Dual Destiny Guide! 2x Loot + Beat It FAST!

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this is your guide to beating dual Destiny fast and efficiently we've run through it a ton of times and we're also going to show you how to get the double exotic class items we going to break down all the mechanics so that way you can farm this as much as possible especially while you can get double drops so send this to your friend whoever you're trying to do this with as well and you can see on the screen here in the top right that is my partner that we're doing it with so that way you can see I'll probably get the light buff they'll get the darkness buff and we'll swap it around the build I'm going in with we got Prismatic Warlock and they're also on Prismatic so that we got double Prismatic and uh you can you can both Rock Prismatic it'll let you choose light and dark it just gives you one at random so every time I've been doing it I've been getting the light buff and they've been getting the dark I'm going to use 4Runner use callous mini tool I'm going to use an eager edge sword I will swap to a machine gun for the like if it's the second or third encounter the one where you fight the first Tormentor just cuz it makes it a lot easier to shoot them and kill them when you do that and I'll break down all the mechanics live as we're doing so here we go just climbing up the Rocks here perfect there's a lot of stuff that you can skip in this too and I would recommend skipping as much as possible because you're probably going to have to beat this Mission like several times to get the roll that you want on the Exotic class item because random rolls you're going to get different exotic perks and traits on it that guy helping speed boost me through here let's go run through this part I'm doing great theying sign over here go back and get their res I'm doing fantastic how you dying over here oh you know moving too fast pass this on my light plat so what you do when you get to this location right here is there will be a light plate and then down that side there will be a Darkness plate where Bacon's going to you can see it on the screen in the top right corner you just simply stand on the plate that activates it brings the barrier down here again this is another section that you can skip I would recommend trying to if you can obviously if you're dying too much then you know up your resilience put on a crazy survivability build something of that nature that we can run through this part really fast cuz you don't have to clear any of those ads that has nothing to do with this they might as well run past them ride the flag here and we'll begin doing the first set of plate mechanics there's Darkness plate there and a light plate below match the aligned Buffs as you can see I'm light aligned and on my teammates they are Darkness aligned so you have to stand on that one from here you're just simply doing ad clear I would recommend some some good add clear weapons some good add clear builds this right here this getaway artist build that I already have up on the channel is really really good the turrets are going to do basically all the work for me and I just have the call mini tool just because it has surrounded on it and unrelenting so I get health and does crazy damage once I pick up that light Mo you'll notice that one of these call outs comes up make sure you synergize your call outs with your teammates so that way you don't call it the wrong thing so this one is called grieve according to like Bungie you know official callets but you could also call it black heart or whatever you want to call it just make sure your teammate knows what it that call it is you have them synergize so I like to call it grief sometimes and sometimes black part just to throw my teammate off a little bit make their life miserable I killed that second Centurion and got the out so I got black heart and then this is worship we also call it Trump cuz it's an orange man so it's black heart and Trump for me puy got it all right then what he's doing up there is he's shooting those two symbols and ignoring the others so that way it takes us to the next area which is over here once we get here we're just simply ad clearing so put one of these stasis turs down here and go crazy on these ads and doing the same thing but in Reverse now we'll just be I'll be calling out for him or they'll be calling out for me rather while I do it let kill the centurions on my side on his side it will be some Knights I believe whatever the high value Target is a KN I did that side originally Bunch time so I'm getting used to this side both sides are equally equally as challenging you're just clearing ads a major I said High decently High survivability build with like ad clear is what you're looking for for the build selections on this I've killed two of them now got to kill the third one going pick up the moat do have my three Moes another turret here got my super did pick up my third Mo now I may have blown Mye up and launched it across the map somewhere think I launched it down into a Mordor oh another one we wait for that one to spawn in gu spawns back in all right I got my third Moe now so go ahead and my teammate gives me the call outs which ones to shoot witness fet black heart it's not Greek it's actually black heart actually black heart okay yeah oh we were calling that one black heart interesting yeah I need to not call that black heart ever again though yeah I guess yeah you're right I guess I got those twoo confused got some wires crossed in my brain don't call that one yeah I just go off I just saw that one Splat was the problem Splat oh yeah Splat I guess that is black heart this is funny cuz they're both like black heart and then like kind of like a black heart there yeah exactly yeah just make sure you have the like don't be like us make sure you have it TI up perfectly with your teammates can you can do if you want to be really crazy is have a screen share going up in Discord like we have here and you can see the symbols yourself you call them out to yourself yeah that is true I'm seeing a lot of that with fourth encounter in the raid now people just like yeah I'll just screen share that save time yeah basically fourth encounter in salvation's Edge screen sharing is like meta now standard that's pretty good to know though I mean like it's super helpful oh yeah if you can if you screen share it's literally like free for teaching people and getting new people through right this ad clear build is just insane though this is just this is definitely where it's at basically can't be killed three now I have three I'm waiting for my fourth one to spawn in centu will spawn in in just a moment surely my fourth one I'm headed up y my fourth one is done as well right we got brain all when you shot that done and we got love done we've got Guardian then we have Tower Perfect all right and teleport us to the next one an eag sword is huge for saving a little bit of time but some areas not as necessary just Traverse up to the top up here Mountain Top can save you some time as you can see Bacon's launching himself up there but also [Laughter] failing that one's a little tricky run are huge for these grim all right cross this way I have a low ceiling [Music] there is huge for this it was really nice just one tap everything nice and [Music] chill J across this one really the hardest mechanics are the final ones those ones are a bit tricky yeah right and there are some areas where you can find some time extensions it's really not necessary um like you can get it without any time extensions cuz completing some areas gives you them so don't feel like you need the time extensions but you do find them along the way of course there nothing wrong with get those all right here we go now what we do from here is I'm going to my side jump on theirs I'm going to I jump all the way over there platform here is far out here then I jump back this way jumping on here our lines now we start climbing up this way and I'm standing on my next plate now they swap so we got to go across to each other's side there TR for doing this flawless uh I haven't check if there is then I'm blaming you for ruining my Triumph sounds good I'll probably die a couple times here got those guys those guys will push you off and I hit a big sprint hit a big warlock float Manel that that was close jump on this in this door this is where I'm going to swap to my machine gun here because sword does not cut it against a Tormentor if you're struggling fighting tormentors you're probably using some of the wrong weapons best weapon is probably this 4Runner and make sure you have some Precision weapons on if you're not going to use a 4Runner if you haven't unlocked it by chance right rally the flag beautiful start it up I'm going to break down the mechanics of how to pass this area now when you start it up you'll notice that there's a dial in the middle or there's first there's these three Darkness ships you're trying to destroy each of these by correctly putting in the right code for the dial there's nine of these nodes here okay we'll number them from left to right 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 has nine of them in total what we're doing is we're trying to add clear and then your teammate is calling out which ones are not connected and you're being mindful of which ones are not connected as well they'll be shooting the odd three out that makes sense so for me three eight and N yeah my teammate calls out three 8 and N which means that 1 4 and six are still connected after he's called those out so I'm going to shoot 1 four and six or he's going to shoot 1 14 and six based on whoever kills the Tormentor but just be mindful it's 1 four and six try not to forget that do Tormentor go crazy on him and then you can you can have just one person like always kill the Tormentor if you want and then we'll shoot one four and six and that's one of three successfully done now back to just add clear insanity constantly constant add spawns and then I'll call it my symbol or my teammate will call out his symbols and I can solve it makes it a little bit easier if we have one solver we got one five and seven that'll be two six and nine be the ones that are the odd ones out get the last should shooting 2 six and N hey he's getting angry this guy good all right we're going to shoot two six and nine Perfect all right so again now they're going to completely randomize for the third time oh I didn't mean to do that trying to reload my gun so now my team will'll call out which ones are not connected for them again four six and N so four six and nine are not connected for them get I got to get some of these turrets down it's going to be two five and eight are going to be the call outs this time and the reason why I know that is cuz those the ones that are the odd ones out like I said before 2 five eight two 58 perfect there it is that's how you solve that room and there's actually a hidden collectible over here to the right you're interested in grabbing that I'm going to put on my sword go over to the right there there's a hidden collectible way down there I already grabbed it so I'm not going to head over there in this section right here it's just clear the ads don't just pop a turret if you're using my build or if you're on a Titan or Hunter use whatever I clear stuff you like they're all really good especially these ads aren't like the CES I think is like minus I don't even know what these are actually raids are minus five regular normal power level yeah crazy stand on the plate my light plate Darkness plate I launch you through a man Cannon back to more ad clear usually when I get to a new area like the popet turret right when I get there that way it just starts taking care of the ad control these Grim are can be really painful to deal with if you let them group up a lot best to let the I like these turrets just take care of most of that Grim work these ads up on the plates jum through the man Cannon this time there's going to be two tormentors that spawn up here so what we're going to try and do is break their shoulders on the left and the right one and then I'll be able to pop my suit from them pop some turrets here quickly break Builder plates on both I got my 4Runner four yeah spawn in now I'm going to shoot the left one taking that the right one and I get it to group up a little bit go oh he's trying to get me he's trying to he yed me got out of it though how did I get out of that just now I have no idea what the heck I swung my sword it like let me out like your sword swing registered my sword swing registered or something that's cool I might have to go back and rewatch that I might be able to get out of tormentor uh duck whatever you call that they yink you in there I like busted my sword out and it let me free I'll take it new technology discovered in this live video let's go that's what's up this mission is called dual Destiny and you two people go in and you unlock the Exotic class items for your Prismatic class all right this next part is important to have your timing down right what we're going to do is clear everything and we're going to hop on this pillar this pillar and then we're going to jump over here it'll make sense when we get to the end and so you might want to rewatch this end part a couple times maybe before you actually do it otherwise you might mess it up and you might not get two exotic class items but it's okay if you do because you're going to farm it a lot anyways not even worry about it all we're trying to do is REO a load Zone so first things first expector sellin is here we just do some damage on him just doing some SW damage this guy is not that crazy all right he has some health Gates his first Health gate procs when that procs we go to our left and right side based on light and darkness light is going to go to the right just goes to the left then we're just shooting these Wizards the reason why you have to go light one side and uh dark the other side is because they have overshields that are match their respective Darkness alignment so I now Killed My Wizard they probably killed theirs now I'm going to get the call outs that are above s's head here so we got Guardian snake and grieve Yes actually grieve he shoots the little black nodes in the air now it's back to damage on silence we can get there through their second uh immunity phase here or whatever second damage phase good light him up watch should me make sure I put more of these turrets down so now he's been pushed into his little last case here now we got to go fight the other guy expector Yi they come up with these names uh maybe they get a Rubik's Cube has a bunch of letters on it and they just it's pretty crazy name the hell is a yck not appreciate me making fun of his name out that suspending blast all right first damage phase is done now we have to kill the Wizards again they're going to spawn in on the left and the right okay he's literally throwing suspension blast while he's immune you're cringe he my Wizard's dead there mine all right we're looking for Guardian Las Vegas and traveler Guardian Las Vegas I swear it's always these far ones oh no it's not Las Vegas and then the traveler done going to pop my Transcendence good good very good out of here yck is pretty weak immune now just immune all right so now we're on to the hard part or the harder part I should say go to your left and right side okay this side's the the Light Side kill the wizard on that side then we got to call out the symbols 8 10 11 got Kill My Wizard My Wizard's now dead Okay so they're calling out their for symbols and I'm going to I'm going to shoot the same symbol so I'm going to get before before we get too far into it I'll call out the next ones here so that's 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 just like a clock so try to remember that 12 is at the top just like a clock six at the bottom and then when you see the call outs you got 1 5 9 11 you can call them out pretty fast when I call out my four what they're doing is they're looking at theirs and we will have overlapping call outs so when they realize which one is the overlapping one then we'll shoot the same overlapping one so give you a good example bacon will call out the next four right here 12 one 12 we both shoot 12 perfect I got one you only need to do this four times call out the next ones there some ads here yeah that to let the reset happen got two four five turret's doing all the work right here six eight and 11 11 the barrier is now down and now we can kill the two of them I'd recommend grouping up shooting the same one so I'm going to go to your side we'll get St this guy first get sell in here I don't know what you're selling buddy but I'm not buying that did there that's pretty good yeah that was a good have to's too nice like that was the worst joke I've ever heard got that one it was it was so good he died pass away o guy's strand blast is powerful stop freezing me you guys are cringe stop it all that's it going popping Transcendent I just clear these guys out you can clear the ads too but primarily focus on the boss because once the boss is dead it's over and I believe the ads just infinitely respawn it seems to be at least I've never taken the time to fully clear all the ads because we're trying to you know run through as fast as possible right this down here get one of these thankfully these guys don't have like a really powerful stomp imag they had like a suspension stomp that'd be crazy oh that it's going a freezing stomp yeah oh no after you kill those guys you'll see the Waypoint marker here follow it to the end stand on the respective plate you've completed the mission this is the interesting part though if you want to get double drops you have to take advantage of this glitch while it exists you're watching this guide later it may not be available cuz Bungie will obviously fix this at some point in time because we are both warlocks we can take from the same exotic class item slot and by doing so we can bug the instance out so here we go I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about I'm going to choose peace and so is my teammate here because we're trying to you know clear this fast you could choose battle I guess if you want just have fun but we've already did that we already had our fun we're here to farm now what's going to happen is we're both going to die we're going to quickly respawn and pay attention and do this fast and efficiently you can use grapple here as well it can save some time respawning and we're going over to the chest we're going to stand right here on the edge we're going to give a countdown to interact so it'll be a 3 2 1 interact so get ready 3 2 1 interact we both got the exotic class item as you can see in the feed we're going to run over to this slab here jump up here TR to jump to the next part this big pillar here I'm going to jump here wait for my teammate and oh oh got jump on up and jump across and sword swing perfect we're both in joining allies right now and what's going to happen is it's going to pull us back over and in doing so we'll be able to grabb that exotic class item a second time perfect and you can see that there's a there's a decent margin for error you know he fell off on the end there and was able to get back up so good save on you and 3 2 1 interact perfect we both get the EXO class item a second time there it is got all kinds of crazy exotic class items for a prismatic and that's the full guide of all the Mechanics for dual destiny hopefully you found this helpful if you did make sure to subscribe smash like button and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: LUCKYY 10Premium
Views: 17,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destiny 2, Destiny2, D2, Bungie, 1v3, Cheater, Trials, Trials of Osiris, Trails of Osiris, News, Updates, Reddit, Live, Twitch, Drama, Twitter, T bag, Ban, Bans, Quitting, Destiny Killer, Hacker, Exotic, Exotics, New, controversy, raid, loot, nerf, buff, challenge, montage, glitch, worlds first, noob, tokens, bugged, cheat, cheats, sunset, sunsetting, fail, meta, 1v1, viral, Aim botter, Ddos, pay to win, redacted, bungie dev, dmg, cozmo, hate, half baked, trending, gaming, gamingnews
Id: mKIZakwLIfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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