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hi everybody and welcome back to love English I'm Sabrah and I'm a British University English teacher thank you very much for being patient about this video as I've been away for a couple of weeks I've been on holiday I've been to America great country that it is so hopefully I'm a little bit tanned but thank you very much for your patience now if you want to speak more formally at work or to write in a more formal manner at work or if you're studying perhaps at a university or studying English for exams then these academic words are going to be so helpful for you so today's lesson is 25 essential academic English words before we get started guys we'd really like to tell you a little bit about the sponsor of this video lingo de now Lingoda are an English language teaching network and they are one of our most valued partners and we'd like to tell you a little bit more about them and all the different services they offer now don't skip this part guys a great offer is coming and also I'm going to give you some reasons that perhaps you haven't thought of that are going to encourage you to invest in getting a teacher so if you've been following us for a while then you'll know that Leila and I have been teaching English for about ten years each quite scary and so we feel that we do know a little bit about the language learning process now what can happen with students that tend to learn by themselves is that although they might reach quite a good level and their vocabulary can be good and their understanding of grammar can be quite good if they haven't been corrected by a teacher and if they haven't had that really personalized feedback which has helped them with some of their errors which they might not have noticed then sometimes they can develop what is called fossilized errors like this now a fossilized error is when an error has become such a habit and the student doesn't realize it's an error that it becomes part of their speaking and they just they find it really difficult to correct this error because it's become normal for them it's become like a fossil something which can't be undone easily so this is really what you want to avoid as it can take a long time and a lot of work to undo those habits that you've got into those bad habits or those errors that you have got used to making so this is where a teacher is super useful if you can afford it invest in a teacher and here's why we think you should choose Lingoda, first of all it is affordable it's very affordable in fact you can join a group class for as low as 8 euros per month and there are only 5 students in a group class so you can still get that personalized feedback, also they are native speaking English teachers so from the UK and the USA and countries like that and it is of course flexible so if you are busy then they can work their schedule around you if you want to you can also choose private lessons so you can have individual lessons and these lessons will be very structured so your teacher will design a kind of curriculum so steps which they will take you through going up through the levels of intermediate to upper intermediate to advanced so it's not just random it's not like oh one week we'll do slang and the next week we'll do grammar no they will actually take you step-by-step through a curriculum and each week we'll build on the previous week so some of the students that we know have already tried lingoda and here are some of the things that they said about lingoda they've said that it's flexible that it's professional knowledgeable teachers and helped my communication skills so much so Lingoda have given us this fantastic discount to share with you guys which is 25% of the first month of all packages 25% of which is a quarter which is really good value for what you're getting so if you want to get that discount then the code is Love1 and the link is below in the description box so head to that link and you can sign up there and use that code Love1 right guys let's get on with the lesson but don't forget if you haven't already subscribed to us click that notification bell and also you can follow us on our social media and you can also check out our website www. loveenglish.co.uk so for each of these words guys I'm going to give you the meaning and then the part of speech so for example noun verb adjective as well as an example sentence okay number one number one is alternative alternative which is a noun verb is to alternate to alternate so the stress changes there an alternative of course means a different option so you might say there's an alternative method instead of saying there's another method or you could say alternatively in an essay and use the adverb rather than saying let's do it a different way or on the other hand my example sentence is an alternative to using petrol in cars is vegetable oil number two an acquisition an acquisition which is a noun verb is to acquire an acquisition is something that somebody has obtained or somebody has got it can often be something which is considered to be important so an asset to a company for example a new contract or a deal or a new building any of these can be considered acquisitions example sentence is our most exciting recent acquisition is the contract with Starbucks number three is aspect an aspect an aspect is a part or a factor so you could say one negative aspect of moving to another country is that sometimes you can get culture shock number four analyse this is a verb the noun is analysis analysis of the stress changes they're difficult words to spell you have to remember how to spell those to analyse means to look at something in detail or in depth and often to try and understand why something has happened so this word is so common in academic writing so an example sentence would be this paper will analyse the effects that climate change is having on smaller world economies now I have a little challenge for you guys do any of you know how you say the plural of analysis what is the plural of analysis if you do know it then please leave it in the comments for me below and you will definitely get a thumbs up from me number five is a benefit or to benefit noun and verb are actually the same same pronunciation now a benefit is something which is a good thing a good factor a positive effect of something but we would not usually say this is a good thing in academic writing we will say the benefits of using this approach are or one of the benefits or a possible benefit so it's a much better way than saying this is a good way or this is the best way or anything like that number six is to conduct to conduct now this actually means to do or to carry out but it's a much more formal way of saying that so if we say we have conducted research this means we've done research so an example sentence would be recent research has been conducted by the University of Oxford into effective language teaching methods number seven is consistent which is an adjective now consistent means that something is acting or behaving in the same way over a period of time so we would say this research is consistent with previous research for example which would mean that the research is the same it's revealed the same finding if we say rainfall has remained consistent throughout the year we mean it stayed pretty much the same nothing too unusual nothing that has varied too much from the previous pattern number eight is context context which is a noun the adjective is contextual now the context of something is actually what surrounds or is around a particular thing so for example if we say different words have different meanings in different contexts we mean that in different sentences with different words around them a word can change meaning so the context is what surrounds a situation who knows what the verb is guys if you know the verb then leave it in the comments below and you'll get that thumbs up from me number 9 is consequence which is a noun we also use this frequently in the adverb which is consequently consequently now the consequence is the result of something or the outcome now for example if you want to say in an essay and then this happened and then finally this happened you can change this and you can say a consequence of this was or one of the consequences, a great example sentence would be the consequences of this recent space phenomenon have not yet been fully established number 10 is to contribute which means to give , supply or even add to so you might say losing my job contributed to my general feeling of unhappiness or eating so much cake contributed to my weight gain a more academic example would be the contributions from various academics have really added to the veracity of this paper number 11 is crucial which is an adjective this means very important if we say something is crucial we really are emphasizing the importance of it a synonym is vital and an example sentence would be it is crucial that we address the problem of climate change now number twelve is to correspond to correspond now there are two meanings of this word but one of the meanings is to have a close similarity so to almost match actually so if you say this data corresponds with the findings from this data you mean they almost match there is a very close similarity between them what they are revealing is essentially the same the second meaning of to correspond is of course to communicate we might for example say I've correspond it with your colleague and this means I've had some communication with your colleague but it's quite a formal way to say that now an example sentence with the first meaning is the findings from early archaeologists on ancient Egypt correspond with what has also been found in the last decade number thirteen is concept a concept the adjective is conceptual conceptual now a concept is an idea it is something that is not in physical form yet it has been conceived it's an idea an example sentence would be the concept of virtual classrooms has now become a reality number fourteen is established established there are many different meanings of this word but essentially it means to set up or to put something in place or something which is already matured and being accepted for example so if we say that this research is established it means it's been around for a little while it's accepted for example it's not something which is new and people are not sure about but we can also talk about buildings foundations organizations being established and this means set up or begun actually number 15 bit of a hard one this one and it is hegemony hegemony hegemony means dominance really so if one group has hegemony over another group it means it has dominance we often use this word when we talk about political ideologies and social groups we might say for example that capitalism has hegemony in many cultures at the moment means it has dominance it's the dominant ideology really number sixteen is to indicate to indicate and this means to point towards or to suggest very common word in academic writing much better than using show or anything like that indicate sounds much more formal and also a little bit more careful because it's saying it points towards this it doesn't necessarily show it but it suggests it an example sentence would be the pattern in these statistics has indicated that an economic boom is likely number seventeen is impact usually in academic writing we say something has an impact and this means an effect you'll often see something has a positive impact a negative impact or we might say the impact of and then a noun an example sentence would be the positive impact of modern medicine has been felt around the world number 18 is to identify to identify now to identify can mean to understand the identity of something for example many people might identify particular species of birds and insects and things like that but in academic writing we really mean that somebody has found something or they've understood something in more detail if we say science has identified cancer-causing genes it means they've found these and they've understood them in a much better way so it can be used in a much broader way in academic writing number 19 is lack a lack of something usually we use this in the phrase a lack of now instead of writing or saying there is not enough or a small number you can say there is a lack so for example there is a lack of evidence on this matter it's a much more academic way of saying not enough number twenty is perspective perspective and the verb is to perceive perspective is a view how you view something so you might say my perspective is or from my perspective so a lovely phrase that you could use in your writing or speaking is one perspective on the matter is number 21 is significant significant and this means important or interesting you can also say significantly which is the adverb and here you're really saying importantly or something which we need to pay attention to significant can also mean dramatic so if you say there has been a significant rise in students studying English you mean a big rise yes you mean a dramatic rise number 22 is phenomenon phenomenon not always an easy word to say phenomenon phenomenon manam phenomenon a phenomenon is really a thing an occurrence something that has happened so if you say this phenomenon you mean this thing that has happened this fact this circumstance this thing but it's a much more academic way of saying thing often when we talk about a phenomenon it's because there's something interesting about it something that is perhaps usual or that we need to pay attention to an example sentence would be many theories have been put forward to explain this phenomenon number 23 is potential potential means possible something that hasn't happened yet but could happen often in academic writing and speaking we use this for predicting or presenting what could happen for example a potential issue a potential impact a potential benefit an example sentence would be we want all our love English followers to reach their full potential number 24 is a variable a variable and a variable is a changeable factor so in experiments and in science and programming you will often hear people talking about variables and these are the changeable factors that can be involved an example sentence would be there are so many variables so it's difficult to know how reliable the results will be number 25 is veracity veracity and veracity means if something is true so if we say the veracity of this research has been proved we mean the truth of this research how reliable and accurate it is has been proved so we might refer to things having veracity and things not having veracity okay everybody we've come to the end of our 25 essential academic words I really hope those words help to raise the standard of your writing and speaking sound more academic and well perhaps a little bit more intelligent don't forget your homework which I mentioned earlier in this lesson and you can also try using any of these words in a sentence below and leave that for me in the comments and I will do my best to check them as always thank you so much for watching and we'll see you soon on love English bye bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 50,719
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, 25 academic english words, 25 academic words you should know, academic english, essential academic vocabulary, ielts words for writing, ielts words, toefl words, academic english words, academic english writing, ielts speaking words, advanced english vocabulary, improve academic writing, toefl writing, ielts exam
Id: hl0dmuDlyYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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