How to Find The Tempo of Imported Stem Files | Club Cubase February 5 2021

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hi welcome to our february 5th 2021 uh club cubase live stream so i'm going to do a quick test to make sure that the audio is kind of going through as expected bear with me just for a moment hi welcome to our february okay that sounds like it's coming through just fine okay my name is gregundo i'll be the host for the hangout today if you have not attended a club cubase hangout or or club cubase live stream how this is going to work is you could have questions submitted in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e or for those attending live you could actually um just enter the comments in the chat field so the ability for people to ask questions will far exceed uh the timing of when i could answer them i'll try to go through all of the different uh questions chronologically sometimes the chat gets way ahead and i may lose a couple questions i'm going to apologize in advance for that we'll try to uh not let that happen but um so if you want to just ask your questions if we could try to if you don't get an immediate response to your question you know know that i will try to get to it but asking the same question over and over again in the chat field doesn't uh that really just kind of slows down the whole process so if we could try to avoid that that would be appreciated um also when asking your question if you want to um you know uh indicate which version of cubase that you're running and also which uh like operating system sometimes that information is is really helpful so that that is a good information for me to have access to as well so um as we kind of get started uh i'm presenting again my name is greg undo i'm presenting from outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia and um you know i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist um and if you want to tell us who you are in the hangout just do a quick introduction tell us who you are and where you're from also if this is your first hangout that's always a great information to know so but we'll get started in just a couple minutes uh like many people during the pandemic my family is at home so you may hear my wife above me working my son uh is doing virtual learning from home so you he may have an interruption when you know when he finishes his school so i'll try to minimize those interruptions so we get through as many questions as possible but let's go ahead and take a quick look at who's on i'm seeing many familiar faces it's wonderful let's go ahead and take a look see who's on the hangout here all right so we're gonna have um all right so we see sir robert from atlanta good to see you long time all right so we have jay from connecticut all right pablo from galicia espana all right we're robbie bowling from dallas all right so we have sir n68 from sweden okay all right so we see jazz dude from uh i believe he's in germany all right so we have stefan from sweden all right so we have berkshire uk it's a trance 20 20 20. all right so we have kingston new york we have taylor from pine grove pennsylvania all right so we see michael teams from weatherford texas all right okay let's see who else all right so we have captain energy music from i believe he's in harrisburg pennsylvania all right millard brown also from pennsylvania we have demetrius from greece all right so uno from finland all right we have walter from st louis good to see you all right and millard's indicating it's sunny pennsylvania i think we have sun down it's gonna start raining this afternoon right so we have austin all right so we have ted from sherman oaks we have senegal kiev serbia kenosha brazil all right serbia all right all right so we have yan from uh cubase so if you want to search for any questions that we may have seen covered in the hangouts you can go to all right we also have joey from egypt all right so tim weinheimer very dedicated last friday tim was doing our post hangout zoom zoom get together and he actually you know took his phone in a car and we could see him kind of driving to pick up his son i believe so that was fun to watch okay so let's go ahead and uh get started so let me just scroll back and we'll see our first questions okay all right so question i want to put an ambisonics uh vst ambi decoder on the control room headphone and a 5.1 on control room speakers simultaneously how can i do this since they are all set from the main mix this is for game development where we have different stems depending on which output is selected uh headphones or speakers so i was just kind of playing around with this just a little bit um right before so let's say so i'm not sure if we could do this and i may have to kind of play around with it over the weekend but in my audio connections um you know i have a 5.1 out uh and let's say in ambisonics output so let's say if i wanted to make this uh my main mix for my ambisonics uh so let's say i have just just like a quick uh so i have this sound file playing so i have this going out to my ambisonics bus now and if we wanted to uh just put and i don't have this kind of hooked up to where other people could hear it um but let's say at this point if i want it to go let's see if i go to ascend if i could also send this track simultaneously to the five one out and the ambisonics out [Music] okay so right now i could have this particular track um being sent to you know my 5.1 out uh in addition to the ambisonics out you know and since you know we have the binaural audio um so this would send the audio to both destinations and then you could monitor accordingly so if you want it to monitor with your headphones here you know you could open up the vst ambit decoder here so you can say i want to monitor with my headphones and then i think if you want and i didn't get a chance to prepare for this but that you could maybe switch to different uh monitors so if we're in our uh monitor setup here you know we could say i want to go to my control room and let's remove this and maybe if i add a 5.1 monitor setup here that you might be able to monitor with the headphones uh and come over here to your different uh monitors to switch to your 5.1 so that you could listen to the main ambisonics kind of in the headphones through the ambi decoder and then now monitor directly with the 5.1 setup here so that's something i could play around with a little more of the weekend but you may be able to do that or to send it to groups and a group could be a 5-1 group or an ambisonics group and then you could route those to your different monitoring sources okay so we had a question um [Music] all right can you half or double the tempo of a midi loop in an existing project so there's a couple ways to do this so let's say if i have a midi information here so let's say if i i have my midi part and i wanted to half or double the tempo of this so what you could do is let's go ahead and i'll just select all okay so and we could do this from the logical editor um so at this point we could just say okay i want to take this let's go to the logical editor and i think that there are if we go to standard set uh one that you could say i wanted to uh half tempo and this would make it twice as long so what we could do is just come over here and this logical editor so we see this is a series of 16th notes and what i could do now is turn those into eighth notes so it just basically doubled the um the length of those particular notes so again if i wanted to do this so we say half tempo we could just take the within the existing midi part we could kind of make the parts twice as long and conversely we could say with that we want to double the tempo and that would make the notes half as long so when we come over here we'll choose double tempo and now hit apply and now we could have that phrase just be kind of laid out as being half as long there's another method that some people will use as well if you go to the the object selection modes you can say object applies time stretch so let's say if i have this part uh and it's broken down my snap is set to like let's say beat here so i have one beat of 16th notes so if i switch this particular part here to sizing applies time stretch i could also just come here okay so i'll just say let's do use quantize so now i could just kind of take the contents of that and stretch it's almost like a time stretching of audio but for midi data so those are some methods to um half or double the tempo of the existing midi loop in a project so hope that makes sense all right we also have carlos from columbia well great to see you on a hangout again all right so for my high school spanish uh i believe this is why are there tutorials where they speak french or spanish so um so i you know we have people doing different tutorials but uh my spanish is pretty rudimentary um and i don't speak french i know that some of the other product specialists i think we've done stuff in german on our youtube channel as well and you know i think that there's some japanese uh tutorials i think that you could watch the translation in multiple languages but i will kind of pass that on um so but i understand the desire for that but let me do this i i'm just the quintessentially ignorant american who's not so good with language all right okay hello everybody is it me or we all have the same question among others cubase and apple silicon m1 etc so it's currently being investigated it's a pretty significant architectural change and there's lots of different components that have to be completely rewritten in a program and so it's you know the team at steinberg and you know obviously just about every third-party company is running into this as well so okay so just seeing uh from jay after some research into wav file container capabilities using the rif standard ever since windows 31 wav file should be able to contain audio midi and more this would almost equate to a programmer's object file which holds most sound data internally addressing itself instead of separate files clumsily aiming at each other greg would you please ask steinberg software engineers why we did not fully utilize these microsoft riff.wave containers so you know we there are a lot of the functions that are you know that are utilized so you could see you know the time stamps you could have tempo information multiple tempo uh you know multiple tempo uh you know points within a particular file there's lots of different metadata sometimes that metadata isn't universally uh translated between different programs but if there's specific metadata that you want to see you know within the um you know a lot of metadata could be written as part of the media bay as well so a lot of people kind of miss this but if you wanted to uh you know just go to like you know your vst sound um and so as you you know go to you know different formats so let's say let's get to just see if my media base is gonna so now that you know you could actually come over here and put a lot of of your own metadata directly in so but a lot of programs you know don't read that so it's you know there's all sorts of different metadata discussions on what is actually implemented and if we spend a lot of time implementing it you know there's different industry standards that are trying to be done by like the recording academy and the producers in engineering wing that's different than the microsoft standard so there isn't quite a particular standard but if there is like you know particular metadata that you're not seeing let me know because sometimes you know even wavelab has some pretty extensive metadata support as well okay so from taylor why don't i see my trim sample icon when i select range in the sampler control cubase 11 all right so let's say i will drag this sample down so i just select a range here um [Music] i'll just do the new i'm going to change my connections here so we can here bear with me so i'm not sending out of an ambisonic bus okay okay so i'm just going to create a sampler track here so as soon as i kind of just select a particular range is when that shows up so if i wanted to trim the samples um you know i could just do it like that but let's say if i want to take just this as soon as the range is selected on my end we could actually see the trim sample so i get this question a lot when um you know if we just kind of don't have anything selected that the trim isn't available but once you kind of move to the middle and it seems like for your question taylor that you um you select a range here so that you should see it like that and then if you wanted to trim that you could just trim kind of like so so make sure that you know you yeah the range selected here and and just in case you had like the range selected on the audio file itself but let me know if that's if you're doing something differently [Music] okay okay uh hi greg uh where can i find the setting that makes the keyboard arrow up down navigate between tracks and not the events okay so let's come over here i think it's in the preferences and it might be under uh let me just see if it's there's like a up down uh use up down for only tracks let me see if i can find it quickly all right just look first and probably went over it but to see if i could find it again that might be in here okay so here under editing so it's a very first one you use up down navigation commands for selecting tracks only so once we have that selected and if i have multiple parts here it's only going to be my up down arrows will only be fixed to the tracks and not to the advanced or midi notes so sorry it took me a while to find that so under editing [Music] use up down navigation commands for selecting tracks only okay question after recording it's annoying that the up down doesn't change the track i need to touch the mouse and click on track okay so all right so it's kind of covered you see that in sherman oaks california it's a chili 63. so all right so darko from sylvania good to see you again all right so we have uh ramiro from puerto rico this is the first hangout welcome and feel free to ask any questions that you have all right good to see scott from racine wisconsin okay so we have a question from sir n68 greg can you tell me the order of the chain in channel settings uh the e and the channel the first eq then inserts you said from left to right but but it has not stuck in me so far okay so if i wanted to kind of see the signal flow you know as we come here we have our channel then it's going to go through the inserts the channel strip uh and that we could think of like our channel strip in the middle part and then the sends and then to the output now some people may want to have the channel strip uh show up before the eqs in the signal flow or the channel strip to show up i'm sorry before the inserts so if we click here we could move the channel strip to before the insert so now the channel strip comes before the inserts and at this point we could have the inserts come before the channel strip and within our channel strip we could just drag and change the order of the processing within the channel strip so we could kind of go from left to the center to the right to the output and that's how kind of the signal flow works but if you wanted to toggle the inserts before the channel strip or the elements within the channel strip to you know be different uh to change the order of those you could do that as well all right good to see cj on the hangout it's good to have you on the the zoom meet last week all right so um all right sorry my chat field just jumped on me bear with me i scroll back okay so tim from mission viejo i have a question how to take a stem from a project and add it to the pool thanks greg for all that you do um all right so if we have you know our project here so let's say you know i wanted to take a stem and let's let's say if we're doing you know maybe it's a stem from um like a background like maybe a drum bus or something like that and if we wanted to add that into the pool i will just kind of pop over here so let's say if i want to take all of my drums and i have these routed to a bus so and stems could be different things for different people um so if we're wanting to send these to uh a group track to the selected channels and i'll just make this a stereo group um and i will just let's say set my left and right locators accordingly i could come here and do an export audio mix down and we'll call this drum stem and with this i'm going to just we could choose to insert it into the pool we could also create an audio track of it um so i'll just say it'll just come here i will add this to the queue and let's go ahead and start the export so it's going to [Music] do i'll just cancel this because that's set for real time so now i'll just create that so this will add it into uh the audio project it will add it into an audio file in the project and we'll automatically so we'll come here we copy that to our project folder automatically here's our drum group uh and now when we go to our pool window um so we go to media to pool window we'll see our drum stem just placed right there if you wanted to like just combine multiple parts let's say if i had these two guitar parts we could choose to i will select these parts here i could select just the tracks themselves or the individual parts and if we go to edit we could do a render in place um and i'll get to my render settings and at this point i'll just we could choose to mix down to one audio file so if i have like you know multiple files i just wanted to consolidate uh and we could choose to disable the source tracks or replace the source track so you know so if if i wanted to come here i'll just say let's render and now that we're going to render in place i could take the two mono guitar parts and have it rendered and at this point it'll just be kind of rendered as one uh stereo audio file that we could then so and that would automatically show up and we could do our naming conventions but now if we go to the pool window we could just um we'll see our untitled and that's going to be our rendered audio file our rendered in place file or our exported audio so again within the export audio if you wanted to show up in the pool but not in the project you could just choose on after export what you wanted to do so if you choose create audio track that will automatically insert it into the pool as well so let me know if that makes sense for you tim alright so we have scanbot terminator from milwaukee so we have our wisconsin contingent on okay so question is there a macro way to automate the replacement of every gap of silence greater than one second with only one second of silence i don't know of one let me just think about this for a second um [Music] so if we have like a number of tracks here um or maybe we don't have like if we want to determine if this is uh silence let's say if i play this you know like on our snare track here the snare doesn't come in for a while um so let's say if we go to kind of our sample editor and we could choose to [Music] uh good audio advanced excuse me um so let's just say uh okay i'm just gonna select the file here so now we have that selected just not in the sample window all right so so you wanted to [Music] so you want to automate the replacement at every gap of silence greater than one second with only one second of silence [Music] um okay so and if i'm reading this right let me just take a different approach to this is let's say if we have okay so i think this might be what you're wanting to do is maybe just to have sorry for if i misread this but let's say if we have our events and i think that maybe you want them only to have um one second between them regardless of how much um so let's say if the i think what you want to do is to if there's more than one second to move this event one second away so let's see if we could do that so i think if we go all right so i think what we want to do is basically move our cursor to the end of this event i'll try not to spend two i may have to kind of work on this a little bit offline but we'll give it a shot so let's just do a new [Music] macro okay okay so and some of these you may have to be kind of contingent uh so let's say if i wanted to um okay so i want to go to next okay and let's let's say nudge one frame and then let's choose to select the event under cursor i think it'll be under preferences okay so let's do this great so i think what we could do is and i may just do this offline for expediency um but we take this and let's go ahead and just kind of select this but there is kind of a function um and let's see if i all right so and then what i want to do is basically to move this event and i may have to switch the grid to event and let's say if that now snaps and hit b hit back twice and then let's say and at this point you could go to um [Music] and there is a like a function where you could add a set spacer between events so if you come here to um so i think i could spend some more time on it ted if you want to email me but i think i might be able to get that in a macro but i don't want to spend 20 minutes of the hangout on it but i think you could if and let me know if that's what you want to accomplish but i think i could get the macro kind of dialed in for you to accomplish that if that's what you if you want to replace the gap between those events like that so all right so just see comment from millard brown hey greg thanks for the help last week i made sure to select stereo in before exporting and all the channels made it to their respective files intact that's great thanks for letting us know millard good to see you on the zoom get together as well all right we see it's very cold in sweden according to yon at okay all right so we see agent k is on he's always helpful in doing moderation when we need it we appreciate that okay so you see what is the easiest way to insert two new empty measures between two parts of a song all right so i'll just go back to my multi-track project here quickly just kind of show this and we can kind of do this with the range tool so let's say if i'm here and i want to i think if you hold down uh alt plus shift whilst using the range tool not that let me just get my modifier keys here constantly switching between mac and pc on the same keyboard so all right so what we want to do is let's say if i just want to insert i just figure how to do my global range okay so if you want you could just kind of select the range that you want and what you want to do is come over here to edit and when you go to range we could just uh come right here and insert silence and what that will do is just knock everything over by the range amount that you had selected and so and there is kind of a global way of selecting the range let me just see if i get the it's like oh i thought it was alt shift but maybe not but okay so if you hold down uh command or control plus shift so we can now select the range and then go to edit and you get a range and you could just choose to insert silence and everything else kind of gets bumped over and if you do that globally that will include all of your tempo track information markers those will all be kind of included in that so again just ctrl shift or command shift and that will allow you to select globally go to your edit to range insert silence and everything kind of gets bumped over hang on just one second my son's knock knit door all right sorry about that my son's on his last screen break before his weekend so he's excited all right so a question how can i have different tracks follow different time signatures at the same time um okay so what some people will do is just kind of write in so let's say i'll just start with the new empty project and let's just add all right so say so say we'll do something in three four so i'll just do a quick step entry here let's make it just quarter notes [Music] okay so that's kind of in three four times if we listen to it now we could [Music] all right and what i could do now is let's just go ahead and lock the events here so we could just say and at this point i could say let's go to add another instrument track crap okay all right so i want to now put this into 4 4 so that's still going to play back at in our three four you know so even though this is in patterns of three [Music] so let's say i want to do something in patterns of four here [Music] crap [Music] so now we'll have kind of our base in three four the uh other pattern and let's say if i wanted to add like a drum part to define even more so uh just load up a random kit here all right pull in some simon phillips action so if i wanted to you know come here and just do this in 4 4 i'll do the worst drum programming ever so let me just select this track i'll extract the drum map all right but let's say now we'll just do high hats in ethernet triplets all right so this way you could have kind of different polymeters if you want so i could just sorry mouse is acting a little weird all right so we'll see how this sounds [Music] so you could have kind of different meters and just kind of lock different values but realize that everything is going to eventually kind of go around the clock and you know you know and a three you have you know four measures of three four or three measures or four four so equals 12 beats so you could do stuff like that as well so if you want to do kind of a poly time signature you know poly meter type stuff you could do that pretty easily so okay so we see uh i'm from senegal using cubase since version one with floppy disk and atari computer i always have that cubase in his key that's great i start with version two so you've been running cubase longer than me okay so question is there any way or plug-in to turn a mono input guitar input into stereo without duplicating and panning ozone imager so you know if you have a mono source you know technically it's just going to take and do you know um you know it's not gonna turn it into stereo uh but you know if you have it set up where um so let's come over here to this project and i'll just revert okay so let's say i'll just mute one of the guitars so i have one of the guitars i have two guitars here panned but you know as soon as it's if you want it to be in both speakers i will just kind of come so let's pan this guitar so now even though it's a mono guitar that's all coming through and some people will use like different effects so if you wanted to let's say send this to a group so i'm gonna make it a stereo groove and on this group i could just put on like an imager [Music] and if you want to add width here [Music] and then you also can have kind of different panning options as well so if you come here to the stereo group i could switch to panner and often just you know putting different effects on it so if i wanted to put a quick so you know those are some of the things but you know think of it if you have your you could do some processing but if you have a mono source it's going to be mono you know it's easy enough to duplicate tracks and stuff like that um you know it's just really one mouse click and you could duplicate tracks and pan it but you could do it through different effects processing so you don't need to go out and buy like a third party imager cubase has one or just kind of running it you know use the built-in imager okay so let me just scroll through all right so we see a comment from fat jack hi all great stuff very hangout all right and millard brown wants everyone to hit the like button so michael teams wants everyone to whack the like button okay we see some discussion on the towns in my club so i guess john costigan's ordering one and ted springman's looking to get one so he could spend his american stimulus money all right um so a question if i'm working on a video and i need to change tempo between two scenes is there a way to do this uh instantaneous or gradual change of tempo into another scene so if we have uh a video here sorry my mouse is acting weird today i'll just go to another project see if it's in my recent list here okay okay and if you want it kind of like a you know transition between two scenes tempo wise so let's come here let's add a tempo track and one thing that's often kind of missed uh in the tempo track okay so we have kind of a tempo track here um is a lot of times people you know there's this little button here where you could have kind of step changes so as we put in like a tempo it's gonna just immediately go there but you could also choose to kind of ramp video to ramp the tempo so if you're like okay i need to be directly here at this point um you could just choose to say okay right at this tempo point and you could kind of find you know the the scene so as you kind of move here you can say okay right at this point um and i wanted it i wanted to gradually slow down to a different tempo let's say to right there so i'm going to let's just erase a couple of the tempo points here um so and i want it at this point to be at this particular tempo and now you could just kind of choose your different points and say i wanted to gradually transition but you could kind of just set exactly where you want that tempo change to be but make sure that if you wanted to be gradual and you may have to just kind of like move this over to the right then you could see this ramp icon as opposed to step so and when you have automatic that will kind of use the current uh mode and kind of stay in that particular mode so if you always want to do step or always ramp it'll just kind of repeat the last setting that you had okay so a question if possible i'd like some info and using control room with a multi-output sound card what do people use the extra outputs for um so my audio interface i have 16 outputs per interface and how i have my control room set up is i have one set of speakers in my control room uh i have monitors so in my room i have a stereo i have stereo monitors and a 5.1 uh monitor system so i use uh eight of the outputs i use two for my main stereo and then i have a secondary um a secondary mon a secondaries um monitor setup and that's my 5.1 i have kind of a variation of my 5.1 which so my 5.1 they're smaller speakers physically they sound a little bit different um so i take the outputs of my uh so i use an alternate like left right and an alternate stereo for uh the left and right of my 5.1 and i use my center channel as a mono so that way i have kind of four different monitoring configurations um and i'm so that requires eight outputs so i would just kind of set this up for uh like my yamaha hs7s and i have some older uh nhts so and i would say you know this is going to be outputs one and two and my nhts would be three through eight and then three and four of my nhds is the front and seven of my audio interface goes out to the center channel so at that point we could have eight outputs there now when we're doing different headphone mixes so let's say if we're tracking a band and all of a sudden it's like okay uh the guitar player wants to hear more of themselves in their headphone as does the drummer the vocalist and the bassist we could send these to eight outputs here uh these outputs could be fed into headphone amps and this way we could do kind of independent more me you know quote unquote mixes for the individual musicians but we need kind of discrete outputs into headphone amps to do that so once you have those headphone amps kind of configured um at that point that's where i use another four outputs and also you know i have other connections to expand and i i still have like external effects in my studio so this way i could patch i could send signal out to my lexicon reverb and bring it back into additional inputs so that's how you could use uh more of your outputs and inputs so you know outputs for headphone mixes outputs for speakers you know if you have more than one pair of speakers like maybe you started with some speakers and then you got better ones but you still have your other ones your original ones hooked up you could just switch back and forth using the control room and say okay i'm listening to you know my large stereo speakers my 5.1 i'm listening to my uh left and right of my 5.1 and the mod and just a center channel and you could switch between these different speaker configurations right there so that's how you could use the control room with a multi-out device good to see gareth on the hangout all right okay so we have a question how can i find what key is a sample melody loop uh and time unit time manipulate it but keep the pitch um [Music] okay so if it's depending on if it's a melody loop if it's monophonic um so let's say if i wanted to [Music] you know come over here let's i'll do a new project okay i'll just get in my loops and let's say you have like a quick vocal loop here day after day after okay so let's say it's a like a melody loop you know and i want to uh what key it's in so it's not necessarily going to tell you a key but you could go directly into the very audio editor and at this point you know it could tell you what notes so at this point you say okay we're starting off with you know as we said after and if i wanted to change like you know the e flat i could just come day after day after or let's say okay let's make it go up day after day after so um and so and once that this file is in kind of musical mode and we know what the tempo is at this point i could slow down the tempo and since it's in musical mode which could be activated here on the timeline we could just [Music] it's gonna just slow down so let's say okay i want to be 88 beats a minute um so it kind of stays at the same bar position after so or if i do to 360 beats a minute so let's say 88 and now it's gonna just play back so you could just kind of change the tempo accordingly and if it's in musical mode it'll just kind of be like a tempo parasite and it'll just stick and follow that tempo you do with that so so but it you know you could see kind of what what the notes are and you could kind of you know figure out probably what the key is you say okay you know and this they're hitting this note so they're hitting an f sharp so that's kind of where this melody is so you know so it could be maybe f sharp minor or maybe it's a third in d major you know so it's not going to necessarily you know say you're in you know this particular mode or you know or if it's minor major so all right all right so you see comment from gareth uh just thanking me for my expert baseline so i contributed a baseline for garrah's song that was a lot of fun it was uh you know typing in all the chord changes i was like how's this all gonna work and then so but it was a clever chord progression so i liked playing on that song thanks gareth for inviting me to play bass on it all right so we have al ali from iran good to see you in a hangout again okay all right good to see jvi again on a hangout all right um so is there a quick learn function so that you could assign your mod wheel to cut off of the sampler track so when you want to do um learn functions you know you could do this let's say if i wanted to make a sampler track so let's say i create a sampler track here um so a lot of the let's say if we wanted to um so you know you could assign it to quick controls so let's say and we could set up our quick controls if you have and this is a great thing to have is just um having one particular set of like you know it's common to have maybe uh like an eight bank uh of rotary encoders like you know different knobs so if i'm here uh i could go to like you know my track quick controls and i'm just going to learn and just move a slider here so i could just say okay let's learn this i'm just going to move to fader on my midi controller [Music] so okay so what i could do now is just come here and i'm i could just take the cut off and if i could say let's assign this to um [Music] so i so let's say i will now just come over here to the quick controls and you could actually just kind of you know click on any of these so if i just wanted to adjust the level or the filter resonance you know but you could choose you know these particular parameters too so if you just say okay let's go to cut off and now you could just have that controlled by whatever controller that you have configured here and that could be your mod wheel if you wanted it to be so just get your studio set up and set up the quick controls one time for like you know probably most midi controllers or if you have a cc 121 you could use those for quick control modes uh and then once you get that set up you know you could save it as presets and that way you can have kind of your eight go-to parameters and be able to kind of assign that functionality to have kind of tactile control all right let me just my time my chat field jumped on me so let me just navigate back to where i was sorry about that okay uh so as you see question uh from jazz dude just installed all new updates c11 retro log and groove agent se at cubase is there any new content added in retrolog or groove agent i think most of it was just some internal uh stuff for high dpi uh there's a few tweaks for that and also for on more on the mac os side as well but no new patches or content that i'm aware of so you see question why does vst plug-in manager show one instance of mix convert version six on a brand new empty project i think that the mix convert might be just being accessed from the control room so if you have the control room turned on i believe that it's kind of loaded in the control room functionality so once you go to the down mix panels so i believe that this is basically just kind of using the mix convert algorithm so that's why you may see it so if you have the control room uh activated there that's i think using the mix convert and why you may see it that it's being used in the project uh so we have a question is the intended purpose of formant control to compensate for chipmunk and darth vader pitch shifting effects yeah so you know what happens a lot of times with the formants is you know as you do pitch shifting the formants can sound uh a little unnatural so if not all the formants aren't kind of taking taken into effect um but you could also do some other interesting things with pitch with like the formant control on pitch shift but that's really kind of the intention is to kind of mitigate uh you know artifacts that could be introduced when you kind of do pitch correction of audio but people will do some other creative uses of it as well so uh i'll just show you one here because we could do it with the pitch correct plug-in has a great function to kind of show this so i'll just put it on uh my inserts for this particular track and this is a plug-in that a lot of people don't utilize um but if you wanted to come over here to the pitch correct plug-in let's say i wanted the singer to sound younger or older so i'll just make this a little louder so we have this formant shift here and let's say i wanted her to sound older so say back to our original performance and let's make her sound younger [Music] [Music] [Music] let's make her sound younger again [Music] just leave it alone so i know a lot of people would use that on like background vocals to make it sound like it's not them you know just kind of give it a little uh variety you know it sounds like multiple people are singing where they'll just kind of copy it and kind of adjust the formants to kind of you know come up with like a natural coursing effect with you know just kind of even the same track so um so that's but the original attention of the formant preservation and if you wanted to also kind of do it inside of very audio this was added in version 10. so if we're in and we go to the smart controls and show all of the smart controls you know if you find that you did like a no correction and maybe the formants are working a bit against you you could go to the lower left-hand corner and you could adjust the formants on an individual segment just like that as well and you could also very auto very audio adjust the volume there so but those are some some kind of creative tool aspects of using uh you know formant settings so okay okay so you see question why the denoiser disappeared um so with cubase we never included a denoiser plug-in there's one that's included with wavelab there was a um so it's you know so i'm not sure if it you know so there's never one that was just that came with cubase so if you had a denoiser uh plug-in you know in the early days like 1997 ish 96 97 you know there was a denoiser de-clicker plug-ins that were sold separately um so and there's also kind of bundled as a restoration pack um so but you know those aren't working on contemporary operating systems i think um so but in wave lab there is a you know a restoration uh suite plug-in as well but cubase has never come with a denoiser so okay so we see from michael teams how to find the tempo of a group of stems importing into a project no bpm noted so a lot of times if you need to figure out what the tempo is so let's say um you know you could do a there's a couple different approaches but if you just do a quick tempo detect on a file so let's say if i just select a particular file here and i go to project to tempo detection um and so there's no tempo information at all and let's say like this is a good example where we have varying tempo information we could now come over here go to advanced and we could say set definition from tempo track and now when we do this we could actually put that and embed it into the audio file or within the project so i'll just say let's embed it in the audio file itself so this will have kind of extended metadata with the tempo changes at the different beats um so if i wanted to go to my pool window here we can now um you'll see kind of you know varying tempos you'll see kind of the tempo indicate it right there so that's how you could do it michael and he's saying you just updated from a kerosene powered computer so that's good it'll inspire you for the song to play your guitar parts really well which you did on those tracks okay um okay hello greg when i go to extension and want to use spectral errors i see only preparing data and nothing happened any advice um okay so yeah i haven't you know i would check um so if it's i'm not sure if you have if it's the spectral layers one that comes with it but you know so when i come here you know if you see the spectral layers that means that it's installed so let's go here just say okay now i wanted to open this file up in spectral layers so but i haven't seen that particular message i would you know make sure you know check to see if you're if it's the spectral layers one that comes with cubase sometimes updating the e-licenser may help with some stuff like that and there is i think a 7.02 for spectral layers pro elements as well as the spectral layers one so you may want to just kind of check that as well and see if um you have the latest version but also check to see if your actual elicenser is updated because some of the spectral layers could utilize some of the later licensed databases so okay so see from millard brown too many plugins is there a way such as a block list to reduce the plugins that cubase scans upon opening other than uninstalling i'm not quite ready to commit to uninstall many of these i would try to you know i think it's still going to uh like when you're starting up it may um you know if it's a vst 3 plugin it may kind of automatically just kind of look for that particular folder without uninstalling i know you know what i've seen a lot of people do is go into like you know if you're on pc you know like a trick that i would do when i didn't want particular plugins to load i would just call them instead of like you know whatever plug-in dot dll i would just change it to whatever plug-in dot dl underscore and then it wouldn't see that as a plug-in but you didn't uninstall you just kind of change the actual name if it's vst2 plugins you could also just come here and have cubase um you'll see like the little settings cogwheel and if you click here you could see that you could just have cubase not look in particular vst2 plug-in paths so those are a couple options to try millard um so we see a question from rick uh every time i export a video it always ends up being two or three gigabytes is there any way to change the size of the video file or to match the size it was at at imports it's currently set to a fixed size so i think you know i've heard some discussions that maybe there will be kind of variable discussions but you may want to you know just export different sections or maybe you know take those sections into uh if that's too big so you know you could take the two or three gigabyte video that's generated and maybe uh re-encode it in the you know in a video tool uh maybe like something like davinci resolve or something like that so but it's kind of fixed at this point but it works well okay so uh hey a question for cubase 11 pro and win 10 regarding the parabola tool in the key editor not reading out the start value so you never know what the value you start this was different in 10.5 so let's go ahead and take a look at it okay so let's just come here to the parabola tool all right so let me just turn off my step entry all right so you can see the position indicated all right i'll just try to i'll just try loading 10.5 quickly i'll see if that's different all right so let's take a look okay so see it kind of indicated here on the left hand side let me just jump back yep so i think you're i think i see what you're saying that you don't see it indicated here i'll i'll send that as a note to our our team sorry about that uh so you see from scott uh dino or could you suggested steinberg i would like to have more than three zones available in the mix console five through eight five to eight would be wonderful you know one of the things that people do when you need more zones is you actually have three different mix consoles so i'll see some people that will just have only inputs on this mix console so you could you know come over here this is like when i'm tracking i only want to see inputs i go to mix console 2 and for this i only want to see audio uh i don't want to see midi groups effects so and then i could choose to see audio and instruments and in mix console 3 i could come over here and have uh you know my groups and outputs configured so here i'll just say okay my outputs and my groups and effects channels um so i think you know for people that need more zones is they just kind of utilize the three separate mix consoles so see if that makes sense if you want to get that configured and you could you know set them up and save them in workspaces so that they all kind of load up uh in a predictable manner so but give that a shot and see if that makes sense for you all right and i'll just switch my configuration here okay uh so i see um [Music] uh question don't you think that we should be able to use range selection tool on edit mode greg there sometimes i would write a hi-hat and just want to duplicate to the grid without copying and pasting so i've kind of lobbied for a i believe that this is in edit mode with the midi um so let's say if i have you know a workaround that you could do if you're not aware of this but yeah i've been lobbying for this and i will continue to do do so is let's say i have midi data all right but it's not starting at the beginning or the end of the the project uh so if i come here and let's say if i duplicate these events here and what happens is they just kind of get just by d it'll just go to the very end of the event and you know with this i wanted the duplication to be let's say right i'll just delete a couple of these notes uh i want it to be this range of time so if you go here you and you can go to the track control settings but if you hit i think it's a command shift i that will take you to the in place editor and i know this is a workaround um but so now that we're on a project window um we could just use the range selection tool and as we work with the range selection tool i can say let's select you know two measures of data here and now when i duplicate it'll still kind of keep the space before and after because i could select that range so and if you always want that function there you could go to your track control settings so just right click go to your track control settings and you'll probably see hidden objects of the edit in place simply move that over to visible and when you need to do that type of edit you could use the in place editor so okay um so you see a question hi uh greg can you give us an idea of what all the loop packs can be used for it seems like composing with them just inserts familiar phrases written by somebody else sound design maybe thanks you know a lot of times you may just you know when you're starting a project you know like sometimes you know when you start a project and you just hear uh like the metronome it may not be the most inspiring thing to play along with but if we come over here and say you know i want um you know different phrases so i could just come over here to different loops um so you could say you know maybe i want more of uh you know an older soul type drum loop so maybe like a 70s r and b so i can just say okay let's come over here [Music] you know there's many like pop producers we'll just go through like thousands of bloops so let's say if i want that loop and now i could play to this particular loop um and you know not have any concerns about it so you know we could just kind of drag and drop and you'll get some loops that are like really kind of well designed for you know working for you know different genres like maybe you know you don't you know like a great example you know if you want like different synth loops you know and you're going for you know let's say you have to do a queue for stranger things on netflix you know where they have a bunch of 80s music you could come over here to nightcall and this is all just [Music] you know and i could come here and okay you know if i want my tempo to be you know 80 beats a minute and now i could just again just and there's also like you know my friend robert dudesick uh he just came out with you know like these which are like amazing for composers we have these cinematic you know so instead of like if you're on a tight deadline and you have you know you don't have four weeks to come up with sounds that kind of make these sound design elements you know you could come here and these are also like really good for impacts you know so if you wanted to you know and being able to take this into a sampler track and and let's say okay now i just wanted to reverse the samples here and see what it's like you know or let's play down two octaves you know and let's say we put it into monophonic mode and i come here and just kind of change the pitch so you know it just gives you like you know really good interesting content is like a little source of inspiration often so and it's all kind of royalty free so you could use it in your productions without any worries of you know having to give up a copyright if you got a hit later on there's lots of stories about that in our industry okay in uh cubase 10.5 after i normalized it's a question after i normalized an audio part the normalized control disappears can you explain some of the new features here um so let's say if i wanted to take this particular file i'll just do a quick bounce selection okay so let's say if i wanted to normalize this file you know so i believe it's the same in 10 and 11 so let's say let's come over here to our processes and we'll choose our normalize so i will so we'll say normalize here okay okay so i see kind of like my peak i could do it by peak or by loudness normalization so if i want to do like you know set it to loft so you know we could just kind of um you know so with 10 let me just see so so you know once it's been done you know so as we come here i say okay let's normalize it to you know minus one and you can see the audio or let's say i want this to be you know minus 45 so you know you could audition okay you know the different functions here so um but that's kind of you know so it's just automatically going to you know take that particular file and normalize accordingly so let's say i'll take this and normalize and let's say if i wanted to go to a specific loudness units level again just come right over here and you know just kind of normalize the particular functions not sure why this could be maybe a write protected file all right thanks for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button okay uh we have a question is it possible to do multiple fade ins and outs simultaneously uh regarding each note on a channel can you shape their sound simultaneously uh it is time consuming um individually is it possible so if we let's say if it's going to be for like audio so let me just jump back to our project here okay so you know if i have you know stuff set up for let's say if i take all of my audio sources here and i'll just hide my mix console temporarily you know we could choose to whatever is selected you know we could do kind of our you know fade in or fade out on all the files simultaneously so you could do that now if it's going to be midi it could really depend on if you're using uh you know velo you know if you're gonna be doing velocities or if you're working with you know not just velocities but midi cc7 so you know you could take a hang on just one second i'll tell my son just to hang on all right so but if we're dealing with midi for you know if i wanted to write midi volume seven on all of the files so let's just open up kind of an orchestral project here so let's say this is kind of more orchestral and it's all midi data here so [Music] now you could just link all of the you know all of the channels in the mixer and bring them down you could also just say um like i want to turn my modulation wheel into midi cc7 so i could come over here to let's say my input transformer and i can set this to global so i want to take uh you know transform let's say type is equal to controller and then i wanted to take my value one and i'm going to send it modulation so i wanted to record midi cc7 so i'm going from cc one to cc7 so i wanted to add six values so now i could select all my midi tracks and as i play if i wanted to record midi cc7 [Music] so you could just record that midi cc7 on top of all the data if you um so that will write that out write the volume into all the tracks um if you wanted to select all the tracks here depending on so let's say i select all my parts and i go into my key editor and let's look at uh velocity only you know i could take the velocity of every note here and scale it up so at this point as we play you'll have your velocity settings [Music] but it could really depend upon how the instrument responds to dynamics a lot of orchestral instruments may only respond with expression or modulation data and not velocity so it could really you know so those are a couple of different ways lee to get you know your volume so you don't have to do it on individual notes you know you could do it in the mix console so if you have a number of different channels that you know all have their volume here you could do it as automation so you know if you're working with you know external instruments you'd have to kind of do it with midi but virtual instruments or midi tracks so i could say you know i want to take these particular tracks and let's go ahead and you know do a quick link and i could just say okay we're going to keep the relative volume and just automate those volume changes for all the different notes so but you know i think one of those methods depending on if you need to do it what the instruments that you need how they need to respond to the dynamics uh one of those methods should do the trick for you all right good to see nick on the hangout i could see neurotic nexus made to hang out he's cleaning his studio it's always a good thing to do okay question do you know how to uh sidechain with midi trigger in cubase i learned it myself but just just uh wanted to know how you would do it mostly i do it with shaper box or volume shaper um so you know there could be some different things for the midi trigger so let's go ahead and um [Music] okay let me i'll just let me see if i have a project open i think this might work okay so you know there's there's different ways of kind of doing uh you know some midi triggering so let's say if i was maybe doing more dance-ish piece so let's say if i'm doing this [Music] all right so i think that i haven't used this plug-in in forever but there is a plug-in i think uh just called midi gate so i think that if you just kind of send a as soon as it sees a midi note message so i will send this particular track here let me just add a midi track all right and it's output um we'll do our midi gate so if you wanted to so now as soon as i hit a midi note and i release a midi note so that's like you know so some people will set up tracks just to kind of do that so you could take stuff on and off but if you um but let's say just in case the questions about something else let's say if i wanted to you know come here so the midi uh gate plug-in you could just kind of send midi notes to it and that will turn on and off uh a gate on a particular track but let's say um so sidechaining with midi trigger okay so let me just i'm just going to take this particular part and so i will take that and let's see if i alright so let me just i'll select this and let me just do a bounce selection quickly okay and now what i could do is i'm just going to double click here and let's get to our hit points and i'm going to turn um into midi notes let's put it on c1 okay so let's say this is i'll just add an instrument track of groove agent here okay all right and let me just check my instrument over here quickly [Music] okay okay so let's say if i play this now okay so let's say i have this instrument uh i have like maybe a synth so this is like a midi note that's being sent out to [Music] a so this midi part is i'll just activate this so let's say we have this synth and i'll just make sure i don't kill you volume wise so if i wanted to take that midi and do sidechain i could come directly to this channel so i want to compress so i could activate the sidechain here and then i could just choose my sidechain input source now let's choose groove agent se so that's how you could kind of just set up your side chain kind of directly from there or if you wanted to do other sources as well you could just and you could have that sent out to multiple destinations and let's go ahead and just so once you kind of click here you could activate the side chain and choose your different source so let's say if i wanted to remove just that so as you wanted to just kind of the check the track that you want the side chain kind of turned on so you could activate it here um so once we have that side chain input turned on you could just add that and that's how you do sidechaining from midi as well so all right thanks for all the great questions so you see from neurotic nexus why is the out find of user not working for me so so not sure if i understand um okay so we see a question uh thanks for the content you're doing uh is there a way to disable mouse scroll wheel and navigating over faders sends etc in the mixer section so currently there isn't um you know it could be a tricky thing because you may be in the mixer and okay i want to you know navigate you know and there's a lot of people that will just simply come here and use their mouse scroll wheel as um their control surface so they'll just come here and hover the mouse and they'll ride you know vocals and do automation really like that and for other parameters so if you're in your send levels you know you could just you know kind of come here and be able to adjust the parameters so you know i've sent a request before you know from users like maybe a bypass mouse scroll wheel other than for navigation um but i think if you just kind of i know there's a lot of people that come here and just you know they want to navigate and it's like oh i just moved to fader accidentally and i just wanted to navigate within the mix console if you do happen to move the fader accidentally let's say you could always just hit alt or option plus z and that will allow you to do your undo mix console but there's no filter of mouse scroll wheel but it's been asked and i'll kind of reiterate the request again okay so most people are saying that to create a wider tracking vocal it's easier to convert the track to a stereo is that correct sounds right to me so a lot of times you know i'm not sure if you get a lot really just kind of converting the track to stereo i know lots of people may um you know convert a track to stereo and then kind of pan it so that they could put stereo effects um but i think if you just use like a stereo you know um you know like a stereo effects send on a mono vocal that can make it obviously sound wider you know my friends that do lots of very complex vocal stacking you know they will take you know multiple recordings and they do slight panning um you know and we'll stack up you know like 12 24 tracks of background vocals to kind of get that very process sound and that's often just doing lots and lots of you know copies you know or lots of lots of takes and layering them together and doing subtle pans so but it could really depend upon the track as well uh so you see hi greg in the midi editor window is it possible to change the modifier tool for the selection tool to be removed notes when hovering over a midi note and not split notes which it defaults to so within you know version [Music] 11 one of the things that you know people had requested let's say if i'm here and i have some midi notes okay you know so you have this little icon now that's you know in uh 11 uh this little e so it used to be that by default when we would uh double click on a note we could go into the note expression editor uh so now when we if this is not activated uh we could just double click on the note and that will get rid of it if you hold down the alt or option key you could now split a note or you could change the size you could you know so you have different options but you know i think you know the modifier key if you wanted to just be able to delete the note i think that you know intentionally double clicking on a particular note is a good way of doing that when you change that preference right there then that will just delete the notes uh as you kind of work with it so if you wanted to come here you could just whatever note that you double click on will be deleted for you okay so so see if that works for you anders um all right so we have a question can you explain the add track group inside or outside folder uh what is inside outside folder with that i yeah i've kind of tried to get this terminology kind of changed a little bit once you understand it i think it'll make sense uh but let's explain this all right so let me hear my hear my son playing piano in the background here he's picking out his favorite cartoon melodies and learning them on piano all right so let's say if i want to come here we had a lot of people that you know by default you'll have like groups effects channels can get placed into a separate folder here so if i select these tracks and i say let's add a group track to the selected channels and i say inside folder what this is going to do is it's going to place this particular group channel that we that we've created and place it directly within the group channel it's going to make a group channel folder if there isn't one and place it there so we see our our group channel folder so if i do that again i could come over here and say okay we're going to add group channels to the selected and once we have our group track set here if i say create inside folder it goes into the folder on the project window and there's our newly created tracks if i choose to choose outside folder and we can think of outside folder as below the last selected track so i'm not sure why it's not called that but that's kind of what it's doing so when we add a group channel to these particular tracks sorry let me just close the lanes so i'm going to add a group channel to these tracks and i'm going to say and this works the same way for effect channels when i say outside of the folder so outside of the folder means that it doesn't go into the group track folder but it's going to be placed directly below the last selected channel so now i hit add track and the group gets added directly here in the mix console as well as on the project window so outside of folder is below the last selected uh track and inside folder places it probably at the bottom or bottom of the project window in the group tracks folder or in probably to the right all the way over to the right on the mix console okay so we have a question are there any fm synths with cubase elements so there isn't an fm synthesizer there's a lot of fm synth sounds that come with uh howie and sonic se so these are you know utilizing a lot of the content uh you know in howie and sonic sc for some of this this you know what many will refer to as kind of as rompler sounds you know samples that are taken so if you're looking for uh you know very fm synths you could come over here and let's just say uh so you could see you know if you just even type in fm you'll get kind of a lot of your classic fm tones [Music] laughs [Music] so you'll have kind of like a lot of classic fm sounds that you could find kind of spread throughout uh howie and sonic sc so but it's not actual fm synthesis but a lot of samples and so if you're looking for those types of sounds there's a lot of them in howie and sonic sc um okay just reading through comments all right so we have ian checking in from london so we see polyrhythmic plagiarism all right okay all right so we have some checking in from sri lanka welcome to the hangout okay so we have uh from sir n68 uh cubase elements uh six pre six pre-fader inserts on each track i've heard if you need more just create a group track for that track and you have the inserts in that group track also another six is that correct so yeah um so let's say if i take all uh if i take these two guitars um and or if i take this guitar track and i have all of my inserts loaded up i could add a group track and for organization purposes i could add a group track and we'll put it outside of the folder so that guitar is now being routed to this group where i have more inserts i can route this group to another group out of another six inserts etc so and it's all delay compensated for so you don't have to worry about any timing issues like you would with some other stuff okay good to see brianna from youngstown she's setting up iec pro checking it out it's great okay so we have a question in what order comes the inserts if you have a a if you have group track inserts then track inserts uh from my previous question so if i have inserts here on my guitar so let's say okay i just have a couple of inserts here and then i insert you know i send this to a group so it's it's gonna be this order of inserts uh so the the main inserts that we see here and then the signal flow gets sent out to the group and then the group that signal flow will come after the channel inserts and if you add another group to that group you know those that's how the order of the processing goes so okay just reading through comments thanks for all the great comments and questions and if you have uh any if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that okay uh hi greg i'm searching a way to make a rendering from the send effects only so let's go ahead and we can show you how to do some routing for that okay so let's take a couple vocals here and let's say [Music] okay so there's a couple of ways that you could do this i think let's say if we add a send effect um or let's let's go ahead and add a group track to this so i'll add a stereo group track to that particular channel uh let's say i probably don't even want that to be routed to the group so i'm just gonna route this to my stereo out okay so let's say we have our vocal here okay so let's say i wanted to put a on this group channel uh a reverse reverb so i will come over here [Music] to do reverence and let's adjust kind of our tail time here let's say the okay so i'm just going to do a quick plate okay so say now i want to reverse this so i have okay so i want to take this uh vocal and in the sense i'm going to send it to the group and the group will have the reverb on it the reverse reverb so turn this on activate descent [Music] okay so what i can do now is um if we want we could just record the i'm going to add an audio track let's make it a stereo track and we'll just call this print verb okay and this input i want to send from the group so we're gonna say group one if i did everything right i'll just hit record [Music] and so now when i just wanted to play back just that particular file here this will just be our [Music] so that's how that's one way that you could just kind of print you could also if you use just an effects end you know you could solo the tracks um and you know when you do your export audio mix down you're able to just you know have your uh your effects send that's included here and you could render it that way but this way i could isolate the source track from the group and just set the group as an audio input and just be able to print directly from there so i will go back and um on this particular group i'll deactivate the plugins there's no plug-in so i have the original audio plus the printed reversed reverb and that way you could actually have you know multiple effects that are printed together simultaneously so there's a couple of cool little tricks you could do with that so let me know if that works for you my studio is 303 and it's also cool for guitar solos doing that all right good to see mark raven from montana on a hangout it's great to to see you on the zoom get together last friday and we'll be doing the zoom get together uh the last hangout of the month i think we'll do that that was a lot i so enjoyed kind of meeting everyone and chatting so it was i was lots of fun for me i get to meet all of you you get to spend a lot of afternoons here together okay okay so we see hi greg every time i reopen a session my control room preset does not remain even though i save before closing and i have to set it every time to reopen the session so the only times that i've seen that is you know i've seen it sometimes like uh with like hdmi interfaces so sometimes that will kind of trip up the audio you know that kind of can change the order of the audio interface options um but you know i would just add a curiosity you know so it's um okay so it's with a preset that you're doing so you know make sure that you're not starting up maybe in different sample rates if that changes your i o configuration maybe like from a 48 k to 96 uh k um you know maybe that could change the number of ios that could kind of trip it up but if you have a particular project that you want to email me or share with me uh you could send it to um or even it doesn't have to have data but i could see if it kind of misbehaves on my end but you know i've seen it sometimes when i don't know if you're starting from a template uh and maybe the template is different than what you have for your particular project and make sure it's the same sample rate that it's working with um but if you could check those things so if your template includes the control room um you know and if there's no like kind of differences like you know this audio interface this spdif is now going over toslink versus adat where the number of input and output channels could fluctuate and which audio interface that information could be helpful so sorry about that must be a bummer all right question is there any way to get more chord pad presets if not can we change the root chord of a preset and we'll populate the other pad chords automatically so i think with the chord pads you know you could make your own presets quite easily so we want to [Music] um come here so there's a lot of you know you have a good amount of cord pad presets already so you know you have like your typical um major minor keys so let's just say i'll just try gloomy we'll see how that sounds uh and let me just come over here to just an instrument track to load that up [Music] on but you know once we come here and choose you know let's [Music] so let's say okay i want to sign a pad i'll just kind of play just random chord [Music] you know and come here so i'll just say assign pad from midi input so now i could just you know now i'm playing jazz so because i always need a b minor flat seventh flat ninth eleventh chord you know so now i could [Music] and once i'm done with that i could come right over here and save that as my own chord pad preset um so let's say the so changing the root chord of the preset so you know if you wanted to you know come here and say even take this chord and go through the different variations or if you wanted to so those are different kind of voicing tensions or if you want to do different inversions and then i think also you could choose for this to let me just go in here so if you say i wanted it to record voicing styles so here you could say i just want triads or i don't want four note chords or five note chords so at that point once you go into kind of the settings so now it's just going to be a b minor chord but yeah click on the edit and chord voicing styles and then go to custom and then you could really kind of you know configure you know the note ranges the highest notes if you wanted to duplicate the root if you want to fatten it up you know i do want very complex five note chords or i want very simple triads you know i want triads you know with the major 9th so you have different options there so play around with that i think you'll get where you want to all right all right so we have kenny johnson just just uh just joined so probably a while ago okay so i love the new supervision in cubase 11 i would love it even more if the oscilloscope could be beat synced are there any plans for that so let's go ahead and take a quick look uh just jump back to this project here quickly so i'm not sure if it could be kind of beat synced but we'll take a look at it here all right just going to revert this quickly all right let me just take the midi gate off nothing more to say is [Music] all right so let's see let's get to the oscilloscope so looks so it doesn't look like it's um [Music] you could adjust the timing of it [Music] i'll just jump back here in the song so i mean you could kind of figure out the timing maybe so but it's not temposing [Music] so but i understand where you may want it to just have it look cool and automatically be kind of synchronized okay all right thanks for all the great questions um okay how do i make the range selection tool automatically control my locator position in cubase 10.5 for example if i draw a selection using the range selection tool i want the locators to be set at that part um so you could there's a preference i believe hopefully i'll find this faster under editing where you could say cycle follows range selection tool so now once that is checked i can grab my range selection and my left and right locators will just kind of automatically follow um so that's all you have to do with that so you just say grab the range tool and select the range and you'll see the left and right locators just follow automatically once you have that set so that preference again is cubase preferences under editing uh cycle follows range selection so enable that i think that will do what you want uh so we have a question uh is there a sense pro tools subscription model is driving new users over to cubase so we have uh lots and lots of new users all the time so we haven't i don't i'm not sure if there's been analysis done on it but you know it's been good for our business and you know we seem to have a lot of people that like you know owning their software and not leasing their you know like i wouldn't want to lease a base every month um you know kind of want to make that commitment and own the base so no one could ever take it away from me so but it's um you know we've had i think you know as they've done research you know we a lot of people haven't been you know for moving to a subscription model so but you know things could evolve and change who knows okay uh i also love the new squasher but when i zero all the settings so that it is having no action uh example uh init state the output is still 2 3 db louder than when bypassed have i missed something so let's take a quick look at it here so i'll just activate my meters let's say i'll just put it on my master bus here [Music] just seeing if there's an initial state with the plug-in here so you know make sure also that you have so so there's a lot of variables obviously when you're doing this so let's just see if i have you know i think it's kind of the nature of the beast um so let's see if i see if i come here and so you know depending on what state you're in here how it's carving the frequencies you know so you know it may have some impact because you know there really isn't like a just a default uh you know state but it's probably not why you want to add it so um you know so i'd say if it sounds good that that's kind of the intentions kind of give you that edge on your tracks so it's a question i have an m1 mac it's cubase 11 compatible so we're not uh it's being investigated there's significant uh performance changes under the hood most third-party audio interfaces or most audio interfaces won't work as a significant number of plugins won't work as well so it could be a little premature um you know it's kind of with every software developer that's not apple you know is kind of going through this transition so it's it's a pretty significant architectural change okay okay sorry my timeline just kind of jumped let me bear with me while i find my space thanks for all the great questions we're doing well in time okay um so you see mike from new york just wondering if the cubase 11 works with the new mac m1 series computer i'm able to run 10.5 fine i think that there were some changes with the 11.0.1 that was just released uh last week so um but it's running under rosetta and it's not taking advantage of uh you know all the new processor capabilities so but you could try the trial version of that all right so to see a comment from mark rabin greg the quick controls lessons are super handy i'm also thrilled with ic pro now that i have a phone and ipad is remote uh a few keystrokes i want to refine that's great yeah it's perfect for like i'm in a vocal booth and you know yeah and one of the things i guess with the version 11 is the groove agent s e is fully scalable as jazz dude mentioned thanks for mentioning that jazz dude uh so it's good to see grant nicholas on the hangout i hope you're doing well uh hey greg what's in and maybe an easy way to do chord repeats okay so let's say um all right so let's say if i have a chord track you see i may have one of gareth's songs here let's see if i did chord track for this i may have okay so let's say this is gareth k's song here um you know if you have like you know sections in the chord if i'm understanding uh grant you know what you could do is you know select these chords and hold down like the alt or option key and then you'll be able to just make copies so if you're like okay these are the chords during the verse these are chords during the course you could just kind of place them and make copies just like that just like any other part so you just select hold down drag and drop or copy so let's say i just wanted to copy that move my cursor here and paste you could just see everything like that so so but if i misunderstand and grant let me know so if you if that's the chord repeats that you wanted to do okay so we see hi greg before using very audio and if you have a not so hot vocal track does very audio work better if you first normalize the vocal track um it doesn't necessarily make a huge difference i found so if the level is like really low um you know you know if it's like i would say like if you have amplitude that looks you know something like that you know that you know it doesn't seem to detect then i would kind of uh you know bring that up a bit you know just to kind of you know have that you know if it's not reading it well but i don't think that the detection of the pitch the pitch detection is like incredibly sensitive to levels i've never really had an instance where you know but i probably haven't had super low level amplitude vocal material that i've done with very audio so um but i don't think it needs to be super hot all right so you see we gave the a daily epiphany for john costigan vocal doubling with four mint shift so it's a cool little trick okay sorry may hear the tv my son's watching the wonder years in the next room okay okay so um so we have a question what's the best approach to make melodyne on vocals instruments and then keep a version on same track one with possible edit and other rendered not processing melodyne so you know what you could do if you're in um a situation like that is you could say okay i want to take this particular track uh i want to duplicate the track okay and then come to your audio menu and choose to bounce selection and replace the events because if you don't do that if you do edits on one those edits can automatically be applied to the same audio file if you do any processing on it so what i would do and i do this often before doing uh like a lot of tuning where someone you know where i will just take the vocal and you know do a bounce selection and i work on that and keep the original just in case they're like oh yeah i wanted to change this word or i didn't like this can you edit this and it's something that you really wanted to do editing before and you need to go back it's just two mouse clicks and the original file is intact and you could actually just come here in visibility and hide that particular track if you wanted to and work with this one but know that you always have it kind of in the background inaccessible okay um so a question we have a two to four uh bar base loop and we want to do transpose automate without transpose track how how would you do that um so if it's so let's say here i have like just a little uh bass part i'll just play this okay so what you could do is just come here so let's say i'll just take this base part let me just get to somewhere there's a little maybe a little more action all right so and you could just select uh you know with like the range tool and you know go to let's say our processes and i'll just do pitch shift so at this point i will just say let's transpose that you know down one and that will transpose that i could come here and okay i want to transpose this up to and now as i just kind of play you know you could just kind of so you could just select different sections and just kind of do different uh transpositions you could also just probably uh even a faster way is to say okay i just wanted to cut this particular these particular phrases if you don't want to use the transpose track you could come right over here say let's transpose up two take this let's transpose down three so as we play and now this will be down [Music] and you could just do it straight from the info line as well so and that works for kind of audio and midi so um so as you see from fifth fifth quarter hey late to the party here not sure if it's been covered is there a way to import an audio file loop to the project and have cubase match the pitch key of the track uh progressions as well so you know when you drop and loop in it could match the you know the tempo of cubase but if you want it to go to like let's say if you're going to different loops um you know a lot of the drum loops will have the tempo kind of indicated [Music] so you know once you drop that in the tempo can be indicated uh so you can match the tempo with that but it doesn't automatically change the project tempo based upon the tempo of the loop rather the loop will match the the tempo of the project once it's in musical mode um and sometimes you know if you have a loop that's in c major and you say okay i want to be c minor you know a lot of that stuff doesn't work so well so you know while it may seem like it's doing uh some stuff you know often it's not musically correct and kind of doesn't sound so good so it's not really intended for that but you could drag and drop and have it comply to you know the root key that you could set here um but it's not necessarily gonna go okay i want this to go from uh aeolian to dorian modes you know okay um so question i don't know if it's a true question or not but just asking how can you do the coin effect uh to audios in cubase when you drop a coin it starts to drop faster and faster maybe a chopper plug-in um all right so let's say let's see if i can find a kind of a coins or kind of a sound effect here quickly okay so let's see if we could okay so let's say i just want to take just a portion so i'll just take this audio file in here and if i wanted to [Music] you know you could probably even for that type of effect that you want so say um you know you probably could come over here and even use um like the multi-tap delay so if i wanted to come here um so i could say i wanted this delay let's make it a quarter note delay and on this i wanted it to pitch shift so i could add um effects and we could add a module within the plugin so let's just have it um pitch shifter okay so let's see what happens with this okay let me just try that in the loop effect instead so this way you can put effects on the delays themselves so if you wanted to kind of play around with that type of stuff as well so you can just try pitch shifter as well but you know so within this particular plug-in so you could do like some some different effects like that as well but you know within the uh and you can make it so say we put in tape mode or we could go crazy so we'll see what this does so but i think so some stuff like that so i haven't heard the term coin effect before but hopefully that's kind of what you were envisioning or hearing so okay so i see hi greg why is the sample trim mode disabled in slice mode so you know if you're in slice mode so let's go take a look at this um okay so let's say i have a sampler track here and i want to just drag and drop okay so um all right so why the sampler trim mode is disabled in slice mode so you know if we go to slice mode here that's going to determine the transients but you could actually come here and manually put in transients so at this point i think it's just hold down like the alt or option key so you could kind of choose you know where it is um but you know but once you're here it's kind of really you know intended to be like you know a little different so when you're kind of selecting just a portion of that let's say you wanted to just you know work with this in the slice mode so say i want to go from here to here you know your trim is going to be you know i would tend to do that first here and then kind of do the slice but you know if you need to you know put the slices where you want you know just make sure that you put that in the mode for manual and then you can put the slices in just by holding down the alt or option key okay so just saying millard also mentioning a delay effect and automate the delay time increasing increasingly shorter so you could also do that on the um if we jump back to the delay time but you so but you give that a try it's good suggestion millard about doing the delay time as well okay so from mark ravens has got two questions uh if i import a midi drum library what's the best way to do this i don't want to overwrite stuff uh how to get a show in media tab anyone else um so if if it's a midi drum library you know so if it's it depends what kind of file format it is so if it's going to be midi files um you know when you go over here to let's say your loops and browsers you know you could you know you'll probably see let's just come here to like your file uh let me just so you know depending on the format that it is a lot of midi drum libraries are actually um set up as standard midi files so i'm i'm gonna blow off jeff berlin on the phone and call him back after the hang out for you guys he was my idol as when i was in high school as a bassist so uh i'm just gonna tell him i'll come back in just a minute so bear with me just right quick all right sorry about this yeah jeff is only the one the biggest reasons why you study music all right so let's say uh if you wanted to go to your file browser you could look for wherever the midi files are on your system i don't think i have a collection of midi files uh anymore i'll see if i could maybe see if i could find something so let's and you could store these midi files and be able to kind of drag and drop uh the midi files you could also once you go searching for uh you could go into media bay here and search you know for your file types let me just you may before we do that let me just jump back here all right so once you're here um so let's say if you go to your libraries you could also just have it search for midi files and then once you have midi files and you could choose kind of any location where they may be you could also do it from the known uh file browser here and you know and then just kind of drag and drop those midi files directly into timeline so you know if it is something like from groove agent what you're able to do if it's a groove agent library or a pattern in groove agent i'll show you that so different instruments can do this as well so this will allow you to drag library like midi file so sometimes the terminology midi file can be uh sometimes a bit confusing because it could be just midi information there's a standard midi file but i could take patterns here and drag these directly onto the timeline just like so um so it's not going to necessarily overwrite stuff but you know within the full media bay you could also kind of you know search for anywhere that you have the midi files and select it and drag and drop from the full media media bay from uh the media bay on the right hand side here and if you always are going to the same folder and you're like i don't want to do this navigation like 100 times a day that'll drive me crazy just right click on it and click on add favorites and then you can go to your favorites folder and then you'll see all of your favorite locations so you don't have to go kind of you know directory diving looking for the particular one um so i see a question does anyone use a control z shortcut key um so yeah i mean it's a really common one for editing i find uh like i have a cc 121 controller and it has a foot switch input i find it when i'm like in editing mode it's an assignable thing for your foot switch that um you know if i'm doing tons of editing on something where i need to undo redo undo i will actually just have undo assigned to my uh foot switch um so i i have that set up periodically on like real intense editing stuff so just to fire off uh the undo command but it's you could set it up on like ic pro as well so you could undo your recording if you need to stuff like that all right so to see um how to de-noise an audio file with high quality so we do have um a tool called spectral layers and this is sold separately uh and let me see if i have just a file that i might be able to work with here so the spectral layers elements i believe has some of the noise reduction but i know that the pro does uh so and it's pretty effective so let's say if i want to do a quick audio file here just go to okay so let's say i have something like this all right so i'm going to just go to the audio and extensions and let's launch the the big gun spectral layers so what i'm going to do is just kind of find a just a bit of the noise floor kind of isolated by itself here so we'll go ahead and zoom so what i want to do is i'm going to just kind of select um like where we have not a lot of harmonic content where i see just a lot of the noise so i'm gonna take that and let's come over here to process and we'll say let's just do this as registered noise and now what i want to do now is just do noise reduction throughout the whole file [Music] and so just do this a couple times here so but if you're let me just see if i could redo the noise print but so if you come there and just kind of find that particular noise print i'll just get in my extensions here again all right see if i can find a better so just try one more time here but once you kind of do that um and i have gotten like really pretty astonishing results if you i'll just give us one more shot here [Music] so versus [Music] so you can kind of yeah utilize the spectral layers for that and you go and you can get some really great results for that all right um so you just see how to create more than one mix console so you know depending on your version of cubase like i think cubase pro you could have uh up to three different mix consoles so you could just kind of choose them here if you have kind of a a lighter version that uh may not um you know you may not have more than one mix console within there so okay so let's move on next question it's got an email from composer paul hasslinger so incredibly talented guy okay just read through comments um okay so here's a question uh when i use groove agent and put a kick and snare and send it to different buses and outputs when i right click on course to show the snare automation when i draw it's it smiles doesn't let you draw a curve okay so it's i'm sorry you said you maybe sent it in so sorry if i didn't see it so let's go ahead and take a look okay so i'm gonna send this to let's say my kick and snare to different [Music] buses okay so i'm going to now send this to kick to output two and my snare to output three okay all right okay so let's all right so all right so it says uh so send it to different buses and outputs when i right click on course to show snare automation when i draw it it smites but doesn't let you draw a curve okay so let's um [Music] okay so let's say i have my kicks and let me just mute this track sorry okay okay so i'm just uh so when we right click on course to show the snare automation when i draw it smites doesn't let you draw a curve okay so i'm just so use a kick and snare and send it to different buses and outputs when i right click on course to show the snare automation [Music] when i draw okay so let's say i'm in my snare automation here okay so it says it doesn't let you draw a curve so let me switch to my curve tool so so i'm not sure if the course is like course tuning or if it's effects that you're using we just see if it's maybe one of the effects okay so when i draw it it smites okay right click on course to show the snare automation when i draw so um so i'm i'm not sure if the course is a particular parameter you know sometimes if you're not able to draw in i mean what i've seen i'm sorry if i've missed your question i haven't yeah sorry if i missed it um but let's say if maybe you have snap turned on and let's say you have it set to bar but it seems like the all the curves are kind of working just as expected here so if you could maybe rephrase your question or if you want to send it to me um to clubcubase at steinberg dot d e i'll kind of keep my eye out for it in the hangout so if you're if you're listening to this send it again um sorry about that okay so question i have howling in full version and i want to use a custom reverb impulse with the reverence built-in effect i can do this with reverence in cubase but how could i do this in hallians i'm not sure if it's designed for loading up a custom impulse but i'll take a quick look to see but i'm inclined to say this really intended to give you the impulses that you know for presets so that you have those or you know primarily like for casual stuff so yeah so i don't think it's intended to allow you to have your own impulses so you might just have to do that inside of cubase but i could pass that along to the halligan team as well okay so i just see sometimes when i go to normalize audio it drops to gain down to zero automatically instead of automatically raising it to 0db it didn't always do this how would i change this setting okay so let's take a look all right i'll just drag a loop in quickly all right so okay so let's say i auto apply that so it might be pretty normalized already let me just and also make sure that you you know it could also let's just take a look you know it could be depending on the levels that you've recorded so let me just take this to a group and just record it something that's level because it may depending on the the file it may already kind of be at zero db so i'm going to add a group channel to the selected track all right so i'm just gonna adjust my fader here okay so i'll just record just a little segment here okay so now i'm going to have this audio file and i want to normalize so when i have this set to i'll just undo this so let's normalize it again and i'll just take it off so if i come here let's say i put it to zero db it's kind of make sure that you don't have like you know because there's two choices you have the loudness normalization as well as the peak normalization so let's say if i you know but i have it seems to kind of be working as expected on my end so okay so we have a question can project folders simply be moved to another directory uh yes but make sure that the next time that you open the project that it you open that you open the file from the project within the new directory otherwise you may get a bunch of messages saying i can't find this audio file and you know locate it for me so just be aware that that the project file unless you save it afterwards uh may still be referencing the location of audio files you know from the previous location so and the best trick to do if you wanted to save it to new location of a fail pretty fail-safe way is just to you know select your project here and go to file and just choose to you know back up project and this will move it to a new folder you choose the folder all the files are needed for that will automatically be moved over but if you just move it to a different directory and you open it from the first then it will you know you could get some messages but if you open the project from the from the new location you know it should automatically find the files and the audio files as long as they're kind of within the same kind of you know hierarchy um so hey guys is there 1176 or la2a style compressor you know so you could really they're not directly modeled um but you could get those types of vibes you know check out uh even in the channel strip if you go to the compressor you could have you know a tube compressor so that looks like you know expected tube compressors and also vintage compressors so if you're going for that type of sound and vibe you could really kind of check out some of those and that will get you there pretty quickly okay so we have a question is there any way that i could see an output in the inspector channel for an instrument tracks like you can't see in the audio tracks and midi tracks okay so let's come over here and we look here we can see our output routing for that particular let's say this track we can see this is going to our stereo out and let's add uh i think we have an instance of hallie in here so with this uh so this is our instrument track uh and now as soon as you kind of click here you could see this stereo out it's not necessarily from the uh inspector tab but here you can kind of see okay this is how you and it's going out of our stereo out or if you wanted to send it to a group but so you could see it from you know the for instrument tracks kind of the audio the audio capabilities there but not from the inspector exactly let me just see if it's so we have this going out to and i'll just yeah but if you just come over here just if when you hit the e you could see it right there so it'll just be an extra mouse click so all right we see gareth is on his dinner break all right you see comment from don arbus uh cubase the best dot ever so it's great i enjoy it uh so hi there can you tell me a way to uh copy and paste tracks across projects i have several projects consisting of just guitars and the superior drummer vst midi track i want to combine them into one project uh so really the the easiest way to do this i mean you could drag and drop like you know files you know so if you say okay here's my guitar part you know i could just drag and drop it into other projects you know in inactive or active but what i would tend to do um probably the smarter way of doing it might be where you could actually just get to your file menu and choose import tracks from project and then once we come over here i could select a project then i could you know okay i want to import you know these tracks uh and i want the events or i don't want the events i want the channel and the inspector settings or maybe i don't want the automation and then i could just take those particular tracks and import it into my project to make kind of a a master compilation of different ideas to create your song okay question sometimes the quantize doesn't line up when i hit q and i have the grid set correctly and all the right buttons pressed what could be causing the quantize issue um so i haven't already seen that happen so let's say if i wanted to [Music] the new project here and thanks for all the wonderful questions okay so let's say we're here um and i just had a whole bunch of i'll just add an instrument track quickly okay so if i wanted to quantize these two quarter notes so you know sometimes i've seen people you know have a certain file selected but here let's say i want to quantize it to whole notes for all these so when i have uh let's say all my notes selected and i hit q that will kind of quantize accordingly um so make sure that maybe some file some notes are selected and some aren't i've seen people kind of run into that issue where you know it could be like these notes um are selected and maybe they're off screen and you get a hit q and it doesn't look like anything is happening but it's really just these particular notes that were quantized um but if you you know have a project where it's not working you know please feel free to share it with me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e okay so to see um it says cc and mixer faders so you know if you wanted to so i'm not sure if that's controlling the mixer faders via midi cc so but if that's the question let's say i'll just come here and add you know some audio tracks um so i could you know if you wanted to have like you know your track quick controls we could enable these so that you know when i move uh you know if i have these turned on for all of my tracks and we could save it this way um in a template it's pretty common thing to do so once i have this set up we could do our kind of our track quick controls so if i wanted to have this set up so one quick control is controlling whatever track i'm on we could do it like that if you wanted to have multiple sliders that are doing um you know like eight sliders that do eight channels at a time we could go to the generic midi remote and we could say okay midi so let's say i want to click on learn so say midi controller one and that's going to control let's say vst mixer you know audio one and we'll choose volume and i select this so this is the incoming midi message at the top and this is what it's going to control so let's say okay this will be vst mixer um audio one volume so let's make this the vst mixer audio to volume and this will this is probably how it's set up by default um so i'm going to just you know and now once i had that set up and i could just kind of leave it i could just you know come right over here and just move my fader and control so you could do it kind of like quick controls or you could do it uh via the generic midi remote if you want to control the mixer faders with midi cc so okay so i just see key editor cc to associate with uh editor uh fader from mixer so if it's you know in a midi key editor so let's say you know if i wanted this to control like midi ccs to control this particular instrument track here um you know you could go to [Music] uh your midi your cc automation setup and we could say okay for midi parts let's say let's say uh when i record midi stuff you know we could just change this to automation tracks instead of to cc data and now when i go to draw in like volume control here this actually will just show up as our volume so when we come here i could just say okay we're going to [Music] you know so then as you draw in volume here you know this is actual automation as opposed to cc data so you could take your main volume and actually have that be you know consolidate midi cc so again what you want to do is just get your cc automation setup and we could choose that you know as you record in cc7 that it writes automation for the instrument track so all right good to see sable winters on the hangout all right so we have uh jeff leibig or liebig from upstate new york uh good to have you on hangouts okay so we have question i know you can select all inserts by pressing e with uh alt option plus shift click but how can you close them all with one click so let's take a look see if we can figure it out okay so let's say if i wanted to so i have all these okay so if you want to open all these i think it's just and let me see if there's i thought i think there may be just a key command for this okay so i think uh under the windows menu there's kind of let's say show hide plugin so i'm going to assign a keyboard shortcut for it okay so let's say if we go to the windows menu uh you could close all plug-in windows right there or you could just so just windows to close all plug-ins so if i hold down alt shift so let's say sorry wrong key portrait so if i have all these plug-in windows open just go to your window menu to close all plug-in windows or you could just have your keyboard shortcut set up as well and here we could see like from previous we could now see kind of the automation data uh for your volume automation kind of written directly in the part so okay we see pablo's getting dinner as well um so uh how can you copy paste inserts from a track to another not using mix console all right so so i don't know what you're doing without the mix console i mean it's easy enough in the mix console to do you could save it as a preset um just seeing if there is so i don't know way to do it but in the mix console there's you know a couple ways you could do it like in a lower zone mixer i mean you could save it as a track preset but i don't think that makes it faster or slower so if you're in your inserts here you know you could just kind of select the tracks and drag it over and say you know just like that so it's pretty easy way but it is using the mix console but you could do it in a lower zone mix console pretty easily okay i make tracks around 200 bpm and sample them in another daw because my instruments are 32 bit so i then load them into cubase and all at once my sample bpm is not correct um okay so i'm not sure how you're getting the um how you're getting the information if it's uh if you're transferring it over as midi or if you're transferring it over as audio um but you know the tempo stamp is going to be kind of dry you know created probably in the other program and just because it is 32-bit you could always you know download an earlier version of cubase i think like 8.5 or earlier uh and you can still run your 32-bit plug-in so that might be a better workflow for you just as your cubase 11 license or cubase 10 license will run previous version so if you need to run 32 bpm but generally uh if the sample bpm is not correct it's probably you know see if you import it into other programs like maybe back into that program if that works um so but i don't you know but generally if you know i you know cubase is pretty good about reading than the tempo stamps but not all tempo stamps are created equally i found over the years uh so we see a question dan from daniel how can someone get the zoom so what we did is before christmas is we actually kind of just so you know we could meet because probably a lot of us have spent a lot of time together in the hangouts we did kind of like a meet and greet zoom uh and then a lot of people liked doing that so we're doing it the last hangout of the month we'll end it like an hour earlier than our usual four hours and we'll post kind of a zoom link so whatever the last hangout uh so it'd probably be february uh 26th i believe um so like three weeks from today i think so okay okay just reading through comments all right my timeline just kind of jumped on me all right let's just scroll back uh so you just see from captain energy music i agree with the statement most people want to own their software some companies uh have to learn the hard way that no one wants to lease their software though i guess so and i see from sable i prefer ownership over pouring money into the same software each month uh of a year for a lifetime that's a good point it's nice to have your stuff paid off you know okay so you see a question um is a retrospective recording for midi uh able to detect the tempo i'm playing and adjust my session to match the tempo i'm coming from ableton it does this so easily um so i mean you it doesn't do it automatically but you can do like a tempo detection of the midi so let's say if i have just a quick instrument track here so let me just load something up all right so let's say i'm just kind of doing this and i'm just going and then i hit my retrospective record all right then it's automatically going to place it directly there so and at this point if i want to look at it um you know i could just say okay we want to do just a quick tempo detection of this so i just get a project to tempo detection and just say analyze and now it's automatically you know figured out the tempo from what i played or you could quantize it you know so it may be a two-step process okay so i just see question problem i have an external instrument which has some chord samples i want to use i need the possibility to recognize the input chords three notes and route it to a specific single note um okay so it has some chords so if it has chord samples it's probably not transmitting the you know so if it's like you hit a note and it's playing a chord that chord is probably not in the midi domain if it's samples um i'm not sure if it's the particular music or the particular sound or instrument so i need the possibility to recognize the input chords three notes and root it to a specific single note so i think it's going to be a limitation of the external instrument so if it's not transmitting that via midi um you know it's hard to figure out what you know what samples they're using and what chords they're using if it's if the device itself is only triggering one midi note but if you get maybe marcus lets us know what exact instrument all right uh hi greg i think this is a feature request is there a way to make the mixer only show the inputs assigned to the selected group or effects channels or spill function so let's say if i'm in a project here um okay so let's say if i'm on um i'll just pull up maybe even a better project to show this sorry okay so let's say i have a bunch of these tracks are kind of all feeding so here i have um okay so let's say i wanted to go to this reverb channel so it's not necessarily like a spill but once you open up the channel you can see all the channels that are feeding it so and if i go to let's say a group channel so say i go to my group tracks and here i'm in my keyboards group i could now just go to the keyboards group and then you can see four sources are going into the keyboards and if i wanted to go to let's say my stereo out i could feed okay here's all my guitars and then you could just navigate and say okay i want to go to this guitar and then this guitar is feeding two targets so okay this guitar is going to be feeding in effects as well as our guitar so you can navigate quite easily without necessarily having it you know migrate down to the mix console so if you need to just get to different spots it's you know quite easy to do just from the top because you can see the sources and the sources will then you know feed you know the groups and so i go to my drum group the drum group has two targets so that's gonna be you know feeding to my stereo out as well as an effects channel and you know so at this point you could just kind of navigate quite easily to see the different routing all right so i know we had some questions that were sent in so let's get to those before we run out of time um so we had a question you know how to change the pitch and speed of audio together kind of like is almost as if you were slowing down uh like old samples so if i have let's say just just this particular audio file here um let's say [Music] let me just um so if i wanted to do this i could go to audio and then if we go to our processes we could say okay let's go to pitch shift and we have this function for time correction so if i wanted to like slow down let's say to uh you know go down a you know let's say a perfect fourth or whatever so now i could come over here and as we listen to it the audio will get longer uh and the pitch will change so if i undo that you'll see that the audio file will get shorter so that way we could change the audio and the pitch simultaneously okay so we have a question is it possible to set a project so that when you select a track the relevant instrument ui loads uh numerous occasions and tracks using the same ui i've been accidentally tweaking the wrong instrument so what i i think it would be annoying if every time you um you know selected a particular um you know part that the instrument automatically loaded up but you can't assign it to a keyboard shortcut so let's find some of the midi parts here so you know as we go you know two different midi instruments you know there's this function here which is the edit vst instrument and you could assign that to a keyboard shortcut so if you go to your key commands you could say edit vst instrument uh so i i just mapped it to command option shift v so anytime that i'm on a particular instrument track here i could say okay i wanted to um you know here this is going to pad shop so i could just say and that will kind of automatically open up the instrument uh for that particular track for you so you could just kind of come right over here just select that and assign that keyboard shortcut but i think every time you switch a track if the instrument opened up that would be like annoying pretty quickly all right we also had a question about um if there's a way using the project logical editor to take an event and you know we could kind of cut the length of it to the cursor position but how could we cut the beginning of the event so let's say if i wanted to make an edit and i wanted this event to cut to right where the cursor is from the beginning or the end and we could do this it's under the edit if we get a range you'll see cut head and cut tail so if i say cut head that event basically cut to right where the cursor was and if we choose cut tail the end of it will automatically cut right to where that cursor is and leave the beginning where it is okay we got the next one um all right so we had this from uh johnny diaz um how can i change the sound of the click track to a kick drum from groove agent or other sources and print them into an actual audio track that i can manage afterwards so i think i may have had something kind of set up for this already so thanks for all the wonderful questions i hope everyone's learned a tip or trick and if you learned something make sure you hit the like button and that you if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that and you can be notified of future hangouts we'll be doing another one on tuesday starting at the same time 1pm us eastern all right so let's say i have um just a click track going on and um so i have my click track so if i wanted to we could go to the metronome there's a couple of different options so if you want to go to your metronome setup you know here you have different click sounds so there's kind of a default click sound so if i wanted to come here again transport to metronome setup um so we could say okay if we wanted to change our click sound there's different custom you could have your own audio files and samples that you could drag and drop in you could also just use um you know different presets for click sound so if you want you know or if you wanted like uh kind of more like a yuri click you could do that or would block so you have these different sounds that you could use now if we let's say i want it like this sound for these sounds could obviously be customized and i wanted to take that particular sound and i'll go to my project menu and go to signature track and i could just say render audio click between left and right locators then that's been recorded as an audio file if i was using groove agent um like kind of using like a sample within groove agent i could go to my transport and let's go to the metronome setup and i wanted to not use an audio click but to use a midi click and our click sounds we wanted to route this to let's say groove agent so i could now hit play and let's say i'll just [Music] okay so i will let's just quickly load up um let's see if i have groove agent loaded up here so okay so i'm just going to load up a quick groove agent s e okay so if i wanted like a rim shot or any type of sound i could come over here let's play and i'm gonna just route in the metronome setup [Music] the midi click click sounds and let's send this to so let's say i wanted that as my click so what i could do now if it's being routed out to groove agent um i could just kind of go back and instead of rendering it since it's being kind of sent to a different device i could go to my pro go to the project to signature track and i'll say render midi click between the left and right locators so it's now made this a midi click uh it's gonna now play that midi click out and if i wanted to render that as an audio file i would just go and do a render in place and at this point it will just render that and that will be my click track from groov agent just using those sounds all right maybe i have time for one more question thanks for all the great questions hope everyone's learned something all right we see gareth is back from dinner and he missed his free brand new computer from sponsored by intel so all right okay see we get one more quick question in so i don't run over all right so you see i see daniel asking which one is better cubase 11 or 10 11 so more stuff so cost the same yeah sorry to see a question will there be uh what's the zoom code so we'll just uh i'll i'll post the zoom code in the uh in the uh chat field before the next uh on the last hangout of the month i believe it's the 26th so i see quickly how do you use the scale function in cubase 11 same like logic pro so i don't know what logic is doing with that but if you want to you know have um so maybe i'll start with that next time just because we're running out of time um but we did it in the last hangout so if you want to go to you know look for the topic index but with that we're just about out of time and i'm gonna go ahead and wrap up i want everyone to stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone on tuesday for the next hangout and if you learned something make sure you hit the like button as well as subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that i want to thank everyone for the great questions and we will see everyone in about four days have a great weekend goodbye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 9,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: nxYG3ebWw8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 10sec (14350 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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