Best Games to Stream for MAXIMUM Growth on Twitch in 2020!

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if you're streaming as a hobby then by all means play what you love but if you want to grow your viewer base and make streaming into a real career then you need to be tactical about your game choice early on that's just the hard truth of streaming on twitch it is an oversaturated platform and streaming what you love will kill your stream that's why today i'm going to give you my techniques about how i tell whether or not a game is good for growth as well as a few of the ones that i have used to grow my stream hello my name is Eljay with i'm also a variety streamer over at links to both of those in the description if you have any questions about today's video you can check them in the comments or check me out i should be live right now which means you can ask me anything you want last week i made a video about how to grow on twitch and one of the things i cover in that is game choice and after i release that video i was curious what other content creators were doing to choose games and i found a video that gave out some of the worst advice i'd ever seen now i'm not going to get into specifics about what they said because i don't want to be passing on this bad advice or calling someone out but essentially the advice they gave was to play valerian on twitch because it was popular they were telling you with 0 to 10 viewers to play a very very saturated game to grow on twitch and this just just doesn't work so today as i said i'm going to show you two techniques that i use to find games that will help me grow on twitch as well as giving you a few of the games that i've already used that you should be able to use as well just quickly so i can nail this home for you why is it bad advice to play popular games on twitch well i said it in my last video and i'm going to say it again in this one why is someone going to scroll past people with thousands of viewers hundreds of viewers even tens of viewers to come watch a zero to five viewer stream and yes you're right it could be that they like watching smaller streamers you see that post on our twitch every single day oh i was hanging out in a smaller community and i loved it that's great but there are 4 700 ish channels live playing ballarat as of making this video now if i've just got past 570 of them to even get to people with zero to five that means there are around forty two hundred people streaming between zero and five if you think you're going to get recommended as a small community with those odds then i'm sorry that is very bad luck so with that out of the way let's talk about how you can pick a game to actually grow on twitch my first tip you can do entirely on twitch first you want to go check out a game and look at the category followers these are the people who have hit follow on the category or game choice now if someone's hit follow on a category or game choice it means that they are absolutely going to get recommended this category or game and the people streaming it so you want to find a game that has a large number i recommend 800 000 plus once you're in the category i want you to look at the top few rows and compare where your average viewers are and figure out where you would sit if you were playing this game so the higher up you are in your category means the more likely people are going to click you i also cover how to create a clickable thumbnail in my growth video which again is linked in the description so if you're curious about that make sure you check it out a great example of a game choice using this is stardew valley when i started streaming stardew valley i was streaming to 8 to 10 average viewers and i managed to grow from that to 35 average viewers with mainly streaming in this category and every now and then doing some just chatting and community building stardew valley has around 800 000 category followers and usually you only need to have five maybe 10 viewers to reach the top three rows which is fantastic for you furthermore another reason why this game is great to play as a smaller streamer is because the npcs are very lifelike very chatty so it gives you someone to bounce off as someone with maybe a slower chat it's also a story driven game but it's also very open world so you kind of write your own which is great for people who want to really engage with you the community in this game is very active on all platforms and care a lot about it which is fantastic and you might be thinking yeah but the category only averages 500 800 total viewers that's not many viewers well if you've got zero to five viewers 500 to 800 is a huge number of people who might click on your stream so maybe starjetter isn't for you and that's totally fine you can use this technique to really figure out whether or not you'll actually be able to get discovered in the category but if you're still drawing blanks on what kind of games to play then i'm going to show you a way to spy on other streamers and figure out what they got most of their followers through now before i show you how to spy on your fellow streamer i will ask you like this video if it helps you out it lets me know which content has been useful to you guys and if you have any questions chuck it in the comments down below i answer them within five minutes currently yep that's right i have no life so go ahead i'm here for you or check me out live and i will help you out there okay so for this method you're gonna need to find a streamer who has a similar size to you and has a similar type of content to your current audience or the audience that you want to reach now i'm going to use myself as an example just so it's easier but as i said find someone of your size so let's head over to and we're going to search up the streamer that you've chosen as you can see here you do get a lot of information straight away and you can take some time to look through it but i recommend scrolling down to most streamed games you'll see there from left to right they have the most streamed games of this channel by total hours i want you to click see more on this and you're gonna click followers this will rank the games they've played by the followers gamed per hour instantly you'll want to check their average viewers of these games for example you can look at mine and see when i played breath of the wild i received 88 average so if you can't maintain that average when playing it you might not be able to gain 3.1 followers per hour playing you can also see that i played ruthless 79.5 hours and still managed to get 3.1 followers per hour so this is a great example of a game that's fantastic to grow if you can sit between 50 to 100 viewers and you enjoy it obviously so another thing you can click rather than most streamed games is when you're on their homepage you can click on recent streams and then sort by followers as well this will let you see the streams this person got the most followers of in recent times from here you can even deep dive into them clicking on a stream this will pull up a graph to show you when people clipped followed and you can even work out when raids happened to get an idea of the follow again was just because of a large raid and not the game at the time using this information you can really proof check to see whether a game is good for you because you can see if it was good for another streamer who's similar to you so what is the tldr the tldr is essentially two check those category followers look at the top three rows of the category to see where you'll fit use twitch tracker to see whether or not a game is good for growth and spy on your fellow streamers to find out what games they played for growth oh and fifth go watch my how to grow video it goes into a lot of different stuff in a lot more detail with all of this you should be able to start generating some great ideas for what you can play on stream for growth or at least check out the ones you already have so just quickly i'm gonna fire off my top five games for growth on twitch first stardew valley i honestly believe this is one of the greatest games for new streamers to play as i said it's great for chatting it's great for low average viewers and people love this game two i'd recommend playing darkest dungeon it's quite a small game but if you have zero viewers you'll often get people dropping in and you can name your characters after your viewers and they get them invested in the story three is minecraft people are always going to love minecraft they're always going to see it it's a bit of an anomaly when it comes to this system i've told you about but it's still a great game for it be aware though you do get a lot of younger viewers which means it can be a rough category to stream in if you don't have mods four check out breath of the wild because it is a fantastic game to grow people still play it to this day and they love it with breath of the wild two coming out there's a lot of hype so people checking out the category again and number five animal crossing new horizon it is a very casual very chill game and you get a very wholesome audience who want to check out smaller islands and just chill so those are my two different techniques to checking out a game category those are my top five recommendations if you want to hear more about them let me know in the comments and i will go through and do a top 10 list otherwise i hope you've enjoyed this video and i will see you next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 148,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsaturated games on twitch, best game to stream on twitch, best games to stream on twitch, best games to stream on twitch 2020, best unsaturated games to stream, games to stream on twitch, games to stream on twitch 2020, good games to stream on twitch, how to stream on twitch, top games to stream on twitch, what games to stream on twitch, what is the best game to stream on twitch, what should i stream on twitch, what to stream on twitch, games to stream, best games to stream
Id: GwuoVJdaHKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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