How To Get SHINY PALS in Palworld! (EASY Lucky Pals!)

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what's up guys this is Merk music and today I'm going to show you guys how you can quickly and easily get shiny Pals in pal world now right off of the bat what is a shiny or rare or lucky pal well this is an example of one right here this is a pen gullet that I caught yesterday wait we have a raid happening but basically the shiny or lucky or rare Pals whatever you want to refer to them as they are going to be larger versions of typical Pals in the game and unlike Pokémon games where the shinies are really just different colored versions of Pokémon in pal Worlds the shiny pals are going to guaranteed to have some better passive skills in the case of Piplup over here we have the lucky roll which gives him plus 15% work speed and attack which is really useful because he's either going to be more useful in battle or also at the base doing some work so far on my main save where I'm playing solo I have a total of three shiny Pals so far I also have kremis over here who is working on the base and has the passive skill lucky which is really useful as well as Artis which is actually a 50% buff to work speed which is very nice and then I also have a shiny kativa over over here which also has the lucky roll now depending on the pal if you find the shiny version of it it could have some different benefits some different traits it's going to vary from pal to Pal but specifically what I want to do with this video is show you guys how you can find them more often and also give you guys some really helpful tips and tricks on how to catch them but before we dive into that we actually need to return to the title screen we need to exit the world and I need to go over some settings that will really help you guys so right off the bat here are some of my graphic settings now this is not nearly as important as some of the things I'm going to show you guys very soon but I did want to give you guys this as a reference because sometimes your graphic settings can actually have a pretty big impact on shiny hunting if you've done shiny hunting in Pokemon games then you know this is definitely the case because sometimes it could be really hard to find Shiny Pokemon but thankfully shiny Pals and you know trying to shiny hunt in this game is not going to be as difficult it's not going to be as visually demanding and we'll get into that in a sec but at the bare minimum I would recommend turning off motion blur putting your view distance on Epic and also consider maxing your field of view this will just make it easier to be able to see the entire world around you which in turn also means that it's going to be easier to find shiny Pals as far as it goes for sound settings you could tweak some of these things specifically the voice of the pals and the ambient sounds because this is going to be a massive indicator on how to find the shiny Pals but just know that it's not completely necessary and these are my default sound settings that I'm playing with right now but if you really wanted to tweak this in favor of shiny hunting you could basically lower everything except for the ambient and voice of the pals because I'm pretty sure that's all the information you're going to need when it comes to shiny hunting specifically and trying to get more of those lucky Pals now if we go to start game this is where you can actually really make things significantly better for yourself if I click on the worlds I can actually change the world settings and this is what actually makes po world just a lot of fun even if your world was at a certain difficulty or if you had certain settings you can always change this later and I'm going to show you guys some of the settings that I put on now do bear in mind that if you're trying to do like just a regular playthrough of the game you might want to consider making a separate save in a separate world just for shiny hunting if you want to try to keep your worlds essentially intact like you don't want to change it or deviate from the base experience too much me personally I'm playing this game with other groups of people so honestly on my main save I'm a little behind where I think I should be but either way let's just dive into the settings and I think this goes without saying but if he wants to experience the game at its base level you can obviously do that but I'm trying to make a video on how to get more of the luckier shiny Pals faster and more easily so for the sake of this video I'm going to show you guys how you can try to maximize that to the best of your ability I'm just trying to help you guys I'm not telling you how to play the game you can take this advice if you want to or you can leave it but yeah right off the bat you might want to consider increasing the capture rate of the pals this basically will make it easier to catch the lucky or shiny Pals when you see them in the world and in some cases if you have a high enough catch rate or if the pal is not a very high level you should just be able to go up to it and throw a pal sphere at it and catch it no problem but you want to be very careful you don't want to send out a pal on your team like in your party that has really powerful attacks or is too strong or like too high of a level you don't want to ever accidentally knock them out cuz if you kill the shiny pal you can't catch them and they'll be lost forever so try not to focus on doing too much damage to to them what I would recommend instead is trying to look for the LIF monk Effigies regardless of changing the default pal captur rate in your world settings you can hunt after these in your world in your save and as you collect more figs you'll just increase your capture rate by default and in general this will just make it easier for you to catch Pals but this will especially help when you're going after the shiny ones now another setting that you can tweak although this is going to affect your game's performance so be careful with this setting because it will also potentially scale the difficulty way up is this setting right here that says pal appearance rate it says that it also affects the game's performance Now by default it's set to one but if you set this to three it will triple the amount of spawns in your game and honestly it makes the game feel more alive and full I haven't seen any significance game performance decreases but at the same time I do have a decent PC that can easily run this game and I do want to add a caveat here that just because you have the pal appearance rate to three times doesn't mean it's going to spawn three times as many lickes or three times as many shinies I don't believe that it's going to increase your odds but it does increase the overall amount of spawns which could potentially increase the likelihood of getting the shiny or lucky Pals these two are the main two settings that you could tweak and there are some other ones you can change as well but I'm going to be honest it is kind of cheesing the game a little bit but it will absolutely 100% help your experience when it comes to shiny hunting and I would consider it if that's your main focus when playing this game one thing you could also do is reduce the damage to player multiplier basically what this would mean is that you're not going to take as much damage from the pals in the game you can also reduce the amount of stamina that you lose and also the hunger so that way you can just stay out and you can keep grinding you can keep hunting without having to worry about any kinds of limitations at all same thing goes for the pal stamina reduction rate as well as their hunger depletion and even their damage you can change all these modifiers if you want to but it will just make the game a walk in the park but for the sake of this video we're going to leave this on default I'm not going to tweak or change these settings and for the sake of this video just know that we're basically playing on normal difficulty with a higher catch rate and a higher appearance rate for the pals with that being said we can go ahead and cancel out of this and we can just go ahead and load up the world because again those are just suggestions for World settings that I'm giving you you don't have to take those pieces of advice but I do want to give you guys some in-game pieces of advice that all of us can benefit from just give me a sec for some reason my character looks kind of weird here what the takes a little bit to load there we go that's my beautiful character all right so let's start going over some really helpful tips o this egg is actually ready you know one thing I haven't seen yet in the game is whether or not you can get a lucky pal from the eggs I haven't had it happen yet but I'd love to see that happen I feel like that would be even more rare than trying to shiny hunt one so the first thing I want to go over is strategy and a big part of this is actually just starting off and playing the game I would recommend finishing basically all of the tutorial I haven't fought the boss yet you don't need to do that but what I would recommend right off the bat is building up your first base and trying to finish as much of that as possible that way you can have an efficient team of Pals over here they're making free wood they're making free rocks or stone rather sorry it's also really worth investing in a ranch so that way they can farm and get their own food as well as the berry Plantation no matter what you're doing in your world you should start off with the basic fundamentals and get your first base complete this is going to make things way easier right off the bat and like I mentioned earlier when you have the statue of power you can also enhance your captur as you can see right here mine's only at a base capture power of three so it's not super high but I do want to share a really helpful tip with you guys that will help you get more of these and be able to find them faster but before we dive into that I also want to show you guys some stuff that you should have ready when it comes to shiny hunting you're definitely going to want to make sure that you can ride on one of your pals it could be rush or it could be 83 here I recently just built the saddle for Nightwing so we can actually fly arounds now which I haven't done too much in the game but the reason why this is so helpful is because you will be able to get around the map faster you don't have to worry about your stamina depleting nearly as quickly and it just makes going after the shiny or lucky Pals so much easier but real quick before we get back on John Deer II over here I do want to show you guys a helpful movement technique that will also make it easier to shiny hunt pretty much everyone starts out in the game in this section right here and what's really nice is that it's a downhill slope you can slide and quickly get from point A to point B and when you have this many Pals spawning who knows when you're going to find a shiny one this makes it really easy to navigate and you're going to want to make sure that you're doing this because you can just do a quick sweep all the way down to the very bottom of the hill so even if this isn't your first instinct like maybe you want to go somewhere else or do something different it's always good to do a quick check a quick scan of this first Hill because you can get down it very quickly and then you could just go over here to fast travel and then go somewhere else if you want to so I'd highly recommend doing that first from here I'm going to fast travel to the small settlement and we'll just kind of go from there and we're going to ride our ather deer around and we're going to try to see if we can find anything now the big tip that I have is actually to shiny hunt at night I can't really give an example of that at the moment because obviously we're playing during the day which again in the settings if you want to you could decrease the amount of daytime in your game and you could increase the amount of night time and the reason why I recommend this is because when you see the shiny Pals or the lucky Pals whatever you want to call them they will have a glaringly obvious glow around them it's very obvious when you find a shiny in this game not only are the pals going to be like double or triple in size but they have that glowing Aura and it's much easier to spot at night shiny shiny let's go this is why you hunt at night this is why you hunt at night oh let's go now I lost my last shiny so I'm not going to risk this let's just see what the catch is going to be like immediately 50% that's not too bad yes yes my first rare pal let's go oh yes there's also a really obvious audio cue that plays when there's a shiny pal in the nearby area but this is really where having a certain ride Pokemon like Nightwing can be very helpful if you can fly around you know get on top of your pal and just fly around the map it's going to be much easier to spot the pals that you're looking for and obviously a big part of getting the shiny that you want is knowing where they spawn so for example if you really wants to get a shiny Peng gullet you need to be trying to patrol areas where you know it spawns same thing with Rush or there's a bunch of Rush ores over here but there's not a single lucky or shiny one so we're just going to move away from this area now what's really nice about this advice that I'm giving you guys is that you can also use this to go after lift monk Effigies which again will increase your capture rate I would recommend riding on your Palace to be able to do that more quickly and efficiently and also playing the game at night because it's really easy to spot them versus the daytime as you can tell Nightwing is getting hungry and again that's why it can be good to reduce their hunger maybe pull back on the stamina depletion rate as well but again it's up to you you can choose whatever settings that you enjoy playing on what I'm really waiting for at this point is for it to just turn to nighttime because it's going to be so much easier to look at everything on the map it's not even completely dark but you can see Effigies spread out throughout the entire map this is very helpful and look we got one right here this is exactly why we're doing this and you can see a bunch of them spread throughout the entire map but again for the sake of this video we are trying to shiny hunt we can always look for figes later and you'll also want to keep in mind that the spawns can change when it's cycling between day and night you'll definitely want to keep that in mind because you don't want the shiny your lucky pal to despawn I unfortunately had this happen with the first ever shiny that I saw it was a pen gullet and I was so excited and I wanted to catch it so badly but unfortunately I wasn't progressed that far into the game I wasn't equipped for it it had a very powerful attack and it just straight up killed me thankfully I was able to encounter another shiny pullet and capture it but that's exactly why you want to be prepared and ready for these types of Pals they can be very strong they can do a lot of damage and you need to be prepared for that okay honestly you might want to turn off raids too I've had two raids happen already and that is so stupid you're wake up all my pals you jackasses knock it off hey we got some free pal spheres though not bad they died pretty quickly all right sorry about that guys go back to sleep but yeah now it's time to shiny hunt let's go okay still nothing yet over here he even easier to find chests as well too I mean look at that okay oh that's the chillet boss okay have I fought that I have okay it just respawned also if you increase the pal appearance rate if you're playing co-op with some buddies and stuff that's a really good way to ensure that more than one person can capture the boss that that way no one's really missing out you know but again just keep in mind that it does boil down to RNG it does boil down to luck these are lucky Pals we're talking about they're still going to be rare they're still going to be hard to find and also hard to capture but if you do see one and you do find one it's going to be an amazing addition to your party and you're definitely going to want to capture them I know it might be a little late to mention this but definitely make sure that you have enough pal spheres and even Mega or gigas spheres I don't have the Giga ones yet that's essentially the Ultra Ball of the game but that will definitely help with the capture rate and make it easier to catch them okay so our first night was not successful but we are just going to fast travel back home yeah I haven't been to this area but this is really cool it's got some of the same starting Palace as the beginning Island oh we don't have Ruby that's new let's go ahead and get one of these it's not a great capture rate but maybe we can just get it without having to attack at all yep and that's why it's good to increase your captured either through the game settings or also collecting the lift monk Effigies which we just got another one right there oh and there you go we have another shiny guys now this is going to be a dupe but I mean a shiny is a shiny we have another shiny kativa and you know we got to catch it so I'm going to show you guys that process right off the bat I'm going to try to do the easy method we're just going to switch to a MEAP sphere we're going to get behind it a little stealthily and boom and that should be good enough to just catch it right off the bat if it's not okay we're going to have to Pokey a little bit I don't want to send out a pal to attack because they might do too much damage now one thing that is difficult about you know higher encounter rates is there there's going to be a bunch of them trying to smack me oh this is bad oh my God just try to catch it just try to catch it all of you get caught all of you panic mode this is bad see this is one of those situations where things could go very badly we got to be very careful I need to kill the smaller ones first cuz even though he's level six and we're like level 28 even though it's a shiny pal we could probably one hit him and we don't want to do that all right he's just blocking the pal speres that's not great we need to try to catch the small ones just to get them off of our back for a sec there we go okay that attack is not good let's try to catch you he blocked it man these cats are annoying dude oh my God okay we need to kill this one there you go that one's done the level two is like hanging too close to him at least we have our Shield back oh okay that's way too far okay he forgot he's mad that could work out I don't want to lose this one we're going to go back to the method of switching to the mega sphere I do need to run if this goes badly again but look he's in la la land right now he doesn't care but the second you attack he will care so let's try that again okay we have a much better catch right now come on no he's out again okay run or at least let's get the other one let's get this other one out of here there you go the other cat's dead John Deere's getting hungry now let's just run away I don't want to accidentally kill kill it that's what I'm worried about all right so it's just the shiny by himself right now good all right he is once again wandering off come on this is a pretty high catch rate I'm surprised it's not getting him but oh all right we got him boys we did it we got another shiny kativa this one has lucky and Runner which will be pretty interesting and my guy's just infinitely poking for some reason but there you go we are 45 minutes into recording and we got another shiny pal now GR this one was surprisingly difficult I don't know why that one was giving me as much hassle as they normally do but it's all good that's kind of the big reason I wanted to make this video I just want to make sure that everyone is prepared for when they encounter a shiny pal like that so that way they will have an easy time catching it so that way they don't potentially die or have the shiny pal run away from them or in this case also run out of items because you really do need to make sure you have enough pal spheres no matter what kind of Rarity it is you want to make sure that you have enough so that way you can catch it with no problem but yeah for the time being we're just going to travel back home and we can check out our pal box right here we can look at our new shiny I'm pretty sure it has different passive skills compared to our other one this one has lucky which is good but it also has Runner which is a 20% increase to movement speed now I'm not sure if that's just for the pal or if that's also for us as a player I've seen this as a benefit before but I'm not sure if that's what it does but yeah man that's definitely pretty sick we have a total of four shinies on this save and I'm definitely going to keep trying to shiny hunt and get as many as possible but yeah guys that's how you can get shiny or lucky Pals and pal worlds more quickly and more efficiently thank you guys very much for watching I really do hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you're going to try to hunt after the shiny or lucky Pals in this game I really do wish you guys the best of luck much like shiny hunting in Pokémon this is one of the more unique aspects of the game and it does add a lot of replay value and fun and I'm curious to know if you guys are playing pal world have you caught any shiny Pals yet and if you have what was the first one that you caught definitely let me know in the comments below and with that being said I really do hope you guys enjoyed this video If you guys did and you want to see some more power world stuff make sure to drop a like I'll see you guys later come boom welcome
Channel: M3RKMUS1C
Views: 85,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to get shiny pals, how to get lucky pals, how to get shiny pals in palworld, palworld shiny pals, palworld lucky pals, palworld how to get shiny pals, shiny pals, lucky pals, rare pals, palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld shiny, palworld pals, shiny, lucky, rare, pals, palworld shiny pals guide, palworld shiny hunting, palworld best shiny, game, gaming, gameplay, m3rkmus1c, merkmusic, merkmusic palworld
Id: rPmB5bUw_ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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