2 Ingredient Biscuits Made the Right Way & A Country Breakfast with Gravy

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with collared bleet Cooks G turn on my water I want it to get hot um I'm gonna start some bacon and then we're gonna throw our biscuits in the oven I've got the oven at 425 and we're going to make two ingredient biscuits today it's so easy anybody can make it and I have happen to have some whipping cream left over and it's going to go out a date in a couple of days and I'm like I can make two ingredient biscuits with so that's what we're doing May's coming over to eat we're going to have breakfast and Chris wants gravy don't you baby oh yeah do you want grits as well or just gravy n dir all okay so we're starting this bacon and we'll come back over there and check on it in a minute and we got to get some grease in here for the biscuits all right now then two ingredients self- rising flour heavy whipping cream that's all there is to it my hands got a little grease on it I'm not going to wash it off because I'm about to get dirty anyway did you already have a scooper out for me yes you did and I'm going to turn that bacon down in just a minute if you're wondering so we're going to use two cups of self-rising flour and this is white lily winter white wheat super fluffy it's equivalent to a cake flour if you wonder why we like our white lily so much um it is so light and a is equiv equivalent to a cake flow and I learned that because I bought a a cake um recipe book and it was all the classic southern cakes and they had them right up in there about white lily it's pretty cool if you can't get self-rising flour then yours are not going to be too ingredient biscuit what of the ingredients is self-rising flour yes self-rising flour is what makes the two ingredients so if you're somewhere that you can't get it then you'll just be making you'll just have to add the uh salt and then yeah baking powder baking powder and it's I believe it's a half teaspoon of salt and to be on the safe side just put in two teaspoons of baking powder so what you do when you make these biscuits is you just add enough until they're all stuck together how easy is that so there's what it is is somebody told me too the other day I wondered if whole buttermilk had as much fat in it as heavy whipping cream we're about to look and see it says that the total fat in this is five grams for a tablespoons let me look at my buttermilk I believe it's 36% is what a whipping cream is at least 36% you know how much fats in this how much but this is whole whole buttermilk eight grams that means yes you could somebody told me no you couldn't because it didn't have the same amount of fat or didn't have enough fat but I'm not talking about the buttermilk that most people buy that's lowfat I'm talking about a cultured whole buttermilk it's a lot different so it's got more fat in it than this heavy whipping cream so you can make two ingredient biscuits out of out of a whole buttermilk and just omit the um what you call it shorten in all right I need to flip these my deare my deare my deare my thing burning them up bur them up bur them up boy I'm hungry I should have done some uh whipping cream and some buttermilk fighting on I would have would have just see the difference in them or I turn that down again I turn it way down all right I got to get these in the oven I'm just yaking running my mouth don't even have the biscuits in the oven I've been thinking I don't know why but I was thinking it was Sunday earlier I've lost my mind all right here we go I thought I saw something on my counter have to have a clean counter to do this put your um whipping cream in your flour and then you're just going to lay your dough out on the table now if you want to make them like hand roll them you can do that but I'm gonna be honest with you this this whipping cream makes a really sticky dough it's super sticky super stick super sticky super duper sticky and it's heavy too what I do with my there it is he I guess it's up to you how much you want to uh this dough is kind of stiff so I'm not going to fold it a lot I don't know I might I can't make up my mind I know the first time I made these they were good but they're not as to me they're good but they're not as good as um I don't think my regular biscuits buttermilk or sour cream B yeah because I like the taste of the buttermilk I do all right let's use this one so if you want them to rise pretty tall you need to make sure and cut them pretty tall okay and the consistency of these is completely different than a regular biscuit they're heavy and more dense and then you know what I'm gonna do real quick I'm gonna make another batch the buttermilk cuz I want to cuz I want to just to see how they do yes I am y'all just pretend like I did something that with that for now we gonna just check this out in the entrance of of the science yes we're going to see which one tastes better if if I had have thought about it done sour cream as well I love sour cream biscuits all right there's my flour and this time I guess I could go ahead and do a two cup and this time we're adding whole buttermilk and it's thick well let me show say shake it up all right it looks thicker than the whipping cream I tell youall all the time that I love whole buttermilk and Lord I do so you just add enough that your flower sticks together I can tell you right now this dough is completely different different than that this is super heavy matter of fact I put a little bit too much in here but we're still just using two ingredients even if we're just making buttermilk okay but they're easier to mix too but now a lot of y'all can't get whole buttermilk so you can't even do it most people can't Kroger Carri said um they carry this little this brand in this little bitty jug with a green top woo That's So Soft y'all y'all see how soft that is and how workable that is wow that's a big difference it's completely different it's completely here I'm gon do it this way different and I'm even go to fold it a few times so that y'all don't think I didn't fold it enough all right A lot of people think that you can fold it too much but if you got a good dough it ain't going to hurt to fold it all right let's cut these out wait a minute I got to make sure and get them as tall as those I don't think that's his tall for it to be really a comparison they may rise different you know I bet they will one may rise higher than the other one bet they will so if you're coming on we made the first batch out of whipping cream and self-rising flour and this is the second batch that we're making out of whole buttermilk is 8% fat so no it's not 8% yes it is eight grams per oh I know what you mean yeah 8% fat it's eight grams 10% fat 10% fat is what my whole uh buttermilk is and the whipping cream is 7% fat so well that's weird ain't it says it 7 I guess it's 7% is the percentage of the actual formula that makes product it's just weird because on the heavy whipping cream it's five grams but then they say it's 7% it's yeah we probably need to Google that because wait a minute no tell me what it that's right yeah and this is 10% yeah that's right okay all right y'all there they are I'm not going to Pat the tops of them with buttermilk like a lots of times I do we're just going to throw them in here and see how they turn out and I just let my bacon get green SE greasy can be Chris cannot stand it like that so I'm gon heat it back up Chris will not eat bacon if it's been sitting in fat like that and lots of times when you go out to eat now I guess what I'll do is just cut up a few of these while we got time because all I'm doing is making gravy um and stick them in the freezer you can freeze this these before you bake them but just remember that if you're going to um cook them it's going to take a lot longer to cook a frozen biscuit you can cook a regular biscuit in 15 minutes but if you're if you get a frozen biscuit like this out of the freezer it's going to take probably 30 minutes and a lower temperature to cook them I can tell you right now I think that buttermilk is going to be better but that's me so well we're prejudiced for the butter milk yeah we're a little pous no I don't think it's going to be just that I think the texture and everything's going to be completely different uhuh all right there's my biscuits and I personally don't even think I'm going to keep I guess I can one more it's almost like Play-Doh the the Whi and cran ones yeah and a lot of y'all will be like well you didn't put enough liquid in it yes I did it's just the consistency it made um yeah if you put too much liquid they don't right yeah they going come apart they're not come apart but they won't rise all right we going to get over here and get this meat going all we're having is bacon I guess ain't it eggs and gravy all right let me turn this on all right y'all watch have bacon while I wash my hands so tell me what you did today yeah when we go out to eat Chris will be like um there's one place we go pretty regular and they have bacon and Chris won't order it because that's how it looks when it when they bring it to the table like it's got grease all over it and I think it's because they cook it in the oven and I know a lot of y'all like to cook your bacon in the oven but I think what happens with these restaurants is they put it in the oven on a sheet pan and they don't have a drainer under it they let it sit in that grease yeah they let it sit in the grease and then they serve it to you and Chris just don't like that he's picky he is picky I can't even make banana pudding unless I make merine he's a picky man but he does have me as a cook so guess he can be her fault my fault back before I met him he ate Yeti and meatballs all the time he still does not all the time but we still eat them more regular than you would think the older you get the tireder you get so you start I know a lot of old people eat soup out of a can they do I eat soup I got to get these out I'm GNA will you scoot those to the back just scoot them back to the back there go y'all I just stuck these nails on they're the sticky kind that you get at color general for like five bucks the kiss brand K SS like the singer oh yeah this was popular when I was young I never got to see him in concert I know it's not kid it's not kiss that band I I don't like that band at all the rock and roll Kiss band you talking about Prince Kiss oh okay think what the world are you talking about but you know there was a band called kid you know I ain't gonna be promoting them they're the ones that had all the crazy makeup and I just never like that southern rock there were not what what are they being weren't even what are they then don't worry she didn't like them they're they're not heavy metal she just didn't like I like yeah I lik heavy metal believe it or not okay but they weren't that they were more like I don't know what the Rock back in the 70s how's that or were they they were 70s weren't they they were not 80s yes they're 70s Chris is like I'm I'm ready to move on to the next subject I know we're live I always talk about stuff uh whatever comes to mind talk about this weekend oh my goodness I've lost my mind okay well let me flip this over and then we're gonna talk about a couple that's YouTuber and we actually got to go see them and we had so much fun I want to go back and that is we went to Charleston South Carolina and we got to see the farming pastor's wife which is her and her husband it's lesie and Bryant Bryant Bryant I don't ever say it right Bryant I'll never say your name right especially Chris is standing next to me makes me nervous all right why are you cooking so fast CU you head it turn okay sorry I keep farming pesters FL yes that was the name okay of their channel so they have they have a chicken farm and they raise chickens for sale so there's lots of chickens like tens of thousands tens of thousands of chickens have chicken houses they have so many chickens they have do have a lot of chicken yes they sell them and she's a true farm girl she's like me she knows about Farm life you don't get attached to stuff you know of course she don't have pet chickens she don't even have any lay chickens but y'all they are a sweet little couple and we had so much fun with them this weekend we stayed at the mealhouse in Tron just one night because it was so expensive and we um ate at Hanks seafood restaurant and Leslie and Bryant bought our dinner and then we went over to a dessert place uh do you remember the name of it kitzis Kaminsky and then the next morning we had breakfast at Miller all day Millers all day I think did and so we enjoyed oursel a lot it was a lot of fun was a lot of fun this is about ready so she cooks really similar a lot I mean a lot of the things that she makes just like Tammy so if you go over there and see her tell her we said hello yes y'all go see her I tell you what um I'm I was busy forking this and thinking but anyway y'all need to go over to her Channel and hit the like button and subscribe because she's got like 140,000 Subs she started the same year I did so we got to get her up to Park y'all go hit the Subscribe button and we need to get her some more subscribers okay cuz I started in 2017 and we usually don't uh we don't do a lot of shout outs for people no I don't because we want to make sure that they're going to have a channel and they're going to have plenty of videos for you guys to look at and she does a lot of people want to start off and get somebody to you know make five or six videos and get somebody to shall them out yeah that's just we want you to go where it's a real channel right I wouldn't give anyone to shout out unless they have at least a hundred videos yeah okay they're they're a St and I'm I don't mean I don't I don't care how how long they've been on YouTube if they don't have a hundred current videos then I wouldn't shout them out because I I I wouldn't want to mislead y'all or send y'all somewhere that I didn't think you know y'all were going to get to really watch yeah they got to have enough content for you to really go yeah watch them yeah or they should so all we're going to do now is make some of these eggs Lord knows we got plenty of them we going to check on our biscuits they Rising yeah they about the same they're totally different looking yeah they are aren't they yeah wow this is going to be yall see those when they come out be very interesting um now I'm going to go ahead and make the gravy I think and then we will make um yeah do you want this in your gravy since it's bakon yeah okay absolutely good sometimes he says no I always ask it's not always in the mood for it all we'll make some gravy and then biscuits will come out right when we're ready to eat they will they will you can go ahead and hand me that gravy whisk over there baby okay and I'm going to get me some more flour in the sifter now if you use a half2 cup of grease oil bacon grease butter whatever you use for gravy you use a half cup you're supposed to come back with that much flour and so there's our delicious butter butter and bacon together that's the best ever very good salt I use salted butter too so keep that in mind pepper and maybe I need milk maybe we're about out of milk mhm is this all we got yep probably have to add some water to it now when you make gravy you're really supposed to mix it up as soon as you know you add the flour but that's one reason I love this gravy with is it gets rid of the lumps and that's one reason I use a sifter when I make gravy because it sifts the flour into the pan and that way you don't have to worry about it being umy I'm gonna get this see how much milk is actually in here she getting ready to put her milk up no s the step go I was going to say had three cups close enough now this is not whole milk we don't drink whole milk I'll have to rinse that out for the recycle but it is 2% milk so if you're making good white sauce as some people call it um some people use mama always used whole milk I got to turn this up where it's not going to get brown I need to look at these well look at the difference in them good night it's a big difference yeah oh now the buttermilk ones look naughty but they'll be good all right I just turn those around in there y'all because they always get more Brown on the right hand side of the oven because that's where the fan apparently starts I'm this sucker up it's hard to when you're cooking with gas and I haven't had this oven long enough to know exactly on the dial what it's doing and it is so different even with different eyes you're better off just doing picking up your pot and looking to see what you have it on when you turn it up and down because it may not be what you think so all we got to do is finish this up scramble some eggs hey I know it drives everybody crazy Cris because I don't put milk in my eggs okay and fluff them up do you want me to do that today I don't have any more milk but you can put water in I mean I like them just like that mix them up I think I personally I personally think now I guess some people like it like Airy fluffy eggs but I personally like just plain old egg and some butter and um I think back in the day our parents did it to make them go further I do I think they put milk in them because it makes them puffy and it makes them look like there's more eggs I really do I think they did that to make them go further but Lord knows we got enough eggs for the whole neighborhood yeah matter fact if you live in the neighborhood and you want some eggs you can come down here and get some for real I'm not kidding thank you Linda for that gift somebody send us some money all right let's pour this in here now you want to BR your flour cuz flour is raw and it has a good flavor when once you brown it and it's not going to have that flavor if you add your milk before that gets Brown okay so that's why we were waiting we were waiting on that eye to get good and hot and that flour turn nice and golden brown and that's when you add your liquid and of course we have all these recipes in our recipe books if you're interested in those then we do we look in here these are ready I got to take these out ready I got to decide what I want to do I got a million things going at one time I want them to S something and we've got them on collar Valley cooks.com too if you want so you can either get a recipe book see they're a lot Browner on the top these aren't Brown enough but I guess they'll pass they're plenty brown on the bottom yeah is this so these are the Chris I got a do this right quick didn't we get I don't want this to boil over I mean I I might it's still not th come on over here um so this is the whipping cream biscuits over here they they Rose taller they're pretty yeah they're pretty I might get proved wrong but they don't have the buttermilk flavor so well no that's what we like yeah so those all those that I just buttered are the whipping cream biscuits they really show up pretty on the top and nice and smooth and then the Buttermilk Biscuits are all lumpy and fat like me lumpy and fat it's what happens when you eat your cornbread milk with butter ma milk get lumpy and fat all right here we go over here better come on girl hey I got it just in time I got it I got it now gravy will actually if you don't know this if you have not made it much it will actually boil over and it kind of it's like it starts bubbling up bubbling up and so you usually have to pour it up pretty quick where you going to put it in hand me that thing back up here it's in the sink the oh this milk yes there you go here we go careful perfect it worked all right we're not going make eggs in that nope so the whole reason we can't came on today is so that y'all could see two ingredient biscuits made and the and the cool thing is that we made them two different ways yeah all right and we're about to taste them let me get these eggs started and I'll go ahead and taste the biscuits in case you're on here just for the biscuits get something to beat him with did May ever come in no it's time for her time for her to get here Daddy beat them I usually salt and pepper them once they're in the skillet I usually beat them once they're in the skillet most the time don't I Chris yes but Chris usually beats his when and uh he don't wait usually she is on here hey Leslie how you doing a hey lesie I didn't know if we could invite you to go live with us or not you know I've seen that happen but I'd never me and Chris were afraid that we wouldn't do it right or i' have just had you like CLI into the video yeah we wasn't sure that that would be really cool but I told everybody to visit and I gave them this sign sign for y'all and she makes gravy and stuff just like I do we've been watching her for years this the first time that we had met him you know right Lord what's wrong they what I said what's wrong it's cold oh it's cold all right let's open a biscuit here go lesie I made two ingredient biscuits two ways eight buttermilk had 8% fat and the these are whipping cream biscuits and it they were uh not not 8% these are 10% fat and these are 7% fat whipping cream heavy whipping cream versus buttermilk just one ingredient and I like to flip them out because they sweat on the bottom if you don't and you can pre-bake them if you want to but I'm on freeze these over here but look at the difference in the biscuits they're a lot different sure are that's the first time we've ever made buttermilk biscuits without shortening in them so it's going to be interesting to see what they taste like oh I here y Leslie does about four videos a week she said she works hard she's got grandbabies got chickens to feed I don't know how much she works on the farm but I would imagine she works all right if you like cheese in your eggs then throw some in there if you like them good and done then make them dry if you like them wet then make them wet however you like them how you need to make your eggs eggs are funny all right there's our eggs I don't really want these to get real hot so I'm going to put them in there H all right here we go um this is our breakfast for dinner beautiful bacon eggs two different kinds of two ingredient biscuits all right this is the buttermilk we're g to open it up super soft crumb I shape like that the older I get all right and then this is the whipping cream biscuit biscuit and do you know it's not as dense as I thought it would be yeah the dough crumb yeah it the the biggest the biggest problem I had with it was that it um you made before yes I mean because I never made two ingredient biscuits and they're good but they were a little like U like when you put it in your mouth and you chew it up it's pasty a little bit more than a biscuit I'm going to try it with some bacon all right this is the whipping cream biscuit mhm it's pasty like look right here when you take a bite see how it looks and it's done it's done it's just how it's it's just the way that they are it's just a different texture than what we're used to right all right and this is a buttermilk just no shortening just buttermilk let's see how it does m it's my favorite now I'll taste them separately byel does it is it the same way is it tast I can taste the buttermilk yeah that's it's kind of pasty yeah so it's not like a regular buttermilk biscuit well let me say this shortening Lord shortening a lot of people don't want to put shortening in their biscuits because they don't think they can or they don't know how shortening is cut up about the size of a pee and when shorten goes into the oven in your biscuit mix that actually makes your biscuit fluff and get its texture so it's shortening biscuit is better than a biscuit that's not made without it to me now does butter do the exact same I don't think butter is as light as shortening yeah so it's a little more dense okay if you make a a biscuit out of butter now you can make a biscuit out of butter uh I've seen people make them out of oil really you can make them but the number one way to make a really really good biscuit is white ly self fries and flour shortening and whole buttermilk but now these are good don't get me wrong most people would just love them they're way better than what we got out in public the other day I mean and it was even good but it wasn't this good you know so it'll be a lot better than the biscuits that you get served in the restaurant but that's it y'all I guess I could make my plate and then we'll get off here and everybody remember what I said and give Leslie a um visit over there the farman pastor's wife oh you going to make a gra biscuit I was thinking what she do going crazy mm she go going crazy as a loon all right well when you get to cooking in here this is so different look at that the textures look at that which which one switch you can't tell no I wasn't pay no attention this one that's is the whipping cream it's flakier yeah okay it's flakier this one is it really is a lot different isn't it completely different wow and if I did another kind it might be even different than that you know if I had put shorten in it uhhuh so y'all got to see a biscuit made with buttermilk that's that one and a biscuit made with whipping cream and all this is really fattening because we using all this whole milk woo so there's more than one way to make a biscuit one one way to skin a cat mhm imagine that imagine that get me some eggs there you go let's see let me get me a bite of biscuit and gravy and then we'll sign off and go that's probably Paul calling you all right I'm going to get about of this one right here this is buttermilk with just self fries and flour the gravy's so good gravy's good good all right let me taste the whipping cream and see which one tastes better with gravy gosh that's hard so if you live in a place where you can't get buttermilk use whipping cream sour cream or sour cream good my favorite biscuit of all is sour cream they are just so good and so moist and so delicious all right y'all have a blessed day and we will see you next time on collored Valley Cooks where we cook like Mama Dad bye y'all love you
Channel: Collard Valley Cooks
Views: 240,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biscuit tutorials, collard valley cooks, collard valley cooks recipes, comfort food, from scratch, homemade, mama’s recipes, mama’s southern recipes, old fashioned, simple ingredient, simple ingredient cooking, simple ingredient recipes, southern baking, southern cooking, southern recipes, southern style, southern suppers, southern traditional recipes, come sit at our table, come sit at my table, 2 ingredient biscuits, how to make biscuits, southern cooking recipes
Id: _NdP51VX3xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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