NEVER MISPRONOUNCE these 10 English Words! | Difficult English Pronunciation | Common Mistakes

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hi guys and welcome back to love English I'm Leila and I'm Sabrah and today hopefully we've got a rather well exciting but slightly rude last night oh yeah today's lesson does come up with a parental advisory warning meaning that if you are under 18 years of age you might want to check you can still watch but you might want to check with parents and you should be aware that there is going to be some language that's correct so probably we recommend to watch the video quietly not loudly in a public place (headphones) there will be some rather rude words now that being said we're not teaching them to know we're absolutely not this is not a video about how to swear no sorry to disappoint it's really not but this video is focusing on ten words that are commonly mispronounced but we don't want you to ever never please mispronounce words okay guys number one very simple error this one but again very embarrassing (1) okay this is the difference between the number six and sex! Yes, so that is a very very easy mistake to make so this is the pronunciation mistake looking at two vowel sounds it it kind of tight on your lips there. It comes from here, yeah comes from here.. and look at the pronunciation. Look at the mouth /I/ and /e/ so open your mouth opens..they both come from here actually there both voiced, and they both come from here. but /e/ as Leila was saying, is much more air open. /I/ quite closed mouth. Your lips are quite tight around your teeth. So the difference is between /I/ six and /e/ sex. Look at the pronunciation look at my mouth how... the shapes that I'm making /I/ six /e/ sex . okay you still giggling? yeah..I am. it's funny... very childish. So next one guys number two this is such a common mistake I've heard this so many times and this is actually.. a... quite a difficult sound to understand the difference they are quite difficult to understand the differences. This is the difference between /I/ and /I:/ so the long /I:/ and the short /I/ which we just taught you the /I/ sound. So this is sheet as in my bedsheets, the thing that you sleep on, on your bed... sheet of paper! yes that's right you can't shit you definitely do not want to say I need a sheet of paper you definitely don't want to say I need it or I need the shit on the bed no that would be terrible so definitely guys do not make this mistake it is sheet sheet and then it I'm not gonna say the word again sheet or say it with a shit yeah I said it can rely on layer to say those words alright guys number three is a pronunciation mistake but I will often I will teach them before they make them a stir because I've had a student make this mistake once yeah she went to a pub she said this word wrong so embarrassed and the bar man was very entertained I bet he was yeah so is coca-cola if in doubt say Cola or say coca-cola yeah but this is sometimes shortened to coke oh oh coat o as in phone tone exactly so it's an O it's a diphthong yeah so your mouth has to move to make the sound phone exactly now if you don't move your mouth with this sound and if you make an O ah sound okay like clock then you are going to say who's saying it meal yeah I can't say this word I can't far too innocent okay cop I am I'm teaching you it's pronunciation yeah now it does mean the male anatomy the part yeah and it's also quite it's not a very nice way it's a rude word it is rude really it says do not use it better don't use it yeah neato you don't need to use this word but you definitely do not want to say hello can I have a pint of cock what happened it's really my student said this hey can I have a cock to the barman when she was at pub and he said large or small oh my goodness that's so funny so I teach this to make sure they don't make this mistake what did she say that you want hardly small things she realised after okay guys number four this is again the difference between the ear and the ear which you talk we taught you in number two so the difference between saying an F sound and an e sound now the same is later I have heard a student make a really funny mistake with this so we live in Bournemouth and there are lots of lovely beaches here you know where I know my students said to me say but I really love the bitches here I love this just so many hot bitches here and I was like excuse me bitches oh you mean hot beaches I was like I haven't seen any cock bitches which areas are you going to Wow he was very very embarrassed when I explained to him the mistake so it's Beach or fish now bitch is a swear word it means not a nice woman it doesn't mean the same as whore yeah no it does which a lot of people make that mistake they think that bitch means like a a loose woman yes the prostitute but it doesn't yeah actually just means a not very nice woman if you say somebody is a bitch yeah it's not a nice person so you don't want to use this word it's not a good word to confuse it has got another meaning as well female dog yeah okay so you might hear this word being used and actually in that case it's quite a set yeah you would say she's a bitch as in like it's a female dog guys type in the comments below how I've been did are you at this point are you staying with us it's gonna get worse I'm afraid it's not getting better but it please bear in mind it's very helpful yeah we're not teaching you just we're we're teaching how to avoid swearing actually right guys the next word number five is focus focus okay hasn't pay attention focus on the lesson focus on us now the sound at the beginning the vowel sound is an oh oh like phone so the problem that you have is if you shorten this sound and if you make it more of an AH like up yeah this can actually really sound quite bad and it's at the same focus you could say focus or worse if it's really clear at fuck us yes what so just be careful it can sound like you're almost saying the f-word yeah I have heard students say yeah say all we need to focus I need to focus on my homework and it does sound a little bit like a swear word it does not quite exactly know not as bad as maybe shit and she yeah so it's Oh Oh which is kind of almost like a kissing oh it's an up I think AHA yeah yeah so again correct pronunciation focus focus make sure it's a long answer and not focus okay guys this one I haven't heard this many times but I think it's a really good thing to talk about so the word importance and the word impotence which means however sailors say a gentleman who not easily excited isn't able to perform in certain ways or in certain areas just know it means a lack of power does it mean yeah I'll say can it can also mean that impotence oh yeah if it is impotent yeah ability power so not a good thing to say is definitely related to men not to women okay I can say something is impotent in the sense that it hasn't got any ability now is it more generally yeah so the word importance importance is an or importance the stress is on the second syllable if you say it without saying the or and you say schwa so you say in a very lazy way you will say importance like this and this book will sound like impotence impotence impotence the stress is on the first syllable and it's not an or it's an earth so you've got to make sure that you say importance and say that all sound or like thoughts like horse importance okay stress on the second syllable if you want to know more guys about stress you can watch my recent video to explain all about the rules of stress which is very very helpful so say importance not input right guys number seven Sabra just pointed this word out and she's absolutely right it is a common error now in English when we're talking informally you might say that you're having a chat yep ah ah okay like cat chant what you don't want to do is change that to a Shh yeah and say you can say this would chat did the past tense of shit you didn't know that guys okay yeah okay so I had a lovely chat I had a lovely chat I'm sure nobody would say I shot no I had a lovely shot I had a lovely chat of course yeah yeah yeah a lovely chat with sabra we could chat together if I heard this is why I told Leila I had a Brazilian student say that she was chatting with her boyfriend I was like excuse me I beg your pardon in the continuous form Wow and the boyfriend was like why you okay commit fornication okay rather than yeah okay so that you're kind of shorter sound chart like chocolate or chocolate yes okay chocolate choose cheese cheese okay not like shower yeah so chat chat okay guys this is a more I suppose less common one in some ways but it but it could happen so this is the difference between quiche quiche so the quiche guys it's a kind of pie it's a French pastry which then you'll have a savory dish so it's often with cheese and onion and vegetables and things like that egg with egg yeah so very common in the UK to eat quiche as I suppose isn't quite a lot of Europe and normally this is served as a piece and you might say something like yes I thought I'd like a slice of quiche please quiche quiche which is said actually in this case as a shirt the chair is a shirt for this one guys don't blame English blame the French because this is actually a thing from the French language is that a CH sound is said as shut like as in champagne for example so quiche we don't say the CH yeah we say quiche so we say it as a shot but what a lot of learners tend to do is they try to say the CH as a cup and they try to also pronounce the e and if they do this they might actually say I want a quickie because they're trying to say quiche phonetically really really bad idea because it could well if you say I fancy a quick so if they say this guy's if they try and say quiche phonetically they could say a quickie because they're saying CH as cut and they're pronouncing the e the 20 plus e at the end you really don't want to say that you fancy a quickie because a quickie means Leila you want to explain it means to have a broiler brief encounter with the opposite sex yeah but not necessarily opposites yeah it could be a screw yeah yeah that's true but basically quickie is another word for sex and if you do want to learn more about these kind of expressions we do have a very funny funny home video for you yeah right guys number nine we're nearly at that big scary word that Sabre is not looking forward to explaining but number nine is relatively simple it's again another problem with that and the e okay yeah very common problem in this case again that you want to make sure that you say the long e beach sheet and piece yeah piece piece of paper piece of cake piece of quiche hmm you do not want to say the ear yeah if they taught you already guys so you want to say a piece of paper not a piece of paper this means you want to describe it Leila to go for a wee but it's very very rude I personally wouldn't ever say this no we say yeah I think but it's very common is common to hear it and also if you this is a little aside but if you say this word it's the most common usage is to be pissed off yeah pissed off which means to be angry and I do say that personal history out we went there and going for a piss and like a guy in a pub drinking beer with your friends yeah okay guys last one now I really don't want to say this word we have to tell you that this is the worst word the English language and that it's really not a nice word to say and can cause a lot of offense but we just wanted to teach you so you never make this mistake and never say this potentially offensive word more offensive to women and women often fine I'm sure many men do is wobble it refers to the ladies area yes okay but in the most kind of vulgar rude way so it is a disastrous mistake never mispronounce this word yeah definitely and the problem is it's probably one a very common and easy mistake to make because the vowel difference is so small actually so it's the difference between can't British pronunciation is can't American pronunciation you can also make this mistake because they say it can't I can't so guys in can't it's that long ah can't far farther on so you do not want to say the earth sound ah the earth as in cut as in up don't want to say that sound because then you will say the worst word which is alright guys thank you so much for joining us for this lesson we do hope it was helpful please do share any funny mistakes that you've made with us in the comments below and actually guys if you want to see some funny mistakes that I made in Spanish what I said some bad words and you can watch that video here but yes please do leave us a comment we love to hear from you and we would like a good laugh we'd like to hear some of your funny mistakes but do not say these words never say them never yeah
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 54,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, misprounced english words, never say, mispronounce, pronunciation mistakes, difficult to pronounce, difficult words, pronunciation, pronunciaition errors, difficult to say, six or sex, coke or cock, how to pronounce, english pronunciation lesson, english swear words, pronunciation errors, common pronunciation mistakes, bitch or beach, shit or sheet, don't say wrong, english pronunciation practice
Id: kcH8JNQYpkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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