5 Little Video Editing TRICKS that make a BIG Difference! | Davinci Resolve Tutorial

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how many times have you heard the saying it's just the little things that matter the most well I don't know about that in terms of video editing but I do know five little tricks that when you add them to your videos will make a big difference in the overall quality of your video so all of that stuff and more coming up but first if you're new here my name is billy ripka and make we could've into resolved tutorials about different effects transitions and workflows that all of you become a better editor so if you want to level up your editing skills click the subscribe button and the bell notification to stay up to date on the newest videos put out but let's get into it so the first trick I have for you guys is all about making your titles and your logos and brand names that are overlaying footage stand out and look awesome so on this example right here I have my normal text overlaying this footage of a beach now they both look really cool and all that jazz but it's not clear you could go ahead and add stroke to the title so that it just pops out more but it just doesn't look it's nice what you can do instead is go up to the effects library and click on the open effects menu right here then we're gonna grab the Gaussian blur and drag it onto our video layer so now you can see that it actually blurs the background ever so slightly but you can also see that it creates this black border around the edges of her footage and we really don't want that cuz it looks ugly so to fix this in our inspector tab you'll see that there's an open FX tab that popped up click on that and you can see the different settings for the Gaussian blur so go down to border type and change it from black to replicate and then I'm gonna increase the strength of the blur by using these sliders right here so that done it helps the title stand out better but if you just want to really focus in and make that title look all kinds of beautiful then I got you so what we're gonna do is switch back to the video tab right here and drop the opacity down to about 75% this is gonna darken the footage behind the text so now our text stands out way more and if you really just want to add that glassy look to your text you can click on your text layer and then in the video tab change the composite mode from normal to overlay and this is gonna make that text look all glassy and stuff so the second trick that I have for you is all about adding some life to video that is either locked off and not moving at all or if you want to use a picture in video making that look lively because let's all be honest here looking at a video with no movement is so boring so what we're gonna do is in the inspector tab we're gonna go down to the dynamic zoom and we're gonna open it up by double clicking it and then just hit this little switch right here which enables it so now you can see that we have two options here we have dynamic zoom ease and we have swap so when we hit swap it's gonna reverse the way that the movements going right now it's actually zoomed in and slowly moving backwards then when we hit swap it's gonna go from wide angle to zoomed in so you just have to choose the direction that you want to move in this example I want to move from a wide shot to a more zoomed in shot then we have this other option called dynamic zoom ease once we've picked the direction of our movement I'll go ahead under dynamic zoom ease and I'll hit out because I want it to be fast in the beginning but then slow down and ease out so it looks all smooth and stuff now let's just say you just don't like how far it zooms into the shop we can fix that so right here on the Left we're gonna hit this drop-down arrow and we can go and select dynamic zoom so this green box is where our zoom begins and the red box is where our zoom ends so I can change the overall zoom distance by grabbing the corner tabs right here and dragging them out or in or whatever the heck you want to do with it so for me I'm just gonna make this a really subtle movement by taking the end square and making it just a little smaller than the beginning square so this works for all kinds of shots that works for video picture whatever you want just adding subtle camera movement like this can take a boring picture and make it look just better now moving on to the third trick that I have for you which is a pretty common one reframe your shots if you have bad framing this will make your video just look so much worse but we can also use reframing to hide jump cuts to make our video look a little more seamless so on my timeline you can see that I have a relatively wide shot of these two girls who are about to take a selfie now it's not a bad shot it looks good but if I really just want to focus the viewers attention on these two people right here rather than anything else going on on the background I can go ahead and reframe the shot by clicking on the inspector tab and then I'm gonna go ahead and zoom in more so it creates a tighter frame then use the position X & Y to recenter the shot and frame it better and as I said earlier another thing that we can do with reframing is hide cuts so what I'm gonna do is make a cut right here and then move forward a few seconds and make another cut here delete this middle section and put our Clips back together now when we watch it you can see that there's a pretty hard jump cut so to hide that I can go ahead and with this first part selected if I just reset to zoom and reset the position and I want to watch it over you can see by changing the framing it actually just hides that cut so much better and makes it look overall more seamless as if there was just a second camera there so now your fourth trick to improve your videos has nothing to do with video but rather audio because audio plays a huge part in video with sound you have music background noise you might have voiceovers and all of the other stuff that could be in there so what we're gonna do is something called sound ducking so the overall idea of sound ducking is being able to smoothly adjust volume at multiple points in a single audio clip so to do that on any audio clip that you have there's this little line you can see right here and when I hover over it my cursor becomes these little two arrows right here this line can control our volume find the point that we want audio change to start we're gonna hold all and just click now you can see that a little dot appeared and that's a keyframe right there and now move forward a little and drop another keyframe where we want the volume change to end now what we'll do is grab this second ending point right here and drag our audio down and you can see that between those two keyframes it gradually fades the volume to the right level if you really just want to fine tune your volume you can go up here to the inspector tab another clip volume you'll see that right now we actually have a keyframe selected so if I hit this arrow button it's gonna just move to the next keyframe and then you'll see that it's at negative 17 decibels we can grab our number and just drag it around and really fine-tune that audio transition and now if we want to bring the volume back up we can do the same exact thing we can also just hit the diamond button right next to the clip volume and add a keyframe at the beginning point and then move forward a little and bring it back to zero and you can see that it auto keyframes so this works really well for making sure that your music doesn't get too loud or if you're doing a voiceover making sure that your volume is low enough to where the voice-over is not lost in the music another thing you can do is if you listen here you can hear that our volume comes in and starts right out full blast and kind of like in-your-face so we can grab this little tab right here and drag it in to add a little fade and then we can also do the same thing at the end here so that it really just lets them down gentle you know and honestly I will just do this for the video too because it just looks nicer to have the video and audio fade out simultaneously [Music] so now moving on to my fifth and final trick and honestly this one is not little at all we're just gonna dip our toes into sound design now sound design is a huge topic in and of itself so we're not gonna go super deep into a right now but for those of you who don't know the idea of sound design is adding sound effects to your video clip that weren't originally there it just enhances the way your video looks it enhances the way it sounds and it just it just sounds nice to hear so on the timeline you can see that I have a waterfall and there is no sound at all but in my media pool I downloaded a few sound effects from art list and if any of you are interested in art list I have some links in the description that give you two free months with a one-year subscription so just check that out so anyway I'm just gonna drag down the waterfall sound effect that I have right here onto the timeline and if you listen to it but you're gonna hear that it is definitely a waterfall but it is pretty loud so we can go ahead and drag down the volume to about negative 19 and that just makes it sound better and more natural secondly this video clip also shows a forest so now I'm gonna go ahead and grab the sound effect that has like you know forests these sounds and birds and bugs and all the other stuff and add it below our first sound effect and once again I'm just gonna go ahead and quiet this down because you don't want sound effects to take priority over your video they should be subtle so that they don't take the attention off the video anyway there you have it five little tricks that will make a big difference in your videos so if you have a trick that I didn't mention in this video let me know in the comments below and also if you thought this video was helpful give it a like and also share it with your friends so that they can improve their videos too anyways as usual if you want to see more content like this there is a playlist on the top right here and on the bottom there's a video that YouTube thinks that you would like but until the next one please
Channel: Billy Rybka
Views: 133,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve transitions, davinci resolve tutorial, video editing tricks, video editing tips, davinci resolve tricks, video editing tutorial, editing tips, Billy Rybka, video editing
Id: O0NcK78NPBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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