Create A Song in 10min | Music Production in Cubase AI and LE

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[Music] hello everyone on this video i'm going to show you how you can get started creating music with cubase le and cubase ai i'm going to give you a tour of the sounds that we have available and then we're going to lay down a bit in just 10 minutes so let's jump into cubase and let's have some fun so here we are inside cubasely and before we get started i want to show you how you can start creating beautiful sounds inside cubase there are three main ways first you can record your microphone or you can record your guitar real instruments you can do all this in cubase the second way is to use virtual instruments and the third way is to use loops and samples so let me show you where you find all these things really quickly everything that you need is right here in the media bay tab now if you don't see this tab you just click on this icon and it should appear straight away so for example if i want to use a virtual instrument i click on virtual instruments as you can see we have groove hnsc and also holly and sonica see the only thing you need to do in order to use one of these instruments is literally drag and drop into your project and then you can just click on any of the presets for example i can click on this preset here and i can immediately play this on my keyboard [Music] now if you want to use a loop or a sample we can just go back click on loops and samples and as you can see we have a lot of libraries there a lot of content that you can try out let's try a few of the sounds drum loops [Music] sims and all these things we have kick drum snares now if you want to import a sample or a loop into your project all you need to do is either double click or drag and drop into your project and the sample is right there for you to use so now that you know how to do all this let's start creating our beat so as you can see here i have imported some samples from media bay [Music] and i've also set up some markers as a guideline for the structure of my beat so let me show you what i have i have groove edge and sc right here that's included in cubase ali and i can immediately load any of the sounds right here any of the kits i've already loaded one here and the first thing that i can do is of course play it okay now the next thing that i can do is i can go to my patterns here and here we have some pre-made patterns that you can use straight away if you want to get started and get some inspiration for example let's click on this one [Music] and as you can see it's a full arrangement right now the great thing with these patterns is you can edit them and make them completely your own for now let me go and let's start with this one i'm going to drag it into my intro so as you can see i can just drag and drop and maybe i can continue with this one great now maybe i can use this one and then i can go on with this one okay so let's listen to what we have i think i'm going to leave a little bit of gap here before the new section starts now if i want to edit those i can just double click on this and as you can see i can completely edit the midi so i can make these loops completely my own so i have a nice drum arrangement there already the next instrument that i'm going to use is again groove agent sc but in this case i've loaded a sample from media bay that's an 808 bass and it sounds like this so here's pretty much how you do it you just drag the sample in and you can immediately play it on the keyboard now if you want to extend this and make it a pitch instrument you can go here activate the key range and now as you can see i can extend the range of the notes that this sample is going to play so [Music] let's go ahead and record some of these nice 808 bass lines [Music] all right that's all i need we have our base there now it's time for some chords let's move on to the next instrument and this is highlighting sonic sc let's listen to the sound [Music] and as you will hear i've added some cool effects there i've added the bit crusher that's included in cubase le and we also have the chopper that gives us this nice pumping effect check it out [Music] all right now let's use this sound and lay down some chords now if you're not a keyboard player or if you're not familiar with music theory or music harmony cubase has some really cool tools to get you going just click on this icon right here and you can bring up the lower zone all you need to do now is go to corepads and as you can see you can have several chords here to help you record chord progressions for example i have some chords selected here and i can start playing [Music] [Applause] and if i want i can change the chords right here [Music] okay let's use the chord pads now and let's record some chords [Music] and there we go we just recorded our chords here and it's like i had a keyboard player that came to record some parts for my song as you can see they're all right there clear midi chord progressions okay now let's record another sound i have this cool vintage piano sound as you can see it's highly hylian sonic sc and i've also added some effects here i've added like an amp simulator i've added a tremolo a mono delay and the gradualizer that gives us this nice vinyl effect check it out [Music] it makes the sound a little bit more gritty with a lot of character okay let's record a little bit of this piano [Music] beautiful we have our piano in now it's time to record some guitar and i'm talking a real guitar so let me show you how you create an audio channel in cubase all you need to do is click on this add track symbol go audio select the input of your audio interface in this case i'm going to use my url22c and i'm going to record a mono instrument it's a guitar name your instrument and then you can add the track and you can start recording so here's my guitar and in order to listen to it i'm going to click on this monitor button right here and this is how it sounds without anything completely clean but in this case i'm going to use the plugins that we have in basically to make the sound a little bit more interesting so i'm using the amp simulator to add a little bit of this kind of amp sound then i'm going to add the tremolo this is a really nice plugin that will give me this kind of tremolo [Music] and then i'm going to use the roomworks sc reverb to add a little bit of space to my guitar sound [Music] alright let's record [Music] oh [Music] so as you can see i recorded my guitar in audio and if i want to take a closer look i can double click on this event and it opens right away so i can see the waveform in more detail so there you go that's how you can create a beat in just 10 minutes with the tools included in cubase le and cubase ai i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope you make some great music with cubase let's go and listen to what we've just created and i'll see you the next one [Music] dude [Music] you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 59,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Create a 10 minute song, song creation, beat production, sound creating, instrument recording, virtual instruments, loos and samples, steinberg media bay, halon sonic se, groove agent se, drag and drop, sound presets, track project, beat marker, groove agent pattern, midi programming, 808 bass sample plugin, bitcrusher effect, chopper effect, cubase le, cubase ai, tips tricks, music workflow, music production, music software, daw, steinberg, cubase 11, new features
Id: 9fa-cW6EY0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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