How To Get Twitch Followers FAST! - Twitch Affiliate Guide 2020

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look i'm gonna say it you've clicked on this video  because you want more followers but i'm gonna give   you the truth followers don't matter i've seen  people with 10 000 followers bringing in 3 000   average viewers and i've seen people with over 28  000 followers averaging 80 viewers the only time   followers actually matter are when you're trying  to get 50 followers so you can reach affiliate   so today i'm going to show you guys how  to get your first 50 followers on twitch   by telling you exactly how i went from 0  to 50 followers in just 12 streams with no   online presence beforehand oh and i also have  a giveaway coming up so stay tuned for that   hello everybody my name is Eljay from i'm also a variety streamer   over at links to both those  in the description and today i'm gonna be walking   you through that's right how to get your first 50  followers on twitch now every single one of these   tips is something that i do every single stream  to engage new viewers to follow it's something   that i did back when i was first starting out and  it's worked really well for me now there are time   codes in the description and in the top comment  if you want to skip ahead however these do tend to   build on each other so if you watch these in order  you'll have a better understanding of everything   that i'm going to cover so before we jump into  everything i want to throw it out there that i   have two things for you the first a question what  is your stream goal this is something that you   should have locked in now otherwise you're going  to be streaming with no real sense of purpose   what is your short-term goal what is your  long-term goal comment them down below otherwise i   can't really help you guys and while you're doing  that if you add your twitch name to that comment   we will go through and pick a few lucky winners  to get a 50 owned 3d voucher to use in their   store now it covers pretty much everything emotes  overlays whatever we'll pick them we'll contact   you easy as that you have to do anything so you  have to subscribe so that would help now the   first tip i want to cover is more of a tip to do  not do and i know it's going to sound ridiculous   but i still have to say it because i get comments  on all of my videos asking for follow for follow   not for me but in general do not do follow for  follow do not comment saying that you're close to   50 and you just need a bit of help to get there it  doesn't help you at all and if you reach affiliate   this way it is going to hurt you more than you  know but i want to explain to you exactly why it   doesn't work twitch isn't like other social media  if you're on instagram and you do follow follow   which i think is where it kind of started that and  twitter you can post something and within 24 hours   it doesn't matter who's there they might still  see your content they might still engage with it   there's no huge commitment to engage with someone  on instagram or twitter by doing follow for follow   twitch is the complete opposite so if you go  from 12 followers to 50 followers and most of   those people are from follow for follow and none  of them want to check you out or none of them can   even check you out because they're asleep or  at work when you're streaming then it doesn't   matter if you've got 50 followers you won't even  reach three average viewers to become an affiliate   because you just don't have the audience do not  follow for follow it looks bad it messes you up   and it will really hurt your analytics just don't  do it so billy stop writing that comment right now   asking for follows or else i'm going to copy and  paste the same three paragraphs that i copy and   paste to every single person who asks to follow  and follow in the comments of this channel and   you won't read it and you will learn nothing and  i will have wasted my time and so would have you   because i'll delete your comment after a few days  and it'll just be a waste for everyone involved   damn it with that out of the way i do want to  give you our first proper actionable tip and   that is to engage your viewers and your chatters  now i know what you're thinking i already do that   i've been doing that heaps someone said hi and  i said hi back no you take it a step further   ask them how their day was have they beaten this  game what is their favorite in the series hey are   you watching the boys seeing as twitch is showing  that ad everywhere please stop showing me the boys   i bought a prime subscription so i don't  just see it doesn't matter anyway sorry   talk to your viewers actually engage them  engage them in a way that makes them feel   welcome that makes them feel like they want  to be in this chat because that's building   a culture of people wanting to do that so  when new people join your community will   also welcome them and it grows from there it's  incredibly powerful if you want to gain followers   you just have to engage them and make them feel  welcome again i know this sounds obvious but   i'll go into a streamer's channel who has 60 to 70  average viewers and i'll see someone new in their   chat right hi or meekly because they just want to  see it they'll talk back to you and the streamer   just goes hi bootyman 69 and then keeps playing  ask them how their day is talk to them seriously   they just want to communicate if they didn't they  wouldn't be on twitch they'd be watching youtube   engage your viewers properly take it a step  further and really try i said followers don't   matter and i stand by that but if someone talks  in your chat you engage them they follow there's   a bit of a back and forth they get involved in  the community then that is so much more valuable   than 10 other followers who you don't do that  with because that person will come back there   is intent there for them to watch your stream  they're having a good time they're engaging   so engage your viewers engage your chatters and  it'll be a lot more powerful when it comes to   growing your community seriously tip numero  uno call to actions doing them properly is   very very powerful i mentioned this in my stream  labels video and my cloud bot video if you have   a solid call to action it is a very very good  way to gain followers because often people just   forget they can follow they forget they can even  chat sometimes it's pretty funny creating a call   to action that isn't super pushy and isn't too  intense or begging is a really really nice way   to engage people to follow the channel as i said  in my other videos i use a timed cloudbot message   now that means every 30 to 45 minutes a bot will  say in my chat hey if you're enjoying this channel   why not consider following it really helps us  out and it's free often whenever this goes off   i get three to four people following depending  on the game and what i'm doing at the time   but it's very powerful just remind people that  they can follow that's all now this timer is   the only way i call to action my followers these  days however back when i had maybe i think 32 33   followers i was doing a stream and i really wanted  to hit 50 followers that night so i created the   bar it said 34 out of 50 and every time someone  followed it counted up looking back on it it is   ugly as hell and i can't believe i had this on  my screen but it really worked it wasn't pushy it   wasn't chubby but people saw it and they thought  i could get him there i can get him to that stage   we were having such a fun night the chat and the  community really got into it as well being like oh   my god we got another one five left four left they  started counting down they started getting into it   it was amazing later in this video i am actually  going to go into some actionable tips you can   do to make your chat excitable and hyped but  for now i just want you to understand it was   seriously an exciting night for us everyone was  so keen on it everyone who joined the chat got   invested in this zero to 50 run that we were doing  to try and get those 50 followers it was huge   and i still remember my 50th follower pike 13. i  will never forget who he was i have it highlighted   as well sometimes we look back at it when we hit  a thousand followers we looked back at it when we   hit two thousand we look back at it seriously i  will never forget that night i will never forget   that person so the actual tip use call to actions  to remind people they can follow and support you   just don't be too intense or beggy about it on  to our next tip game selection now i'm not going   to go into this too much i have so many other  videos about game selection or videos that cover   how to pick a game i just want to talk about  using a game selection to engage people to follow   okay if you want to see how to pick a good game  you want to see what games are good for growth   there are videos in the description and in the  cards just check those out they will help you   because they go into it in much more detail so  there are some really really powerful games you   can use to engage people to follow games like  pokemon x-com darkest dungeon anything that has   a hero that you can name a team that you can  name it's not a new trick naming the pokemon   you catch or the soldiers in your xcom team after  your chatters or your followers is a great way to   engage people not just to follow but also to  hang out because they want to see the journey   they want to see what happens to their pokemon  or their soldier as they go throughout the game   so do that when i played starter due  valley it even worked when i just named   cows after people they don't do anything and just  sit there but they were like how's my cow doing   the cow but they loved it so actionable tip  play games where people can get engaged and be   characters in the game it's very powerful  so i'm going to go into community events   and a few things you can put in place straight  away to make your stream more followable soon   however i want to throw it out there if this  video has helped you out at all don't subscribe   check out my other content first and if that  helps you out whether it's the game selection   videos the cloudbot the stream labs whatever it  is the how to grow stuff if that helps you out   maybe then consider subscribing because it means  that the content has helped you and it's a great   way for me to see that it did if this video helps  you though liking and commenting is great plus if   you comment your stream goals and also your stream  name i'll be able to find you and give you a 50   free own voucher perfect it's easy it's free  go for it anyway sorry i'll get back into it so   as i said followers don't matter what is much  more important are community members and much   much much more powerful thing than a follower  so to get community members how do you do that   well you have to engage them and a great  way to do that is by creating community   nights these are nights where you play party  games together such as jack box scribblio or   anything with multiplayer like it could be animal  crossing multiplayer or star g multiplayer or call   of duty multiplayer doesn't matter but if you play  games with these people and have community events   it's a great way to engage them and it will make  it a lot more fun for them so they'll most likely   stay around i think the most common go-to party  game is jack box because it's twitch integrated   it's very easy to set up and only the streamer  needs to own it so anyone can get involved pretty   much it's really great you should check it out  you do need to have eight to ten people who   are willing to play with you whether it's your  friends or your current community members but   often if you can get five or six the rest will  be filled out by people wanting to play the game   doing community nights can be a really great way  to build a bond in your community it can be a   lot of fun even create channel memes and inside  jokes like this weird rat that got made on that   night when i hit 50 followers it's still a channel  meme it's still going on now these things stick   if people are involved in it they really love it  so actionable tip host community events and play   with your viewers or hang out with your viewers  it's a great way to get more followers great way   to make people hang out more the next step is  to create a positive experience now if you go   and do something whether it be the first episode  of a tv show whether you go to the movies with a   new group of friends a tinder date i don't  know but in this case it's a stream if you   go and do any of those things and it isn't a  positive experience it's a negative experience   you're not going to want to do it again you're  not going to subscribe to the channel you're   going to follow why would you want to doesn't  make sense so make a positive experience   it's easy to get wrapped up in the fact that  people aren't following the fact you have zero   viewers the fact that you're just doing really  badly in your new challenge run don't focus   on the negatives focus on the positives and  try and make a positive experience it is so   important i will tell you a secret but you can't  tell anyone because if you tell anyone this it's   going to get rid of my cool bad boy mystique that  i got going on and it will ruin that forever but   when i'm at my nervous when i'm at my most  anxious when i'm at my most annoyed frustrated   doesn't matter i will smile and laugh as much  as i can because it's so important i don't show   my viewers that i'm freaking out the moment i  start going negative the chat will reflect that   your community reflects you your  chat reflects how you are feeling   you can grow a really positive and happy  community as long as you stay happy and positive   it's so crucial there are so many communities that  i think sit around 45 to 50 viewers and they have   very very very toxic standards i'm just saying it  now if you are going to complain and get angry or   sigh or have those back and forth you create a  very toxic environment if your chat is toxic or   negative or easily upset or you are any of those  things as well it'll make an environment that a   lot of people won't want to be a part of however  when people drop by make sure it's positive or   else you're screwed so my final tip of the night  it's not even night time it's the morning for me   but the final tip it's kind of a culmination of  all the tips in this video all of them together   and that is you are a small streamer  if you are watching this most likely   so celebrate every single follower do not just  go hey thanks for that follow be excited say   thanks so much for that follow it really helps me  out you're our 36th follower that's amazing thank   you so much how's your day going engage them be  happy celebrate them because you can still do that   when i get a follower now i still do that myself  wow you're our 227th follower bootyman69 thank you   so much that's so cool because it is cool it's  amazing that someone likes your content enough   that they want to be around more they want  to know when you're live celebrate every   follower because then it makes more people want  to be celebrated they want to be a part of that   so my final tip again celebrate every follower  be positive engage them on a new level   it's super crucial and with all that out of the  way that is all of my tips for getting your first   50 followers check out my other content on game  selections and all those other things subscribe if   you want to see more i've got more content coming  out weekly and don't forget to comment down below   if you want to win those owned 3d vouchers have  a great day guys and i will see you next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 242,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, Twitch, how to get twitch followers, how to gain followers on twitch, how to get twitch followers fast, how to gain twitch followers, how to get followers on twitch, How to Grow Twitch Followers, how to get viewers on twitch, how to get more followers on twitch, twitch how to get viewers, how to grow on twitch, How to get 50 followers on twitch, How to get 50 followers on twitch fast, grow twitch followers, get twitch followers fast, twitch growth 2020
Id: EfT0DdAI_Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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