I don’t buy Sandwich Bread anymore! Quick 2 Ingredient Recipe (No yeast, no kneading, no machine)

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[Music] this looks amazing welcome back to cooking at Pam's place we are getting ready to make the most amazing loaf of sandwich bread now I have made bread before with no yeast no kneading and no machine and we're getting ready to do it again today but the difference in this bread it's two ingredients I promise you it is two ingredients unless you're going to count this parchment paper as an ingredient there are two ingredients one two that we're going to put into this amazing bread and like I said no kneading no yeast no rise time none of the traditional things that you do when you're making bread oh my goodness but before we get started if you are new to the channel welcome welcome welcome thank you so much for coming and hanging out with me today here in my kitchen I really do appreciate each and every one of you all for my returning subscribers thank you so much channel members thank you so much for your loyal faithful support okay now before we get started we need to preheat our oven so come with me I'll show you what to do okay our oven is preheated please preheat your oven to 375° F okay if you have a low pan like this you will want to grab a loaf pan now you can make this in any other kind of pan but it won't be your traditional loaf of sandwich bread okay I am going to prepare my loaf pan first by lining it with parchment paper again unless you want to count this as an ingredient we're only using two okay so you want to cover your pan just on the long side going this way so take out a piece of parment paper just that L and put it in press it down and you want the sides to hang over those are called your handles so you can just lift your bread right back out of here so we're going to press this down into the bottom of our pan you kind of crease it so it'll stay down on the sides okay our pan is prepared set it aside okay you're going to need to grab a large bowl and a strainer or something to sift your flour with so the first ingredient we're going in with is self rising flour you need three cups of self-rising flour and you need to sift it okay doesn't have to be absolutely perfect I'm going to put this in here one cup at a time and I just use my regular old strainer just like this to sift the flour okay now that we have our flour sifted into our Bowl I'm going to set my sifter aside and grab the second ingredient our second ingredient is yogurt you need just regular vanilla yogurt it does not matter what brand but not Greek yogurt please do not use Greek yogurt it will not turn out the same you need regular just regular vanilla yogurt okay if you use Greek yogurt I'm telling you now it's not going to come out the same so we need to put in 1 and 34 cup of yogurt so this measuring tool right here is a half a cup so I'm going to use this that's 1/2 that makes one whole [Music] cup and then this is a fourth measure so I'll do this three times for the three Force measure and it's okay if I have a little bit more running over because as you see it's not all coming out of the scooper here okay now from here it's important that you use a silicone spatula to mix this with um it just seems to blend better uh it's what I've always used I have used wooden before and it just does not seem to combined as well so I always try to use a silicone spatula and you just want to continue to mix this until it is well combined your dough should looks something like this it may be a little looser or a little stiffer depending on the yogurt that you have chosen if you find that you're mixing it and it's just way too stiff you can always add a little bit more yogurt just do it maybe like a/ four cup at a time don't add too much at once okay so this is what our dough looks like we're going to grab our pan and get it in there so now what we want to do is pour it into our pan or put it into the pan if it's kind of stiff mine is on the stiffer side but it doesn't really matter it's going to bake up the same at the end and that's the most important [Music] thing and in this particular recipe you don't need to add any honey or any sugar or anything like that trust me on this one that vanilla yogurt takes care of all that okay so there's no need for you to add any sweetener in there that's why we use vanilla yogurt so from here you want to spread it out as evenly as [Music] [Music] possible this is how it should look going into the oven remember your oven should have been preheated at 375 deges F you want to preheat it early so it can get good and hot we're going to bake this for about oh 35 to 40 minutes check it about halfway through if you feel the top of your bread is turning brown much faster than it should just take a piece of parchment paper or foil or whatever you like and just gently lay it over the top so that the top will stop Browning as the rest of the bread Cooks okay we'll be back ooh we are out of the oven oh my goodness look at that doesn't that look amazing oh my goodness woo I'm going to let it cool for a few minutes so we can take it out of here and get us a [Music] slice [Music] okay mine actually took 47 minutes to completely bake before you take it out make sure you do the skewer test by putting the skewer in the middle somewhere in the middle pick a place that maybe has a little dimple so the hole won't just show put your down put your skewer down in there bring it back up it should come out clean if anything is on it besides a few crumbs you need to leave it in there but if you want to leave it in there go for maybe five minute increments at a time and keep checking okay let's go ahead and we're going to get this cut ooh doesn't this look amazing look at this it's still hot but I want you to see all sides up close look at that look at that all the sides and the bottom nice and golden brown oh my goodness now even though I smoothed it out as much as I could you can see mine even Rose unevenly so if yours Rises unevenly it's okay it is okay okay let's go ahead and we're going to slice it then we're going to taste it oh my [Music] goodness [Music] oh this looks amazing look at that look at that look at that oh my goodness so I'm going to cut another piece off for a slice [Music] ooh it's still hot oo hard for me to slice it because it's so hot okay let me bring you guys up close so you can actually see the slice oo look at that look at that nice sandwich bread two ingredients oh isn't that beautiful yes oh my goodness oh my goodness ooo and I got me some butter here I'm going to break me off a piece right quick oh my goodness this is amazing it smells divine two ingredients two ingredients two ingredients I want a piece of crust put some little butter on it you can have a sandwich the cooler it is the easier it will be to cut I couldn't wait y'all I just couldn't wait oh my goodness y'all need smell a vision come on YT YT we need you to get smell a vision okay oh my goodness m m m m this tastes like honeyweed or something the vanilla from the yogurt this is the best bread this beats my other loaf hands down and that loaf is geniusly good this right here woo I'm going to have to walk I'm going have to exercise oh my goodness this is amazing if you are not subscribed subscribe to the channel if you want more recipes like this subscribe to the channel and share the video out because everyone needs to have this recipe in their Arsenal m m m M it is really time for me to go eat now oh my goodness and I will see you next time the good Lord willing and the creek don't rise bye-bye
Channel: Cooking At Pam's Place
Views: 367,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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