How to REDUCE your ACCENT | British Pronunciation Lesson

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my telephone early actually that's time we can look at ourselves and I'm looking at myself yeah okay hello everybody this is a live video so if you are there then say hi yeah we're looking we can see your comments as we speak but we are early which is great last time we were a bit late I have to say it's quite nice to be able to interact with you youtubers our students on YouTube Wow say hi and say where you're from yeah that's that would be pretty cool excited and while you're doing that we're just gonna tell you what we're gonna cover in this live lesson yeah and hopefully we'll be able to help you improve your accent that's right thank you so much so many of you for joining us for this live video it's our first live video actually on YouTube so it's exciting but in sharing this live video with us so today our lesson is going to be about how to reduce your accent yeah now one thing is we want to de-stress guys that actually having an accent is not a bad thing we don't want you to completely remove your accent because at it forms part of your identity your first language is a huge part of who you are when we talk about accent reduction we are talking about having some of the features of British British pronunciation guys but not British but also just making sure that you are more easily understood so the problem sounds that you have in your language we're gonna help you with so that you speak clearer that's right thank you Layla for that fantastic explanation oh it's so lovely to see all your comments I'm getting very excited to say hello to you all I mean as amazing but you cried India okay right guys shall we make a start with this yeah by the way I will just add if you think this is a useful lesson we'd love you to share it with some of your friends on social media through YouTube this is how we are able to reach more people because of you that's right okay guys so let's get started with the lesson today so first of all we want to say that when you're developing your accent what you're going to find is that it's going to be difficult because these muscles wasn't in your mouth will not be used to making these sounds they're going to be new sounds so if you're having a problem with making English sounds that is normal please don't worry about that that's absolutely normal it really is and as sabra said it is about muscles so you've got a look at pronunciation as a gym session that's right yeah you're training your the muscles in your mouth really okay so today we're going to focus on helping people from India with their accent from the Arabic country so from the Gulf with the accent then also Portuguese speakers Spanish speakers Italians you have very similar problems so you put them in a group together we have yep Layla next group we're going to be looking at agent i speakers vietnamese because they share a lot of similar problems I'm trying to remember actually we've got a little yes oh yes we've got Vietnam Japan and Thailand put you in a group together but please don't panic if we haven't mentioned your nationality we will at the end of this lesson be taking a few questions so although some of you might be throwing some questions up now we've got a lesson planned yeah we're going to go through that then we're gonna give you the opportunity to ask questions and any comments that you make now we will read back later today aren't see you and they'll also help us in with future lessons so is arrived and actually helps so we'll answer a few questions at the end guys so please keep asking questions we'll go through them and then we'll answer some questions at the end okay so first point guys is when you're developing your accent really you need to listen to the accent that you want a lot it's an obvious point but it's very very very useful and important if you want a British accent are you watching lots of TV shows where the accent is British the office yeah what else is that so there's the crown great show on Netflix if you have it English Wow see pronunciation but you can definitely British accent if you want an American accent there are lots of great youtubers who can tell you how to get an American accent and of course if you want a British accent there's lots of great youtubers that can tell you about that now so it's really about listening and trying to copy to imitate have you ever been brave enough to try and record yourself and listen to your pronunciation and then you can also compare it with perhaps some of your favourite people that speak with a British accent or that speak with an American accent how similar do you sound where are you going wrong I think it's Gary to do that but I think recording yourself like Sabra said is a brilliant idea because you're not just listening to yourself but you're looking at your mouth your tongue your teeth where all of these things are your jaw when you are speaking so it's not just about listening and imitating it's about watching and imitating the same movie ends of shapes of the MELD copying looking at tongue positions as well and later and I have done videos already where you can actually copy our mouth position on some of the kind of difficult sounds yes we recommend those to you we will put them we'll put links in the description and we'll also put some tags later that's right okay guys so if you're from India our problems for many other nationalities so don't feel oh it's just India and don't worry we're getting to your accent as well just be patient and you can like I said message us here now and we will deal with that if we can later on but definitely in next an hour yeah next lessons coming yeah okay so you know Indian accent right problems with duh ha ha and ok duh & Turf these are very different sounds Laila - unexplained they are very different sounds but actually the position of the mouth is not too different than which is probably why you confuse them so look at the position of my mouth and duh duh so my tongue does not touch my teeth but it reaches the front part of my mouth inside duh duh whereas hung coating the roof of the Mountaineer Bertie duh-duh-duh okay and it stays there really it just came down slightly yeah um whereas actually you're pushing the air out and it's further to the front of the mouth sir and you're actually using your teeth yes no I'm touch you push the tongue against the teeth and you push air out and that's where the sound comes from yes yeah I can't do it with this guy's jaw Oh which one we do have like dog yeah dog dog ha ha yeah I make all the same sound Hulk D T DT yes okay so practice night guys right another one you have a problem with and this is actually for Asian speakers as well yes sir like the sound of my name Sabra sir Sir sir and sup okay so one is voiced and the other one is unvoiced aren't there yeah sir is unvoiced yes I can't hit anything here is no vibration sir okay whereas his voice do you mean it here sir like a snake yeah it's like snakes and then zebra yep which is not my name yeah so you will feel the vibration with this so can we thank you ma'am so we've got said trying to think of words that could be slightly confused so says Isla phone is a very desert why don't you say it very often though so for example it's like you did Layla pigs pigs yeah it sounds yeah thanks Hicks is a sir picks and then pigs is a picks pigs you can hear the difference there you did a great lesson there was a nice old lesson but a goodie on the pronouncing plural nouns and also third person s yes so all of these links actually at the end of it yeah yeah okay so those are some of them last one for India and I think this is actually a very common one for many speak vowel sound yeah in a vowel sound and it is the difference between all the more phony or like in bought and taught a horse and force yeah oh look at the sake of a mouth or or taught bought and oh oh and oh oh and oh oh like Leila oh oh look at the difference there all OH now yeah the mouth is pretty much the same the difference is that one is a long sound or yeah and one is short ah yes that's right clock is all yeah yeah dog dog yeah dog so what Indians do is they tend to instead of say oh you saw something or you say oh so for example the word order you'd same order or Georgian big word and it's it's very common and sometimes it's something which people will often say about the Indian accent issues shorten a lot of the vows were as British a very long vowel sounds daily learning the long vowel sells order or twere quite kind of like drawn-out with our without bowel sounds tree these they're really long and you tend to shorten them so you start opening your mouth and it really don't I think you've actually picked up on the thing that really makes the Indian accent very distinct hear it from other interconnects when your own speaking in English which is I mean I quite like the Indian accent yeah there's nothing wrong with accent guys please don't think we're judging accents it will literally help you to sound clearer yeah okay so moving on now we're winning a bit today guys let you think okay okay so guys now moving on to the Arabic accent the Arabic accent now this for me is very funny actually that the Arabs have problem with a sandwich but British people is so so so so simple an Arabic pronunciation is normally fantastic you actually have very very similar pronunciation to ask of me as if similar sounds but there is one thing that you make lots of mistakes with it and it is per and BA yeah and you really do make a lot of mistakes with this and actually I have to say it's quite funny sometimes it's funny for example you'd say beach you might confuse it and say Pete you can't straight peach yeah family constellation and Beach Park and bark you can't bark is the sapling sound a dog makes woof woof but Park is like parked the car so if you say I barked the car I have a little weight to show you how to do this so you want me to do it player okay so beat box sound is not pushing up any air box and but as in basket as in but okay the ice look by the paper but just not this hard move doesn't move because no air is back pushed out it's unavoidable IPPs / what a / / it moves because you're pushing air out so that isn't were Laila say parrot parents big peach peach yeah so the paper will move it's also a problem if you're from Vietnam this is a problem sound me some Spanish speakers sometimes have a problem with that yeah so it's bah-ha-ha from the lips pretty thing / say brother park and bark peach and beach hi and bye pie that's quite mistakes yes just when they are confused it can be as entertaining but don't worry we will we're not looking at all of your comments now but keep commenting you know I've got in fact if you have questions okay yes next one okay so this one is another sound for Arabs but again a sound for Asian speakers very very common that you make mistakes with this and again the difference between a voiced sound and an unvoiced sound from here and from here so the sounds are now if you're watching us now don't do this with us like literally as follow and copy so put your hand here and go over so your teeth careful remember it's not just about listening it's about looking your teeth your top teeth yeah okay they go on your bottom lip spoke like this and then you are pushing as you keep them together you keep your teeth and your lip bottom lip together and you push out and as you push out it makes a vibration this is BA full van full bars for the Marion Barry so Spanish speakers again sound for you you will say bow instead of you'll say vamos you don't say vamos for example so okay so we've got that should we move to birth Laila you want to trap sorry I'm so now again look this is where it gets confusing the T again same position but look no vibration we are pushing the air through much more gently yeah sound isn't really coming from the back of the throat is coming from the front so let's compare okay so very silly guys but we're used to looking yeah and I think my students I I've got Thai students at the moment we have a lot of Chinese students we have Arabic student we teach all of you guys daily in our classes so we yeah we make guys they do this in class with us I'll literally watch them and make them put all their mouths their teeth their tongue in the right position and produce the sound and it's practice Jones right now I've got some example words prepared you for this so can you hear the difference guys you can right - oh yeah comments okay so here which sound is coming first which sound is coming first bah bah bah ready two words fine fine fine fine which sound came first see if you're someone's gonna do it come on fine fine yeah fine Sultan all fine and Ana Rita Italy everyone's got V vine and fine okay vine is not wine by the way because you need vines to make the wine that's very true connected in one has a little business to point making good okay another one yes I'm just with Arabic speakers I'm actually half Iranian okay I don't speak Farsi but my family do and I know that with Iranian speakers they often and Turkish they often have a problem with BA and what oh yes lots of Chinese and German German yeah okay and I think while we're mentioning what and well mention about we can say this so again but this time you'll actually see that the sound is similar but the pronunciation is the movement of the mouth is different so what what what that so for example often I've heard Germans and Chinese people say this instead of saying video yeah you'll say video ok Iranians do that as well I can see we have some people from Ukraine and Russia you have some issues with that accent as well I see it's a very very nice axe in the Russian accent but actually today we've got kind of Sun that will cover yours but we're not going to too much detail on the Russian accent today because yours is not quite its distinctive in terms of the issues none there's one sound that I know you have a problem with which we're about to cover so you can track Ukraine this is for you and it is the sound we're just reading some of your comment so he'll distract us okay so the sound which I think all languages seem to have a problem with oh yes it's a very very very tricky sound and I think it's the only language that has this sound I may be wrong but I want to I think it's one of you maybe yeah and it is the th sound so T plus h together there's two versions of it so it's the stuff the first sound up as in think yeah thought through yeah and the second sound is a voiced sound and it is yeah man again the mother vibration mug mother brother yeah and actually I will say before we start correcting you guys that even English speakers have a problem with your sounds true I don't know how much it annoys you but it really annoys me yeah they say for example English speakers will say but instead of so they'll say I think instead of I think and Thursday sounds if you know is it's nice to be aware of the British accent people do speak like this in England hmm however how do I say this without sounding like a complete rude snob it tends to be people that maybe didn't study as much University yes they say this so it is often associated this pronounciation feature changing th to your sound yeah weird yeah yeah so if you're from China you will say this sound is a son yeah you'll say I sink instead of I think which is quite funny because sink means the ship going under the water like the Titanic did yeah it means something going money I'm know I'm coming back so this is quite a famous advert actually where there's a ship sinking and there's a man trying to the guy from Germany and he's operating the rescue centre and a ship calls in and says excuse me excuse me we'd urge Ennead help we're sinking and the German guy listens like he knows oh thank you for calling but what are you thinking about yes it's where the thought sound because you guys can't say it becomes a sir yeah well you can't unsay it but again it's a give out practice so not just listening but copying so pay attention to the position your mouth again this time you need to put your tongue to your top teeth yeah so sir sir and the same but this time your tongue vibrates mmm I will tell you that I'm not as far out yeah and then a little bit further back really if you think about bugs us I think mother think it might I think it probably goes further back when it's in the context of a whole word and with other and I made a video about that guys you can find it it's called pronunciation masterclass so go and check that out and you can see very closely the sounds so lots of good luck with that one guys we know you can do it we believe in you so don't feel like oh it's so difficult just think it's totally possible rector's practice and you will get there okay we've seen lots of students you've had problems with pronunciation and then eventually after lots of practice they have got there so please don't worry feel encouraged okay and so moving on to some other nationalities and this pronunciation problem is very common throughout Asia whether you're from Thailand Vietnam I think Japan yeah China or the Asian continent basic really is a problem if it's a problem for you in your country you can tell us in a minute yeah so it's la la and rah rah rah rah rah rah okay perfect and again this time unlike maybe sir and these sounds are actually they're made quite differently with the mouth and so very different la yeah Lola the tongue is at the top of the mouth yeah crunching slightly yo Shing and then it comes down love love listen yeah the bottom of your mouth is quite firm on both these sounds so loooong okay but with rough you'll actually find that your bottom lip will come out slightly rougher and your teeth your top teeth need to come down on the inside of your bottom lip rah rah rah and you're pushing it your lip down and out yeah rough yeah so lots of people from Asia mistake these - and you'll say things like for example you'll confuse words like flies and fries yeah I wouldn't want to order a portion of you you might see instead of ordering a portion of fries you could say can I have a portion of flies fly is a little insect disease so you don't want to be saying that it's lots of protein yeah now another one is lice and rice listen to the difference like rice rice rice flies fries copy I hope you can say my doing rice and it's an I sound it's I come and come here I yeah from the back of the throat I think also with these two sounds you will find that individually you're probably able to get used to pronouncing them yeah where the problem comes is where you have other consonant sounds next to them and they're often are so for example I play an LA and LA we've got pop before but instead of saying play you might say pray yeah exactly so it's very easy to confuse those two yeah okay we've got a couple of what we call consonant clusters to talk to you about now these are actually difficult for English speakers yep so please don't feel bad about this and this is where you have three consonants together and your core mouth us to try and make all these sounds and push them together and make a word okay so for example an example of this is shrinking shrinking you're saying shut and then you're saying wrap and then to make it you're saying it sounds yeah shrinking long keep going oh much going on try with me guys I'll break it down sure raaah yeah hmm that's it isn't it shrinking cut at the end yet shrinking shrinking okay shrinking mean something getting smaller okay so shrinking another example of a consonant cluster that combines with these difficult sounds is 3 or through yeah whether these and a rough from Sarah and I very difficult yeah and you're trying to remember all these you find difficult individually and then they suddenly come really hot common tongue twister guys which we did a lesson on tongue twisters to going up and the cutlets was 33 and 1/3 they're totally on 1/3 33 and 1/3 okay you can also do Thursday's my birthday oh yes a is my first day Thursday is my 30th birthday try that ice would be game you want a real challenge Thursday is my 30th birthday sort of a challenge there guys few more we wanted to go through my mom I think we might take some questions quite yeah I think so we've got a little bit about Spanish speakers okay so obviously lots of Latin Americans they're so lovely to hear from you I actually lived in Ecuador for a while so I loved South America so I'd like to talk about some of the sounds which I heard were an issue there and obviously they work the Sun you also have a problem just like Italians and like Portuguese people with what Laila what sound is it is it was it sir no oh ha ha yes ha ha so Italian Spanish without if they don't if you don't have this sound you know your own language how are you supposed to know and how to say it you know completely understand so the funniest problem that you might have is instead of saying hungry you could say something like angry or sangria it all gets for you just drop the H completely so like in Spanish the word for eggs I'm not very good at my Spanish pronunciation is wake horse isn't it with us eggs very good and good and you drop the H the word is written with an H but you dropped it just like Italians it's very seriousness so for example words like hospital yeah we say the ha ha heart on the back huh but they would say like Ospital I'd say Hospital so you drop this or when for example let's think of another one it's ache yeah hurt you'd say yeah I'm out instead of I'm hurt problem for French speakers as well and in fact I had a funny French student once who told me to make the huh he went for a run and he was all puffed out oh that seems like a really extreme way to start your pronunciation there some people are yeah Ana Rita I guess um Italy yeah you would say Oh instead of home honest Hannes yeah yeah hungry you'd say angry yeah so it is ha ha ha air coming from the back of the throat huh sound actually but it is also the H in Italian and I'm not sure how they pronounce it in Spanish but it's isn't it huh banish it yeah so there you go it's not even a consonant that's actually that's a vowel yes yeah that's true last sound actually and it's not such a common sound in English it's the X sound comes in in Spanish you say Philip for example from Mexico you replace it and actually you use a half hair kind of you say Mexico I like in the middle of words like sexy for example or Fox Fox X is there is an X there was a sound for X and it's going to be something like sucks it can be pronounced like Zonda yeah it would be pronounced as it as an X by X are easy yeah so like dogs and yeah with it yeah so yes that's the X on which I wanted to say the Spanish because you lost and completely drop or say it differently so yes I think that's our little a little lesson and of course today we will add subtitles I'll do that for you so if you want to review this lesson go for it yeah they'll be subtitles let's have a look at some of your questions alright you're saying you struggle with and always sound ah alright happily that helped you we've got I quite want to answer this one how do you man in Rome Reza as Imran you asked about car now it really depends whether you want a British accent or the American accent because in British English we are when it comes at the end of a word where there's a vowel before it actually you will find it we don't pronounce it the in American English they would actually how would they say it car car car baby yeah so you'll have that but in British English we'll just elongate we'll just have a long vowel car car competitor rather than car far or another example is art the word art we say a cart with Noah yeah but in America Missy Oh art really is such a big barrier in British and Americans eh that's a question actually in British ingress we tend to be very very very keen on our vowel sound so uh oh yeah that's very distinct very traditionally Irish accent yeah so for example we would say hot yeah hot whereas in America Vote say ha ha ha yeah and they've got a more nasal in some parts I think the sound comes more from the no I do love the American depends if it's really strong it's not great ok so more questions guys we are ready to answer now we've got although I can do that very quickly lots of difficult sounds sex we've got the luck and the that and a funny vowel sound although whoa okay let's have a look back and see your question it might be worth answering the ones that got now we can respond to these in future people are saying yes things like thickness and sickness yeah good yeah well done see you guys now if you start to research yourself what difficulties people with your language have when they're speaking English you'll be able to reduce your acts and and work on it yeah okay we've got lots of you following that's fantastic yeah thank you very much to all our followers of course because we're actually subscribers going up yeah and we've got lots of loads of really exciting lessons coming up for you as well we hope you enjoying our recent one somebody is calling me zebra guys it makes me upset yeah it makes me angry to see my name is Debra my name is Sabra Leila's getting scared okay Sabra I once I've got the H on the end of Sabra when I was spelling out it's a very unusual name actually in Arabic the pronunciation the pronunciation of my name is Sabra yeah so it's in English it's Sabra okay this is great questions I think actually if we go to the bottom list they if you're watching if you just tell us yeah hello pronounce the word often with T or I actually this is yeah a lot of people will say you don't pronounce it with a tee but actually if you just go to Google if you don't believe me Google teacher tends to surpass me sometimes yeah and but I pronounce it often what do you do often you do it some people say often off they up and they drop the T absolutely both are absolutely fine I don't know why neither and neither yeah neither neither either either um I don't know why I'm just I pronounce my T's very clearly I think I think you do this a us yeah um again T's pronunciation if you don't pronounce them so strong so better yeah you change that to another yeah American okay better it's better that's no better I can accent in English it would be better yes we're very and I think in the English accent were a lot more specific about the enunciate we're a bit clearer perhaps which is not any criticism of the American accent it's just it's just different so that's all okay how do we pronounce cut hood cut and put us are quite good question actually cut it's an AA put put yeah like bull yeah cut ah yeah put like yeah I'm also bear in mind that they are irregular verbs and they don't change put quick put to cut cut cut so there you go but of young today very true you they don't change like hit hit hit as well I like to Jimmy he dislikes the American accent too I do me okay NSYNC oh the it's weird any ing yeah watching watching yeah linking within I mean you wouldn't find at the beginning of would you often ing yeah yeah um the long s like N and G together mm-hm I hope you're gonna hit 100,000 guys and yet if you're not subscribed then please do subscribe someone one is that right it'll bottle okay bottle oh there you go and again American bubble yeah bottle very different can you do scales to accent I've done this Liverpool accent in another video but I can do it quickly now do I think no I think you shouldn't do it for them I think you should put a link below you might okay we'll call me I want to see me doing a Liverpool accent I'm originally from Liverpool Football team there in the Champions League if you're a football fan and yes I did a Liverpool accent it's a very distinctive accent in my lesson on what's my lesson on then forgotten how to understand native speakers ones on native speakers there's a lot of American stuff coming up because he's not scheduled ok right now yeah I just know this is a bit embarrassing complaining about American accent but I get confused which is British which is American schedule is British I see a schedule I think it might be American schedule shed shed was dead schedule I think his British knows Google okay so you talked macho as far as I know is scheduled howdy I say schedule I would say schedule okay schedule but there is and I think the American Way is I say yes just showed you I've got a feeling don't you yeah I think voice check hello Murray Tech is correct this it's scheduled yes go yeah okay could you please pronounce water sure in British English it is water water American English water water can I have some water so there's quite a big difference there water or sound in British accent and water in the American accent America and schedule Google I told you we're saying it wrong because we watch too much American TV schedule is British as we watched too much American TV they do produce some get funny the we're supposed to say General scheduled never such schedule and this is it I mean language is evolving guys so it changes and the fact is the American culture is very influential yeah and your country's over here is when you'll probably pick up aspects of the American accent which is absolutely fine there's no problem with that but as we said at the beginning of the lesson if you really want to sound like a British speaker listen to lots of the British accent if you really want to get an American accent do this thing and try and copy if you think about it that's what lots of actors and actresses do when they have to film a movie and have a new a new accent they learn the accents there's a very famous English actor called Hugh Laurie alone you know he went and did an American TV series called house I mean he had an American accent in and he was a brilliant American as the Americans all thought he was American they couldn't tell the difference between his British and American accent the other American that did a very good job of doing a British accent was to really actually I can think of I thought Renee Zellweger as Bridget Jones did a great with British accent yeah a classic oh she don't say that she did it I mean also um some questions okay yeah we can answer them I was gonna say I'm Meryl Streep oh yeah she's a very bad accent so you're giving us some difficult words to pronounce it's great you speak like a robot no he says he that guy speaks like a robot when he speaks English oh that's probably your intonation the animation yeah sometimes if you're not going up and down enough which is intonation you might sound a bit flat and robotic in England monotone yeah and again I I've got a lesson a little bit on that on actually how do and more how to sound more English and we'll put that in the description okay so we've got lots of questions about since license acidic though and through since yep since license acidic and through okay next one is inauguration which is a very difficult word but what you don't need to yeah inauguration which is when a president is declared as the president yes I find it exciting okay okay any tips you uh it's difficult guys some of you write to asking you say all you know you please reply to my comments give me more advice it's very difficult for us to give you personal advice guys we would love to if we had more time but we have jobs as well yeah I'm Joe yeah teachers teaching in a college and so we can't always answer your comments very very sorry about that we always try to answer comments on YouTube if you send us emails and ask for specific information we might not get to do that certainly our best if we get lots of comments so we want a lesson on intonation we want a lesson on weak forms will absolutely do our best to create that for you if someone's written I want to speak English like later and say bruh oh okay we call it a day it's an idiom it's any last question guys next person to send us a question okay Asian come on who's typing who's gonna be to be back first oh come on someone must be maybe you about typing too much they're not now Oh Sergei well but Association okay tell you what the pronunciation of associations like a hello Sergei thank you for your video we got it by the way guys just a very quick update about your videos that you sent us on your tips that video is going to be out next week okay so yeah video that's coming up next week okay right and I'll get you guys to tell me anything you want me to include and I'll be writing to you this week I'll also have a lesson on how to sound more British as a British accent focusing on some of the things that we've mentioned there and that'll be coming out next Friday great ok last question our organization organization organizations like we did earlier not my name then we've got cat and dog someone wanted cat and dog challenge we are gonna do some filming now so we're not doing a live we're gonna do some filming for you for new lessons and please share the video guys like you're subscribed please hit that subscribe button and give us a thumbs up if you can okay you very much guys it was a pleasure to be with you all today thank you very much
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 17,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: accent reduction, how to, love english, learn english, reduce your accent english, reduce your native accent, how to have a british accent, get a british accent, love english with leila and sarah, british accent, pronunciation, reduce indian accent, british pronunciation, learn british pronunciation, th sound, l and r, p and b, th sound in english, learn difficult sounds in english, english pronunciation, love english with leila and sabrah youtube, leila and sabrah
Id: 45pPLoFxlOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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