How to Have a MIDI Part Loop Independently of The Project Timeline | Club Cubase August 3rd 2021

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hello welcome to the august 3rd 2021 club cubase live stream uh we'll get started here in just a couple of moments so i'm just going to do a quick audio test to make sure everything is coming through as expected just hello welcome to the august okay so audio seems to be working fine on my end on my monitoring computer uh my name is greg undo i'm going to be the host for the live stream today uh if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could ask questions in the chat field or submit questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e um i once again my name is greg undo i work as a product specialist for yamaha corporation of america which is the united states distributor for steinberg products and i work as kind of a just a product specialist primarily focusing on steinberg products and i'm presenting from outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia if you're watching the stream live please feel free to go ahead and introduce yourself and tell us where you're from so just a couple little things with the live stream so uh my family is at home so you may i may get interrupted by my son um so i apologize in advance for any interruptions i might turn on a tv show or something for him you may hear my wife working directly above me uh as she's on conference calls we will try to get through all of the questions that are asked in chronological order uh in the chat field we will leave you some time at the end for questions that were submitted in advance so uh but as you ask a question if you could tell which version of the program uh you're using like cubase artist pro elements and which computer operating system uh that information sometimes is helpful we will try to get to the questions chronologically so asking the question repeatedly in the chat field just kind of slows down the whole process if we could try to refrain from doing that that would be helpful uh we will have a a a all of the topics covered in the live stream today will be indexed with timestamps and post it later tonight if you wanted to search for topics covered in previous live streams you could go to and take a look there as well so yan from stockholm has always been kind enough to compile uh all of the different topics that have been covered we also have two moderators i want to give a quick say a quick thanks to them for to agent k and to jazz dude who help out with moderation when needed and another wonderful resource uh in addition to all of the official steinberg um in addition to all the steinberg resources that are available to learn about steinberg products is the cubase nation discord i know that jazz dude uh is involved with that so we'll go ahead and let you see that we have some questions already kind of starting so let's go ahead um and get started all right so we have a question hello is there going to be anything about the new authentication system i'm waiting to install my pro 11 uh back once i don't have to use e-licenser anymore so i'm not sure there hasn't been any official announcements as soon as there is i'd be happy to share it with you but there could be a chance it might be implemented in future generations of software so cubase pro 11 may still be requiring the e-licenser i i don't know for sure but that's purely speculation on my end but you know i think we may see some stuff rolling up but i haven't been briefed on uh the latest technologies and the developments of that but as soon as we know i'll be you know happy to share it with everyone all right great to see uh filter freak and great wonderful to see daryl it was good to see on the zoom meetup all right and monk beats and robbie bowling from dallas stefan from sweden all right and we have yon from stockholm and we have john costigans great to see you on the zoom meet up as well as staple winters okay okay so we have uh theodore from london all right and we see that stable winters is now uh she's proud to announce he's joined cubase pro 11 crew so wonderful okay tim weinheimer is proud that he's hit the like button early all right we have an erotic nexus great to see you on the live stream as well okay so we have uh just a quick um okay so we have just a quick question um just says uh please guide through sidechaining let me just find it really quick again uh so please guide through side training so we will go ahead and uh take a look at a side chaining example so let's take a look at how we could do sidechaining sidechaining is kind of taking one track and using that to apply dynamics on another track so let's take a look and it's often used if you do like edm work often used in uh for like kick drum and like a bass synth so let's say if i have a little project like this and i want the dynamics of that synth bass to be triggered kind of by what's actually happening here on the kick track so i'm gonna go to the synth track here and we could just uh as an insert i'm gonna just put the standard compressor uh and then at the top of the inserts we can activate side chain and then we could click on the side chain setup and this is where we want to add our side chain source we could add multiple side chain sources so i want it to be this kick um so we've now added that side chain source so now when this kick drum comes in it's going to trigger the compression uh on that's on the insert for this particular track so as we listen to it now so that's how you could do different side chaining so once again uh you want to you know take one of the tracks apply compress like a compressor or a plug-in that has sidechain capability once you have that open activate the sidechain click on to set up the sidechain add your sidechain source and then that's all the routing that you need to do all right so we have aubrey music from tel aviv and bj sound beats from denmark all right so we have patty from tanzania and melbourne i just okay all right just reading through different comments see if i missed any questions so far i think got them all we're still kind of a lot of people introducing themselves um so we see uh hello this is um shaker from houston texas uh just purchased complete 13 ultimate and it is loaded on usb 3 external drive cubase 11 pro is very slow at start any suggestions um so you know generally i'm not sure if you're seeing that uh that complete 13 if it is still going through maybe scanning uh different uh different content or if it is you know you know it would be interesting to see you know generally sometimes as you go through plugins it may take a little while for it to go through all the plugins and do different testing for the plugins like it'll actually do kind of a little quality assurance test and then make sure that it's uh working correctly and does like measurement of latency the first time so and also depending on your usb 3 external drive if you're trying to play a lot of content off of that depending on what's on your usb bus that could be causing other problems but you may want to check to see if there's any optimum settings for um you know if you are running you know i think that you could buy and i'm not a native instruments expert but i think if you buy uh complete13 you can get it with i know i think you used to be able to get it with a drive you might you might be able to still do that and i think the drive is intended not for sample playback but for installation so um you know if you have the capability of trying a different drive or seeing if cubase starts up without that drive connected much faster that could kind of indicate that it's the the native uh the complete 13 that could be causing the slowness on startup that could give you just kind of an indication of what could be doing it you could isolate it to that and maybe see if there's another drive that might be working uh better but if you even you know make sure that you probably install the plugins on your c drive and you know at that point work with the content probably off of your external drive okay so we have a question uh i want to take full length songs off records and sync them to my beats what is the best way to do this in cubase can you show us an example about this uh for doing remixes okay so we could have it where the uh beat is actually matching to the track or you could have the track match to the beat so you could do it either way so we'll take a quick look at this let me see i think i have a project that we could use it's not a match just load it up here quickly okay so go ahead and use this one okay so when we go let's say we have a like a record a recording like a full song [Music] so let's say this isn't quite correlating to check my connections here quickly so let's say we don't really have this particular song locked to a tempo so what i could do is i'll just come over here and just so i'm going to select the song and go to my project menu to tempo detection so at this point i'm going to analyze the tempo of the track and then so right now if i wanted to listen so now we have what the tempo is of the track so uh and when it does this it's figuring out kind of where the downbeat is and it does it it will switch your meter to 1-4 because it's figuring out where the beats are so you may have to come over here and just say okay this is where the downbeat is so as we listen to this [Music] so if i wanted to take a beat and match that beat to the file i could come over here just grab some something maybe from edm toolbox let's see if we have just some audio files looks like mostly midi okay so let's say we could audition [Music] so what i'm going to do is just drag this particular file in and um select a file here and make sure that it's in musical mode so if it's not in musical mode these two files will play back at their original tempo but if i want that to be synced all i have to do is place my loop into musical mode and now as we listen to that [Music] so now we have this beat following the particular tempo of the of the original track but if we want it to take the track and let's say if we want this to be a perfectly steady beat instead of these natural musical fluctuations what i could do is select that event go to audio and we'll go to advanced and we'll say set definition from tempo so i will come over here and i'm just gonna what this will do is basically embed the tempo changes of every single file into the particular track so if i now wanted to play this back at let's say 140 beats a minute where there's no fluctuations in time as i do this now it's going to play back perfectly steady [Music] and i could just come over here and just type in whatever tempo that i want and this way you could have the existing music track match to the beats or have the beats match to the existing music track so do a tempo detection that will give you the tempo you may have to define a downbeat in the signature track which will automatically be added and then as you drop in a loop make sure that that loop is in musical mode and that will automatically follow the tempo changes that are input here and if you needed the the original audio file to match the loop select that file go to audio to advanced to set definition from tempo and then it will be like you know extremely accurate hyper accurate if you will and then this will as this is speeding up and slow down we could just have this be one steady consistent tempo so a couple of different approaches you could take for that all right thanks for all the great questions okay so we have a question uh from christiand68 uh hello greg in supervision in the multi-correlation window i have some frequencies going down in red instead of up in blue does this mean i have phase problems what can i do so let me just jump back to another project here we'll take a look at so let's say as we're playing so go to my control room and let's say i want to open up the multi-correlation [Music] here [Music] all right so this is our multi-correlation meter so with some it's a project i did but if you see uh what this is showing is going to be different frequency ranges like the particular frequencies that are out of phase and it's pretty normal to see just you know to see some of the frequencies here but this is more you know it it could be you know i would worry more about like these frequency meters like these phase meters here but if you do have phase issues this could show you and kind of point you to the direction of the frequencies that have phase issues so you go oh it's kind of in the kick drum frequencies or it's in like where the snare is or the hi-hats or maybe like when the cymbals for the overhead mics that every time there's a symbol crash that the overhead mics picks up i see a little spike in red here so that may mean that you could you know isolate and find those particular frequencies so it's okay to have some of your files uh to have those frequencies uh like some frequencies to be out of phase but it's really meant as more of a diagnostic tool like if you see like you know the vast majority of your frequencies in the red as we look at it then i would be concerned and try to fix it in the mix if it's predominantly in the blue with a couple in a red you know that's going to be okay so all right you could see michael pierce on a live stream as well as um as well as jeff sabelski from chico california all right so we have i think saeed uh hello from germany thank you for your help getting better in cubase that's great hopefully i'm glad i could help out a little bit okay uh so we have question um when i'm listening to a soundtrack there's sometimes a familiar loop that a composer adds is there any of those uh in cubase sample loops so there's lots of different loops that composers will use um so probably they're doing more like a you know symphonic piece maybe not but i know a lot of people uh will use like one of my composer friend of mine he loves using all the steinberg content and one of his favorite and uh that he just used i think just came out maybe in 10 or 9.5 with groove agent se came with some new sounds you know where he has incredibly tight uh deadlines so i think he uses a lot of laser beams so if you just wanted to um come here you know where you could start off with you know different patterns so there's a lot of kind of content within uh like some of the you know so if it's more kind of electronic stuff you know so like i think i remember him i think he used uh my composer friend like he did a whole campaign for revlon i think he ended up just like you know and kind of whatever let's say our tempo let's say a 120 uh now so there's lots of content to explore and you know people have taken a lot of time to program these for you and they're all available free to you so you know take a a different you know take a familiarize yourself with all the different content and you can get a lot of mileage out of it okay so a question for michael pierce so says greg for all of us that have upgraded cubase 11. would you do a quick recap and the fastest way to get settings plug-in library settings across uh version 10 might be useful so a lot of times it's going to automatically carry those things over if not what you could do in cubase open up your cubase 10 go to your edit menu and go to profile manager and export your profile and then in cubase 11 simply import the profile and this will be like all your key commands macros your routing all of your vst plugin collections your global workspaces all those can be saved and transferred over plus many other uh of your track presets user presets that could all be uh carried over directly from once again from edit to profile manager and all kind of like your typical cubase settings will just be migrated directly over okay so we have a question from uh john panning can greg explain the difference between balance pan and combined pan thanks john okay so let's say on my stereo track here so let's say i'll just place a little classical piece here so if i we could switch onto stereo track between two different panners so i think it will default to the balance panner and this will allow you to say okay i want this only in the right speaker or only in the left speaker but we may want to have a little more control [Music] over that and this is what we could do with our combined panner so if i want it to be more focused in the center or if i wanted something to be like a little tighter but tighter over to the right or tighter to the left and i wanted to have more i wanted this to kind of be in both left and right but more focused on the left or right if i get it really tight this works like a balance but i could specify how wide that panning will be for the particular tracks and as we get started here what else we could do is if i just in the com in the combined mode if i just kind of keep the mouse button held down and keep going up i could reverse the panning so if i wanted to swap the left and right channels and automate that you could do stuff like that very easily so those are kind of the benefits uh between the combined panner and the balance panner all right wonderful to see michael teams from weatherford texas okay uh all right so i see from randy lee how do i get my newly purchased pro 11 to recognize usb e licensor says it needs to be transferred so i think you had a cubase elements randy if i'm not mistaken um so probably put the key i would transfer the so let's say if we go to our license manager system here um i would come over here and let's say if you have like the soft elicenser for elements uh or ai or one of the versions drag that to the usb e licenser that will effectively transfer like the cubase elements license over to the usb e licenser at that point um you know when you do the upgrade from elements let's say to pro it's going to look to the usb e licenser so transfer the elements license to the e-licenser first and then once you enter in the activation code it'll look for that particular license on the uspe licenser and then that should be able to allow you to get the upgrade to the pro version okay so we have a question uh when i save an existing project and using save as how can i change the recording path the audio path so anytime that you if you wanted to record to a new folder like if you at that point what you could do is select the tracks that you want to record and you could set the record folder and then you could manually set it so if you know or if you wanted to simply come over to your media menu let's get to the media menu and go to the pool so let's say if we have a number of audio files here um you know we could choose to [Music] do a prepare archive so once you open that up if you do a prepare archive that will move all of the files from the previous location uh to the new location where the project is where you have the save as and you can see kind of the path here so once again just go to your audio pool and then you know you could just select all the files and you know once you come over here you could just do a pool folder another method to accomplish the same thing if you wanted to move all the files to the new location is just choose to do a backup project and then you could just put that into a brand new folder and then copy the save as so generally people would use the save as function for like alternate or just variations within the same pool but if you wanted to do it you know put it to a new location the fastest way is just do like a backup project and that will allow you to um you know have the project and all the files needed uh moved in kind of a few mouse clicks all right we see michael teams has already started with the ice cream distribution so always makes the live streams much better we appreciate it michael all right wonderful to see pablo on the live stream from galicia espana all right just going through um my chat feel just kind of jumped on me okay so i think back to where i was okay uh so we see uh hi greg i'm running out of room for key switch articulations on an instrument track uh is there a way to easily keep the range of articulations established and move them up or down together for more room um so let's take a look we just go to project with some expressions on it so uh maybe uh jeff could answer just if you needed more room in the uh in the editor or in the inspector so once you're here you could just you know go to the inspector to see a number of different articulations but let's say if we come here to our expression map so there is this little scroll that you could kind of go up and down so if you have more than let's see how many shows it wants me it looks like maybe around ten one two three four five six yeah so you can see kind of ten at once and you could scroll up and down to see the available articulations and you could always just kind of make this taller within the particular edit screen as well so but try just to come over here and see if you could just scroll up if you need to see them from the uh inspector but you could come over here and see you know you could probably see about 40 or 50 pretty easily just when you go to like the full screen editor so but jeff if you could uh let us know if it's going to be for the editor or for the inspector see cubase junkie saying i could look at supervision all day okay so we have a question uh do you have any recommend recommendations for reversing mirroring automation and is there a way to create new versions of automation lanes on tracks uh i.e volume or panning so currently we don't have the ability of doing uh like track versions on automation so we have kind of track versions on particular tracks but the automation would be uh constant because it's not going to be necessarily coupled with the event but let's see if we can maybe invert automation so let's say i just want this to go up see if we can do this maybe with the project logical editor i'm not sure if we can so we could kind of trim it um so i don't know a way to kind of just invert um so let's say if i have this these lines set here i mean we could just kind of grab the edges and be able to invert kind of like that um but so let me just say if that's where we started but you could so if you grab kind of the right corner you could if you just kind of grab the corners here um that you could kind of invert it that way um and i think that's probably that's the best way that it's coming off top of my head to kind of change to invert the automation values is just to go select the automation and go to the upper left or right hand corner and just kind of invert like that so it may not be perfect but you could give that a shot you see from hello world says my friends think i'm a genius i just watched this show so that's good i won't tell them okay so as you see a question uh greg sometimes when i freeze synths they end up out of time with the project uh any ideas and does freezing and instrument unload it so yeah freezing an instrument will unload it from the computer's uh memory and from the processor so i've seen sometimes when uh you know i've seen people sometimes when they freeze the track and then they do a tempo change that it may not automatically if there's any kind of subtle tempo change i've seen sometimes when freezing a track uh if you know you may want to try just out of curiosity freezing it and if there are effects maybe if you go to the uh constrain delay compensation and activate that before freezing it but you know one of the things i always kind of recommend is you know instead of freezing which i kind of see is more of a a 2001 type of technology is just to come over here and just say okay i want to do like a render in place so when you do a render in place you could have like your render settings and at this point i could just say i want these to be like separate event and i just want the original tracks to always be there and be frozen so i could just take like those events and we could have them mixed down or if i wanted to again come over here to my render in place let's get to the render settings and i'll just choose not to mix down and this will give me just you know my audio files that will be the same colors and mute the audio files and that way you always have the midi that you could just simply unmute you could choose to also uh if i select the events here like instead of the events but if i select the tracks and we do a render in place i could just come right over here and we'll say okay i want to go to my render settings and i could say let's disable the source tracks so i could just select the tracks and then it'll disable the original source tracks and you could just have it as audio just kind of that easily so so you know try using the render in place um but you could also it could be maybe a you know if it's con if it's like constantly out by a little bit it could be maybe a plug-in that's on the chain and on the chain it could also mean that it's going to be going through like master effects processing so you could try to bypass that or not include the the you know channel settings on the freeze but check out you know the render in place i think it gives you a lot more flexibility all right so just see um i just bought the cc 121 controller i hope it will work on big sur so yeah and we see other people saying that they're running on big sur all right so we have brian sawyer from beulahville north carolina it's great to see you on the lot on the zoom meetup as well as many other people it's great to see a lot of new faces all right okay so we have a question um can i retrieve an arranger track that was previously flattened within a project all right so let's go ahead and take a look got some arranger tracks here okay so let's say i have kind of a ranger track active here and what the arranger track is if you're not familiar with is you could define different sections of a song and have cubase playing in non-linear manner since i've been going straight on all right so now if i wanted to take this particular arrangement that's non-linear and jumping around and we could choose to flatten the chain so once we flatten the chain we could see now all the different parts have been defined let's come over here to the settings so i know that you could undo it right after the fact and usually the default mode under destination is just to create a new project so that it automatically will retain this particular project um but i think once it's been flattened in the new project and if you've saved that it might uh let me just take a look yeah so i think once you do that so that's why the default mode may just uh give you um you know just then you know set to new project so that your original project will always be there um but i think once you've kind of flattened it you know that's when a lot of people may do a save as or save a different version of it so that they could go back or just have that automatically flattened to a new project sorry about that i see people says i want cubase t-shirt greg so i want one too so 29 years i deserve a t-shirt so okay i only want to record vocals which version of cubase should i buy so you know all versions of cubase will allow you to record vocals if you're doing a lot of work with vocals uh i may recommend getting cubase artist because cubase artists will allow you to do very audio so if you're if you find that you may be needing to do vocal tuning where you say okay i just need to take you know these and graphically edit the pitch um very you know you can get cubase artist for that and that will save you a tremendous amount of time for editing and really kind of you know find you know those really kind of very detailed edits um you could do with very audio so if you're just capturing vocals like maybe like a podcast or book on tape you know you probably don't need to do vocal correction you get cubase elements but if you're doing like vocals within the song or acapella i think it's worth jumping up to cubase artists just to have access to the very audio which will give you kind of graphic uh pitch correction you see from cubase junk i need to start using the arranger track more often all right so i see the pablo i get porticos for greg so i'll take porticos i have the plugins they're great okay all right wonderful see david m from uh liverpool yeah we missed you on the on the zoom on friday so we're glad you got to celebrate you know birthday with your family that's probably more important all right you see the sable winters is paying full attention today so it's great i'm honored okay so we just have uh hi greg can you please show how to make an m e stem in nuendo so a lot of times people will set up and we'll just go and open up nuendo here so anemone is often the music and effects without without dialogue it's often passed around if you're doing localizations let me just all right let me just see if this can be i think i'm at different sample rates okay so you know here we could see that we're going to have like one folder for vox this is a pretty uh typical post-production scenario let me see if we can check my audio connections here really quick okay so once we kind of have um you know so i what often happens is like we can see in this case we're gonna have uh a folder and often this would go for one for vocals one for music we'll have human sound effects ambiences so these will all be routed these folders are often routed to different stems so as soon as we're here we can say okay i have my music stem i have my vox stem music stem background stem sound effects music sound effects and reverb so if at this point when we are working uh directly with you know if we need to deliver an m e we could just simply deliver everything without our vox stem and when we go to export and let's say we do an export audio mix down at this point i could you know just deliver let's say if we do a multi i could say we want to deliver everything except for our vocal stem or we could mute you know not include all of our different tracks here that would be in folders so that's how you could kind of easily create an m e and one of the things that you do in the monitor source of the control room innuendos you could listen to kind of like the 5.1 output uh and as we do that we could also just say i only want to listen to the vox stem or the music stem the background stem or the sound effects and you could have kind of different combinations of these so if you say okay i just wanted to listen to the vox stem or i want to listen to everything except the vox stem that's how you could do it so it's often kind of routing through groups for your different uh you know for your music and your effects and then you could even in a control room just kind of bring in and out of okay i don't want to hear the vocals and you could hear everything else and you could have your different monitoring sources right there inside of nuendo all right let's look for okay so we see uh from question from sable winters what to do with old versions of elements and wave lab i need the space do i lose those license uh after upgrades then removal so if you have like you know cubase elements that version would be upgraded yeah and you upgrade to like you know cubase pro at that point your your cubase pro license um you know i think the cubase pro license will run cubase elements but it's not necessarily necessary to have cubase elements or wave lab elements if you have wavelab pro on your system if you're like uh running out of hard space uh growing out of um okay so since you need the space you could remove them so you could uninstall the programs uh you know upgrade the licenses and then just simply uh you know install the the full version and that will free up some space for you all right so we have greedo kenobi checking in thanks for joining us okay so we see from uh rock five beats uh with the new cubase 11 pro update uh it says uh let's make sure i got audio um uh with the new cubase 11 pro update i'm exporting my stems and when i bypass all my plugins my stems are still printing with all the effects and plugins on them anyone else having this problem so when you go to the export audio mix down you know it may let's say if we're doing our multiple stems you know you'll see like and this could be a little subtle here but in under effects you could just set that to disabled uh so try setting that to disabled because if this is set to like inserts and strip this will print like your inserts in channel strip or add this the sends and the groups or the master effects processing so just make sure that once you do you're exporting uh that you come here and if you're doing kind of stems make sure that you just have the effect set to disabled so give that a shot and let us know if that makes sense for you uh it's a question do you need a license for hallian se patrop2 and groove agent uh just bought cubase 11 pro and these three have no content cubase works okay so the license for those instruments uh is included with uh cubase 11 pro if you don't see the content you may just have to go to the steinberg download assistant okay i think the new license identity system has just been updated today okay so now that we're in our download is go to the download assistant just cancel this for now okay so and then once you get to cubase 11 pro you know so if you download like just the you know the cubase application at this stage you want to just kind of come over here and say okay i want pad shop2 recommended i want all of my groove agent content i want my howie and sonic se content so make sure that you just download those and install them directly from uh the download access code or from the the steinberg download assistant right there but but the license for those three plug-ins is included with your cubase 11 pro license okay so you see from uh jeff sebelski i need to change the range of key switch articulations from a1 a1 a minus 1 to c sharp 1 to a6 to c sharp 8 for instance all together so i have more keyswitch range for more uh so when you do that you know just go to so if you need to extend the range of the available notes for you know i think if you just go to the expression map setup let me just jump back to this project here quickly so we go to your expression map setup you know i think at this point let's say okay if i go to [Music] violin and then if you wanted to just keep adding you could have see how many slots we could have so more than 64. so probably 128 slots i would assume so once we just come here all right so more than 128 slots that are available with all and then at this point you could just kind of type in whatever note that you want so if you needed to change the articulations but make sure that the instruments themselves our cape will respond to the articulations as you enter it in okay so we have a question um when i'm recording electric guitar it sounds really loud is there any way to relaxing this after i record it uh i have a ur22 external audio interface so i'm not sure if you're recording it um directly on like if you're using a microphone on an amp or if you're using a just the guitar directly in so once if you needed to kind of adjust the signal if you go to the mix console here so i have my you know so if you're getting too much gain you can go to your inputs here and let's say i have a mono in uh i'll click on my inputs tab so let's say okay i'm using input one of my ur24c which is very similar to ur22c all right so now i have this signal so you'll have an input channel so depending on your version of cubase but you could just come right over here and attenuate the input channel gain right here and if you are uh also if let's just see um so in if you have a ur 22 mark ii i think uh there's three different ur-22 interfaces but depending you could also just come over i think you may see under applications so if it's like a ur 22c i think you could go to like the dsp mix effects software and then you could adjust the input gain here as well so that that's something else that um you may want to try but you know so if you could let me know if it's like you know microphone signal so you know you may just if it's you know if you're recording a marshall stack and it's on you know and it's dimed you know that may be more gain than you can pad so you may have to kind of find a sweet spot of of level going into matching your microphone to matching the input on the mic pre so okay so i just see um i try to edit a long voiceover at twice the speed to save time by putting it in musical mode and increasing tempo but once i change the tempo back the edits don't stay together what am i doing wrong so it's probably not the best approach for that scenario so what i would probably do is let me just do a new project here let's say if i was just doing voice editing i'll just import and a quick audio file that has some i think i was doing some help at espn i got a quick file for them okay so let's say we have so scott dixon joining us like just a quick voice file here and um i think if we go to key commands you know because i would go to key commands and then you'll see shuttle play um so let's say shuttle play times two so i have command shift plus space so let's say now i'm playing so scott dixon joining us and now i could just come over here and command shift space and let's see if my control room is playing for sportscenter which is now look at this list of all let me just check my audio connections here again really quick okay let me see if i just switch this right quickly all time open world champions and you know you've moved from that group of three which is an unbelievable i know a lot of people will do a lot of editing like that you know obviously the pitch will change but you know if you're constantly going back and forth between the tempos and then you edit the tempos you know so check out uh i would you know suggest maybe going into the key commands and look under it's gonna be an under transport but you could do you know shuttle play speeds so if you wanted to do stuff like that that you know you could do this through just um you know different key commands to have that work so i would try that if you're doing it for editing i know wavelab has a very specific function so playback will occur like twice as fast which is like really well suited for why it's very popular for doing books on tape editing and stuff like that but i would try that in okay so i just see from my yachting uh who had the question about recording the guitar really loud says and i'm using guitar rig six pro and hearing white noise um so you know if you're hearing white noise sometimes you know plug-in developers will do that like for um some plug-ins that might be in demo mode sometimes you know plug-ins if you're have a trial version maybe like you know every 30 seconds you may hear a burst of white noise or something like that um so make sure you have like the full license for the guitar rig pro six but you should be able to adjust the gain uh you know like a lot of times even you know and you could try with you know let's say if we're here with an audio track you know also just try the built-in which is a wonderful guitar amp plug-in so let's say if we go to your inserts here go look under distortion and most guitar amps let's say if you get to the vst amp rack you know here you could have you know a pre-effect even so if you wanted to adjust the gain going in before but you have like your gain just like a traditional uh guitar amp so it could be just probably gain structure within the plug-in itself but tried the vst amp rack and it's a wonderful sounding guitar amp plug-in it's kind of under-appreciated all right wonderful to see peter joining us don't have to worry about being late are you reading through comments i just find my spot here okay so it just says uh hi greg i watched your video on creativity with apache to record the midi output from our apache unfortunately i just can't record the midi output uh please help thanks in advance all right so let's take a look i'll just add a quick instrument track i'll do some retro log all right so say i'll just have all right so uh in our apache if you're not familiar with it is a midi insert so all you have to do let's say i'll go to uh or apache here so i just play i hold down a chord and turn on our apache and play the same chord let's say if i want this to be maybe 30 second notes long [Music] and i wanted to go okay so let's say i have this and i wanted to so if i record just my normal uh so i'll just come here and if i record just give myself a little count in so when i record normally i hear the arpeggio but i'm just holding down a chord and the apache plug-in is generating the arpeggio but when i go to look at the event itself it just shows just one long kind of boring chord and this chord gets processed through the apache plug-in uh if i wanted to take that and convert it into what the apache is generating it i could go to midi menu to freeze midi modifiers and now it's turned that boring chord directly into the arpeggio that it was processing if i wanted to instead click here i could and this came in maybe version eight eight five something like that so now when i go to record the arpeggiator will be will be embedded in the record just by activating this record icon within the plugin itself so now when we look at the part we could see just all of the arpeggiators yeah i hold the cord down the arpeggiator being generated by our apache is then just recorded in real time so give that a shot and uh but it's pretty straightforward once you do that but if you don't see this little record icon then you might have to just select the part and go to freeze midi modifiers in the end all right so we see mark is uh joining from nairobi see john costigan wants people to hit the like button if you hit it twice it undoes your like so make sure you do it an odd number of times and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that all right so we see from asher's um guys i'm late here what's the deal with the dongle have they gotten rid of it entirely or something else going on so steinberg has announced uh earlier in the year that they will be migrating to a new licensing system uh that won't require the usb e licenser so that's about all the details that we have currently all right so we have a question when will m1 native cubase version will be released um so you know i think we'll always see more optimizations going on but there's a lot of components uh they're using cubase outside of our control that don't you know that may never work natively on an m1 processor so i don't think we'll see vst2 plug-ins working natively so there's lots of third-party components that aren't so you know but you know they're always working on kind of better um you know always working on better implementation as time goes on so but all right so we see from sven isaacson will steinberg adopt the subscription scam i know you said they won't but the fact that they have for darko for ipad is cause for concern so we uh you know steinberg's been very emphatic who if they're not going to be doing a subscription model for um you know for cubase and they know that people don't want that you know we have some restrictions on stuff that's going to be done only through the apple app store um but so i wouldn't think that the door go for ipad is cost for concern for your cubase license so okay uh so i just see vst transit uh friends shared audio tracked is locked uh can i open it i duplicated it but cannot open lock so i think that they would need to unlock the track uh and that's kind of done intentionally so that you know certain tracks wouldn't be able to be downloaded and open so maybe you just have your friend uh unlock the particular track all right wonderful to see uno memento from finland thanks for joining us okay so i see a question uh what difference does bit rate make uh what's best you know we could think of it as you know we could think of it it's just the higher the bit rate the more information is captured so i would say if you were doing you know like something very with a lot of details maybe like you know think like a classical recording or allison kraus type of recording that you know like really kind of squeaky clean material the you know higher bit depth gives more information allows you like as you do edits it gives more information for interpolation uh the most common bit depth that people use is 24 bit we there are now some 32-bit converters i think steinberg uh the axr4t was the first 32-bit integer com uh audio interface so you know cubase will capture that but most audio interfaces won't record at that so you know so doing you know and if you a b it it will make a difference in the quality it may not show through if you're doing like a really hardcore house track or a punk rock thing you know you may not notice a huge benefit of 32-bit versus 24-bit versus 16-bit but the most common sample most common bit depth that people use is going to be 24-bit all right great to see soren from sweden and good to see you on the live in the zoom meetup last friday okay so you see from jay from connecticut would you be so kind as to share with yamaha sales they're members of the nuendos slash cubase vst customer base would love more physically accessible pricing on the vocaloid uh software voices so i'll pass it along it's kind of a you know for a little bit in the u.s we were doing uh we were handling the sales of that but it's kind of more of a yamaha specific thing and it's kind of like a little group within yamaha that does that so i actually don't have any dealings with that but i'll make sure to mention that to them uh so thanks for the heads up jay i'll kind of bring it up to their attention okay read through comments thanks for all the great questions and discussion um so to see how would a cubase 11 user set up something similar to ableton's effect rack for parallel processing so i'm not familiar with ableton's effect rack but if you you know wanted to do parallel processing what a lot of people do you know is you know once you come over here you could just okay you could do it with you know two group tracks or if you you know so like often with parallel processing you know and each group could have its own 16 inserts or if you load up an effects channel track you could have you know each of these could have eight or 16 inserts within the uh you know so once we get to our stereo delay we could stack 16 different plugins and then we could send you know take our sends and send it to our delays or to our groups in varying ways so one group could be kind of the parallel group one could be kind of our typical you know group so you could do it kind of like that but if you could maybe um since i'm not familiar with the ableton rack uh you know with the ableton of you know rack concept that you mentioned the effect rack for parallel processing but you know it's pretty easy just to let's say if i want to do a quick parallel processing on drums you know i could select these two tracks and if i wanted to add um let's just add two group channels i could select all of my drums so let's go to the sends i'll hold down my alt and shift and say it will send it to group one turn on send it to group two [Music] turn it on so now these will both be [Music] oh sorry i sent this to group two [Music] all right so now i could just come here let's get to the channel strip and now we can just do your [Music] so you could just send parallel that way but but if there's something different uh you know just let me know i'd be happy to try to replicate it in cubase for you okay so you see hi greg when using uh direct offline processing with reverb or delay uh effects on a region is there any option to have the effect not get cut when the next region starts okay so let's say if i want to take this guitar part here okay and i wanted to do offline processing just on this and let's just do something obvious like a flanger okay okay let me just go ahead and i'll replace that with the delay okay and i'm just gonna add a tail here on a tail size so good listen to it so when this next region starts we'll see so you know since this file isn't processed um you know you know so if you have this you may just have to move it to a different track because otherwise it's going to be playing back two different audio files but you could probably let's say if we extend this out so let's say if i wanted to extend this all right i'll just start from scratch here okay so let's say i could just take this file here let's extend it and then once you have that extension you could just do kind of a cross fade uh between the two segments so you could just you know do your crossfade and then so once you kind of have that tail kind of hanging over with you know adding uh so let's say if you wanted to you know just extend that over so you know add detail extend that over and then at that point just do a cross fade between the two sections but otherwise it's gonna you know get to the point where it's just playing this file and this file doesn't have processing so you know extend the range of that processing with the tail and cross fade between the two okay so we see uh regarding bit rate not 96 kilohertz uh but the export had 32-bit uh what was that difference for that so when we go through um let's say if we have 24-bit audio and we could think of this an analogy we can make is you know maybe this is uh we could think of our mix engine like a suitcase uh so if we have if we're doing everything at 24 bit we could have and we've recorded the audio at 24 bit we've now added a bunch of information such as all of our automation eqs and plug-ins in our mix engine so if we're to export that at the same bit depth um we would almost have to kind of lose a little bit of the information to accomplish that so we could think of that as a suitcase that is fully packed when you go on vacation and then you buy a bunch of stuff like clothes little trinkets you know christmas tree ornaments you know whatever uh souvenirs and then you have to get that back into the same suitcase that was already packed so you're kind of at the maximum resolution so with 32-bit exporting and 32-bit floating point it allows you to take your 24-bit recordings process it through all the effects eqs dynamics processing all of the automation and to not lose the quality of the addition of that processing so we could think of like the 32-bit floating point as being more of like an elasticized or an expanding suitcase that could hold the new elements and we can think of those elements as not as like little souvenirs and clothes but as your effects and can maintain the original sonic integrity of the 24-bit recordings process without having to truncate or lose any of those particular files so that's why we have 32-bit floating point for the audio engine and to be able to write to a 32-bit floating point file all right i've questioned i've updated uh 10.5 pro to 11 pro but no data from uh 10.5 pro is in 11 is there their tutorial how to do and export and import all my personal data from 10.5 into 11. so all you have to do again is go to the edit menu and go into your 10.5 export a profile go into a version 11 go to your edit to profile manager and import that profile all right reading through there's more comments here all right great to see charles k in the live stream and we see that guiding does record directly i guess it's the tar directly into the interface so so if you're recording your guitar directly in you know make sure that you know see if the recording is fine without any of the plugins and then you can see if it's a gain structure level of your audio interface and your guitar or if it's going to be a gain structure level of your effect and also in the ur 22 you'll see one button that says hi-z on one of the inputs make sure that you turn that on and that would set the impedance so that it's optimized for like a line level output from uh electric bass or guitar as well all right so uh we see from keith peterson is there a way to tell which plugins slash vst are cpu hogs as my projects get larger and latency becomes more of an issue so latency caused by plug-in doesn't necessarily equal or equate to the cpu usage but if you have a number of plugins on track so i'll just kind of add some here so let's one way to see which plug-ins are causing latency so let's say okay i want to go to a multi-band compressor here let's go to maybe a squasher here i want to go to a on this track i want to go to let's say convolution reverb so one way to find out which plugins are causing the latency and again there's sometimes a correlation but not a direct correlation between plug-ins that have high latency and plug-ins that have high cpu usage if you go into full mix console you'll see just this little in the setup window you could have channel latency and as we look here we could actually see uh right above the faders we'll see these numbers and these numbers will indicate uh the latency that's going to be on that particular channel and if you have multiple inserts so let's say if i just want to come here and put in our multi-band compressor on it as we come here we could see if there's multiple inserts what the particular channel latency is in samples and milliseconds so at that point you could actually uh see which channels have plug-ins that are causing a lot of latency overall and at that point you could just simply get a sense of you know what could be the culprits for causing your system to run at a higher latency all right uh so it says every time i launch cubase pro keeps telling me about the mantra voice and urban pop vocal plug-ins uh nothing i can do with it something with the license so those aren't steinberg products um so you may want to just it's probably uh you know you may want to remove those plug-ins if you're not using them you could uninstall them but they're not steinberg plug-ins so they're probably a third-party plug-in that's maybe maybe you ran a trial version or you don't have an active license or the license got deactivated on them but i don't know they're licensing schemes they're not steinberg based plugins all right so we see randy lee is going to try his us 2400 which is a cool little tascam 24 channel control surface so just kind of opens up his three mackie controls there you see michael teams wants people to whack the like button all right let's continue to keep reading i'm just just finding my place sorry about that so that's a great discussion of sample rates all right so just see comment from stable winters that i came multimedia inserts white noise in their demo plugins all right so we see a question um does steinberg provide us provide for us contests about mixing or remixing or creations too occasionally i know in the us we've done some uh done some contests on working with projects and had them kind of evaluated by high profile producers uh it could get to be kind of a legal quagmire for copyright issues and stuff like that so we haven't done a lot of those globally so i know they've done some in the past but they haven't done any in a while okay hello world wants people to smash the like button all right all right so we see uh hello um you see is there an option to use chord track to manipulate midi data so yeah let's go ahead and see if i have a project open here all right so okay so let's say if i have um a project here so once we have uh data we could tell the different tracks to follow the chord track or not to follow it so let's say i have just a quick song here [Music] so i could actually come over here and just kind of type in chords [Music] so let's say okay i want to start off maybe in a key of [Music] d and let's say i want that to go to e so what this is doing is as i type in chords it's actually changing all of my midi data into parts [Music] [Music] so sorry i'll just rewind it a little bit here so let's say i want to do a quick turnaround here and as i just kind of enter the chords in all the parts will just kind of change so if we look at all my midi notes here as i go to an a chord [Music] all the midi parts have actually changed let's say i want to make this an e minor instead [Music] so that's one way that you can manipulate midi parts just using the chord track all right great to see pylon records back on the live stream thanks for joining us hope you're doing well uh so we see is there a way to time stretch audio files like in ableton specifically bpm like 90 bpm to 120 bpm so let's say if i just drop a loop in okay all right so really all you have to do is say okay i want to take this loop so let's say we're at 125 bpm on this drum loop so all you have to do is just go to audio processes and time stretch so let's just usually just kind of let's see if i could just just do it on our project here quickly so select that audio processes it's usually it's not the interface isn't showing up on mine but yeah that's where you could do it so try just going to uh and then you could do it by samples bpm or time so just try going to audio to processes and then just do a time stretch all right so we see steve jones saying this is a great way to learn more about cubase thanks greg had a good friend named steve jones used to work with stevie wonder for a long time so if that's the same steve jones it's great to see you on the live stream okay so to see a question how do you drag an audio part in the arrangement view without moving the position of the pattern itself so let's see so if i wanted to hold down if it's just making a copy hold down the alt or option key this will be so you could do that if we have also you know if we're looking at this we could also just hold down alt or option plus control command and you could slip the audio kind of within the event as well but let me know if i'm misunderstanding um so i'm just reading so how do you drag an audio part in the arrangement view without moving the position of the pattern itself so yeah usually just uh alt or option and just so you just kind of copy so before you let go the mouse hold down the alt or option key and just drag so if that's what you want to do uh it's from chris cass but if i uh misunderstood let me know all right so we see from mandy lane my midi keyboard has issues working with cubase 11. so generally you know all the midi communication is going to be set up with uh through the operating systems for both mac and pc these days so if it's you know if you go to let's say your studio setup and you see your midi port setup you know if you see it here that means that the operating system is seeing it so you know so this is exactly what the computer's operating system is seeing so there's no direct drivers with cubase so if your computer's operating system isn't seeing the keyboard uh then cubase isn't going to see it so um maybe if you could let us know if it's if you see it if you go to your devices or to your studio menu rather to studio setup and click on midi port setup if you see your midi controller there if you see it there then cubase should be able to see it uh if not you know checking your computer operating system to see if you see that your midi keyboard showing up there so sometimes it could be you know when i get this question a lot it could be like oh it's an old driver like i had an original oxygen keyboard that just wasn't supported past windows 7 or something uh it was never going to be updated uh that happens and it's just you know the hardware itself sometimes if it's connected to a usb hub you know perhaps the it's not getting enough power from the usb hub stuff like that happens as well so but check those things out mandy it's great to see you on the live stream okay so we see from pylon records uh greg the earlier version of spectral layers would allow you to get stems now it only offers unmixed vocals uh before it would separate into drum bass and vocals so you know if you're seeing only the unmixed stems you know so generally this works with uh you know when we go to something uh for a spectral layers edit um so i'll come over here to audio to extensions you know so you get spectral layers one with cubase but you also could have uh and if you have the spectral layers pro that will allow you to do that so you know you can come over here and just see like right now i have spectral layers pro 8 um so check you know it could be that you know your license is only showing spectral layers uh one so check your license again so if you had like a trial version of spectral errors you know perhaps the trial has run out so spectral layers one will only allow you to unmix the vocals where as if you go to uh the spectral layers pro and go to you know your layers here here you could choose to unmix stems and you have you know more options other than just the vocals so so make sure that you have uh that it's showing spectral layers pro here under help to about as opposed to spectral layers one so if you have spectral layers pro and spectral layers one then it will default to spectral layers pro since spectral layers pro has more of the advanced features and we can think of spectral layers one is kind of a subset of spectral layers pro that comes with cubase so okay uh so you see from uh guitar lessons jay nas hi greg is send a cc control uh so i can use a midi controller so you know generally if you have midi you know let me just add a quick you know let's say if i have a midi or an instrument track you know so generally if you have your midi controller you could just you know move the particular knobs and one little insert that's really how helpful for this is if you go to uh the midi monitor and here you could you know once you open up that plug-in on the track anything that you're transmitting from your midi controller keyboard is automatically just going to be indicated here so you don't generally don't need like a send to that but if i'm misunderstanding your question just just let me let me know but you know anything cubase will accept and capture any midi data that's being transmitted from your controller um so you see a question um does fl studio and garageband have the same features because i'm on windows and i want to make music so they don't have the same features so obviously cubase is going to be kind of you know significantly a stronger program a more featured program than either of those okay so you see kind of a follow-up from mandy lane yep but some maybe it's a complete controller but some weeks later the buttons and keys don't work so i have to unplug it and back so you know generally you know it's how the controller keyboard is working with the computer so sometimes if you have to reset it that's not necessarily a cubase issue okay so question uh would i ask developer team make one very simple and useful plugin pitch shifter uh absolutely useful in many genres so i think i think there's one innuendo that probably should make it over called pitch driver but let's just take a quick look if i come let's see if we could do something with the pitch correct plug-in [Music] so let's say if i'm so say if i'm just playing so you could just come right over here to into pitch shift in the pitch correct plug-in and you could adjust kind of the formants right here so let's say um so you you could do it like that but also you could take kind of like an existing uh audio parts let's say if i just go to this particular project so say i'm playing this and i wanted everything to pitch shift down [Music] i could just come right over here and just go to fine tune [Music] that's half a tone flat or let's make it a half tone sharp so you could do it right there or just use kind of the pitch shift plugin so uh so let's say if i put the pitch shift on the master bus here i haven't never really tried this in this scenario but i will and you could also do formant preservation so try playing with the pitch correct plug-in because that could do stuff like that for you automatically or if you just want to select the audio files from the fine tune of the info line all right so we have a question some vsts lose functionality when allowed to be resized on screen any idea why so sometimes uh if you're running like a high dpi uh screen and a display setup for your computer there's a lot of plugins that aren't optimized for high dpi uh mode so you know it takes a lot of work kind of taking older plug-ins that weren't optimized for high dpi or retina scaling you know it's kind of very similar conceptually on the mac platform and you have high dpi on windows so sometimes they're not really set up for high dpi support so that that could be problematic and and run into situations that you describe okay so we see is there a key command to open the audio inserts and audio sense sections in inspector found toggle insert selection but it's for midi inserts and toggle send section doesn't seem to do anything uh so i think if we come here let's see if we could save it uh i'm gonna go do my inserts and i think if i hold down command then i can see inserts and sends so you know and if i leave those two things open you know i could just have those available right there and let's see if i save this as a workspace so i'm going to add a workspace i'll just make it to this project you could also make it global so let's say okay so now at this point let's say i wanted to just see this and let's say for this project i'll go to workspaces so you could set up a key command for workspaces and you could save that as a global workspace so that at that point you could have a key command just to call that up so once you have that set up and again you could have two tabs open by you know selecting one and then selecting our one while holding down control or command and then save that as a global workspace so wherever you're at previously you can come right over here and you go right back to your global workspace just like that uh sorry to see question is there any way for a potential customer to be given a grace period for the summer sale if bought today um i know that friday there was a license server outage so i think that they were extending it and i could be mistaken but you may want to just read online but i thought that they were maybe doing grace period maybe extending the license activation through august 7th but you may want to read through the fine print so you could check that out um so just see a comment from andy lane laughing out loud we got scammed by native instruments other people seem to have issues with native instruments controllers i've heard a lot of issues with that from other users uh so we see from marcus marcos gomez uh greg if steinberg do any contest we have to use cubase or nuendo uh i don't use neither but because i don't not but not because i don't like just because i own a nerd since 2010 but i like steinberg um so if you know like they haven't done a contest in a while but you know part of the requirements for the contest was you know you would have to submit a project file so you know we generally you know don't want to re you know it may not make sense to have a contest for your users and have someone use a competitive product but we're glad that you love steinberg and you like steinberg so i hope that you give cubase a try okay so it says uh when using multiple monitors how do you lock a screen in place and on top editor for me keeping off uh screen when doing other things so you know if you're using multiple screens generally unless you know like windows can open up uh you know to be you know you know so if you don't have other you know like a lot of people just have their key editor you know on one particular screen that will be fixed there and every time that they open up their key editor so it will maintain kind of the same screen position so if i just come here um you know you could do that but a lot of it you know used to be that there used to be kind of where you could right click and always on top for a lot of the editors but the editor position uh will stick and a lot of people will use kind of workspaces so but if you don't have anything else opening on the second screen so as you open up plugins if you do it on on the screen every time that you go to the edit screen it will return to its previous position okay uh so you see hi greg is there a way to duplicate backwards even if i've selected the range tool uh control d duplicates the selected events to the right i would like to copy events to the left all right so generally no but what you could do maybe is uh if you put it so say if i duplicate this part here and i'll just switch to colors on this all right so we have like a white part and a red part you know once you do this if you switch to grid to shuffle anytime that you would just do kind of just drag it over it would just kind of flip those two events so let's say if i drag this over so some people will do that but you know generally you know duplicating it will go later in time which kind of makes sense but if you need to kind of flip the event around easily put it in your grid to shuffle and you can do that with a keyboard shortcut and then if you just kind of drag those two positions will just kind of get swapped and then you know you could obviously um let's say if i take it out of grid mode you know i could just kind of come right over here and hold down the alt key and i'm sorry if i hold down the alt key this time so you know i could just do it kind of like that but generally the it will if you want to do it multiple times you may have to kind of do it manually okay so it says uh hi greg i imported a pro tools session uh the tracks with uh short regions all lined up at beat one i read today that omf type file export import would eliminate alignment issues so what you could do also is anytime that you have audio that's been recorded in another program let's see if these files are time stamped but you could you know inst and you know so you have omf and aaf and those are always kind of better choices but if the audio files have a timestamp let me just take a look and we'll see if these files and this project or timestamp but you could select all the files and just say move to origin and wherever these files are so let's just say okay i you know wanted to move these files all to different locations at this point i could just do select all and go to edit and at this point go to [Music] move to origin and that would just place all the audio files directly back at their correct timestamp so you know generally the programs will record like just a little bit of like where that file starts at in the time position so as we kind of just come over here we could see its origin time uh indicated here so instead of everything kind of being off alignment you know omf is kind of old if you had the choice uh exported as an aaf file but if they're just giving you stems just import them all and select all the files and choose move to and then to origin so i just see your question uh so in which ways an audio engineer can make money from his career you know you could have people who pay you to record because they don't have the you know the knowledge equipment or expertise to do it so that's the primary way that people some engineers if you have enough notoriety can get points uh and royalties on projects that they do record uh but a lot of times it's just kind of uh it could be you know for kind of getting started off it's you know you get paid by the hour for your recording or mixing so that's often the most common way and if you you know develop a great reputation and you're doing a lot of major label work at that point you could uh move you know and start getting royalties and residuals and stuff like that um so we see is cubase elements worth it for advanced production because i'm gonna buy it so you know cubase elements is a great tool you could do a tremendous amount of work in cubase elements especially for you know the roughly 99 uh that it costs that's kind of what it is in the u.s sorry just have i could do the birthday sing-along at the office today if i wanted to um i'll do this instead uh so i think it's it's a great investment you could always you know at that point um you know if you've found that you out have outgrown it or you need more features just upgrade to cubase artists if you need more features than that upgrade to cubase pro but that will definitely um you know you could definitely get a lot of work done in cubase elements all right so just see a comment from cubase junkie it would be nice if yamaha made a midi controller for cubase with great integration and control yeah i've been trying to get them to think about that for a long time so and i haven't given up so let me see mandy lane says i put my yamaha motif off my table and bought it complete control because it takes up less space but it's buggy okay so we have a question i'll just do [Music] a new project for this so we have a question uh is there a way to drag in a loop and set the tempo of the project okay so let's say i just have a random drum loop here so if i listen to the drum loop i could say and i'll just have my click track on so we could just kind of listen to a drum loop and we could count how many beats is in the drum loop [Music] so say i counted eight measures of four four times so that would be 32 beats i would now come over here go to the edit menu uh and then or maybe under project menu and we'll see beat calculator so i say this is 32 beats and it's 140 beats a minute so calculated the bpm and i'll say let's import it at the tempo track start and now my click is now set to match the tempo [Music] so once again just count the number of beats go to your project menu to beat calculator and that will automatically figure out the tempo for you and you could import it at the selection start or at the tempo track start you could also do a tap tempo so if you just wanted to come over here and hit your space bar you could do that as well so okay so we have a question uh from brian uh hi greg i use drums on demand samples i can drop them into tracks and hear them just fine but i cannot preview them in the file browser uh is there a setting to fix this so generally what you want to do uh if you're kind of auditioning the sounds make sure that you have the uh control room activated and this may seem counter-intuitive at first but you want to set the stereo out to not connected go to the control room and you want to add a monitor you'll see add monitor and then like i just labeled like yamaha hs7 so i just have that labeled and this is where i make the connection and now i could audition any sample so or any kind of drum hits right from here so let's say okay i want to come over here to you know like drum 1 shots i think if we so i could say okay i'm just looking for toms and now i could quickly audition and that's assuming that we have uh the preview start kind of automatically on so make sure that you have the control room activated and then you should be able to kind of easily audition all of your different drum samples okay so i see um i paid 75 dollars for the upgrade of cubase led to cubase elements uh but it's not upgrade do you know how so you know generally with that what you need to do is go into the license the elicenser control center you want to make sure that you have your cubase you know le license here enter the activation code uh and then that will look for your cubase le license so make sure that you know we'll say okay we're going to find this particular license and then this is the license this cubase le license that we're upgrading to cubase elements and then from the steinberg download assistant download and install the program but this is where you do all the upgrading of the le license to elements okay so we have a question uh how to select multiple tracks in mixer and copy and paste the same effects plug-ins to all selected channels so let's add some audio tracks here thank you for all wonderful questions let's say we have 10 more audio tracks go to my mix console so let's say on this track i have let's say compressor plug-in okay so i want to select all of these tracks gonna come over here i think if we just go see if i remember this right so if i just right click here um copy first channel settings and then it could come over here and oh let me just sorry let's just come here to this and try to remember there is like a little sneaky way of you know one way is just to come over here and let's say if we have the quick link on so if you wanted to add the same so once the quick link is a is activated i could add the compressor across all the the tracks like that um and then i i'm trying let remember just make it a little taller maybe so let's say if i copy and i'll just select these channels we could switch to our inserts then you could paste just like that so you can copy and paste but you could also just put it in quick link and then if you wanted to put you know the those plugins across all of the different channels you could just add multiple of the same plugins across different tracks like so so we see how is it possible to record on this selected track even if there's an event selected on another track every time i try to record on a new track it goes back to the track that has a selected event all right so let's say i have this event selected and i go to record so yeah you could do that but it could be a preference that is setting that uh says go to preferences and maybe under project and mix console so there's um so it could be that like you know enable record on selected track and maybe coupled with another preference for like sync okay so try under editing um see if this is unchecked so try track selection follows event selection so now when i'm here i could let's say if i select this track it doesn't select the event but if that preference is turned on we say track selection follows event selection so now when i come here i select this event that track is selected so try to disable that preference right here so track selection follows event selection okay so um all right are you just okay um all right so i just see from andy lane what audio interface is best with cubase so you know audio interfaces are always tricky because they can you know really i always ask people you know how many inputs and outputs they need to record at once you know do they need midi do you need on-board dsp how many mic breeze do you need so depending on those settings you know um i have been like you know i've been using the urc interfaces in my studio for a while so everything that i've been doing on the live streams is through uh i have a steinberg ur 24c but i think like the ur 816c or ur-44c or 22c is great uh they have 32-bit uh analog converter so 32-bit integer converters they have onboard dsp they have midi they're built like tanks so those are really good choices and you have you know wonderful integration uh you know directly with cubase but it really depends on you know how many ins and outs you need so you are 22 has two mic freeze uh ur-44 has four mic breeze and six out um and then the ur 816 has eight mic pres and eight channels of adat as well okay so we see from hp can i ask questions in this chat so yes definitely just ask questions in the chat all right so we have lawrence from rhode island good to see you i know you kind of were able to make it a little late i think in the zoom meetup on friday it was good to see you yeah so i just see uh cubase junkies imagine i have the nectar panorama p6 so i think i have the uh the 49 key version which i wish i had the 61 key version so all right so we have a question uh any piece of gear guarantees a full cubase or nuendo version not a light one so there isn't uh audio there isn't any audio hardware that comes with the full version of cubase occasionally there are there will be like seasonal like we often have it for holiday promotions we do have a like a cubase recording pack sometimes that will get bumped up with cubase elements um but nothing with cubase pro that's bundled with hardware so this can be kind of sold separately all right so yeah so you know if you want to ask questions of the live stream just just ask in the in the chat field so all right just catching up my [Music] okay uh so i just see sorry for hitting my mic uh hi greg is it possible to create a macro that chops up a midi event renders the renders these chops in place and then reverses them so generally sometimes macros if it requires for a function to do like after it's been processed you know you would kind of have to execute all the commands at once so if it has to process something but let's say if i wanted to uh just do something like you described so let's say so i don't think we could do it in a macro because the macro you know would execute the reverse process before the files were rendered in place so you might just have to um do it as all right so let's say i'll just but i think we could kind of automate the process for you all right so let me just change the sound here a little bit [Music] um okay so let's all right so let's say you know but so say if we have this one note and i wanted to [Music] split it um i could just grab the scissors tool here split the note or if we wanted to even just kind of come over here i could split the note based on just hold down the alt or option key so then that could split the note i could select all the events let's render in place um so i'll do this separate event and then come over here and just process the reverse so you could do it kind of like that i know it's not a macro but the macro would you know would start you could start a rendering place but not then you know you'd have to you know the macro would have to wait until the rendering started and sometimes you could do a small pause but depending how many events that you would render um but there's ways to make it faster so it's could be pretty quick so sorry about that um so you see from jazz dude is there any idea to make the elements a very cheap update from le or ai from the past let's say 49 or so would be a lot of new users then so periodically they do do that so they will have special promotions for le users especially maybe people that are on older operating systems and have an le5 that they could jump up to the latest version of le for 10 or something or jump up to elements so at various times there's different promotions going on okay so i just see a question i would like to see some instruction on using reaper as a slave with rewire for projects with a lot of tracks um so if you need it to you know depending on your computer rewire is kind of a you know maybe a technology that's not going to be around much longer but you know if you have rewired just come over here to your studio menu and you'll see under more options i think you would see the rewire device i don't think i have anything that does rewire anymore um but if you have like the rewired driver let me just see if it's okay so if you go to your rewire setup here you could just you know have uh you know you could choose the application i think that would do rewire and then you could have both applications going on so but if your system you know you're probably not going to gain a lot by having a another program playing back you know additional tracks on the same system uh so you know unless you have like a an inexpensive version of cubase that has limited tracks but you know just if it's going to take more cpu resources to play some additional tracks in a different program running rewire than running those tracks in your version of cubase as it is so all right reading through some more comments thanks for all the great questions it's a question any way to link the resources of two pcs in a local network for example ram for loading more sample libraries you know so obviously uh what a lot of people do is uh run a common solution if you wanted to you know over over ethernet is to have your different machine running ve pro and that could host different um that could host different vst instruments some people will also use vst system link that doesn't use a local network but it is will connect via um you know via you know vst system link will connect via digital audio connection so like i was just said uh last week uh i guess a week ago today i was at uh ludwig goranson studio and they have all of their video machines running cubase with vst system link and then doing everything with the cube a synced to that so they have one machine for the video and one machine for cubase and they use vst system link for that so those are two common ways to to kind of spread resources across different computers all right so we see um christian d68 says 12 minutes before the first half the hangout come on just seven likes missing let's go all right so appreciate that christian all right okay so you see from uh chris cass is i kind of figure out what he wanted was the slipping of the audio so glad to figure it out okay so we see from helix i just got cubase pro super excited to get really familiar with it can you reuse automation clips like have a master automation clip that the duplicates would follow so if you have and it's i think this is on by default but let's say if you have automation here for this track um you know and if you'll see from edit that automation follows events so if that's turned on and we duplicate you get to see kind of that same automation carried over you could also select automation points copy come here paste so you could do stuff like that as well so let me know if that's what you want to do that's usually enabled by default under edit to automation follows events okay so just see um my sorry sorry for that uh my metronome is not working please tell how to enable so the first thing you want to do is make sure that your metronome is on and you can do that by hitting the letter c now often the metronome will get routed through the control room so if you have the control room active you got to make sure that you have your metronome turned on big it could also be deactivated from the control room right from this area under the main tab so make sure that this is also enabled uh usually when people is like i see my metronome is on here i'm just not hearing it it will get deactivated in the control room by accident so check those two things make sure that you see the metronome on here you need to turn it on and off by hitting the letter c on your computer keyboard or you could just hit the metronome right here in the control room and you could set the click level for the control room independently as well okay so it says uh have updated from 10.5 pro to 11 but there's no data no settings nothing has been adopted uh can someone please give me a link for instructions how to get the data and personal settings over so go to your edit menu go to profile manager in your cubase 10 or 10.5 export and then from the same location and go to cubase 11 and then import them okay so did you see a question uh how can i fix metronome issue with an incoming track at 104 uh bmp i assume beats per minute uh not being able to sync so it could be that the original track wasn't set to uh you know may not be actually 104 beats a minute so that happens quite a bit so let's say if i'm [Music] on a particular track here we'll just jump back to this track okay so so but you know if it's not being able to sync you know there's a lot of times when people you know just don't have their tempos correct so you may have to just come to the project menu select the event and do a tempo detection and that will figure out the tempo of your track for you uh once you do that you may it will place the time signature into one four on the signature track uh we can now just come right over there say okay hit four four the downbeat so if you know what the tempo is the original track it could be that the original track wasn't at 104. you know if it's at 103.957 after a little while it's going to drift out of tempo so just do a quick tempa detection and then you could have the metronome follow the existing you know follow the actual tempo of the existing track okay so we have a question uh when adding effects what's the best way to make an instrument sound spaced out so instruments are not all sounding the same so with stuff like that you know often panning you know can make a big difference so let's say you know kind of classic things that people will run into you know okay i have a guitar uh i have a keyboard and a guitar you know how do you make that fit and not you know so you could carve out different frequency spaces uh so that they're not clashing with each other so you know and often think of subtractive eq so let's say if we take this song um [Music] [Music] so you know the arrangement can make a big difference so here we're going to have you know guitars panned hard left and hard right but let's say okay i want to bring in [Music] [Music] so and as you bring in other instruments so so like the melotron's more panned in the center [Music] and we'll have like a little piano part come in so different frequency ranges so make one a little darker change the panning and then everything could have its own little spot in the yard if you will you know like a lot of times i think of mixes personally like you know when i go to look at an instrument i will often think of mixes as being kind of like on the piano keyboard where i need instruments in this range i need instruments in this range i need instruments here and here and these could all be different instruments that aren't clashing so it's not necessarily effects that could do that but you know you'll notice that like a lot of times you know arrangements if a song is arranged really well that the mix will fall into place a lot quicker and many of the you know if you listen to you know let's say steely dan's a perfect example where you know the guitar player is never stepping on the keyboard players never the the guitarist and keyboards are never stepping on the horns they're never stepping on the bass and no one is stepping on the vocal and if someone does a fill you hear it because no one else is doing a fill at that moment in time so it's special so it never takes away from the vocal vocalist stops then you could do a little guitar thing the next time it's going to be a keyboard thing after that it's gonna be a horn thing so you know arrangements are really key to making sure you don't have instrument clashes all right wonderful to see gareth on the live stream i'll try to get a picture to you today all right and great to see graham witcher on the live stream all right okay um okay so i just see uh what do i do i'm trying to record vocals i got steinberg your 22c connected to a mixer uh the a wireless mic station connected to the mixer by midi leads all right so uh generally you know midi isn't gonna carry any sound so you should just you know instead of having your microphone connected into the mixer uh like a wireless mic plug the wireless mic right into the and you know you could just go directly in uh so unless you have a really high-end mixer you're probably gonna get much better results with the ur22c so a lot of people in recording tend not to use wireless mics because they can uh have dropouts and you know sonically they can be not as strong as a as a high quality microphone it's wired so it's pretty rare to use wireless in this in a studio but you know take the microphone and connect it directly to the ur 22c um so and you know midi leads to the mixer you're not going to transmit any of the audio from midi to it so you know connect your microphone directly to dr22c add an audio track and hit record okay and we see probably a follow-up says uh maybe i'm wrong about the concept on this but because reaper's easy in the cpu i'm thinking it'd be worthwhile to use it as a slave for music that has a hundred tracks or more so you know generally when people say it's easy on a cpu it's not you know that's not playing back track so you're probably going to spend a lot more of your cpu energy with two programs so you'll be better just doing everything in cubase okay so uh it says i've got a question my m audio keyboard can control cubase but it never actually records it is there something i've missed so you can set up midi controllers often to control transport as well as input you know so when you go to the transport you may have it under like a generic midi remote um and with this this would control the transport so make sure that you have you know if you have like a g or if it's set up for like a mackie control you know make sure this is in our way that many keyboard controllers will control transport through a mackie control protocol so make sure that you know you actually have you know this connected to the right midi input port so you might have one midi port for control and one midi port for transmitting midi notes and make sure that these are set correctly for the control part um so and then you know make sure that a you have a midi or instrument track and then once you have that midi or instrument track that you'll probably see it routed to all midi inputs and that you have a sound loaded because if you just you know you know if you just record data you may not hear it until there's an instrument loaded up but i would give that a try all right so we see graham for is mentioning for people in uk there's lots of cc 121s in stock at anderton's and also in stock gak music we see tim weinheimer's saying the key lab mark ii series works great with his cube a setup all right so i see uh please can you explain something about mouse clicks that cause performance spikes on some systems configurations any solutions um so i i did have a a client that had problems kind of with a bluetooth causing uh some interrupts uh like a bluetooth mouse which you know you think would be pretty innocuous and he just kind of switched to a long usb wired mouse and didn't have any problems so it could be something like that it's usually not something i hear about uh but you you could check to see if it's uh you know if it's a wireless mouse if you you know you can if you have a usb mouse that you could work with to see if that makes a difference yeah so we see uh graham mentioning like that dom segales is you know about cc 121. dom's had his for 10 years so i think i got mine when it was released and still running strong in my studio and it's i got it in 2008 so it's 13 years i'm just 14 years old now [Music] okay so i just see uh best way to mid side chain so i think if we come over here we could just let's say if we go to our inserts let's go to our frequency eq so if we choose to come over here let's say we go to band three uh we could choose for this let me just put on a stereo track here okay so at this point we could do left right or mid side so if you wanted to just do uh like side chaining on the middle part now when we come over here each of the bands can have its own independent side chaining so as soon as we wanted to go to uh like let's say band three so it's a dynamic eq and then we could just say you know band three you could have its own side chain so you could sidechain the dynamic eq and have each band be independently side chained so give that a try so if you want to do for mid side or mid frequencies you could do that it was great to see you uh for korean jesus it was great to see you on the live stream on friday thanks for joining us all right so we have kenny jobson checking us from uh county durham uk met some people from durham in the uk on vacation in barbados i believe so okay so i see from neurotic nexus never understood why the content loops sounds blast out of the output so it really depends on if you come over here you could just adjust the volume level for each of the loops kind of right here so there's a preview volume so you could set that independently for each of the loops so if you kind of turn that up once then you could it just adjust the volume globally there as you're previewing loops all right from turmoil nuclear war uh question uh does cubase 11 have some limiter which does not enhance sound much so it's i think if we just you know if you want to go to let's look at the dynamics so many people just kind of use the stock limiter for that if you you know that's pretty um it's not a coloration type of limiter uh if you wanted to also try different uh limiters as well you could go for the maximizer and use this and there's kind of the classic mode and if you want something a bit more aggressive you could enable the modern mode so we can think of this as more for contemporary edm production and this might be like kind of just a like we'll go to vintage 2000 kind of limiter technology uh but this would be more this algorithm for uh more contemporary music so between the regular limiter and then you could always just go for the straight brick wall limiter as well as another option so okay so we see from mark rabin great to see you in the live stream uh mark's in montana so i got this weird habit going of opening up 11 pro and just diving in but the end result is an untitled dash 9023 slash directory with the typical project folders inside and it works fine so when you're starting a new project you know it's always the one thing that i recommend to a lot of people is just to you know it's really easy to say okay new project create empty and a lot of times it may just put you into kind of a generic folder i just and i think in cubase 11 the default behavior of this changed where it'll ask you to prompt for project location so this way you actually choose the particular folder and i always recommend to people to choose a folder that's kind of you know have a unique folder for each project and that will kind of make your life a lot easier so you could find stuff yeah so i see mark is saying yeah but later i have to open and dig through lots of folders to find that stupid idea i should have named on the instantiation uh either way if i rename the folder untitled 234 to best song ever will this work so yeah and if you have like you know folders with different ideas really you know the easiest thing to do is just choose a backup project choose a new folder and that will automatically move all the content over and it's a very clean easy way to do it so okay so we have a question um how does one go about mseqing in cubase and this is where we could get again into the frequency eq so each band of the frequency eq so it's an eight band linear phase eq so make sure that you put it on like you know not a mono track but like a stereo source and you could click here whether you want it to be one band to be left and right or to be stereo for each of the bands or to be mid side so this way you could have kind of the left and right panning edges if you wanted to boost those and cut them you know and cut out the middle part and you could have independent cues for those as well even as the same band so use the frequency eq plugin are you just reading through comments okay read more through comment thanks for all the great questions okay so i see uh with the copy and paste of effects could you do the same for a chain of effects with previous settings applied to the first selected channel yeah there's a way of doing it let me just do it on a new project here see if i can [Music] remember okay so let's say if i just want to see if i can remember okay so if i have all of my settings and i just grab it from here um i could just do that and i think so that's one way of doing it and i think that if we do this just undo some of these so let's say if i have these channels selected hold down the right modifier key so if i grab it from the top edge here yeah so you could copy and paste and i think that there's a way so but if you just drag from here you could take all the effects with their settings to other tracks if you just drag from the top you could just do it like that pretty easily so you could take an entire effect change all right so see gant on the live stream so i will have time to reply to your email probably later tonight gant so sorry i didn't get a chance to yes i ended up being pretty swamped day all right just trying to find my spot sorry lots of great questions today okay um all right so you see hi greg this is uh piotr from uh warsaw in poland can you show how to draw a gain automation on an audio vent that affects the wave shape with an exact db value okay so let's come over here just okay so let's say you know you always have your clip gain here so if you just select the event um you could just do your volume so if i just want to put you know 14 we could just do this directly from the info line so i mean you could draw uh let me just move this up so i mean you could draw the the time in if you want you know so you could have the pencil tool and the pencil tool was really just kind of a way of having quick clip gains it wasn't you know originally this was called dynamic events and early early versions of cubase um so like if you have a breath you could just quickly kind of draw the breath out you know you could do stuff like that that was really the intention and we took it away when we went to this form of automation and people that were used to the old workflow wanted that back so they brought it back and they kind of re-christened it but here we can see that the waveform will adjust but we don't see like the exact waveform value but if we just come directly to like our clip gain we could just say okay if i wanted to split this let's say hit shift x and now i've cut that i could select right there and you just go to the volume and you could just say okay i want this up 6 db and you could do it just that quickly just from the info line if you wanted to so that's how i would do it all right wonderful to see millard brown on the live stream so it's our you missed a giveaway but 1959 gold top les paul original so just kidding anyway all right so uh says hi i'm uh mini yono from cameroon uh i appreciate the new export window cubase 11 but when exporting an audio file what to do to see the remaining time um so you know i don't think it will indicate the exact uh remaining time of the mix down so it could change you know if if you wanted to know the exact time you could put real time export but you know generally it's going to be faster than you know what's going on you'll see a progress indicator here but not necessarily like a timer saying you know 32 seconds 12 seconds left to complete the export so but i'll pass that along as a suggestion all right so we see from hello world uh will they have a promotion for cubase users to upgrade to nuendo so i think it was in may and early june they had that promotion so maybe a little while until it comes back but they did one just a couple months ago so i'm sorry if you missed it i think jazz dude took advantage of it okay so see question is there a reference uh which mackie control button in the option any options corresponds to which midi note um there's probably not a particular reference um but probably if you're hearing midi notes when you hit the actual mackie control buttons what you if you wanted that to stop because it's probably just sending out kind of maybe random midi notes which is could be annoying but come over to uh the studio menu to studio setup and go to the midi port setup and where you see the mackie control uncheck that from in all midi inputs uh then the mackie control will be kind of the mackie control midi messages will be sent just for the control layer and won't be transmitted as midi note messages for a midi track so but um you know if you wanted to see what exact midi notes it was you could probably you know maybe get the uh the protocol directly from mackie okay so we see uh from gantt's question uh i have an avion more me headphone mixer i always record in direct monitor mode i could set up qmix sends in my control room and use those to send but i can only create four cue sends um is there a way to make the effect sends works as external outs in direct monitor so what you could do is so yeah that's what a lot of people do if you need more than four gant is uh set up so let's say i wanted to add um not a chord track let's i'll just do a new project so let's say i wanted to have 24 tracks of audio and let's add uh eight group tracks all right and we'll just call this all right so now once we have this kind of done and i wanted to uh just go to descends i could just take my audio so i go to descends and at this point i could say okay we're going to send all these to q1 all these to q2 and these are in essence just sending them out to the various q mixes and we could turn them all on and then you could set the varying amounts of the qmix i'll just turn my quick link off so you could send you know this particular instrument to you know this q mix for different people so that's a typical way when using kind of avioms if you need more than four cue mixes is you could just have it set up through the sends um just like that and then i think with this that you know once you have that set up you may have to do i think you have uh memory serves i think what you said in the email was the army uh card i think it's a madi card with the uh antelope as the front end and you would just kind of set up the routing in the total mix for that uh for these groups so these groups you could route out to uh other you know other outputs so let's say if we have another eight outputs here so i'll go to my studio connections my audio connections rather and let's say our outputs and at this point we'll say you know q1 out q2 out so as we work with this we say okay q1 is now going to q1 out which is whatever outputs are then feeding the aviom system and then you have q2 out you know whatever you want to do and then set the routing here to the outputs that are connected to the aviom system all right so i just see uh from volcker screen is not clear enough so i i think generally if it looks a little fuzzy on the receiving end that it could be more you know maybe try refreshing the web browser but often that's based upon the speed of you know what on the receiving end so sometimes setting up the you know you could set the youtube settings for you know best for your speed so all right so we have another stupid question how to get a film composer contract is simple short is fine thanks so well you know get to be friends with film compo with people that make films um you know it's like goofy stuff like you know many of my friends in l.a just like oh i knew someone from someone and you know they just oh my girlfriend knew his girlfriend and you know gave me a shot and you know people get started in really kind of dumb ways like that but you know like i always thought it weird in college when you know like our music department was in the same building as drama and dance and fine arts and realize that we all could work on projects together in a lot of ways so it's good to meet all those people so but you know you just have to convince someone to pay you to do it so okay so we see where are cubase icon assets stored i'm setting up my touch uh portal button actions with ping uh like.png images and hotkeys um so a lot of the you know these are kind of fixed uh like you know these if it's these types of icons um there isn't like a repository of like the different program icons i've tried to get it myself for similar purposes i'll ask again to see you know if there's you know sometimes they may have it in documentation or something but i'll ask again to see if there's a way to do that to get kind of all the program icons but i had asked earlier and it's just like oh just kind of tied into the gui of the program but i'll try to ask some more people okay so to see um thanks for showing the automation follows event feature greg can you have an automation event that copies and copies of it that would auto update when the original one was edited so let me just okay so let me just all right so i'm going to come here let me just try this i'm going to hit control or command plus k then i'll do shared copies let's say i'll do four shared copies yes i don't think that there's a way to do it because kind of the automation isn't event based um you know you can move the automation with it but you could always just kind of copy the events again so but we can think of the automation as being more linear all right so we have a question from uh brian sawyer when importing a midi file it opens up track with howie and i move the info to the track i want uh but i cannot remove the hauling sonic tracks there's no remove when right-clicking so if we come over here let's go to your vsti instrument so when it loads it up it's going to load it into a rack and you'll see a halloween sonic se instance here um so what you could do is where you see the howie and sonic se and the vst iraq just come here click on the name and choose no vst instrument and then it'll be removed so once again just click on the name and then as we do this no vst instrument and that will you know take care of it for you and one other thing on the midi file brian if you don't want it to automatically do that go to your preferences under midi to midi file and you'll see destination and you could just choose this to midi tracks or instrument tracks and as opposed to loading up the hallie and sonic sc multi-timbral okay uh so it says question i have a mixing session on cubase 10.5 pro uh all audio 51 tracks everything is in sync but after adding a few plugins on a few tracks the beat starts to go out of sync uh what could cause the problem so i think that you'd probably be able to find that it's going to be one plug-in some sometimes you know plug-ins will report their latency to cubase and sometimes it's not totally accurate so sometimes plug-ins will tend not to do will not report the correct values for delay compensation or you know as you're adding you know different plugins may cause more uh you know so could cause more delay so i think if you know you could probably isolate it to a particular plug-in and some plug-ins just kind of don't report their latency correctly so okay so i just see my cubase le 9.5 waveform is not visible how to fix the issue so if you don't see waveforms uh one of the things that you could do yeah the waveforms will be stored as images you could try going to the pool window and let's say you go to the audio file and we'll kind of just scroll over so see if you go you'll see like an image and you may come right over here and let's say if you don't see like the little waveform image here i think you could right click and [Music] um like i think there's a generate thumbnail cache so try that you know make sure that you know it could be sometimes people may have the amplitude down really low by accident but if the waveform image cache is wrong try again try going to the pool window and you know select the files and choose to generate thumbnail cache okay i know we had a lot of questions that were mailed in let me get to some of those thanks for all the wonderful questions if you've learned something new make sure that you hit the like button and that you subscribe to the channel all right all right so i was talking to um peter frampton sent me called me up with a good question yesterday i wanted to share uh so his question was how to do a loop of midi information that's independent of the project timeline so let's go ahead and take a look at that so do a new project and what he wanted was like a midi drum part to just kind of repeat over and over uh while he was coming up with uh ideas for a new track all right so i'll come over here let's add just like a quick groove agent okay so i just wanted to have one little pattern here okay so when we double click on this i'm going to turn off my actual zoom my actual loop locator in the event so let's say i have this file and i wanted this pattern to kind of play over and over again while the song moves on to try out different ideas so you want to make sure that you go to the settings and that you have the independent track loop enabled so go to the settings wheel in the midi editor so i'm going to just move i can see my independent i'm going to move the left and right locators just around those four measures and once that this is the independent track loop has been activated i'm going to turn this on so as we look at this i could just say we could watch the main timeline so we'll be in sync now and as we move on the main timeline is going to continue to play let me just get my sorry my get this turned on again sorry about that okay i'm forgetting to do something but at this point we could kind of set the independent track loop here let me just okay so now i just drew in this region so you see this track loop so now when this part ends this editor will keep looping over and over and over again while this continues to play [Music] onward so let's get to our main window we'll see that this is just continuing to play on and on while these four measures are just continuing to loop okay so the other question mailed in um so three questions feature request uh last solo selection recall i don't know if there's a way to reactivate solo on all tracks i have previously soloed uh mirror so they're currently in the mix window you know if you go through um you know if you wanted to let's say if i solo a number of tracks so i let's just add i think i have a little quick template that we could show here um just share this okay so you know if we wanted to let's say if i was going through and you know soloing different tracks as we come over here you know one of the things you can't do is and we could see this and let's just come over here you could do a you know as we're working you know different solo states you could take snapshots you know there isn't a way to automatically undo or recall every track that was at one time soloed and i think that could be problematic for a lot of people uh but you know you could take snapshots so let's say if i wanted to come here and i have you know these tracks soloed uh so say i take a snapshot and let's un-solo those particular tracks so if i wanted to recall the snapshot at this point i could just say um i want to recall and here we could choose that i wanted to recall only the source you know states so let's say if i come here i guess it's not included in the snapshots so i'll pass along but it doesn't currently do that um all right so we have a mirror pan grouping option so if i move the pan to minus 10 on track a it'll move the pan to plus 10 on another track so i think let's say if i just i don't know of a way to do that but let's if i choose to link you know so this isn't going to automatically do that and you know it's often why we would use a stereo track where you could use the combined panner that we showed earlier um so another question uh option for sub grouping tracks example in a guitars group having guitars one and two and three four sharing independent selected control so if i have this let's say this is guitars one and two so at this point i could just you know link these particular channels so i will come over here add a link let's link these two channels so as we want to come over here okay so we'll call this link one okay so those can be linked i'll select these two channels and we'll call this link two so these can all be going to the same group uh but linked independently like so so you could have different link groups laid out like that okay question i have a question about hertz and how or if we can change the master frequency for a song i want to test creating songs in 3 432 hertz and 520hz not because i'm a conspiracy theorist but i just want to run some tests with binaural beats in my songs and see if it truly does make a difference so far i've tried to pitch shift plug-in the deer vr plug-in and many other routes but nothing has actually been successful thank you so i would say if you you know wanted to take a whole project and you know down tune it to 432 uh you know there's lots of great web videos on this i'm not a big proponent of the concept but if you want to accomplish this you know so you could come over here and say okay we're playing along and if i wanted my pitched instruments to just transpose down i could just select those tracks and on the actual so if i want to tune it down eight cents i could go to the fine tune and now that's instead of being tuned at a at 440 this is tuned at a at 400. so if i jump back let's say if i hit enter we'll see if all the everything aligns so it's a minus eight so to me it's not like a huge difference but you could do that now the problem is most midi devices won't necessarily carry over uh for that so if you play an a the a could be at 400 or 440 versus 432 so depending upon the instrument so say if i jump back to this project you know if you're doing instruments like uh you know hallie and sonic stuff like that we could now come right over here let's open up the instrument but here we could just choose the master tuning to 432 so that your midi stuff will be based at 432 as opposed to 440 but not all midi instruments will allow you to do that so if you're just recording audio you know just tune your audio junior instruments to 432 and record it into cubase cubase isn't going to pitch it up or anything like that it'll just capture whatever the tuning is you know cubase will re will you know if someone sings out of tune or in tune cubase will capture it you know uh pretty effortlessly you know regardless so but it's when you get into midi stuff you may have to go into your instruments and tune the instruments but most of the steinberg instruments will allow you to do that okay so we had a question uh last week from taylor about the copyright symbol as metadata um so like when we go to make an mp3 tag and taylor was kind enough to send a project over uh and his question was when we come uh to do an export audio mixdown let's say we do our id3 tags that taylor had basically written in a copyright symbol here so i think it's just option or alt g so let's say it was something like this and we're going to okay so and then once we would export i will come over here and i'm just going to add that to our queue so we're going to add this id3 tag for the mp3 um and i'm gonna store it to the desktop and we'll call it mp3 we'll call it the august third copyright symbol it's a mobile all right so we'll add that to the queue uh so i'm going to export this as our mp3 file you'll see in just a matter of seconds we'll have this and the problem that taylor ran into and a lot of media playbacks you know that and when we look at this we'll go to my desktop uh here's the mp3 file let's say if i do it inside of inside of a group inside of groov agent that if we watch it inside we'll often have this little a right before the copyright symbol um and it's because i did a bunch of research on this and it seems like maybe itunes isn't capable of reading it's only doing like unicode characters uh but interestingly enough if i take that same file and load it into another program player i realize that itunes is way more popular but you know it's not necessarily reading the metadata correctly with special symbols um so if i go to my desktop here and let's say i open this with wavelab and we go to look at the metadata inside of wavelab that we'll see that we'll just have the copyright symbol here directly it uh under like the album field so many different playback systems don't work with special characters in the metadata and can add stuff and this is common not with just steinberg programs but many other programs as well so you may just want to write copyright with that if you don't want that to be carried over to those particular music distribution services okay so we have a question from yon how to how do i pull all the used samples from external drives cloud etc into my audio directory in my project so anytime that we would add an audio file let's go to our pool window here and we'll see that my project when i come over here this is my project folder it's going to be under projects hangouts and i just have it like for august 30th so as i drop audio files into my project and i open my pool but you can see that the path has automatically been put directly not from where this location is but directly into the location of where the file is so if we want it to do this what you could do is come over here to preferences and under editing audio uh on import files try selecting copy all files to new prop to or copy all files to project folder then all this file should be placed directly into the folder your project folder for you uh so we see is it possible to delete or overwrite a patch in cubase vst instrument hallian groove agent etc on a cubase presets for plug-in by mistake in case how to recover a deleted or overwritten vst instrument patch or plug-in presets so most of the time you know you could modify let's see if i just come over here to uh this holly in here and let's say if i just want it so um so it looks like if you saved it yourself what's gonna happen is if you've saved the preset it goes into let's go to the home area if you save the preset the original presets will always be in the so let's say if we go to our vst instruments and i want to go to pad shop i could see all of my vst presets there but if we've done user presets i would just come over here to the user presets area and then go to the vst instruments so it gets anytime you make a user preset i think it'll just automatically get stored into the user presets as opposed to overwriting the particular file the factory preset all right so question i have a challenge with the drum editor if i select two instrument tracks example bass drums expand to lower window to open two separate windows one for bass one for drums how do i combine i want to be able to edit in the drum editor easier to see drum parts to match bass lines or pianos etc also when i set up a groove agent should i should midi be set to groove agent or no map no map to midi lines don't read like the drum patterns i can make it work if i don't expand to windows all the parts will work there and i could change from the drop down base groove agent piano and when all are selected so if you have you know so let's say we'll just take a look [Music] so if i have a groove agent pattern here and we've told cubase to [Music] let's say we'll just select the track here and we have it set with a drum map so let's say we create the drum map from the instrument so now when i double click it's going to take me there and it's going to click and take me here so if i select both of these these will be routed to different drum parts um so these are kind of like two separate editors i'll select both of these uh and then i could edit kind of you know i could see the colors where i could see the drums will be um so at this point uh let me i just switched that that sound [Music] so you may have to you know choose which editor but you can't you know if you're going to do it all in the drum editor it will you know take it all into the drum editor so you can't necessarily have a drum editor and the um and the key editor within the same screen so they're going to be working as two separate editors so if you don't have it if you set it to no drum map here so let's say okay i know drum map now when you double click when you select both of these events you can go directly into the key editor uh you know and kind of click on the one that you want to actively edit but if you have the drums going you know they're both going to go to the same editor whether it's a drum editor or a key editor okay so let's say i have a no question um how to hide not just minimize unused channel rack components from the mixer windows okay so let's say we have just uh add a number okay so let's say we go to our mix console and we look here all right so when we go to our racks um all right so it says hide uh not just minimize the unused channel rack components from the mixer windows so if you actually click here on the racks themselves you can pick and choose what elements are visible in the racks and which are hidden so it's not minimizing it but you could so again just kind of click right up here in the racks and then you can pick what exact racks you want to see visible okay and we have a question [Music] so question having mixer one two and three remember the horizontal divider position in the visibility configuration all right so let's say if i come here it's gonna mix console two [Music] and let's say i have this all the way over to the left and i'll mix console 3. okay so when i come over here we could just see that let's get a mix console too so we see our our dividing line here let me just so that's preserved and let's all right and if i save this project okay i'll close this project we'll see if those are recalled all right let's take a look so it looks like that line and maybe i misunderstand but that line it seems to be saved with the project so all right and we had two different re questions for this where people want to see the knobs in this eq um so there you know when we activate the eq here it's going to be kind of slider based but if you just come uh you know a lot of people don't know that if you just click in the eq area here that you could access uh many of the eq functions in the and the keys that can you know restrain direction for cue boost and cut all right so we're just about out of time uh i just want to thank everyone for the great questions we will see everyone back on friday starting at 1 00 p.m us eastern time uh we hope everyone stay safe and healthy and please take care and if you like the live stream learn something new make sure you hit the like button thank you very much
Channel: Cubase
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: yFPQQl64XO8
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Length: 239min 14sec (14354 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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