What I feed my kids on a $200 foodstamp budget grocery haul

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[Music] what's up if you watching me today what's up hey y'all and welcome back to another V video with your girl lus so as you guys can tell by the title of this video this is a grocery haul of what I feed my kids okay on the food stamp plus paycheck budget okay guys so listen when we get food when the kids get their food stamps it's only and that's if they get them because you know food stamps be playing around with your girl but anyway when the kids do get it they only get like maybe aund And1 to $200 a month so I always go grocery shopping on my pay week so therefore I can you know if I go over cuz I always go over the $200 or $100 I always go over so because I always go over I tend to go on my pay week so I can make sure if I go over it's all to the good okay you feel me my kids still going to eat regardless okay so anyway let's get into this grocery haul okay okay listen I did not do this in no particular order I'm not even going to lie to y'all I tried but as y'all can see it is so much stuff so we going to start over here and okay let's get this thing rolling so basically um I get the SE Gams I love the SE Gams Ginger Els I purchased these I purchased actually a six-pack I'm the main one that like ginger ale so I normally get ginger ale mainly for me um the kids they like Crush I try not to let them drink sodas but they like the orange crust so I get them these there only a six-pack as well as you guys can see um over here I got the kids some strawberry kiwi strawberry flavor dyam smoothie it come with 12 and a pack and guys by the way all of this was a pickup from Walmart okay and I'm going to talk to y'all about that a little bit later about my pickup experience okay okay so let's continue so over here I just got some Italian style meatballs I I love these meatballs y'all the Great Value brand and I don't want to hear anything about Great Value brand I've been buying it forever I've been buying it for the longest and listen okay it works for us so anyway these you can make some meatballs um barbecue meatballs you can make a meatball sub so much stuff you can do with a meatball with some meatballs so I just get a pack of Meatballs especially for like quick dinners um me and my kids love the crinkle cut fries so I just get this again Great Value brand right here I got some Toros pizza roll yes listen I do check labels I do make sure that a lot of the items don't contain a lot of sodium and if it has a good amount of sodium I make sure the kids drink water with it so listen Okay okay so you going to see some processed food so before y'all get into all that okay I know what I'm doing okay anyway so yes I did get a a pack of um the 50 toetos pizza rolls okay so here I got the any TI of hot wings um some of my kids really like hot wings y'all I really try to refrain from them eating too much spicy stuff but yes I did get the hot wings um they also got some popcorn chicken a bag of popcorn chicken um just a Purdue brand I really didn't want this brand but this was um what they gave me because I guess they ran out of the brand I like I didn't even realize I purchased these but these are the oh no actually yes I do yes I do these are the actual no yeah okay so I purchased the breaded honey barbecue seasoned chicken wings um myself and the kids really love these so yes again great value brand really good I showed y'all this all right these I really like the chicken patties so um and so does the kids this is like good for like to add to salad to warm up to add to your salad or um to even just make a sandwich with it so these come in handy so as you guys can see here I got two pack of the wingetts y'all I mainly do Wing egg um I do cook other types of chicken but I love wing egg so it's two packs in there of the same thing um I did choose the the green label if you go to Walmart or shop at Walmart you know what I'm talking about but they didn't have it so they gave me this one the extra lean ground beef and then this is just some beef oops this is just some beef country style ribs y'all because I really try to stay away from a lot of pork moving up guys these are just some um cereal C and I buy these guys I just got a few various Brands um pops and Honey Nut Cheerios and Cocoa Pebbles and Froot Loops I did have another brand of these but they didn't have it so that's the only thing about shopping or doing a pickup if they don't see it they're going to just probably give you something else but these are like for me for like for work all right over here I just got some ham some brown sugar honey glaze ham now back here listen we love some loaded potato skins so I bought those and then down here listen even though this upside down but it's okay even though um it does say zero sugar because you know Gatorade contains a lot of sugar my kids love these kinds like the the fruit punch what it's like a berry the glacier cherry and the glacier freeze my kids really do like this brand so hey I always get them a 12 uh this pack because hey it's hot okay we live in a tropical climate it's hot over here um and don't mind that stuff back there there's some other stuff that I had to move back to be able to do this haul for you guys but um over here uh we all love these chips these are the simply baked puff chips um we already have some chips in the cabinet but we didn't have these so I just added it guys and most of this stuff is stuff that we ran out of or that we was getting ready to run out of all right back up here to the front Okay so I did get two lunch boo for my youngest two kids and Guys these this was not even supposed to be hold on let me set this back up out the way out my way okay okay so I wasn't originally supposed to get these it was supposed to be the regular RIT um by theel just a pack of rits but this is what they gave me that's one thing when you're doing pickup like I said they give you like whatever they have so um I'm going to go back and get like the just the Ritz crackers by themselves the pack for like the individual packs but you know the kids still eat these I eat these so hey we gonna keep them regardless okay so here I do got some um instant Ramen Chicken Maruchan not Ramen Maruchan instant chicken noodles um the noodles in the cup has less sodium than the noodles in the pack so I'm trying to do the cup more often and then plus they have veggies in it so I think that is I thought that was really awesome um over here sorry guys cuz I'm trying to not you know not get confused where I was all right so over here the kids love the Y Crunch and them yogurts so I definitely make sure I get a pack of these back here um the they I got the pineapple tidbits and I got the dice pears as well um here's another pack pack of those noodles guys you're going to see a couple of these I really wanted shrimp as well but didn't have shrimp so they gave me mostly chicken so you're going to see um mostly chicken and there's another one there um two of my kids like Frosted Flakes they don't really like cereal which I don't even understand how they like Frosted Flakes but whatever cuz I like I like Frosted Flakes too don't get me wrong so um I got I normally get this box cuz like I said those two particular kids they eat other stuff but I got them some Frosted Flakes just in case they want some of their cereal okay back up here I already have this and this in a cabinet but hey I felt like I'm at the grocery store let me get it so I always try to get the Iberia brand um yellow rice Spanish style rice this rice is so good y'all and it's not as sticky as the other type of rice um can't think of the name right now y'all but y'all know that other type of rice that's sticky that yellow rice so I just got one pack of this I also got the enrich pboy long grain rice this rice is so good y'all listen okay don't knock it till you try it okay okay canned goods now we do eat canned goods okay I'm not going to even lie to y'all but as you guys can see I try to go for the no extra salt added canned goods but again Walmart did this order for me so hey um so I got sweet peas cut green beans mixed vegetabl peas and carrots and again these are just added to whatever already got in the cabinet French style green beans and there some other two back here peas and carrot some other stuff but we have some in the cabbin ready so hey okay we this is just some added to what we have in the cabinet okay so here I just got one box of the premium shells mac and cheese guys I done um the stove top mac and cheese I done got into the habit of making my own mac and cheese but if I needed something quick I just got one box and I do have some boxes already in my cabinet but y'all listen your girl ain't got no Pantry okay so I can't be filling up with stuff okay any who so these we love these so I got a couple of pack here's another one so I did get a few of these guys we love these little chocolate parfit and these are good y'all it's just um whipped cream cookie crumbl and like some type of chocolate mousse but these are good with the chocolate um frosting on the top all right y'all continuing on I did get the four pack of mac and cheese cuz my kids especially the younger kids they really like mac and cheese and this is like a quick lunch you know I can add some chicken nuggets with that and hey look it beat buying TV dinners okay for lunch okay so down here I got the tall size I guess you want to say the 28 o of brown sugar bab beans I have a couple of those and I also got the uh 16 oun of the country style baked beans sometimes the kids want a lot of baked beans sometime they don't um I like to mix the two cans so that's why you see me with different sizes and also sometime listen I have kids that really love baked beans so listen she my daughter we eat this whole can by herself just like and add like some type of chicken tenders or something with it so yes they love baked beans okay um and that's another can of baked beans down there and here and that's one of those okay so back here mind y'all I know I ordered that one I guess I must have ordered this one and I'm going to tell yall a little bit later why matter of fact let me tell y'all now when you listening and don't mind that back there that's just some stuff I take to work okay so listening to somebody told me to choose a different Walmart because I really wanted to pick my groceries up yesterday but all of the by the time I was able to finish my order all of the pickup times was full so I switched my order to another Walmart when I switched my order to another Walmart it took off a lot of the items that I had and so when I switched it back to the original Walmart that I wanted to pick it up from I had to read my items back so maybe when I switched I think this got added and I didn't realize but it's okay again hey you can never have too many Gatorade so this is just a little 12 pack of mini Gatorades same thing zero sugar and it beats me from having to buy Gatorade for a while cuz that pack ain't going to last too too long okay moving along now I did get this um one of my children really lovees cereal she's the only one that will eat cereal all day all night if you let her so this is for her the captain crunch crunch berries cereal all right back here I got some cranberry grape orange juice simply fruit punch choy can um Caribbean Sunset and Island punch now I buy these for the simple fact that they don't really contain um high fruit toast corn syrup and they're more healthier look at me saying healthy y'all but anyway moving along moving along I got these Hot Pockets a fryer oh I never notice they said a fire but anyway ham and cheese Hot Pockets five pack cuz only really one of my daughters eat these and then I got this the honey Jiffy corn muffin mix I got a pack of these a pack of this and then I have some mashed potatoes that's a family size um one of my daughters really like this so I got her the vanilla covered yogurt vanilla yogurt covered raisins Great Value brand she loves this then we got the Golden Oreos listen we love this too um I end up getting some honey and [Applause] some strawberry applesauce now I got these for my youngest kids just to have as a snack it's just a crunch pack with peel apples cheese and chocolate pretzels all right moving on I got the birthday cake instant oatmeal as y'all can see this only six packs so I did get another oatmeal and we all like the strawberries and cream oatmeal I'm moving a little fast now y'all cuz my phone about to go there all right so we got some ketchup I try to get simply ketchup um we got some French dress and we already got Ranch in the refrigerator but French is mainly for me I like French I got some sweet brown sugar barbecue sauce now I did need this so I got some more garlic powder moving over here I got some fully cooked crispy chicken breast strips so like chicken strips y'all some chicken nuggets some plain salt some whipped cream some honey buns some strawberry shortcake rolls some bread and then I did get a 12- pack of cookies cuz these is good to eat with some milk um yeah these are just some Chef bar um all right moving along I got a few different kind of muffins y'all cuz my kids love mu muffins um I did get some bacon cheeseburgers because they're really into like the bacon cheeseburgers now thanks Burger King Wendy's over here I got a few brands of these totinos party pizzas my kids can eat one on their own so I did get a few and then my son he loves these corn dogs so these are just some beef honey corn dogs I did get a salad bag okay cuz we like salad over here too so I did get some beef pot pies and some spaghetti with me meatballs stofers and then I also got this be beef pot roast with vegetables just for like a quick dinner over here I did get some buttermilk pancakes again Great Value brand don't knock it till you triy I got the Jimmy Dean croissant saashi egg and cheese and I got some milk here back here I got some french toast sticks it's actually two boxes of these cuz they really love French toast sticks I did get the snack packs tuna salad now over here I just got like some oxyclean some uh you know the little scent boosters some napkins some tissue I did add some more incense y'all and then I did add this y'all I tried this um last month and it smells really good so you put it on your filter for your AC and it does not mess up your AC then up here I got some ice cream sandwiches this y'all again same thing that happened with the Gatorade happened with this but it's okay we love some scar baby shortcake ice cream so we got two boxes of those two different kinds and if I had to choose the good human brand is better then I got some llama corn ices and before y'all go to sand why my food on the couch hey the table was full I need to do this haul all right and my couch can be shampoo so it's all good okay it's all good so I did get some beef hot dogs I got some beef smoked sausages me and my kids love these I got some toasted scoodles my bad if it's upside down here go some more of those um noodles chicken noodles in a cup here go some more canned goods and these are Great Value brand the other kind is Del Monty but when it come to canned goods y'all listen Okay and it says no salt added right here I did get me some of these y'all cuz I love these brand a frees almost like the Eminem brand now I did buy this this bubble F and I'm going tell y'all the only reason I bought this is because Walmart stopped selling this brand the pear berry pomegranate this is my favorite kind of bubble fruit there we go this is my favorite kind of bubble fruit which is this one so I bought this mainly just for this but the kids eat these too but I love this kind I got some chips for my daughter she love this kind right here we both do some other chips and then I bought these because like I said just a quick lunch um three of my kids like these I did buy some of these some clear ones y'all this is something else that they didn't have cuz I ordered a smaller box but it's okay this will definitely come in handy and we like the clear forks knives and spoons and they come with 64 each this is another fruit cup that I ordered the Mandarian oranges and I did have another pack over there I got some grits cuz listen you can't go wrong with you some grits this is another barbecue sauce this barbecue sauce is really for like if the kids make their nuggets or their chicken scrips they can get some of this barbecue sauce cuz you know they don't sell barbecue sauce in a pack anyhoo got me some eggs y'all you know that 12 pack of eggs and then I got the kids a mini Sprite it's time for us to put this stuff up okay cuz as y'all can see this is a lot y'all so like I said my experience shopping with Walmart pick up I loved it it was easier it was quick for me because listen all I had to do was go online place my order pick it up at a convenient time for me they come loaded you take it home you take it in your house by yourself okay but it was easier cuz you don't have to stand in those long lines so all you had to do like I said was just place that order and go pick that thing up so I really love my experience as far as you know Walmart pickup is is you know is concerned or Walmart pickup goes what would I change I wouldn't keep switching like the pickup Walmarts I would choose one Walmart and stick to that Walmart if that's what I'm going to pick up from because like I said what happened was like I said I had my order I had 150 items in my cart and then what I did I switched to a different Walmart switched to a different Walmart listening to somebody I switched to a completely totally different Walmart and when I switched it took off like a lot of my items because I guess that Walmart was already out of stock so what I didn't know at the time was that it added it added it to my save for later I didn't know that so when I switched it back to the original first Walmart that I wanted to pick it up from I had to go back through and see what I didn't add or what was taken out and guys that's how I ended up with two boxes of these and two Gatorades and that's how I ended up with those rits because on the original Walmart I chose the the individual pack of rits but I guess when I switched it then switch back they put those instead so it's okay guys like I said it's okay all together I'm going to post a picture here of what the total price was like I said thank God for food stamps because even though food stamps didn't take a big portion of the amount of this food off it still helped and it came in handy because guys like I said this food ain't going to last all month all of it let me rephrase that all of it ain't going to last all month so when it as it starts getting low and starts running out you know I'm going have to go back and add some more stuff guys I try to shop at least every two weeks but because I wanted to do a haul for y'all I waited like out the whole month which I shouldn't have did but it's all good y'all I'm going go back to my shopping every week or two okay to make sure we don't run out of nothing okay but anyway y'all if you like this video and you want to see more what your girl load is hit that like hit that subscribe chop chop chop chop chop chop that not Bell y'all and you always and I mean always we update when I upload a video peace out always peace love and positivity wins always peace
Channel: Lotus Mickeydee
Views: 5,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodstamps, grocery haul, Walmart, Walmart grocery pick up, grocery pickup, budget shopping, shopping on a budget, budget friendly shopping, save money on groceries
Id: 1yiWhHvgYKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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