Meals to Eat When You’re Broke || From Someone Who Actually Grew Up Poor

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Hello everybody welcome back to my channel [Music] today's video is more broke meals meals to make when you're broke and and you're hungry and just because this stuff's good too I mean it's cheap as heck to make so it's perfect for meals to make when you're broke but it's also delicious we love these they're so good so the first one I'm going to show you is it's butter noodles but different it's a spin on butter noodles okay it's a spin it's not just regular old butter noodles it's different and these are addicting addicting you're gonna need preferably like it the noodle you use totally makes a difference these are about two dollars a bag and it's the Dutch noodles we're gonna be making some Amish butter noodles they're so good two dollars for this bag of Amish noodles you want a half a stick of butter this chicken broth was free I canned this chicken broth from leftover bones and junk three you're gonna need a quart of chicken broth a cup of water salt and pepper tablespoon chicken bouillon let's make it I always do the Smith test on whatever you have can to make sure she's good and I want to use a strainer because I don't want the little bits I did use seasoning in this I told you a cup of water but I lied because I was thinking for some reason a half of a pint which is a couple which is a cup of water it's actually a a half of a quart jar so that's two cups of water spoonful of chicken bouillon lots of pepper I do three pinches of pepper I did use chicken bouillon so I'm not gonna use a lot of salt just one table salt mix up that chicken bouillon powder I'm also going to add half a stick of butter now normally I'm impatient with my noodles and I go ahead and pour them straight in but this I want the butter melted and I want this warmed up it doesn't have to be boiling when I put the noodles in but it does need to be warm she's a little warm now you can see it's steaming well those Dutch noodles in here we're going to keep this boiling until it gets real thick you're not going to have to drain this it gets thick on its own this is why I love a garden because when you have you know this is just showing you guys what meals you can make when you're broke well Garden helps out we're going to have a side of corn with this this is the star of the show but I was like hey I have some corn that needs to be used that I picked from the garden yesterday let's throw it on her let me see how it's getting thicker we're just gonna keep going you see how she's thick it'll thicken up even more when she see it and this is the best butter noodles you'll ever have now the last step did I say it was healthy no I didn't they are butter noodles let's mail in a couple more tablespoons of butter here is our Dutch better needles and they are delicious cheap as heck baby Chris wait darling tell everybody how you feel about the Dutch butter noodles pretty good thanks we got another meal to make when you're broke this one is a meal that my parents made all the time all the time all the time growing up crazy cheap and we would especially have this on days like right before payday grocery day or whatever this was it I haven't had this in a decade at least maybe more but I was thinking what is a good meal to make when you're broke and this popped up in my hand I was like I can't believe I haven't had that in so long so all you want to need one can if you want a tuna I'm using the cheap trunk light like 72 cents 72 cents Audi or the cheap trunk light I'm using two cans you want to need some of that pantry cornmeal that you have in there it's good on salt and pepper some oil that's all you're going to need for this but you can spice it up if you want if you want to dice up an onion and put in it you can cheese um Peppers anything like that if you want to put it in there you can if you have it but this is the way we always made it growing up and they're pretty good for what they are called tuna cakes or tuna patties so let's get to this let's make some tuna patties I haven't had any of these in Forever what my parents used to serve this with was a good old box of mac and cheese and maybe a couple cans of green beans or green beans and corn or just instant mashed potatoes that's what they served it with and it was a very very very cheap way to feed the family drain your tuna you can use as much tuna as you want for this foreign I'm not even sure if my kids have ever even had one of these before they might be surprised today it's been that long since I've had one and Ryder's almost 15. just want to break up the tuna a little bit salt okay pages of salt peach or pepper this has no measurements it's just eyeballing it so I'm just going to sprinkle I'm Gonna Save a half a cup of cornmeal right now I might need more and we're going to do a little bit of oil if you have the tuna that comes in the oil you probably could use that and not drain it but I never buy that kind of and you'll want this to make patties go look for a good consistency hmm put a little bit more cornmeal along with a little bit of oil that's my measurements dupe and bloop you'll know that you have enough stuff in it when you can reach in here and make a patty there we go made a patty now here we go with my good old arm Skillet this is my new bestie when I start heating up some oil to fry this in I'll say yeah when this is heated up it's hot make your patties let's fry them [Music] this my friends is a tuna patty or a tuna cake they don't look like much but this is what we grew up on in the South when you broke and they're not too shabby I must say crack one of them authorians onions Peppers whatever you want in it like I said before I don't think my boys have ever had these if they have it was so long ago that I can't remember okay guys I want you to try a tuna patty this is what we had to eat when we were broke as a joke growing up oh well that's not a new joke no joke no don't make a mess Ready Get Set taste it not bad at all pretty good it tastes like my childhood I know my dad like I said my dad would always serve it with like mac and cheese or canned veggies of some sort maybe instant mashed potatoes and it was always that meal that you knew it was the day before grocery day mama would make these occasionally but she would make them as a treat because we liked it as we liked it it was really good so this my friends is a cheap food that you can make when you're broke and it may not be too pretty but it's pretty good I wanted to show you up close try it it's pretty good okay Colin you ready to try the tuna patty there's salt in it yeah how much dude I don't know a couple pages I want a big bite okay okay let them know how it is kylon this is a food that mommy grew up eating when we didn't have hardly any money okay but it's Pretty stinking good let me know what you think okay it's very easy to eat hmm what's happening what's happening is it good this video is kind of I don't want to say makes me vulnerable because I'm not a vulnerable person but it's it's sharing some details in my childhood with you but I'm not ashamed of it and it don't feel bad for me it's all in the past and I won't change it for anything because it made me who I am today a lot of people ask me how I come up with the meals that I come up with how I learned to stretch a book like I do and the reason is because I grew up poor and when I say poor I'm telling you I grew up poor there were Good Times where we weren't but there were times when we were and I'm not ashamed to say it I just grew up poor and it taught me how to stretch a dollar it taught me how to come up with all the things that I can come up with I'm not just somebody that's coming on here to show you guys what you can do this is stuff that I have done I lived it I grew up very broke it's the truth it's how it is um so I'm not ashamed to say it and I'm not ashamed of it because honestly it it helped shape me into the person that I am so I'm not ashamed of it this next one that I want to share with you comes from place that when I learn how to do this it was very difficult very very dark time in my childhood and if my sister Emily watches this she's gonna be like oh God why are you making that but it was when we struggled really really big in my childhood sorry Emily just fast forward you know which one I'm talking about you know what I'm talking about Emily if you're watching them okay there was this one I want to tell you the story I'm not ashamed to tell you the story okay so there's one time that we were so broke growing up all we had in the house was a box of pancake mix we didn't have syrup so my mother decided that she was going to homemade pancake syrup so Emily and I could have pancakes with syrup there was no money for syrup there was no syrup we just had like Pantry items like sugar water things like that this was the only thing we had in the house that day my mother isn't a cook she it wasn't the cook in the family my dad was the cook so my mother when she tried to make this homemade syrup it was not good it was so bad it was so bad it was it was not good it just was not good so I made it a mission in my life to learn how to make a syrup for pancakes it is actually good I'm sorry Mom if you're watching this I'm sorry to throw you under the bus like that with your homemade pancake syrup you know that wasn't very good pancake syrup you know this it's okay I have a pancake syrup recipe that is actually tasty so if all you have in your home is a box of pancake mix no syrup let's all make some syrup howdy everybody let's get this going I got my big Skillet over here heating up so I can make some pancakes for this to this we're going to add a cup of water and start bringing that to a bowl it's me for a second so with this recipe for this homemade syrup you do not need extracts if you don't have extracts if you have maple extract just sit in your cabinet add some of that to it but you can also use any extract you have orange put some orange in there if you want it give it a little orangeness butter use butter extract vanilla use vanilla extract use whatever you have because it will be but I'm not going to be using anything in mine I'm just going to be using the simple basic version of this once the water is boiling I want you to add a cup of sugar and a cup of brown sugar brown sugar mom not white now we're going to slowly boil this up together until it gets like a syrupy consistency like I said if you want to put any extracts in it do it now we're gonna let this bowl for about three minutes for the consistency that I prefer with a pinch of salt our pancake with syrup okay here we go that pancake and syrup I'll tell you how it is and then we'll get the pancake connoisseur in here ready to let you know um that's pancake syrup my little boy my pancake connoisseur tell me if that syrup is good or not mmm that's good does it taste like pancake syrup or something a little different it tastes like pancake syrup yes so if you don't have money for pancakes there but you have pancake mix make that if you have Pantry Essentials like sugar brown sugar and water a little salt phenomenal let me tell you Brian's already ate the whole pancake did you make too much pancake syrup guess what let her cool just a little and get you a glass jar Mason jar or whatever and put it in there and you can just heat this up in the microwave and it'll thin back down all right guys let's do one more meal to make for when you broke and this one is and my favorite you're gonna need to give you some veg I found this on clearance at the good old angles it's got cauliflower broccoli and carrots in it you can get the Frozen kind of Wally world that's like a dollar sixteen I think just you know get you some veg I haven't made this for you guys before but I'm putting it in this video because this is a good addition to this video you're gonna need some Ramen however many people you're making ramen for that's what you use there's no exact measurements just make it to your like now a few months back eggs will not budget friendly and we're not good for broke meals but they're cheap again so eggs these are for my little chickies in the backyard so you can I think you can get six eggs for around 63 cents at my local Walmart now and I want to say a dollar 18 I think it's a dollar eighteen for twelve I'm not sure but they're very budget friendly now and they're protein yes protein so we're going to make one of our favorite ramen noodle dishes for the last meal and this meals to make when you're broken video your veg cook them however you'll want to cook them I want to steam mine in My Little Steamer this came with a little Kettle I got and I'm just going to steam them just make sure they're cooked good it's cooking broccoli smells like a big stinky foot but it tastes good smells like a little stinky fart but it tastes really good me baby and The Joke is on You I'm gonna go ahead and call these done and I want to dump them in a bowl because I'm using the same Kettle to make my Ramen because I don't want to have excess dirty dishes and yes I'm gonna use this water because it's full of the nutrients from all that you don't have to I'm just I'm just doing it I don't want to waste you know sprinkle party over here all right I want to start cooking our ramen noodles and cook it up with the chicken powder seasoning [Music] sometimes Roma just hits the spot don't that smell good yeah but y'all can't smell it I wish you could okay these they're really big chunks so I'm just gonna run okay my kitchen shears through these to chop it up a bit cause I don't want them so chunky I chopped it up all right these noodles pretty much done I'm gonna throw these veg back in okay this this is pretty much done now I want to set it to the side I got butter in my little Skillet and I'm gonna fry some eggs y'all [Music] we'll see anything [Music] a little salt and pepper [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] however many eggs you want all right there she is and boom they usually poke beautiful that is pretty good thanks homie if y'all never had a fried egg like I said need to try it because he's pretty Danga with the ramen [Music] who broke this is delicious mm-hmm this is probably one of my favorite things I hope you guys enjoyed this video remember if you or anybody you know is facing food insecurity please go seek help go to your local food pantries churches get help everybody deserves access to food food should be a human right I love you guys and if you try any of these recipes on this video I hope you absolutely love them remember as always be positive be kind be happy let others be happy and I will see you next video bye
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 397,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1qr1F8t_oO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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