How To Start A Youtube Gaming Channel In 2021!

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if you're a small streamer looking to grow  you've probably heard the words youtube is   more discoverable than twitch so many times that  you're hearing it in your sleep so you've gone   away and you've tried to create youtube videos  but it just isn't working nobody is watching   your videos and you're certainly not seeing more  growth over on twitch despite the fact that you're   working harder now to create more content don't  worry guys today i'm going to cover exactly how   to start a discoverable youtube channel and how  to grow your base here and over on twitch let's go hey i'm Eljay with i'm also a  variety streamer over at there   is a link in the description to that as well  as our website which has over   700 guides now and more releasing daily all about  streaming and content creation that you can go and   check out right now today i'm going to be breaking  down a few huge mistakes and misconceptions about   youtube growth and discoverability that a lot  of creators have seriously just watching this   video and learning these tips is going to set  you so much further apart than a normal twitch   streamer who's just creating random content and  who's following this pathway but first before   you get into that i have to tell you guys  about another thing that will set you apart   our sponsor seriously they've turned  installation for any of their assets whether it's   a full animated overlay alerts sounds anything  you can think of it is an art form one click and   it's all installed check it out with the link in  the description if you want to support me go and   support them because it really helps the channel  out speaking of the description there are time   codes down there and in the top comments so if  you want to you can use that to skip ahead to any   part of this video however if you miss a section  of this video you're probably going to be confused   later on or ask what tool is that or how do i  find this thing so you know what i'm going to   say it take me off the second monitor today put  me on the first monitor pause waifu simulator 2021   your wow raid leader could be happy to have 15  minutes later come check this one out properly i   swear it'll set you up to actually grow on twitch  i can feel everyone taking me off their second   monitor now and it feels very weird but let's  get into it so at most people's core especially   people who have been watching youtube for a  very long time who are ingrained in the youtube   culture there is a massive misunderstanding  and misconception about how this platform works   i'm going to be using gaming as the main idea for  this video because i know a lot of you guys are   trying to create gaming channels and gaming  streams however you can use this to kind of   create anything you want on this platform you've  seen viral videos blow up a channel or you've   watched your favorite creator over years slowly  releasing weekly or daily content of gameplays   montages highlights and fails and eventually it  just clicks and they have hundreds of thousands of   viewers that might have been how it worked back  when gaming was fresh and small but it doesn't   work like that anymore gaming on youtube is just  as saturated if not more than gaming on twitch and   it's just as hard to be discovered when you're  doing it if you create gameplay and let's play   content you see nobody is searching minecraft  let's play episode 69 or they're not searching   call of duty war zone match number 420 it's  just not a thing they care about and if they   do search those things you're not going to  come up because of the youtube algorithm   you don't matter and because you don't matter  they're not going to show your videos to anyone   but how are you supposed to get discovered if they  don't care about you well today i'm going to get   you guys to matter to the youtube algorithm so  how do youtubers get discovered by people or more   importantly how do youtubers get discovered by the  youtube algorithm well first we just need to start   getting a few clicks on your channel and on your  videos we need the youtube algorithm to go hey   there are people interested in this content you  probably look at youtube and because of the way   it works you've forgotten that at its core it's a  search engine just like google just like bing well   maybe not bing because nobody uses it but what  do we use search engines for i know it sounds   obvious but we use it to answer questions and  to fill needs to provide value to ourselves when   we are looking for something for gaming this  could be things like how to use crucifixes in   phasmaphobia or how to unlock the new call of duty  zombies easter egg or one of my personal favorites   how do i install mods into insert any game  title here i know i said this four months ago   on my youtube growth video but i have to cover it  again because we have a lot of new people and it   wouldn't make sense if i skipped over it the first  step to discoverability is we need you to be the   person who answers those questions for someone  searching for it so step one go down to the   description find the vid iq link grab it it is an  extension for a lot of different types of browser   and it will really help you for this process yes  you can use things like tubebuddy or tubix but i'm   going to be using the free version of vidiq today  because i think it's the most accessible for you   guys to start with once you have vidiq installed  it's going to go a long way to help you understand   those questions people are asking you can see  their search intent what do they need what do they   want i'm going to be showing you a full breakdown  this video so we're going to work through it now   but to start with what i need to do is open  up a new tab i want you to go to youtube   and i want you to think of a game that you want to  create content around i want you to type that game   title in to the bar press space and you're going  to get a bunch of auto fill results if i were to   type in sea of thieves one of the main ones that  comes up is funny moments if i were to click that   then vid iq is going to show me the sea of thieves  scorecard if you look at the volume score this   refers to how many people are searching for this  topic question or keyword roughly it is in the   green meaning a lot of people are searching  for this but the competition right below it   is high meaning there are a lot of bigger creators  making content on this search term or keyword   a keyword is kind of like a video tag or just a  thing that lets youtube or a search engine know   what your video and your channel is about the paid  version of vidiq does go into more detail but when   you're just starting out this is all you need to  start getting an idea of what people want so if   i want to start making sea of thieves content but  it's highly competitive what am i supposed to do   well if i type sea of thieves in and then go tips  and tricks we'll get a different scorecard the new   scorecard spits back volume 57 so it's much less  searched but it's still a decent size the most   important thing here though is the competition is  so much lower than funny moments i've seen some   larger creators say things like don't niche down  because it's capped don't use small categories   because it's capped except we're not trying to get  millions of views right away we're just trying to   start you out get people clicking you and get  you discovered because we get you discovered   and get a few people clicking you even if they  don't subscribe right away they'll be cookied by   youtube so that if a video of yours starts doing  well they'll be recommended that video further   down the line so the takeaway here we're going  to provide value we're going to answer questions   create guides and overall just start appealing to  those smaller niche topics but we need to get more   specific for you because it's going to be less  competitive the more specific we get around topics   i will show you how to do that in a second first  i just want to say you can do this exact same   process using social media if you're to create a  high valuable video or a very entertaining video   you can manually share it around communities  such as reddit or discord or facebook groups   however check their self promo rules because if  you post a video that you think is amazing but   they've got self emotion there and they ban you  and it's really not going to help you grow however   if they don't have any issues with self promotion  that is the same as appearing in the search   results and getting a few quick clicks that said i  don't really recommend this because at the end of   the day if you're going to create good searchable  content while you're asleep that'll still rock up   in the search results you can't post your stuff  all over social media while you're asleep so you   should understand a little bit more about search  intent and i'm going to niche it down even further   sorry if this is a long video already i just love  this stuff and i want to throw it out there if   this video helps you out at all consider checking  out my other content about youtube growth and   twitch growth and everything else seriously there  is a lot of videos on this channel that people are   very kind and they've helped them out as well as  a bunch of free animated overlays in our discord   which is linked in the description so you can go  check those out you can join download them and   leave i don't really mind they're all just there  though okay i know what you're thinking i'm not   good enough for games to make guides or i don't  know enough about a game to make a video about it   no you don't know enough yet it's about research  i know youtube is supposed to be fun and it's a   hobby and stuff but if you really want to do this  properly and see really great success you need to   spend time researching the topics you're creating  guides on you'll see what i mean in a second so   let's get more niche down and figure out what is  a good and a bad topic and keep going earlier we   searched sea of thieves and i kind of gave you  an idea of what's good and bad but let's check   other games you might want to make content  on such as among us if we go among us and we   search one of their highest education terms among  us how to play it has huge volume but it also has   massive competition let's look at something  with less volume among us beginners guide   but it still has huge competition so among us is  out we just can't create guides about among us   let's instead check out another massive game maybe  not among us sizes but it was still very popular   to its community phasmaphobia or we could look  at something like valheim which is another one   that is early access there's a lot of information  floating around people want to know how it all   works so they're searching for it i'm recommending  games like phasmaphobia or valheim here because   if i were to recommend something like starju  which is popular not as popular as among us   but it's also been around a long time it's  kind of been done to dead everyone has covered   all of the guides and information and there  really isn't much you can bring to that topic   compared to phasma phobia or valheim which is  still early access still quite fresh there are   updates coming out so you can cover all the new  information and it's a lot easier to get into   that space okay so we've picked down niche we'll  say it's sphasmophobia we're gonna start with   how do we actually come up with the video ideas  how do we niche down to just covering a single   question well i have two ways that i come  with all my video ideas the first is i have an   understanding of the topic you see i am a twitch  streamer i know what twist streamers are going   through i know the issues they're having and i can  look those things up and work with them the second   is as i've shown you you can use vidiq to find  these questions and find these things and confirm   your gut instincts if you put these two things  together you get a good idea of search intent and   what people need for example i love phasmaphobia  and i've been playing it a lot however i know   when i first started out i had no idea how to use  the crucifix and no one else did because there's   no instructions in the actual game i apply that to  vid iq and i can see that people are searching for   how to use the crucifix in phasmophobia that's  a video or i could cover all the different ghost   types and what they do and what to be wary of  them in a video see how this narrows it down   further to more niche questions this will allow  you to muscle in and start appearing in those   search terms and start getting clicks smallant  did this fantastically with his early videos about   speedrunning and super mario odyssey speedrunning  guides he covered specific kingdoms how to set up   timers or specific moves that speedrunners will  need i'll cover that more in a second but if   you don't want to do guides and tutorials you can  also do reviews however you should be quite quick   on the draw with your reviews and i recommend  having some sort of gimmick whether it's you're   really angry or you only retro or it's always  will i buy this game or do i get enough hours   out of this for the price always come with  a gimmick for your reviews to help you stand   out so for this to work you do need to focus on a  niche or on a single topic and there is a way to   easily transition out of being a guides channel it  just takes some work i mentioned small ants guides   and that's kind of the best example i can give  you from someone who's gone from just creating   guides to blowing up to personality people wanting  to get into speedrunning would find these videos   when searching for guides and his guides would be  shared in speedrunning communities to help people   they aren't half-assed either he put a lot of  work into his content so it has huge value to his   viewers and to the people looking for these things  so he creates guides he's gained a few subscribers   and even if they haven't subscribed after watching  his video youtube has flagged that person as   interested in small ants content because they  watched it so what happens next how does he go   from that to personality content well he started  releasing videos that you can't help but click on   they're engaging and enticing and interesting to  his target audience people who are interested in   challenges speed running and super mario odyssey  i'm not saying click bait either it's just very   very enticing click bait is this scary word  everyone says they don't like anymore but   if you deliver on your title and you deliver on  your thumbnail it's not clickbait it's just good   marketing for example let's look at his channel  one of my favorites and one of these early day   videos was i was the third person ever to do this  speed run which by the way when he recorded that   he only had 26 paid twitch subs on his channel now  look at him we're up to 26 subs now let's go sub   goal is now 26 to 25. i did reach out to smallnet  to confirm this next part but i didn't get a reply   obviously he's massive and i didn't expect it so  it's hard to be 100 certain but the video i truly   believe kicked off his personality growth was this  one on december 10th 2018 he released the video   i tried to beat super mario odyssey blindfolded  not only was this video incredibly clickable it   had something that makes youtube more excited than  a kid on christmas it had retention rate you had   to watch the entire video in full in order to find  out whether or not he actually beat it and youtube   only cares about that retention rate because the  longer you're on their website the more ads they   can serve you and the more money they can make  in the 30 days that followed the release of this   video he got 4 000 new subscribers and then he  grabbed a one-up mushroom which is the worst   joke i've ever written and released this beautiful  video i was the first to beat super mario odyssey   blindfolded it had everything the first video  had and more it was a promise if you watched all   the way to the end you'd see a man beat the game  completely blindfolded no longer was he a tutorial   and guides channel he could release pretty much  whatever he wanted as long as he stuck to his two   niches challenging gameplay and speed runs and  nintendo he was good to go don't get me wrong   he still had to create incredibly high quality  content and he'll always have to do that because   of the type of content he produces if he had  released those blindfolded videos originally   without anyone knowing who he was i don't have  much faith in the fact that it would have blown up   it might have been picked up in reddit but that  takes a lot of luck by doing it the other way   around he was known in the industry he was known  in the communities and he had a base there on the   youtube algorithm from our research it usually  takes around 15 to 20 tutorials or guides in the   youtube algorithm before it starts really picking  up your relevancy of your channel and sharing you   sometimes it can take as many as 30 it depends  on how good you are at understanding user intent   and the amount of quality that your video has  if you want to know more about how to create   high retention videos or how to create a really  clickable thumbnail or how to use video tags   i do have that other video about youtube growth  it'll be linked in the description so you can   check that out it covers a lot of the upload  process writing descriptions and everything   else you'll need but finally i promised you this  would help you grow on twitch and if you don't   believe that everything i've just talked about and  getting an audience here on youtube will help you   go on twitch this is the final step every single  video all 15 to 30 of them even before the youtube   algorithm starts picking up tell them hey i'm  Eljay from and you can check me   out live at because any video  you upload has the potential to explode has the   potential to blow up has the potential to be the  number one ranked video for a search term that   means every single person who clicks that has the  potential to convert to a follower on your twitch   channel there's another youtube growth coming next  week so make sure to subscribe it's going to cover   the seven unbreakable rules of youtube growth  i will see you guys then thanks for listening
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 171,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Start a YouTube Gaming Channel in 2021, how to start a youtube gaming cahnnel, how to start a gaming channel, how to start a youtube channel gaming, how to start a gaming channel for beginners, youtube gaming channel, how to make gaming videos, how to make gaming youtube videos, how to grow your gaming channel, how to grow your gaming youtube channel, how to grow your gaming youtube channel 2021, how to grow your channel, gaming
Id: IgX-vZd6E9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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