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I put my apron already I want to show you the dinners that we're going to have this Frugal Mexican dinners let's get started okay our first recipe we're going to do Chila kiles use it I'm going to use our lasagna noodles let me show you how okay guys so the first thing that we're going to do uh remember the lasagna noodles that we had from last week we only had seven 3 six seven okay we only have seven um and so this is what we're going to do let me tell you what's going on here so I have boiled water and I'm making my salsa okay so let me show you we're going to boil this because I think you're going to love the idea that I'm going to share with you today so let's get to the stove and let me show you and don't forget to check out my breakfast my launches for this week okay I have boiling water that I'm going to cook my pasta for my next recipe um and of course I have to put salt so let me put a little bit of salt and then I'm going to add my noodles that I had left from last week so I have two four oh I have yeah seven so I'm going to put them here let's see I don't know maybe I have to break them in because I did didn't put a lot of water so ah okay and I'm going to let them boil for a little bit okay my pasta is done turn it off I'm going to get it out and I do exactly 10 minutes so they can still be strong and not breakable cuz you don't want that and then let me show you what are we going to do I think you're going to love it I think sometimes we don't know what to do with what we have left because you cannot do another lasagna right or you know so come here let's go to my countertop to show you what we're going to do okay this is what we're going to do with our noodles I want to dry them a little bit and you're going to see whyde later in a little bit but just kind of like okay okay so basically this is done you know what I'm going to I'm going to do that with every single one cuz I don't want water on my noodles this is our last noodle okay now let me show you what we're going to do we're going to cut each noodle in triangles cuz I want triangles so I'm going to okay like that so let's cut it all okay these are the last noodles that I'm going to cut in triangles okay now here are all my noodle that they're cut separate them when you have them here okay now let's get to the stove okay my I have a little bit of oil not much but I have oil there and what we're going to do is we are going to fry them that's why it was so important to get them as much dry as possible and these are going to be very quick so okay these are almost ready look at that you're going to see what we're going to do I think you're going to love it um okay so I'm going to take this out I have paper towel right here and I'm just going to put them there and I'm going to continue doing this for the rest of my pasta [Music] okay we're almost done can you see we're almost done but meanwhile I'm still doing this I still have a little bit more to go I'm going to add some of the salsa that we done okay woo look at this okay then we're going to start adding our um the toos on top of there okay you can add more or less okay for me let me see if I can get this one t yes okay more or less guys you canot wa more you have plenty okay then I'm going to add my chicken okay you can mix it up if you want to and the last step is we're going to add our shredded cheese that I already did what I I had left okay what what is this good or what and I'm going to turn it off and I'm going to put my plate here so it can help my cheese to get melted okay okay let's see this is going to be a little hot what what delicious Okay so one of the dinners um this is Chiles right and it's important that when you do it you eat it right away because if not this will get a little soggy right they still good anyways I like wait a minute what about this one huh oh ooh you know what I think the making like this I loved it way more than tortillas because I think the flavor that has that lasag noodles huh they taste really good maybe if you have left cuz we have plenty you can use it as a chip with salsa oh yeah baby m M mhm here's another idea maybe you want something sweet and you still have plenty of this right I have here some sugar and cinnamon and you're just going to mix them up and you have like like buo style um right they're not going to stick very well the sugar because I let them dry way too much but when you do when you're frying them just let them a little bit and do this right away so the sugar can stick to it I mean they still stick look but not as much and you can make sugar cinnamon sugar chips okay and here's our chips with cinnamon sugar it's really good so if you want something sweet you can do this okay mhm yeah and if you have leftovers cuz remember we did this for two nights the nacho chicken but you're going don't going have leftovers cuz it was too much put it in a seat Block Bag and close Okay this is the second dinner that share with you and I'm going to show you how we're going to make a beans salsa or sauce for this next recipe okay this is what we're going to do for the next recipe and corn tortillas what are my corn tortillas okay we'll go and get them but we're going to use our beans uh onion for two different ways and I'm going to show you how I have three little bags of chicken from last week that this I'm going to divide it in four uh dinners I'm going to use it for the two recipes this is going to divide it in four and then we're going to use the guo peppers that we bought two weeks ago and I'm going to show you here in this video we bought a little bag and I had three left so we're going to use it two this recipe that we haven't used it so check out that video If you haven't um this is what we need and it's going to be a a really really good recipe let me show you the first thing that we're going to do I'm going to remove the tail from the Chile and all the seeds I highly recommend to use gloves just because it is it will be spicy in your fingers so that's the first thing that I'm going to do um I may not use gloves today but I always do though but today I feel a little lazy and the thing is this uh they're very fresh and so they're very easy to do what I'm doing right now sometimes when they are too way too dry uh it's very hard but this one was so easy to clean as you can see so if yours are like that like very flexible right those are perfect so you don't have to nothing so this is done this already let me take you to the stove guys and guess what I have a great great news for all of you okay for these dinners and for the next recipes to come we're going to be uploading the recipe on my website Mexican cooking onab and it's going to be ready for you guys to print it what I know a lot of you asked me and I thought you know what let's do it so I'm taking my time a little more time but it's okay cuz you love that right so on the description below I will leave the link for the two recipes today for the chicken nachos and for the takitos chicken takitos for you to read him from some on I will be doing that for the past ones I will try to start doing that and I will let you know so you know but go and check it out okay uh it has a little bit of um oil and I'm going to add my onion my four of an onion and my garlic and I'm going to have them here until they look translucent [Music] when you do this for your Salsas or for any recipe that you're going to blend especially this is really good because what it does it get the flavors get stronger and that's what you want right the flavor is very different from this onion than a fresh onion okay so I I that's why I love doing this for my salsa or the recipe that we're going to I'm going to share with you today so after my onions are like that I'm going to add my two Chile and I'm going to add my beans now my beans have some liquid okay but if your your uh beans are dry you need to add a half a cup of either chicken broth chicken stock or water so I'm going to eyeball it here and if I feel that it needs it then I'm I'm going to put it but if not I'm just going to leave it like that because my beans hot water right the liquid and I'm just going to cook them here for literally 5 minutes in medium low heat okay so I'll be right back look what we're going to do you're going to love this recipe okay I still have two more minutes to go so but this is looking really good okay okay now on this side this is done definitely I will add half a cup of either chicken breath or water so I'm going to put this um into my blender so we can blend it let me okay I'm going to blend it all of it you're going to see why we're going to do something very yummy and I'm adding my half a cup of either broth or water and let's blend it okay I put a little bit of oil on the same pot because I'm going to put here what we blend so you're going to see white in a minute and I have it in medium low okay so let me put all of that and let me show you what we doing here is all what we blend and I'm going to just warm them up um and I'm going to add salt and pepper so let me add that and this is done now let me show you what we're going to do okay I have a little bit of oil and I'm going to add the other part of my onions remember [Music] okay when my onion are like this I'm going to add my chicken so this is one bag well the left what was left cuz I did my other dinner remember the um um the Chiles okay and you can add salt and pepper at this point I think I'm adding more chicken cuz remember this is for two recipes right I'm going to make it for two I mean not two recipes but for two days I'm going to make this dinner for 2 days so and once you see that it's like a little golden like brownish you know you're done okay here's my chicken here's my tortillas so this is what we're going to do and I have some toothpicks to help me out to close it you can you have a enough chicken to make eight tacos in totals four for one day four for the other one I'm only going to make three but you have plenty okay and tight it as much as you can I already have oopsie I already have my pan with a little bit of oil I don't like to fry them but it has you know we need a little bit of oil H these tortillas are not the best it's okay they need to be a little more warm your tortilla needs to be a little more warm okay cuz they're breaking okay let let me take you to the stuff I'm not going to put the toothpick because look what happened but I'm going to the same pot that I did my uh chicken I'm going to do this too with the up with the open on the that side okay I'm just going to let in there for a little bit let's see perfect okay so I think our takitos are ready I think they're all really good right it takes a lot of time if you don't want to fry them like I didn't but it takes time so I'm going to turn it off now let me I'm going to grab my plate okay I'm going to add my beans okay you will decide how much has less how I mean how much or less you want it right okay you have your plate and you're going to put your takitos let me remove the um the toothpick yeah okay okay let me show you how we're going to with this deliciousness here is our dinner right and here's our salsa this is optional but I love adding My Salsa to my tacos okay and basically that will do right cuz that's what we have for our dinner this week but I'm going to show you how we typically typ typically typically no okay how usually we eat it if you have sour cream you add some sourer cream okay and if you have queso fresco you got some too what what and you have a very delicious meal and you still have to make way more if you want eight I mean if you want four each day go ahead you have plenty to make at least eight tacos that will be up to you but this is meal for 2 days and I hope you enjoy it isn't this look so good like so good and very frugal very delicious you can um if you still have if you have leftovers beans go ahead and either freeze them or I'm going to leave here these ideas that you can use them as well and check out these videos are perfect for any leftover beans that you don't know what to do check this out and I will leave it on the description below okay guys this is so good and so me to just eat it like you eat any Taco they has a little bit of beans M you get a little bit of beans and oh yeah baby m to die for to die for I know you're going to love it I know you are I know you are so stay tuned for more videos like this if you liked it please thumbs up share it help me out sprad the word and I will see you next week for more recipes
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 4,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal mexican dinners, frugal recipes, frugal meals, frugal cooking from scratch, frugal cooking recipes, frugal cooking for one, frugal cooking australia, extreme frugal cooking, budget cooking frugal, frugal dinner ideas, frugal chicken recipes, frugal meals for big families, frugal meal recipes, frugal food recipes, frugal mexican meals
Id: 1ya0_uai_Rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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