Destiny 2 - How to Get EXOTIC CLASS ITEMS - Dual Destiny Exotic Mission - Walkthrough - Guide

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hello everybody it is ebontis and today with this guide my goal is to show you one how to prep your character so you actually have the Dual Destiny mission available and then a full complete walkth through uh it's going to be from the dark person's perspective but I'll explain basically everything as we go through of what the differences are going to be and that is how you can unlock the ability to either farm this exotic from the director and run the mission over and over or you can actually Farm it from overthrow chest which as a solo player probably what you're going to do because this mission requires two players absolutely does you have to play with two people it is the way all the mechanics are set up you can't solo this Mission you guys know I'm a solo person I had to go recruit somebody lfg look on Twitter wherever you got to look it is going to be worth it cuz you only have to do it as a Duo one time and then you can do overthrow to farm but if you find other people to run with every time you beat this it is a guarantee so if you're willing to farm this you can probably get them consistently but it is not a short Mission so two players are required that being said my advice is for the preparation you may as well bring two players with you because what you have to do is you're going to need to go to The Landing the blooming and the inass and you're going to need to do overthrow all the way from level one through level four and beat the boss and then for that zone once the boss has been beaten there's like that 5 minute cool down of you know kind of Peace in the zone thanks to the Traveler's light or whatever the comment says at that point you are going to need to go and find the Secret Keeper of the witch Queen what it is going to be is a Lucent Hive wizard hanging out in kind of one of the outer rim areas of that zone like you don't need to be in the landing and wander into the refraction if you see the zone change you have gone too far so make sure you don't wander too far cuz they really weren't that far out but for like the landing it was tucked down here in this little corner for the blooming I can't remember exactly which section it was it was where I was running the light and dark Moes back and forth in some Quest or campaign mission and the impass I think it was down here in this bottom left corner but could be wrong as well might be up in a tucked in a corner but again it's always a Lucent Hive Wizard and it's going to say Secret Keeper the witch Queen if you go level one through four beat the Secret Keeper the witch Queen in each of the three zones Step One is done then you need to head to exactly where I am in this cave and it's really hard to miss because you're going to load either into the blooming or load into the landing and then if you look towards the refraction it's going to have this giant beam of light in the air and it's green so if you go in the landing go through here in the fraction look up in the sky beam a lights in there come around the corner beam a lights in here and eventually you're going to come in here if you come in the back door you can come from the blooming it's probably quicker and you can just go right back and you'll enter through the back entrance right back from there so either way you get to this room once you're in here what's going to happen is I interact with with this and it starts the lore talking but what I didn't realize is you're going to also get a buff that has a timer on it at that time and the buff is called savathun's Envoy now once you've got that buff what you need to do is you need to run outside into the actual refraction area so you do actually have to go this way and from this point your goal is to kill enough enemies to spawn two of the uh subjugators one strand and one stasis so these basic enemies won't count all of this is just basic junk one of them is going to spawn pretty much right by this tree so keep killing enemies that are in this Zone here like where I'm kind of killing now keep killing enemies over here you're going to see you know some subjugators you're going to see some Hive or attendance or whatever it may be then the big subjugator is going to spawn and at that point it's going to look like this it's explicator sellin or ex expector cellin sorry I'm probably going to say some of this stuff wrong forgive me basically you need to get a third of their health bar gone and then they are going to drop an orb now I don't know if they always drop light and then dark but this is how it happened for me so they're going to drop a light orb and what one of you and this is why I recommend two people for this part as well one of you is going to need to run it back into the chamber now the other one can start working on the other enemies which are going to be farther up here and I'll show you how I run them back because both of you can use this as a quicker path to get back there we'll kind of show you what I mean but the other one is going to be expc expector unique or something like that I'll have a picture of them on screen um but as you're running over here before you head all the way back but it was pretty far over here so when you get to at this point the expector Yen was actually spawning for me right in this region here um it was on the upper deck so I came all the way to this point and then we were killing enemies now killing enemies here killing enemies here and he actually spawned right about there and at that point again do enough damage to get a third of the health bar down that's why it's like if you are one person to prep this by yourself you can do that that way maybe if you're doing like lfg or something you've got this part done and you're like hey mission's ready just need to actually do it but you can't start the mission and I don't know if you don't start the mission if you're actually going to be able to open it from the directory like this because I checked my video back and I was getting my location showed my little arrow on the map but the mission was not there cuz I hadn't started it yet so my true advice is really make sure you bring two people in here but either way for the second orb same thing we took him down here he dropped the darkness orb and then you got to bring it back to her statue so you got to make this run through and this is why if like one person taking out the ads and stuff while you're running one of the orbs back probably going to make sure it's doable so you're not wasting your time but if you want to practice it with one person by yourself you probably can then see if you're fast enough but if you get to this point with this little break you know there's a lot of enemies that's why running together is probably also going to be helpful if you get to here you can actually make a jump up here I landed this one pretty easily and then you can come down here and this seemed to be a bit of a shortcut so you don't have to go around the long way so if you're you you know tight on time and you're running these orbs back might actually help you save a little bit of time but either way when you get the orb back the darkness one is going to be on this side and I'll show you a picture of kind of what's that what that looks like but you'll come up here there's literally a Darkness platform to stand on right right here on the ground let me kill this guy first or he's just going to wander there we go Darkness platform is going to be here and literally just if you're holding the darkness orb and you stand on it it does its automatic dunk when you bring the light one back it's going to be over here and you autod dunk it as long as you stand on if you do that within the time then your mission flag is going to show up dual Destiny and at that point if you have two people with you you can start it so that's how you actually prepare this mission to be available but again I recommend two people for just the timing you need to run both orbs back now I myself picked up both orbs and dunk them so I know one person can do the dunking but for time wise the second person is just going to help you be more efficient so before we jump into the mission I'm going to talk a little bit about loadouts if you don't care about that then now I'm going to go through full gameplay of the mission I'm doing this from the dark aligned perspective basically one of the things that will do is you need one dark aligned person or one light aligned person we were both Prismatic the first time I did this and it just randomly picked now I also made the other person leader and it still made me light Aline so I don't know if it's the higher level player whatever it may be but it doesn't really matter you're both going to have both rolles pretty much the entire way through so I'm just going to show you from the dark aligned perspective if you have a choice choice about what subass you want to be just know the other say you want to be solar subass then that means the other person has to be either Prismatic or strander stasis you do have to split in one way or another so if you don't pick Prismatic then and you pick a very specific one they have to be the opposite side of the spectrum or Prismatic to cover the other side once you've got your kind of subclasses decided let's talk about loadouts and give you a little advice when it comes to loadouts your light level is going to matter the activity is$ 1995 now currently I'm 1992 but even when I ran it the first time I was about 1985 if you play with someone below your power level you will bring them up to Five Below yours so I was 1985 and I brought the person I was playing with up to 1980 at this point if I was 1992 I'd bring them up to 1987 so light level is going to matter in here just because there are so many enemies both incoming and outgoing damage is going to be more efficient so I do recommend getting your light level bumped up a bit especially before you go looking at lfg probably going to make my life a little easier now I'm not a hunter expert cuz I'm been running this character thanks to uh you guys actually kicking butt with a charity incentive so thank you for that but said I'd play Hunter and I am I'm not an expert at the subass so I've been crutching on worm hus crown for survivability and red death both but there are a ton of ads in here so red death is not a bad option um I had a sniper for multiple reasons you've got tormentors you've got long range kind of bigger Arenas so range is going to be a good thing to take advantage of in here so a sniper is not a bad thing and there are a lot of enemies there's also multiple rally Flags the only thing that locks when you start the mission is your subass so as long as your CL subass for your character is good you can move weapons around you can move Exotics around so if you run through a practice run you don't love what you're doing or you think hey at this point I think I've done enough and maybe for the final boss room I would switch Heavies around things like that you can do that so just know bring more than one load out with you and it's going to be an option bring res resistances in there there's going to be like some melee resistance that I actually would recommend cuz there's a decent amount of husks and close-range enemies in there I just kind of spread it over Arc solar and void I didn't even put stasis on here and I definitely should have strand as well cuz those are going to be in there but you've got a little bit of everything so it's kind of hard to cover everything and other than that for load out just you know find a survival Loadout I tend to put recuperation on for a uh survival thing cuz I'm making orbs pretty frequently with my load out all the time so getting a little Health back on top of red death and wormhost Crown I'm not the highest DPS um so I would recommend whoever you're running with if one person's running something like a tether for example maybe you've got one of those then one other person probably should do a DPS on our run through we both accidentally did tether which kind of worked for the tormentors but either way I would still recommend that you try and coordinate a little bit with your teammate for some DPS and find a way for you to feel comfortable surviving there are a ton of ads so a machine gun is not a bad idea I'll be honest something like a rocket launcher blowing yourself up not a good thing because there are certain times you need to stay alive long enough with like Moes to share information with each other machine guns are going to typically be a way to survive better something like a sword might not be a horrible idea because you can do things like Argent blade and getting your sword back and refunding some ammo so there are different builds but hopefully the game play will inform you of what to do so at this point I'm going to jump into the gameplay as I said it's from the dark align perspective but there are a few moments I might put a little either footage or screenshots on screen from the light perspective so you guys can see what I'm talking about so outside of that I think we're ready to jump into the mission so here we go a long time ago there were three sisters a voice in the darkness put a lie in their hearts and they've acted on it since just as you've been Li to light and dark witness and Traveler all right so when the mission starts you're going to be kind of working your way up to exit from the top of this little cave so just a quick little jumping puzzle spiral here for you as you work your way up um you're just going to come out the top where you've taken any of the assist uh missions that you've done in the alone in the dark you pop out up here and then all you're trying to do is get through this section with killing enough enemies to allow you to survive but there's no specific functionality to actually like taking them out making sure they're dead there's all you got to do is just get through this section you're trying to get to your first light and dark plate and just however quickly you can get over and through these enemies that's the fastest way you should be doing it so as you work your way across we're kind of going to go pretty quick I'm going to talk through the whole playthrough just so you guys can see a perspective and then I'm also going to try and show um some moments where the light perspective might see something different but I'll just kind of explain the whole situation cuz most of the time you're just flipping who's doing what mechanic most of the time through so as you go through here watch for the snipers they can just be up high when you see that big Ravine here in the middle that we're going to be hopping over there's going to be some Grim that are going to be popping out from above so I just you know if you got anything area of effect like my gunpowder gamble was nice to clear a few so whoever you're running with just know that those are going to be up there the Grim if you want a machine gun take them out don't really need to focus on them you just need to get past this ogre which my sniper can't seem to do there we go and then the gri are all flying up above up there so as you're progressing forward just know that they are going to be trying to take you out from up above but if you get inside up to these enemies then you're going to be okay all right so these enemies here are guarding the light platform which is right up there to your right where he's going to be and then the dark platform is going to be down around this hallway the light platform truly is just around the corner where we were up there on that ledge so he can already sit there and wait I've got to fight my way through these enemies trying to do what I can so the dark platform after these two is going to be tucked over here to the left in the little doorway stand on that when you're both standing on it make sure he had gone off to help clear some ads once you've both stood on it then you're good to see the Wall come down and you're going to meet here in the middle up at that cave up top and that cave up top is going to hold a knight so if you can bust through him knock him out whatever you got to do just take him down um the faster he goes down the faster you can get by and then you're going to turn to your right once you get out of that cave make sure my buddy's with me turn to the right and you'll see we've got a rally flag down below so it's a good time to grab any extra ammo if you're going to do that that's what I was switching over ammo for now once you've got the ammo you're going to proceed to the first encounter light is going to be down below darkness is going to be up top now the difference between the two players at this point if you're Darkness you're the only one who can damage the knights the knights are going to be dropping modes if you're light you're the only one who can damage the centurions and then later on there's specific Wizards that have the same Shields respectively so you got to make sure you kind of kill the respective enemy with you so you can see the Knight coming up over the top I'm the only one who can damage him so even if he's done doing what he needs to do down there I still need to make sure I kill my Knights and then there's going to be a moat on the ground you pick up you're going to see Moes of Darkness for me Moes of light for the other player when you have the boxes filled the the difference between the light and the dark are going to be the following the and again it changes back and forth so if your encounter allows you to see symbols that are around the room that you have a little that's the little floating kind of pyramid next to it that you could shoot as like a trigger that means you're going to be the one shooting the symbols if you're the person who sees the symbols floating over on top of little like kind of pyramid looking just their little boxes and all they all line up next to each other if you're the one who sees the symbols just lined up on the little boxes next to each other you need to call out which symbols need to be shot you need to call them out from left to right or later on you're going to need to call them out from top to bottom so here they have two symbols down on their little boxes down below I'll try and put a picture on screen here so you guys can see it and they're calling out what I need to shoot and these call outs are going to be the call outs from vow of the disciple so you're going to need to have a refresher with the person you're playing with you're going to need to make sure that you guys are have some similar idea on the call outs so one of the first one was witness and then triangle was the second one I think we had the wrong symbol there if that happens your Moes are cleared out and you need to reset it so this is why it's like being really clear on the communication take the time to get it right it's really really important so at this point I've got to kill my Knights again and I got to go through the sequence of knights and enemies and then he's going to do the same down below with the Centurion so if you're on the oppos if if you're the light player you're always shooting the Centurion dark player shooting the knights so I've got to go get my moat that was over there I think I left it sitting up there so I need to go grab that trying to take out these Weavers those guys that are a little bit harder so yeah my moat sitting up there it can fade away so don't just leave it up there cuz it will actually drop off so it will start to Flicker and fade so that's when there you go all right so I've got both so I can see all the symbols again you see them floating around the room all the little icons and the little Darkness symbols underneath them like that are what you need to shoot so it was the first one and then now it's like the hive symbol now in the bottom left hand corner you see paracausal energy tears through you you're going to move to the next room you're also going to get a longer timer when you do now same principle is going to happen here but you're going to flip room flip rolls basically so this time I've got to clear the ads still going to be clearing my kns but this time I'm going to need to go up to that plat form up above and I'm going to need to read the symbols for him as he's Gathering Moes he's going to see more and more symbols that are available to be shot from his perspective this time you've got three Moes to collect so the biggest thing is if you die you lose the Moes that you are holding so you need to make sure that you prioritize Staying Alive especially for this opening section because Staying Alive is pretty much one of the more important things to make sure your time is as much as possible because if you die then you just extend in the amount of time it takes you to be able to even see what you need to see to share the information you need or to be able to see the right stuff so that's why it's like I'm harping a lot on staying alive Exotics class abilities anything that's going to help keep you going on this is probably more important than just about anything else that's why machine guns for me are working to clear a lot of the ads it's not like I'm using a rocket launcher in here that I could blow myself up that's not really worth the risk so I've got one moat right now and I've got one more Mo up here to pick up up so that's two I need one more because I can only see two of the three symbols right now I can't even see all of the ones that are there same thing he's doing up there he's going to see symbols that are kind of on that upper ceiling area and then he's working on collecting enough modes to be able to see all of the symbols and then once you're done with your Moes don't let that thing fall off the edge uh once you're done collecting your set like your boxes of Moes are full you can come to their level and help clear ads so mine are drink traveler and triangle so he's going to be looking in the around the room looking for those three paracausal energy gathers paracausal energy clings paracausal energy tears through you that is the sequence of correct text if you're shooting the correct symbols so now you go to the final room of this part of the mission and you're going to have four that you got to collect so in this one the big taken ball right here is going to be the darkness side where you're killing the uh Knights the light side is going to be over there and that little taken portal up above is where the centurion's going to pop out of every time so you're kind of on the same plane but then when you go to shoot the symbols we're going to go directly above where we are right now there's this little floating gazebo in the air it's actually a really good place to shoot him from why I'm kind of using this footage more because this was our smoother run so once the Knight goes down and again the faster you kill the Knight faster the next one's going to be coming in so it is all about speed now I perched here up top for a little while just waiting on my next night there are no snipers up here at the moment but there will be later on so that's kind of why when I'm up here now I know I'm probably going to be okay later on gets to be a bit crazier but again also be aware if you jump up here on this perch and they're going to get overrun by ads over there making make sure you're holding up here into the bargain this is a team Mission so now I know I've got the Knight coming back over there I just saw him I'm going to throw my gunpowder in his face I'm going to put a couple shots into him and then we're going to get our second Mo but we need a total of four so this one takes a little while this is also where if you get up to like three Moes and then you die it is much more difficult to actually you know have the time to reacquire and if you want more time in the boss room then it's even more important to prioritize Staying Alive here with every functionality and then switch your subass will lock but other stuff will not lock like you can change out your weapons I think and maybe even your armor and stuff if you need to change when it comes to the final boss room right before for the rally flag you could so I'm three out of four right now again the Weavers and the attendants are probably the most annoying guys in this the little guys are not too bad Red Death every kill giving me cure times to is a nice way to stay alive though my ads are down so I'm trying to help him with his at this moment all of this kind of going on during this pretty much live run through is what we're doing right now so that is going to be my fourth so what I'm going to do now I'm going to get up to a perch because I'm going to have no more Knights to kill now I got to be weary because snipers can start to spawn up here as you'll see so being as I've got all four and you can see also the symbols are all up around the ceiling of the room so we're on the same page right now so I can see pretty much everything from up here so I can do a circle up here so I had worship um what was the next call out so I've got drink then we had Hive and then the last one was Guardian which was behind me but you can see them all from up here so it is a perfect spot right up there so make sure if you're the one shooting in this last room of four Moes that you come up here when the call outs are happening cuz all you got to do is spin less enemies to worry about so that's the opening section kind of explaining the shooting the puzzles and getting the buff and communicating to each other now we're going to go through the traversal section now I'm going dark side he's going to go light side it is very similar you're basically just going to be standing on plates to uh both of you need on a plate so a light and dark plate to progress to the next section of the uh puzzle I think I get to a point where I start to jump ahead so I've done this a few times so I started to move a little bit quicker big thing is once you kind of make a couple of these jumps around this corner the Grim are going to be waiting for you and you're going to be stuck in a very crouched area so machine gun worked here red death but if you kind of wait for your buddy to come over here with you you want to kind of inch forward together so you can shoot these enemies at the same time I brought a machine gun just in case I had to solo this part but I got some help as he came along behind me but yeah try and be ready because you're going to have six of these major Grim sitting here and you want to make sure you can take them out with something pretty quickly now we're going to be jumping across just be careful of the ceiling so you don't knock your head too bad on any of this part cuz it's a little bit low as we go forward the biggest thing you're going to notice is um things will start shifting a little bit I skipped those two enemies which was nice nice because that was just quicker so you can skip those you don't even have to shoot them can't even see him from down here so you don't have to worry about him so I told him just like was like when you come out just make the jump for the stairs and you're good now this next section you're going to want to shoot the snipers one down below one on the left side stair that you're going to be jumping up to and then there's one in waiting so I typically will jump up to this um first one first little step here cuz you barely can almost head glitch the enemy that way they can't really get a good shot on you and then around the corner you've got one more sniper up above so up here take that one out and then you've got a crouching section like Whisper of the worm so there's going to be parts of the wall that try and push you off so in here just smash your face against the wall and then you want to try and move past each section but not go too far so pretty much you can be running into the wall as it pulls back and then you'll just be able to go forward so here you just kind of have to you know basically follow with style right there couple of these guys and then as you progress up these jumps you're going to have the husk like interior little floating worms that come out when you shoot them they're going to be coming at you and then right in that doorway is going to be a failinks who wants to push you off the edge he's almost done to me like every time I've run the mission just remember he is right there when you see the little husk like mini worms inside just know that these guys are going to come that one's waiting for you up at the top so now you're going to jump on your respective platforms and you're always looking for any part of the world that moves so up there you can see to the left mine moved so it made space for me to land same thing here go off to my left so he's on his platform now you're looking for something that moves so again up on my left right here this popped out and then I know I can jump up here and then I can jump up here now there are going to be enemies up above on the final Upper Deck area that are going to be shooting you so once you get to about here you get to a point where you you're going to cross over I'm going to go to his side he's going to go to my side notice a lot of snipers and shots coming down from the top so if you want to just kind of pick a point get together and kind of work on taking out the enemies or just work them from cover stay safe here cuz that's where you're going to be dealing with a lot of the enemies so for me on the darkness side I passed through the back but I also was trying to get up here and take out some of these enemies trying to snipe some of the snipers for themselves wormhusk Crown coming in for the save there you've got two ogres you've got like four snipers goblins that are shielding up here a lot of stuff to take out so for me for the darkness spot I kind of jump up but you're looking to get around the back side of the pyramid if you're on the light side you can actually pass through the middle section like the little kind of almost door opens up in the middle and that's going to allow you to get up to your platform so once you're up here you should be able to get a decent view of everything once you're on your platforms I'm going to jump up here on the right and Crouch walk the whole time on the left there's just three jumps on the wall that you've got to go through not a big deal over there this one's just you know got to take it slow this is why you don't want enemies peppering you right here you want them dead before you make that slow walk otherwise you're in trouble now as I've run through this and got faster the faster you are at this Mission the more time you're going to start accumulating and when we get to the end we had like 20 minutes which was plenty but it's when you go through and learn it for the first time time's going to be tight this jump just kind of a blind leap down here to these little lights in this doorway and then you've got a rally flag here before the encounters begin now before we actually get to this encounter what I'm going to do is basically explain what what you're going to be looking at so when you and this is going to change when you get to the final room it gets a little bit easier but this one is going to look about like this there's only going to be nine little nodes that you can shoot so it's not a full clock when you get to the final room a full clock is going to be available so in this one I set it up like this you can have whatever call outs you want but it worked to have the middle be the bottom and then you have L1 L2 L3 L4 down the left R1 R2 R3 R4 down the right when you get to this encounter in each wave you've got to do three waves of this what you're you will be seeing and what your partner will be seeing is different what you need to call out for me that made it easier is I had my partner call out what was not connected so in this picture for example they would call out L2 L4 and R2 so I know what is not connected on their end and then from my perspective what I need to do is shoot something that is connected that is not one of the ones they called out so they called out L2 L4 and R2 so on my side if I was looking at something that had things that were connected like if L1 was connected I would shoot that one if R3 was connected I would shoot that one if the middle was connected on mine I would shoot that one because I would have some that were disconnected as well if you shoot the correct three then you will move on to basically the second set of um nodes that you're going to see and you got to do three different sets now when you go through this encounter the only way you're able to actually shoot those little nodes is whoever gets the final blow on the Tormentor that spawns and once that happens you're going to have 30 seconds kind of 30 seconds of a buff from the Tormentor to be able to actually shoot those nodes so whether you're on the LIF side or the right side use your cover you're going to have a lot of husks coming in you're going to have a lot of acolytes coming in so again you're going to have a ton of ads machine gun for me was useful but whatever use whatever works for you that was a horrible gunpowder gamble lots and lots of husks though be aware that you're going to have a lot of those so having a way to take those things out can be quite helpful and having a way to heal yourself is actually really good too now when you get to the Tormentor it's just a little bit of coordination like my super is up first so I think I pop my super I went ham with my machine gun took out the Tormentor I was also Prismatic right now so I really tried to put everything I could into the Tormentor take out the chunks of Health I could make sure again if you're going big damage take out the shoulders first and then do what you can to put the damage into them so again I was like reloading with the Dodge trying to take out a few of these ads keep my health up with red death and then the tether is still holding on so it's like I can probably punish him in the chest with my sniper rifle gets pretty close again this is why I love the sniper rifle all right so now I've got the buff on my screen that is the harmonic sundering so I had him call out while we're prepping this stuff which ones he doesn't have I'm looking through seeing which ones I have that do not line up with what he has so basically they're going to call it three ones that they don't have and then you're going to look at what you do have if you have one that that is like connected and they didn't call that out that's one of the ones that you're going to shoot it's pretty much that is the best way I can describe it if you know what doesn't connect for them then all you need to know is that if you have one that does connect and it's not one they listed you can Greenlight shoot that one when you have the buff so when you do it correctly you're going to have one of those pyramid things in the back wall they will break and you'll do it three times so right now I don't have my super so he's going to throw his out there and if you want to both shoot the symbols on the wall that's fine but if you just want to have one person nominated to get the final blow try and coordinate that one like put the super into them first and then finish up like with whatever you're using just make sure if you're the one who's going to get the final blow every time make sure you've got a weapon you can comfortably get the final blow like I had a machine gun sniper rifle I know I could get away and Dodge I just I knew I could manage it myself so it is know you know your teammate kind of figure out what happens or if you just need to you know dump on the Tormentor then just both be aware of who's doing what but it does make life a little bit easier if one of you having to do this as opposed to both of you because it just gets a little chaotic here but he eventually wants to jump at me and probably kill me but we're still alive so he's almost dead nice sniper shot to the stomach okay so same thing he's called out so he said L1 L2 or L1 R1 and R2 so then I went through eliminated those and his was everything on the top so anything that I had connected that was pretty much below that were the ones I shot third third round same principle uh you got all the husks coming in gunpowder gamble was really nice to clear those out there's still plenty of them that spawn in but it was nice to clean them out and then if you're pretty quick at this the Tormentor comes back into the room also pretty quickly so it's not like you have to wait a long time if you're quick at this the tormentors will be pretty Speedy to come at you once you start killing I don't know if it's all the husks or what but just keep killing everything you can and keep stuff going I've got my super up again so I'm going to try and draw him over put my super on him and then we're just going to try and cook him out I think we double tethered him that time which was pretty funny so he's pretty much locked out for a good minute make sure the shoulders are broken finish them off with the crits on the chest and that's the nice thing is while I'm working on the Tormentor which I was trying to focus on more often than not it was allowing him to make sure he could get a relook at his symbols to make sure he was ready he's going to smash me in the head almost grabbed me here I think barely survived again Red Death one kill giving me a good amount of cure yeah I was like he grabbed me here but I barely just had enough Health to survive but he called it out and the thing is as long as your call outs are ready when the Tormentor goes down you can take a little extra time time you just have to know a tormenters out there so there's your crit so L2 L4 R4 were his call outs so then I'm looking for something that I have connected that again he didn't have and this is one of like which one L2 L4 R4 so I hit L3 R4 so yep R2 so always shooting what is connected that they didn't call out and you should be good that's the first room so three tormentors three sets of uh connections and then we're going to get to this traversal section this Mission really is massive for one two really cool to look at he's got kastav which actually sounded really cool and as you work through the mission just again little bit of jumping involves so just make sure you're comfortable with whatever platforming you're doing here there no like extreme jumping in here so you don't need like a jumping exotic just take your time make your jumps you know notice at this point we're up to like 17 minutes one time I got into the boss room and I had noticeably less so the timer will stack the faster you are so it is going to be it's going to be okay if you go through the first one it's not that smooth but you figure out the mechanics with your teammate because the second time you work through it you're probably going to knock it out and you'll have even more time to do so so here we're just killing ads make sure the whole uh platform is clear of ads So the faster you are the better kastav with that little like chasing shot that goes around seems to be helping too which is nice it's kinetic helps both Prismatic sides you're going to hop on your platforms and you're going to get launched to the next platform now you are going to get split up at a point so here's where you're split so again you want to make sure you can kind of manage your own nothing too crazy in here again you've just got Grim you're probably going to have an ogre at some point but quite a few Grim so try and find yourself a little bit of cover as we work through all of this and then there's our ogre so again this is why I like my sniper rifle to put a few shots in his face and we're kind of done and then both sides need to be ready stand on your plates and then you're going to get launched forward you barely step forward it'll pull you now up here you're going to have more ads but then you're going to have a double Tormentor combo Duo so two of you one Tormentor each or pair up together this is why like if you have one DPS Super One crowd control super that would probably be better than what we did because we had two tethers now it wasn't all bad to have the tethers but you could definitely do better DPS than what we did so once the ogre goes down ogre goes down two tormentors are going to show up they just take a little bit to get here so all the ads need to be cleared out before the Tormentor show looks like we got one straggler over there he teleports in both tormentors come in with some more ads so the tormentors again that's why the tether was nice it helped but if you got any type of AOE super there Nova bomb would do plenty well cuz I think that thing's a monster now so we nuked the first one pretty hard and I think we coordinated our supers a bit more there so his super was first I let him come down I got my super on him so we were able to focus him and keep him a little bit at Bay and then same principle just kind of nuke him down working for time and the more comfortable you get the mission and the mechanics the you're going to have a lot more time than you think you might have needed when both tormentors die we got to go stand on our plates and we kind of forgot about that we're waiting for the Rings to shoot us we're like plates turn around so we got to go stand on our plates so from this point turn back once the little Rings show up and then once the Rings show up it'll pull you all the way through more hands floating in the pale heart just a little bit of creepy horness going on now this will actually be the final room but it's a big room kind of long fight and as you work through here you're going to first off make sure you get your rally flag max out your ammo switch chest pieces if you need to switch Exotics if you got to change up your play style now there's still going to be a lot of ads but if you have a different thought for a play style for the boss room after some practice now is a good time to swap things over once you're good you can hop on out and the first thing you're going to be dealing with is the stasis subject so you're just going to need to stand here stasis subjugator is going to pop out I think you might have to kill a few ads first or something small like that stasis subjugator is first and the first thing you can do is just do damage to the subjugator bring it to its first phase there it is so there's the big one and you're just trying to bring it to its first kind of chunk of its Health which will allow you to um go through the first mechanic which you'll see this is going to be the symbols above the head once we get there so again machine gun's not going to be the most amazing DPS sniper was helping me a little bit for backup having the Dodge to be able to actually stay alive was probably the most important thing cuz I survived and he it and because there's so many enemies in there but yeah it's like you're probably going to die a lot in here but as we have 23 minutes for this room that's it's it's a lot of time so if you get smoother this room gets to be a lot more um less of a time crunch I should say and that's the nice thing about once you get comfortable with the mechanics not dying and again we didn't even go as fast as possible because we had some deaths in the symbols rooms and we had to redo a couple of those if you were excuse me if you were Flawless you probably could almost have like 30 minutes in here you really could have plenty of time now once the shield comes up he's going to pop in the middle he's still going to be attacking so you got to be aware that there's still stuff that is going to hurt you from him and there's going to be some ads around so what we need to do now is we're looking for our Wizards our respective Wizards are going to be floating out and around and you need to find the wizard that you can damage so if you find the right one that takes damage from you then you know at least you're hitting the right one or if you find one that you can't damage call that out to your buddy so you're like hey it's over here I was having a little bit of trouble finding mine I think he found his My Wizard eventually was like hiding somewhere in the middle if I remember correctly had to kill all the guys that's what it was actually I knew we were looking for the wizard so all the guys went down when all the guys went down there's the last husk that is when the Wizards would actually spawn I believe yeah one more over I saw him down there in the corner now as I'm watching the playback so yeah there we go so all of them so once all of the ads go down for that then you're going to get your Wizards out so as you can see the darkness wizard is on this side of the Arena light one's going to be over there you're going to have different perspectives so the darkness player is going to see the symbols out in the world and the light player is going to see the symbols above the subjugator head the person reading the symbol is going to read them top to bottom now there's a lot of husks in there so if you got to kill those I accidentally shot a symbol right there so that's a prime example of be careful the direction you're shooting when you're trying to clear these ads out and honestly just trying and protect yourself cuz now we got to go find another Wizard and kill the wizard so we can get the buff back the husk was just coming at me there got a little bit crazy and I accidentally shot the wrong symbol so you don't have to restart the whole thing or something you just have to get to a point where you got to go kill the ads and then get another wizard to spawn so you can get your buff back you're looking but yeah if you want the Wizards to spawn all the ads have to be down think we got most of them I had one down to my right I had a couple stragglers that stasis shatter by the way is rough when it goes off next year if you hadn't experienced that in the campaign it hurts so be war of that all right so I got this one over here all right so now the Wizard's going to spawn right next to me on this platform so you can just pretty straight nuke it and then we're going to go through the same principle we got more husks out there but I've got the symbols I'm going to play safe to make sure we clear our ads first and then we're going to go for the symbol read I can see the symbols out there but he's got to clear his wizard got to make sure we're kind of safe and then for a place to look from you're just going to be right here below the boss it's not too great so you got to stay mobile and moving so first one I think his call out was love which is going to be that one drink again if you're kind of able to jump and spin and then Tower so love drink and Tower Shield is going to come down on this subjugator what you're going to do now is you're going to look for the ability to do just another set of a chunk of damage of his health bar to get him down to that final third so now again it's just full DPS mode doing what you can yeah sometimes it works out that I can just fire all my sniper ammo at once I'm going to go try and put in some Transcendence work on him between grenades melee and everything else I can fire at him hopefully I can put in a little bit of work here and I really am just trying to unload every piece of Prismatic so if I fire my melee at him I've got the melee going out and bouncing around hopefully killing some little guys I've got my grenades which I don't love these grenades but if I can get them attached they seem to be at least doing some damage to them and since my super wasn't up I figured it was a good way to get me some damage um warm hus Crown at least if I dodge that comes up pretty frequently so I should be able to get alive he's just a floating pin cushion that should be the phase and now he's going to go inside his little Shield bubble and we're going to be dealing with our strand subjugator now at this point you can just go into damage on the Strand subjugator because it's not shielded yet so you got to kill a few of these enemies first take care of these and then we're going to be I like to get high ground on this section because he's going to be up high and we're just working some DPS on him right now he's a bit more jumpy a little bit more aggressive on the movement so high ground helps but just know if you do go for The High Ground there's bound to be some failings that spawn occasionally up high and I don't know if they spawn just cuz you're up there or if they eventually just jump down but every time I was really high up on a platform and not missing all of my shots the subject these little guys would spawn up here they want to make sure you're not hanging out here too much keeping it easy but the verticality up here did really help me get some damage on him staying away from the chaos made it a little bit easier and again same principle just trying to get his health down through that first third and we're going to do the same thing looking for the Wizards we're going to be going for the symbols yep so he's Shield it up again take out all the ads that are around when all the ads are down that's when you're going to get your uh Wizards to show up so you can get your symbols I just went Prismatic here so I could just try and survive some of the chaos that's going on we still have 17 minutes though and that's why I was like if you get the early parts to be smooth this part you will have plenty of time take a minute look around for ammo because you're going to need some of that so if the enemies are down we're going to be looking for our Wizards and I think I don't know if they were on the same side or if they crossed I got to remember which direction they went so that's the light one so they were on the same side of the Arena uh we had our wires crossed here so that's mine over there so we got to flip and take out your Wizard and then this time we're going to pretty much uh nuke this one pretty quickly for the Wizards and then I think the call out's not too bad but I've just got to find a good perspective to shoot them from so this time I can see the symbols you can see top down I've got commune traveler and light uh so I call those out he's looking for a perspective this one seems a little more manageable just because I think you got a little more cover to hide from again if you're up here or they just keep spawning but yeah just know if you're taking the upper deck for cover then just know you are also likely to uh find some failings there's going to be some snipers up in the corners as you start shooting some of the symbols so just be aware that they're out there that gamble against the husks is really really nice to clear him out all right so he shot the symbols so we're breaking his shield again so now we're just back to DPS mode I'm looking for some ammo also watching for the snipers which I swear they're teleporting which is fun now you notice off to the side we've got the little clocks and the connecting wires again the difference is you have all 12 sides of a clock so this time you have more time to look at the symbols you basically just just have a grim show up every I don't know 15 seconds or so something like that and when you're looking at the symbols on the clock this time you can just use normal call outs that of the clock 12:00 at the top 6:00 at the bottom and what's going to happen is we walk through it and we'll kind of go through it with you I mean we're sitting in Discord in a chat typing it out to each other um you're going to there's going to be three sets of symbols that rotate so you're going to need to get like a notepad piece of paper Discord text chat whatever ever you want to put it into you're going to need to be able to kind of keep a little bit of a note so you can um do it quickly you could technically use text chat if you were fast enough to type it in I was typing it in the Discord write it down on a Post-It note next to you whatever you want trying to get some DPS in right now but I'm also trying to get get you guys ready for the mechanics so this makes a little more sense as you watch it so once he's shielded you need to find the Wizards again and this is going to allow you to see the specific sides that are yours and also once you kill the wizard and the ads you're going to be able to do what you need to do you notice I have harmonic suering but there is no timer so what's going to happen is you're going to see three sets of symbols that rotate so that first one would be 3:00 5:00 6:00 and 8:00 and then so that's the first set it'll Fade Away second set is going to come in so this would be 9 10 11 and 1 and then the third set will come right after this what you're looking to do is on each set you're both going to share one number so if on this one it's like 1 2 4 and seven I think we shared seven so we talked through it we may have even messed it up at some point but that's the principle and I think we had to redo it so there's your Grim coming in they show up every so often so you want to make sure you're a little in screen they're not too lethal they're little red bar Grims they're not going to be too destructive to you but that's what you're trying to do is coordinate on each rotation so make sure like if you write them down in a different order make sure you're like all right on this rotation I'm seeing these four numbers so two 4 or 12 2 4 and 7even if he calls out seven that's the one we would shoot there but I would just make a note that it's going to be that 3 5 6 and 8 on that one I can't remember if it's like three or but you also need to shoot them together so if like the symbols are up there and you don't shoot them at the same time you're going to redo the whole thing and I think that's what happened is like I got us on track here and then I shot it too soon and they weren't quite ready which one it was so 12 2 4 and seven so it's like okay if this one's going to be seven you would shoot seven here I know at some point we screw it up in this run and we still had plenty of time so again the Grim coming in coming to mess with you a little bit I'm literally alt tabbed here almost and just make sure you're clear like take a second count Around the Clock make sure you have your numbers up right cuz it is up there for a decent amount of time and we're just trying to coordinate which one's which here so you don't have a whole lot of like Rush right here if you can be faster in the other parts you can sit here and take your sweet time on this and the only thing you're going to do after this is just kill both of the subjugators so we get ready to call outs we're going to shoot 10 together and I was too fast there so incorrect node barrier frequency changing so then we're going to have to write him down again so now we've got 11 12 2 and six so we write them down but you get a little bit more in sync with your partner so now it's like 3 4 8 and 10 and then so if you write down the three I mean you could put it in text chat and like just do a first set see which one's the same second set see which one's the same third set see which one's the same and then if you can just compare them then you'll be able to probably coordinate it pretty well but we would just basically go through and let it Flash and be like all right first set which one the same all right so we wrote down here that it might have been six and then trying to remember what the last one was yeah 4 58 and 10 it was 10 on this one and then it would flash away come back next one we both had three so we make a note of that and then when we get all the way to the next one we both had 11 so we both had 11 here so I was like are you ready so we're going to shoot so we're going to shoot 10 together barrier strength diminished you got to add so be careful the when you start shooting them and the barrier strength gets barrier strength is greatly diminished the last one was going to be 11 so know that the Grim comes stronger when you start to break the Shields and then once you get all three uh kill everything kill the Grim kill the two subjugators and then you've got kind of a fun little piece of this in the end um so we're just going to go through DPS right now finish this up uh you can work together and nuke one of them probably more efficient to focus your DPS is supposed to split probably like we did I was just trying to find one of them that I got dump my super into and hopefully put some work in so between you and your buddies try and kill all the enemies try and make sure you kill the subjugators as quickly as possible dump everything supers heavy ammo all of it is now is the time so I was trying to do what I could between my Transcendence grenades trying to get my kills with um you know melees and grenades my bouncing melee was actually really nice really helps me get um some more Transcendence energy up pretty frequently a little attendance and yeah the small Scion uh Strand and stasis guys man they are annoying so I think that one's taken out at that point and then now we're looking at strand up here which I basically walked into so I wanted like a little more verticality here and he's just on me so I'm pretty sure I died yep so with the death but you know gun pounder gamble killing a few of them see we still have 10 minutes left so if you take a little while on the puzzle don't rush it make sure you're fully ready no reason to go overboard and as we work through this it's not too bad my spawn point was a little farther back than I expected honestly it was like at the start of the room gave me a different perspective though if I wanted to go for some snipe shots I had the best cover spot possible up here to go for these shots so this worked really really well um so the stasis one that I thought was dead was not so that's my bad and then that's subjugator up there was still running around so I thought he was actually dead but just slivers remained so that was my fault to think he was done come up here for the res if I can or not you know going to die going to die almost died so much going on right there yep finally died so we're getting close I think when you take one down ogres must show up because we were shooting everything pretty much as fast as we could so that was kind of the tough spot of the fact that when you see oh there's more ogres up there I didn't know they were up there because they weren't up there for a long time so as you kill certain things as you get through different phases as you get closer to progressing each of these sections or puzzles or things just know more stuff is going to want to take you out so just be aware it's going to get more and more difficult the closer you get to the end that is why the extra time is really nice to have but again it's not one of those things that's like required to speed run it but if you get comfortable on a couple runs your third run is going to be much more comfortable and I think that's to help you have plenty of time here in the boss room to take the time you need not quite stress over the puzzles not too bad the ogre's just really got to go just no scope the uh this is fun y it's chaotic cuz there are so many enemies in here it just gets to be a bit nuts I really wanted to take him out with like a sniper shot but I was too far away husks have become an enemy I I expected to not possibly like but got a decent amount of shots in but I couldn't get the finisher right there so he's really close there we go all right so once it's here just make sure you check all enemies should die once both of those die cuz there were a few floating around and then you're good and at this point it was uh yeah like 41 minutes on like the recording at that point so it is long make sure you stand on your plate and then you get an interesting little Choice here so you have the option to I either choose it's kind of like prisoners dilemma if you've ever heard of that if you both pick to share or Escape then you're good or if you both if one person chooses a steal it's not going to be so good you can also both choose peace so it depends on how you want to play if you want to do a little quick PVP match with your buddy well you've got a pretty beefy overshield we did the battle the first time but we chose peace it's still going to kill you anyway so an offering of p is made unfortunately it still does kill you which is you know you'll get slightly different dialogue I think which is kind of fun but either way you'll respawn and then you'll come back out and you'll be able to go get your class item now if you get comfortable this is a way to guaranteed Farm it so if you don't want to do overthrow and you've got a buddy who you can run this with every so often run it a couple times a week and you'll get some drops so this was my second one that was his second one and once you do this one time per character you're going to be able to go farm it in the overthrow um encounter chests it has a chance that the class items can drop from the chests at any point but if you want a guaranteed Farm you can come in here it's really your call but you know doing overthrow is going to net you a lot more chests than one Mission run that's going to take you like you know 45 minutes to run basically get a team together stuff like that so if you're by yourself it's nice to be able to farm out in the wild once you've done it once if you got people to play with you could run this you know probably get it consistently if you were really fast I would bet it you could probably be officially down to about 30 minutes guaranteed it's not an easy thing to farm it definitely takes a good amount of work it's not like farming a 2-hour dungeon or anything but it is definitely going to take some time to farm but you can get some fun drops in here I'm going to have to test these out but let's get back to orbit and we'll wrap this up so that is the full run through the mission uh I'll try and put some footage on the screen where there were different perspectives where it was important to see it but that's the big thing is review The Vow of the disciple symbols there's quite a few of them make sure you and your teammate know what they are because you're going to need to know them throughout the entire fight whether you're light or dark just remember if you're light aligned you're going to be killing these centurions so that's going to be bottom floor top floor and then um the centurions are going to be by the wall not by the big taken bubble if you're Darkness aligned you're going to be on the top floor killing the knights and then the second room you're going to be on the lower floor in the third room you're going to be killing the knights Again by the taken big orb um at the cave entrance and then as you work through the um as you work through the platforming Section sorry I'm blanking um having something to be able to shoot a couple of those snipers at range kill a few of the Grims while you're crouched down you don't really have a good way to defend yourself um stick with your teammate try and go through there and then when you have to cross paths back and forth Just coordinate but you're always kind of going up as you go through there but no once you get to that certain point there are a lot of enemies by the doorway so something ranged like a sniper a linear a machine gun a pulse rifle something that's going to do a lot better than a hand Cannon when you're trying to kill those enemies up on the platforming section that final door they're all pretty far away and between the ogres and the snipers you're going to want something to put in some work and then when you work through the actual combat sections it's just trying to coordinate if you can the damage on the tormentors when you have to face the tormentors when you're working for your call outs on the first key lock if you want to use the picture I will try and probably post it on Twitter or something it's really up to you guys where you might want to see that one and then again when you get to the final like puzzle with all the little kid nected nodes it's just the clock so use 12 through 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and that's going to be pretty Universal something that everybody should know other than that if you got the vow symbols you coordinate together I didn't get it the first time or second time but when we actually got to the point where we could finish through it pretty quickly then you'll have plenty of time at the boss if you found this got beneficial please drop a like below I know the mission is long but hopefully this full walk through gave a good explanation and time for you to kind of process stuff in some of those times where we messed a few things up and um if you like what I'm doing here hit that subscribe button in the alert Bell it's a nice free way to support the channel and if you like my guides if you have a comment about anything please feel free to put it below if there's better efficiencies loadouts or something or if you just want to say hello and you can always find me over on Twitch or Twitter as well thank you all for checking this one out hopefully you found it beneficial and I will see you all very soon but good luck getting your exotic class items and then to all of us good luck on farming more of them
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 36,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Unlock, Destiny 2 Exotic Class Item, How to get Exotic Class Item, Destiny 2 Exotic Class Item How to Get, Destiny 2, Ebontis, Destiny 2 Exotic Class Item Quest, How to Unlock Dual Destiny, Dual destiny, Exotic Class Item, Prismatic Exotic Class Item, How to get, Guide, Dual Destiny Guide, Dual Destiny walkthrough
Id: IhhSm-S-6G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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