How to Get & Farm Exotic Class Items! - Dual Destiny Exotic Mission Guide - Destiny 2

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there is a brand new exotic mission in Destiny 2 it's called dual Destiny and completing it is how you get your exotic class item I'm going to take you through how to unlock it and how to complete the mechanic based encounters within it first off this is a timed Co-op Mission and you will need a buddy to complete it it cannot be done Solo or with three players it must be strictly two because of the way the mission is designed secondly you will need to complete this Mission once per character to get all of the Exotic class items but but after you earn it once overthrow chest in the pale heart have a low chance to drop another randomly rolled version of it and lastly in order to even unlock the mission you'll need to have completed Micah's two quests found in the dark and lost in the light I am unsure if you need to do anything beyond that but I know at the very least completing those is a requirement if you plan to do the majority of content in the final shaped DLC please do yourself a favor unlock all of the cysts through Micah's alonein the- Dark Quest complete her three Legend AR convalescence Quest and do the destined Heroes quest for the Exotic sword I'm not sure quite how much stuff in this DLC is tied to completing those but it seems like quite a bit so there are some secret steps that we need to complete in order to even access the mission and all of these steps can be done straight through the pale heart Patrol despite this being a two-player Mission you can unlock the mission for all three players in your fire team through these Patrol steps once everyone in your fire team unlocks the mission it will be permanently accessible to them and can even be launched through the pale heart map to begin unlocking the mission start in the landing region and do the overthrow activity until you spawn in the final boss around 15 seconds after you've defeated this final boss you'll see a popup that says a Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is near usually this will be accompanied by some savathun dialogue but not always if you see this text pop up it means you need to search the region you're in to find a Lucent Hive wizard here's the location that we found it in during power run provides when you kill the hive Guardian remember to crush its ghost to completely kill it and then you can head on to the blooming you're going to repeat all of those steps killing the final boss of overthrow and finding another Hive Guardian once we defeated the final boss in the blooming here's where the hive Guardian spawn for us and as you can probably guess we need to repeat everything one last time this time in the impass region here's where we found the final Hive Guardian after you've killed the Lucent Hive Guardian in all three areas head to the refraction once you reach the open area with the shrier you should see a giant beam of Light which you should then go to walking inside this area will trigger dialogue of sa laughing and then she'll Mark two locations in world for you at each of these marked locations which are pretty close to each other there will be a ton of enemies that you have to clear out and there does appear to be a time limit on it based on the savathun's envoy buff clearing out enough of the enemies at one of the spots will spawn a subjugator damage him for a third of his health bar and then this will spawn an orb next to him one subjugator will drop a Dark Orb and the other will drop a light orb these need to be taken back to where the beam of light was and dunked into their corresponding beams one dark one light and that is the final step to unlocking the mission dual Destiny quick note for those who care about the pale heart destination title the remaining six feathers for the feather of light Triumph can be found in this Mission I'll have a guide on their locations Linked In the description very soon in order to start the mission you'll either need one player to be on a light subass and one on a dark subass or you both need to be on Prismatic and during the Exotic Mission you cannot change your subass so Choose Wisely there will be two bosses you'll have to kill at the end of this Mission but most of it is focused on ad clearing so if you or your friend or teammate is a hunter I highly recommend at least one of you runs tether because that will come in handy the first mechanic you'll be presented with is the dark and light plates because my friend and I were both on Prismatic it randomly assigned me to be the light player and them to be the dark player and you can tell which role you have by the buff on your screen so the plate mechanic is simply this the light player needs to stand on the light plate dark on dark and if you stand on them at the same time it progresses the mission usually by way of removing a blocked area moving platforms into place or just allowing you to move further into an encounter I don't feel like it's necessary to cover these plates every time they appear in the mission because it's just the same thing over and over but just know that they appear quite frequently the second mechanic you'll find in this Mission involves some symbols in the first encounter area the dark person will sit up top and the light person below period ically both players will be met by a shielded enemy that only they can kill dark players will have to kill a taken Knight and light players will have to kill a taken Centurion when killed these will drop a moat and picking up said moat will spawn in a symbol in this first encounter light player will be the one calling out the symbols while dark player will have symbols spread around them floating in the air that they have to shoot there will be multiple symbols but dark player should only shoot the one that light player calls out and you will need to do this two times shooting an incorrect symbol will force you to restart the sequence from scratch with a new set of symbols when dark player has shot both symbols that light player calls out in the order of how they spawn you will move on to the next section of this encounter which has you do the exact same thing except the roles are reversed this time the dark player will be the one calling out the symbols while the light player shoots them since there are three modes to collect in this encounter that means three symbols to call out and shoot and the way we chose to do this was just wait until we had all three symbols before shooting them in order if you can successfully complete these three symbols in this section you've got one more to do where the rolls are reversed again and this time you'll have four symbols to keep track of light player will be reading the symbols here while dark player shoots again the way we preferred to do it was just wait for all the symbols to show up which means killing four centurions and taken Knights and then shooting all the symbols in order between this first encounter space and the next there are several of those light and dark plates you and your partner need to sync up with to progress but other than that it's just a few enemies and a lot of jumping in the second encounter you're presented with a new mechanic in front of you in this room will be an array of nine what I'm calling Darkness cruxes with tethers connecting them to the center throughout this encounter some of these tethers will disappear the tethers that disappear and those that remain will be slightly different for both people so your goal is to find out which three are the same between you and your teammate and then having one person shoot those three shared cruxes in order to actually shoot them you need a buff called harmonic sundering this comes from getting the final blow on the Tormentor that spawns after clearing enough enemies and the harmonic sundering buff lasts for 30 seconds the way we found it easiest to solve this puzzle was by reading the array of cruxes from 1 through 9 clockwise to start me as the light player would call out the three cruxes that did not have tethers and my teammate who was the dark player would then look at theirs and also see three cruxes that didn't have tethers whoever gets the final blow on the Tormentor becomes the shooter and as the shooter your job is to avoid shooting any cruxes that aren't tethered both on your screen and on your teammate screen based on the numbers that they called out here's an example of this let's say that I the light player call out 7 8 and N which are the ones not Tethered on my screen from my teammates perspective who is dark player the ones that are not tethered for them are 1 three and five this would leave crux's 2 4 and six as the only ones that we both share as being tethered cuz every other one that we called out is missing a tether since my teammate was the one to kill the Tormentor and now has the harmonic sunding buff they can shoot two four and six shooting the correct three cruxes will cause this message to pop up saying light and darkness surge destabilizing an obelisk now normally destabilizing something thing sounds bad but this is actually an indicator that you've done it correctly because you're trying to get rid of the Obelisk to progress in the mission all you have to do is do this two more times for a total of three rounds and you'll beat the encounter now while editing this I did realize you could just as easily do your call outs the opposite way instead of calling out what's not tethered you could just read out the ones that are tethered it would mean you have to call out six numbers instead of three but it might make it easier for the shooter to understand since they only have to listen for which numbers match with their set encounter 3 combines both the symbols call out from encounter 1 and the cruxes from encounter 2 but thankfully not at the same time you'll start this encounter by damaging the boss inspector selin until he goes immune then two wizards will spawn shortly after this happens one for light player and one for dark player here light player will be doing the symbol call outs again while dark player will be shooting the symbols three of these symbols will appear in a vertical column behind the boss when the light wizard is killed and just like before you should read them out to your teammate this time from top to bottom have your teammate shoot the symbols around the area in that order and this will remove the boss's Shield once you get expector sellon to one3 health a second boss will come out named expector YK so start damaging him until you chew through a third of his health bar and he goes immune this will spawn in another two wizards making you call out and shoot another three symbols this time with the rolls reverse so that light player is the one shooting complete that successfully and you can damage expector yic for another third of his health with both bosses at 1/3 of their health they'll both go inside of this yellow cage and go immune and you'll have to solve a final puzzle on either side of the room now is an array of cruxes like in the second encounter but this time one for each person since I was light player I was on the right side of the room and you'll know you're on the wrong side if you look at the cruxes and all of them have tethers this means you're looking at your teammate's side because their pattern is hidden from you so when you're both on the correct sides you'll have to do basically what you did in encounter two with some slight changes this time instead of calling out which ones are not tethered we're going to call out which ones are tethered and we have to do this much faster because the pattern changes every handful of seconds during the second encounter we called out the cruxes that didn't have tethers because there was only a Max of three of them that didn't every time so for the third encounter let's call about the cruxes that do have tethers because there's only four of them and it's a lot easier to keep track out of these four cruxes that have tethers you and your teammate need to find the one Crux that you both share now thankfully this array has 12 cruxes which means that if you know how to quickly read a clock this shouldn't be too difficult let's use this round as an example so this was what my side looked like and I would call out 12 3 4 and 9 since I'm reading it like a clock and those are the ones that have tethers for me now my teammate listens to my call outs and then on their side they see something like this with their tether call outs being 5 7 8 and 12 since we both share Crux number 12 that's the one we both need to shoot so my teammate relays that information back to me and then we both shoot number 12 quickly before the pattern changes again you have to do this a total of three times and every time you're successful you'll see the message barrier strength has diminished until it is fully de for those wondering you do not have to do three patterns in a row you just have to do three patterns successfully without messing up if you're fumbling around on a pattern and it ends up changing before you're able to call it out that is totally fine you can let it rotate around as many times as you want there is no penalty for how many cycles it does at some point in this third encounter most likely when you're getting close to Running Out of Time a Lucent Hive wizard will spawn near the back of the room and if you kill it you'll gain an extra three minutes this can completely save your run especially if you've just run out of ammo and are having to use primary so when the barrier is fully down you can begin damaging both bosses at once until you kill them thank gosh there is no revive tokens in here and even if you both wipe at the same time there's no penalty other than wasted time after killing both the bosses you have an option to 1 V one your teammate which is pretty silly but no matter who wins or loses you both still get the Exotic class item even if activities that require a lot of communic iation aren't your cup of tea I highly recommend at least giving this a try because it has a lot more effort put into it than I was expecting it feels like a dungeon honestly and it's really cool if you enjoyed this guide then please drop me a like and share the video to someone who could use it and with that I will catch you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ninja Pups
Views: 82,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, playstation, new releases, gameplay, walkthrough, 4k, HD, video game, tutorial, guide, rpg, ninja pups, gaming news, new update, patch, how to get, where to find, 4k60, quest guide, d2, destiny 2, the final shape, review, exotic mission, season 23, destiny, destiny 2 update, collectibles, dlc, TFS, the pale heart, raid, salvation's edge, season 24, episode, echoes, god roll, exotic, title, triumph, build, exotic class items, dual destiny, puzzle, mechanics, how to solve, secret mission, dungeon
Id: TfWKc7Lz04M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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