The 15 Best Weapons For PVP In The Final Shape (God Roll Guide)

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be sure to follow my twitch over at thank you with the final shape releasing a couple weeks ago I figured it was about time to do our video going over the top meta pick weapons in the current sandbox overall The Meta hasn't really changed a whole lot in terms of Weaponry if I'm being honest with you between prior to the DLC and now but with the new DLC we did get some new guns and some changes to old guns so the list has changed up a little bit now this list isn't in any particular order gun one and gun 15 for the most part are around the same strength depending on what it is I don't think there's any particular gun that so stupidly broken that you need to use it but all 15 of these guns especially used on particular maps that will you know benefit their range depending on what it is such as an SMG on close range Scout rifle on further range will be super super strong now keep in mind this list is my opinion so let me know down in the comments if you think I missed anything but without further Ado let's get into it and our first gun on this list is Ignus Hammer you get this from the trials of ayus vendor Saint 14 and unfortunately Bungie did take this one out of the normal loot pool so you cannot get into AEP one of this currently but you can still get a normal one and is still super strong this is a 120 RPM hand cannon with crazy range and just stupidly easy recoil one of the best 120s in the game unfortunately you can't get an adep version right now because bunge took it out of the relop pool for whatever reason but you can still focus it like I said at same 14 and this thing has some crazy perks on it in the first colum you're going to have things such as heal clip rapid hit keep away or fragile Focus personally I feel keep away is the best one but depends on the preference of player and in the second column there's only really one that you're really going to want to go for that makes IGN is so broken and that's Precision instrument Precision instrument makes it pretty much so ignas can two head one body any resilience Guardian which is stupidly broken but if they ever do Nerf that moving Target or eye of the storm is fantastic as well not really much to say about ignas just one of the strongest weapons in the game normally I put it at the end of these videos but I figured I'd just put it right up front just to get it out of the way just because it's it's just so good if you don't have a good ignas just go Focus one get into trials until you get one this thing is super super strong and the second weapon on the list is dead man's tail you currently get this one from the P exotic Mission you have to wait till it's up on rotation so you might need to wait a week or two but it is definitely worth the wait this is a craftable exotic so it does have random rolles on it but this is an exotic that bunge just likes to kind of keep in the meta and then take it out of the meta they just always buff it and then they Nerf it then they buff it again and then it just kind of goes up and down so it's always in and out of the meta so it's always good to have a good one of these on standby for whenever it comes into play this 120 RPM Scout rifle has some crazy range but the big thing that makes it so strong compared to other Scout rifles is the hip fire that it gets with the Catalyst it can have some pretty crazy accuracy with the hip fire and it now Fires at 140 RPM making it kind of like a mini 140 hand Cannon and overall this thing is great the hipfire they made it a lot more consistent than it was prior to the fact not original Dead Man's tail by any means where you could hipfire people at 80 meters and it was fine but I would say anybody who's 20 25 M is pretty consistent hitfire now with how they buffed it and overall this thing is fantastic the perk pool is great on it as well you got things like moving Target and Rapid hit that are fantastic nuu game perks and then it's always good to have a voral DMT in your back pocket voral DMT is one of the best ways to take out supers it just does so much damage from so much ring if I have a DMT with voron I will typically challenge any roaming super and you win a lot of the time not really much to say about DMT that's that bad obviously it's better on mouse and keyboard than it is controller but I've heard that it is pretty good on controller nowadays as well definitely recommend getting one or if you have one in your Vault giving it a shot again because this thing feels so good the next gun on our list is the Exotic Auto rifle kasto this is a newcomer because it came with the new DLC the way you get this one is by completing the final shaped campaign and then you got an exotic quest line that you need to follow I'm just going to link ASAC cross's video down below if you want to know how to get this thing because I'm not going to sit here and explain it because it is a long tedious quest line now what makes this exotic Auto rifle so good is it's a 600 RPM which is already a really good archetype giving it A8 second time kill but the Exotic perk is what really makes this thing so strong every seven bullets it will have a bullet that will Ricochet and this bullet actually does a little bonus damage which actually brings it8 second time to kill down to a 7 the only real downside to this Auto rifle is its range its range is a little lacking at 47 but as long as you play some closer ranges it's not too bad and another big thing that a lot of people are talking about on this thing is the fact that it has shoot to loot on it not a lot of people value shoot to loot that much but in the current meta where Special ammo is just dropping on the ground and it's a little hard to get Sho toot is very very strong it also makes us you can pick up orbs which are fantastic because orbs will actually buff this thing's Ricochet rounds to be even stronger and it just turns this thing into a menace this thing absolutely shreds though it is very tedious to get through the quest line it is definitely worth it this thing was actually number two in Trials kills last weekend on bannerfall which is kind of crazy seeing as that map is a little bit bigger to have an auto rifle go that crazy I'm sure we're going to be seeing this thing in the trials Mana for a good while until buy does something about it definitely recommend especially if you're an auto rifle enjoyer going out there and getting kast off just real quick before we get into the next weapon if you are enjoying the video please remember to like And subscribe as it does help out with the channel a lot thank you so much onto the next weapon next up on our list is Ace of Spades this is a 140 RPM hand Cannon and you get it currently from the Exotic kiosk in between the vaults in the tower and this thing has pretty much everything you'd ever want for a hand Cannon it has 85 range which is crazy for a 140 making it have 35 M of damage drop off so tons and tons of range with momentto Mory active after you get a kill it will give it a 30% damage bonus which makes it essentially so you're running around with infinite kill clip and making it so you can two head one body most Guardians which is super strong on a hand Cannon it has third eye on it so you can always have your radar up Firefly is great for Splash damage especially with momentto Mor it will do bonus damage with the Catalyst this thing is just a monster the only downside is you can't use your special weapon when you're using it but if you're good at playing ranges and just backing up and playing your primary this thing is one of the strongest picks in the entire game Asus Fades is super strong always has been probably always will be so if you're ever going to man a gun honestly Ace of Spades is the gun to M it is just so good and pretty much every situation that you'd ever want to use it but yeah Ace pretty much just dos anything you'd ever want definitely go get one not really much to say here next up on our list is the Elie rifle you currently get this one from the onslaught playlist I'm sure if you were grinding before the DLC you probably have a good one of these but nonetheless if you don't go farm some Onslaught and this thing is a 340 RPM high impact pulse rifle and 34 are some of the strongest weapons we have in this game having the crazy range that they do in the Blazing fast time to kill of 67 seconds if you hit a two burst they're just so strong and the perk pull on this thing is fantastic having in the First Column you will have Zen moment or keep away I think Zen moment's probably better but both are fantastic and in the second column you have some lethality perks with kill clip and Desperado and then a great consistency perk with headseeker can't really go wrong with either one depends on what you're looking for personally I think for trials or 3v3 game modes you use headseeker and then in 6v6 kill clip or Desperado this thing is stupidly strong like I said having some pretty crazy range on it and being super stable it's essentially just a legendary version of the Exotic pulse rifle no time to explain making it just feel super buttery smooth and then with things such as Zen moment as I said whenever you hit some shots it will make it so you don't really Flinch as much just because Zen moment is such a powerful perk there's nothing really bad to say about this pulse rifle obviously can struggle a little bit of people getting close range it is a pulse rifle still but any long range to mid-ranges you are going to be running over anybody body that gets into a gunfight with you with this thing I love the L's rifle just super super good next up on our list is Red Death reform this is an exotic pulse rifle firing at 340 RPM so another high impact frame which is great you get this exotic pulse rifle from the season's pass you get it from the first rank if you bought the season or you get it from rank 40 if you're a free to-play player and this exotic pulse rifle is fantastic it's again it's a high impact pulse rifle so it kills at 67 seconds and it has 85 range which is ridiculous making its range go up to 38 M for high impact pulse rifle that's pretty crazy this exotic whenever you get an elim it will cure you and if you reload after you get that elim it will cure your teammates keeping you and your teammates topped off after a 1 V one but the real thing that makes this weapon so good is its exotic trait whenever you deal damage with this weapon it will increase the handling take reduce Flinch and increase your movement speed which is super super strong and one thing I honestly missed initially that I didn't even know until recording this video is when you have reduced Health this weapon will do increased damage now this isn't anything super crazy but it can definitely help with your forgiveness most of the time with these high impact pulse rifles if somebody's below six resil you can five hand one body but most people nowadays especially in the higher echelons of skill-based matchmaking will typically run over seven unless they're Hunters sad face for hunters high if you run tier seven or higher it makes it so you have to six head them to get that optimal time to kill but this crate actually will lower that threshold from The increased damage to being able to five head one body any resilience depending on how low Health you are so that will come into play a bit but for the most part this exotic trade is just fantastic to lower your flin and increase your strafe speed and all that and this weapon actually will be getting a little bit stronger when we get access to the Exotic Catalyst halfway through the episode making it so we will just get even more healing red death is such a meta pick and I expect it here to stay for a good while just a very strong pick and very easy to get for most players all you have to do is buy the season and you get it or even just grind a little bit so I highly recommend you give this one a try and for our next gun I'm actually going to pair two together cuz they're basically pretty much the same gun but the first one is the someday shotty you get this from the pale heart it's a Precision frame shy and it is craftable so you just keep running around the pale heart collecting angram and then you will open angram with the ghost and you'll eventually get the red bers you need to be able to craft this thing and then the second gun that is pretty much the same is the matabor 64 this is another Precision frame shy this one has been the king of shotguns for a long time but the suay is actually very comparable to it being pretty much the same and actually getting in hand perks so probably a little bit better but they are both in different slots The Matador you will get from grass of avarest I highly recommend whenever the week is up just go farming the ogre boss until you get a good one in terms of perks you're pretty much going to want the same thing you're always going to want threat detector and opening shot on both these shies on Matador you could settle for perpetual motion if you get that but I highly recommend just going until you get a threat detector one and then for someday like I said it's craftable so don't settle for anything else threat detector is so strong just because the amount of stats that you get from somebody who's close to you with a shot it you're always going to have at least one person close to you so you're always going to get that plus 25 to handling and the big thing about threat detector that's so good as well is it also gives you a multiplier to your handling speed making it so you can actually break the cap of 100 handling if for whatever reason you have that but realistically if you have two people close to you you pretty much just get 100 handling for free no reason to not have threat detector it's just such a good perk and then opening shot is just great for consistency not only does it give you range which is super good but it the main thing is it will give you increased aim assist in that decreased the cone size just making it so you can actually map people with opening shot opening shot is so broken for special weapons and if a it pretty much is a make or break perk if a shotgun has it it's really good if shotgun doesn't it's not as good so threat detector opening shot for both these shies just the no-brainer pack next up on this list might be a surprise pick to some of you but it is the austringer you currently get this from farming the prage mission aka the DMT Mission whenever it is up in rotation but the thing that makes this hand Cannon so good is its 1 V one capabilities though it lacks in a little bit of its range it makes up for and its crazy high stability and its perk pool for the perk pool in the left column we have things such as eye of the storm and snapshot snapshot isn't typically the most preferred pi on most people's primaries but I'm telling you because this thing lacks a little bit of its handling it is super super good I personally prefer it but for most players I would recommend eye of the storm and then in the second column the big thing that makes this thing so good is actually Zen moment Zen moment is such a strong pick on hand cannons essentially if you hit one bullet it makes it so you don't really Flinch that much anymore and Flinch is the biggest killer in 1 V one dels with the high stability and Zen moment it just makes it so good and if you're using eye of the storm as well it makes it so when you get lower HP it makes it all that much better for the dueling and then snapshot can make it so you can get the first shot in sometimes just because you can play a lot more aggressive it will make it so you can immediately scope in helping again with a little lower handling that it has but oser is just a 1 V one monster I prefer this hand Cannon over any other legendary hand cannon in the game right now just because of the 1 V one capabilities other hand cannons can get Zen moment but oscer just has insane stability compared to midnight coup and better Devils that both have it on there as well I really recommend if you do have one just sitting around not being used putting Zen moment on it and eye of the storm or snapshot and really giving it a try definitely one of the most fun and enjoyable shooting experiences you can get with a hand Cannon right now and the next picked is a 140 exotic hand Cannon hwk Moon you currently get this one from Zur whenever he's here on the weekend it has some juice stats having some crazy range stability and handling all at once but the thing that makes this thing so good is the paracausal perk that is on it so essentially you hit hag shot and it will build up this stack and then the more Stacks you have the final bullet in the magazine will do more damage if you have six to seven Stacks it will on-shot Guardians to the head if you have seven Stacks it will oneshot them to the head or body but the thing that makes this thing so strong in my honest opinion is the fact that you can build up to a two tap so easily if you have four Stacks or higher you can actually twap somebody and there's no sound cue with the six and seven Stacks you get a Kaka noise so people can kind of hear it coming if they're listening but with the two tap nobody can actually hear that coming they don't know how many stacks you have making it so you can two tap somebody is super super strong with a 140 RPM hand Cannon essentially for free just by hitting head shot and for slower game modes this is very strong just because you can kind of just plink at people a lot of times in higher skill-based matchmaking lobbies when teams are fighting each other they kind of just like will peek out fire one or two bullets and then they'll wait to heal but with this even if they fire you fire one or two bullets and they're not paying attention to your Stacks you can just one tap them and they won't see it coming this hand Cannon also gets random rolls on it so you can kind of pick and choose what you want for the main trade I would either recommend moving Target or eye of the storm both are great for 1 V one dueling capabilities opening shot is okay as well but I think the other two perks are definitely better but yeah overall Hawk moon is one of the best feeling one in 40 hand cannons and just super strong with that parac Cazal perk next weapon on this list is conditional finality this is an exotic shotgun that you get from the root of nightmare's raid you defeat NZ and there's a chance that it will spawn so get that out there and farm it if you still don't have it now I bet you're a little bit surprised to see it on the list because well and bubble were nerfed and conditional was main counter to those supers but it is still a fantastic shotgun in its own right the fact that it has a set pellet spread being the first shot being a triangle and then the circle for the second shot I think that pellet spread honestly is very very good and causes it occasionally to map targets very consistently as well as its exotic perk being able to cause solar ignitions with the second shot and and shatters with the first shot makes so you get occasional double kills like pretty frequently if I'm being honest with you for not really doing anything out of the ordinary you're firing your shotgun into a group of enemies and you all occasionally just nuke them all this thing is just super good even though you don't really need it to counter well and bubble it's still fantastic for killing other supers if you hit that freeze on a super you pretty much just win the fight whether you melee them or follow up with another shot it's just super super good conditional isn't going anywhere it's still very strong and I still expect to see it all the time next up on the list is no time to explain you get this one from the Beyond light campaign and this is another high impact rolls rifle firing at 340 RPM I think this one is the king of high impact pulse rifles it is just so so good The Recoil is really good on mouse and keyboard but I hear it's not too bad on controller as well but the main thing that makes this gun so good is the Exotic perk time slip if you hit head shots you'll build up a stack and once you hit 10 Stacks it will spawn this little buddy next to you and he will shoot at enemies and this thing chunks it is so so good it pretty much makes it so you will hit that point 6 s time to kill almost every single time I am so confident challenging every single 1 V one I get into with time slip active just because it is that strong no time makes the game just so easy and like I said it's definitely more of a mouse and keyboard pick I know for controller players it's good as well now this next pick might be a little controversial but the next weapon on my list is Rat King this is an exotic sidearm that you currently get from the kiosk in the tower and I don't know what bungi did to this thing going into the new DLC I don't know if it's a bug or what it is but this thing has no recoil on it I don't know what they changed about it because I've used Rat King a fair amount and it's normally pretty jumpy but now if you shoot it it doesn't really go anywhere it just kind of sits there I don't know again it might be a bug but right now this thing is crazy now racking doesn't have the most range by any means but but but most sidearms don't this thing clocks in about at 15 M but if somebody gets in rangey you just shred them being able to have an optimal time to kill of 6 seconds which just is crazy the thing that makes Rat King so good is anytime you reload after a kill you will go invisible and then with the Exotic Catalyst that will trigger health regen the Exotic Catalyst also gives it plus 20 to aim assist in Recoil Direction just making it buttery smooth experience there's not really much to say about Rat King other than this thing absolutely shreds I love using Rat King and I am a mouse and keyboard user mouse and keyboard traditionally doesn't have the greatest time with sidearms just because the retical friction on controller just makes sidearms really really good but if you're a controller player I highly recommend you give Rat King a try and lowkey honestly if you try with a few members of your fire team and get the Rat Pack perk going it is actually crazy strong and it always has been if I'm being honest again you need to get a little bit close with Rat King but if you get in somebody's face with this thing you can make some serious plays just with how much you could heal and going invisible and all that fun stuff Rat King very strong pick right now highly recommend going giving it a try and hopefully this isn't a bug and hopefully it was just a buff that bungi did but I guess we'll wait and see to find out the next weapon on our list is Rose you currently get this from completing your placements in the competitive playlist and then you can focus each week with Shacks depending on what rank you are you will be able to focus more or less depending on if you're higher or lower but the thing that makes this hand Canon so special is the fact that it's a lightweight frame it is a 140 with lightweight only one in the game and lightweight is just such a strong frame because of the increase Mobility it gets it literally gives you plus 20 to your Mobility stat which for Hunter players as well that will affect your dogs cool down now granted it will only give you this Bonet when the weap it is in your hands but still being able to get that extra stray speed and the extra Mobility for hunters is fantastic the perk pool it doesn't disappoint as well and the First Column you got moving Target slag shot and Rapid hit which are all fantastic perks I think slag shot is the best one there and then the second column you have Iva storm opening shot and explosive payload all great I think I of the storm or explosive payload depending on what one you prefer is definitely the better pick there nothing super flashy about Rose just a great feeling hand Cannon fires out cinder blocks like most hand cannons do and with the grips it adds a little extra base stats to it as well the Summoner is the second last gun on our list and this thing does not disappoint you can currently get it from the trials of Osiris playlist you can get an Adept version on it so the Adept mods can be beautiful to help out with your stat package and the perks are fantastic as well with heal clip Zen moment and dynamic sway reduction you have a lot of fantastic perks in that First Column I think Zen moment is the best personally I think Zen moment is one of the best perks in the game so if it is available on a gun I normally would take it and then in the second column you have things like Target lock and tap the trigger that are great for consistency and then if you're looking for killing perks you have kill clip Onslaught and golden tricorn I think they are all very very good golden tricorn and kill clip are very similar golden tricorn lasts a little bit longer and does pretty much the same thing that kill clip does Onslaught doesn't last very long but definitely is the most lethal out of the perks so it really depends on what you value I would recommend one of the consistency perks being Target lock or or tap the trigger for trials or 3v3 and then one of the killing perks for 6v6 nothing really to say this thing is very comparable to the kavasa kavasa is more lethal and takes up your exotic slot but you can get a lot more range on the Summoner which means you can actually out dual kops as long as you stay out of their range and also the organ trate that drops the little Testo bolts is very strong as well occasionally can get some chip damage and prevent players from getting reses in Trials of Osiris or any other res based game mode the Summoner is just a strong consistent pick now our last gun on this list is shar's wrath this is a 600 RPM SMG you currently get it from the trials of Osiris playlist it was recently re-released back into loot pool so the Adept version is available to you whenever it is up for the weekend and with the re-release of this gun they actually refresh the perks which makes this gun even better they did a fantastic job on the perk refresh making this one of the best SGS in the game to making it even better which is actually crazy I didn't think they could do that in the First Column it has killing wind keep away and Zen moment which are all fantas ftic purse personally I love killing wind on my SMGs it makes them just feel like you go God mode after you get a kill but keep away and Zen moment are both fantastic perks in their own right so I look forward to trying them on this amazing SMG and then in the second column you have tap the trigger and Target lock which are great for consistency Target lock overall is still great on these SMGs helping a little bit with your consistency making it so you don't need to hit as many head shot by one or even lowering the time to kill on Lower resilience Guardians anybody who is five and below and then for lethality perks you have kill clip which just helps overall just kill chaining overall they made an already amazing SMG even better somehow like I'm actually in awe with the perks that they put on this thing I'm actually very concerned for when the adep version releases I'm also very excited for when the adep version releases this is definitely my favorite SMG in the game so I definitely look forward to trying out the crazy perk combos that they put on this thing and that is it those are my top picks for the current meta in Crucible right now let me know what you think did I miss anything did I hit it bang on or am I just dumb yeah I'm sure let me know down in the comments thank you guys so much for watching and you guys have a good rest of your day
Channel: Daltnix
Views: 112,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny 2 pvp, destiny 2 season of the wish, destiny 2 season 23, destiny 2 pvp meta, destiny 2 top weapons, destiny 2 best weapons, destiny 2 meta weapons, destiny 2 ace of spades, destiny 2 rat king, destiny 2 someday, destiny 2 austringer, destiny 2 shayura wrath
Id: 8n07lZX-1Xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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