new background and our new text so from the beginning now we've got something that looks like this [Music] which is starting to look really good so now we're just going to do one more all i'm going to do i've got this text and this solid color here so i'm just going to copy those up so we've got another layer i'm just going to delete these transitions off there for now so we can start afresh and let's change this solid color to something else let's go with the let's go with black we'll change the text let's go with the red perfect so now it just hops over like so let's change the alex to be something else so it's a little bit easier to identify perfect now the other one we're going to look at is called an edge wipe so still within the video transitions scroll down to the white area and then you've got edge wipe and we're just going to drag that onto our solid color like so and it looks something like this it just wipes up nice and simple give it a click in the inspector again change the ease to whatever you want we'll go with in and out again because you can't really go wrong with in and out you can add a border if you want to you can also change the angle so you can have it coming from the sides from a corner or just straight up i'm going to keep it straight up for now and then we're going to duplicate that up to the top so it doesn't just reveal the solid color it also wipes the text like so and then if we hit play [Music] there you go easy as that now in terms of using this introduction in all of your different videos unfortunately it's not the easiest thing but there is a nice quick way honestly it doesn't take too long what i would tend to do is to just export this video out as an actual video which you can then import into any of your projects if you need to change the text for each introduction again it's relatively easy just save this project like you would any other project and then when you open davinci resolve you would just open up your title project which i've got here the first few bits of text won't change because my case it's what up and then mr alex tech or alex so it's just this intro we would change let's say we're doing a video on transitions instead i can just change that i'll go to deliver i'll add to my render queue and then i start the render and you'll see that will render up really really quickly done that took two seconds if i right click open the file location it'll open up the folder with the mp4 that i've just created and then if i create my new project in davinci resolve i can then import that video straight into there and add that to my timeline now the cool thing with doing it like that means that in your next project you can import it as a video and then let's just say i get my actual footage after my introduction i'm just going to use a triangle left we'll do the same thing we'll just change the east in and out and now i've got our intro we'll just flip straight into our actual footage and that's it i think it looked wicked but let me know what you think down in the comments below if you enjoyed this video do give me a thumbs up if you've got any other comments or feedback again put them down in the comments below and if you're new here you enjoyed this video you want to see more davinci resolve tech and some other random stuff maybe consider hitting that subscribe button thanks ever so much for watching folks take it easy i'll catch you next time bye
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 68,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech, how to make an intro in resolve, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 15, davinci resolve tutorial, resolve, intro, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, resolve 15, motion graphics, resolve 15 tutorial, how to use davinci resolve, davinci, text animation, blackmagic, resolve 16, resolve 16 tutorial, youtube intro in davinci resolve, youtube intro tutorial, how to make a youtube intro, davinci resolve intro
Id: DpmDtbAAavY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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