How To Get A GRIZZBOLT at LEVEL 10 Through BREEDING in PALWORLD!!! Palworld Breeding Tips and Tricks

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on pal world and other than the fact that my pals are crowding around me right now in crazy numbers I'm going to show you how to get a hold of a Griz bolt insanely easy and quickly inside of power probably one of the most powerful creatures in the game there it is right there so you can see that a Griz bolt was just born and this is how you go ahead and use the breeding method in order to get a hold of a br GIS Bol now just so you can see it inside of the pal deck it is Number 103 and you can only get it on a special Island and that's sometimes if you get lucky now you can get it much faster than going to the special Island because you have to have some good stuff to do it just by using a Bering farm and then you're going to see you can actually rapidly fire a minigun while you're uh riding around on a gz bolt which is one of the most fun things in the game and you actually fight one of your first bosses is a Griz bolt so it comes in a huge electric egg and it can be bred inside of your your breeding Farm by going ahead and using a you can see him right there a rhound and a masanda now it doesn't matter which one is the male and which one is the female both of them in combination whether they are male or female will give you every single time one of these Grizz bolts now it's an incredibly fun uh creature to use in case you're curious inside of the this is my um solo player campaign but you can go ahead and unlock its saddle which is one of like the last few things because it is incredibly powerful um you can see Gris both minigun and you can go ahead and use that right there if you want to um but really fun creature to use and it's just uh let's go ahead and pull it out so you can see how large they are they're kind of like almost comically large I don't know why it's so funny but there's that guy right there and we'll go ahead and go over to Gris bolt right and boom Gris bolt and this is what it looks like pretty cool creature and uh yeah so in order to get the two things that you need in order to actually breed a GIS bolt right it's almost like immediate by the way GIS bolts are super useful the ray hound and the Manda so Ray Hound or Ray hounds can only be found inside of the desert area so I don't want to say it's right around here is rhound Right somewhere in this range I think it is there it is yeah number 60 so habitat it can only be found over here so you're going to have to probably be right around level 30ish to get them sometimes you can get really lucky and they will spawn right on this little Edge right over here and you can get them at a lower level so even as low as like 20 you can uh get a rhound there's super easy to get a hold of though and then the other one you will need is right in this region and that's the Manda mandas are really really easy to get a hold of um they are like level 15ish you need to be and yeah it's super easy they're all over that region right there and then you're just going to go ahead and breed them inside the farm using a male and a female and you'll see that little egg indicator as soon as that gets full as long as you have a cake inside of your breeding Farm they will pop you out an egg and that egg will be usable in order to get you obviously you can see I picked one up a incubator is where you place it and that huge electric egg can pop a gzz bolt out of it now you can see that that guy will walk around they've got some really cool special abilities and obviously that minigun is like one of the things inside of the trailer so people do want them but just so you can see we're have to go back up to the high numbers here and yep there it is 103 um the three electricity plus two handiwork lumbering and transport though these are good numbers I don't really like the combination of things so the biggest thing is that you want to use it for the uh yellow tank ability which means it can be ridden and rapidly fire a minigun while it's actually mounted so it's a really awesome creature and it's a lot of fun you should definitely get one um and definitely use the strategy to make your life a lot easier because otherwise you've got to be like level 4550 to be able to go over to the islands and actually survive catching them because some of those things can be crazy high level on the special Islands so that is how you get a gz bolt insanely quickly using the reading process hopefully this video helps you out and if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the Channel all right to each [Music] out [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 17,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pal, catch, creature, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld 2024, building, build, fight, moves, specials, craft, crafting, palworld how to, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld tricks, palworld tips and tricks, palworld first 10, palworld how to play, palworld what to do, palworld how to change, palworld guides, guide, what, what to do, how to, how to catch, palworld creatures, palworld creature abilities, abilities, palworld abilities
Id: XKn2Htm_yaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 36sec (276 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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