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how to get the Exotic class item for your guardian as a refresher this combines two different exotic armor perks into one for example this exotic class item dropped with Spirit of the Assassin from the Assassin's cowl exotic and then Spirit of verity from Verity's brow they aren't the full perk but more so a light version per se like for example this one makes you invisible on powered melee or finish or final blows whereas the actual full perk on the original assassin's cowl gives you health back on top of that it's a pretty cool Concept in general and I think it'll open up a lot of cool builds so let's just show you how to get yours because the perk combos are random and you can Farm These so just a quick outline there are three major things you're going to have to do the first is completing three overthrows within the pale heart with some very specific items that we're going to cover the second is dealing with two Hive bosses at this green beam of light and then number three is doing a secret mission so let's start with number one regarding those overthrow completions you need to complete one in each location so that means one in the impass one in the blooming and one in the landing personally I wouldn't use the matchmade overthrow I don't know if that's going to mess things up I just did the natural ones in each area now just to be extra clear when I say complete an overthrow in each section I mean doing it fully so that means all four levels including the end boss in case you've clicked this video to get your class item but haven't done one of these before it's a bit too much information to explain how the mechanics work on every type of overthrow but they're basically like old public events where you just have a simple mechanic to to follow while killing enemies now the important part here is that for each one of these when you're done the final level of the overthrow it's going to feel like nothing different but you just have to wait a bit in fact you have to wait exactly 30 seconds that's when you're going to see some text on screen saying Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is near at this point it still isn't immediately obvious you need to search the area that you're in to find an additional Hive enemy if you finished an overthrow in the blooming they're going to be in the blooming area just look around for them and then kill them when you find them remember to crush their ghost afterwards and then at that point you're going to get some words on screen that say Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is vanquished do this for all three of them and I highly doubt the order matters but just in case I know that doing impass then blooming and then Landing will work this brings us to section number two of the list which is the whole green beam of light thing when you kill that Third Secret Keeper after doing that third overthrow it's again going to feel kind of weird like maybe something didn't work but this time you just have to look for a green beam of light in our case it was in the refraction area right around here if I had to guess that's probably constant for everybody but I'm just mentioning it in case when you get to that area you'll see two indicators they're like two half moons and at each one there's that big Crystal thing in the sky kind of forgetting the word for it it's the middle of the night right now just bear with me either way there's a timer that's going to start that's called savathun's Envoy so you got to get on your horse here this part is honestly just killing ads but then eventually at one of them you're going to to see an enemy called expector Seine selin again middle of the night for me you want to chunk their health down a full third and then they're going to disappear and leave you a white ball behind go to pick this up as it says take the refraction light as a group of three the other people can go over to the other Crystal and start killing enemies over there but the person who picks this up needs to go straight to that blue crystal area in the refraction which is savathun's frozen statue if you're not too sure where to go just look around and you'll see a marker on screen with that little down arrow telling you you can dunk it there once that's been dunked you can go help your buddies out at the second Crystal because meanwhile a second boss will have spawned called expector yic and the ball that they drop is going to be orange when you go to grab it it'll say take the sublimated darkness and it's the same deal here you just got to go dunk it over at that statue now when you dunk it you're going to notice a mission called dual Destiny at the Crystal this is the Exotic Mission that's going to give you your exotic class item at the end of it and you can't all go into it together only two people can launch this Mission you can't solo it and you can't do it as a trio on top of that one of you has to be on a light subass while the other person has to be on a dark subass or you can both run Prismatic now the first thing to notice when you're launching in is that it says your Loadout is locked but that's not technically the case your subass is locked but not your other stuff so you can change weapons in between encounters no problem the mission is actually pretty beefy okay so don't just jump in live without even thinking about your build make sure you prepare something something that you feel comfortable in what I'm going to do to explain the mission is break it into five separate encounters because there's a couple moments where things get a little wonky I'm also going to explain a very core mechanic that applies throughout the mission that should help guide you through everything when you load in whoever had the light subass is light aligned and then the other person is dark aligned if you were both on Prismatic I think it just randomly assigns but either way I'm going to refer to each person as day man and night man because I absolutely love this show and if you know you know now you'll see two plates in the beginning one dark and one light this is a common theme throughout the whole mission hop on them to remove the first orange barrier you'll notice a 6-minute timer starts and that's not how long this mission is it's much longer but you'll get extra time later for this first part you're just traversing your way through to get to that first encounter just follow the pyramids and anytime you run into an orange barrier just find the light and dark plates to stand on eventually you'll get to a rally flag which is your first encounter and it'll add 10 minutes to the clock now before I even get in here I'm going to explain the core mechanic because each encounter expands on it in a nutshell two enemies will spawn in a room one light and one dark only day man can kill the light enemy and only night man can kill the dark enemy when you do that a mo will drop and walking over it enables you to see symbols one person is going to see some boxes with correct symbols above them while the other person is going to see double the amount of symbols on top of these cruxes or those little node things that you can shoot open the person who sees boxes with symbols above them communicates that to the other person and out of all the options that they see those are the ones that are okay to shoot sometimes it's day man telling night man and sometimes it's nightman telling day man for encounter number one you both jump in killing some ads and a dark knight will spawn up top as nightman killing this Knight and picking up the moat notice how it's filled one of two available squares this means you're going to need a second remote for this encounter either way you're going to start seeing symbols up top but don't worry about them yet just focus on killing your ads finding that second dark enemy and then getting your second Moote now while all of that was happening up top Dam man is in the bottom killing their light enemy which is a centurion to pick up their moat and they will then notice a symbol above a box again no need to communicate anything here just keep killing ads until you get your second moat once you've both collected your two Moes then it is time to talk in this first encounter day man sees boxes with symbols above them they need to tell night man what those two symbols are from left to right the order matters so it's basically the first and the second at the top night man is going to see four symbols available for shooting and all they got to do is just shoot the two correct symbols in the order that dayam man told them when doing this you'll see paracausal text on the bottom left of the screen and then stepping on the plates you'll start to teleport to a second encounter it's a bit of Rin repeat here this exact same mechanic needs to be done again but two main things have changed the first is that night man is going to be the one who sees boxes with symbols and dayam man is going to be the one who shoots the notes the second main difference is the fact that you have three Mo slots now instead of two after picking up three Moes night man is going to see the three symbols above three boxes and then communicate those to Dam man from left to right d man is going to see six nodes available for shooting with symbols above them but they're only going to shoot the three that they were told in the order that they heard them a very important note here is that when I say left to right it means you're standing in front of the boxes and symbols obviously if you were behind them that's going to mix up the order same deal here once you're done this it's going to teleport you again to start the third encounter for this part it's an identical procedure again except the only difference is now you have four Moes to pick up and the communication swaps again day man is going to see four symbols above four boxes and then communicate those left to right over to night man night man's going to see eight options to shoot but only does the four that they hear in the correct order after you finished these three major encounters there's a traversal section that I'm going to skip in this edit but basically it's going to bring you to encounter number four right out the gate you're both going to see a circle of nodes with orange beams going to them I've taken a screenshot of both povs here and notice that they're different even though they both have six beams each only three of them actually match that'll make sense in a bit but the whole mechanic on this encounter is this you kill ads to spawn a Tormentor you kill the Tormentor and then you shoot some matching nodes we'll go into the details over the gameplay of course but one key thing here is that the person who shoots the nodes has to be the person that landed the final blow on the Tormentor so if we Dive Right In you kill some ads at the beginning and here's the first Tormentor a word of advice is to bring something that works for them as well as shooting nodes like a machine gun is great in this case after killing it with a super though notice the buff called harmonic sundering whoever landed that fin blow on the Tormentor gets this okay so that's the person who has to be the one shooting the matching cruxes a quick tip here is that if you have a lot of Buffs going on you might not see it on your screen right away because for some reason it doesn't prioritize it now how do you communicate which ones match and therefore which ones to shoot some people naturally went to like a numbered system some folks on Discord were even sharing their screens but let me give a method that can work on any platform the person who doesn't have the buff in other words the one who didn't kill the Tormentor can shoot these nodes freely if they just start shooting their orange ones then the person with the buff can see them doing that and then all they have to do is shoot the ones that end up matching on their screen if your buddy shoots one that's empty then just don't shoot it but if they shoot one with an orange Beam on your side then go ahead and shoot it you're the person with a trace rifle does not have the buff and they start to communicate which ones are lit up their body with the buff behind them also has those lit up on their screen so they shoot them once you've knocked out the three matching ones you'll see light and darkness surge destabilizing an OB isk in the bottom left of your screen you do this whole mechanic three times and you're done kill a Tormentor shoot the matching nodes and repeat at this point more time is added to your clock as you Traverse towards the fifth and final encounter once you get to the rally and enter the room 10 more minutes are added to your clock for this encounter it combines both the symbols mechanic from before plus a circular nodes mechanic again in short this is how it goes you're going to damage a boss they're going to spawn a light and dark wizard once you each kill your respective Wizards and pick up those Moes you're ready to communicate some symbols and shoot some nodes again just like the earlier encounters repeat this cycle a couple of times and at the ending you'll have that circular node mechanic we just saw in the fourth encounter there's a bunch of little details along the way so let's just jump in and show you in the footage boss number one spawns in our friend expector sellin from the beginning that I couldn't pronounce you chunk oneir of their health down and they're going to spawn a light and dark wizard similar to before day man kills light and night man kills dark both of you will get a moe in order to see some symbols in this first case day man is communicating to night man and the order is top to bottom night man shoots those three nodes that they heard in the correct order and then selin will come back you chunk another third of their health down and this time instead of spawning more Wizards they'll tag in Boss number two expector yamik same deal here you're going to chunk his health down 1/3 to spawn light and dark Wizards you're going to kill your respective Wizards to to pick up your respective Moes and then you're ready to communicate symbols again the key difference in this second case is that now it's night man communicating to D Man the order is still top to bottom and once Dam man shoots the nodes that they've heard yemek will come back chunk their health down another segment and it will spawn another set of wizards this time however when you kill your respective Wizards you're both going to get harmonic sundering on your screen with no time limit it's a permanent buff at this point and it means you've reached the circular no node mechanic I've again grabbed a screenshot of both povs so that I can very clearly show you what it looks like between the two people playing there's 12 nodes just like a clock with four orange beams again not all of these match in theory it's rather simple because you literally just have to shoot one matching node but these beams are only on for 7 or 8 seconds before they turn off and come back with different directions I recommend one person just calling out what clock numbers that they have for their orange beams and then the other person just sits there and listens so that they can shoot a matching one on their end since you're both harmonic here it doesn't matter who does what but the key is doing it three times you have to shoot one matching node three times once you've completed that it's going to spawn up both bosses who now have both onethird of their health left take them both down and then you're ready to head to the final room and get your exotic class item there's a really cool surprise at the end that I don't want to spoil but there are two super important things to note before you hop off the video video the first is that you can farm this with a buddy over and over to keep getting drops the second however is that you can also Farm normal chests in the pale heart solo once you've done this Mission you can just explore the pale heart while getting some more drops I hope this was helpful and if so dropping a light can really help out a lot and I hope you have a great day
Channel: Castle Content
Views: 101,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny, destiny 2, range, max range, pvp, bungie, twitch, learn, how to, improve, warlock, titan, hunter, crucible, enhanced, new, op, streamer, mods, best, top, pinnacle, reward, god roll, perk, explained, walkthrough, gear, stat, melee, strength, exotic, meme, exotic class item, final shape, the final shape
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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