Duel Destiny You Need To Get These Super Hot Exotic Class Items!

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hello my marvelous sausages and a huge surprise yesterday the Exotic class item Mission dropped for everyone on the pale heart I've been playing it all day and I just want to give a big shout out thank you to death nail and scribble wizard for basically helping me through this it was marvelous fun so let's get straight into the guide now first of all you need to unlock the mission and it's kind of a secret really because it's not shown anywhere on the map but to open it it's all linked to the overthrow missions you know the overthrows the things that are constantly ongoing in the various p p heart pale heart Landing zones so you got the three Landing zones you've got the landing you've got the blooming and you've got the impass now what you need to do is complete a level four overthrow in each of those areas and once you complete the level four overthrow just in case you're not too sure the level four means completing the four levels so you've got the uh raid skill at the end you can see that little skill once you complete that kill the big boss then you get a Secret Keeper of the witch Queen is near or wor to that effect that appears in the left hand corner of the screen now what that means that you got to go and rush to a certain area on the map and then you can find this Wizard and kill them and that's what you have to do with each single one so you got to do one on the impass you got to do one on the blooming and one on the landing now you do only have to do this part of the mission once never again which is good what I thought I'd do is I'll show you the location of each of the Wizards just in case you get lost because there's no markers on the map to show you where they are they are signified by a kind of massive sort of uh taken crackling Dome so you can recognize where they are by that but let me show you first of all we'll have a look at the one in the impass now you might be in a different area of the map that I was depending on where you finish off your battle but I was on the kind of knad Old Bridge with all the cars on it but anyway we're running towards the area look you can see there's like a spiky Rock Mountain kind of in the middle of the map and right inside that spiky Rock Mountain type thing there's a little pass and in that pass that's where the taken Dome is where you can kill the wizard now to kill the wizard you have to shoot GS surval uh I think they surval something or others is the name of them but they drop um a resonant ball that you can just pick up Chuck at the wizard to destroy the Shields and then once you do that you can take them down these are really quick to do but just remember there is a time limit on it you've got to do it before the 5 minutes passes can you can see there's a countdown going on the screen here before another wave of uh overthrow kicks in again but what happened here was we just killed the GS grabed the uh resonant thingy Miggy they one just get thrown up the wizard there you can kind of see it in the melee there we go bang and it's gone and there we are we can kill him excellent and that's the location of the one in the impass don't forget to squeeze the ghost next I'm going to show you the location here in the blooming we were just in the impass over here now we're in the blooming and now I'm just going to show you this exactly where it is from The Landing zone so you have a rough idea of how to get there or an exact idea so so it's actually tucked around behind um The Landing Zone really so you just want to keep on coming this way let's take uh weaz on we're going to go around here and around here and then which heading up this little glowy green cave I always do that and then go through the glowy green cave and then once it comes all grassy and starts sloping downhill this is where the uh Secret Keeper will appear as you can see on the screen there here it is on the map look just in case you're sort of stuffed up in amongst the latine rocks same thing applies just kill the GS to drop the shield I think you got to shoot the the ravenous taken Knights for the shield to drop on this particular one cuz I didn't see any balls drop but let me know in the comments if you did they could well have been but once we killed the Revenant Knights there the shields just seem to drop and then you can shoot the wizard in the face and that's that one done in the blooming then finally we've got the landing I'll show you the location of that it's kind of at the far end of The Landing map it's pretty easy to find though you got to go into this big CRA crave cave area here look I'm wondering where we're going but there's two ways in there's one on the left here and there's one on the right uh now for this one there's three crystals that you need to shoot so we got one there and then we've got one I believe is justest to the uh I I can just see it there look but I can't see it cuz I'm too busy shooting but there's one Crystal over that way and there's also one up the top here which I do get slightly befuddled about just for a moment I don't usually get confused do I do I no yes anyway look up and you can see it just there smash the crystal kill the git and then that is all of that section done you'll be pleased to know if you do the next bit right you won't have to do this again so once the gits killed walk outside into the sunshine and you'll see a big pillar of light beaming up into the sky now that's where we need to go to do the second part of this in order to activate the uh dual what was it dual Destiny I think it's called yes the Dual destiny Mission now that pillar of light is actually here it's in a place called the refraction it's sort of halfway between uh the landing and the blooming so let me show you how to get there just in case but it's pretty easy just follow the light although looking back at this footage is quite difficult to see it isn't it so just follow the route I'm going so we're going to leave the landing via this large Crystal Cave here DK is uh showing me the way which is marvelous very very useful when somebody's already done up to a certain point cheers DK bloody marvelous right so we're going to go through this little crack here we've I mean you've done a lot of this during the story Mission I remember fighting a big subjugator here as well but it's such a big location we're in the refraction now but it's such a big location is quite handy to know exactly where to go uh there we go there's a moth infested cyst those are missions I'll be doing a video on those for the kostov as well stop shooting things and get on with it yes there we go going to keep on going this way it's quite a trek but you'll get there uh now then we're going to go through the little Arch and then we're going to jump down here as well now the place where we're getting to once we reach it we want to go and kill two subjugator bosses within a time limit and you've got to bring a light and a dark moat back and dunk them okay so here we are uh in the refra refraction where we're going down to the left where where that ogre was we don't want to run through that I remember spending quite a bit of time here getting confused and here in one of my Legend runs there we go there's the big gate here so through the big gate and pop open we're not too far away now uh but oh I it just looks so good here I love absolutely love the way the pale heart looks it's brilliant and the way each area is themed right yes we want to bend off to the right there's the rock there that reminds me of the Rock from is it Nevada at the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade which Fades into the Paramount logo sorry talking a little bit uh off topic there don't mind the GS just keep on going yes this was a place where we fought the uh large augre if I remember correctly there's the faces carved into the uh into the giant trees we're bearing left and then we're going to come in here and this is all going to open up and there's a Crystal Cave just down below look there we go you can see the big pillar of light there just beyond not very far now and this is the area where the next section takes place watch out for the shers they're very very annoying so uh what we have to do is jump down into this cave be careful not to drop down here I did that a few times during this but uh I managed to do it in this cut you want to jump across the Gap and as soon as you get into this Crystal room there's like a crystal savathon in the middle there don't worry about that interact thing that is for something else entirely but once you speak to savathun or hear savathun here you can see you got a countdown savathun's EnV look it started on 6 minutes 50 or 7 Minutes thereabouts and you can see there's new icons appeared on the map and one is 162 M away look dead in front of me there and there's also another one there as well now these represent two bosses that you need to kill grab a light or a dark moat and slam it into one of these two plates up here you'll understand which one it is because it'll say which moat that you've got so you got to come back to that place and slam the Moes in there so the clocks are ticking and you've really got to get on with it you can see my clock had dropped down drastically by 2 minutes because I fell down and got stuck somewhere and I didn't want to have to do loads of things again so we're going to head though that way look you can actually jump over the chasm there if you want to I do that a little bit later on but you just want to go straight forward jump over all the various crevasses and gits and as you bear around the corner here you can see we're homing in on the first one all these gits summon in and you just got to kill them off until the boss appears and then kill the boss well when I say kill the boss I mean knock it down to a certain amount of Health I think it's kind of just under halfway once you do that it will then drop the light moat there we go there it is oh it's only a three4 it's only a third of the health pick it up now then that's refracted light so that means you got to dunk this one on the light pad so you're going to have to make your way back to the cave but what's handy is look you can see you've got the little dunky thing there which is going to show you where to put it it's not too much of a run you just want to jump in uh cross the don't fall down whatever you do down this little bit it's a total nightmare and can totally ruin your day so hover over there we go and you can see it's telling us to dunk it onto the light pad there and now we need to do the same thing but this time with the darkness mode on the other pad so we're going to turn around and make our way back to the same area that we uh came from so we're going to go back up the hill this is where we fought the first git but then we're going to carry on going downwards you can see it is kind of marked out there we do know where it is scribbles kind of standing where we need to go uh keep on going right the way down to the bottom and when you get down to the bottom you have another subjugator spawn in I think he's already spawned in actually has he yes he probably has cuz giving him a bit of a kicking because I had so much time taken off me when I fell down the big hole you'll probably do this a lot easier and more quickly than I did if he's not there yet he will spawn in in and around the sort of pyramidal dark area there he goes and do the same thing to him make sure you yank his balls off and then grab it and then we're going to run back now remember this subjugator drops a d dark Mo but it don't worry too much about it cuz it's going to point you where you need to go now you need to leg it back round to the same place you can see I'm getting a bit confused here but we need to retrace your steps basically however it is quite a run and if you're short for time look I've only got 30 seconds I haven't actually watched this P let's have a look and see how we do now instead of running all the way up the top here scribble pointed out that there's an actual shortcut and being a warlock I might be able to floof my way over cuz normally you have to run around and then right the way back down but look I'm floing over over here and I did cut out that big section only because I was so up against it with the time like 11 10 nine oh my God I can't believe I did this uh so jump across here and there it is there's the old Darkness thing I maned to mantle with one second too absolutely awesome sorry I got all excited then right that's all the Preamble done once you've done that there's the mission flag and it'll stay there forever you don't have to do any more of that overthrow ball all that running round rubbish this Mission will always be there now let's talk about the mission it's called dual Destiny for a reason you need two players to run it you can't run it with one it's impossible and it won't allow you to run it with three you need two people now there's quite a few mechanics within it but once I explain them to you which I'll be doing as we go maybe with the aid of rubbish diagrams if you're lucky uh but it is quite a big jumping part in it as well jumping is a big part of it so if you're a warlock I'd recommend uh you have your strafe glide on i' like to use that however if you are running a hunter make sure you got your stompies on CU you're going to find yourself traversing large gaps and if you're a Titan make sure you got a pair of lion rampants on for the jumping parts now you can change your load out so you can change your weapons you can change your armor however you're going through it what is locked however is your subass load out wise I take in something for croud controls or something that's going to do an area of effect something with incandescent on it or something with volt shot uh I was taking in my graviton Lance I also took in the new the call sidearm cuz it's so good at shooting from a distance and I also brought in a linear Fusion as well cuz there are tormenters in it and you want to be able to shoot out those shoulders so you can shoot them in the guts I went in as Prismatic but of course you can go in as whatever you want whatever you feel more comfortable with make sure you got a bit of survivability in there as well so if you got devour or something like that then you can run that that's very useful or somewhere you can get restoration that will be incredibly useful as well as it always is and before we jump in the activity power cap is 1995 so it'll give you an idea of how difficult it is if one of you is higher than the other in this case DK was a bit higher than me it brought me up to her kind of level or at least five points under her level I came in that 1992 even though I was uh 1979 1980 I think it was something like that that is the new Fire team power kicking in so if one of you is under power don't worry the other will drag you up right then let's get into the actual Mission so the first thing you'll notice if you see uh there it says light aligned now I'm light aligned and DK is dark aligned that means throughout the entire Mission I have to step on the light panels and she has to step on the dark panels okay and that's assigned as you start the mission so you just got to keep that in mind as you going cuz it kind of dictates what happens as we go so we've started the mission we've both stepped on the panels and we're to be on our way so you want to make your way up to the top here what I'm going to do is I'm going to guide you through uh the actual Direction stuff and the jumping puzzles but I'm going to cut down the battle sequences while I explain to you what happens I'll just explain to you the mechanics but the fight in is the fight in is it yeah so I'll cut those down so anyway here we are we're back out now into the open world and what we're doing is following these pyramids okay uh but I managed to take my shortcut remember I did that shortcut I've jumped back the other way we're following the pyramids all the way down into a Cave System you don't have to stop and shoot these guys just get through as fast as you can because this mission is timed and you can notice for this section we've got about we had about 6 minutes I think all together so I'm on 5 minutes here now it's plenty of time to do that and the timer changes per section so don't worry too much about it each section is timed as opposed to the whole mission being timed like something like outbreak perfected or a whisper of the womb anyway here we are we're coming into the uh K area kill these gits there's there's lots of foot burning stuff on the floor but because I'm light I'm standing on the Light Panel and you can see DK there she's coming in and she's stepping on the dark panel in her area they're all pretty close just kind of opposite each other nothing is too far away so there we go DK is just stepping on a panel you can see then the pyramid thing disappears and the barriers drop because that's the way we need to go so just keep on going forwards don't worry too much about the Gage kill as many as you can you can see the graviton Lan is brilliant for the old crowd control we want to go up this way where all the turds are coming from just shoot the get in the face Run Through The Crystal Maze not the one with Richard O'Brien and uh we're going to go through past the the uh little Rocky outcroppings and down to our first raid banner and we're going to go now to our first encounter now we've got two different jobs that we each do here you've got uh the dark remote person doing one job and I'm the light I'm doing the other and the rolls swap okay so what we're doing down here is you've got to wait for a certain enemy to appear now the enemy you need to shoot is a big Centurion called a surval centurion once you kill them they'll drop that moat once you pick that Mo up you will then see a symbol appear close by to you you can just see it there out of the corner of your eye now on this first section you've got to kill two centurions and that'll be two symbols once I've got the two symbols I'll shout them out to DK do your best to describe them because they they're quite they're quite easy to describe I describe that one there as a purpley flower and I believe some of them are like the black fleek or some of a black triangle or whatever just use your descriptions to get them related to the other person but it does change so what you're seeing here for me won't necessarily be for you then upstairs DK is shooting the corresponding symbols so we do that twice for this particular section once you've shot two of them then you get teleported up to the next section and then you rinse and repeat the only difference is your roles will reverse so on the second section DK was shooting the centurions to get the symbols to appear and then I was shooting centurions to get the symbols in the sky so I could shoot them well not in the sky well they are in the sky actually don't know what I'm talking about yet so then DK was relaying to me what three symbols I needed to shoot and I shot them but I had to kill three centurions to get all symbols up and collect the three Moes then for the third level uh we just swapped rolls one more time so I was back to shooting the centurions and getting the symbols to appear and DK was back to shooting the actual symbols remember there's an order to them as well you have to shoot them in the order they appear if you don't do that the whole thing will reset and you'll have to start again you can see here as well that I kind of started off a little bit lower so I had to jump up to a higher level in order to get to the place where I could shoot the centurions to get the symbols you can see as well there's little plins there which the symbols appear on this being the last one there was four of them to relay as well but it's not so bad once you get used to it and you end up with your own little short hand to describe describe the symbols we had on like scary hand piece of coal ghost head chap various other things extra strong mint was one of them as well but just use something between you that you both understand so first encounter completed we're off now to the jumping puzzle bit it is a little bit jumpy but don't worry I'm going to show you the complete route here I'm not going to speed it up or anything I'll show you exactly how it is you know where to go and what to see so uh yes so here we go then we're going to go through the tunnel area here and we're going to come out into a place called look the Fusion I love the look of this Mission carefully you're going to have Grims flying around the place lot of the time okay so we're jumping up onto these bits here up here up onto there and then jump right up onto the top and there's a little Alleyway you want to go go left G left through the alleyway big jump right the way across the chasm you can land on either that lip there or this lip here you want to go up the little stairway and then we hangy left and then we're jumping over onto this little slopey floor here duck through here watch more Grims there as well you can take them out if you want you don't have to but they can be quite annoying especially if they Screech at you I hate that thing so uh yeah but you don't have to you can just make your way through I did shoot a couple as we're going here and then you come off to the end you can stand up and jump over onto this little lip here use the yellow lights to guide you there's another one and you can see there's a bit more green light on the floor this is where that we need to go you want to turn the right jump across keep on going straight forward and now here's a big lovely jump leap of faith watch the gats but we're jumping down to that staircase right in front of me there I think DK had a Hob Goblin in the face so we'll just revive there cuz there's quite a lot of those around you sniper in you and they do tend to hit pretty hard now we're going to go up and to the left we're kind of going to go that way really where that taken Goblin is not that one don't jump down the bottom I jumped down the bottom here once I went out of bounds and I completely ruined the whole run so we're jumping up onto this shelf and then this shelf over onto this shelf here lovely looking place has got whisper elements to it doesn't it then we're up over the uneven floor there is normally a hobgoblin there then you want to crouch and we're going to go through the uh the fun house bit because we got these Shuffle things that push you off but they're rather urgent so if they do hit you you're going to cop it so you just want to sort of uh run as well sort of Crouch run as quickly as possible but be patient go right up to it wait for it to withdraw and then run up you can see where they are cuz they're sticking out a bit further they're not flush with the wall so you want to keep on going up that way then we're jumping down to this blue platform here there we go the OD get as well as you uh come but don't worry about it just kill them in the face where that faan as we just shot that's where we're going next we're onto this sloping part and up onto this sloping part watch out for the husk guts that are flying at you can can be very very painful and then we're jumping over then to this red light and jumping ooh watch out for that kit uh you don't have to kill him if you don't want he hasn't come back look yes we're into this little cubby hole here I got slightly confused what I need need to do here is just go through a bit look and then jump up there now then once you kill the gits here we're back to our light and darkness and you both got to follow the correct path if you're Darkness you follow the left path and if you're light like I am you follow the right they're pretty similar all the way through uh so I'm going to keep on going and I'll find my next light path I'm just looking over the way look and DK is across her way following her path as well that brings out a little shelf I'll jump on that shelf jump on this one and then up and over again you do have a couple of gits here as well I believe DK's got some gits near her PAD as well which is what happened to her there she had a bit of a shot in the head but make sure you both stand on the panels at the same time once they get sniffed out you know then you can move on so we're pretty close to the end of the jumping section now uh DK's revived there so we're going to jump up onto this next slip and then we're moving over into the center and there's a little bit of a battle going on here as well so uh well you'll see now we jump up here that comes down cuz DK's jumped on the plate there and I'll jump across over and this is where we're going to be standing to have a bit of a firefight uh now there is a light plinth just around the outside there but I'm being shot so heavily that I decide to retreat back in cuz you got quite a few snipers up there and you've got two ogres up there as well so I just came down here so I can stick down my well and get my health back up again there we go and then I'm going to jump back out so what you want to do is jump over to this lip here and then turn around to your right hang on a second here we go and there we are you can see my light pad there as well okay so why I'm jumping onto this now DK has got to jump onto a Darkness pad which is on the opposite side now I'm just going to do a cut from the other side uh to show you where she's going she's jumping onto that pillar there and then jumps over to where that light blue bit is look DK is going to shoot and show you exactly where she's going to jump now so we jumped onto that one and then jumped over to the far Corner over there like where she's shooting and drop down and that's where the pad is so once you've both stood on the pads then you can see for me on the light side those dark shelves open and I can just jump on them and move over onto the opposite side and DK she's got a path as well as she can follow so we can both come over here and then we got to step on these pads and these will open the doors into the next counter this is the middle encounter so pad one pad two doors open and in we go so you want to run up through this Corridor here and you're going to come out and wonder where the hell do I go now but it's not too bad look you just need to jump up here uh and then need to look down once we get to the edge down on the bottom left hand corner you see the red lights for the doorway and then your objective completes and then you've got it reset we had 5 minutes 56 seconds left for this part but when I rally to the flag it resets to around about 13 minutes or so and then we're on to this second encounter so in this one we' got kick inst to deliver but also a puzzle to solve now can you see there's that clock thing in the center there now it displays different number number of uh nodes I suppose that have got lines connected to them you want to think of it as a clock but the important thing here is that because you're light you will see a different one to the person who has got the dark alignment or vice versa so what you have to do is shoot the ones that you both have activated so the way we did this was we looked at it as a clock face like this here written in my Dreadful childish writing so you can see here that is number 12 when we look at the big diamondy thing here there's no number one for number one would go there but then we've got number two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 uh and 11 and 12 is there yeah so that's where 11 would be there but don't worry about it do you love it so far it's bloody awesome Tech this is I'm using Photoshop and everything I shouldn't really have that up there let get rid of it there we are ugly right okay so the way we worked this out was DK sh shouted out the ones that she had missing and I shouted out the ones that I had missing now looking at the clock face you can see here I've got five missing that is a number five it's not some sort of worm that's being shot in the head uh We've also got a number eight missing and number nine missing so I wrote a line down of the numbers and I crossed out the ones that I've got missing so I've got five missing I've got eight missing and I've got nine missing now let's say DK she had three missing she had four missing and she had seven missing so that meant the numbers we had to shoot on the clock to complete the puzzle would be 2 6 and 10 so all you have to do is make a note of both of the numbers that you're missing or all of the numbers that you're missing and the ones that are left over are the ones you have to shoot now in order to shoot the correct numbers or indeed to shoot them at all you have to kill the Tormentor and whoever gets a killing blow on the Tormentor gets the buff that allows you to shoot the clock the buff is called harmonic sundering and you've got to get your shots off in the time that it allows the other person should be doing ad control cuz it can be quite difficult to shoot those things when you've got 400 swines punching you in the testicles as you well know now once you've done it once you have to do it three times in total so you'll shoot the first one the clock will reset you'll do it again and then the clock will reset and then you'll do it for a final time and then that will be that encounter finished but believe me if you do the number line thing that I said there and just cross the numbers out that you've both got you're going to find that it's very easy and straightforward I'm sorry I'm old I've got to write it down but let's just say how brilliant and wonderful my Photoshop co co clock was right okay that's a three: puzzle done now we're going to sorry any say something else in we're going to carry on now there's a little bit of traversal section next I'll just run you through it we're running up some tree branches and we're killing Grims cuz we like killing Grims it's not too far this one but it is a bit of a scrap and it is timed we got 16 minutes to get to the final boss room but really these timers they're actually not too bad I think this is like the sixth run that we did it and uh we were pretty good for time on this one so don't get disheartened if you feel like you've uh got kicked out and you think you can't do it just learn each encounter the way I've showed you and you'll do well right uh we come into this area here and we get loads of gets to kill look at look at that look at them being killed there by the uh by the tether that's bloody marvelous that is anyway so for the first section here we've got um we've got husks and we've got gits and we've got ogres there we are so what we're going to do though is going to be taking advantage of our light and dark cuz we've got to stand on various pads as we go up okay so once you've cleared the ads out of this particular area I stand on my light pad DK stands on hers and then we get shooked off up to the next Island up here and then we got to administer kickings on this island which is nice and easy it's not so bad you do get some ogres you do get a few Grims but just give them a good kick in then once Kickin have been administered you're going to find then that your uh little pad turns up as well just finishing off DK's last couple there lovely there we are that's them gone have a little look around and the pad will appear and the Darkness pad will appear on the other side again you'll have another little portal that'll ejaculate you up to the top on the next bit and now this is where you both come together up here and you've got two torment to take down so once you administer a few more Kickin here you'll get two Tor giving you kickings as well that's why I think it's got the longer timer really cuz it can be a bit of a tricky battle but don't worry the tormenters just get them done get into them shoot them in the shoulders first and then shoot them in their guts that's the way to do it with the tormentors there we go second Tormentor kicked in and then we' got to stand on the pads once again and then we'll have to uh go through this is really cool this is there's a light pad there look and there's the Dark pad there stand on pads and then we'll have a really cool uh well they not circles are they more like they septagon octagons maybe magic woof see that then straight through here and this is the final boss battle we just got a little bit of tree to run up here and then we've got a rally flag that we need to plant in now this boss battle again you will have uh a timer reset here so it's going to be from the 1256 you can see there the timer will get reset is it once we stick the flag in or when we just get in the room but either way you've got a nice bit of time to be able to do this battle now this battle has two bosses in it uh they're both subjugators one of them will arrive first of all and the other one is trapped up in the top right hand corner so what you have to do is hit down this subject's health until it's at about 66% then two wizards will come out you've got one dark Wizard and one light wizard you've got to use your alignments to shoot your Wizards if you like aligned you want to go and shoot that wizard it's usually got a void Shield so you know that's the light one and the dark one you can see has got like the orange shimmery stuff that you associate with the darkness about now once you've done that you're going to see a set of symbols appear above the uh boss's face yeah there's three of them all together but only one of you will see them and another one of you will shoot them so say I'm the light I'll see it first of all and the Darkness aligned person will have to shoot the symbols exactly same as the first encounter really and you've got to read them from top to bottom so you've got the top symbol the middle symbol and the bottom symbol and the other person has to shoot them in that order then once you've done that the guy's Shield drops and then you got to continue to give them a massive pasting until their health bar drops down to that last segment the last the final third when you do that the boss will have a shield and go and Retreat and hide somewhere and then a second boss will will come out basically exactly same as the first except this one's strand I believe or vice versa I can never remember but as in the previous part what we've got to do now is the same thing we damage the boss down to a certain level and then when his shield comes up what we going to have to do is then kill the two wizards so remember there's one light Wizard and one dark wizard once you've killed the two wizards then the symbols are going to appear above the boss's head but if you're the one who saw the symbols first of all now it's going to be your turn to do the shooting cuz remember the rolls swap over so now DK was calling up the symbols above the boss's head and then I was shooting the correct symbols in order remember from top to bottom in order to get the shield to drop then once the shield was dropped we' hammered him down a third time until they were both into their final segments of their uh of of their health then a final set of Wizards come out so you shoot your light one or your dark one respectively whichever alignment you are and then we're on to this clock puzzle now this clock puzzle isn't as bad as the other one it's actually very simple once you understand what's going on you can see here on the clock face uh it's changing the numbers that I've got so I've got 1 5 6 and N there now I say 5 6 and n and DK looks at her numbers and one of my numbers matches her number and that number is the one you shoot so let's have a little look here and see what we do so I'm shouting out uh now the numbers are going to change cuz they do change quite quickly so I believe I try out two 8 10 and 12 DK shouts out the number and then I shoot 10 bang and that's it done then the numbers pop up again and I say 3 4 7 and 11 and then she tells me the number that she's got as well the number that matches number seven and then bang that's that and then that's it and the shields have dropped you've got to do that three times does that Mak sense so you're shooting the number that you've both got so the way to do it is to have one of you you just shout out your numbers and the other person's looking at their clock face and when they hear a number that they've got they say that's it and then you shoot that number and that's it you both shoot them as well I can't see the dark clock and the other person can't see the light clock hey this is a really dodgy video saying clock all the time it's amazing I am said [ __ ] then after that all you've got to do and hopefully we got enough time to do it is kill off both the bosses with their oneir health bar each they're both going to come out at the same time but just give them a good kicking until they're dead then you've got to go through the exit and you've done it and pick up your bond but you do have one final choice at the end now this doesn't uh affect anything and I'm not going to spoil it by telling you what it is it's bloody great fun just enjoy it pick the one you don't want to do you know what I mean then you get a chance to go and pick up your bond reward There It Is I've got the solipsism there totally marvelous and here it is look there it is my solop ISM H now what's so great about these Exotics is that they take traits from two other Exotics in this case my solipsism it's taking the spirit of filaments that's from the seant filament boots casting an empowering Rift will grant you devour which is excellent and then it's also got Spirit of the Swarm destroys a tangle uh sorry destroying a tangle spawns threadlets but of course these are random I could have gotten some other exotic traits on here as well from some other exotic armor but do not fret you don't have to run this every time you want to get a new roll or see what role you're going to get for this class item because you now have a chance for it to drop from any chest that opens in the pale heart so it's not a high Chance some people are saying about 2% some people are opening chest over the space of 20 minutes and they got one so it's not a great drop rate but it is better than running it every time you want to see what role you're going to get and let's face it you're going to be doing overthrow and all that kind of stuff quite a lot of the next coming months so I think you're going to amass quite a lot of these babies that's what I reckon so there we go that's another Hefty guide I hope it's complete enough for you and helped you get through it some people say it's a shame for the Dual thing I can see why that might annoy some people but you know it is what it is and uh following the guide you can use LGS as well that might help you out but you will need to communicate to get through it get a buddy Pile in and have a go let me know in the comments what you thought thought of the mission and what you think of the Exotic and if you did enjoy the guide and you found it helpful a like really does help me and also subscribe as well so you know the next time I Splat one out anyway thank you so much for watching and I shall speak to you all again very soon sausage h
Channel: Time Sausages Gaming Channel
Views: 9,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: time sausages, time sausages gaming channel, destiny 2, the final shape, secret exotic mission, secret exotic class item mission, duel destiny destiny 2, duel destiny mission guide, exotic class item missio, exotic class item mission destiny 2, duel destiny guide
Id: UaTqrGz31j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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