How to Farm The Best High Stat Armor (no bs guide)

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[Music] do you want to have amazing tier 10 stats like this and have 100 stat points in three or maybe even four different categories well if so that's perfect because today's video is a no BS guide on how to easily and efficiently farm for high stat armor updated for 2024 and the final shape you can do this Solo in a fire team literally however you want and it's so easy that even brand new players can do this to get the best possible armor that exists in Destiny to we're going to be covering artifice armor and Exotics a way to force the game to give you the good stat distributions and everything else you need to know in order to farm armor and acquire those amazing triple or even quadruple 100 stat builds to start things off we need to discuss how high stat armor actually works because it's not explained at all within the game and some parts of this are not exactly intuitive and easy to understand the most basic definition is that legendary armor can roll with up to 68 total stat points as seen here and that total is calculated before adding any mods or Masterworks Exotics can reach up to an incredible 71 total stat points but this is largely due to a strange system that existed in previous expansions and therefore only these older Exotics will be able to reach that high of a total stat package for example certain Exotics will just get like plus one or plus two in certain stat categories automatically and therefore this helps them Reach that total of 71 when it comes to armor that you want to keep versus dismantle you should probably look at the total stats and also the distribution in order to make this decision we'll discuss which stats are the best and which ones really matter in a little bit but the first thing you should really take note of is how spiky the distribution is if you get a piece of armor where all of the stats are roughly the same and there are no big spikes this generally means that it is extremely bad on the other hand though if you have huge spikes in the correct stats that you really want this is extremely good and it's so good in fact that it doesn't really matter if the total stats are a little bit lower however you generally want to go for stuff that is above a stat total of 65 because you won't be able to reach those insane 100 stats in multiple categories if you're just using like a bunch of 55 total stat armor pieces if you're a newer player you probably still want to hold on to anything that is in the low 60s but for seasoned veterans you will mostly only care about stuff that is in the 65 to 68 range contrary to popular belief the armor stats and their distributions are actually not random and we can use this to our advantage to get perfect stats in the categories that we actually want certain sources within the game will drop these high stat armor pieces and we can use strategies to drastically improve our odds of getting a good distribution so later in the video we'll discuss exactly how to optimally farm using this technique like I hinted at earlier the distribution is really the most important thing here and the way that Destiny operates these distributions is not really explained at all within the game as as you can see here on this graphic there are two main buckets one that makes up the top three stats and another one that makes up the bottom three stats no matter what all armor in the game will be balanced between these two buckets meaning that if you have like 30 stats in the top bucket you'll probably have like the same amount so like 30 or 31 or something in the bottom bucket in most cases the highest a bucket will really go is around 34 total stat points this means that you will never see an armor piece with like 50 Mobility or something because the system limits it from being too insane in a single bucket this also means that it's impossible to have like 25 resilience and 25 Mobility at the same time because this would break the limit and go above the 34 cap on the top bucket although there are different builds with different possibilities it is still quite important to cover which stats actually matter in the current state of the game this has changed quite a bit over the years but nowadays certain stats are just outright better than others and this is especially true if you take into account the various build crafting tools like fragments that we now have at our disposal for example resilience was absolute garbage in the past because it just slightly increased the amount of hit points that you had but nowadays resilience is Far and Away the most important stat in the game it doesn't really matter what you're doing inside of PVE but no matter what you should just always be going for a high resilience build and ideally 100 if you can manage it this stat will give you a huge 30% damage resistance and therefore make it much easier for you to survive in any content that has any threatening enemies in addition Titans also get to have their class abilities recharge faster when they have high resilience so be sure to always max out that setat when you're on a Titan although the resilience damage resistance doesn't work in PvP the resilience still increases your HP total and therefore makes you a bit more tanky in The Crucible next up we have recovery and this is a fairly important stat for most PVE builds warlocks should always go for high recovery because it helps them get their class ability back faster but all other classes can still benefit from having relatively High recovery discipline is another stat that is quite good for basically every class this will help you get your grenades back faster and grenades are a very key component in a lot of different builds throughout the game grenades also are quite good because of the ashes 2 assets Mod on your helmet and this means that every time you get a grenade kill it will give you a significant chunk of your super back Mobility is basically trash for every single character except for hunters and even then Hunters don't even need a lot of it Mobility just improves your jumping and strafing which of course isn't a huge factor in PVE but for hunters it does improve your class ability regeneration even Hunters though can still get their class ability back in other ways like fragments and mods and also abilities like combination blow so even for hunters you don't really need to max out your Mobility stat although it worked completely differently in the past intellect today is kind of just a bad stat and you really do not want to heavily build into it especially for PVE it will help you get your super back just slightly faster but nowadays with all of the build crafting options that we have you can get your super in like 30 seconds with a bunch of different setups so intellect is really not something you should be prioritizing and you should really put your stat points towards something more important like resilience strength is also something that is really not important simply because there are like a million different ways that you can get your melee ability back whether it's an exotic like insurmountable skull Fort or the hunters having the gamblers Dodge or several fragments and I don't know there's just a bunch of different ways you can get your ability back so you don't really need to build into having more melees I will say though you should take everything in this previous section with a grain of salt because these are just general recommendations and not concrete rules and certain builds can differ slightly in their preferences overall your goal should just be to get the highest possible stats in the categories that you actually want for your build and then not waste any stat points in the categories that you don't want that aren't helping your build of course it's important to note that stats only matter when you reach a multiple of 10 so for example 99 is the same as 90 also everything over 100 does absolutely nothing so definitely try to not go above 100 in order to avoid wasting stat points so now that we have all of that out of the way and understood we need to answer the question of how you actually get armor with the right stats there are these armor focusing ghost mods that can help you out but they're not really as simple as they appear at first glance this whole process is a little bit unintuitive and hard to explain so just bear with me as we go through this process and I'll try to put it in the simplest possible terms the main thing to understand is that if you want a certain stat it is actually best to not focus that stat on your ghost in many situations for example say that you want a build with high recovery High resilience and high discipline as you can see here this means that you're actually going for two stats in the top bucket and one stat in the bottom bucket and therefore you will want to focus the stat that is in the bottom bucket by itself if you focus your discipline stat this makes it highly likely that you'll have high discipline in the bottom bucket and therefore for low strength and intellect which is exactly what we want this also means that then in the other bucket there is a high chance of having resilience and Recovery which is also what we want of course not every stat will be perfect and of course you'll have to delete several roles that aren't good but overall this is the method to get the most favorable odds in the most favorable categories that you're aiming for I suppose it's also worth noting that in the community focusing for discipline is by far the most popular and effective choice for most builds so even if you didn't really understand the previous few sentences just focus for discipline and you'll probably be all right okay so now that we know how to tip the odds in our favor let's discuss how to actually obtain these armor drops within the game one of the current best ways to easily farm for armor is using the episode vendor and although this will of course change this currently means that we will be talking to failsafe to unlock the focusing you will need to progress through the beginning of the episode and complete the first specimen ID Quest that came out in week two as you can can see here this unlocks the primary engram focusing on the right and this will unlock your ability to actually do the focusing and get the armor drops that we want you'll then need to equip your ghost mod as we explained enter the menu right here and start buying armor from this focusing section at the top this process will cost you engrams but of course you will have huge amounts of these from just playing the game and doing basically anything as you make progress through the episode and the seasonal pass and a ton of other things you'll just have plenty of engrams to focus here especially if it's towards the end of the episode episode the armor that you will get here tends to have really good stats and distributions but of course there will still be a whole bunch of bad ones so just filter through them and keep the best that you get to drop I actually obtained some of my best and most used armor from this exact strategy so yeah this is just extremely approachable and simple and literally anyone can do this to get the best armor in the game with that said though there are a variety of endgame activities that also drop really good armor above 60 total stats with stuff like raids and dungeons being a Solid Source in particular pit of heresy can be an extremely efficient Farm because you just need to go in and kill the boss over and over and he will continually drop armor with guaranteed high stat distributions not only is this boss guaranteed to drop armor on every single kill but he also is guaranteed to drop with 16 or higher in two of the single stats meaning that there is a much higher likelihood of armor being spiky and therefore being useful for your stat build it's worth noting though that you can only farm with this method when the dungeon is focused and you can see if it's focused by looking for the Pinnacle icon right here on the map when you go to select it in order to actually do this Farm within the game all you need to do is join a checkpoint bot to get the checkpoint take out the boss rinse and repeat and just Farm it until you have some good rolles if you want to get access to the checkpoint Bots simply join my Discord at Shadow Destiny since this dungeon is old it is not super challenging and it can be farmed solo but of course it is a bit easier if you have a team to efficiently Wipe Out the boss other events and activities that give at Armor include Legend dares of Eternity iron Banner trials and Solstice but obviously some of these activities are time limited and therefore will not always be available that is generally why the pit of heresy boss farm and the engram focusing routes are generally considered to be the best and most reliable Farms there is also an off chance that Zur or 801 will sell armor with high stats and good distributions so be sure to at least keep an eye out for those Zur can also sell a special type of armor called artifice armor and this is what you will want want to really enhance your stats and make them even more insane AR of his armor has an extra slot right here where you can add an additional mod and this mod will give you plus three to any stat of your choosing a measly plus three might not sound like a lot but this can easily add up to make or break your overall stat totals when you take three extra stats from multiple different armor slots really importantly this can help push you over the threshold into the next tier meaning that you won't be wasting as many stats with numbers like 97 instead of 100 perhaps the easiest and most important slot for artifice armor though is the class item and since these don't have regular stats like the rest of your armor an artifice class item will basically just be a free boost to your stats that can easily be acquired also all Exotics can be enhanced in order to transform them into artifice armor if you simply go to this slot right here and past some glimmer and an exotic Cipher it will automatically unlock the artifice capability in addition to Zur there are also some other ways to get artifice armor including a compet ative and master dungeons farming the grasp of aest final boss is generally the best and most effective way to get this artifice armor so again if you want to do this join my Discord in order to get the checkpoint something that is really important to note for artifice armor though is that it doesn't really matter if it's artifice if it generally sucks to begin with for example if you have something that is like a 60 stat total and then you get an extra plus three and it has like a bad distribution that armor piece is not good it's complete garbage compared to just a normal like 65 stat roll with a good distribution just because its artifice does not make it automatically good so be sure to apply the same rules and strategies that we were talking about before when it comes to finding a good distribution all right so now in order to actually create your high stat loadouts and put everything that we just learned together here is the best strategy to making sure you're optimizing and avoiding wasted stats wherever possible I suppose you could just examine every single piece of armor you've ever gotten and Tred to do the math but a far easier and simpler solution is to use the website D2 armor picker this will do all of the work for you in order to determine the best possible combinations of every single armor piece that you own on your account in order to do this simply log in with your bungee account scroll down to where your Guardians are and select the one that you want to work on if you want to use a certain exotic you can also select that here and you can even tell it which fragments you plan on using afterward simply return to the top and start selecting the stats you want to make your build as we explained before 100 resilience is normally going to be the priority and then stuff like discipline recovery and sometimes Mobility for hunters the website will find all of the best combinations of armor pieces and mods and throw them all together for you over here on the right once you find a selection that you want simply click on it and then click on this button to equip the items in the game and congratulations Your Guardian now officially has an insane high stat build although it will equip all of the best armor pieces that you need to use you still need to go into the actual game in order to Masterwork these things equip the correct mods and use the correct fragments and you will see which ones it actually wants you to use right here above that button that you just clicked and there you go this is how anyone can easily get the best armor and create insanely high stat builds in Destiny 2 my third channel is brand new so I'd really appreciate it if you subscribed and next up go check out this video covering how solo players can easily Farm all of the Exotic class items in the final shape I hope to see you over there in that video and as always thank you so much for watching
Channel: Shadow Destiny 3
Views: 260,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny, destiny 2 the final shape, the final shape, final shape, shadow destiny, high stat armor, max stats, stats, destiny 2 stats, armor, destiny 2 farm, destiny 2 high stat armor, destiny 2 armor farm, destiny 2 best stats, destiny 2 high stats, best armor in destiny 2, high-stat, high-stat armor, the best stats for hunter destiny 2, the best stats
Id: PRFumUkLmc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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