Destiny 2: How to Get EXOTIC CLASS ITEMS! - Secret Exotic Mission Guide (Final Shape)

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what is up guys it's your boy Rick cacus and today we have the guide for how to get the brand new exotic class items for every single character within the final shape expansion just added into Destiny 2 and so let's get started now this new exotic Quest just became available today with the weekly reset and the beginning of the episode 1 echo's kind of new season however it's completely unrelated to eeko so you do not have to do uh the big echo's quest line to begin this that was a huge red herring that myself and a lot of other people are definitely did however you do have to do a bunch of stuff in order to unlock this exotic quest to complete and an absolutely massive tip this is so important guys the Exotic Quest is only playable with two players in your fire team so if you're solo you're out of luck if you have three people you're going to have to kick someone so just know that going into this entire explanation okay so how do you unlock this brand new exotic Quest well you're going to have to go into the different areas within the pale heart and do the overthrow public event activity now we use the matchmaking node but I don't think it matters you can go into the actual public destination and start it from there as well then you're going to need to complete the overthrow activity wherever area you are and as you can see right here we're on the blooming to start and remember for overflow you want to be completing all of those objectives around the area as fast as possible you're going to see some public event markers appear you go and you know kill a bunch of guys to unlock something to kill a boss Etc if your team is capable enough you can split up and be doing two of those at the same time to drastically speed up your process and also just killing enemies is going to make you progress but opening chests will give you 25 points each so like if you are 25 points away don't start a whole new thing uh just open a chest and progress it to overflow level two and then you can go from there so you're going to do that progress through the different tiers and then you're going to get to the final boss you want to kill this final boss and everything's going to be pretty normal at first you know take the guy down go and collect your loot and then you are going to see something pop up in the left corner of your screen it will say a Secret Keeper of the witch is near so you have to search around that area so in this case the blooming and as you can see right here when you go around uh this rock wall then we have the actual uh Secret Keeper of the witch Queen there uh we kill her and then you get the text prompt that a Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is vanquished now what we proceeded to do is go to the other two areas and do the same thing so we started in the blooming we beat the overthrow event there then we went to the impass killed the boss saw the Secret Keeper spawn go kill the Secret Keeper saw the text appear again that they were vanquished then lastly we headed to The Landing did the same thing killed the boss found the secret keeper and killed The Secret Keeper however there's no actual text prompt that says all right all three secret keepers are dead so maybe you could just kill one Secret Keeper and then do the next step but if it doesn't work obviously you do have to kill all three we killed all three for this to work now what happens when you kill the required number of secret Keepers so the last one we killed was on the landing and that's important because once we killed The Secret Keeper as you can see we head through uh this back area and offshoot of the landing and what we're going to do here is go through this Cave System into the refraction this is where you need to go because uh you're going to look around for a bit but as you can see right here there is actually a massive pillar of light that is visible from the sky so you can see it right here so you're going to head over to it and it's located within this bottom cave right here uh once you go inside as you can see right here there's actually like a crystalline statue of savathon and when you get close you get a new buff savathun Envoy so at this point you head back out of this cave system and you'll actually see these objective markers appearing around the refraction area there's going to be these kind of pyramids that activate you kill a bunch of guys and then up near the front again as you can see there's actually like a boss called the expector it's like a subjugator boss right here so you're going to damage it to about half health and it's actually going to drop a ball of refracted light so what you're going to do is you're actually going to take thisall and as you can see you head back into the cave and plant it in the light platform as you can see then you're going to chase the boss down to like the bottom part of the map you do more damage you kill him that's what my teammates did and then he drops another Ball but as you can see it's actually a Darkness ball so my teammate picks that up and plants it right here in the darkness platform at this point you now have access to the Dual Destiny exotic Mission and again it's only launchable with two people so unfortunately like if you did uh all that other stuff with three people someone's going to have to leave and then we start this new exotic Mission now the activity power cap is 1995 and the game does say it's on the tougher end of things and it kind of is and it will also take a while so you're going to when you begin it immediately load into that same area right but you'll notice one of your teammates is Darkness aligned and the other one is is light aligned importantly it will say um gear locked when you start this Mission but that's kind of not true the only thing that's locked is actually your subass you can still switch around uh weapons just fine so that's an important thing to know now what you have to do is the person who literally has Darkness aligned so this was me has to stand on the darkness plate and the person who has light aligned stands on the light plate that's going to open up the next area you can go and whoever has these rol go you will be Darkness aligned or light aligned for the entirety of this Mission so just keep that in mind okay so after that's done you escape the cave you go and you kill a bunch of enemies and you go towards uh the back here as if you're like escaping the refraction back to The Landing then you're going to see another one of these pillars like a light pillar and then later on as you can see you will find the dark pillar so your team stands on these in the correct order uh more ads are going to spawn and it's going to open up the ability to head it within here at this point you're going to place your first rally flag now once you're done with that you're going to uh head over here and now we don't necessarily have a super obvious plate but we clearly have like a Darkness Zone and the light zone was underneath this so both players stand on it together as usual then this encounter Starts Now what you're going to do is have a ton of AD spawn and you just need to slay out and for the next you know quite a few minutes that's where you're going to be doing you have to kill a ton of these Scions and thalls in order to spawn the ads you actually need so there's going to be certain yellow bar taken like mini bosses that are either a light or Darkness aligned so as you can see this guy right here I go to shoot him I get all immunes only the light guy only the light aligned guy can actually damage that guy so as you can see I move on a bit and I find a knight that has that glowing Darkness Hue and now I'm able to damage this guy at that point when you kill those guys they actually drop a moat now what do you do with this moat well the moat is going to unveil as you can see different symbols and I have the ability to shoot these symbols now my teammate he does not have the ability to shoot the symbols he is simply looking for what symbols spawn on these podiums right here so for him when he collects the mode of light one of the podiums will have a giant symbol on it and he's going to call out to me okay you know you have to shoot the eyes symbol and so I go I shoot it and it's correct now at this point more guys are going to spawn more of those um taken bosses are going to spawn light aligned and dark aligned and you have to kill more cuz you have to collect more Moes you can see there's actually two slots for your Moes when you collect more Moes it's going to let the person who's looking at the symbols spawn more to see the next one that the other other person is going to be able to shoot and the other person more and more options for them to shoot will spawn as you collect more Moes so again once I get the correct call outs from my teammate and I shoot the correct Moes we go into a different area and it's the same exact mechanics however as you can see right here the rolls were switched so when I kill those Darkness aligned taken Knights uh then I'm actually able to see those uh symbols on the podiums and I'm telling my team which ones to shoot now the order again does absolutely matter you can't just shoot this like the middle symbol first you have to shoot them in order of when they spawned so when all three of those are shot you're going to go into another area and now you're going to have four different Mo slots so it's the same thing but just more uh in this one we really found that you weren't able to even shoot the first symbol until you collected quite a lot of different modes and unveiled basically all the different options of the symbols to shoot right so yeah you can do it like that where if you see a symbol you might as well shoot it in the correct order but you might just want to power down and collect every single Moe to unveil every single option before you start shooting them all regardless guys once you're done with that you're going to travel inside to this area right here and this is kind of like a traversal SL jumping puzzle section so I'm going to play where we go in the background gameplay um it might be sped up a bit but you're going to have to travel for an extremely long time not only that you will have random pockets of enemies that you encounter while you're doing this traversal section but you're just going to keep going keep going past uh all these stuff there's even traps of course that you can find as well cabal of guys that will push you uh to your death but eventually you will get to this area here where you're going to find those light and darkness plates once more so once we kill these enemies we stand on the correct plates at the same time and then we do it again so as you can see like my teammate has to jump off to the side to access their plate then you're going to have to like scale the wall here kind of to find the next plate of Darkness or light depending on which side you're on and then after that you're going to scale up and then the positions are actually switched so now light plate is on my side so I have to go around here and find the darkness plate up in this corner and once we activate all of these then we can move forward there's one more set to activate and that's going to open the door and guess what more jumping puzzles and traversals uh importantly when you get to this open area here it's very not obvious where to go you actually jump all the way down and then you're going to begin uh the next counter so you're going to start by standing on those plates in the correct order and then you will see all these different like taken shootable objects and you're used to shooting these like from The Campaign or wherever but they are kind of aligned in a clock formation however the top of the clock is taken up by a massive like pyramid Shard so importantly as you can see right here only some of them are connecting to the middle there are three that do not have the line of Darkness connecting to the middle and what I see and what my teammate sees are different so you're going to have to communicate what you see from your perspective and then combine that information to shoot the correct objects now before we get to that though you're going to have to clear out a bunch of ads and then a Tormentor will spawn and a Tormentor is going to spawn every single time you go to do this objective so uh before you rally it's a good idea to put on a sniper rifle a machine gun something that's good against tormentors all right now once you do kill your Tormentor someone is actually going to whoever got the final blow on the Tormentor is going to get a buff and that buff is called harmonic sundering so what happens now well let me show you the example of a successful Activation so I look at what objects are not connected to the middle for me it's object 1 3 and four as you can see right here then for my teammate they saw 2 8 and N were not connected so we type that in the chat and we figure out well five 6 and seven neither of us name those those are the ones that we share that are both connected so we clear out ads until the Tormentor spawns then I make sure to get the final BL blow on the Tormentor for this example once I get that I shoot you know what we just said so I shoot five six seven and then boom we have actually completed this oblisk right here so you're going to have to do that three times total it's just a matter of typing in the chat or communicating which ones you see that aren't connected your teammate does the same and then whatever three you don't end up naming cuz there's nine different objects to shoot total those are the ones that you shoot with the buff that you collect from the tormentors all right now once you are done in this room we're going to move on from there the back door has now opened up so you're going to continue through there uh you jump across these branches and you can kill or avoid the enemies near by but eventually you will find this open area here so once you arrive you're going to have some enemies spawn you need to take these guys down and then a ton of enemies will spawn as you can see so kill all of these guys that's going to eventually trigger uh some bigger yellow bars to spawn when you take those guys down then you're going to have those dark and light plates arrive once you connect these two plates once you stand them on them at the same time a man Cannon will shoot you all the way to another object same thing kill a bunch of enemies this time on kind of your solo area stand on the plates and then that's going to spawn more man cannons to continue to shoot you forward eventually you kill uh this boss or I should say two boss es to tormentors right here even though they just say Tormentor they were not suspendable just as of note and once you do you're going to stand on two plates and another man Cannon will shoot you all the way inside here and then we get to the final big bad boss area so you're going to Rally again right here now you're going to have two subjugator bosses just letting you know uh for picking out your equipped weapons before you rally so stuff like you know rocket launchers Galah hornn Plus apex predator is what we used that was pretty darn good so you're going to stand on the correct plates to initiate this and then one of the bosses is going to spawn you just DPS the crap out of him and then he will actually go immune so you need to look around the map and there's going to be the uh Darkness or light imbued Wizards so as you can see right here I found one with the darkness like orange glow coming off of it I can actually damage this guy if I was to come across the light one me and my teammate would need to switch so I kill my correct Wizard and then the symbols are going to appear so just like earlier one of us will actually see uh three different symbols and this is what it looks like they're all spawning from top down to bottom uh next to this giant Darkness Shard and then I shoot those three correct symbols that my teammate calls out and then that's going to lower the immune Shield we finish off the second chunk of the boss's health and then the boss disappears and guess what you have another boss to deal with so the same thing is going to happen you DPS this guy and then after you get that first uh break of his health and Immunity Shield will pop up we need to look around for the correct Wizards we kill those Wizards and then this time I'm the one reading off the symbols again we're going from top to bottom and then my teammate is going to shoot those correct symbols that is going to allow us to damage this boss once more then once that boss gets to the last third of Health you notice both of the bosses are gone they're actually like imprisoned behind this wall of darkness and then one more time you need to go and find your correctly assigned Wizard and take them down this is going to give you harmonic sunding which will allow you to shoot these Darkness objects now at this point you are going to see what is essentially a clock so you can see there's 12 different objects that are shootable similar to what you did a few encounters ago however it's flashing different codes like you have always four different connections that are made and then it'll go away after just a few seconds it will go away and then it'll just keep flashing different codes now admittedly we spent way too much time on this we were writing down these codes in which order trying to decipher some sort of crazy situation but it's actually a lot simpler than it might appear essentially yet again you you and your teammate are seeing different things so someone's Darkness aligned someone's light aligned and each of you can see flashing codes on one of the two clocks in this Arena and you're going to see a different four of these objects like connected so if I see for example using this game play 1 7 8 and 11 my teammate might have you know 12 three 4 and seven we're always going to have one that matches so that's the important factor when you have these different codes flashed basically what you want to do is read them off and there's always going to be one matching and then you both shoot the matching one that will weaken the shield and progress this so we found it easiest if just one person says what they see and then the other person's just looking at what they have they don't really need to communicate that much they just look at what they have and they wait until they say one that's matching and they call out oh five is the matching one or six is the matching one whatever is matching and then both people shoot that object and again that will weaken the shield once you do that three times total so three correct codes then the shields are going to go down and you can damage the boss however as of note um if you think that you can write everything down you technically can like you can uh write down the codes beforehand it's going to repeat the same few codes over and over again and just like figure out exactly which order you need to shoot the matching ones however if you mess up it will actually change the codes so if you shoot the wrong one you're going to start to get completely different uh numbers when these things flash so again it was just easier to do it like as they appear okay I have this this this and this okay this is matching quickly shoot it right in any event guys when you do uh get that shield down and the bosses spawn you're going to have to go nuke both of those bosses with 30% Health left then once both of the bosses are dead something very weird happens so you're uh led into this back room here you line up one more time you see your exotic class item right here and then it says there's no light here you both die and you respawn and you have a choice you can either choose peace or prepare for battle now we chose peace we died again and then we were just respawned and as you can see we got our class items like both of us did I think if you choose battle you'll actually fight each other like Allah PVP and then you can claim your Exotics I'm not sure what happens if you pick different ones I'm not sure if one option will make one of you not get your class item that would suck a ton but we both picked peace and we both didn't have to fight we just got our class items so there you go guys that is going to be how you get your brand new exotic class items within the game now importantly these have random rolls and I got literally like the two worst possible rolls on the Titan Mark so I'm going to have to do this again I believe that this mission is repeatable so you can go back in and get additional drops of your Exotics and as you can see right here I now just have access to that exotic Quest within the pale heart directory I don't have to do the whole rig roll to unlock it once more and so guys that's going to be it for the video I hope you enjoyed and found this informative if you did please remember to help me out by simply rating and especially sharing this video if you guys want to see more Destiny 2 content similar to this don't be afraid to slap that subscribe button if you want to get in touch with me and keep up to date with the latest Channel activity the best way is to follow me on Twitter at Rick cacus that is linked in the description down below again I hope you enjoyed the video and as always have a good day
Channel: KackisHD
Views: 460,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, final shape, destiny 2 2024, destiny 2 final shape, final shape gameplay, destiny 2 prismatic, destiny 2 trailer, final shape destiny 2, prismatic, final shape exotics, final shape worth it, final shape ending, dual destiny, duel destiny, destiny 2 exotic class items, exotic class items, destiny 2 dual destiny, destiny 2 new exotic, destiny 2 new exotic class items, exotic class items how to get, exotic class items destiny 2, exotic mission, destiny 2 secret
Id: eZuEWLQ-iss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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