100 Advanced English Adjectives for People, Places and Things! #spon

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oh and welcome back to love English I'm Layla and I'm Sabra and today we're going to help you to sprint your way which means to run very very fast to your English speaking goals and we're going to be looking at a hundred or advanced English adjectives for people places and things from conceited to cosmopolitan beautiful to dreadful these adjectives are going to significantly boost your vocabulary range now we know that 100 advanced English adjectives is a lot to learn but we aren't challenging you to do it and what's more we want you to challenge yourself we think in just three months you can be a confident English speaker but if only there was a way to get the motivation you need to get lots of speaking practice to learn with a native English teacher a professional teacher what could be the way hmm well actually there is our partner lingo de an online language school are offering you an incredible opportunity to boost your English speaking skills fast building your confidence when speaking English is really achievable when learning with lingo des in fact you can also learn French German and Spanish and even business English just our Sabra she's been learning Spanish with Ling coda and now I can't shut her up si estoy aprendiendo espanol con Lingala and on this port is prima primero in et al rad on c e para is el finale dad okay Leila recommend our lingo de tienes que aprender otra idioma tambien yeah whoa entiendo see do you sometimes feel scared to speak in English are you afraid that the words are not going to come out right even if you have them in your head do you want to improve your English speaking skills and confidence fast do you want to overcome your fear of speaking English boost your fluency in just three months and earn up to 100 percent refund on your tuition fees what's an advanced worth a refund Sabra hmm an advanced word for refund well that would be reimbursed so keep watching if you want to know how you can get a hundred percent of your fees reimbursed so paid back to you right guys it's time to sprint to your English speaking goals so the sprint starts on January the 7th 2020 and lasts until bit of April 2020 what a great way to start reaching your goals in the new year you have to participate in an agreed a number of classes each month and you can only take one class every day per day so the Super Sprint is 30 classes a month for three months and you will get 100% refund if you are able to attend all your classes the Sprint is 15 classes every month for three months and you can get 50% refund if you attend all those classes as we said we've both the super sprint and sprint a you can learn English Spanish French and German business English so how can you join the sprint and super sprint it's simple so you need to sign up for the sprint by the 19th of December 2019 so that's only one month away and when you sign up you do need to pay a 49 euro deposit which is like your booking fee however this gets refunded back to you or taken off your first payment so it does get taken off that first payment but we have a special offer for our loved English viewers that lingo to have given us and that is that you get 10 euros off your 49 euro deposit if you sign up using our code sprint 63 so you'll just pay thirty nine euros instead of 49 if you put in sprint 63 now places on the sprint are unlimited and that is why we recommend signing up sooner rather than later make sure that you check for the Sprint rules to ensure that you qualify for that 100 percent or 50 percent refund when you sign up to the sprint and super sprint you agree to make three payments one each month before your tuition fees so guys you can click the link below to learn more about the sprint and also to learn more about the 20,000 and more students who have been helped by lingo der to achieve their English speaking goals so do go and check that out right so let's test your stamina and see how many words you can learn and how fast now we do have a little challenge for a brave loved English student or maybe a few brave live English students but what we would like you to do is if any of you want to try this we would like you to try and write sentences below with all undred adjectives if anybody can do this then we are going to give you a shout out in our next love English talks video we will personally say well done to you so let's see if any of you can make that challenge right let's get started advanced adjectives to describe people number one affectionate affectionate to show feelings of liking or loving someone by being tactile showing physical affection touching kissing hugging Italians are very affectionate they always greet you with a kiss on the cheek number two boisterous boisterous being noisy and not controlled the kids are so boisterous they are always play fighting number three conceited conceited meaning to be too proud of yourself too proud of your abilities and your skills rather negative without wishing to be too conceited I'm the best teacher on YouTube number four competent competent to be able to do something well she's a very competent lawyer you can trust her to get the job done number five clumsy clumsy a clumsy person often has accidents or breaks things because they do not pay attention they're not careful when they are doing something you broke another glass you are so clumsy number six condescending condescending treating someone as if you are more intelligent or important than them she was so condescending telling me how to do my job number seven courageous courageous coming from courage meaning to be brave without fear it was very courageous of her to move to a new country number eight conscientious conscientious putting a lot of effort into your work really working hard she's a very conscientious student her homework is always done well number nine cynical cynical believing that people are only interested in themselves and not sincere honest truthful and rather cynical I don't think he's trying to help me at all number 10 cranky to be easily annoyed or upset to become angry easily I'm always cranky in the morning before my coffee number 11 is cantankerous cantankerous and this is really an extreme form of grumpy so if you are cantankerous you are very grumpy and you are irritable with other people you can sometimes be a bit rude to them sometimes older people can be described as being cantankerous there can be a little bit grumpy for example my grandma when she fell she is quite cantankerous number 12 is callous callous and callous means cruel not showing kindness or empathy towards others we can describe behavior as callous we can say that was not kind behavior you didn't show any understanding of the feelings of others in fact that was quite callous number 13 is crafty crafty and this means clever but in a dishonest way in a way where you are trying to manipulate the situation for your own benefit so somebody who is plotting and trying to think how they can get the best out of the situation for them so crafty people often find ways to avoid paying their taxes for example number 14 is conniving and this is quite similar to crafty so the word is conniving quite similar to crafty but it is even worse perhaps it's even more negative it suggests serious plotting scheming quite deceitful you know very manipulative so if you say somebody is conniving it is definitely a negative adjective it's not a nice thing to say about somebody often we might think in the past when we had more medieval kings and queens and you had to be quite crafty to stay alive in the king's court sometimes there might have been some kind of advisors who were conniving they were scheming and plotting for their own benefit 15 is decisive decisive and this is when you can make decisions very quickly very easily you are not a person who runs and ours and worries about the decision you don't have a problem making it quickly you know what you want number 16 is devoted devoted and this means you are absolutely committed to that particular thing or that particular person it suggests that you have a lot of care and a lot of love invested in that thing or that person and you would not leave them or leave it very easily at all fact it would be very hard for you to leave them or it number 17 is diligent diligent and this means very hardworking very careful really wanting to do your best of something if we say somebody is very diligent it's really that they're hardworking and they try very hard and they want to get things right so an example sentence could be she is so diligent she stays up studying every night until 11:00 to prepare for her exams number 18 is dowdy dowdy and this means unfashionable not dressing in a way which suits here a little bit unattractive so an example sentence could be she's quite dowdy she really needs a makeover number 19 is beautiful beautiful not beautiful beautiful and this is a person who always does their duty who always knows what their duty is what their responsibilities are and they follow that so often we can talk about our children being dutiful like he's a very dutiful son he always does what's right for the family and respects the family things like this number 20 demonstrative dumont creative and this is where you like to demonstrate how you feel so through actions you like to show how you feel so often we can talk about our romantic partners as being demonstrative or not personally I like demonstrative my boyfriend knows that must remind him to buy me some flowers 21 earnest earnest serious and determined in fact too serious perhaps and unable to find your actions funny little bit too serious he was a very earnest young man 22 evasive evasive answering questions in a way that is not direct or clear especially because you don't want to give an honest answer where politicians are very evasive you can never get them to give a straight answer 23 egotistical egotistical a tendency to always think about yourself to put yourself first above others essentially being a bit selfish to think that you are more important than other people woah he is so egotistical he really thinks all the girls love him 24 fastidious fastidious to pay too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect she is so fastidious when it comes to cleaning the house too much 25 fervent fervent this is a positive adjectives to describe a person who has strong beliefs of feelings they're very sincere and true about their beliefs he's a fervent supporter of brexit 26 Buffy fussy not easily satisfied having very high standards for things she's always fussy about how she dresses she's always fussy about how she dresses 27 the lot earnest the latinus to eat or drink much more than you need everyone is so gluttonous this time 28 a little bit like cranky grouchy grouchy to be easily annoyed or complain a lot oh don't be so grouchy just because it's raining 29 gregarious gregarious to enjoy it being sociable to like being around people Sabra is so gregarious she loves parties number 30 hypocritical hypocritical a negative adjectives to describe somebody pretending to be what you are not or to believe something that actually you don't truly believe the politicians complained about him lying how hypocritical number 31 is incompetent incompetent and this is really not a pleasant thing to say to someone if you say oh you're incompetent it means you can't do your job properly you're not you're not competent meaning able to do your job very well so not to be confident in competent number 32 is impetuous impetuous and this is very similar to impulsive this is where you make decisions very quickly without really thinking about the consequences you live in the moment and you do what you think you what is best for you in the moment but it's not necessarily always the best thing the next one is a nice positive adjectives it is jovial to be jovial and this means to be in a good mood if we feel jovial we feel happy we feel joyful so yes it means you feel upbeat you woke up in a good mood or you had good news and so you feel jovial perhaps it's sometimes a better word than to use happy all the time number 34 is juvenile juvenile and this can refer to somebody here is young a juvenile so somebody who is not an adult yet still a teenager but we can also describe somebody as being juvenile when they are an adult if they are acting like they are much younger basically it is a synonym or immature number 35 I love this word this is loquacious loquacious it's actually a beautiful sounding word as well loquacious and this means very talkative and to be honest guys this probably describes me I am quite loquacious I'm very chatty and talkative and sometimes Layla gets a little bit fed up with me number 36 melancholic melancholic and this means very sad or depressed you know in a low mood feeling blue number 37 is naive naive and if you are naive you are the kind of person who hasn't had a lot of experience of life and maybe you don't see the negative side of life a lot yet you were quite innocent so perhaps you always believed people are telling the truth you want to do the best in people actually it's a very nice way to be but unfortunately it's not always useful because you can get disappointed because you find out life is not as perfect as you think number 38 is petulant petulant and this means that you want your own way again it's quite childish it's quite that you are a demanding person if you're petulant you want things your way you complain a lot this kind of thing so again acting like a much younger person than your years number 39 is tenacious tenacious and this means very determined holding on to things you don't easily let things go you are very tenacious about getting what you want determined not easily giving up so I would say the animal the squirrel is very tenacious I don't know if you've seen Ice Age but certainly the squirrel in Ice Age he will not give up on trying to get that nut so he is very tenacious [Music] number 40 is zealous zealous now a person who is zealous believes very strongly and very passionately in what they believe in so often we say that people are zealous about their politics or about their religion right places now these adjectives that can be used to describe places but sometimes that they can also be used to describe things 41 cosmopolitan cosmopolitan referring to a place containing many different cultures things cuisines from many different parts of the world London is a very cosmopolitan city you can get all kinds of food from around the world and there are many different nationalities living there 42 lively Lively meaning full of life and energy it was such a lively party the music was a fantastic everyone was dancing 43 hustling bustling meaning a place full of activity things going on very very busy the town is always bustling in the summer 44 hectic hectic quite similar to bustling but maybe a little bit more chaotic confused after referring to a lot of very quick rapid movement so you could probably describe London as being a little bit hectic especially at Christmastime totally hectic 45 dreadful dreadful a negative adjective meaning very bad causing suffering and happiness maybe even fear the hotel was dreadful the rooms were so dirty 46 totty totty another negative adjective meaning to be in a poor condition warned or shabby basically old town needed some updating it was rather tatty 47 Warren Warren both similar to tatty but more to be damaged as a result of long-term use overuse the playground was rather worn the children really needed somewhere a bit more modern to play or you could use it to describe things his trainers were so worn after playing football for so long forty-eight dated dated meaning out-of-date old old-fashioned the house was so dated it really needed a good refurbishment 49 shabby shabby similar to Tassie meaning in bad condition in poor condition because of overuse or long-term use the house was rather shabby I don't think it had been decorated in years again another word is often used for things number 50 is Quint Quint and quake means very cute pretty picturesque sometimes a little bit old-fashioned so we can describe little cottages as quaint or a cup of tea and a very traditional English tea room can also be described as quaint number 51 is state-of-the-art state-of-the-art and this means very modern very at the edge of technological developments so often we describe computer rooms of state-of-the-art or scientific facilities as state-of-the-art for example we could say our scientists work in state-of-the-art facilities number 52 is Medi evil Mehdi evil and this means that the object or the castle or the costume came or appears to look like it came from the Middle Ages so a medieval costume for example or a medieval castle number 53 is touristy touristy and this is actually a word which we use more and more these days and basically it means that the place is visited by a lot of tourists and this can means that it might have brought down the level of fantasy that the place had originally maybe there is a lot of for example cafes bars taking away from the natural environment huge amounts of tourists so you can say that places a little touristy number 54 is Georgie Georgie and dodgy is a fantastic word it's actually British slang and basically it means that something doesn't seem reliable doesn't seem a good idea or good quality you can't trust it so if we talk about a dodgy area we mean the area is maybe not that safe it's maybe not somewhere where we should visit on our own things like that perhaps there is high levels of crime something like this number 55 is classy classy and classy means elegant sophisticated so when we talk about a classy lady we could say Laila is a classy lady she dresses well she speaks nicely she behaves herself most of the time as long as she hasn't been given a gin and tonic so generally she's quite classy a classy lady but also a restaurant can be classy meaning sophisticated and elegant a place can be classy so shops can be classy clothing can be classy generally it's associated with sophistication and elegance number 56 is affluent affluent an affluent means a place which is wealthy you can also talk about a person being affluent but we do often use it to describe places so you might say oh this area is affluent meaning its well-off it's a wealthy area number 57 is ghastly Oh ghastly careful that H there is silent so ghastly means horrible or frightening or scary it's very negative so if you say it was a ghastly experience it means it was really a horrible experience number 58 is divine divine and divine means wonderful perfect actually originated relates to to God to heaven divinity the divine which suggests perfection so when we say something is divine I mean it's perfect wonderful so if I say your cooking is divine or this dessert is divine it means absolutely delicious number 59 again this is a very positive adjectives this is exquisite exquisite and it means perfect absolutely beautiful so if we say this wedding dress is exquisite we mean it's so beautiful it's really got a high level of perfection number 60 is hip to be hip or a place is hip this is very similar to trendy it means showing the latest trends and fashions option where younger people are going so you might say oh there's a hip new bar in town or a very hip area 61 trendy trendy meaning very fashionable up-to-date modern Soho is a very trendy area in London it's great to go there and have drinks 62 funky funky now funky is actually referring to a type of music so funk is a style of music but now we use it as a more informal way to say fashionable cool hip it is such a funky bar you will love it 63 homely homely meaning plain and ordinary but pleasant comfortable the hotel was very homely I really felt comfortable there 64 a little bit more of an expression than an adjective to be in need of some TLC or a little bit of TLC now this can refer to a place or a person tender loving care TLC so it just means that it's in need of some attention some kindness it's a beautiful building it just needs a little bit of TLC 65 grubby grubby meaning dirty or in need of a good clean the kitchen was really grubby it really needed a good clean vast vast meaning very big huge but referring to a place the landscape was vast 67 similarly expansive expansive again covering a wide area being a very big large area the shopping wall was expansive it was massive it's huge 68 idyllic or idyllic idyllic American English idyllic British English so idyllic meaning extremely happy or peaceful picturesque a beautiful place referring to being ideal idyllic it was a beautiful hotel in an idyllic setting 69 picturesque picturesque now you can guess from the word meaning that you could take a lovely picture there but scenic beautiful particularly in maybe an old-fashioned way sometimes the streets of Rome are picturesque 70 vibrant vibrant meaning full of life lots of energy it was a vibrant Island full of animals and wildlife number 71 is cumbersome cumbersome not easy to pronounce that word cumbersome and this means difficult to move quite big and unwieldy difficult to move it around so often quite heavy as well so if we say oh this dress I'm wearing it's cumbersome you know if I feel it's very heavy and it's difficult to walk in it so this brings us nicely to the next one which is bulky and bulky means again large to big really and taking up too much room number 73 is ragged ragged and this is often used in the short form actually than now which is rags for example poor Cinderella when she wasn't allowed to go to the ball and she had that horrible stepmother she had to wear rags which were old torn clothes so the adjective is in fact ragged number 74 is a beautiful word it is iridescent iridescent and this means that when the light hits something that many colors are revealed so the light or the direction can make the colors appear differently so some jewelry can be iridescent in the light next word another great one especially probably for girls who prefer this more than guys it is sparkly and sparkly means that when the light hits something many colors come off this for example a sparkly dress or a diamond ring whoo both fair we can say that somebody has sparkly eyes number 76 is compact compact and this means very kind of tightly packed very tightly packed in a small area so if we say the flat is very compact we mean everything is tightly packed away everything here is very kind of tidy and organized so we'll doughnut small it's very efficient number 77 is luminous luminous and this means giving or shedding a lot of light so we might describe the stars as luminous or if somebody is very happy we might say they appeared to be luminous there would seem to be a lot of light sort of happiness radiating from their face number 78 is vast vast so if you say a place or a space it's very vast it means there's a huge amount of space going on and on it seems a huge area so you might say for example in Mongolia the plains of Mongolia they seem to go on forever they are very vast number 79 is smooth and this means a very even surface so very soft and even and pleasant to the touch so for example babies have lovely smooth skin number 80 is jagged and this is very different to smooth so this is where the surface is not even in fact it has lots of different points protruding so for example if you break a bottle the bottle will be very jagged where there's different pieces of glass eighty-one ornate ornate meaning made of intricate shapes or decorated with complex patterns the building had many ornate features 82 brittle brittle meaning fragile easily broken can be broken the leaves on the trees in autumn as they're falling are very brittle 83 elaborate elaborate in complicated in design having a lot of detail and features now this could refer to things situations plans the Queen has elaborate security precautions to make sure she's safe 84 ubiquitous ubiquitous present or appearing everywhere very common mobile phones are ubiquitous around the world 85 metallic metallic to be metal like in sound or look or even taste metallic her metallic eyeshadow looked really funky 86 synthetic synthetic man-made made from artificial substance often trying to seem like they are natural in appearance copying a natural product many cheaper clothes are made from synthetic materials 87 luxurious luxurious giorious luxurious extremely comfortable elegant often very expensive but a luxurious item is enjoyable partly because of the expense the house is very luxurious coming of course from a luxury 88 retro retro similar to styles and fashions from the recent past so often referring to the 1950s 60s 70s maybe even 80s VW vans are so retro I love them they're really cool some words to refer to food actually crunchy crunchy not always referring to food but when something is crunchy it often makes a sound like this so it's hard with a specific sound a texture Christmas are very crunchy 90 tender tender easy to cut or choose soft in texture it was a fantastic steak it was lovely and tender next one hearty hearty referring to food meaning wholesome or substantial so it was a very hearty meal of potatoes and vegetables right guys were on the final eight so we're nearly there we're nearly at the end so number 92 is creamy creamy and this just means that the product contains a lot of cream we might say a creamy dressing or a creamy dessert number 93 this is a great word it is indulgent indulgent and this means that it is a treat something is very indulgent it's something you can't do very often because it's it's a treat so if I booked myself for the day to go and have a lovely spa in a posh hotel this would be quite indulgent we can also refer to food of indulgent we might say an indulgent chocolatey dessert number 94 is chewy chewy and this just means that you have to chew the thing a lot it's not easy to swallow it so you have to chew it a lot first before you swallow it number 95 is bountiful bountiful and this means that has been a lot produce there is an abundance of this thing so in large quantities so if we say the food at the feast was bountiful it means there was so much food and such a variety there was really an abundance of it number 96 is zesty zesty this can mean a little bit acidic and with a little bit of perhaps spice or something like this certainly if we're talking about a person being zesty it means they have a lot of energy and they're very active so she seemed to be in a zesty mood it means she was very energetic number 97 is rubbery and this just means that the texture of something or the feel of something is like rubber so rubber is of course the thing that our tires are made from so if we say well this spaghetti I think it's overcooked it really feels quite rubbery 498 is moist moist and this means a little wet containing moisture and this is why we call moisturizer moisturizer number 99 is stale and this is particularly used to describe the bread and this is basically when the bread has gone hard and it's not good anymore it's not fresh anymore and number 100 whoa we got that if flaky ballet key and this means that something produces smaller pieces easily falls apart and comes into smaller pieces so for example some pastries can be very flaky if you need to pastry often a lot of the pastry will will fall away because it can be quite flaky right guys we have come to the end of our 100 about adjectives I hope you've got to the end with us and you made it through this challenge the students who managed to comment below and use 100 of these adjectives in at some example sentences will get a shout out in the next love English talks video that we film you so much for watching bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 113,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, 100 advanced english adjectives, 100 advanced words, advanced english adjectives, advanced english vocabulary, advanced english adjectives for people, english adjectives for people, english adjectives for places, english adjectives for personality, english adjectives for things, advanced english class, improve vocabulary
Id: o89HPkdcUSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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