How to Transition from Beginner to ADVANCED English! | Upgrade your English Level

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Hi and welcome back to Love English I'm Leila and today I'm teaching you nothing! That's right I'm not going to be teaching you anything! instead I've got a guest on our channel a woman that I met a few months ago for the first time and was incredibly impressed by her level of English, I was even more impressed when I found out how long she'd been living in the country (England) and that she had a YouTube channel in English, Successful Living. This woman is a massive inspiration she's a motivational speaker and she really wants to help you speak to an advanced level as she does, and one thing you will notice is she can speak very fast so in a minute Gamze from Successful Living is going to explain how she became an advanced speaker of English, she is fluent, she is one of the most fluent speakers I have ever met! We actually met at YouTube space she was also a winner as Sabrah and I were, of Nextup Women To Watch. Gamze really is a massive inspiration and I think her five tips on how to go from beginner to advanced are really going to help you boost your confidence and find a way to reach the level of English the most people want. Often that you find that when you get to intermediate level and especially upper intermediate you plateau it means that the progress you are making feels a lot less and often you may find that you for a while are making little progress. Boosting your language up to that next level therefore her five tips are really going to help you and make you realize that if you've got the motivation the drive and the techniques as well as some useful YouTube English teachers then you really can become fluent in English and reach that advanced level don't forget to subscribe at the end of the not only to this channel if you haven't already but to Gamze's channel On Successful Living, something that will inspire you and motivate you in whatever you are doing in your life. I also collabed with in gums ear and you can watch another lesson over on her channel on my seven tips to help you learn English so over tagong say hello love English family thank you so much for having me here and thank you Leila and Sabrah for having me here to talk about my top five tips about speaking English. As you can tell I'm not a native English speaker I've never been to the US more than a week and I've never lived in an English-speaking country before until I moved to the UK eight months ago. So my English doesn't come from practice or living in an english-speaking country these are the things that I did to understand a little bit better and to talk a little bit better and I hope they will be helpful for you. My first tip is about listening how do I understand people who talk really really fast and in really complicated accents and honestly I think this is the easiest thing to do I don't really try to understand every single word they use I try to understand the most important words than a sentence for instance the verb for instance the object for instance the subject. I'm not trying to understand every single bit but from these things from especially the word I understand what the gis,t what the general idea of the whole conversation or the whole sentences and that really helps and the second thing about this is I asked a lot I asked a lot what they mean what they said so I can understand what words they use and I can learn actually new words what I try to do the most is when somebody uses a sentence I ask them to repeat it for me or I repeat the sentence myself excluding the words I didn't get and I ask them to repeat those words and I repeat the words afterwards three to five times to actually ask if I'm pronouncing it correctly if I practice three to five times in front of a person the new word I've just learned it kind of sticks better to my head so I actually learn while listening to fast speakers number two is about accent as you can I have a slight American accent and that only only only came from the fact that I listened and watched a lot of American TV I'm not telling you to watch TV for five hours a day this will not help you to get the accent you want what helps is actually repeating after that person so what I used to do when I was a little kid I always listened I paused or if I didn't I would just speak over them and I tried to pronounce things as I heard them for instance I had a friend over here last week actually this is a very recent example but she's British and she was talking about jobs so she's using the word job and I'm pronouncing it ass job so in the meantime all she was talking I was repeating in my head job job job job so it kind of helps you to understand how each word is pronounced in each accent and if you're inclining towards learning a certain accent you can actually repeat those words after people after watching TV or videos or Netflix or anything really that you enjoy watching at the same time my third tip about learning English as a foreigner is about speaking people always tell me that I'm very confident when I'm speaking English they tell me that I have sound like a native and that's only because I'm not afraid of making mistakes I do make mistakes because I have learned from my mistakes so when I told I don't think I don't think in my native language I just think in English and I just say the words out and if I'm making a mistake I actually ask my friends to fix my mistakes or when I'm making mistakes somebody would tell me oh no no that's not pronounced that way or in the grammar is not really working that way so I actually again use this as a learning opportunity instead of feeling shy or embarrassed or anything like that this is the key I think to speak confidently and fluently after you remove that barrier of criticizing yourself I think you will be able to speak more fluently and honestly everybody knows that you're not a native speaker so don't be afraid of making mistakes just talk absolutely as fast as you can and ask people that you trust with your to fix you tip number four is about vocabulary I actually have a really good tip for you guys what I used to do when I was in middle school I believe was to learn 20 new words in a week of course it was a part of my English class in middle school our teacher used to give us 20 words in the beginning of the week and every Friday we would have a quiz from those 20 words so every week we were learning 20 new words but not just the word itself we were learning the translation in our language the meaning of that word in English and how to use it properly in a sentence so an example sentence I think from these three things the most important and useful thing to know is actually the meaning of that one word in English instead of constantly translating back and forth in your head if you know the meaning of a certain word it would be easier for you to include that in a sentence where it's needed I think 20 words a week is a good place to start but if you're too busy you can try five to ten you can put that list somewhere that you see every day you can put it in your toilet you can put it in your office you can tape it on your desk every day so you can practice that throughout the whole week and in the end you can ask one of your friends still actually quiz you from five of those so it's basically like having an accountability partner for learning new words in English and number five is how to find the motivation to learn English this is my area I love talking about motivation and success in general I think it's super important to stay motivated when you're learning a new skill especially learning a new language just like I said before being confident is really important to stay motivated but also if you have friends who aren't also trying to learn English with you that will really help staying motivated together somebody else is also going through that with you so you can have some basically buddy solar together which you can help each other to stay motivated when one of you feels oh my god it's not working I'm not improving the other one can lift you up so that's a really good way to go but I want to give you another tip as well I'm sure you have some favorite English movies some favorite English songs some favorite English codes or books or anything like that for me when I lack motivation in life engine I have a stack of these things movies I'm of course I love songs I love and I always go back to them and listen to them when I'm feeling a little down if you know what I mean so when you feel like you're unmotivated to learn English go listen to that English song that you love so much and you can actually sing too so you will feel better when you sing a song in English and you hear yourself able to sync able to pronounce able to remember the words I think you will feel immediately motivated to speak more so singing is really helpful and is also fun and I think having fun in this process of learning English will also help you keep motivated so these are my top five tips about learning English I hope they were helpful and thank you so much for having me here once again and hopefully see you back on my channel bye guys that was massively helpful gums it thank you so much and of course guys like I said go over to gums News Channel now to watch my seven tips on how to learn English and don't forget to subscribe there make sure as well that you do comment below and share your suggestions if you are an advanced speaker or upper intermediate speaker you might want to share your tips with some of the other students here on YouTube what did you do to become more fluent and advanced in English and if some of you are struggling why not ask questions below you can use our comment section as a forum to share your tips tricks and suggestions for how to learn English thank you so much for watching see you soon
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 17,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, advanced to beginner, transition from beginner to advanced, level up english, take your english to the next level, boost your english level, increase your english level, from beginner to advanced english, advanced english, advanced english speaking, how to improve my english level, improve english level
Id: sBdhlVhHuJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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