I Solo Flawless EVERY Dungeon in One Stream

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be sure to follow my twitch over at twitch.tv/ thank you Dungeons and Destiny 2 have been a very Pinnacle staple of the PVE experience since forsaken with the release of the first one shattered Throne what makes dungeons so good in my honest opinion is these are three-player activities but they are designed to be done solo every single mechanic in these dungeons can be completed solo bunge even really incentivized players to go in and try these solo by making it so if you go in and complete one of these solo without dying better known as the solo Flawless you will actually get a special little emblem depending on which one you complete every single dungeon will have their own emblem that you will get for completing the solo Flawless it gives a player a reason to grind cuz you can show off be like hey I did the thing I got the new shiny every single time a new dungeon releases and overall as me being more of a solo oriented player I love dungeons I think dungeons are some of the best PVE content we have in the game overall I get more excited for Dungeon releases than I do raid releases if I'm being honest I love me a good raid but just knowing that there's going to be a new dungeon that I can go in Solo Flawless is just fantastic so I thought it would be bright idea what if I tried to solo Flawless all eight dungeons in one stream over on my twitch just so I have a reason to get it done more than you know be like hey I did the thing I did the fun challenge I made it so if I fail this challenge I will have to delete God rolls for My Vault I will have to delete one God roll for every single dungeon that I do not complete so for example if I get to Duality and I do not complete Duality and I quit for whatever reason I would have to delete one God R for Duality one for Spire of the watch one for Ghost of the deep and one for Warlords ruined so that would be four God rolls that my Twix chat would get to delete and you could bet I'm not about to let my Twix chat delete my Vault I got some crazy stuff in there and before we get right into it if you do enjoy this style of content please remember to leave a like And subscribe as it does help out with the channel a lot and this is also my first time trying content like this so let me know that you enjoy it all right let's get into the first dungeon first off we got shattered throne and this is a pretty easy dungeon the first one that released so it's definitely been power cred out of the game so there's no way we don't get it in our first try right oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up wait yeah so it's been a while since I've used a sword on Lion rampants but we did get it the second time so don't worry bird Dragon again I haven't really used worm Gods a whole lot and it's actually kind of crazy how uh how easy it is to maintain the buff if I'm being honest like that buff that they did to make it like give a bar instead of just like the 5sec timer in between is actually kind of crazy bro melee registration please dive bomb wait I just got scammed what the okay is he going to teleport over here this time again I hate you okay we do not we do not [ __ ] it up this time easiest Tech in the entire game isn't Banner getting nerfed soon there's speculation it's probably going to get nerfed pretty hard in the new DLC which I would expect it kind of is ridiculous how good it is is this guyes are there enough ads in the boss pH ah whatever we're just going to try I don't know if there's enough ads in the boss phase to really make Navigator like punching work but we'll we'll see for like 10 runs yeah then it gets pretty stale but it's overall not too bad oh my God man [ __ ] strand Titan this is a class in the video game come here let me punch you oh this G oh this is shocked oh this is so chocked but does it matter is this guy so weak that it doesn't matter if I don't know he is so weak it does not matter but no time like the present right wow they're actually kind of [ __ ] me up wait where's the thing there it is I kind of put that in a really janky spot but that's okay oh my God you like literally like one tap these guys how much damage does one melee do n whatever [ __ ] it I put that in a really bad spot for the thing but luckily like I said this is why the early dungeons I will do the grapple thing because I'm not very efficient at it cuz I've barely done it but the later dungeons I am not going to be doing the grapple thing so shadowed Throne was pretty easy and next up is pit of heresy now this one just like shattered Throne hasn't aged too well so it's pretty easy nowadays with the current sandbox that we have and overall I got this one done first try as well oh oh stop flinching me bro you [ __ ] are flinching me so hard let me just destroy the thing okay come here bucko I need I'm trying to make some PVE content so I figured what a better way to start PVE content on the channel than just solo Flawless every dungeon wait what learn mechanics yeah ra out standing actually can you uh I do not have ban banners so thankfully I ran out of banners in this dungeon and not one of like the actual harder dungeons cuz that would have been rough 24-hour stream incoming hey you know whatever it takes because if I do not I said it earlier but obviously there's a lot more two people but for every dungeon I don't Complete because I'll be going in order of release dat people will be able to delete [ __ ] from my Vault so if I get stuck on Duality people get to like delete like five random [ __ ] from my Vault so it could be a 24-hour stream the only one I'm a little concerned about realistically at the end of the day is Ghost of the deep just cuz I've never actually done it before but I'm not too I'm not too worried ha dogs your Shield friend counter wasn't that hard back in the day but it was definitely a lot more difficult but now I'm like I don't even need to kill the ads to really like pay that much attention to anything I'm just waiting for the dudes to spawn wait I don't I don't even have time for on my uh Banner of war and I'm still just tanking everything that's so crazy man up Banner is wild yeah Banner is kind of an interesting ability wait did it I don't even know if it slammed if I'm being honest it's annoying as [ __ ] PVB too yeah no honestly banner I think is an underrated thing it's just obviously you need to like proc it but it is definitely underrated especially for quick play you can really get that stuff that thing stacked up I can't believe the punches I've been watching for the past 10 minutes okay now this is the part that you know is a little spooky because I could just like fall and die here you [Music] know normally I just fall right through but you know we we don't we don't take risks here I don't really I want to I would like to get through the first like four dungeons at least the first three and the first like little bit now I know there's map here but I don't know the map so I just run around like a chicken with my head cut off every time I do this and I just run around in a full circle and then clear it all oh wow that's actually two easy ones normally it takes longer now I'm sure I'm going to take forever to find the third one but well that was actually surprisingly didn't take that long I was going to put on tractor but eh whatever it's fine oh I [ __ ] up whatever it's fine again I'm still new to the whole Banner of War [ __ ] thing I have not really I am not that really Adept with it but I think we should be fine yeah we're even with the [ __ ] up it doesn't matter I didn't put on I didn't even have tractor on normally you fire the thing put on tractor but again I'm still new to it but like I said with these early dungeon bosses it does not matter now next up is prophecy our dungeon number three and prophecy is a little more difficult I would say than the other two dungeons but still pretty easy in today's standards just due to how strong we are and after picking up some raid banners I also got this one done first try surely I don't [ __ ] this up right sir Bro [ __ ] off okay hey that's actually not too bad for never doing that before on this boss let's go DPS weapon I'm kind of scared if I punch him it will take me out of the the dark and it's not worth it it's just not worth it no look that I just grab this one ow never mind it doesn't matter I forgot just a one two pun shot it does the work I can't see I did Pi light what's the last one light bro I have not done this like solo Flawless in forever and this is back in the day this room not that it was super hard especially once you got one of the things but you literally like cannot die on strand tied oh I didn't realize I I [ __ ] [Music] up don't do it a [ __ ] definitely not the cleanest phase that I'm doing here but like it gets the job done realistically as long as I two phase I don't really care too much I'm going to go this way so I don't oh okay never mind hey you know it's fine we still get the two face typically go much higher than that in um most aspects of PVP because the game is so poorly optimized so I don't think the FPS is really the defining factor maybe for some of the PVE stuff yes because you do move a little quicker with higher FPS why he's not shooting uh thing at me I got to get a little closer though cuz oh [ __ ] got to get closer oh [ __ ] I might be dead oh my God I didn't realize how far back I was staying I almost died because of the dark mopy that's okay though we should still be fine where is he he goes here I missed sir can you just die there we go little spooky but that was insanely close yeah I realized I was like wait wait a minute I need to get close all right grasp of avarus is up next and we're an hour and 20 minutes in and we're done three dungeons so honestly this should be done really quick right wrong grass of avarest for whatever reason took me three and a half hours to complete between just running into walls with my sparrow and dying and also just minor skill issue errors grass of avarest by far was the longest solo Flawless everything just went wrong in Grass of avarest I don't understand what happened but eventually we did get it done it only took like 3 and a half hours to do that's normally what I used to do until I eventually just naturally just learn the symbols come here buddy come here yeah oh I missed one no let me get it wait is that guy killing the ads is that's what's happening here I just realized is that why I'm running out of like the ads are dying at this part cuz if that's the C why did it use two of my Mele I only clicked it once it's fine I should get him back but still annoying CU that's the case I need to kill that guy where is it oh it's on top that's really annoying [ __ ] I'm going to this is going to be scuffed I don't where are all the THS he like killed them all oh my God this is so scuffed okay whatever I just don't have time to put on tractor please thank you that's so SCU okay so I think that's the issue of what's happening to the ads I didn't I did not realize that he would just downright Kill Them All so I mean still it's fine it's still half I just need to make sure I kill that dude that is why I'm losing all my ads this game is so good bro kind of getting scammed best of luck on the run thank you oh I just got scammed again I I'm actually it's fine skill issue skill issue it's a skill issue he didn't even do the animation oh now I'm off track no man what why isn't my thing going oh no I'm so [ __ ] I'm so [ __ ] oh maybe not somehow uh we're we're just going to go do the bottom one because the [ __ ] top one has scuffed me every time there we go okay no falling off the map I'm just going to go nice and easy over there thank you thank you where am I going it's in the middle bro uh okay where's the next one there's the last one there thank you for coming straight to me that makes my life so much easier being honest do this do I not have the one that's extending my restoration my damage is going to be so scuffed here but I do not care if I'm being honest with you as long as I get this [ __ ] done at this point I do not care there oh don't snipe me why not Paragon because I'm too lazy to switch to them and I don't even know if I have a good pair be if you want me to be 100% transparent and also the sunbreaker is giving me restoration I hate you Mr sniper dude what is the this guy doing he's trolling me so [Music] we're free we're free from this cursor dungeon finally got grass vavas done after 3 and a half hours it was a little rough but we managed to make do but now we're on to Duality Duality overall isn't too bad but this is the start of when the dungeons start to get a lot more difficult a lot more Health this is also around the time that I stopped soloing dungeons that much so honestly I kind of forget a lot of the mechanics in these dungeons I kind of just have to remember as I go on but thankfully I get this one done first try no problem overall it was pretty easy thankfully cup and sun it's just two of them right I need to clarify it is just or no I do all of them I do not remember what the what I do here but I'll figure it out wherever the the these guys spawn uh the the Scions yeah yeah I I remembered I figured it out so this is Axe but then I don't want to necessarily kill the other one if I remember correctly okay it is this one okay so then I want to kill the Sion have him spawn the thing and then leave it so I can get bonus time during damage phase where's he going bro what the [ __ ] is this whatever man okay well that was super mega scuffed but it's fine now I kill this guy get some extra time oh I don't have have any shotty left we'll actually just get out of here then CU if I don't have shotty I can that was actually a good phase though oh man [ __ ] wait I [ __ ] up my thing it's fine we should get it here okay we're good I pick up I picked up War Beast like just teleport in me die sir thank you oh [ __ ] first one down banner I just don't know my T oh there there we go me get Banner times two ow I didn't even have the thing okay that's that why you guys despawning new to the setup true well that's just rude okay there we go and if we take a million damage phases we take a million damage phases because I'm in the because I'm here to first try this come in that was a going oh yeah I need to kill all the the dudes on both sides I forgot you wait there was a cheese yeah when the this first came out I don't remember how to do it cuz like I said I never did it but you could make it so like those doors over here would like you could lock them so no ads would spawn during the whole encounter I remember seeing it like on YouTube and [ __ ] she's going this way oh [ __ ] man the middle one get these guys first across where she going over here that one that one we go to [Music] Middle oh [ __ ] we're just going to pop this so I can live guarantee I live there's no point in going like super crazy with the damage just because it's like it's probably going to be a [ __ ] three-phase anyway okay where's she going over here where's the other one nice okay I was like why isn't it doing the thing should just get it here okay first try first try that makes up for the really poor grass bro somewhat not really and a red border not bad now with Duality done we're on to our sixth dungeon Spire of the watch overall this isn't too bad of a dungeon the thing is the bosses have a lot of health so it takes a good amount of time to complete just due to that and I wiped a couple times on this Dungeon Because of these God damn fans I hate these things even when I was trying to solo Flawless this for my first time way back when this released I wiped on these things way more than anything else I hate these fans so much and they're the only things that caused me to wipe here as well and I wiped a good amount of times being six or seven times wiping on these stupid fans and once walking into the electricity because you know I was stupid but overall we got this dungeon done relatively quick and it wasn't as bad as grasp and at the end of the day that's all we can really ask for please move sir Mele charge lucky I have to reload that sucks I'll try not to Jus been already doing that all day that' be great okay realistically that's still enough to have a surge for at least this opening part and a little bit of the other what oh FU oh I didn't need Meer what's going on dark how you doing obviously I have not done this boss fight in godamn forever but we are going to use dragon's breath and suprem is cuz someone told me that's like decent so we're going to try that and see how it goes but you never know I guess oh there we go I actually need this Sunspot real quick and then boom boom there we go now I can what what do we got we got this front one here I'm going to have to remember where all these things are if I'm going to be honest what's that that one there uh then this one then that one sick okay oh did I not hit the second one is that what's going on here oh I missed one of these ones okay so this oh the one in the corner that makes sense then that one then this one then I think it's the last one but I need him to be in here then that one no there's another one oh that one that one that one okay work again do I have to do I have to close it or does it close by itself I actually do not remember it closes by itself okay maybe oh no it does not I have to close it there we go oh my goodness I I could not remember wait he gets like stun locked by dragon's breath that's actually kind of nice not going to [Music] lie my God I went through all my ammo huh okay okay it's going to be like a seven phase but but we will get it done that's kind of crazy that it just unlocks him that one that one then it's up top here this one oh sir get away from me I will pop my super if I need to to get away from you there we go which one is it oh it's that one down there then this one then that one then that one okay come on don't be one shot don't be one shot just die oh my God you're [ __ ] kidding me that is so Dragon ow okay never mind my hammer will not kill him one dragon breath tick will kill him do another phase for fun yeah you know I was thinking about it R you but this was a CL incision by the God damn it man now we're on to Ghost of the deep now this one I was definitely a little concerned for just because this was the one dungeon that I had never solo Flawless it wasn't because I had really tried or anything it's just normally I go for the solo Flawless is typically after they release and this one I just happened to be not around I was on vacation so I never really got around it if I'm being honest but no time like the present you know what better time could it be to try to attempt my first solo Flawless of ghost of the deep than 9 hours into a stream after Flawless soloing the other one ghost of the deep actually wasn't too bad I had a few very close calls on the first boss but overall it was still very very easy and I got it done first try I am not an emblem collector I do not care about emblems no you're good okay not that one not that one not that one this one what the [ __ ] just happened okay sick that's one of the craziest rubber bands I've probably ever seen But I just realized what was the thing oh okay oh I almost just did that by accident not that one not that one not that one wait was it that one no it's not that one wait is it any of these is it that one I could have sworn it was or is it this one I think it's this one actually hold on there we go oh my goodness I was so confused drink first try the boss get through the transition part next time and then we'll first try the final boss and then we'll only have one more to go and we'll be good that's cool that's where I was aiming oh that's kind of tragic Now isn't it is that one of them I think this was one of if I just die here I'm sad it's this one oh my goodness you [ __ ] me up a [ __ ] hey you know not too bad for my first time ever doing that on him seeing as today is my first day ever Lally like working at this I I'm actually pretty satisfied with my strand Titan that one [ __ ] bro am I dead oh my God not even close it's that no it's not that it's not that no it's it's this one it's this one oh don't do it oh my God I'm dead I'm dead I can't get to a bubble time oh my God oh my goodness okay well we already [ __ ] it up a little bit cuz I panicked but it's fine as long as I live that's at the end of the day all that really matters wait no there we go okay I have no reason to have done this one but we take it oh [ __ ] okay so we got up top middle that's actually not bad we like we like the up top spawn need to stop attacking me sir it's very much so rude this guy I actually got to kind of be careful with cuz he is kind of a big to deal with I'm going to be honest with you he can randomly just one shot you with those things just double checking why you getting close to me dude hey that's just rude let's go [ __ ] I missed damn this DBS phase lasts a long time I don't think I need to heavy so we'll be I think we'll be fine oh I fell man that's so scuffed the fire can you die sir let's go first time first run long run but first run first attempts on the and this one I hadn't even done yet like I said actually that's not bad that's actually pretty crazy for nightfalls that's like really crazy for nightfalls lastly we are on to warlord's ruin I love this dungeon aesthetically it is fantastic and overall the mechanics are super fun and the solo Flawless is just a treat to do this one I got done in my third try first try I wiped on the first boss because I was stupid the second one I was on the boss fight and I literally just bought it out I blanked out and just walked into a group of ads I don't know what I was doing but the third try we finally got it oh no my mouse died you're [ __ ] kidding me I might just be dead [ __ ] man where's the okay um I don't know where the last one is I'm probably dead because of that me out oh my God that's so scuffed I don't know if I'm going to be able to get both off that now though now I can't not even going to waste my super we'll just do a next phase more more D2 true yeah I couldn't have an end on that that would be that would make way too much sense go please drop the thing thank you that's not the way I wanted to go a I forgot to reload [ __ ] I get my hammer back I should have kept Those ads alive for a second actually for biotic enhancements but that's fine I shot that like way over him actually really good damage but I think I think I might try it see if it does more damage there's a chance maybe I get it back no my whatever it's fine it's fine it's fine no it's not fine it's not fine why did he just run at me D that really sucks with I'm pretty sure one dragon's BR shot kills him really could use him to drop I could really love if he would drop a thing he did didn't cck again I do not care I will not go for the second one if I'm going to die for it realistically we have Cascade point so it's fine nice good damage I really need you to fall over man you [Music] sped while our restoration and all that fun stuff is still going on might need to pop superhero to live but we'll see I didn't connect pro kinetic trimmers which kind of sucks [ __ ] I didn't want to but like I'm going to die if I don't we're actually going to cut this one short and then head over here drop our Suns drop our Sunspot with our super oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we're going to get down it's fine it's fine it's fine [ __ ] I didn't think oh this is reloaded nice the damage let's see actually pretty good reload this I don't even know if I want to go to final to be honest like my dam ammo is going to be so scuffed if I go to final here I don't think I can actually go to final here if I'm being honest I think I just need to live yeah I don't I don't even feel comfortable going to final without without any ammo only my super yeah no that's not it one GL shot yeah no I'm not going to final with only I'll just do another like phase kind of wanted that grenade if I'm being honest but it's fine we'll have super all right we're going to final unload hit him with a super going down on my feet just to make sure okay 13 hours and we're done with that we have solo Flawless all eight dungeons in one stream took about 13 hours I wanted to get it done by 12 if I'm being honest with you but I didn't really think that it was going to take me three and a half hours to do grasps never going to live that one down but if you did enjoy this video please remember to like And subscribe as it does help out with the channel a lot this is my first time really posting a actual true dedicated edited PVE video so let me know down in the comments what you think and thank you so much and have a good rest of your day
Channel: Daltnix
Views: 98,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: destiny 2, destiny 2 pvp, destiny 2 season of the wish, destiny 2 season 23, destiny 2 solo flawless warlords ruin, destiny 2 solo flawless ghost of the deep, destiny 2 solo flawless, destiny 2 solo flawless prophecy, destiny 2 solo flawless pit of heresy, destiny 2 solo flawless spire of the watcher, destiny 2 solo flawless shattered throne, destiny 2 solo flawless grasp of avarice, destiny 2 solo flawless duality, destiny 2 titan build, destiny 2 strand titan build pve, daltnix
Id: HFn08HOMxSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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