How To Get EXOTIC Class Items In Destiny 2 (And Farm Them Fast)

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so you want to know exactly how to get the Exotic class items in Destiny 2 the way you unlock them is by repeatedly or well just doing it once but if you want to farm it by doing the Dual Destiny Mission which requires that you have a fire team of two players so if you're looking for someone to run this with who has also seen this guide you can click on my Discord server Linked In the description below there's an lfg channel in there where you can definitely find someone that's going to know exactly what to do because they also made their way to the LG Channel cuz there so if you need someone to run this with you do require to can't loan wolf this unfortunately but how do you get this mission in the first place because you won't just be able to log in and see this there are some prerequisites the prerequisites are that you need to complete an overthrow a level four overthrow in each area so in The Landing in the blooming and in the impass after completing the level for overthrow a special uh hive Lucent Hive wizard will spawn in each area that you must find and kill and real quick I have a I have a VOD right now that I'm I'm going to show you the locations of them so this one is in the blooming it will say the blank is calm that is how you know that you know you have that much time to go find the enemy so in the blooming um it's kind of towards where you spawn in so you're going to see me head over on my skimmer um this is muted by the way CU I'm talking in this fod footage but yeah and there's this cave you're going to go in skate on around keep on pushing through and then you'll find uh this like big taken Dome the Wizards are pretty easy to kill so like for this one for example all you had to do was kill all the enemies that were kind of surrounding the wizard and then the Dome Shield went away kill the wizard they're not particularly difficult to kill um just snipe in the face couple times cross the ghost and then once you cross the ghost you're done it's going to seem like nothing really happens um but that's one of three uh the next one I believe I want to say I did the impass so let me find the time stamp for that um you'll see as well you'll see it uh say in the chat like when they spawn you'll see a Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is near so for this one in the impass this is kind of where the L sector is over here on the left um instead you're going through this little divide right here where my mouse cursor is you're you're going to see me confused for a brief moment just spawn Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is near you'll see it spawn in just a second I was being a little bit of a goofball here it would seem but right over here this one you can actually go into uh if I recall correctly this when you kill some enemies uh the Knight drops like a bomb that you can throw on the wizard to take her Shield off uh fire Yep looks about right kill the Knight pick up the BB bomb throw it at the wizard kill the wizard again they're not particularly hard to kill and crush the ghost that's two out of three again seem like nothing's really happening but don't worry you're on your way then uh you're going to do the wave four in the landing and after you kill the boss in the landing you're going to go to kind of like the back right cave where the ogre is you can kind of tell where this is um where mocha is on my screen right now and over here you'll run into another wizard this one's pretty easy uh you simply there's some crystals some purple crystals like from crown of Sorrow that you shoot and shoot that one and then the wizard Shield goes down once again kill the wizard and you're good to go Crush that that's three out of three now again it's going to seem like nothing's going to happen but once you kill that third wizard you're pretty much ready to go once you go back to the blooming you're going to see this big green Spire in the sky that means that You' have successfully done everything correctly you've killed all three of the Wizards post overflow and you're good to go you're simply going to go to where that green Spire is um I was having a bit of a tough time figuring out the actual path but there's this uh it's this cave you'll see that I kind of come around at first it seems like you're going the wrong way but it's go where you think you're supposed to to go it's this little cave in between these rocks um I thought I was leaving the blooming so I got kind of confused myself but it is in fact this cave and you'll run through and eventually once you get to like the center of this like crystallin Arena sort of you'll get a buff on your left side of the screen that says savathun's Envoy and you'll have it for seven minutes and you have this duration to run out to these two icons and defeat a bunch of enemies at these icons so when you get to the first icon you'll basically kill a bunch of enemies until you spawn explicator sellin he's a stasis subjugator once you get him to 2/3 HP he will despawn and he will leave like a little drop behind for you you'll see in just a moment so right there refracted light once he once you give them to 2/3 pick up the refracted light you'll have a little icon that tells you to go back to the original area and you'll have a little plate that you can dunk it inside of it's just literally follow the icon I know I'm skipping around not trying to confuse it's it's that simple you just you know run to the icon um trying to not waste too much of your time then you'll simply go to the other icon kill a bunch of other enemies um that will spawn a strand subjugator damage him 2/3 pick up the darkness one take it back once you take the darkness one back and dunk it you will now see that you have access to dual Destiny it's that little flag down there if I turn around boom this is the mission that you may farm for the Exotic class item now this mission is not particularly simple it's not particularly straightforward there are a little bit of mechanics to it I've got a buddy in here with me we're going to do it together and I'm going to show you guys how to do it relatively quickly okay Dusty you ready to go let's do it perfect um so the gist of this mission is for the most part you guys you and your teammate you're going to be doing the same things you're just going to kind of take turns doing them one of you is also going to be uh have a light buff and the other's going to have a dark buff it was a I guess we'll see it in a second but what was it again light aligned I think yeah light aligned and dark aligned okay so light aligned and dark aligned we'll see who's who I'm light aligned um I turn dialogue off real quick just to easier for the guide um but the uh I think the fire team leader is always light aligned um I only have a sample size of two attempts of this or three attempts in this Mission granted but yeah obviously light align player stands on the light plate dark align player stands on the dark plate that is pretty much the only like specifics for the aligned players to be honest um but yeah yeah we'll kind of discuss the mechanics as we get into the mission um I do kind of want to test out some potential speed running strats as well since uh this is going to be a very heavily farmed Mission So the faster we can show people how to do it the better right yep weapon wise uh I think eag I want to see if you can skip these um enemies so if we just come straight over here to the right where we know the plates are I don't know if we can skip them wouldn't really be a huge deal to go back and kill them I suppose but' be awesome if we could skip them I also know uh I don't know if you found this but there's like there was like a little Crystal down here that we could shoot to extend our timer is there yeah I just did it it by 2 minutes a little Crystal like right there um we did not find that is your plate active over there got to it yet there's an ogre one sec yeah it's ready okay cool so the uh Darkness player once you guys get to like this back of the Arena the darkness player plate is going to be over here on the left um and then the light player plate is going to be over here you can kind of see so simply I'm light aligned I have to step on the light player Dy is dark aligned step on the dark plate actuallya yeah okay so you can in fact skip Those ads so really good to know for like speed R purposes these guys too try to I've never been body blocked more in my life anyway oh I almost fell off flag okay so since Dusty is the dark Aline player he's primarily going to hang out here on the top side on the light Aline I'm going to hang out here on the bottom side so we're going to start these two places actually start the encounter and this is where kind of the first mechanic uh comes in the light Aline player is going to stay down here because as they kill enemies they're going to get a oh my God that is so cool I just notic by the way the Liar's handshake uh class item has like a prismatic light Spike on my legendary glove um anyway eventually down here I'm going to get sorry surv centurions that only eye as these light align can kill upstairs Dy is going to get surv Knights that only he as the darkness player can kill us killing the their are Knights correct yeah they are Knights okay us killing these enemies will give us Moes of light or Moes of Darkness respectively and as you can see we have two slots for them so we want to keep killing enemies until we eventually uh kill two and have our Mo spilled up so I have two right now Dusty do you have two I do have to cool so now I'm going to read to Dusty the two symbols I have right here he has some splinters up top that he will be able to shoot and I I believe he has to do them in order um I'm not we haven't necessarily confirmed this but might as well um but my symbols are love and then Fleet so dusty upstairs is going to shoot the symbols love the splinters below love and then the symbol below Fleet and you'll see what I mean when I say shooting the splinters in just a moment because for this perfect room I am going to have to do what Dusty just did I'm going to get light and I am going to be the one shooting the spinter where Dusty is going to be telling me the SYM so you'll see moment so again one mod of light for me plusy to Ser V KN over on his side myow back up quicker there's note number two are you at two right now as well D I just picked up my second one I just got the third okay so these are those splinters I was talking about this is what Dusty just saw in the previous one so he shot the Splinter below the symbols that I was calling out and now this time Dusty is going to three see the three symbols right here on these and he's going to read them to me left or right prism eyes brain so we got prism eyes and then you see in the bottom left paros gathers around you clings to you tears through you that's how it right I think it'll say paracausal energy dissipates if you do it incorrectly so now we're just going to continue one head to the top and now we do it one final time first one uh we two in total that time we have to do three this time we have to do four so the light players going to stand on this side spawn stand the other side as they spawn over there and we're just going to work our way to Fours you can have them shoot the simp as well as you're going so like for example right now see I've got love as my first symbol and if love is one of the clinter he sees he'll be able to shoot it it's not to deal you can do him as you go or you can wait until you have all four available but you do not want to shoot them out of far as I you said love was good right yeah love was the first one love or Rose or you call it and then the second one was killed right or Spike through red bom got it uh the third one is going to be worship praise unfortunately it is not up yet you let me know when you hit that one you number for you said res right uh no I said worship oh yeah I don't see it yet or PR it's like the orange guy with his arms held out in the shadow behind him yeah I don't have it yet okay you only have three modes yeah well picking I'm picking up forth right now here we go pH and then uh which point symol good job yeah it's not always uh one to one so sometimes like the symbol that the light player or whatever player reading symbol sometimes the symbol they see for their third mode uh it won't automatically appear when the darkest player get their third mode um yeah all right so here we get a timer reset I recall correctly this was time I jump a little bit then you'll simply follow me follow where I go Eed sword was made to farm this I do not like these bats H over here hop over here here and then we're coming hard right sneaking on through here Gap hard left poop it on this platform up there up here and then you're going to turn up to your right we're going to run up here and here you got some uh Pistons that you'll just carefully wait out and no rush at all over on this platform couple fail lenes hop little hop I have no idea what those are left oh boy hello oops wrong way uh oops I don't know where I'm going as well as I thought all right now for this part once again pretty obvious you and your partner are just going to have to step on the plates that's going to manipulate the arena so that you can get to Future plates and we're just going to keep on stepping on our plates over and over again as we keep getting to them so you'll see like a lot of architectur will change so that you can get to your next one and then at this point your plate locations will actually switch sides so I'm actually going to Bally come over to Dusty side get to my new plate go over to where that just up top and um oh yeah if I recall correctly kind of hop down yeah all right this area lot of foran he definitely want some Precision damage um here comes like the other primary mechanic in the mission so you're going see like this clock um that comes it's like sort of this clock thing that comes over and you're going to know some of the beams are attached and some are not Dusty we'll call them uh from left to right we'll call them one two three four five six yep so effectively what's going on here is the ones that I see connected to the pyramid are not necessarily the same ones dust so for example um if I said Dusty my the ones I have turned off are two three and five which are turned off for you uh one is off six is off or no seven is off and eight is off okay so 178 Yeah 178 off for you yeah okay got you so the G is I can like not be one shot for just a second um you can let me final blow this guy I'll get the B yeah so 178 are off for you the gist is that I need to shoot the three nodes that are on for both myself and Dusty so if Dusty said one and eight we off for him I know that our matching ones are going to be four uh six and N if that makes sense because those are the ones that are on for H so if I kill that guy I get the harmonic sundine buff for 27 seconds so once again DUS you said um your off ones were one uh 78 178 so I know it's not this one not this one and not this one shoots four six and nine and I'll get light and darkness serves disabling an nois have to do that a total of three times kill enemies until we get a tournament Dusty will once again tell me the easiest way you can do it effectively is um designate one player to get the final blow in the formentor that is the player that will get the B and shoot um and that player never really needs to call out so like for example since s's not getting the he can call out again and just let me know which ones are off for him four eight and nine okay so if I know four eight and nine are off for him all I all I need to do is shoot the remaining what what whatever ones are on for me that are not for so if I look at that right now I can automatically tell it's going to be two three um and six com Dy that was scary what did I say get what were yours four eight and nine yeah all right so I shoot two three and six I don't know if I'm explaining that in a good way or not need to be of enemies r with theur was Bill hun and LG yeah I just like having the sword on for skating I'll probably switch back to a machine gun for the boss section still not so nice for these uh torment all right uh what are your off ones here Seven 8 and five five middle yeah okay so I automatically know that it is two six and n and that is it for that one I believe you have to do them within a small time period of each other as well by the way did you notice that I don't recall we always did it relatively fast right yeah maybe you do maybe you don't I don't know I'm curious if people will like start finding skips to this Mission if there's a mission to try and find like skips to this is the one spam F I think you have you have what a one in 64 chance of getting the exact roll you want or something like that it is so painful to hear out loud you want to do the same Mission Six well actually no more than six times Mor of the mor of the story is do not delete your vaults are about become very full with exotic class items um once you kill these all those enemies you'll step on those plates and then you'll have some uh portal or um put some enemies on an island by yourself and then once all the enemies are down both platforms you'll respawn plates back up there and here you fight together kill a bunch of enemies eventually you'll get two tormentors unlike the previous ones oh my god oh you gold him I thought that was my pun for a second I thought my Mele No my still hunt it's gone no don't touch me no don't swing into him uh and then once you kill everything there two more plates and this will once get spawn some rings and uh if I'm not mistaken this is final boss yeah yeah it should be okay I'm going to keep Eon just in case to get there I got one swing out of it yeah this is final okay switch the machine gun all righty um do we oh y there's our two plates and so now in this Mission you're going to fight the two subjugators that you originally got to 2/3 HP um in the Sabu Sab things that unlock the sell guy once get to 2/3 HP you will put him into an immunity Shield D we'll have to do a mechanic to get them out got clean up some of the enemies um you're going to start having I think is it Wizards that spawn here yeah it spawns on the what your so yeah now you're going to kill kill every single enemy before this onea oh no there they are there they are so we're have some wizard spawn one that will be damageable by the Light player the other which will be damageable by the dark player light Lin going to be on right dark L going to be on left and the light align player is going to be able to see three symbols above sell them um top to bottom I don't know if you have to shoot them top to bottom but that's what I've done and it's always worth so you know why not um my first one Dusty is Pyramid my second one is Earth shot and my third one is love now once you get all three you'll be able to damage sell in again and the what Dusty was shooting by the way way it was the same splinter from before from near the the mission and you'll actually be able to see exactly what it is as well cuz I'm a about do everyone do I can't get my off you know what I'm going something require me to have good aim I don't go so now selin is going to leave as and now we see yum who's the other dude him HP and now it is my turn to do the same thing once we kill or is it Wizards again it should be and now they're on the opposite side Left Right suspended all right and so now as you can see I have a bunch of symbols up now so D is just going to read three he has in Middle from top to bottom elet uh hole in chest and eyes come on and then uh once we get those three symbols we'll once again be able to Dam gimmick my God this embarrassing never let me use this sniper ever again I didn't hit the not important shots second I cast the gold it all goes down all righty now once you get uh yic to uh whatever it was to 13 HP you are now going to do the clock mechanic this time it's going to function a little differently though so on the clock um I'm going to have four that are on and Dusty is going to have four that are on however only one will match so I like to just call this out as a clock the very top one is 12 the bottom one is six far right one is three the far left one is n which is called like a clock um they will switch quite frequently as well so you have to be pretty quick so after this next switch D you can tell me what your four numbers are that you have matching or that you have lit up yep uh two two or sorry no no no no no four four four that was one so we just hit the incorrect note that's I forg 4 6 7 and then 10 n too late that's okay 12 1 3 5 three so now we're both going to shoot threee when I call that out wait till the next one sure we have to do a total that's four 6 7 10 your strength is greatly diminished so we have let to go and 11 2 9 8 9 lovely so once we get all those both of the bosses will come out at the same mean time got to I just got suspended and flung across the map did you already kill the St one no he's still low he's low though oh I just got cooked as well thankfully this is not a Darkness Zone it's strictly based on time and uh if you're going at the same rate that we're going at you will have another 22 minutes of 5 seconds so not particularly do you know if the I think the time is like you just get extensions throughout the entire Mission correct it doesn't like reset to a flat amount yeah oh we're doing a little doing a little cheating maybe a little bit yeah these guys are super tanky spots kind of nice intentionally die more often if uh oh is he hiding behind the the Str he knows oh no it's okay honestly it's just roll Polaris Lance or something like that come on oh nice good job um and then once you kill both you'll make your way to this back room you might think you're done at this point you're very much not done so you come over here you stand on both plates and you will get trapped you will get all your super energy will go away and you'll just straight up die and then you'll respawn and you'll have an option that says prepare for battle with the kill symbol and an option that says choose peace with the love symbol and if you look across the way you will see that your partner that you've been doing this entire Mission with is now glowing red as they might if they were apvp enemy now you have two options I actually don't know what happens if you do choose peace and I'm not going to find out today we're now hold on now Dusty okay so guy if I kill Dusty everyone watching the guide has to subscribe to the channel and like the video and if Dusty kills me then he owes me $80,000 I think my internet's going up what's happening thank you that a lot of damage so okay good news Dusty you do not owe me $80,000 let's go not bad um and then I since I killed him I get to crush his ghost this will actually delete his Destiny account um or not his entire account just his specific Destiny character right CU each character has a different ghost um so whoever you're doing this with make sure it's someone that you don't really care about that much like you don't really care if they're sad from losing their character um because you know you don't want like your teammate you don't want their character oh okay never mind um okay I guess that doesn't work like that okay I don't I don't really know what the point of that whole PVP du is though seems kind of kind of pointless I I personally I think it should delete your character but you know that's fine yeah I think that would be better um okay yeah uh and then just like that uh exotic class item so thank you very much JY for helping out um like I said uh I ended up beating him in the duel fair and square you know it is what it is so I if you're watching this guy and you subscribe to the channel like the video um I hope that you enjoyed it I hope you found it helpful thank you so much for watching and as always have a great day
Channel: Mactics
Views: 237,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, Mactics, Mactics Destiny 2, Destiny 2 PvE, max power destiny 2, destiny 2 power guide, max power fast destiny 2, destiny 2 guides, PvE, raid guide, destiny raid, omnioculus, destiny hunter guide, hunter guide, destiny build, nightfall guide, lightfall raid, lightfall builds, lightfall mods, lightfall hunter build, lightfall titan build, lightfall warlock build, strand, hunter strand, titan strand, warlock strand, destiny 2 lightfall, lightfall exotics
Id: C-c2sfX3GFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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