How to IMPROVE your ENGLISH CONVERSATION Skills : 5 tips

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hello everybody hi happy Friday Friday it's bright this time it's rising so hello everybody today we are live talking about how to improve your English conversation now we are English teachers and women so we really do know what we're talking about that's very true yes I'm Sabra I'm Laila and we're both English teachers from England so this live is coming from the South of England today the day before our Prince our Prince Harry is about to get married yeah he is he's taken Sabre it's too late see you well could always go to the wedding and be like no he's anyone object he should be for me okay so let's get started guys the conversation tips were going to be talking about today I will tell you now what the conversation tips will be we're going to look at how to use small talk in conversation so ways which you can introduce small talk when it's useful what it is so we're gonna be speaking a little bit about how important small talk is in conversations particularly with British people yeah really I'm so with Americans as well or any native English speaker then we're going to be looking at how to use question tags do you wanna explain a bit more about that later yes we're going to be looking at question tags on tweet Mary yeah okay and I'll be explaining some of the grammar of question tags to make sure that you get them right yes although they are relatively simple straightforward thing you do have to note that we've got some rules yes oh we've got some grammar there for you in the second point we'll be looking at then the third point we're going to be looking at is how to use fixed phrases for giving your opinion and speaking about your life in conversations so how to sort of make sure you have some key phrases which you can always say and feel confident about because it is quite difficult sometimes when you're speaking your second language and to be able to say things especially when you were a lower level in a conversation with a few natives yeah it can be very hard we want to avoid you using anything that's too formal in conversation classes you know general conversation that you are the native speaker so using moreover too much doesn't really work no be explaining that's a little bit more that's right yeah and then we've got phrases for asking for repetition so say sorry could you say that again okay there you go so phrases for repetition and checking if you've understood how to check that you've understood or that you're following which is that very useful because sometimes you don't want to say excuse me I didn't get that that can be embarrassing yeah so we're going to give you phrases how you can check if you're following an understanding and the last thing we're going to be looking at you wanna go in this one Leila its utterances and introjection okay so making the right sounds to encourage somebody to keep talking because part of having a good conversation is showing that you're listening and encouraging someone to share what they their opinions what they're trying to say you want to be responsive you don't just want to sit there and go that's right you want to be oh really no way oh okay I understand so we're going to be teaching you some of those today as well so five points right let's get started on the first one so we're going to be looking at learning neighbors plan that she's got topics are small so let me get my list for this I want to ask them what do you think is the number one thing that English people will start small talk about so cut a conversation that's quite simple and it will be short it could be called short talk really yeah so the kind of thing that you would talk to somebody about if you're getting the lift with them going up in the elevator yeah what do you think it is guys comment now what do you say your topic English people small talk mmm come on someone's gonna get it for small talk rain yes the weather is very good yes yes it is the weather so it's very common in England if you are just getting to know someone or your you're in the lift with somebody at work I'll sing a word yes like that you might say the weather's been so lovely hasn't it yeah it's a question tag as well so the Weber has been so lovely hasn't it or isn't the word that awful totally it's terrible today what's it gonna be like the weekend yeah we would talk about the weather now the weather what we are expecting that week or the weekend yeah very common and it really is I think I probably talked about the weather somebody where every day I really do um for example today a colleague of mine who I don't know very well came from London and I hadn't seen him for a few weeks and I said oh it's nice to see you haven't you come to Bournemouth at the right time because we're having lovely weather have it's sunny it's easy it's an easy way to start conversation yeah it might not be popular in your countries but in America I believe it's very popular like the web there as well yeah but it's more of something that British people are very fascinated with we do tend to complain about the weather we do so as you mentioned rain oh it's been pouring it's raining off since Britain again or it gets hot oh it's too hot so it's either too hot too cold not hot enough yet or it's lovely we're really happy about it occasionally yeah yeah we good moaning about yeah okay other kind of popular small talk topics can be what you did the previous evening yeah so if you're getting to know a another person at work and they might be American or British and you want to be able to talk to them you can always ask them what they did the previous evening as you can say Oh what did you get up to last night all have a nice evening or the previous weekend so if it's a Monday you know how was your weekend did you do anything nice mmm those are very very very the phrase would be did you have a nice evening how was your evening yeah we shall weekend yep what did you do and if you want to be kind of more relaxed you so what did you get up to what did you get up to okay up to in English often means what you've done yeah yeah essentially yeah exactly up can mean and activities of what if you've been doing what's up for exam yes what's going on so yes those are a popular one other ones guys for getting to know a person particularly in work situations can be to ask about family yeah we're best on to family or where they're from so if I'm getting to know a colleague at work and I'm imagining guys that some of you are perhaps wanting to have small talk with native speakers or people who speak in English at work perhaps or university studying or at college things like that so native speakers will often respond to questions about where they're from so they might want to talk about their country yeah Oh what part of England are you from or what part of the states are you from what's it like there so you can sort of stop start easy calm yeah and obviously if you know the area that they come from then your tail yes I've been there I'm like the beach there or yeah I've got an aunt there or closer and so you try and make I think one action exactly I think that's the important thing is relating to people and that's a very good way to actually start forming friendships as well making these connections yeah finding similarity yeah so I might say I might say well if you've got if you've got family there to try and find out if you know they've got family back home and things like that important point to say guys is you don't want to say start asking them lots of questions it's supposed to be a two-way conversation so you don't want to be like a police officer saying oh you read where are you from you know what's your ID number absolutely it's a much more relaxed like that the idea is Leyla was saying is that you're making connection so you have to share something that you feel comfortable with and and these are the kind of things that we would share you know I'm married or I've got two children I'm from the South I'm from the north these are acceptable limits of conversation definitely rather than ask me anything too personal yeah it's good small talk not serious talk and if you're well yes and if you're worried about making small talk with somebody you don't know very well you might be a native speaker will be very good at English learn some fixed phrases that you can always be confident that you know how to say well like how's the weather being or the weather's been very nice lately or the weather's not been so good recently we're about so you fry from the states for example so these fixed phrases that will help you and you'll feel confident about them what we can do at the end of this lesson because this is live is will type up some nice fixed phrases for you in the description so you can come back watch this lesson again and have a look at those fixed phrases and try and use the next time in conversation yeah exactly good point all right moving on to number two this is on question tags so later I'm gonna put them to you for a minute or question text yeah Leila is the grammar queen yes I should have my crown grammar yeah please guys in the comments if we're speaking too fast say to us Leila Sabra slow down because it's easy for us to speak more quickly we're used to doing that when we're together it's very difficult we forget that you're here yeah and we start talking like we would normally talk for you to see natural English motivations but we know that we want you to be able to follow so please say slow down okay so question tags are a great way of checking that you've understood something or that somebody else has understood something confirming things really so you have to pay attention to the main verb in the sentence so for example it would you would say a sentence in the affirmative that we are going out and then the question tag would be aren't we and the negative there we go and in the same way but if the sentence was in the negative we can't go out can we it would be in the positive that's right it's very good way to explain Leila now you must pay attention that is the auxiliary verb that we make the question tag with mm-hmm so for example we might say you haven't had dinner have you so we use have it's the auxiliary verb that is formed to make the question tag absolutely you had had dinner have you you're coming to the party aren't you again verb to be there are would be used because it's the auxiliary verb not come to make that question tag yeah you're coming to the party tomorrow aren't you yeah exactly yes but a favor explained that very well so depending on the you're going to have different kinds of auxilary verbs so if it's present simple or past simple the auxilary verb will be do or did yeah if it's a modal verb that can last word yeah then that would be the axillary bud I'd like to go to India wouldn't you there we go exactly the same as well with the present perfect yeah we haven't seen you have we that's it actually they are so useful guys we use them all the time in conversation I'll say to Layla oh you've done this before haven't you yeah well you liked that didn't you you know we're always it's checking it's confirming really that you're right about something but it's also a great way to get someone to reply to you yes if you say the weather's been lovely hasn't it and then someone would say it's a great way of encouraging them to communicate back to you because you're checking it's a question so they our question tags they are super useful so remember it's either negative and positive or positive and negative yet you wouldn't have to remember that together yeah yeah okay we can also write some examples for you in the comments but I think we will learn a few I think it's nice because there's not titles on the live yeah that wait we'll put subtitles at the end but it's nice also for you to check in the description so once put your the best aren't you okay moving on to our next point going I think we should just mention that the it should be contracted oh yeah there's our self enough has put you are the best are not you it should be aren't you you so you need to in tracks it thank you for that say when you write and respond to us it helps us explain your hell yeah yeah sometimes so practice some easy ones guys like asking about nationality your Spanish aren't you not are not you yeah contractions we can go out can't we not can't not wait you aren't 30 later are you know 20 so it's things like that guys practice easy ones again we'll put some links where you can practice that grammar but yeah such a useful grammar structure to have and they'll be something they can use in conversation okay so moving on to the next one guys this is learning fixed phrases to express your opinion and to talk about your life and we are talking about more informal expression so any of you that have done IELTS will have learnt in my opinion and moreover and things like this that actually in general day-to-day conversation we really don't use you know stuff like that in presentations or seminars yeah for general conversation we can say in my opinion might say Oh in my opinion what weekly I say I think more I believe right yeah you can't say it sometimes definitely it's in the workplace oh yeah say yeah I think if you want to be more formal you can say from my perspective that's a nice corner from my nice active you can see personally speaking personally speaking and I do use this one in more I wouldn't necessarily use it with you but I probably use it with like my family a family dinner I might say Oh Percy speaking I think that knowing about something formal yeah well conversation related to work andele yeah but when we're generally expressing opinion we often say things like I reckon I'm a very informants a colloquial expression yeah and it just means I think I reckon yeah so that's great try and use that instead of saying I think next time say I'm railroad because it's very easy to say I think I think I think and it gets a bit boring you can say I reckon or as lady was saying I believe or feel so these are good ways to express your opinion and once you start to be able to use these they're going to really kind of make you feel more comfortable in conversation yes I remember when I was learning Italian I learned to say stick on dummy condiment and that means in my opinion and it was really useful and I started to hear other people saying it yeah I know this phrase I can use it you know I can add that to my my fixed raises that I know I can use in conversation yeah so personally speaking I reckon from my perspective you can also kind of soften it as well because obviously sometimes when you're giving your opinion you don't want to seem too strong so you could say you know I kind of thing so yeah they're kind of kind of shows it's softer so especially if you're disagreeing with someone you know in a friendly situation yeah you don't want to say well in my opinion it can yeah hard a bit strong yeah yeah I kind of think yeah that's very true the other thing guys about learning fix phrases and again when I was learning Spanish in Italian I found this really useful I learned phrases about my life and myself that I could say and I was really confident about and then I knew right if I could go to that party I know I can say where I'm from in England I can describe the region I can talk about my favorite things about Spain I can talk about I can ask for a glass of wine yeah Vic's praises are really good for start the conversation with somebody now think about your phrases what do you want to say well if you're coming to England you're going to go work in an english-speaking environment what are your phrases that you want to learn to be able to say in a conversation with a native speaker or somebody who's very good at English it gives you a lot more confidence to say we're saying because when you do learn the fixed expression you don't start worrying about the grammar you would have practiced the pronunciation a little bit and certainly at lower levels that's really how you learn yeah I've been learning a ton you know I'm not too bothered about the grammar actually at the moment I just try and learn the phrases that I need possible better yet the I've done it before I have but I'll just learn the expressions and the phrases that's what I do as well and I think it's really useful guys and you know it can you can feel nervous when trying to start conversations with native speakers so practicing those fixed phrases those mini stories about yourself and your life that you can easily produce is really going to help you and you can add in some of those phrases like personally speaking and things like that another thing is also to add in some linking words I think it's quite helpful yeah being able to make your conversation a little bit more natural so we do use however in spoken conversation can we use although in spoken compensate so instead of saying but all the time you can add in however now you can add in although or you can add in things like to my mind things like that so these are just things that might extend your vocabulary in spoken English when you're having a compound is your building then by using those linking words you'll be building and connecting your sentences together yeah so yeah yeah great okay moving on to the next one this is very useful and this is about learning phrases or checking that you've understood and for asking for repetition so what you're saying is we're going to get them to be able to check what someone said that's it Layla do you want to go ahead yeah so obviously sometimes you are not going to understand everything a native speaker says and even we might just check with each other's ear times if we didn't we weren't paying attention sometimes I don't pay attention or if someone was speaking a little bit too fast or even I've been on the telephone with some people with accents and I've said sorry could you just repeat that because I couldn't I couldn't catch what they were saying I couldn't understand what they were saying so it's there's no shame in asking someone to reveal themselves to clarify something and actually it's much better to do this than continue the conversation on what you think they might have said and you could be completely talking at different dubrio actions can get very confusing and certainly in exam situations we always encourage our students if you didn't understand the question asked okay pizzas you asked rephrase it back at them yeah that's a great way as well as okay you pray so rephrase it back to see if you've got it correct so we're meeting at 7:00 that's right isn't it question tag as well yeah so some key phrases that are really good oh sorry I didn't catch that you can also say you mentioned that like to check that you were following so oh you mentioned that you're your mother isn't very well here this is like a way to check did I understand yet did I catch it and you don't have to say please can you repeat it for me what you don't want to say guys is very formal I'm so sorry I didn't catch that please could you repeat you don't need to say okay not a nice conversation you can say oh sorry could you just say that again could you just say that again I'm not quite sure I got it yeah oh do you mean yeah what do you mean do you mean that so just checking again I think yeah I'm don't be scared as well to say to ask someone to slow down when they're speaking just a little sorry could you slow down a little bit yeah could you repeat what you just said yes yet yeah you can make a joke of it whoa slow down and I'm still learning if you can get humming me out native if any of you have visited the UK and maybe Americans do this as well sometimes they think that it's that your death so that rather than talk slower they just talk louder and oh yeah so that can be very frustrating explain that they need to speak slow yeah so sorry I didn't catch that do you mind repeating that did you mean you mentioned that what was some of the other ones later look I didn't catch what you said yeah could you could you go over that again could you go over that you're going the other going to say again for me we freeze it back to them so you're saying that blah blah blah for example with question taxi yeah so they are very very useful don't be ashamed as Leila was saying yeah okay you're moving on I think we're on we maybe even have some questions there and then you can ask some questions guys are you kidding aren't you somebody's pet okay you are kidding it needs to be rather than a question yeah this statement you are kidding aren't you you are kidding aren't you so they're always statement we're not kidding guys and the question is the question tag that makes it a question yeah right next one interjections interjections and utterances is really now a lot of native speakers will throw a lot of interjections and utterances into conversation and what is interesting is that these interjections are different in different countries and in different languages so in English it's more oh yeah but in Asian countries it's more ah ah that's more your interjection but we don't say things like that so learning the more natural British way I mean American Way as well will help you and also little words so oh really no way I can't believe that yeah that's brilliant are you serious but it also shows that you are invested in the conversation you are interested you are listening and you are reacting because if you think about any good conversation that you've had Sabres doing it now she's not in body language yeah but you want to know that someone's actually listening responding listen I'm always doing it I'm very very it's also you are it's also very important on the telephone as well because of course you've got no body language on the telephone although most people nowadays you've got FaceTime and Skype mmm what's that video but I think if you're on the phone you've got no facial expressions you don't know if someone's listening and like they're kind of uh-huh yeah yeah yeah oh really okay oh is that right yeah these are the ones we use a lot so we'll go through them again is that right oh okay really sure no ways I'm surprised did he really things like that yeah so short things in in English in English in England we're also very positive usually about people about stories we hear about people's news we often will be very kind of generous in our responses even if it's boring yeah oh great oh that's brilliant oh great news your cat's birthday so learning these little things to be able to add into the conversation is going to help you just bear in mind that if you are speaking in English and still using the the sounds and some of the interjections from your language you're going to sounds a little bit strange so I tell a lot of my students my Asian students don't say aha because they're all hard like this to me and this side very Asian just as for example in Spanish you often will say err yeah say that ours is a heart sound really strange it sounds really strange yeah it does yeah so you just try to stop that habit when you're speaking in English and try and say hmm uh-huh just try and use more of the English sounds I think actually when you're watching English TV next time pay attention to those those fillers the things that come between the words and make a note what do you hear what sounds you will notice that what saber and I told you is probably what you will hear yeah exactly and so guys you can also watch my lesson on 25 conversation phrases I looked at things like for example will do by the way I reckon cheesy I looked at lots of very common phrases that we use in everyday conversation so go and watch that video I'll put a link to it at the end yeah but now we cannot do some questions yeah so if you would like to ask us some question no we already don't understand CNN news that's why you should watch the BBC instead nama Dan Mubarak oh yes Ramadan Mubarak guys so see a CNN news well I think one of the problems why you might find it difficult to understand the news is that news vocabulary is very very specific yeah and also they'll use a lot of the passive tense for example they'll be talking about things having happened to people to victims having experienced crime for example a woman has been murdered exactly yeah so I think this school has been robbed it's very specific when you start talking about what's in the news it's gonna be politics economics I mean these are really difficult subjects even crime you know they might start talking about solicitors law you can rob you can burgle there's a lot pickpockets shoplift you know crime vocabulary is their vocabulary is something that when I was teaching English all the time I'd spend a couple of weeks yeah you really so that might be one of the reasons why you don't understand some of CNN why you understand us put the subtitles on and see if it if it is the vocab they will of course speak a little bit faster Sabra and I do try and slow down our speech slightly not too much because it is importantly listen to natural English yeah so you'll find that they're speaking at a fast rate and they've also you know you've got to keep two time guys and they've got a very short amount of time to get out the news to say what they need to yeah okay let's take some questions about the wedding we're going to a spa dominant in the news yeah yeah can you see what happened catholic politics what's the difference between slang and idioms can you make a video button simon idioms are quite different occasionally idioms can be slang yeah an idiom is a metaphor so an idiom is when something stands for something else yeah i'm not literal at all it's raining cats and dogs you're never going to have any cats and dogs falling from the sky yeah it means to rain um but it's chucking it down is slag mmm okay because it's quite an informal way to say that it's raining but it doesn't mean something else yeah exactly so for example we might say pigs might fly means something will never happen pigs might fly that's an idiom but slang might be now I'm never gonna happen or that's crap yeah that's crap Scrappy's that's crap means that's rubbish don't go to the a bit ruder can you make a video about interviews yes we have made a video which is coming out next week it's really cool we filmed it at the weekend and it looks good and it's funny so we have gone in to be an interview got lesson about job interviews coming very soon and it's also a collaboration so yeah and then there are another YouTube teacher who is going to be in our video that's coming out we're not telling her we're not telling you who but that is all about key phrases to use and interviews interview techniques tips what to say in an interview that would be conducted in English so yeah hopefully very useful okay I forgot so well you're both replies to me for the question I posted already what's the question Erin could you ask us the question we can see it now no I can't which difference between hobby and career hop and career hop is what a rabbit does if you man's hobby hobby hobby and career career is what you do for money yeah have a job so a career means that you've got a so for example lawyer teacher it's something that usually you can progress in but for me would just be for fun mmm unless she means job I don't know because job is just your standard job and career job is maybe more maybe less professional potential is like your day-to-day job so you might have a job working in Starbucks but your career might be there eventually you want to own a coffee shop so career is usually more long-term that you have a career as a lawyer for example you you want to progress usually with a career career such as wait longer day in the same job that's right okay I saw a really good question about intonation intonation so intonation is a difficult thing and it will really help you in conversation if you can start to improve your intonation now speakers from Asian countries and Spanish speakers tend to have more splatter intonation whereas an Italian has very very strong intonation and a Brazilian type Portuguese speaker were very up and down intonation yeah so English intonation is something that is difficult to kind of get but you have to copy and you have to listen to phrases and where we where we go down yeah we tend to go up obviously more in questions in statements we tend to go down but emphasis we go down for shock we tend to go up yeah yeah and I think one of the tricks I've got a lesson on this that I can put a link to in the description or a card I'll put a card now when you watch it again is the fact that you can't just change your intonation by changing your posture and your facial expression that's a good point later so when something is quite serious you know you talk like this and you go down a little bit more but you know when this is a bit more happy and exciting changes and goes up yeah so try just simple tricks like that there's obviously more to it than that but that can just start you off on the right and listen to the pronunciation and intonation of politicians when they speak where they put emphasis where they go really down where they go really up and that can really help you to see how an English person kind of paces their speech and where they really want to put emphasis and another thing you could do which is a bit strange but you could try it is speak without saying any words so how are you today yeah how are you today it's bizarre but it will get you thinking about can he believe she got the job can you believe she got the job going suck yeah cries can you believe she got the job and we do use that you can use your hands as well just yeah follow the intonation yeah do you try and not be too flat and we both examine students in their final exams before they go to university and what I find in the speaking examine in a you do - yeah off flat intonation so the answer to number one is I think that this is a very good idea it's very flat boring and I think the reason is is you're thinking about so many other things your grammar your pronunciation your vocabulary or answering the question that you forget your intonation and maybe your intonation in your own language is very different so just try and think no smile is lonely was saying and I did a bit more up and down but it's just one yeah it works okay I hope you've got time for two more questions - my saber then I'll that's okay someone is saying he speaks like a terminator up and down I think your fan I think that person how much I meant to kill my shine so I talk to someone about time some light here in English but I cannot talk because of my shyness I'm actually going to be doing a lesson very soon on building your confidence when speaking English I think that's a very good question I'm gonna might want to say the question so we didn't say what it was but how to build your confidence when you speak in English and I tell you what I'll let you in on one of my tips that's gonna come up in the next video and that is to read out loud okay so yeah this book in English or a magazine or a newspaper and actually read it because by doing that you're practicing your pronunciation and you're building up your voice cuz it is hard it's Sam and when you're speaking any second language language so try that try again the book or reading something and also you could record yourself at the same time the other one we're saying there they record them yes that's very good and I think when you shine its it is difficult to start speaking with a native speaker but as we said in this lesson learn fixed phrases that you feel confident that you know you could have practiced them you could have recorded them you could feel these phrases I know I can say really well and use those at the beginning and don't be ashamed to ask if you haven't understood okay so please check back with a lesson and say I didn't catch that can you help me find somebody to practice with so you can start who's about your level so you can build your confident are ting to have a speaking buddy someone that you regularly practice your speaking with is really gonna help you so much so doing that as well but don't be shy guys cuz everyone's been a learner and you know eventually you're gonna get better but what you need is practice and you can't correct your mistakes you don't make them yeah layer is more shy than me selling out but you use those fixed free I really do raising the today's fixed phrases okay right you'd want to choose the last are you single no you wasted the question you could have asked something in English not single okay shadowing videos shadowing videos with whether we speak and they repeat hopefully guys you can watch this back and you can copy some of those fixed phrases we taught you for repetition for small talk we'll write them as a description today yeah check back later okay okay I'd like Adamic okay yeah practice you english-speaking find somebody who is same level as you if you can there's lots of people online on chat groups and things that want to practice their English so maybe you can have a Skype chat with them every week you can't believe to people that of course and then who's online yeah of course if you know somebody in your local area your school in your college that is much much better okay I've been studying English for a long time I felt lost with my speaking micromanaging through first do you really focus my study only am i speaking you need both but I do think that with particularly with like Chinese students that their grammar can be excellent but their speaking is just really weak but what you find is when let's tell them the question we're answering so this person has asked us that they feel that their grammar has improved but should they just focus on their speaking because they feel they're not moving forward with their English yeah so everybody knows so as I was saying with with grammar if you have got a good foundation in grammar that's great but Eric do you need to start speaking but what I find that students that have a good foundation in grammar they can improve quite quickly when they're speaking but what you can do is maybe focus on one specific structure so whether it's present perfect and try using it when you so go by section my demo collapse you know present perfect have you ever have you been to and just yeah that's real good and focusing on that and using that one specific grammar point will help build your speaking up in the same way yeah you do definitely need both you can't just have the grammar because then when you go to speak your pronunciation your intonation your vocabulary are going to not be on the same level so you obviously you do need both you need them all I would recommend that you start to practice speaking as soon as you can immediately best ways to learn a language is to speak it you cannot just do exercises in a book with grammar and learn the vocabulary that's saying it language is a spoken thing so you need some location yeah okay okay guys right I think that is all it's Friday and later and I'm a little bit tired after a long week kind of long ways so we are going to go relax and tomorrow we're going to relax together in a spa yes we deserve it if you want to hear about our spar adventure then make sure that you guys love underscore so - middle line English little line UK love English UK can you find us on Instagram and we're also on Facebook as love English with Layla and Sabra so lovely to have so many lovely students joining us for this live lesson say thank you for being with us we will write up this lesson underneath in the description box yeah those crazy things we talked about okay thank you guys hanging along looming here don't forget to subscribe if you haven't and share this lesson if you found it useful maybe some of your friends might want to learn a bit more about having conversations in English yeah and look heart out for our video next week on interviews and we've got one coming on converters and exciting and interviews okay
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 17,688
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Keywords: learn english, how to improve your english conversation skills, english conversation skills, top tips, how to improve your english conversation, speak english, love english, leila and sabrah, love english with leila and sarah, how to use small talk, conversation skills, improve english speaking, how to speak better english, english speaking skills, improve english, english speaking tips, fluent english, english fluency, english, advanced english, advanced english conversation
Id: xqGyvuJu2qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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