20 ENGLISH CONVERSATION phrases - Improve English Vocabulary #englishconversationphrases

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hey everybody and welcome back to love English I'm Sabrah so today guys super useful lesson we're looking at 20 conversational English phrases that will really help you to be able to know what to say in which situation so for example we're looking at phrases for meeting somebody for the first time phrases for agreement for asking somebody how they are and just very typical conversation phrases so hopefully they will help you to be more confident in English and also to flow more with the English language once you have learnt these as fixed phrases so are you ready to learn let's get started I hope you guys are all doing well I'm going to have a try today at saying hello in some of your languages now I might get the pronunciation wrong so forgive me if I do but I'm going to give it a try so Nihao for any Chinese people who are watching Salam for any Arabic people who are watching ciao or hola or people from Italy Spain Portugal who are watching and oh this one is a little bit more difficult Ohio mas genki deska that's for anybody who's watching from Japan if you want me to say hello in one of your languages guys then leave me a comment below and in the next video I'll try and do that so number one how are you doing how are you doing this is a phrase to say how are you how are you doing it's more informal though and remember that the you will become a ya so you can use this with colleagues family friends but not for example in an interview or something like that so it's relaxed but it's not so relaxed it can be used in many situations hey how you doing number two is I reckon I reckon I reckon means I think it's a more informal way to say I think so for example you might say hmm I reckon it will rain later so you're guessing when you say I reckon you're thinking but there's also a little bit of guess involved so you might say I reckon my favorite football team are going to score tonight I reckon they'll score you can also ask the question do you reckon do you reckon so remember lazy English conversation connected speech will be D'ya reckon or Do you reckon? like that so I've got a question for you guys what tea do you reckon I'm drinking English breakfast tea Earl Grey green tea what do you reckon I'm drinking British people love their tea what do you reckon I like number three number three is it doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter this isn't a problem for me it's not a big deal for me it doesn't matter so for example if your friend calls you and says sorry I can't make it I can't make our meeting today I'm really sorry next time if it's not a big problem for you if you're not upset you say oh it doesn't matter it's okay it doesn't matter number four number four is how do you feel about how do you feel about and how do you feel about means what's your feeling about this thing are you okay with it so if your boss says to you how do you feel about working on this new project they're checking if it's okay for you if you feel comfortable with that it's also a polite way of British people saying I want you to do this but I'm being nice about how I'm asking you but how do you feel about you might say hmm how do you feel about joining the gym or how do you feel about pizza tonight asking if the person is okay with that okay next one guys very very common English verb do you fancy do you fancy so I've talked about this before guys in my video on five useful British expressions which you can see just up there I filmed that on the lovely Bournemouth beach so it's beautiful views guys so I recommend if you've got spare time at the end of this video go and watch that I fancy doing something means I want to do that thing I feel like doing that thing so for example I might say I fancy going for a swim tonight or I fancy eating Chinese tonight or I fancy studying English tonight so I fancy doing something it's always with the ing form so it's a gerund that it goes with now to fancy someone is different guys that means to be romantically attracted to that person so I think I've said before guys in other videos that I fancy Ryan Gosling I have a crush on him so yeah what can you do number six is fine by me fine by me this just means it's okay with me fine by me so for example if someone says let's meet at 8 not 7 you can say okay fine by me it's okay with me even more informal would be cool with me cool with me so you can use that as well number seven is what do you mean what do you mean very very useful if you're an English student to know this expression what do you mean so it's but when you want something to be explained to you what do you mean English people also ask it to each other we might say sorry I didn't understand that what do you mean remember that you become as more of a schwa sound so yeah what do you mean what do you mean number eight again very short expression so I'm sure you can remember this one guys it is will do will do and this just means I'm going to do this thing so yeah fine will do so if your partner or boyfriend or girlfriend says remember you have to call that person or remember you have to do this thing because okay will do will do you can also say it to your boss if you have a good relationship with colleagues you can say yep I'm gonna do that will do so if the lazier way of saying that you're going to do that thing okay number nine number nine is I'll be in touch I'll be in touch so I'll be in touch means I'm going to call you I'm going to get in contact with you I'm going to whatsapp you or whatever but I'm going to be in contact with you so at the end of an interview the person might say to you will will speak to you soon we'll be in touch meaning we'll tell you about the results soon but it's also a very informal phrase so imagine you see a friend we bump into a friend so you meet them by accident in the supermarket and you want to meet up you could say oh we must find a time to meet I'll be in touch I'll be in touch now to lose touch guys means to not be in touch anymore so you've lost touch you were in contact but now you're not but get back in touch means return to being in touch after some time of not being in touch so let's get back in touch means let's be in touch again guys number 10 we are halfway there it is that's really cheesy that's really cheesy and that's really to beat means us so cliche so too much really really really like for example I would say Justin Bieber's music it's cheesy so cheesy music is too much very pop song perhaps very romantic and sometimes it's it's so much that you don't like it we often describe movies as cheesy so very very romantic movies that feel a little cliche or unrealistic can be described as cheesy so for example guys I went to see the film Valentine's Day with my friend a couple of years ago and at the end of the movie we were both like oh I want to be sick that is so cheesy that is so cheesy what cheesy movies have you seen guys tell me in the comments what music in your country is considered cheesy in the UK I would say it's pop music on the whole some of it is considered cheesy although it's more negative about movies cheesy music in the UK is considered good to dance to but a cheesy movie is like too much Oh cheesy okay number 11 and 12 I'm going to do them at the same time because they're very similar and they are I'm really tired of and I'm fed up with so I'm really tired of means you've had enough of that thing you're really tired of the traffic on the way to work I'm really tired of picking up my boyfriend's socks from the floor he always leaves them on the floor to be fed up with is very similar you've had enough of that situation you you feel you've had enough I'm fed up I'm fed up with number 13 is a swear word so you wouldn't use it in any formal situation it is to be pissed off to be pissed off with something so pissed off means annoyed upset and quite angry really if you're pissed off I'm so pissed off I got a parking ticket I was only parked there for five minutes and then I got a parking ticket pissed off you can also be pissed off with a person usually that's that you're you're angry with them now an important thing to say here is that in American English pissed off does not exist they just say pissed I'm pissed about whatever but in British English pissed means to be drunk so there is a clear difference there so I remember I lived with an American girl when I was traveling and she said to me I'm really pissed about this and I was like you seem quite sober and then I realized I mean she's pissed off so there's a clear difference there okay guys the number fourteen great phrase for when you bump into someone so when you meet somebody by accident it's the second time we've had that phrasal verb so you meet somebody by accident you can say what brings you here so you're not expecting to see them you can say what brings you here so maybe you see them in a supermarket that you don't expect to see them in or they come to your work unexpectedly or you see them in a different part of town where they don't usually hang out you can say well what brings you here strange to see you but it's also that you're pleased it's not rude it's it's a friendly expression what brings you here what brings you here okay guys this is a lovely expression but when you want to make a good impression on somebody when you first meet them so if you're meeting your boyfriend or girlfriend's father or mother or if you're meeting somebody that you want to make a good impression on at work or something like this you can say oh nice to meet you and I've heard so much about you I've heard so much about you so this is a nice way to say that I've heard good things about you and I'm happy to meet you because I've heard good things about you now British people will often joke and say oh I hope it was all good I hope it was all good so it's a nice kind of easy way to get to know somebody number 16 I was wondering about or I was wondering if this means you're thinking about something for example I was wondering about joining the gym or I was wondering about learning a new language I was wondering about Italian I was wondering about learning Japanese for example so I was wondering about so it's something you're thinking about but perhaps there's a little bit more thought involved than when we just say we're thinking so I was wondering about something number 17 we got this phrase from China and it is long time no see so you haven't seen someone for a while you could say hey good to see you long time no see long time no see it doesn't work from the point of view of correct grammar I'm sorry if you try and think about it in terms of correct grammar it doesn't work but it's a very popular and common phrase these days long time no see number 18 I'm going to explain the difference between these two nice to meet you and nice meeting you nice to meet you is when you first meet somebody you shake their hand in England you shake the hand and you would say nice to meet you but if we change this to nice meeting you that is at the end of the conversation so when you're leaving you say oh nice meeting you good to meet you nice meeting you so it's at the end of the conversation basically it's it was nice meeting you so it's past continuous but we're lazy and we've we've shortened that because it's spoken English and we just say nice meeting you number 19 super useful phrase guys if you're an English student and you want something to be repeated for you sorry I didn't catch that sorry I didn't catch that so so useful you can also say sorry I didn't get that could you say it again so really really useful sorry I didn't catch that number 20 guys we are we have arrived at the end it is have a good one have a good one so have a good one means have a good time at something or enjoy yourself at a particular thing when people leave the office on a Friday or they leave school on a Friday or they say they're going somewhere you can say ah have a good one see you guys have a good one it means have a good weekend have a good evening have a good time at whatever you're going to so have a good one very informal guys you were say it to your boss but friends colleagues things like that you wouldn't really say it to your grandparents either it's more family that are a similar age to you have a good one okay guys well I hope you guys have a good one hope you have a good week thank you so much for watching I really hope this video was useful and that you're going to be able to use these phrases in your everyday conversations don't forget to follow us on social media we're on Facebook Instagram Twitter and snapchat where everywhere please do join us on those networks guys guys also remember to leave me comments tell me about your cheesy movies tell me about how to say hello in your languages also guys try to use some of these in a sentence why not try and practice using them in a sentence don't forget to subscribe to love English guys so that you don't miss our lessons thanks a lot guys have a goood one! Bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 147,946
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Keywords: english, learn english, english conversation, speak english, learn english phrases, 20 english phrases, english expressions, improve english conversation skills, practise english conversation, practise english speaking, most common english phrases, british english expressions, british english phrases, leila and sabrah, english with leila, sabrah, sabrah love english, everyday english phrases, learn common english expressions, conversation phrases, english phrases
Id: Im27e1z8rqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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