How to live on $20 dollars a week.

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and we did it again so uh let me show you the meal planning for this week hey guys I feel that I'm missing something this was $14 but I feel that I'm missing something so I'm going to sit down and rewrite again my meals my breakfast my launches so I can give you again for this was almost $14 was $3 something but I feel that I'm missing something so we'll see I'll let you know and yep you discovered we're going to use a chicken this cust me let me tell you here's my receipt Cuts me $4.97 okay I'll show you if I need to add more okay so besides the other mini video that I show you I went to the store again and I bought whoopsie I put on the right wrong side and I want to buy some bananas two cans of Italian style stew and I bought the crunchy peanut butter and I bought an avocado so the first one right I spent $14 and in this one I spent 562 so that's basically total of 20 bucks so that's what we're going to do during this week and I'm going to show you quick easy and I think a little more healthier version so let's get started with our breakfast okay these are the ingredients that we need for to make our first recipe I'm going to show you a small batch on how we can do donuts at home and these are super good and very easy to make and of course very cheap so let me show you okay my water is warm so I'm going to add my GES to my water it's a tablespoon of water and I always like to add I have here my sugar my cinnamon and my salt so I'm going to add a little bit of sugar as well which're just going to help the yeast to wake up and the sugar is going to help us for that as well I'm going to put it on the side and now I'm just going to add the rest of my ingredients to my bowl my milk is a little warm as well and sugar salt cinnamon that order it really doesn't matter okay so you can just add Everything at Once I'm not using the entire um egg because I don't want a lot of moisture I don't like like water cuz I already have the meal so the yeast is going to give us not the yeast I'm sorry the egg yolk is going to give us that fat that we we need in our dough okay so I'm just going to start mixing this I'm going to I'm going to use my hand in just a minute okay we're going to wait for our yeast to be done and these you'll see is it's sense it's very very easy to make these Donuts you may need more um flour it just depends so you'll see in a minute so let's wait for a yeast to be ready okay and I'll be right back okay look at my yeast it's ready so I'm just going to add it I have here around half a cup uh of flour cuz I think I'm going to need a little bit so let's just start mixing it up until we create our dough okay and I mean how many donuts are you going to get depends on the size that you want it right if you want big Donuts small donuts I don't know right I'm just going to be adding a little bit at a time until I feel that my my dough is ready okay I'm going to show it to you okay my dough is ready it's beautiful okay it's a big ball I'm going to cover it and I'm going to let it rest for around 40 minutes okay let's make our Donuts I have a little um cookie sheet here that I'm just going to make my donuts and put it here to rest cuz we're going to fry them so and I have a circle and the center just find whatever you have at home okay so I'm going to add a little bit of flour okay okay um okay the size of your Donuts it will depend depends on what you have at home okay okay so I'm going to start cutting my Donuts okay I'm going to put them here and so let's I'm not going to work the donut I just wanted to mix it up again to to make one okay you don't want to work the the the dough again so just very gentle okay oh barely so let's do it again we may be able to get one more let's see I don't know what do guys think maybe I think so I think we can get five let's see what do you guys think yes now of course we are okay oh for sure for sure we're going to get barely guys this is a little bit not so thick but you know who cares okay so we had five donuts and I'm just going to let it rest for 30 minutes and then we're going to fry them okay okay I put some oil and then I have some nap napkins on the side um and we're going to start doing our Donuts I'm going to do one at a time just because um and they grow a little just because that's the space that I have they're FL floating so we're going to turn them and they grow so cute look at that beautiful wow girls so much look at this I'm going to put it there and then let's put the other one look at this beauty oh my gosh okay I little a r my donuts for a little bit and I have here a little bit of sugar with cinnamon and so I'm just going to grab any donut and I'm just going to no and I'm going to do that with all my Donuts okay oh boy guys we got five good size Donuts so I mean this is going to be for good breakfast treat up to you yes donuts not of the best um breakfast I know this this burn a little bit but hey it's [Music] okay um but once in a while it's all good I was not paying attention on these Donuts as you can see so whoopsie but they're going to taste good anyway so look at this we went simple but very very good okay so I create this recipe especially for this video because sometimes we only want to make a few right it's a small recipe and because they're homemade we don't put any preservatives right so it can last longer these will be good for like good three four days okay but I know you're going to eat it before that cuz that happens here my kids are waiting for this so and let me show you I want to open one so you can see how they're in the inside okay I want to show you oh can you see this look at this I mean guys they are delicious look at this wo what what I love donuts with sugar and cinnamon let's see can you see it they're really good you're welcome oh let's continue okay I'm going to do a egg s side up I put a little bit of oil a little bit of salt when you're using the cast IRS you have to give them chance so they don't get stick into the pan to like create um like this golden brown a well I try oh man that egg broke I don't like that okay it's okay okay okay this is done let me show you what I'm going to do I toast the bread I'm going to open let's pray that I get a good avocado um oh yeah baby I'm going to put some toast some avocado I mean on my bread oh yeah and then okay what what what and this breakfast I'm going to do it for for two days okay so I'm going to make it twice you can make double if you want we have a lot of bread because we make a whole thing we have avocado steel and we have a lot of eggs so it's up to you for me one will be enough if I had salsa I will put some but I don't have salsa cuz I didn't buy anything for the video but here you have it okay this one I will eat it one time at the week but of course if you want to eat it twice three it's up to you I think I sh one time this one this is one of my favorite um breakfast because it's so easy and simple and I'm going to use two eggs for this recipe I had a little bit of uh oil in my pan okay my tortillas are a little bit of crispy the way I like it um I'm going to add a little bit more of oil yes because it's a cast and iron no cast yeah okay and I'm going to add my two eggs and a little bit of salt and let me tell you a little bit about the pants that I'm using now I'm using C past iron pan right is that correct uh and the reason is because I was doing research I was looking for the good pants right and I notice that every time I will go and get some to Ross TJ Maxx Walmart you know those stores and while you're using it they be they start sticking again you know because a Teflon it's gone like it's already in our buddies right and it's a chemical that it doesn't go away so we were checking and you know doing research what would be a better pen and of course the the expensive pants those that they're from I don't know how to say it in English but anyways so they're very expensive I was like I don't have thousands of dollars so my second option was the cast iron pants because they don't release any chemicals so I invest on some of those and we're getting a little a little bit more and so I have an Amazon affiliate link the ones that I bought and so if you're interested on that I'm going to leave the link on the something that you're interested in there's the trick is there no there kind of tricky because you know you need to learn how to clean them in all the process but for the price I think it's very worth it because I can buy their at expensive ones but this is a great option for us and I'm really loving it I like it so just in case you're interested There's the link okay and then the final touch something that I like you don't have to I like to add a little bit of ketchup and breakfast is ready okay um a few things are happening here right now the first thing is I wash my peer I'm going to put this paper here I'm going to cut it in half exactly okay I'm going to remove that inside of my pepper okay and I'm going you know what now I think it's going to be fine I'm going to put salt and pepper and I'm going to bake this for 15 minutes okay and then I'm going to show you what I'm going to do so I'm going to put this in the oven so let me put it in the oven so 15 minutes that's going this other half I'm going to dice it so let's do that very quick as well and I'm doing it in like a small cubes okay I have this plate that I'm going to do this I'm going to put this and I'm going to boil these five potatoes that I have here so I'm going to peel them and dyce them okay okay am here I have four eggs I'm making a potato silad here my water is boiling for my um my potatoes so I'm going to add them carefully okay so this is what's going on right now let's continue okay now we're going to shred our chicken that we bought and I'm very excited about it because we're going to be able to have chicken forever right we're going to be able to make so many re recipes with it and it's already season it's already ready for us to just put it a part of our meals and do it so I'm going to sh the chicken and we're going to and I'm going to show you how I'm going to use it okay this is ready well first part I'm going to throw the water that I have here cuz I don't want water on my pepper it's a little bit for what the okay now I'm going to add a egg inside and I'm going to put a little piece of cheese just a little bit I'm I'm going to add a little bit more of salt and pepper on top of my egg as well and it's going to be back and it's going to back it's going back in my oven for like 20 minutes I think it's going to be done but or you can put you know what let's put it at the end huh let's cook it like that so I'm going to cook it like that for now and then 20 minutes I'm getting it out so this is going in okay and this is what we're having for breakfast this week two days we're going to have this amazing donuts I know I know it's not the healthiest but hey once in a while it's fine then we're going to have scrumbled eggs with corn tortillas and ketchup for one day then the toast with the avocado and the Egg for 2 days and last but not least the green pepper with the eggs and cheese everything was so delicious okay we're going to do the potato salad the way I do it I know we we didn't buy a few ingredients but I just want to share my recipe uh feel free to do your own version as well but I'm going to do first the mix that I do I like to add 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar and I know at first it's going to be very strong but then you have to let it rest and oh my gosh is the best sadly I don't have the pickles juice cuz that's the best thing ever to add but I don't have I'm so sad that I run out of um pickles so I'm not going to be able but I'm going here the recipe is going to show you with the pickles because I think that's the best thing ever even though I'm not going to add it today I mean if you like pickles you are going to love this okay okay I'm going to add sugar and the recipe is there on the side okay I'm going to add my salt this is a really really good recipe I promise our favorite one [Music] pepper I'm going to add a cup of mayo so let me open this very quick um okay this is half and I'm I need a cup of mayo I have my potato I have five medium potatoes and I should have um five eggs but I need the eggs for the breakfast and stuff so I couldn't have an extra which is okay it's all good ah okay I'm going to mix all this up let's mix it up and if I have pickle pieces of pickles will go here and the use but I don't if you have a good potato salad do you want to share guys I would love to a few of you share some recipes for the biscuits and the way you do the gravy oh heck yes I'm going to try them I'm going to give them a try those great recipes so I'm going to put here my potatoes so I'm going to add them and I put my eggs in ice water so I'm going to peel them cut them and add them in here oh man I'm not an expert at this can you tell I'm sorry but oh well it's all good it's all good so I'm going to peel them um I don't like to add the yellow part so hey you decide if you want it go ahead okay how are you guys how's been your week your week your weekend what plant do you have we're only going to have four eggs but you know what it's so good it's going to be delicious we have bread and so we're going to have a very good um lunch right for a few days so it's going to be great I'm going to learn how to do this in the right way guys because I'm pretty sure it's the right way and a quicker and a more pretty one huh and this is good that this is brown eggs because then I can see if I have a little piece of that egg shelf that it's not out cuz when there's white it's kind of hard okay let me clean here very quick so I can dice them okay I'm going to start cutting okay let me put this one here let's continue okay all my ingredients are here I'm just going to mix it up I don't like this one hold on okay I'm going to mix it up oh smells so so good my green peppers going here as well and you should put some onions too but on way I'm I'm not going to add them today I'm a little lazy today oh my gosh this is the best potato salad ever and if I had my pickles here Divine but I don't and that's okay I'm going to cover it and I have to put it on my fridge for a little bit so it can taste toine okay and I'm going to continue uh shredding my chicken okay so let's do that I'm still working on my chicken guys but meanwhile I want to start starting my soup so what I'm going to do I'm going to blend my tomatoes and these are Italian style because I want the seasonings that they already have here and do you think I can add the other one I don't know if I can oh smells so good oh my gosh I'm so excited okay um I don't know if I can add both so cuz this is too small so I'm going to I'm going to blend both of this one and I'm going to add it on my pot okay so let's do that okay I am add the base of my soup and then I'm going to add around two cups in here so I can mix it up uh to get all this too so I'm going to add this can you see me so I can get everything clean okay okay here's the base for my soup and I'm going to I have it in medium high medum medium Yeah medium high so um and I'm going to continue with my chicken okay so basically I'm almost done with the chicken I still have a few pieces in that in there but it's fine so I'm going to check the flavor I just want to see if that's fine or if it needs a little more so let me go for a spoon I just want to check the the taste so hold on oh my gosh Perfection right here Perfection I think has really good flavors the only thing that I'm going to add is oregano cuz I love that flavor of oregano in my soups uh and I think I need to open let me see if I have an I open one hold on that's the only thing that I'm going to add anything else I think is really really good and flavor and um this is really good in flavor honestly I really like it um it was stew chick no I mean tomato Italian style perfect so now that this is the way I want it look what we're going to do remember that I bought a box of lasagna noodles well these we're going to do it for a different recipes um and today's recipe I'm going to grab a few noodles I don't know maybe 1 2 3 four five six maybe six maybe six I'm going to check so I'm going to get my noodle and I'm going to put it in little pieces this is going to grow so you want small pieces of the pasta in your soup so I'm just going to break it and I will have to do it kind of quick so cuz it's going to start cooking right and so I'm going to add it and and I'm going to cook it only for 7 minutes and turn it off and my soup is ready and we're just going to our cheese so I mean chicken so I'm going to show it to you okay 7 Minutes P I want to see how are my noodles okay my noodles are doing good but I think they need a little tiny bit more a little bit more hold on they're so hot but I really want to try it 2 minutes two more minutes only and this is ready 2 minutes they're almost done oh so good and if you had a little s cream delicious okay um in total there were 10 minutes my noodles are ready and now let me show you how I'm going to surf this soup is really good I think does the perfect noodles like everything so let's see let me try it just to make sure in total we're 10 minutes yep okay noodles are ready 10 minutes so I'm going to divide my chicken in little bags so we can freeze it right I'm just going to leave two portions for my soup so let's see this is what I'm going to do I serve my soup right so I don't know you name made I think that's that's pretty good for my soup white my pasta so I think this and I'm going to have more than two times so yeah yeah plenty of chicken so here's my two soups for the week everything else is going to the freezer okay I got four four baggies okay perfect so I'm going to put on my freezer okay perfect for our for meals right so next week we're going to be using this and let me show you how I'm going to surve my soup here's my soup with my chicken oh boy oh my goodness and like that let me go for a spoon so I can show you okay guys here are my two plates of my lasagna soup and if we just have cheese we can add it but I don't have cheese so it's okay and let me show you so my two soups for the week I have them and let me show you how much we have left so we still have for two more soups guys two more so these two meals are going to go for next week I may even you know what add a little bit more water and then we'll do it but two soups guys from here two soups I don't know why I bought two what I was thinking I don't know what meal was on my mind but we're only going to use one so guys return it if if you make this mistake return it um and you can get an apple bananas some fruit right so we're only going to use one and here I'm boiling some water because I'm going to cook four noodles for my next recipe that I want to share with you for two days right um so I'm boiling as soon as this is boiling I'm going to add salt is this boiling actually it's boiling so let me put some salt and I'm going to cook my noodles for my next recipe guys okay noodles 10 minutes and I'll show you I'll show you in a minute in 10 minutes look at all this um chicken that I got this is way too much which is perfect for many recipes that they're coming so I'm what I'm going to do I'm going to get for my two recipes today and then I'm going to put in SE blow bags and I'll show you that later but for now look what we're going to do I'm going to shred my cheese what I have left so I'm going to shred it oh my chicken and I'm going to do the small like I think so let's Shredder cheese if you have cottage cheese in your house oh add it it's going to be delicious if you have your cotta cheese all that is going to be fantastic okay this is going to be a very simple way easy Frugal to make some lasagna rolls that that's what we're making so we're going to use all the cheese which this is going to be more more than enough I'm going to add one egg the reason that I add an egg is because the egg is going to help me to get all these together inside the roll without going out so much I'm going to add a little bit of salt I'm going to add some black pepper [Music] you um add oregano or if you have Italian seasoning go ahead and add that okay and I'm going to add my chicken right in here okay a cup around a cup I'm going to mix it up okay you want all the cheese and the I mean the egg and all our mixture and this is my feeling for my four lasagna rolls okay so we have plenty this is ready let's wait for the rolls to be cooked so we can continue okay my noodles are ready here's my container I'm going to add some just because I'm going to put here my rolls right okay bear with me cuz I know I'm going to get burned okay so here's my noodle right I'm going to add I add a little more chicken cuz I thought oh I going not have enough [Music] so so I'm just going to rub my chicken like this and now I think I did more oh my gosh Gabby it's okay and because it has CH uh what is it called has um egg I need to use it now so we'll see okay let me do this one as well okay two seconds I thought I was not filming and I was going to die but no I'm filming okay good good good okay let's so the egg is very important guys because that's going to help us to keep it all together okay I actually Yes actually I just barely have for my four rolls so that's perfect okay okay let me actually get a little for the other roll cuz I think they have plenty right okay I'm going to roll them okay can you see it and I'm going to put it here going to roll them put it right here okay and my oven is ready to add my lasagna rolls oh my gosh it was perfect just barly huh let's just put it all out okay and roll it okay now I'm I'm going to put a little bit on top right because why not we're not putting cheese on top because we don't have we don't have an extra cheese but it's okay okay I'm going to cover them okay I'm going to cover them and I'm going to put it in the on my oven at 375 fahit for maybe 20 minutes so my cheese can melt my chicken can warm up again and I'll show you later okay I still have plenty of sauce let me show you so if you can tell it's here so I have plenty so great for next week we're going to be using these hey guys there you have it let's see it's very hot so and you have here for 2 days oh that cheese is melting let me show it to you look at this can you see it guys this is really good so you're going to like two and two there you go guys this lasagna rolls for two days here's one dinner we have lasagna soup with Chi and we are going to eat that for two days we have potato salad delicious delicious you're going to love it and this is for two days as well and you have two lasagna rolls you're going to eat this for two days F either you can eat one or two it's up to you but I'm going to have to bab okay love you love you okay guys this lunch is a very easy one I think and a very familiar that you guys are going to be in my house we love peanut butter we love banana we love um strawberry so for this lunch and I love crunchy peanut butter I think the crunchy one is the best one um I really do believe it is I think it's nothing better than crunchy one I love love filling the little peanuts none in my family like that all of them just like the creamy one so we always have to buy two the creamy one and the crunchy one my husband doesn't like peanut butter only my kids and I and that's okay too um this is going to be a very simple one but I think it's going to be a good one um and then of course we're going to a slice our banana I never put the entire banana but I eat it the banana and then this so I think it's a a good one right right what do you think you can use almond but Al an almond actually almond butter they have small envelopes I don't know if you have seen it and this like a dollar so that's a good option as well because I know almond it's a little more expensive um but you can do that too if you but peanut butter I think it's a little cheaper right okay so guys this is going to be my lunch for today I think it's full of yumminess so let's continue okay I have some beans corn tortillas and aate I mean avocado so this is going to be very simple I don't I like my beans like that but if you don't smash them a little bit it's all good this is going to be a launch a very quick one but I think it's going to be a well I like it and it's a nutritious one too right cuz I mean you need the fat from the avocado right right right right um I want to put it in one side only okay and you can make as many as you want I'm only going to make two but you can make more okay let me do my other tortilla now that I'm [Music] here I love avocados do you guys love avocados my son doesn't which I'm surprised I'm like what what we love it we put avocado in everything okay let me smash them a little bit ooo and now I'm going to add my beans guys smash them if you want to I like my beans like that a little bit of salt oh my goodness this is really good guys D Lunch is ready and I'm going to have this lunch two times so okay so I think he just enough for my other avocado and egg remember with my toast and my my two of this it will depends how many pitos do you want to eat right that depends on that but there you have it it's really good this one is going to be a simple another lunch I still have my little cheese remember um going to make a quesadilla cuz I need to have for my dinner I'm going to use it for my dinner as well so I need to be nice with my cheese okay and you can smash your beans I like it this way this is going to be really really good A little bit of salt and let's take it to the stove okay my pan is already hot I turn it on I'm bringing my quesadilla okay I'm going to leave it here for a little bit until my my cheese start melting yum yum okay I have my plate and look at this oh yeah baby oh yeah okay my cadilla I'm only going to eat it once just because um I don't have more cheese cuz the cheese I'm going to use it for my dinner so but hey this is going to be really really good really good if you have a a little bit leftover of your avocado it's going to be delicious for lunches we have peanut butter with banana and toast we have a quesadilla with beans sorry I was eating these avocados Theos with beans they're so good okay guys this is what I have left my flour tortillas right this is what I have left I already put it on the freezer my beans this is left the can and I have like this much and I have dinner for two days I have the um lasagna soup oh and the chicken which already put it on the freezer let me show you I hope you enjoy this video thank you so much for watching watching please give thumbs up um and wait for the next one you're going to love it they're coming more and more ideas of different menu that how we can save money there coming family meals just different recipes that I think I you're going to love it thank you I really appreciate that you're watching my videos and see you next time bye
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 7,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap meals, grocery haul, how to save money, budget meals, frugal meals, grocery haul and meal plan, cooking at home on a budget, how to avoid eating fast food, inexpensive meals, cheap meals on a budget walmart, cheap dinner recipes, cooking on a budget family meals, cheap meals under $20, $1 a day food, 1 dollar a day meals, cheap budget meals for the week, cheap meal ideas for 1, 1 meal a day recipes, super cheap meal ideas, cheap meals for college students
Id: D6EmaTZ8ltg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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