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yeah yeah okay ready I say yes okay oh no you have to go no go it says live yeah right though I don't know what's going on something strange duh it says live and there's it's kind as a countdown to people yeah no line but it's not very bright okay guys can you see us clearly for those of you is it her on her on help us out hang on how bright is the screen because to us it looks dark and we don't know why can you see us hi guys can you see us so are we is it dark okay does it look all right it's okay yeah Wojtek very check if it dark or is it normal normal color well the problem is guys when we go live at the moment we're doing it from our work we will initially be doing it from home with a big window with lots of light oh hold on maybe it's no that's volley a Marine that's volume okay you tell them something while I have a quick look so guys today we're going to be looking at 25 essential phrasal verbs sabers lost soul it to a pen so phrasal verbs are very very common in English they're used on a day-to-day basis but one thing I have to tell you about them is they are not formal yet they have a formal version or a formal equivalent so for example if you wanted to say turn something down yeah the the more formal way to say it would be to reject or refuse like on and on yeah oh it depends if it's like a light it could be decrease well turned down can we turn down the volume which could mean reduce yeah so they always have a more formal so yes they are very very common in day to day English we use them all the time in thrashing relaxed conversations but in interviews we will tend to use the more formal version and in more formal occasions we were probably tempted to use the arrow yeah there in the equivalent and certainly when it comes to writing academic writing formal emails formal letters then that's exactly what you should be doing the academic formal equivalent yeah yeah guys it's so nice to see you willing lots of your comments thank you so much for joining us for our second live on YouTube it's very exciting it is we've had a great lesson with you guys last week yeah and we're really looking forward to helping you with your phrasal verbs today and guys please tell us if we speak too fast yeah if we're speaking too fast just write to us and say please slow down and we will because we're together and we're good friends it's easy for us to start talking quickly just tell us please if we do yes can I explain now I'm sure most of you know sorry I keep most of you know what a phrasal verb is but for those of you that might not be so comfortable using phrasal verbs I just want to explain what they are so a phrasal verb is a verb now I can you should be able to see this okay a verb plus a particle spell on YouTube so particle means that it could be a preposition okay preposition or even an adverb yes okay because sometimes we might say we get on well that's very very true to get on well with someone say okay we've got the first one guys I'm gonna write it on now is to mess up to mess up now to mess something up can be to make a mistake or not do very well in a situation so for example if you go for a job interview and you feel you didn't do a good job you don't think you did very well in the question I've messed maybe you said Oh actually I'm not sure if I really want this job or I don't have enough experience so you said the wrong thing afterwards you can say I messed up yeah no I messed up in an exam if you take an exam and you choose the wrong answer or you get confused with the questions oh I messed up I didn't understand a question or if you're trying to make a good impression on a girl a boy but yeah right like classically and you say the wrong thing and the after - no they won't like me anymore I'm messed up so to not do very well in a situation that you care about and that you would like to do well in to mess it up here you can also mess up your room which means something different well I think that kind of well it just means to be very disorganized yeah you can mess up your hair Layla is very messy she's not tidy she's altered messing up her desk yes who do not be organized things to be untidy okay it's a good point about phrasal verbs to make actually that many have several meanings yes does make life a lot more confusing for you guys yeah but when you look it up on an online dictionary or normal dictionary they will give you the the various meanings and a really good dictionary will give you example sentences with each so that's how you'll be able to understand the difference through the context yeah that is being used in someone has just asked us what's the equivalent for mess up so like them or formal equivalent to make a mistake yeah to make him as amazed say yeah to do I got it wrong to do a poor job yeah yeah exactly good good question thank you very much all right next one you go for this one yeah we've got them saved on savers packing organize okay put up or put up with okay so I'm rubbing these off as we go guys but I am writing them down can you see our new board clearly is that okay and what's happy with that to put up okay and then as week Bleuler we want I said before we can also have more than one particle so we've got to put up with saber is going to give you right example with that I'm sure well I have to cut up with Leila now to put something up means to to actually put something up yeah you can put it you can put a picture up on the Earl there is also the formal equivalent I'm gonna say it sorry is to erect something okay if you want to google that be careful because to erect is very formal way of saying to build something so I put up the tent I built the tent I erected the tent okay so we up a fence around your house yes yeah erect is really a very academic forward we would say put up so there's that one you can also use put up if somebody comes to stay at your house you can put them up it is absolutely to give someone somewhere to live for a short period player in a way that you're doing someone a favor help ya out so what about put up with someone or put up with something say Burgess said she puts up with me what do you think that means no lovely no really very very much with me occasionally it means to tolerate to tolerate means that you you deal with somebody or something that you find difficult and hard to manage so if you for example your mother living with your parents you might put up with them complaining about what time you get home or I don't know you might put up with your boyfriend leaving his socks around the room or your girlfriend if she's got an annoying habit like I don't know she spends too much money sometimes or she does lots of shopping things like that you could also put up with some things so if you have neighbors and they're playing loud music they're having a party yeah up with it you don't comply you just go okay it's fine I can tolerate you around yeah you think okay annoying you love all the other things about more you you can accept the other things but so you just put up with that you accept it you tolerate it yeah so I put up with Lila being bossy okay right so let's go to next one you've been the cleaning lady I am a little bit okay this one is stuck right this one yeah you can start explaining stay up stay up as in please yeah Sabra stays up late a lot I go to bed early I'm a night person stay up stay means remain so to remain awake oh you can say oh I stayed up late last night or tonight I'm gonna stay up and watch the football game yeah I'm gonna stay up and watch this program or I have to stay up and finish some work I have to stay up and write an essay or something like that now so to stay up meaning to to stay up longer in and that's the phrasal verb if you say stay up then it's not really a phrasal verb when you're talking about something remaining in an upright position yeah it's not really a phrasal verb is where the verb and the preposition take on a whole new meaning yes yeah okay next one stay out okay just stay out is well it's again that's kind of how would we use that we just say well remain outside so I didn't know that it actually has a completely different meaning mm-hmm stay out so stay away Mike yeah stay away well okay if you say stay out like you might say to whoever you are living with a friend or your parents whatever might say oh actually I'm staying out late tonight so don't worry about dinner yeah I'm gonna stay out yeah I'm not I'm not coming home I am aning out something that your remaining outside - you're staying away from the normal place where you would be yeah yeah yes so those those are quite simple guys yeah very very commonly you say about dinner I'm staying out tonight yeah it's how we're normally it's cool I do English it's how we talk yeah naturally that's right I love reading your comments so easy to want to reply but yeah we're trying to go through these phrasal verbs - Barcelona yay we love Barcelona and Turkey fantastic guys we are looking at your comments all right turn up show up very similar yes and actually there are you ok ok hey what's going on that I'll explain I think turnip is a really a very poignant one because if you think any of you that come to the UK someone might say oh what time did you turn up and what tomorrow you need to turn up for class at 9 o'clock and English people don't often unless they're a teacher understand how difficult phrasal verbs can be for you and if someone says to you you know class is 9 o'clock you need to turn up at 8:30 yep you arrive it's a right position I'd like to turn to look at something yeah it's quite strange it's possibly one of the most common phrasal very it's very very common and you can also use show up as yells eyes but show up is perhaps something which means more unexpected spontaneous so you might say oh she showed up at the party I didn't think she would come or do you know that she actually showed up at work I didn't think she was in the Yaak yeah you know we often say when we see something that we didn't think would call mr. holiday they did show up or they didn't show up they didn't come they didn't arrive but is its arrived yeah yeah yeah I often turn up to things late I'm a late person set off and head off oh that great one so first off guys means to leave so you might say right we're going on a day trip so we're going out for the day for example in England we might say right we're going to visit London and we would say we're going to set off at 9 o'clock so it just means to leave to plan to go somewhere at a certain time and head off is similar but head off means just that you're going to go so for example you're you've been out for the evening and then you need to leave you could say okay guys I'm head now this just means I'm leaving when you set off it's more that you're planning to go somewhere isn't it you're setting off to a destination yeah you have an amended head on it just means I'm leaving I'm going yeah so I might text you and say okay I'm heading off to go here now yeah and it just means I'm going I'm heading off again it's strange because it's nothing to do with our head it's almost a slightly dramatic is it little bitty ematic so head off meaning to leave and I think if you think about your head going with direction yeah it doesn't mean your head okay brilliant right guys find out find out simple easy discover that's it the equivalent some of these are that straightforward it was we wanted to make sure that you have something to actually read on yeah we're doing our best as I said it's lighting not hiding yeah so what was it it was right out okay find out is to discover to find out some information that is new okay yeah say what if you found out recently recently I found out that there is one complete short sentence in English and this is I am to complete sentence subject and verb hi are you here I am I am yeah so when you learn something new you discover something new so if I was to tell you guys I've just found out that Leila's getting married yeah and I just discovered it no she's not if I was to know that and find that out then I could say it in that sentence could yes yeah okay sorry about the deflections guys yeah yeah we'll do our best to keep it look a bit better actually like yeah it's not ideal alright guys next one I can see you've got some good questions and I'm going to come back to those we can come back to them at the end yeah yes okay right next some of your phrasal verbs that you're mentioning with we're going to get there yeah actually next one is cut down on coming down I should because I have cut down on something very recently I'm not happy about it because it's something I love but I know that it's not good for me sabers happy because she likes me to be healthy yeah cut down I cut down on chocolate and when you cut down what does it mean to reduce yeah - usually we talk about a bad habit yeah so cut down on smoking cut down on drinking cut down on anything that you feel it's not not healthy for you yeah not a good habit for you can be about other things less usually something I don't meet or yeah smoking and going to going to the pub and saber just mentioned they're going down ongoing if it's followed by a verb it needs to be a gerund if you want to learn more about this grammar of phrasal verbs which is important yeah I've got a lesson on that and we'll put a link to that in the description and at the end of this video and most phrasal verbs yes followed by a gerund they should be ing form it's followed by if you have a preposition it's followed by an ING form yes yes okay right next we've got yes take up take up is start that's it start a new hobby start something new so you might take up yoga you might take up smoking you know no not the best thing to take up we try and think about it in terms of good habits yeah of course you can you know you know we really say I took up smoking because it would imply that you're doing it in a positive way yeah take up what else could you take up well you might take up a new hobby for example I would like to take up learning Arabic actually yes or I've taken a learning to dance learning to salsa Dom yeah so yes something they do regularly yes a new activity or hobby things like that you would say I've taken up rubber block taken up going to the gym yes I wish I could say that okay right next okay we are turned down all right turn down so to turn down yeah so to turn down is can has two meanings first one is to reduce as we were saying at the beginning so for example to turn down the volume or to turn down the light if you have a light where you can dim the switch and that just means to reduce but you can also not accept or refuse something if you turn something down or turn someone down say no yes you say no so if you're offered a job but you decide you don't want to accept that job you can turn it down if someone asks you to marry them and you say no you've turned them down very very sad I think it's also worth noting that occasionally with phrasal verbs there actually it's not that they're more formal but they're more polite and softer so if your favorite says what could you ask me Leila please come holiday with me I'll say where I'm gonna have to turn you down yeah so but rather say no it's a light way yeah I think about the phrasal verb we're not including this but think about the phrase where pass away okay die it's softer rather saying death ya know it's turned down yeah Hulse wit and drop out yes yeah so quit is very definite quickly sighs yeah perhaps a little bit softer yeah I'm droppin actually okay next one we have got keep up okay all right okay okay to keep up is to maintain so for example if you are studying at university like how are students then you need to keep up with the work it means that you need to stay on track on the same level in the same position as other people and not actually the opposite would be full behind ya say lot of them have opposites but actually they're opposites are not like the opposite proposition they're not lying out it doesn't not matter simple so you can keep up with work you could keep up with if saber and I went running I would need to keep up with her I'm sure she'll go faster so to keep or if you fall behind think about the preposition there it is actually the preposition behind is behind something even if you guys went to a very very advanced English class yeah some of you would be able to keep up and be able to follow and understand and some of you might not be able to might fall behind sure I'm sure most of you would but some of you might find it difficult to keep up it's possible yeah yeah so it's kind of like not being able to follow everything if you can't keep up keep the same level exactly yeah to maintain someone asked about carry on carry on just means continue yeah carry on means continue continue keep keep your questions guys because we will we're solving them if there's something that we think is gonna be really helpful to this particular yeah as a verb will answer oh I like this one this one is wound up to be wound up to be wound up means to be stressed out it's video to Wired the verb means to put something around in a tight way okay I'm using this horrible board but when you are wound up it means you're very tight your muscles you're feeling very stressed and angry and annoyed so yes use it like an adjective but you can use it as a phrase but she wound me up yeah show annoyed mirror she really winds me up I say she winds me up this means she annoys me something she does really annoys me so yeah I think that Layla doesn't like me up your children might wind you up if you have children they can sometimes stress you out he's like why do you want me up yeah exactly okay so keep those questions coming I can see them well someone's gonna marry us both oh that's very for the honor of have to turn you down sorry okay next one guys is chill out opposite of to be warmed up really chill out is such a common phrasal verb if I say to Layla okay tonight I'm not going to do any work I'm gonna chill out I wouldn't say it later I'm gonna relax yeah it sounds too formal I'd say Oh Layla I'm gonna chill I need to learn I yeah so very very common to relax to de-stress everything like that and also you use it and it's not negative but if someone is if say was like so annoying I come on chill out I can do it use it as an imperative so you know calm down relax just chill out very often it will be dropped the out and it will just be chill chill until you can you know very common yet so yes there we go yeah yeah I'll go to leave out right if you leave something out or leave someone out you don't include them okay so for example say you're going to you're going to cook you decide on do you know what I'm going to leave out the salts actually I don't want them you are likely to salty so I'm going to leave it out you don't include it if you leave someone out this is where you don't include a person in a particular activity so usually within a group activity you don't invite them and you don't include this a bit mean so children will often complain and say oh I was left out they didn't invite me or they didn't include me I was left out and often you could describe your feeling as if you find out that your friends went out without you you think included it's not very nice no no not very nice okay alright what's next recount stress out freak out it's panic to get really we think about out yeah freaking out stress out it's it's where there's an element of not having control over your feelings yeah so if you go on a really scary roller coaster ride you might freak out you might have no control over the fear they're feeling um very true equally so you could freak out you could get maybe angry as well yeah you freak out your yo-yo like you just so just good yeah like if you if you see a ghost I'm so scared I'm so worried I think freaked out is a little bit more American though I think we will today stress out more i but if it was something supernatural I think we use freaking freak freak freak is like yeah yeah but stress out is yes much yes we actually means I mean if you can call someone a freak you shouldn't it's not nice yeah but it's not unusual strange like nice freaky scary oh that's weird strange behavior you can say what's a bit freaky mm-hm but yes stress out means to be to be angry to be annoyed to be stressed and you can say to somebody can you stop stressing out hmm you know often it can be family relationships yeah friend girlfriend they can be stressed out and you might want to say to them calm down you're stressed out hell yeah or often girls can be like oh I'm so stressed out about it it's pretty sample yeah so yes okay I seek an easy one I can see some of you putting budge up that's an interesting one we can we can quickly explain a budget budget Jack was in me but I'll budge up okay there's no space on a CT all of you you can say come on charge up means make space for me move up yeah common but good one Lois you've written my mother in me I should I don't know if I should have read that comment make sure she doesn't watch this video why it's good I think really you're very funny those of you that are trying to run with the phrasal verbs and create a context for any vocabulary is to actually use it and trying to put it in a context that you understand you're personalizing it it will help you remember some was written Lena a Sabra please chill out we would like to chill out actually and do less work but sadly our lives don't permit that maybe not future working hard okay switch off okay right now I'm gonna say switch off and everyone's and say that's easy it's like turn the TV off or you know turn the light off switch it off yes but did you know that actually we switch off every evening what time do you switch off I switch off both eight yeah yeah but it doesn't mean that she's looks for button pressure and goes berries button if there is one I haven't found it yet so switch off means that you while you relax completely yeah you stop thinking about work about the problems you've had especially when it comes to talking about work you need to switch off at the end of the day and stop thinking about your job I just relax yeah yeah so I often say right that's it now I'm not doing any more work I'm gonna switch off yeah exactly good okay carry on guys means to continue means to continue telling us to counter okay okay okay next one wind down this is good what we said I said before I haven't got anything else or I could use my hair good night yeah whines this is - whines yeah something around so it wound up remember we found out height from your wound you are round so yeah Doody tight and stressed and anxious yeah - one down and relax takes time right down suggests the process yeah when you go on holiday it's slowly you wind down slowly relax yeah in the evenings after work most people can't just go from work to home and go off like that yeah switch off switch off like that they need a bit of time reset has to know it's the process of dinner maybe have a glass of wine or watch some do whatever you need to do you might watch a bit of football - one down yeah I might play game on a Playstation or go for a walk yeah and in that time you are winding down you are chilling out you are unwinding yeah good okay right next one it is bump into alright this one up okay um - bump is two hits not in a hard way but just gently to kind of bump something if you bump into someone it doesn't mean say what you want to demonstrate ently meet somebody in the street there's no not necessarily no it's not icicle at all guys but you bump into someone yeah we come unexpectedly yeah actually so you didn't expect to meet them and then you see them there suddenly to bump into you you could bump into them literally but you cannot normally normally it's when see them by chance yeah so you didn't plan to meet them you meet the back I say almost nice to bump into you nice to see you yeah exactly okay good I typically ladies know we're much better we teach English I think we're quite cool we like our cups of tea chips fish I like fish I haven't had it lately yeah so how a typical we're yeah fish and chips to gin yes we're typical shopping yes I do like Prince Harry as well I must have met I do like Prince Harry is that typical enough for you okay next one guys we've got come across come across this is a little bit like bump into but yeah so it's when you you find something that you weren't looking for but you think it's interesting to find that so you might come across in your room an old picture or you might come across your your clothes and when you were little you might always you know if you're sorting things out and you're trying to tidy things up another phrasal verb sort out tidy up see how come and they are easy and then you find something that you didn't expect to you come across it you weren't looking for it yeah you find it find it by accident bionics yeah yeah which came across this said picture the other day I thought you might like yeah often when we're researching a students because I'll actually I came across this article that really interested me so I found it by chance as yeah I didn't know it existed before exactly good all right deal guys I can see your questions I can see deal with can we save it for the end yeah yeah that's the end we've already mentioned find out you need to watch the video again at the end we've said find out yeah okay right next one guys is right chase your ass up this is good good one for the business this is where you need to find out about something so say for example you've organised some work to be done so imagine you're the boss and you've organized some work to be done in your department and you don't know where that were kids you don't know what's happening with that you might say to your your colleague you might say oh can we chase that up please can I find out what's happening with that yeah so for example then you and to build a new building somewhere yeah you might say so how are the plans coming on can we chase it up needs to find out about something to be up-to-date with I think follow to follow as well follow you could say follow up on our it is I mean if you think about generous verb actually means to run our flow to run behind someone to try and catch them to chase yeah so to chase something up there is a sense of urgency actually I've been doing that this week I've had to chase up my bank and my solicitor and you're not some grown up you're you're having to do lots of calling you're you're chasing them you're having to find out where that thing is in the process what stage is to act yeah or what's going on yeah that's a really good chaser hangout ah nice easy one hang out hang out means to spend time with somebody or to spend time with a group of people socialize so later on I do hang out quite a lot we work together and obviously we do a channel together but we do also hang out at the weekends as well we're basically married hang out just means to spend time with a group of people or just with their partner or something yeah I'm spent time relaxing really in a social occasion it's important to point out that you don't really hang out by itself no it'd be a bit sad yeah you turned it's all with your dog hey bruh can I do hang out with my dog it implies that it's with another person yeah yep so it's normally a social thing yeah let's hang out yeah okay oh okay take off take off is and we have mentioned it before in a lot of videos but it is such an essential phrasal verb first of all we use it when it comes to aeroplanes we know this leaving be careful because it's not take down the opposite it's just land so take off when an aeroplane goes up into the sky or when a business a career starts to do very well in a short period of time be successful yeah definitely yeah okay good well done Leyla yeah the business took off though you would like our YouTube channel to take off it is taking off we would like to get you a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of this year tomorrow you shared this we could get that tomorrow thanks to you guys really thanks to you guys thank you so much for supporting us and always following us you're very very kind mm-hmm okay fall out okay okay I was a good one we've nearly done it but we've managed to avoid Sabra and I have avoided falling out quite well she's laughing no we happen to have an argument with somebody and basically when you fall out it usually hopefully is for a temporary period of time but it's where you have kind of an argument a disagreement and you're not on a friendly terms you're not speaking you might not be yeah they can we've fallen our land our you said you're not speaking you're not in a good relationship at that point no you're not really friends or if you if it's in a couple and you might be ignoring each other yeah things like that fell out we have no argument and we just decide a bit bit like this to each other fallen out later and I have come close so when you fall out guys it's not breaking up no it's not breaking up breakup is very separate yeah yeah yeah breakup is permanent but suppose you could get back together you could but it implies terminal thing whereas fallout is a disagreement and you're not speaking but hopefully you will make up yeah make the make up means it means to become friends again so to put aside your differences so to find a way to agree again and make up so to become friends again or to become back to being a happy couple things like that don't confuse it with make up the noun yeah okay yeah that is obviously putting your beautiful faces on as we do but yeah make up is to to resolve yeah disagree result fix yeah exactly and also make up means to invent so you might make up a story or you might make up a lie yeah you might be got to make up a really good lie or make up a really good excuse all make up I'm saying I'm a liar to create anything or create yeah so yeah I think yeah he's going to make up stories and things like that means something from the imagination yeah to make something up okay guys we have got I think it is we did it we did it with 85 I may not create or invent okay let's go through some of your questions makeup also means compensate that's a good point yes makeup full makeup preposition for to make up for something which actually is a great point because sometimes you can add different prepositions and then the meaning will change yeah so makeup for and every other phrasal then you can add an extra preposition and then the meaning will change again yeah I bought my wife's and flowers to make up for forgetting our anniversary oh dear make up for something to compensate to try to get that knee level where they will yet be happy with you again yeah okay so we go figure out is a good one because we said work out figure out implies that there is more of a process behind it so it's to develop an understanding yeah so often we talk about maths you need to figure out a son right yeah I think that's a really good one actually yeah so yeah because they said all right work out all take something you might say I can't figure it out so for example if I'm doing Sudoku do you know Sudoku the course I like I never going out very informal yeah yeah yeah yeah woody say it in a work context maybe I know we could leave anything new your colleagues really well yeah presentation you wouldn't you know it what would be the equivalent of figure out to to work out really mm-hmm it's not yet understand understand understand understand okay we've got take after right take after it's a good one Leila okay so I'm assuming you're referring to being like someone in your plan so when you take after someone it usually implies that you have similar characteristics whether it's personality or also look can be physically yeah an older relative you can only take after and older paddle oh yeah so your mother your father your grandparents yeah it would usually stop there wouldn't you could you say brother min system that's not really you've like inherent heritage yeah yeah so it would be usually you take after your mother or you take after your father for some different things yeah or your grandparents that you take I take after mine and I think I took after my mum yeah yeah yes so take off just be similar to in some aspects okay take after doesn't mean caring or looking after no look after look at me are the same as take care of yeah yeah well that committee I got take care yeah okay and look after but take after means something different what we just described okay bring around bring around bring something around this is quite an easy wandering someone round with that imply like I had to bring her round to the idea to thinking to manipulate someone to think in the same way it's very good very advanced that's good I think they might mean bring something physically round but it's not really a phrasal verb though is it I brought round bringing I'm smelling something Oh be like and to bring something to a party or but there's not an equivalent of it's not really when it when it has a different meaning that's quite literal yes it's quite ring over ring here okay I like this one to think something over yeah thanks I'm think about something to consider something I need to think sit up yes sir consider I need to think it over honda and you might say to somebody okay don't make a decision now think it over and think about it yeah turn to ponder it yeah oh listen watch out be careful be careful yeah yeah watch out there's lots of people on the internet that want to steal your money yeah or watch out for this or watch out for that watch out for thieves on that Street for example things like that hopefully not get away and one-up one-up good one up is not phrase 1 upon our to have one up on the air okay that's who you advance it's you guys are very good at English wow I'm very in reading yeah and to have one up on someone else means that you have an advantage over them you've done something more than they have so if you've got one up on someone you must kind of yeah yes it's kind of like you have a point ahead of them so if you're competing in air for a job for example you might say I've got one up on her yeah because I've got extra experience on her because the boss really likes me yeah yeah exactly so have to have an advantage yeah to get away now to get away could mean just to leave and go on holiday you need to escape basically getaways escape or to get away with something it means that you have what's the equivalent you use if you get away with something it means that you do something bad yeah trouble you know to get away with something means to yes to kind of get away with murder I mean we have an expression when you're not unhappy fine so for example we often talk about criminals having a getaway car yeah the getaway car yeah is the car that they will escape gave scene of the crime for example yes so to get away is that was that the question to get away um yeah and as I added with yes give me a holiday as I did a lesson on ten phrasal verbs with get or talk all about the different meanings of getaway and it's there I talk about how it's also means to go on holiday yep to go on a getaway I need to get to where I need to escape from my job ok ok there we go we go yeah ok the last one was pick out choose there we go to choose something I picked out some new clothes yeah I picked him out yes I pick out something like for my selection you choose one for example in a lineup yeah pick out the criminal so choose from a selection yeah out like I might say to Laila what cookie do you want what biscuit do you want pick one awesome yeah okay guys I'm afraid we're going to have to call it a day now I feel like we should probably just answer what I want to because they've been waiting though yeah but we'll come back to them we'll have a look cut down on we've done a lot of these and we've was frozen before so sorry sorry about that guys so we're going to have to go guys but we're going to look back at your comments and we can always make a video we'll be doing more phrasal verbs yeah sure okay thank you so much for joining us guys please share this video share it with your friends who would like to learn English blue and I have both been teaching English for a long time so we know lots about the language and we're very happy to answer your questions have always leave a comment and we will try our best to get back yes okay share this video if you haven't subscribed yet then we can keep doing likes thank you guys have a great day bye thank you and n stream
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: learn phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs, learn english, love english, love english with leila and sarah, improve phrasal verbs, vocabulary, 25 common phrasal verbs, most useful phrasal verbs, essential phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs for daily life, english language, grammar, english lesson, learn english vocabulary, understand phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs lesson, phrasal verbs lesson get, phrasal verb for ielts, phrasal verbs list, phrasal verbs pick
Id: K8Tez28OL7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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