How to live on $1.00 a day.

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hey and I did it again let me show you how I only spent $70 and something let me show you the ideas okay guys so where is all the spices they have this section that is Mexican spices and that's what you're going to find um Chile cascavel or W in parenthesis and that's what we need okay but this is and if you check in the bottom that's what I really highly recommend to buy these packages once you use it very often because look this is 216 and this which is way bigger has more 420 so it's always better right but because of our video we're buying this one okay guys good morning sorry I will get ready in a minute but I'm hungry and I need to make me breakfast so the first breakfast that I want to do I'm going to do um you know in America it's very common to have a breakfast gravy uh and biscuits right so I'm going to make in my version Mexican style and a FR way and last cross fingers that I get it right and of course uh it was cheaper to buy the can of biscuits right than make them because I didn't want to buy the butter and stuff besides guys I'm not that good at making biscuits uh it's something that we don't eat in Mexico that much or we don't and so I never learned exactly how to make it so if you have a good recipe and you want to share it leave it in the comments I would love to try it because I think biscuits are so good so let me show you how I'm going to make it biscuits and gravy my way okay so I'm already preheating my oven so I can put my biscuits there um I feel that biscuits and gravy it's like a staple in the US homes I you're not going to believe it but I haven't tried it I haven't so if you have a good recipe that you want to share I would love to do it I truly would love to give it a try original so I don't know how this tastes but I see that is a very common so I'm going to oh I forgot to check okay okay for 13 minutes okay so I'm going to put this on my oven and let's make the gravy okay so this is what I have left and this is what I have left um I'm going to use the majority of my cheresa for this and some of my sausage um but I have to leave so I'm going to use maybe this amount but I have to resarch this because I have another recipe that I want to do that it tastes really good so so I'm going to use a little some of my cheso some of this okay let's get to the stove oh and guess what so I need a butter and I forgot to buy the butter so so I went with my neighbor and she let me have she shared with me two tablespoon of butter CU I think we need water I don't want to use oil so okay let's continue okay I'm going to start cooking my chizo and then my sausage so never mind I'm not going to use that much cuz I need okay okay that's what I'm going to use cuz the rest I have a really good recipe that I need it okay if you find ground beef on sale and you want to make your own chizo I highly highly recommend it um it's so good when you can make your own chizo I'm going to leave the description below the recipe are here up up here um so go and check it out but honestly making your chesa is way better than buying it but because of our budget we're doing this right okay and I'm not now I'm going to add my sausage [Music] so let's break it up and let's cook it okay so this is done and I'm going to put it aside so we can do the rest okay I'm going to add my butter and I mean you may know this process right this is something new for me but maybe it's not new for you guys right I'm going to add my flour okay so if I do it a little different remember guys this is in a Frugal quick easy way right first of all and this is my first time making this so bear with me okay bear with me I'm very excited to try it I am very excited so remember share your recipe if you want to so I can make it I will love that why not right okay I'm going to start adding my milk and doing this whoopsie okay and I'm just going to mix it up right am I doing it right [Laughter] guys okay guys this is looking good I might think that this is too much but we'll see I think I did too much um U milk but we'll see we'll see we'll see it's been here for like 2 minutes so I think I'm good I think I don't see any more uh pieces of the butter I mean the um oh my gosh the flour so I'm going to add now I'm going to add my cheso and my sausage which I think is too little for this but we'll [Music] see okay I'm just going to add very little pepper and salt because my cheres and um my sausage they already have spices right so I don't want to do it that much oh my gosh what oh my gosh guys are you excited I am very very excited to give it a try what the heck so no definitely it's not much I thought it was I thought oh my gosh I add two cups of milk and smells so good okay let's get give it a try I can't wait I can't I can't let's do it okay I turn it off okay guys so here's my biscuit I'm going to open it right and I think you guys did it like this I cannot remember I'm so sorry but I think it's like this oh my gosh this is and then did you just put it like this oh and maybe it's not as runny as they should be you tell me in the comments do I need to add less flour or what ooh and went that egg on top perfect okay guys and this is like that right and then I just eat it am I doing it right well I'm going to eat it that way let's give it a try okay guys I am nervous excited to try it let me know in the comments if I did this right or not and by the way thank you so much for all your comments I love it I love having this interaction with you but there's so many and so it's taking me a few days to re reach out to each one of you but thank you so much for commenting I love that okay I'm a little nervous guys am I doing it right I should watch a video before doing this but oh wow mhm okay oh M the shisso gives really good flavor M I really like it it's a weird recipe I will love to put next time for maybe another day of my cuz we're we're we're um having this a few times right I wake this an egg here ooh next time I'm going to do it look the biscuits and we have eight biscuits so we have plenty so I'm going to be doing bread this week cuz we don't need it we have biscuits let's use the biscuits right guys I like that maybe a little bit salt I was a little bit afraid to add salt because the sausage in the Jero they already have flavors right so I didn't want to have a problem with it but a little bit of salt okay for this recipe we are going to use two chil guillos this is kind of like half of uh chizo three cups of beans that we cooked three medium small potatoes only half of this and like a third a fourth of an onion we're going to use cumin and oregano salt and pepper let me show you this very simple recipe the first first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to peel my potatoes and like I'm going to cut it in cubes because I already have a little um pot with boiling water I'm going to cook my potatoes like if I'm going to do mashed potatoes okay I feel that if I cut it dice it it's faster but you do you okay let me you know what let me cut the onion so I can just oo horrible MCE horrible I know I need to buy I'm going to buy me knives that's the last the next thing my kitchen I'm only going to do okay so face the little part that's what I'm going to do now let me go and throw all these away and I have be right back I'm back I'm just going to cut the potatoes in chunks that's all okay I'm going to put it on my stove okay now I'm going to cut my onion and slices like just like that and I only want to add a piece of it I don't want it spicy like that cuz I'm going to use it for another recipe so I have that one here let's let me take you to my stove okay I add a little bit of oil to My Pan I'm going to add my onion my piece of jalapeno and guess what two cloves of garlic so and we're just going to let them here for a little bit Meanwhile my potatoes are cooking and my onion and my jalapenos I'm going to clean this too I always highly recommend get this with Dollar Store you get a100 for a125 so it's good I'm just going to remove the tail get the seats out I'm only using two Chile okay um okay my two chilos are ready let's throw these away okay my potatoes are done done so I'm going to turn it off I'm going to add my chil to the water okay and I'm going to close it and I'm going to leave it there for 5 minutes so my so my chil can be ready to use okay we are going to blend our three cups of beans with some of the use okay we are going to blend what the Chile the onion the garlic the jalapeno jalapeno is optional honestly it gives really good flavor but it may have a little cake too so totally optional I'm going to add a teaspoon of oregano and I'm going to add half a teaspoon of cumin if I feel that it needs more flavor I will add more okay so I'll you know but I think smells good I'm going to add oh half a teaspoon so in total was a teaspoon and a half of oregano okay either way you have here all the ingredients and I'm going to blend it okay I have my pot ready I'm going to add the rest of my chisso and we're going to cook it okay okay that was half of the package so the package was 9 o so we put 4.5 and we're going to cook it okay I'm going to add a little bit of oil I forgot about that just a little okay I'm going to cook it okay once my chizo is cooked now you can make this a vegan meal or meatless meal if you do soy chizo and they're pretty good ones on the market um I'm going to add my potatoes these one to R up and I'm going to smash them okay okay okay now look what we're going to do guys look look look I'm going to add what we blend okay okay and now I'm going to mix it up and we're going to cook this in low heat until I'm going to show you until all the liquid basically is absorbed by the potato so they it needs a little bit of time here so I'm going to corroborate corroborate how do you say not corroborate I don't know to check the taste if it needs I'm going to add a little bit of salt I'm going to check if it needs more cumin or oregano okay okay so I'm going to let cook this I'm going to cover it um and then once in a while mix it up okay but it has to be perfect for me to just in a tortilla like that like if was butter or something so I'm going to show you in a minute okay I'm going to cut these three Small Potatoes madei them small I already washed them because I'm going to leave the skin on and I'm just going to dice it uh very small so they can cook faster okay the smaller we do it the more potatoes we're going to have for sure and they're going to cook very fast so let's do it okay so like that right small cubes okay let me finish up okay guys I forgot about my potato so I'm going to cook my potatoes they're a little like that because I DIC it and then I went to do another recipe and so anyway so they're good I'm going to add salt I'm going to add pepper we're going to add pepper let's put them meanwhile let me show you how the beans are doing it will turn here hold on they're jumping like volcano it's coming along this takes around 25 minutes so let's wait I cover it a little bit and I a little bit up but if I don't cover it all the beans I mean it's already kind of dirty in my kitchen for the beans so okay I'm going to cook my potatoes until they are soft and I will right back okay I'm going to add my leftover sausage ah and I'm going to cook it okay this is done okay I'm going to add four eggs okay so one [Music] two three 4 yeah I'm going to add a little bit more only of salt that's it and I'm going to cook them okay this is done turn it off let's check our beans let's see how these are doing oh they're coming can you see it can you see how much has um it's coming they're coming okay lovely beautiful okay guys after 27 minutes my beans are done can you see this this is exactly what we're looking for they're not liquid anymore so this is done I'm going to turn it off how are we doing so far so good remember that this video is a Contin uation right so I'm going to leave in the description below video one two three I believe this is number four right if I'm wrong I'm going to leave everything on the description below and if I can I'm going to put it here but now um I have my beans ready I have my sausage with my uh potatoes and eggs so now we're going to make tortillas flower tortillas so delicious so let's do it and then I have to make bread I was not going to make bread but then I thought oh wait we have two burgers two broccoli hamburgers right so I have to make bread so we're making bread as well and don't worry because this week we're not going to use the bread only the hamburger buns but for next week I have a few recipes that I want to share with you using the bread that we already make this week so all good right we're going to slice it we're going to put it in the freezer it's going to be perfect I have to show you I got a little bit of beans cuz I wanted to check if that flavor you know the taste was good guys you are going to love these beans like I have a ref fried beans recipe mm this ones are very different oh they taste so good what what you're going to love them let me show you how we're going to use them okay I was going to I'm making my flour tortillas so remember what I had here I almost had three cups like very close to three cups on my last one so I opened this one the new one that we bought so I can complete cuz I'm going to make two three cups of my my recipe so it's a cup no it's a recipe and a half for my flow tortillas that I will leave in the description below or if I can I'm learning guys all these YouTube things so if I can I'm going to leave it here okay so three gups let's continue okay guys so many of you have asked me you have a lot of questions about the flower tortillas some tell me the shrinks when you're um trying to make the tortilla and stuff like that so for the flower toras is extremely important that you let them rest at least they have to rest for 20 minutes when they shrink it's because the gluten hasn't finished his work basically of like waking up and doing it so um that's why it's so important that you let them rest the second thing is be when you're mixing all the ingredients it's so important for you to really work the dough for maybe five minutes so you can wake up the gluten and then when you're letting it rest then the gluten does his uh job waking up and making that's making the the flower to is really good now other thing that you can um have a problem is with the pan that you're using to cook them and I had this experience with one of my friends it was not working it was the same recipe it was my recipe that he was she was using so I went to her house we did it together and we found out that five of her pants five not one not two not three five that she had none were cooking our Flo tortillas correctly because they were not how do you call it like the heat was just not going I don't know how to explain it but we changed we found one pan and as soon as we put that t start bubbling and getting up so look for that too maybe the the heat is not Distributing correctly that's the word um so I look for that now if your tortillas are hard they're not soft it's because um it's because you're put in a lot of shortening when you put a lot of shortening that's happened to the tortillas okay so check my recipe check my video and if you still have troubl Slim Me Now okay I have to tell you something funny I'm going to continue I already did 16 but I'm going to finish it all and meanwhile let me show let me share something with you very quick um in my husband's family they were a family of eight six kids and two adults right the parents and they will do two pounds of flour every day every day of flower Tres every day so they will take turns to help my mother-in-law right to help the mom to make them so when I married you're not going to believe it but when I married I didn't know how to cook at all and I mean it so my husband taught me how to make flow tortillas like a year a year after we married he was like and and I have to say that hisas are very perfect circle like beautiful beautiful beautiful but can you imagine make this is a 2 lb the one that we bought 2 lb of flow tortillas to make these flow tortillas I don't know I don't know how I feel about that I don't think I could do that I love making it more than buying it because they're really good but I don't know if I want to be making them every day but I mean when you have that many kids you have to be frle right you have to be frle um so I have a little bit of this let me see if I can um so anyway I thought it was cool guys I was able to make with three cups of flour yes we did three 27 flour tortillas and honestly we're going to use them my recipe is the best one it's super flexible as you can see so go and check the recipe I will leave it in the comments or maybe here okay I'm going to cut a little bit of onion the rest of the chili and my tomatoes I was cutting a little bit of onion so let me continue doing that okay I put a little bit of um oil and I'm going to add first my potatoes let's cook the potatoes first for a little bit salt and pepper of course okay I'm using the same spatula that I was doing with my beans it's all good let's cook the potatoes okay so my potatoes have done I'm going to add my onion my tomato and my jalapenos you don't have to add the jalapenos if you don't want to a great substitute for that is a green pepper green pepper will work and I'm just going to mix it up and I'm going to cook it for like 2 3 minutes only I'm going to show you how we're going to make this one here are my beans that I've been using for other recipes and I'm going to do from dinner tonight my tortillas and I still have a lot of cheese but we're not going to we're going to use it for today's recipe so I'm just going to slice it not this one this one I'll eat it okay so I'm going to use right now three and this dinner I'm going to eat it twice a week so what I do I get some of my beans and this is what we want for our beans that's why you have to cook it for 25 minutes cuz that's what oh god guys I think that all my recipes this is my favorite one heck yes I put a cheese there okay that's what you're going to do it tastes really really good okay I put a cheese and okay okay so let me make three more cuz I'm eating these two times okay I have my pan with just a little bit of uh oil not much cuz I don't I don't like to fry them but you need to I mean you can eat it like that if you want to but I'm going to just okay and you want the ah you want the cheese to melt right so that's why I always put the cheese first um so it can melt and I'm going to do the same with all the other four that I still have to do so I'm taking this out and let's continue okay I'm going to try this I think from all the recipes for this week this was my favorite this tastes out of this world these beans mhm oh yeah m [Music] M well what guys I really hope you enjoyed this video we were so blessed so we had a few ingredients for last week to be able to do this we week um it was only less than $18 so we still have $2 in our favor for next week uh let me show you what we have left for next week we didn't have much this week though which it's okay but let me show you this is what we had left four eggs quite a bit of chil my beans that I you have pretty good cheese half an onion all propose flour and one two three four tortillas and and the bread that I make for the hamburger broccoli that is still in the oven sorry but that bread we have that in this so so breakfast breakfast number one biscuit and gravy with chizo number two quesadilla with sunyside up egg number three biscuits with beans and S side up egg number four potatoes with tomato onion and chili jalapeno with some beans number five biscuits and gravy with chizo number six eggs with beans and biscuits for launches we have three burritos with potato eggs and sausage number two we have potatoes with onion tomato and Pepper with one sunic side up egg three we're eating again sausage with potatoes and eggs scramble eggs and burritos four you're eating a sandwich five you're eating burritos with um beans and potatoes onion tomatoes and Chile six three burritos again from sausage with scrumble xgs and potatoes we were so blessed that last week we have four meals ready for this week and so these um burritos or how do you want to call them whatever you want to call them beans with potato chizo cheese you're going to eat these two times so the total of six dinners and this is what we have left one more plate of pasta another plate of this pasta with myt balls I have four of this ones so it was really really good I got three of this ones they look at this I have a lot of cheres left a lot of sausage left two two patties for broccoli hamburgers stay tuned for next week thank you so much for watching I truly appreciate it see you l next week
Channel: Mexican Cooking on a Budget
Views: 13,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living on $1, cheap meals, extreme grocery budget challenge, how to save money on groceries, grocery haul and meal plan, $1 a day meals, frugal meals, cheap dinner, cooking on a budget, one dollar, $1 a day challenge, living on $1 a day, living on $10 a week, cheap dinners, cheap dinner meals, easy Mexican meals, how to live on $1.00 a day, mexican easy meals, cheap cooking recipes, cheap cooking meals, cheap cooking, cheap cooking for college students
Id: PM2izwH5KRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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