How to live on $1.00 a day.

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hey are you ready for this you're going to love this video I only spent $22 in this breakfast lunch and dinnos for the week remember that for last week I had $2 in my favor and I use them well let me show you this video I'm going to do it a little bit different I'm going to show you all my six uh breakfast that I'm going to do and then I'm going to share with you my six lunches and my six dinners all at once um I didn't do it every day just so I want to see which one you like more do you like these type of videos like this format or do you want to see me every day doing it I can do it both but I thought I will give them options so let me know in the comments if you like this format or the last one if you haven't checked my video number one I'm going to leave it either here or in the description good [Music] [Applause] [Music] going to check if the prize that I got cuz I got two of these bags right it was basically a dollar in total I have 14 oz so M look at this this has 16 o for basically the same price 16 o so you know what I'm going to change it I'm taking it really doesn't matter I'm taking this one and I'm going to leave this too I'm not taking this okay I don't know if I want to take this ooh chili ready chili starter I went with this one just because I want a lot of flavor right and is already with basil garlic oregano so I got this one perfect 98 I may come back for this one we'll see [Music] four guys this is what we got and now let's see the final veredict let's see drums please let me show you how much I spent in this um for this week meals breakfast lunch and dinner this is what I got a tuna a Mayo allpurpose flow two cheros um yeast yep a pasta so ground beef was more way more expensive this was $2.97 um and the ground beef was like four bucks I was like I know 17783 I 64 148 uh this is like 64 cents 224 uh this one was 134 this one was 93 cents the 212 and so the total hold on um the total was 23 that mean 2245 and remember that from last week I had money on my favorite because it was 70 I spent 1780 last week so whatever was left so because of that I was able to get this H I'm going to make a pasta soup and so I thought that's why I wanted some uh ground beef but then I thought my pasta my soup is going to have Italian Tomatoes sausage right it goes right right let me show you what we're going to eat okay so let me show you what we have left from last week okay we have this little bit of lentils we're going to use them we I had these beans remember left and I have two um hot dogs right and of course I'm going to use them for this week let me show you how we're going to use them and every week is going to get better and better because they were adding stuff in our pantry that we can use for other weeks so so I'm going to put my apron and let's start cooking okay first things first excuse me the first thing that we're going to do we are going to make bread I'm going to show you how we're going to make our hamburger bread our sandwich bread and um our haot dog bread just with one recipe it's very simple I promise this is the easiest recipe for making bread and all that stuff because you know what it's way cheaper when you do it right so let me show you okay and for that recipe that I'm going to make and just because I think it's the easiest recipe and really really good I'm going to use my friends Tara Tara and Jill's uh book dining no sorry dining on a dime cookbook if you don't know that oh I think this is one of the best books ever honestly honestly honestly let me show you just a little bit of it okay this is one of my favorite cookbooks and I'm not exaggerating I think they have amazing recipes very frugal as you can see these are all my my go-to recipes um this is the bread one the one that I'm going to show you as you can tell five stars so I just have knows how many hamburger breads do I can get from a recipe uh if I double the recipe you know things like that uh but let me show you a little bit about it just in case you're looking for a good cookbook this col slot is the best Co slot you're ever going to try it's the best is insane uh let me show you oh cron the best ones uh they have a really good honey bacon honey chicken that we love we have oh croutons already show show it to you these are my go-to pie crust amazing they have this uh kettle corn um that we love love love what is this oh my gosh these are the best granola bars you ever tried I'm not joking you make it in the oven as you can tell five stars delicious well in Spanish right uh the best one and I'm not exaggerating guys I'm not exaggerating and let me tell you that they have oatmeal cookies five stars really good like they are insane those are one of our best when pie craft I already told you oh my gosh cupcake feeling they are extremely yummy we love it we really do love it as you can tell I love this book I use it a lot for a lot of their recipes um and today I want to what is this let me show you this one as well oh yes the mom's sweet muffins we love them we love this one as well five stars right oatmeal muffins they're really good as well anyway so I think I do believe that I I will try to have the link if you want this book honestly the best investment you're going to make for your house if you want to use it this so we're going to use our basic bread dough that I'm going to share the recipe with you um I'm going to leave it on the description below so you can have it the ingredients and then just follow me uh I'm going to wash my hands so and I'm going to make I'm not going to use my mixer just because this is a small batch it's a small U I'm going to do half of the recipe just because we only have this much and it's for the week so let's start okay I have warm water here okay I'm leaving the recipe there the recipe that I'm sharing with you is to make the full recipe okay right now I'm doing half of the recipe that you're looking right now on the video um is asking me for the entire package remember that we bought the yeast uh um of course only going to use half of the package right uh and I'm going to do a teaspoon and a half I'm going to only use a teaspoon and a half I think it's like two teaspoon something so a teaspoon and a half and I'm just going to let it there um I like to put a pinch of sugar just to help it out and guys guess what I forgot that this recipe needed sugar so we need a four of a cup of sugar so I'm sorry but I'm going to let it rest this for a little bit and if you're not going to you either you can put this on your counter top or oh and this is good for a year so we're good okay then here in my bowl Clean Hands I'm going to add the rest of the ingredients so I can mix them up so I have my oil I have my salt I have my sugar I have my water now with the ju it's another water and I'm going to start adding my flour um I need three cups of flour okay every time you're going to use your flour if you have it here either with a spoon or something this is too small bag that I can't use that one [Applause] so you just kind of can get like Airy right your so it's not so Compact and you use more than what you need so that's what I like to do now I'm going to get three cups oh a flower so I have one I'm going to use two right now and I'm going to have one ready to add I'm going to start mixing it so all my ingredients get mixed here especially the salt and if you never made bread please give it a try honestly honestly honestly you're you're going to love it making bread it's not only cheap but um it's way healthier right cuz we eliminate all those uh ingredients that they have to preserve for a longer period of time so okay my my G is almost done I just wanted to make sure that all my ingredients here especially the salt cuz you don't want the salt to touch the yeast or you will kill it if uh if my ye is having gross so okay I think this is good okay my yeast is ready so I'm going to add it I'm going to add a little bit more of flour and let's just start making our bread okay my dough is ready okay now I have already oil my my pan for my bread and my cookie sheet for the other one so I'm just going to um this is going to be for my bread okay I'm going to leave it there right and for here let's see we may I have enough we'll see oh man we need um okay for my hamburger bun we may be short we'll see guys maybe maybe we're going to be fine let's see hold on cuz I need for my hot dogs huh no actually I think we're going to be fine I think we're going to be fine I'm going to make another I just make the ball right so I can have a ball and you're going to squeeze it cuz I don't want it to Puff like this I want it like this right cuz it's going to be for my hamburger so okay so and these are going to grow so no worries okay and then here I'm for my two hug dogs right okay I think that your hands are your best scale right okay so this is what I'm going to do going to make a I like to pinch it like that right make a ball and then I'm just going to go this way they may not be the best uh looking bread but they're going to be so good and that's what matters okay and remember that we don't want it that big cuz they're going to grow I'm going to grab a sausage and yep okay just kind of have the same size and I'm going to put it very close to my Edge cuz I want I don't want it to spread like that when you you um when you do a lot of breads you have to put them close together so they can puff and beautiful but because I'm not doing that today because I'm only making these two we'll see but it's going to be delicious guys this is the way that the way I like to make my balls I put it here and with my other hand I just go like that yes and if you notice you notice you know it will go like that right so I close my fingers so I can help out and make the ball with this emotions right so okay and here you go a tip uh every time I do bread I do two things if I have a little over time I like to put it inside my oven and turn the light on now if you don't have a light or you want it quicker I'd like to turn on my oven just for like 5 minutes 150 like I turn it on a 350 3 minutes 5 minutes turn it off the oven and then I put my bread so I have my two hug dogs so the oven can be warm enough to help my dough to Rice so there you have it okay my two hot dogs and my two hamburgers and I'm going to let it rest and my bread so let's continue all this rice and you know what let's do it another that we're here cuz we're going to need flour tortillas but of course I'm only going to do half of the recipe as well so I only need a cup of flour a cup of flour salt and oil I don't have shortening so we're going to use oil and it's going to be just great um okay okay the water is very hot so you really need to be very careful um so so I always use something to mix it up and then I I'll use my hands but before before I mean I mix it up with this so I don't burn myself and you have to use your hands to see if it needs more water so now I'm going to use my hands and just kind of see which I think that's uh yeah I think it's [Music] [Music] one something that I like to do I have a film or plastic for kitchen right and just cover it and we're gonna let it rest okay for at least 20 minutes so it's good okay let's do our first breakfast so I'm going to do weon chizo my chizo where is here I'm just going to use some of it [Music] I'm going to add my eggs some salt okay my wubble corn CH so is ready okay next breakf I'm turn it on I add a little bit of oil okay okay okay I'm going to add chizo I'm still using this one remember that I bought two packages right okay going to add another chunk okay I'm going to add now um I'm going to add a little more cherries so hold on say want a little more okay I'm going to add some salsa remember that we still have a little bit from last week I'm adding salsa and I'm adding beans this is oh my mom make this breakfast and we love it and I'm going to show you how we're going to serve it so and this can be your lunch breakfast dinner whatever but for me it's going to be my um my breakfast okay just let it warm up okay this is done so I'm going to remove from here and I'm going to add the other one I'm going to add a little bit of oil okay I'm going to make an egg [Applause] salt okay I have my plate I'm going to put it here okay okay once you have your egg here to just add this deliciousness on top and you have a very very delicious breakfast let's continue okay guys we still have quite a bit of flour um hold on look we still have here we still have so let's make our flower tortillas they're already um rest for a little bit so okay so we have quite a bit um I'm going to make my my tortillas okay okay okay so we did eight flour tortillas with one cup okay one cup of flour guys honestly it's so cheap to do it takes a little time but it's totally worth it right so I'm not going to going details like you're not going to see me making all the tortillas just because you can go and watch um my video I'm going to post it on the description below or here on top you're going to see it so and they're going to be different sizes it's all good right who cares the important thing is that we get a tortilla so this is big this is not much it's fine okay let's do it okay guys I hold on I want to show you okay so my breath they're ready I grab one egg only and I'm going to use this but I'm going to use it just to kind of give some color to my to my bread okay and this is the time that you can put some sisam seeds if you have some so they can stick to your bread okay I'm only going to do it to did do you see how much they grow okay perfect I'm going to put it in the oven for 350° fenhe this one will go for around 30 minutes but this one we're going to for 18 minutes okay so I'm going to put this one first and then my bread look at this beautiful you see we don't need baking powder they just need rest time to rest that's all they need nothing else so let's continue making our tortillas okay guys in my pan I'm going to add eggs I'm going to add the egg that I use for the um and another one ah man hold on okay A little bit of salt I'm going to make my some scramble EGS and I'm going to add beans okay so as soon as they're almost [Music] done I'm adding my beans so okay going to add a little bit of pepper mix them up and we have cheese we have um salsa you know it's going to be delicious perfect look at this oh my gosh okay I'm going to add because I'm making this for 2 days so I'm going to add another egg I just remember that I want it for two days which is fine just okay okay and breakfast is ready look at this beauty guys look at this beauty like they're so flexible right right so I'm going to put it on my and this will depends how many burritos do you want right um You will decide I'm going to make three but hey and this I'm going to have it for two days okay so I have some salsa and breakfast is ready guys and we'll still have five tortillas left okay now now to keep this the best way let them um you're just going to let them be cold once they're cool you're going to put it in a zlap back and put it in your pantry do not put it inside the fridge because they're going to get very hard but they have to be cold so once you're done just put it like this right and once they're cold grab them again put them inside a sip BL back close it and you have good tortillas for the week okay let's continue day one we had our egg Sun side up with her beans chizo and salsa day two we have chizo with scrambled eggs day three we have burritos with scramble eggs and um beans day four we again had a scramble a sisa bag with Bean Salsa and chizo day five we eat we ate um chereso with es scramlets in day six we ate burritos with scrambled eggs and beans and of course salsa and here you have all our breakfast for this week really really good now let me show you what we have for lunch and look at this guys my breads are ready I already cut these to but I want you to see they're very soft guys like really really soft this is very hot still so I'm going to leave it there for a little bit it is very important that once your breads get out of the oven put it in a rack so they can breathe if you leave them in the cookie sheet they're going to start getting like on the bottom it's going to be like wet because all the sweat or yeah the sweat it's coming down so you don't want that so right away put it here so I'm going to give him a little time for this to be a little more um cold okay guys let's make our hot dogs okay so very careful we're going to open the bread okay okay so for this purpose I already have at my house mayo and ketchup so I'm not going to open what I bought just because I don't need to but I bought them for the purpose of the video okay so here they are I bought them but I'm going to use what I have at home already ready so I have to open a second one this is really good really really good okay and I'm just going to put if you like mayo or not well that's your my hot dog and I didn't have money for monard but hey it's all good right it's all good I need to open a little more there we go put some mayo my hot dot sa saage sausage yes right okay and my lunch day one it's ready what do you guys think oh yeah oh yeah baby let me show you our next lunch okay I'm doing my lentils and I'm going to do the same thing I have my water boiling once my water is boiling um I'm going to add a little bit of salt to give it a little taste and I'm going to add all the rest of my lentils and I'm going to give them 7 to 10 minutes I'm going to try them and if they're cooked then I'm going to turn it off I do this because I don't like my lentil smooshie so for lunch I'm going to have sandwiches and my H my cheese and my ham I'm going to slice my bread never throw this away I'm going to toast them cuz I'm going to use it for my hamburger so just wait and I'm going to cut my bread and I know this bread is way too small um you can use the entire recipe so you can get bigger slices like you know tall but this is going to be just perfect because then you can make small sandwiches which are fine and I'm going to show you the bread hold on guys it's so fluffy it is really really good like really good now let me tell you I like to slice it and then I'm going to let it cold be cool cold completely um and what I like to do is to put it in a SE Lo back and put it on my freezer because this is a homemade bread um it's going to by two days it's going to start getting hard and it's not going to taste fresh and good so that's what I do I put it in the freezer and then once I want the bread I put it on my toaster and that's it so the ends I'm going to save them and I'm going to to prepare some sandwiches let me open My Cheese okay let's open my ham Okay and like I mentioned before I'm going to use the one that I have from home but I you know we bought one so we're good right and simple as you're going to grab one I hope you can see it right and because it's a small bread I'm going to make two sandwiches okay ah this is a really really really good bread honestly if you're interested in getting this book I'm going to leave a link on the description below I'm pretty sure I can get one so I can give it to you in case you're interested but honestly they have amazing recipes this is her favorite recipe okay I'm going to slice some cheese and now I'm going to put slice of ham cheese ham okay right yes and and Lunch is ready okay I'm boiling water I'm going to put some salt and remember my pasta I'm just going to do some pasta I don't want it all but just a little bit so uh yeah I think that works only a little bit and I'm going to cook it for 6 minutes okay we're going to do our lentils um let me put this one this side ah it was too hot oh well I'm going to add my choriso here the rest of the chizo and I'm going to open the other one I think I'm going to check but I may need the other one as well sorry I'm going to add more uh so I open my second chizo just because I want more flavor and let's cook it okay my chisu is done I'm going to add I have not much left for My Salsa but I'm going to add it you I'm going to add it all cuz this was really nothing and I'm going to add all my lentils check for flavor salt pepper and that's it oh my gosh this is ready for my tacos you know what guys because I still have plenty of cheese I'm going to have some shredded cheese on top of my lentils what the heck this is going to be so so good I'm just going to turn it off mix it up I'm going to put a little more on top oh my gosh this is going to be so good what the heck okay I'm going to add a little more on top okay so our next recipe I cooked my pasta remember so here's my pasta I'm adding my can of corn I'm adding my can of tuna and I'm going to add some mayo let's add some mayo I think that will do it and I'm going to mix it up I'm going to add some pepper and some salt yum yum wow this gave us a lot and this is a very quick like 7 Minutes dinner just because 5 minutes you cook the pasta so dinner is ready we're going to have plenty of uh tuna pasta for easy 3 days easy look at this and we have plenty okay day one we ate we going to eat we're going to eat our hot dogs day two two we're eating our delicious sandwiches with our homemade bread day three we're eating our tuna pasta salad day four we're eating again two small sandwiches whole my bread day five we are going to eat again tuna salad day six oh I had plenty of this delicious soup so I ate one plate of my pasta balls okay my next recipe I'm going to make a soup I've never done it with this I always use ground beef but the ground beef was very expensive so I'm going to start doing my soup I'm going to blend all this can for the flavor okay I'm going to open the can so I can blend it kids already back from home guys so you're you hear them here in the kitchen with me so let's blend this very quick oh my gosh okay okay okay let's blend it okay I have a little bit of oil let me see if you can see it um a little bit of oil and I'm going to add the rest oh my [Music] pasta and I'm just going to cook it here for a little bit okay my soup or the pasta is ready I'm going to add what I blended my tomatoes and I'm going to add some water as well okay now I'm going to do meatballs but with a sausage I'm not add adding anything I'm not doing anything I'm just going to add a small bowls here so let me show you how I'm going to do it okay I opened the package and I'm just going to grab a little bit and do a small meatball and throw it there okay I put around 12 meatballs I can't remember to be honest but it was it was pretty good amount um so I'm going to add some garlic powder from the first wig that we bought it remember even though has a little bit of flavor because it has oregano and other spices on the tomatoes I'm just going to add more okay so I'm going to let it cook and I'll show it to you in a minute let's check the soup oh perfect look at that oh my gosh I'm going to check the flavor to see if I need to add a little something else or we're good to go at this point I'm going to add a little bit of oregano cuz I want more flavor rub it up okay and my soup is ready oh my gosh look at this so good okay let's make the broccoli hamburgers here's my broccoli my two slices of bread that I'm going to toast cheese ham one egg garlic powder oregano from last week salt and pepper this is what I'm going to need to make my broccoli Burgers let me show you how okay guys I broke in pieces my broccoli and wash it and everything I have a double Broiler I'm going to cook them um with steam so let's go okay so this is already ready for me I'm going to add my broccoli right and I'm going to leave them here for only like 6 7even minutes okay guys my broccoli woo it's done very carefully I'm going to put it on my here so I can cut it in pieces very careful okay okay and let's start cutting it in little pieces okay I cook it for 7 minutes um you can do it from 5: to 7 will be fine ready I have here I put a little bit of onion just a little bit and I'm going to put it here [Music] okay okay I'm going to put my spices which are garlic powder a little bit of oregano not much that's like a p in of it only a little bit goes a lot like Long Way salt pepper okay okay I'm going to add yeah it's fine my egg I didn't want to be that hot but it's not anymore so my egg and I froze my bread so I can um shred it easier and so that's what I'm going to do you can toast it as well and this is not well Frozen but I need to use it so okay I finish Clean Hands and I'm just going to mix it up and if you I feel that I need a little more so you know what I'm just going to add flour but you can add we have more bread to use and we have flour so I'm just going to use flour cuz we still have plenty um I'm going to have like two tablespoons oh yeah okay just needed a little bit more so I think my family really enjoyed these uh broccoli hamburgers believe me a little bit more okay yeah okay here we go now okay so let me let's make the patties and I'm going to cook them in the um stove let's go okay I put a little bit of oil sorry I made my Patty and we're going to do one by one because I only have this small Pan Once here you can kind of push it to make it a little bigger okay cuz this is not going to shrink okay let's see if this is ready okay okay now I'm going to add my cheese a lle um and I'm going to add my ham I'm going to flip it very quick cuz I want my cheese [Music] melted okay that's it and I'm taking it out okay and I'm going to continue doing my other uh hamburgers okay guys I got four patties um with cheese and ham here's my hamburger bun let me something flat hold on okay look at that it's Perfection Perfection um going to add Mayo guys I totally forgot about the lettuce but you know what it's okay no big deal this hamburger is going to taste if you like broccoli you're going to love this hamburger you put your hamburger you put some ketchup and you have a very amazing H now I'm going to share my dinners for day one we have a broccoli hamburger if you love broccoli you're going to love this hamburger day two we're going to eat our pasta with meatballs okay so these I'm going to eat it for two days I have it for two meals and because I have plenty of flour like plenty I have two cups at least I'm going to make more flour tortillas so I can make more takitos or bitos with my lentil chiso and salsa cheese that is to die for then next day I'm eating again another Hamburger because they're so good and my last day again my pasta soup guys I'm going to try a few ones but honestly if you like broccoli you're going to love this hamburger it's really really [Music] good we love love it mhm but Li me want to say that it is really good it is really good we love this it's really really good oh my gosh this is my lentils with chiso salsa cheese five stars this was one of my my family favorites today that we were eating um so so good believe me when I say that they're they're full of flavor believe me and I got two meals out of it so good I hope you enjoyed this video give them stuff if you do share please help me out sharing it in your Facebook your Instagram so everybody can come and see it because because I think we're saving a lot of money right and now even though we still have um a lot of leftover let me show you and this is what we have left one more plate of pasta another plate of this pasta with nipples I have four of this ones so it was really really good I got three of this ones then look at this I have a lot of chereso left a lot of sausage left two two patties for broccoli Hamburg Burgers two eggs two cups of flour still quite a bit of flour five slices of bread and one two three slices of ham what so guys this is possible and we're eating really really good so for next week we're going to continue using this right don't forget we're going to continue using this what we have and for making more meals this is going to help us a lot because we already have one dinner three dinners right here or even you going to use this one you already have four diners for next week what the heck and that's really good please appuse I hope you enjoyed this video give thumbs up don't forget this is what we have left all the meals are so so good we'll see you on Wednesday thank you so much for watching my videos I really appreciate it and if you could help me if you want to help me please go to my other videos and watch them and share them in your social media I will really appreciate it we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 237,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to live on $1.00, how to live on $1 a day, how to live on a, how to live on a budget, how to save money as a student, living on one dollar, one dollar, cheap meals, living on $1, cheap meals on a budget, cheap meals for college students, cheap meals to make, cheap meals for one, how to live on a budget and save money, how to live on a tight budget and save money, mexican meals, meatless meal, cheap mexican meals, easy quick meals, mexican meals ideas
Id: zdy2hr4VL1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 40sec (3220 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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