30 ADVANCED ENGLISH VERBS - Improve your Vocabulary! #advancedenglish

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hi everybody and welcome back to love English I'm Sabra and I'm a British University English teacher in today's lesson we are going to learn 30 advanced verbs so in my previous video 50 advanced verbs lots of you said that you really enjoyed that and it was really really useful so you asked me for a part too so this is basically what this is guys your wish is my command here it is another lesson on advanced verbs so basically today we're going to be looking at synonyms of again common verbs but looking at some more interesting alternatives to build up your vocabulary and also your understanding of everyday English guys you've heard us say this a million times so you can probably say it along with me if you like if you haven't already hit that subscribe button and of course the notification bell so that you get notified when we upload a video and you can be one of the first to watch it you can also follow us on our social media which has additional information about English vocabulary 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we're going to start by looking at synonyms of the verb to laugh so number one is to chuckle to chuckle and this is a little laugh it's not a very loud laugh it's not a very long laugh it's more of a little laugh often we chuckle to ourselves about something when we think other people don't know it when it's kind of a secret or something only we know for example but we can also chuckle to others if we laugh in a way which is shorter than normal and perhaps a little bit cuter as well so I have an example sentence for you guys Leila chuckled to herself as she served her husband an extra spicy dinner number two number two is to roar now you're probably thinking isn't this the sound that a lion or a tiger makes and yes that is correct but there is a second meaning of to roar we can use it meaning to laugh a lot to laugh very heartily to laugh with all our being because we find something so funny we roar with laughter so an example sentence might be the audience roared with laughter and the comedians jokes the audience roared with laughter at the comedian's jokes number three is to giggle to giggle this is perhaps used more to describe how women laugh and how children and babies laugh, men men can giggle as well but often men tend to laugh in a bit more of a louder more hearty way so giggle is a softer sweeter laugh it's something that particularly babies do children do so it's a slightly sweeter way to laugh - giggle no for is to hoot - hoot and to hoot again this is often a sound which we describe an animal making an owl will hoot for example but we can also use hoot to describe laughing to describe when you're laughing a lot something is very fun you can actually describe something as a hoot so it can also be a noun you could say Disneyland is a hoot it's so much fun you're going to laugh a lot there it's a hoot and you can also say we hooted with laughter about something ok now we're moving on to look at synonyms of the verb to sit so number five is to slump to slump and if you slump you sit in a very relaxed way so if you slump you kind of collapse heavily onto the sofa perhaps after a long week at work you will come home and you will slump on the sofa you won't be sitting up in any way you're really kind of you know leaning back a lot and really really relaxing you can also slump if you're disappointed by something it's when you kind of you collapse into yourself a little bit you could say she slumped into her chair with disappointment number six is to lean to lean I did actually just mention this one so if you didn't understand it then you're going to understand it now when we lean on something we give it our weight so we can lean against a wall so the wall is taking our weight so we can stand up we can lean our elbow on the table it's when we give our weight to something and it supports us ok now we're moving on to look at synonyms of manners of speaking ways to talk and communicate so number seven is to banter to banter is when you have playful and witty exchanges between people so for example in a couple couples will often banter with each other and it's where they make jokes with each other and sometimes these jokes can be about the other one so they'll tease each other if you like if you don't know the meaning of tease it's coming later but they will joke with each other they will play around and often it's about who can be funnier so it's like verbal ping pong but in a fun way so number eight is to digress to digress and this is where you keep going off the topic the topic that is the main point you go off on to other subjects onto tangents and it's difficult for you to stay on the main topic you digress in fact people will often say oh I've digressed let's come back to the main subject something like this so number nine is to declare to declare and this is when you make something known formally or officially so a little bit like an announcement but it can also be when you want to say something with emphasis or with authority so this word is mainly used to describe people in authority declaring something so saying something officially or formally or emphasizing it so for example the police can declare something legal systems can can declare things so an example sentence could be the Prime Minister has now declared but in Britain there will only be a four day working week wouldn't that be nice okay the next two verbs I have for you are both synonyms of the verb to delay to delay so number 10 is to procrastinate to procrastinate so if you procrastinate you really put off the main tasks that you need to do obviously you don't want to do it because it's not something you find enjoyable so instead of just being sensible and getting it out of the way and getting it finished you delay it you delay the pain of having to do it and you do other things to fill your time so that you avoid doing the thing you need to do number 11 is very similar it is to faff to faff so basically to faff means to spend time doing silly or pointless tasks when you should really be getting on with the main thing so often teenagers will faff around their parents will be telling them to hurry up and leave the house but they'll say oh I've got to do this so I'm just texting this person and they're doing pointless tasks wasting time really when they should be getting on and leaving okay the next couple of verbs I have for you are synonyms of the verb to win so number 12 is to triumph to triumph and this is quite an old-fashioned word but you will still hear it in TV shows for example game of Thrones or shows which are about history things like that so to triumph is basically where you win yeah you are triumphant which is the adjective so you might say the project was a real triumph or the evening was a triumph meaning it was very very successful number 13 is to conquer to conquer now to conquer means to gain control of or to subdue by force so in history many countries have conquered each other England has been conquered many times by the Scandinavians the Vikings by the Romans and by the French by the Normans this is when you took control of something and it then belonged to you but in everyday usage we can talk about needing to conquer something within us for example so you might say I really need to conquer my fear of heights number 14 is to fluke - fluke if you fluke something you pass it or you win it seemingly by accident it seems like it was by accident so for example if you don't revise for an exam you don't really study and you're expecting not to do very well and then you see your result and you passed you'd be like oh my goodness that was such a fluke, I fluked it meaning somehow you managed it without trying or putting in much effort so - fluke something ok now we're moving on to synonyms of the verb to confuse to confuse so number 15 is to baffle to baffle so when we're baffled we're so confused that we don't really know what's going on we can't quite make sense of the situation so sometimes you might hear that science has been baffled by a particular phenomenon meaning they can't make sense of it all for example doctors have been baffled by an illness I have a good sentence for you guys as many of you know I'm a Liverpool football team fan and recently we beat Barcelona 4-0 in the Champions League and Barcelona were baffled by this so Barcelona were baffled when Liverpool beat them for 4.0 so number 16 is to dumbfound to dumbfound and to dumbfound someone off to be dumbfounded that's the adjective means to be so surprised by something so confused that you can't you almost can't actually speak you're like you just you seem to lose the ability to speak as dumb means enable to speak the disability of not being able to speak so here you're so surprised by something that you're dumbfounded you're without words so we will use this in extreme circumstances really so it can be something good or it can be something bad but either way you're very surprised and confused by it number 17 this is really a synonym for being surprised and this is to be astonished to be astonished if you're astonished it's usually in a good way so didn't expect this to happen so you can say something is astonishing it's usually something that is quite amazing as well if you're astonished so for example if Laila said to me tomorrow Sabrah I'm pregnant and I'm having twins I would be astonished I'd be so surprised in a good way and a bad way I'd be astonished thinking my goodness who's going to do all the work for love English so this kind of thing is when you are astonished ok now we're moving on to look at synonyms of to joke but some of these are perhaps joking in a way that isn't so nice isn't so good so number 18 is to tease and to tease can either be in a nice way in a fun and playful way where you're joking with each other and perhaps you're having banter together so when you're just making fun but it is in a very light-hearted way number 19 is to mock to mock and this is where you you make fun of somebody in a nasty way mocking is not a good thing if you mock someone you show that you don't believe in them in some way you have contempt for them so you think they're a bit ridiculous perhaps so in the houses of parliament in England lots of politicians will mock each other they will say oh your idea is ridiculous or oh you know it's so funny what you want to do because it's so you know nonsensical this kind of thing and they will mock each other number 20 is to sneer to sneer to sneer is again where you show contempt but it's particularly with your facial expression so if you sneer you often will raise part of your upper lip and be a bit like really I don't think you're going to be able to do that you'll never run the marathon what so it's where you're showing that you don't believe in somebody again a bit like mocking you really showed with your face that you really just think what are they talking about why are they being so ridiculous one of my favorite cartoons when I was a child was called the raccoons I don't know if you guys had that in your country please do comment below and tell me if you did and in the racoons the bad guy was called Cyril Sneer and he was called that because his facial expression was kind of in sneer and he wasn't a very nice person would be simple in the forest except for Cyril Sneer number 21 is to flee to flee and if you flee people are really fleeing danger so they are running away from danger they don't necessarily want to leave but they have to and they have to go quickly because they are in danger and this can also be used to describe animals as well so animals can flee if they think there's going to be an earthquake or flooding they will flee so my example sentence for you guys is the people had to flee when they realize the village was going to flood number 22 is a synonym of the verb to worry and it is to fret so if you fret you are really you're visibly worrying you're you're kind of constantly and visibly worrying about something so it's quite often they will say oh don't fret it's gonna be okay well please stop fretting about this really is it's gonna be alright so people might fret before exams before any stressful situation if they're afraid of flying they might fret before the flight so these next three verbs they all express potential danger or worrying about something which is to come so they don't really have a direct everyday synonym but they're used quite frequently so I thought they were important to include so number 23 is to loom to loom is when something seems bigger than it actually is and in some way it seems to be threatening something or potentially dangerous or maybe making you feel uncomfortable so someone looms over you this is when they're taller than you and they're kind of they're they're almost intimidating you with their height as they look down on you we also say that dark clouds loomed in the sky so you can say oh there was dark clouds looming in the sky it's definitely going to rain later and things that you're not looking forward to in the future can loom so you might say my exams are looming so number 24 is to threaten and to threaten is when something could be potentially dangerous so if someone threatened you they say if you don't do this I'll do this to you so they're kind of showing that they could be dangerous if you don't do what they want but situations can threaten so you could say an economic crisis is threatening meaning there's the possibility it could happen if these events happen then it will actually happen number 25 is to dread to dread something and if you dread something you really really don't want this thing to happen you're absolutely not looking forward to it at all the idea of it is really scaring you or overwhelming you in some way and so you are dreading it you don't want it to happen so we can dread exams we can dread interviews we can dread things which are perhaps scary okay now we're moving on to synonyms of the verb to fall to fall and so number 26 is to slip to slip if you slip you you fall over but it's because you were on a slippery surface so you might just fall a little or you might fall a lot and fall on your face but it's because the surface was slippery so meaning not steady often wet so for example a banana skin you can slip on a banana skin or you can slip on ice because ice is slippery or any kind of wet surface there is actually a second meaning of the verb to slip now I'd like you to research that for homework guys and comment below and tell me what you think the second meaning is so there's another meaning of the verb to slip tell me what you think that is number 27 is to trip to trip and when you trip it's normally because there was something in your path and you didn't see it and you tripped over it for example could be a tree root a step something is there and you you fall on it and you trip over number 28 is to stumble to stumble and this is when you don't walk steadily so you're maybe not walking very steadily because you're in the wrong shoes or you've had a bit too much to drink so basically you're not walking steadily and you have a little fall not a big fall just a little full so you stumble so number 29 and 30 are both synonyms of the verb to sleep my favorite thing so number 29 is to slumber to slumber and to slumber is deep sleep so if you're slumbering you're really in deep sleep so often in fairy tales you'll read that the princess was slumbering or someone awoke her from her slumber for example so it's deep sleep but we can still use it today if someone is very tired and they're sleeping deeply we can say well he's still slumbering he's so tired from his flight he's slumbering and number 30 the last one is to dose to dose and this is light sleep which can be a little bit on and off so if you're dozing you're definitely not in deep sleep so sometimes people will doze on transport so they have to keep staying a bit awake so that they don't miss their stop so they will doze I have an example sentence for you here guys the mouse was happy when the cat dozed off as it could finally go and eat the cheese okay everybody we have come to the end of those 30 advanced verbs I really hope they help you and I hope you build your vocabulary more with those verbs and start to use them instead of some of them are simple every day verbs, if you'd like another video on this guy's and to learn more advanced verbs as believe me there are more then do tell me below in the comments and also you can choose one of those verbs and try writing a practice sentence below in the comments I promise I will do my best to check it for you also guys if you did like this video then don't forget to give it a thumbs up thanks so much for watching everybody and we'll see you soon on love English bye bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, 30 advanced english verbs, advanced verbs, advanced english verbs, learn english verbs, learn english vocabulary, advanced english lessons, advanced english vocabulary, improve vocabulary in english, english vocabulary lesson, advanced english course, learn advanced english words, english words, learn english words
Id: r7lPnPQekNI
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Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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