November 5th 2021 Club Cubase Live Stream

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hello welcome to the november 5th uh 2021 club cubase live stream uh my we'll get started here in just a couple minutes i'm going to do a quick audio test make sure everything is coming through on my end hello welcome to the november all right everything sounds fine on my monitoring computer my name is greg under i'll be the host for the live stream today if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could ask questions in the live chat area or simply submit questions in advance to club cubase at so you could just ask your questions when asking questions if we could specify which version of cubase that you're running which operating system uh in which level so you can say i'm running cubase elements 11 on mac os that information sometimes would be helpful we'll try to get through all the questions chronologically as they were asked um my ability to answer the questions in kind of a real-time manner you know depending on how many questions we get asked i will probably sometimes be sometimes 30 to 45 minutes behind the live questions so if you don't get an immediate response to your question please realize i'm probably just catching up and so if we could try to avoid asking the same question multiple times that would be appreciated this kind of slows everything down uh when we do that so um and just a couple people i wanted to thank so if you wanted to uh take a look at you know topics that will that will be discussed in today's live stream will be uh indexed with time stamps uh and and it'll be kind of pinned to the top of the comments field so you could quickly navigate to different sections of the live stream if you wanted to search for questions in the live stream that have been covered in previous live streams uh jan from stockholm has set up so we should give a special thanks to yon for that we have another wonderful resource that you could you know look for information related to steinberg products and that could be the cubase nation discord in addition to all of the official steinberg channels like in youtube channels and stuff so i know jazz dude is pretty involved with that we have two people that volunteer their time they're not steinberg employees but they just kind of volunteer to be moderators when needed and can address issues uh in the live chat if i'm not there as we're going through stuff so i want to give a special thanks and kudos to jazz dude and to agent k for that um so with that we will um i'll get my my chat kind of popped out and we will get started okay all right so we see just uh jan is sending me a happy birthday wish so yeah it is my my birthday today so and i'm totally fine just doing our lot or normal four hours so you know people have to work on their birthday too so but i you know i do enjoy doing the live streams so we'll just keep it is that we'll go through as many questions as we have like usual um but i appreciate the sentiment okay others which are in a single audio file into separate samples and to then normalize them uh to the same general levels so you know um so there really necessarily aren't uh i don't believe that wavelab has ara2 that's usually more kind of like a daw type of thing but let's take a look um at the current uh let's take a look at wavelab there are different options for doing that without utilizing um you know ara2 so let's just take a quick look all right so there is then i haven't looked for this but there is kind of different options for splitting um tools so let's see if i could find it quickly but there are like you know where you could split by so say if we go to split clips uh i may have to kind of come back to this and but let me see if i could i'm pretty sure that there are like different roles that you could use to split uh you know based on time or based on but if i just wanted to come here and you know split the selected clips and let me just see if it does this and uh if it may do this differently in the sample editor so let's say if i just do this uh and you might have to do it like within the batch processor but in regards to taking like files that were you know perhaps at different levels um if you just kind of select all of your files here you could do a meta normalizer so let's say if it was maybe like for samples or a cd and you're always at your levels where uh different between it you could use um see if it's under so if you just go to the process and then you could just say let's go to uh the meta normalizer and at this point you could say you want to match the loudness of the active clip or you could say match the loudest clip and at this point you could just say apply and that will do an analysis we see that this one's probably softer than that that will just kind of bring up the volumes to match that you could have consistent volumes between that all right all right so you see john costigan from kenosha we have uno memento on from finland you see jazz dude has internet server service provider problems so if he's not on all right great to see mark rabin and uh from montana and soren from sweden all right robbie bowling from dallas all right so just see um uh so you just see a question uh is there a cubase 12 coming so i'm sure that people are you know working on the next versions of cubase all the time so but there's no public announcements at this point okay uh so we just see a question on sidechain so it says uh when copying a plug-in like a compressor to another channel do you know why input settings don't copy over i.e a kick input you know so if you're doing sidechaining and let's say if you copied that particular you know that signal flow is kind of going not necessarily to the plug-in but it's going to the plug-in that's going to be in that particular insert so if you copy a plug-in so let's say [Music] if i wanted to uh take this base and do side chain compression on it so i will just come over here to inserts and we'll go to let's say our kind of stock compressor here so as soon as we come over here let's say we activate the side chain we pick our side chain source so and i will come over here so let's say i want this to be the kick so at this point um you know we could have the kick drum kind of feed the compressor on the base but if i move that compressor you know it's going to be that side chain is kind of feeding into this particular channel and not necessarily into the plug-in but within the plug-in if you wanted to sidechain to a different source if you just come to the setup you could add multiple sidechain sources here if you wanted to so once you have uh that you know particular compressor you know but just think it's not necessarily going to that plug-in but it's going to be you know when we do this it's going to be just you know sending to the particular side chain so that's why it doesn't automatically copy over with the plugin because it's more where that plug-in is inserted into the mixer all right thanks everyone for their birthday wishes all right so we see dan freeman from atlanta thanks for joining us all right so we have a question from ted springman thanks for joining us ted on the live stream uh so the question is i'm trying to figure out how to mute unmute an effects track with reverb and delays based on whether the notes on a vocal track feeding it correlate to chord track notes if muted uh if not part of the chord okay so let's say if i have so i don't know an automated way of doing that so let me just come over here to this project and say i wanted get this project loaded up and we'll okay so i'm going to generate uh the chord track from the piano part here so i'm going to my project let's go to uh the project menu and we'll create chord symbols based on this particular note so if we want to um so how to mute and unmute what notes correlate to the chord track so if we have notes that don't necessarily feed the chord track um so let's say we're in very audio and we've done kind of our analysis here okay and at this point i want to colorize based on the chord track so let's say if we had notes that were out of the chord so let's say something like this [Music] so i think once we're here i mean we could kind of toggle you know so while we could recognize the particular notes that are going to be out of the key um you might like let's say if we just kind of go to the particular segment here we could um let's say if i let's see if i could just process directly from here so as soon as i if i switch between the very audio and the processes here i could probably just take the selection and then you know from here we could say add a plug-in so at this point i just wanted to [Music] have this process with a delay or not so we could choose to kind of process it but there's no real way to um you know so if i select a segment here in the very audio where we could see that it is out of key or in key for that to you know you see we could determine what notes are in and out of key so if you wanted to not do processing or do processing based on that but i don't think that there's a way of selecting notes that are that are within the chords defined in the chord track for separate processing so you might have to kind of do that manually but you know if you kind of look at the colors here when you're where you see a red uh segment that would indicate that it's not within the core track and then you could just kind of do editing based on that and find the notes but i think you still have to kind of process it independently so but i don't know if a way to cleverly say you know don't put effects on any notes that are out of the chord so all right wonderful to see um uh shane adams in nashville um and his question is can you copy and paste midi velocity so if we have let's say i'll just quickly add an instrument track here so it's not necessarily copy and paste for you know because the velocity is going to be set up for you know particular you know like part of the note message but there is a way shane that we could come here and glad that you could join the live stream today shane's a wonderful educator songwriter all around great guy and based in nashville so let's say if i have um the this pattern here of notes uh and i wanted to save and apply the um the velocity from one part to another so all you'd have to do is if you kind of just select the particular event and this may seem counter-intuitive at first but if you go to the quantize panel uh drag that event into the quantize panel and instead of and you have position and velocity so instead of having this be a hundred percent four position and zero percent for uh velocity i'm going to just do the complete opposite so and now we could save this as a preset so let's say i come back over here and i have everything uh totally maxed out and at this point i want to apply this particular um you know that velocity change so now i could just come over here and quantize and we're not quantizing the position but we're going to basically apply the velocity from that preset so you could just kind of hit q and then your velocities that pattern will be there so once you go to the quantize panel you know drag the event over and then just set the position to zero percent and the velocity to 100 and then you could copy the velocity over all right so we see jeff zabowski just saying it doesn't have any questions about brand new strings on the the atama acoustic minor six chords innuendo is sexy and scary so that's good all right let me see sable winters is on the live stream thanks for joining us alright we have jason sykes from south shields england okay so i just see uh so rob uh says howdy from tarpon springs florida i tempo detected a wav file sent to me to add a groove agent track to i'll send the stems i sent back to them so it's great it's a great feature to be able to do that it could solve so many problems and just so incredibly fast and we see will they be able to match it with their original wav file on their daw so as you work with this you know what you could do is when you go to you know if you're using a different daw and you've done a tempo detection and you have all of the you know all the midi following the tempo if we export a midi file so and then when you come over here you can export the midi file so that could contain the tempo track data as part of the midi file itself so if they export so they could just have the uh the tempo information just transferred over as a standard midi file so and let's see if there are um so you know as soon as we come over here so and when you import like midi files with tempo tracks just make sure that you have uh ignore master track events on merge that you have that unchecked but you could just take that particular tempo track and the groove agent track and send that as a standard midi file and that could load up into other daws so without issue all right wonderful to see tim from mission viejo glad you could join the live stream all right reading through comments see sergio wishing happy birthday from russia thank you for that yeah i just see a point about you know normalizing uh like you know different audio samples just directly within cubase so let's say you know we kind of showed the uh normalizing inside of wavelab with the metanormalizer but you could do similar things let's say if i come here and we had a number of different files and let's say that these were all kind of at different sound levels you know some louder or softer than others so say if i wanted to make these four files kind of be consistent i could select them uh go to the audio to processes and then we could just say normalize at this point you could say i want these to normalize to uh you know to be minus 6 db volume so you know you could do stuff like that as well so when we come over here and that'll be our pre-gain volume but you know you could just kind of select different audio files and normalize so that they're all consistent directly here within the actual loudness normalizer so so let me just help so that's another method of doing it all right all right so we have um uh just jackie q from taiwan so you see i found out the wave 64. format is missing in new endo 11 is there a reason or just don't need it anymore can i record broadcast wav file larger than four gigabytes yeah so i think it used to be as more relevant when um you know the largest file size um you know on 32-bit operating systems was uh two gigabytes and you couldn't go beyond that and that's why you used the wave 64 files but i don't think that you have those limitations with the i think the wav file itself was updated so you could do larger audio files so that's why all right so we see graham witcher on the live stream so glad you could join us for a little bit okay reading through comments here so we see some discussion of ara2 and kind of what you know what it is so you know ara2 is really just kind of you know for you know two different editing environments like sometimes you may have just an audio editor that does very specific things like you know spectral layers pro is a great example of that so it allows you to kind of communicate and send the audio edits back and forth between the two different programs so but as jazz dude had mentioned if you're doing stuff like normalizing you could do that you know directly inside of cubase very easily as well or nuendo all right so we just see uh from anthony walker will there be a new cubase in 2022 so you know there hasn't been any announcements uh at this point so we'll just have to wait and see what announcements are going to be okay so you see uh how to record this system sound like youtube so many times you know when we're using uh so it could really depend on if you're running mac or pc uh but you know many times what you know cubase will be using kind of a different audio driver mechanism so if you're on windows for instance you're going to be when you get to the studio setup you're going to use the azure driver and the windows sound driver is going to be using a different utility uh there are you know a different driver architecture so that would be using like you know the standard multimedia drivers that windows would be using on the mac platform they both use core audio but there are a number of utilities that will allow you to kind of route the audio from one application into another so if you wanted to use um i'm trying to think of you know but there are a number of kind of like little streaming uh audio streaming utilities so that you could use that but you could also you know download the youtube file and import it directly into cubase and uh and cubase will extract the audio filers you know a zillion little utilities that will allow you to download the youtube file or to download the uh mp where you could put the youtube url in and it will generate an mp3 file for you as well so all right so we see anthony walker checking in from detroit thanks for being on the live stream you see graham which are just saying select audio files and normalize wow i never knew that so it's always always a great little tool to use okay so we just see uh what what's the best way to put a lane in beat editor in c3 um so i'm not sure if it's the beat designer plug-in so let's say if we have just come over here let's add the track okay so let's say if i you know have different sources here i'll just get to different projects show this very quickly okay so let's say if we're here and we want it to just go to uh the midi inserts let's say if we have the bead designer um and let's we'll go ahead and open the beat designer plugin so if you wanted to just if you click here you could see kind of all of the different midi notes so you could just say okay i want it to be c3 and then you could you know paint in the midi notes directly there if you wanted to so if you wanted to just kind of enter that in so we could just click on the note so that's within the beat designer plug-in if it's directly in like the drum editor here we could just go over here to find c3 as well so um at this point we could say okay we're just going to start at c3 and we could put notes in directly on pitch c3 as well so let me know if that's what you want to [Music] what you want to accomplish with that okay reading through comments okay so we see a question um how do i synchronize 16 pads on the casio mz500 with the pads on groove agent so all you have to do is let's say if we have groove agent open um we'll have let's say we'll select our instrument pads where we could see our different sound so so you see this little uh mapping icon this looks like a drumstick hitting a drum turn that on and then all you have to do is you could say edit learn trigger note and then hit the pad on your uh hit the pad on your controller and that will just move some of my keys off my controller here and so if as soon as i hit the pad that will automatically you know go through and just select and you know trigger the pads here so i could just say okay um so just click on this and then you want to um then once that is enabled to say edit learn trigger note and then it will just kind of cycle you through and you could just have 16 pads assigned just by hitting you know each of the pads you know automatically increment the uh pad for you so once again just kind of click right there and then that will open up the edit learn as soon as that's enabled just click on edit learn trigger note or you could manually assign it right there probably the edit learn will be faster okay so we have a question are there ways i can add documentation to a track uh attached to a particular time stamp um you know so within the track itself you know there will be a track notepad so um let me just just going to reread this so you can add documentation to a track attached to particular timestamps so you know if you have the if the track has its timestamp already that will kind of be embedded uh we could come over here and see the timestamp so we go to media to open the pool window we could see the origin time so as soon as we kind of scroll over here we'll see the origin time for the particular files here if we move a particular file so let's say if i grab this and i move this file so now it's not starting at and we'll look at this in the pool window so we'll say okay um so we have this particular file and we look at its origin time so let's say i move it all you have to do is go to audio and then you could then choose to uh to update the origin for files that will be moved but you could also have a notepad and you could type in notes for the particular track here so if you wanted to put in you know this starts at you know one second 15 frames or whatever you could have that as notes but if you could let me know if there's particular things that you want in the documentation that would be helpful let me see michael pierce uh for the audio utility for youtube he's just saying jack audio i know there's another one as well but there are you know several utilities for kind of routing audio within different audio programs okay uh so we see i would be interested in workflow recommendations for keeping a composition notebook um so i'm not sure if the composition notebook is like just having different of you know compositions readily available you know so if you kind of you know i know many composers may just kind of start off and you know noodle around and we'll capture a theme and save that particular theme uh as a project and maybe there are multiple projects open simultaneously uh and you want to take like a theme from project a a theme from project b and migrate it with the theme from project e so if that's the case um one of the things that you do if that's if you have your like different motifs or musical ideas broken into different projects and you now are worried about kind of merging all those projects one of the things you could do is obviously you know drag and drop files from one project to another but probably a more sophisticated approach is just to say i want to import tracks from project so at this point i could say i wanted to take this project here and we'll select the project and at this point i can say let's select all of the tracks and now i could merge those particular aspects of that one project into other projects so if you could uh if that makes sense you know you try to import selected tracks from project and then you could you know easily migrate uh different uh parts of projects together all right thank you for the birthday wishes sable appreciate it okay so we see uh how can i use and record filter effects like cut off and resonance on a wav file or group of wav files in cubase okay so let's jump back to this particular project okay so let's say i just have like a normal rock project and i wanted to record like a filter on a number of tracks so i'll just put this on the master bus uh i will come over here and under the filters so you could actually just get a filter audio plug-in so let's say i want to go to the morph filter so as we look at the morph filter i could just kind of play along so you could do that now if you wanted this to uh you know be controlled uh like through a midi controller i could come over here um and i'll select like you know the channel that i put this in and we can enable quick control so and what i want to do is just to click on learn and i will move let's say the frequency parameter so i could set up any midi controller to come right over here and you know we could say okay my quick controls i want to just come right over here um and let me move something so i can grab my midi fader box here so i just want to learn this particular controller all right so now when i go to this we could have um so again i'll just click on learn so our frequency is now controlled from our midi fader so i as i play and we could just automate this as well and then you know you're kind of all set and that's how you could do it so just kind of put a particular filter on and then you should be kind of all good to go with that sorry my one laptop just came unplugged so yeah just give that a try so you could you know just assign that anywhere that you want if you want on just the guitars or just you know um or in the whole mix and then you could just adjust kind of your different filters right there so as you adjust and you could assign different lfos to that if you wanted to as well all right so we have uh could you show me how to get to m guitar in hallie and sonic so i have i don't think i have m guitar installed on this but uh we'll come over here so let's say i'll just go to i have t guitar which is very similar just kind of the taylor version instead of the martin version i believe so i will come over here to halloween sonic se so when we come here what you say let's go to instruments so we go to you know we we could see this but you could say instrument sets and then you'll see kind of all the uh so you'll see one that says like m guitar so we'll just put on t guitar and then i could load it up directly there and as i play [Music] i could turn off my filter real quick so as we select the event here i could play the chords [Music] so once again just to kind of load that up come over here to load uh and it's you know in you may it may just say all and so you see all instrument sets just kind of switch right over here and find your m guitar and load that up and then double click and then that will load up all the samples for that particular instrument alright so we see peter just saying happy cubase gay and we see from sergo uh interested in syncing different instruments to midi and daw uh cubase can you give a couple tips on this greg so if the instruments will kind of synchronize to midi time code or midi clock all we have to do is go to the studio menu [Music] and [Music] or i'm sorry let's go to the transport menu and we'll go to project synchronization setup so at this point you may have to just send midi clock so if it's like you know to an external drum machine or synthesizer with its own sequencer you want to just send out either midi clock or midi time code if it follows midi time code and at that point wherever those particular instruments are being are being connected to and then i think once you do that you need to maybe activate the project sync um you may not have to do this but let's say uh you'll see external sync and then enable that if you don't see that just go to the transport into the settings cogwheel and then you'll see like this little icon up here and that will be external sync and then when you hit play in cubase it's going to send out midi clock or midi time code to your particular devices to sync them up all right great to see captain energy music on so we just see is cubase 11.5 coming or not so you know and we can you know always be assured that you know there will always be future versions of cubase and teams are working very hard on it so it just hasn't been no future versions have been publicly announced so all right wonderful to see michael teams on the live stream i think he's going to start giving out ice cream so it always makes the live streams better all right we see the wonderful fred corey on the live stream and thanks for the birthday wish fred ford's a wonderful composer musician and you know phenomenal drummer his wife referred to him i love this description as a recovering rock so but thanks for being on the live stream all right so we see brianna in young town all right i see michael teams has granted me uh five scoops of scoopy's black diamond ice cream all right it's very generous all right uh so i just see um let's see a question i have a uh i have e-drum rolling td 30k on cc04 it sends the position of the foot switch hi-hat but there's no way to tell groove agent about that uh i have to choose if open or closed not depending feel all right so let's say if we're in groove agent uh i think if we come over here into this general area and i know i have a yamaha kit and i think if you just come over here you could activate this and just say e-drum controller that that will map out the roll and like all the different levels of the hi-hat to the hi-hat samples so try just coming right over here to the drums and you'll activate this and then you could just come over here and do your e-drum controller so and i believe that will work with your roland electronic kit for all the little special hi-hat stuff for half open half closed and the various levels in between okay so we see from sauron uh greg the audio menu statistics show dc offset uh i'm a bit puzzled what is dc offset how bad is it should you completely eliminate dc offset so a lot of times what dc offset is called is caused by is you know kind of irregularities and kind of your electrical wiring can cause it so a lot of times you may have uh let me see if i could find something that may have yeah you may see kind of an asymmetrical waveform you know where i thought there may be one [Music] you know a lot of times you may see when you see a waveform you know that it will actually indicate like where it's maybe unbalanced where it's not symmetrical you know like maybe you know you look at this and you see it like on the you know on the positive amplitude here like above this scale maybe this but the bottom maybe like half of that that would often be indicative of a dc offset issue and then you could correct it um you know a lot of times it could be more apparent kind of you know in working with a lot of different analog components uh i do have kind of a mastering friend uh greg lukens who's kind of uh you know just a treasure to anything dealing with audio and he's a blind mastering engineer and you know you know i've been at his house many times and he's like listening to a record and he's like oh it's such a great record why didn't they fix the dc offset and he opens it up and switches it off you know and fixes the dc offset and you know and it sounds much better so it's one thing that a lot of people forget you know it could be that particular studios or someone within like a project may have part of you know just one component that could be causing it but often you'll notice it when you actually see kind of asymmetric waveforms where you know where it's more um you know where you see kind of more activity on the on the plus versus the negative on something that should be you know fairly consistent throughout you know so and it can be kind of a subtle thing but it you know i would always suggest before sending out a master just to make sure that you could eliminate dc offset and it's just a simple click um because my friend greg lukens i'm you know i'm sure he's embarrassed many you know top recording engineers just calling them up and saying you know you forgot to check dc offset and you're like oh you know and you know and they get kind of embarrassed for like something that's so simple to fix when you could just go to your audio processes and just say you know remove the dc offset so it's not an issue for you but before you send off like your final mix just do a quick test um so just see uh so from michael's uh can i use a source control software of any kind with cubase say subversion so i think in nuendo we're gonna have um so i don't know any that kind of works like totally integrated with cubase and i imagine that there are you know there are some utilities that could you know automatically kind of keep you know particular you know version history if you go into nuendo i'll show you what nuendo has real quick and we see this kind of used uh like primarily in game audio communities where you know version management is really critical to them so let's say if i get this loaded here uh i'm trying to remember what the name of the kind of versioning is here but use can in the game audio connect but you know most people i i i don't know any that cubase is specifically designed to work for that but let me just so in uh so nuendo can use perforce but that's not an option in cubase uh directly integrated but if you use perforce you know and you know nuendo can have support for that you see other people are using kind of the merge projects functionality okay so just see i'm not sure if uh from sergo just saying i cannot sync the pads of the suggested rhythm patterns in the same way in groove agent there is no uh hardware cm button how to do this so let's take a look at like pads for the i guess for the patterns okay so let's see if we could all right so with the pattern pads i think if we so just by right clicking on it we could we don't need to um you know the instrument pads here so when we right click we can't edit rename but once you're into pattern pads all you have to do is right click on the pattern pads and then you could assign the notes right there or do learn the trigger notes so we don't need to necessarily with the pattern pads uh enable the use hardware controller mapping so once you're on a pattern pads just simply right click on the pad and you could edit learn the trigger note without having to engage a particular function you're seeing cubase junkie just saying um m guitar and t guitar is the uh the greatest of all time i recommend it to anyone who loves guitars and we see that yeah the t guitar is the vst of the month on the website so i think there's a special promotion okay great to see cubase junkie in the live stream all right you see jeff sabowski is proud to be number 34 on hitting the like button so if you do learn a new tip or trick uh please feel free to hit the like button all right we have brian sawyer from beulahville north carolina thanks for joining all right thanks for the birthday wish glenn all right michael teams wants people to whack the like button okay so i just see uh can you make a stream in russian unfortunately i don't speak russian but i believe uh you know we try to keep it under four hours because if we do that youtube will automatically do closed captioning and i believe that the closed captioning you could uh localize for different countries so you might be able to look at the closed captioning in russian so i do have russian heritage but unfortunately i don't speak russian sorry thanks cedric for the birthday wish all right all right so i just see graham just saying uh what are we gonna do for christmas can we have a cubase christmas party live stream so that's how kind of our monthly uh end of end of the month uh zoom meet up started we did it kind of like a christmas thing so we could do kind of an extended uh like christmas get-together zoom meet up so but thanks for the thoughts all right wonderful to see mandy lane on the live stream thanks for joining us um so we say hi greg uh any plans for cubase to have a system to offload uh dps uh processing to another computer so we could have another computer hosting plugins i think other programs are doing it so you know we can um a lot of people use like you know ve pro as a host on another computer a lot of times you know people could use different computers if you go to the studio setup if you had a digital audio connection between two computers you could do vst system link and like you said if you have a spdif card you know spdif or you know toss link connection or aes connection just a digital connection between two computers you could run those two computers synchronized and send midi information over to it um you know most people who've used kind of you know kind of a distributive processing tend to not use it so it's a tremendous amount of work that could change with you know one operating system update of being completely uh invalid but you know so there are you know they're always kind of looking at things but at the same time you know computers get significantly faster all the time so you know we kind of were the first one to do it with vst system link uh years ago so but you could definitely use that if you wanted to have uh you know your vst instruments on one computer and how and transmit audio back and forth a lot of people use it also for having video play on one computer and not take and having sample accurate synchronization between the main project as well okay so we have a question um can you expound upon the project root key drop down or root key designation of various clips you might import record play whether you have to choose just one root key per project so i think um that you could choose let me just go to a different project that it's um that if you wanted to choose a different root key that you could use the uh you know so the project root key as you work on it let me just come over here to some of the i'll just revert this so some of the content will allow you to will have a root key designation like for midi loops um so often you may see um let's see if we so you know here we could set kind of our project rookie so let's say we're in the key of d and now um like if we wanted to go through some of the different loops like let's say some of the sql library and we wanted to audition that you could audition through the particular root key uh if it has that data in the particular file but you know the root key i believe also will kind of work in conjunction so if you wanted to kind of you know modulate within the song that if you come over here and go to um just a transpose track so let me just see i think we may have one in this particular project so when we go to a transpose track so i'll just delete this so we could show you adding it so if we go to add a track we could add a transpose track and then in the transpose track here's where you could say okay i wanted to modulate up you know from d major up to e major and then back to d major here so that the project root key will work with that but it's kind of intended primarily for some of the different midi loops we could audition through the defined root key so all right so we have a question one says um stupid one uh there's a question uh i just opened my midi oh uh my midi open in place editor how to close it so let's say if we have the midi in place editor so if i just want to take let's say if i'm here and we have the in place editor here so generally if you hit um control um there's you could have an edit in place icon here so where you could kind of right click if you go to track control settings so if we come over here you could right click and say let's go to track control settings and you could have the edit in place which i think defaults to hidden controls um so if you wanted to you could just do that but you could also just hit control or command plus shift and the letter i and that is the keyboard shortcut to take the to open and close the in place editor but if you have that uh track control setting you can now come over here and just open and close it just by clicking on that particular icon okay so i just see from alter ego um hello greg i'm having trouble exporting from cubase to wave lab i do not see the export to wavelab tab um using cubase 11.04 and wavelab 1004. how do i do this so if we want to do like an individual file um you know there's two ways so i'll show you just kind of if i wanted to take just an individual file uh if you go to audio and just say edit in wave lab um i'll just find just getting our audio file here just take out a musical mode sorry so at this point i could take this particular audio file and it will open it in wavelab for editing and then you could just kind of click on the you know update in cubase so once you're you know so say at this point if i did editing so let's say okay just do uh a fade out uh and then i think we could hit this button and this would trigger the cubase nuendo updates of that audio file when i come back over here you know could have that automatically if we were doing kind of normal um you know let's say my mix down we'll take a look at that as well so let's say i want to activate this project and let's say i want to do my mixdown file so i'll come over here let's export audio mixdown and then after export we'll say open in wavelab pro 11 right here under the after export so i'll do my export audio it's going to export this particular file so it's rendering the file now and now when i do that the file is now open inside of wavelab right there so that's our mixdown file so um so those are kind of two ways to do it so but let me know if you're if but i don't see necessarily like the export to wavelab tab so but let me know if that's kind of what you want it to do but again it would just be in the export menu you just come over here and we see the after export there's where you could say go to wavelab okay so we see from cubase drunky just says hopefully you update we get a darker skin i like my skins to be dark it's more easy on the eyes for long periods of time so you may be able to actually change the skins uh change it to be darker if you want it to so maybe if you come over here to color schemes let's say if you want to project area background you know so if you go to each of these we could make those a bit darker so they're probably not at their darkest uh at their darkest so if you just kind of double click here you could get you know more dark if you need to all right we're glad that nick could join us after collecting his two kids thanks for being a part of the live stream see michael teams having some computer problems sorry to hear that so we're just saying uh from cubase junkie uh cubase is beautiful now imagine how it would look with the same color skin as groove agent so i'll just open up groove agent again but i think uh this might be so you know you could probably just work on you know in you know check again in the preferences where you could say so project area background so there you could get it to be very similar to to groove agent if you want so you go darker all right so we see uh from dan freeman is audio warp resolution only used for swing not snapping to grid um does it lower so you could use it for snapping to the grid as well so let's say if i'm here all right and i have this and let's say i have my hit points kind of figured out here and i want to create warp markers so at this point you know if i wanted to just you know quantize i could say okay let's quantize this to quarter notes and then as i do this we'll just make sure that the audio warp quantize is on and you know we could quantize to different degrees for your audio so you know if i wanted to just come here to drum overheads and say okay we have this we're going to create our warp markers um so as soon as we come over here we can say you know once the warp markers have been added i could just say quantize and we can see that that's snapping it to the grid uh so it's not just for kind of adding a swing and then we see another question kind of regarded this does the lower edit window only snap down to 16th note so in the sample editor i believe it's just limited down to 16th notes but you could always move stuff you know down to the sample level uh just using the main project window as well okay so we see question uh is m guitar free with cubase pro 11 so no it's a it's a separate it's an instrument that's sold separately that works great in conjunction with uh any hallian playback engine including the you know free hallion uh sonic se player i see sergio is just saying everything turned out to be easier than i thought so that's always good all right and we just see uh for the person that asked uh see cubase junkies saying it's a 130 dollars for the m guitar but it's much less expensive than a real martin guitar too so and you don't have to tune it all right so we see uh from kush just wish me a happy birthday from san diego thank you so much um says uh i want to buy a qwerty keyboard made for cubase 11 with the basic shortcuts printed on backlit keys how often do cubase uh the shortcuts placement change with new versions so a lot of times you know like they try not to move like you know keyboard shortcuts that have been kind of long standing because we realize you know the importance of muscle memory with keyboard shortcuts so a lot of times you know the core functionality's been the same since nuendo one or cubase sx in 2002 so it's been almost 20 years you know they'll add like new versions will add keyboard shortcuts but they won't you know modify the keyboard shortcuts that already exist so you're probably in safe bet to get a keyboard and still have it be relevant and useful for future cubase versions so they really recognize uh that particular issue with users thanks for the birthday wish nick and from music group and cuba chunky okay all right so we have a question uh can you transfer cubase sessions to cue basis so what a lot of people will do is kind of create almost like stem audio files that are kind of all equal length files and then you could load up wav files into cubasis to playback projects so if you wanted to have a cubase you know kind of a you know a way of playing your cubase projects like for live performance where you don't have to do a lot of editing you could load up you know different audio files but it's really kind of intended to take your cue basis projects and you know import those in but you know you can just kind of create stems you know and you know this will be drums and bass and keys as wave files export those and then import those into cubases quite easily but not a direct import um all right so we have a question uh could we get the edit history window with the option to sort by column heading so that we could put the newest uh first instead of scrolling down so you know if you're not familiar with this i'll pass it along dan so let's say if i do all sorts of edits and we open up our edit history that as i make edits here that it kind of goes down so and i think conceptually that this makes sense that you know we did this move first and it kind of goes down like that um so i don't know a way to flip that but i'll you know pass it along again but you know this way you kind of see it in the order that the edits occurred so you know there's a certain logic to that as well but um i'll pass along to see if there's a way to just kind of invert uh the changes and i'll pass that along again thanks for the suggestion all right uh so we have question i really want to get into surround and dolby atmos specifically do i need to upgrade to nuendo never used before or can i do this in cubase so cubase will allow you to do you know cubase will allow you to do 5.1 and ambisonics but the nuendo is the tool right now for working with uh dolby atmos so if you wanted to do dolby atmos you know really kind of check out nuendo for that thanks michael bond for the birthday wish and to mandy lane all right so um you see is there a tutorial on how to comp vocals quickly and efficiently so there is if you go to i think i did one in the cubase q a series but we could show you as well here so um let me just open up a project it won't be vocals but it'll be based but you'll get the same kind of concepts okay so if we have multiple recordings on one particular track um you know each of those different recordings can show up in lanes so we could so this will be one track and then we could have multiple tracks uh just laid out for us directly here so these are different lanes and this could be a contiguous recording like okay this is the first cycle the second cycle the third pass the fourth pass the fifth take or as you just kind of keep recording so once we open up the lane view we can click right here and grab the hand tool and we can think of this as the comping tool so whatever is selected i could just say okay we're gonna go between you know take two [Music] take three so we could audition our different takes [Music] and if i wanted to say okay i really like this part of this take i could just go over it with the hand tool and instead of having to manually mute all the other parts that can select that particular range that we select right here on a given take so and we could now just have very seamless edits and say okay i like this uh and if i wanted to audition you could hold down control or command and listen to the different takes right there [Music] and then once you're done all you have to do is if you don't want to see all these unused lanes just click right there and they'll all be kind of directly in the one part with each of the selections that we've done with the comping tool carried over into this particular track so i just see from anthony just saying i've been using a cubase theme in reaper for so long while i wait for the update um so you could do a cubase theme in cubase too it works very well okay so we have a question uh how do i set the track meters to display rms data so you know it's not necessarily rms metering so you know this would be uh like the typical peak metering but if you wanted to kind of get a sense if you go to like the global meter settings you know you could choose to kind of hold peaks um there but you know where we have you know more of the metering options or you know when we look at excuse me when we look at you know here we could just choose uh you know whether what metering scales that you want to work with but these would always be more peak versus kind of rms for the channel meters so we see from sergo just saying how delightful it is that people from all over the world gathered here united by one goal so that's great i'm glad to be able to help people from all over the world okay so we see from alter ego saying that's exactly what i was looking for thank you greg you're welcome all right we see michael pierce i think is going to be taking off to do his tutoring uh so we see ps anyone here in chat no upgrades from cubase pro to nuendo will be discounted for the holidays so we'll just have to wait till black friday and find out i guess all right so we see steve mcandrew just uh saying hi from greece and just thanking us for these excellent knowledge-based articles that you give us by the streams that help broaden their skills with cubase that's great just want everyone to be able to use the tools that they have better okay so we just see uh could you please clarify how to turn uh length quantize off and on with the potential link to the grid okay so let me just let's do new project here okay [Music] okay so now i'll just kind of put in some just some notes here quickly [Music] so [Music] okay so let's say we wanted to do just some quick uh length quantization so when i come over here let's say we have our length set to eighth notes and i'll just make sure it's not i'm just gonna okay okay so now when i want to quantize we come over here to our advanced quantize and we can say let's quantize the midi note lengths to eighth notes so now when i select all the notes here so we can quantize the length to the nearest eighth note so let's say uh quantize midi event ends and let's make this set to half notes so let's say i have these selected um so we go to quantize midi event lengths let's say the half notes now each of those will be done to half notes and let's say we want to quantize the i'll select all the notes here and again i'll just say let's quantize the midi event ends so you know you could just have that as well so it's really you know as soon as you have the event selected um you know you could just come over here and you could trigger these from different keyboard shortcuts so at that point um you know if we see that this note you know is ever so slightly off you know we could you know just so let's say if these two notes here like this one i'll just take my snap off and these are not quite lasting so if i say let's quantize so we see that this one is shorter and i say let's quantize the midi event lengths so now we can say i want this to be quantized to quarter notes that this will quantize to the nearest quarter but if we were you know but if we so that's going to quantize to that particular value but if we choose like half note we could kind of fix the quantizing to the ends as well to just kind of work with that so once you have the value set you could just kind of trigger the quantizing the lengths or ends just from right there and except keyboard shortcuts for that as well all right uh so you see hello greg i saw other daws allows to load presets into the antares autotune pro 9. uh i tried with cubase 10 but it was not able is there any way thank you so i don't have um auto 2 9 on this computer but you know most of the time you know depending on the plug-in company you know so when you know as you go to open up a particular plug-in uh let me just sorry just keep opening wrong plugin again [Music] so you know while vst3 plugins can have a unique common uh format but you know if the plug-in you may have to just kind of load it from within the plug-in and not from here and it's really kind of the choice of the plug-in manufacturer i do have a copy i think on a license on my studio computer so if you want to email me i could just verify uh but you could email me at clubcubase at um but i could check but i think you may it may be not loading from um you know from the top here but maybe from somewhere within the plug-in itself um so each plug-in manufacturer can sometimes have different areas to load plug-ins but i think you should be able to load presets all right so we see a question from andy lane uh cubase get new update every year so for a long time it's been uh every year but you know there may be some years where it's not every year so but it has been that way for a long time you know but there are uh you know new processors that have to be accommodated for there's new licensing systems that are being integrated so um we'll just have to wait and see when the announcement is all right and we see uh steve mcandrew thank you for the birthday wish and also from super tzl thanks for the birthday wish john costigan and he's he just says greg always says learn a shortcut today kind of like take your authorizing every day so you'll be happier with your cube a shortcut in the long run i think all right so we have the cube checking in from melbourne florida okay reading through more comments okay so just seeing a question still having from the cube um uh just says uh still having trouble with my chord pads only some chords will drag out um so i haven't had kind of i think we looked at this last time with you but you know just kind of dragging chords out so [Music] so i'm not sure just turn off the delay so you know i didn't have any problems but if you could um you know let me know if it's you know with every track or only particular tracks that you do it and if it's maybe different types of chords but it seems like every time you know we don't have any problems dragging the cords uh from the core pads out but if you have a particular project that you want to share with me you could send me you could email to me or send a link to club cubase at steinberg dot d e i'd be happy to kind of take a look at it all right wonderful to see gareth on the live stream okay so um all right so i'm just seeing uh from um from the cube about the chord pads it says it has an x and a line on the midi but no chord in the chord pads so um i'm just trying to [Music] yeah so i you know if you let me just try like you know maybe a quick preset here and see if i can duplicate that and maybe the cube if you could let me know kind of what particular uh if it's a particular chord that's not dragging out for you but seems like everything is functioning here as expected and if you could let me know also the cube if when you play the chord if you hear the chord there as well thank you for the birthday wishes capped energy music it's always you know i enjoy doing these live streams as well so it's good to spend my afternoon on my tuesdays and fridays crew all right um so we see um i forgot to mention how uh i use cubase pro how can i monitor the volume per track in rms so you know if we [Music] you know kind of come over here you can set your different metering scales so you know if we kind of do this uh but let's say even if we wanted to go to your loudness meter you can kind of get a sense here but you know so once you if you have a particular track you could solo a track and see kind of the rms value here in the master meter if you want so but it doesn't necessarily show it i don't think in the [Music] so we can see kind of the peak level but not the rms so we could see kind of the rms value there so if you solo the track you could see the rms but it's not indicated on the track individual track i believe okay so you see from dan freeman after using the comp tool how do you easily blend the pieces together when humans play some notes fast or slow uh xo crossfade but first you quantize notes so it could really depend um you know depending on the actual performance so once you're you know kind of doing you know you're comping so you know you may just kind of catch you know like a slow part a fast part um it's really just whatever editing is needed in that particular area one thing that you could do that can help out like let's say it's a it's really cool but there's just some timing issues if you come over here and just hold down alt and control or command option you could actually kind of even slip the audio so you know if it's you know if you wanted to just adjust some transitions but you could always you know crossfade between the events or just activate kind of uh the channel crossfade on the particular track as well so if you want to just turn on uh automatic crossfades you know you could just have those engaged so that on playback that will kind of over you know mitigate you know the vast majority of any clicks and pops you may have from crossfades okay um so we have another question on copying from dan uh can you undo the second and third comp section out of five you've done how would you recombine two comp sections into one you know so really all you have to do is you know once you have this you know let's say if we're here you could also just say oh i just if you go to the bottom center you can say oh instead of take five i want this to be take four and i want this to be take one so if you open up the lane view you can just kind of come directly over here as well and be able to kind of edit it graphically so if you wanted to now just kind of select different takes we could do that and say okay i really want this and you know come up with your perfect recording as you expect um so and then once you've done that it will kind of just play back um so some people could also i've seen when they're doing this is they may come over here and when we go to uh track versions so some people will click here and say duplicate version and then they may have one that they have one series of comps on like before they start the comping process so let's say if we just undo a bunch of edits here and i'll just revert this so they say okay i'm gonna do comping on this so maybe you would just create a duplicate track version and then at this point we could have everything intact and we could do all of our comps here and let's say if you're you know maybe you're doing like very uh you know like something like a guitar solo that could be very creative musically and you're like okay you know maybe they'll like this one and maybe they won't like that one i could just come over here and i could duplicate this track version and say okay i want to go to this track version and this would be an entirely different comp and so if you wanted to just go okay do you like this track version do you like that comp or do you like this comp you could easily kind of you know navigate between different comp takes very easily in different edits all right so we just see from uh michael baun uh just saying have you used staff paper and a synth in the past uh trying to improve productivity with cubase and dorco so far it's slowing me down hoping that will change i think once you kind of get into the particular workflows that you know that you'll be working very fast in both of those programs as opposed to kind of staff paper i know and i i you know work with many composers they're still like okay you know i need to write it down physically write it and i tend to find that a lot of those people tend you know to spend a lot of time writing and not necessarily composing when the expectations for a lot of compositions especially if you're doing it for like tied to picture that you know those changes you know are just make so much more sense in a computer-based environment but you know let us know what we can do to help get you up to speed michael all right so we see uh you explained lanes does that apply to midi editing as well does it work that way so you could do uh like comping just like that for midi information as well as uh as well as audio so you could do lanes for midi or you know and you have different record modes so that uh as you record in so let's say i'll just mute this let's see where my if we're here i'll just activate this project so if we switch our midi record modes we could say okay i just want to do new parts so and i'll just come over here let's say okay now we'll so you know you could choose to merge those different events um so but let's say i just keep going you know let's say in cycle mode uh let's say i'll just put this into uh stacked so like while we're doing midi here i'll start off with low notes [Music] so now when i go to my lanes i can see all my midi kind of broken down as lanes and we can comp in the same exact manner here for our midi data so but it could be contingent on your midi record modes as well which there are several of see uh guitar lucius uh just as far out as trying to do that same exact thing yesterday so it's great all right we have tiago checking in from brazil and we have cape town south africa so thanks for joining thank you for the birthday wish tiago my chatfield just jumped on me and see if i can all right so we see uh chord track question can we derive arpeggios from them so let's give it a shot so you know there are uh like arpeggio [Music] plugins that come with cubase but let's come over here and say i just wanted to i'll just delete all these events here and i'll add a chord track so let's say i don't want to play any notes whatsoever in my project and i wanted to sound like it was clever okay so say i so i'm going to just choose this to use monitor tracks i'm going to monitor enable this let's say now we listen to it i have [Music] so now i'm gonna come over here to this track and go to midi inserts and let's just choose uh an apache and i'll make this like eighth notes instead [Music] we can make the lengths based on quarter notes let's say i want to set my key range to 24 and maybe i want to go down then up or just kind of change you know different random arpeggios so you could do all that without actually you know recording anything which is kind of cool okay so we just see from the cube it just shows up as an x and it's full of midi so let's say if i come over here to chord pads and i drag an empty one so if i drag an empty chord pad i get the x but if one if a chord pad has been kind of defined so say okay i'm here you know that i could that just kind of dragged over so i could just kind of do it you know just like that but make sure that the cord that you're dragging over actually has [Music] a cord defined on it so if i wanted to come here [Music] um now i just drag it over but if i drag a chord that's not labeled that's when i can see the x so let me know if that is if that's uh maybe helpful for you all right so we see does uh nuendo support track meters and rms and maybe even other standards so i think the track meters are going to be the same between cubase and nuendo so you would you could derive the rms from the master meter and solo the track if if necessary if you need to see it on one particular track okay so we just see from uh steve who had a question about the quantizing lengths um so i was meaning if i had notes that were not necessarily quantized but i did want to tidy up their ends to the grid so all right so let's take a look [Music] all right so let's say if i had [Music] okay so let's say if i come here and these i'm just going to turn off my snap okay so say these are all off slightly here all right so these half notes [Music] okay so some of these are starting long so now let's say i want to set my quantized value to half notes and i want to get to my advanced quantize and quantize the event ends so we see that these notes are kind of maybe not lasting to the half note or or lasting beyond it so we come over here let's quantize the ends of the particular notes and i will select all of the notes so let's do this so now we can see that the beginnings of the notes haven't been quantized but just the ends of the notes so or we could say okay just quantize the event lengths as well so and that way you could have the length of the note be like an exact uh half note but the ends you could do independently and you could do that without affecting the beginning of the notes so let me know if that works for you all right and just saying kind of further clarification says they won't do it because it appears the note lengths are tied to the quantize setting i was more asking to turn that off so that the note could be snapped to the grid line even so i think if you wanted the lengths to be quantized as opposed to the end position you know so you have to length so if you want these all to be half notes um you know so let's say if i take these notes here make those shorter and i make these longer select all then now we quantize the note lengths they could all kind of snap to the particular uh quantized value so or we could just move the note ends directly over here as well so say well so that won't necessarily make the notes longer if necessary but just kind of make sure that where the note cuts off is is based on the quantize all right jazz dude just mentioning uh don't forget to hit the like button sorry for hitting my microphone okay so we see uh last night midi drums played not programmed kept crashing cubase when i would drag it out of my drum program into cubase uh any clues why it would do that so make sure you know so i'm not sure which tool you're using so if if you're sequencing inside the drum machine inside the drum program or playing it live so if one thing that it could be you know check if it's when you dragging if it's like you know if you're dragging your performance out it may be doing that as a midi file so try going to your preferences and under [Music] midi to midi file you know you could try maybe changing the destination to midi tracks or instrument tracks but if you let me know if you're recording it into um you know what drum program it is if it's like if you're sequencing into that and not in the cubase or if you're recording it into cubase that would be helpful okay so we have a question uh when using vari audio or free warp tool what is the difference between bounce render in place and flatten real time process all right so let me go to different project here okay so let's say okay we're in very audio here okay so let's say i've done a number of different edits and i've moved uh you know moved different parts around i'm quantized so you know as we do this type of work let's say i have done all these edits so when we do these edits you know as the audio file plays cubase is doing these changes in real time so i think if we come over here and we choose to flatten the process uh what that could do is basically write all of the changes that we do within very audio so that could basically render that out so that as it plays back the very audio that you know it's not doing that real time processing it's basically rendering the very audio changes now we could do that within the very audio editor if we wanted to you know come over here let's say you know we had like a really complicated vocal comp and instead of this being like you know taking from take seven take five take one take three take two i just wanted to work with one contiguous event often before i start doing tuning i will take the files and do a bounce selection and what this will allow you to do is i can replace and now it's going to be working with one file so i don't have to necessarily do analysis of multiple files before i do audio editing now we could think of the bounce selection as primarily for editing purposes so that will take multiple files that have been edited together and create a new contiguous you know one single file from that now if i wanted to apply but it's not going to include processing like eqs effects um you know and different other you know like you know my channel strip so if i wanted to incorporate those that's when i would use more of the render in place so they could all kind of work together and all have their different uses so there are times when you may want to you know do you know a bit of each of those depending on the situation interesting uh from the cube just saying actually but here most chords but uh not all so yeah if you know let us know if the chords that you're you know yeah if you want to send a project you know please send it to uh club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right so you see john costigan wants an order of crisp like button please so i think that's his hint to uh to hit the like button so all right see tim weinheimer's wishing me a happy 21st birthday so i get to have it again it's great all right so we see um from tomy or tommy uh why after generate voices from core track every time is different voices as song progresses yeah so um you know so if you let's say if we do like generate harmony voices here all right so let's say i'll go to my audio menu this time and we'll choose you know generate harmony voices we'll do two voices and let's say if i generate harmony voices again here it's gonna add two more tracks all right and i think the intention of this is because kind of as you work with these each of the tracks let's say it gives us a soprano and an alto voice so if i wanted this to be instead of soprano and alto and if i wanted to change that we could now come over here and go to the chord track and just say okay instead of that i want it to be a tenor and this one to play a you know to sing a bass voice and that will automatically kind of change you know it's kind of easy enough to take you know the two events here and you know move them up you know so just kind of you know to move these two events if you wanted to be on the same track but it gives you we don't want to necessarily make that assumption that after it generates harmony voices that now this would uh you know you may want to switch to different voicings for each scenario so it gives you that flexibility but if you don't want that you can just simply move it and get rid of the other tracks so that's why okay okay so we see from thiago says a question i sent an email about it not sure it was already answered in previous live stream but how to copy drawed lines and events from one event to another not automation lines uh lines used by the pencil tools so we did do that in the last live stream but we'll do it again for you as well so let's see i think we had it in this project okay so i think what tiago was asking about was when we like have our pencil tool and we could draw in different clip gain automation so that isn't necessarily copyable uh like those particular events it's kind of intended for this particular frame but let's say if i add an audio track below so we'll make it a stereo track and now i copy this or you know just hold down the alt option key and drag and now i could take any audio file and just choose to do a replace so let's say if i now replace and drag a file over and it'll ask us do you want to replace this we could say only this that now i could have that same uh clip gain automation here like this like the pre-gain applied directly to another file so while it's not copied if you move the event and then hold down the shift key and drag the audio file on top of it it will retain that particular setting i realize it's probably a workaround but it will work okay so we had a question uh how to sync the pads on the instrument with the cord pads on cubase so let's say i have just go back all right so let's say if i'm here and i'll activate the project so once we go to the chord pads we can see the trigger notes kind of assigned here so i was good turn off the arpeggiator plug-in so we could set to trigger these particular so you could just trigger those and if you needed to kind of get that set up you could say okay i want you know playing chords i want this to be you know patterns or sections and then you could also you know if you wanted to go to more settings you could say i want the pads remote range to start on d-sharp 3 or c0 so we could set the range directly here um and then you could also add other remote controls so if you say okay i want to do sections i want to select mute players i wanted to have different subsections and you know so you could do that right there so once you have so now we can just instead of playing just playing chords i could just have it start playing different patterns and you could take patterns that you've you know maybe played and just drag it into here but this is where you could kind of set that range so once again just kind of click right over here and go to the chord pad settings and you could set the remote range right there okay so i just see a question uh is there a way to control direct monitoring volumes within the cubase control room for separate headphone mixes on the urc audio interface there's this only possible using the dsp mix fx app so i think that um you know so you know with the direct you know so with that if you go to the input levels here you you could control the input level from the urc directly there on the input channel so if you needed more gain but you know and once you have kind of the control room set up you know you could depending on like if you have a urc uh like a urc 44 that has two headphone outputs at that point you could you know say in the audio connections window you come over here to the control room add a cue so let's say okay i just want this to be um you know we'll right click and you know this will be for guitar [Music] and we'll make it a stereo cue so now you know as soon as we come over here we could take the different tracks so let's say i wanted to do this uh on each channel we could click on the cue sends and send this out more to the guitar or send it um directly [Music] you know so you know you could send it there or if you're in the larger mix console you could go to the racks and you may have to activate cue sends and at this point you could send the different cues uh right from you know you could activate and send your mixes right from there okay so we have a question uh hi could you ask steinberg to make the listing key work in the full screen key editor it would be really helpful so i did come up with kind of a workaround for this i'll mention it again but i'll show it as well so let's say if i'm in i'll just go for an honor sable being on the live stream we'll do beetles and stones here first so i'll show you a quick trick uh that i came up with so let's say we're okay all right so if you're not familiar with the uh listen you know what you could do is once you're in the listen mode so i could solo a track or just put it into listen and that would dim the other tracks but the problem is once you're in kind of the key editor that so you know so say once you're in the full screen editor that when you go to activate like a keyboard shortcut for listen that it actually um will you know so if i now go to click on listen that it won't engage the listen mode because you need to see the mixer kind of actively select it so let me see if i still have the macro [Music] all right it's the right of honor to see your name in my macro list here so um okay so listen from key editor all right so let's say i'm in my full and what this macro is is you could just kind of come over here i'll get to my key commands all right so we say listen from key editor so what it is is it opens up the mixer enables listen and then closes the mixer really quickly so let's say i'm in my key editor here all right so i will take it out of listen mode now [Music] so now i'm gonna execute the macro [Music] [Music] all right and let me just try it again i know i had this working [Music] i'm just gonna make sure that we have the track selected [Music] [Music] so i'm just gonna check one more time and just but i think if you do that i've had it let me just try on a different part out of curiosity [Music] it might have to be maybe if it's on a might have to be on a midi on an instrument track [Music] so once you do that and if you want it back and of course you could assign a keyboard shortcut to that [Music] so anything that's routed to like an instrument track you just kind of come here [Music] so it just opens up the key editor or opens up the mixer turns on listen mode closes the mixer but it's that fast [Music] and again just kind of come here [Music] and i'll just run the same macro and it'll just undo it so once again the macro just kind of come over here just do key commands um new macro and it's just going to be these three steps to say listen from key editor so give that a shot okay just reading through comments okay reading three more comments sorry my chatfield just jumped all right so you see a question uh from dan freeman um says cubase recording a four bar section of a guitar using two empty intro bars and one empty bar at the end cubic shows a clip tempo of 128 120.83 instead of the project 151 why okay so let's go ahead and get a similar situation set up here okay so let's create an audio track okay um so it's recording a four bar section guitar using two empty intro bars and one empty uh guitar part at the end cube shows a clip tempo of 120.83 instead of 151 so i'm going to adjust my tempo here okay so let's say i'll get to 151 all right and i'm just gonna record i'll just start at the beginning so make sure it's kind of the same as the scenario so let's say we do all right so let's say we have kind of two bars of i'll just do it one more time here so i have two bars of kind of silence two bars of let's say recording that we have and one extra bar okay so let's say we have that and we'll go to our pool window and we see that it's just showing 151 there um so that kind of seemed to let me know if i did something differently than you dan but it seemed to capture um the audio so make sure that the event itself maybe isn't in musical mode so try that but it seems like that recorded um at the correct with the correct tempo stamp if you want and also what you could do if you need to update the tempo stamp is just to kind of come here and go to the pool and you can do this from the media menu to open pool and just kind of put the correct tempo in there all right so we're just seeing uh tiago's just uh we're just sending a request for ur-44 not to seed set up in cubase one mic with two independent phones one phone for operator other for singer singer's phone with reverb compression etc so i think and i could see if i could get my i think i still have a ur-44 but if you come here to the like mixer you know if you come over here to the audio hardware setup on the ur 44 and if you send me an email i could try to see if i could swap out my interface for tuesday's live stream that you'll get the audio hardware settings and you'll see the two different headphone outs and at that point you could choose that it'll be coming from the second headphone mix and you could adjust the amount of reverb so just come over here to um like the i think it's the audio system or you know you'll it's not audio connections but it's like audio system setup so once you have the ur44 connected that window uh becomes apparent right there but if you send me an email i'll try to have the ur 44 i think i still have one at my office that we could use and i could show that okay so we just see uh how can i make the name of the text show um the full name of send effect or at least longer in the send automation lane the name of the send is always cut off so i had kind of this question we had this in kind of other live streams but let's say i'll come over here let's add an effects channel to this all right and we'll just okay so let's automate this track and i'll just open up the automation panel here to reveal the parameters on rate okay so but yeah i don't know a way to you know with like the track names we can come into here and do track control settings to adjust the width but not for the automation but i'll pass that on again so i don't know i haven't found a way to kind of see you know what particular um like send automation that would that's going on for that to change the length of the number of characters are visible so um so i just see show me your best trick in cubase so one that a lot of people miss like if you're doing like a lot of editing is just like alt or [Music] alter option p which will just take the selected event and start playing that selected event and it'll play it until the end of the event and stop so but uh i guess um you know so you could just have it it'll take out a loop mode here so let's say okay i want to play that i could just hit that particular function there so a lot of people miss that one it's a handy one to know um there's you know zillion other little shortcuts so maybe other people could share what you know if you've learned a cool shortcut today you know there's probably you know someone's best trick is someone's like oh that's known that since the atari days kind of thing okay so we see uh from chris king how can we unlock and lock a bunch of tracks at once okay let's take a look okay so let's say i have all of these tracks and i think if we do quick link that won't let's see if i don't think it could be done in a project logical editor but we'll see if we could do that um container type is equal to track um so we'll say track operation yes i don't yes i don't see like locking as a parameters i think it kind of has to be done at once but let's say if you wanted to do tracks but let's say if we lock events um let me just see if there's a keyboard shortcut that might trigger it across so we could lock events by just command shift l and command shift u to unlock but that's not the tracks so if you wanted to do the events you could do that as well let me just see if i have these selected yeah so you can do it on the events but not the tracks sorry about that okay so we see um from dan freeman uh thanks greg auto crossfade is new to me been using slip editing after comp uh to use the track not lanes to adjust comp lengths uh trying to make transitions match at a zero wavelength so you know i find that i may go back and forth but really depending on the particular situation so okay so you see a question uh hi greg uh if i do a midi track transpose let's say from g to a then an edit window g remains um how can i solve this thank you all right so let's say i have a just go to our project here quickly okay so say i have my electric piano part here so it could really depend on how you're transposing so let's say okay so let's say i have all these notes so as we're playing we'll say i'll just solo this okay so these are all playing c3 all right so if i come over here and do my midi modifiers so if we transpose you know here we can say okay i want to transpose it's still what it what this is doing is in fact just transposing up uh semitones so if we do that from the midi editor a lot of people may also just come here and choose the track editor if you go to midi modifiers so let's say okay as we solo this track so what this does is it actually transposes it on playback so it's gonna keep the same pitch um but as we play if i could go down minus two it'll now start playing a b flat you know or if we go let's say two zero to play the right pitch so but what you could do is if we have kind of the track set here to semitones um you know if we done our transposition here all you have to do is go to freeze midi modifiers from the midi menu and that will automatically just kind of do the transposition that you've done so let's say if i'm here and i'll just go into the midi editor here we'll set this to zero so these are going to be playback transpositions so either one if i say let's come over here to the midi modifiers for the track and now it's going to be transposed up a minor third but now when i come over to i'll just change this we'll go full screen so we're at c3 but it's sounding in e flat three so go to freeze and go to midi modifiers freeze midi modifiers and then once you have done that then the notes will shift so i'll say sorry it's confusing let me just select a track and go to freeze midi modifiers now all the notes will shift up to the correct pitch that it's sounding and this gets set to zero to avoid that kind of confusion what you can do is just come over here in the midi editor and just open up the transpose you could do the transpose functions directly right here from the transpose setup and as i come over here and say okay i want -10 that will actually move the notes but the other ones will transpose the notes kind of as they're being played so you could just hit the freeze midi modifiers and you'll see the actual um so once you see then you'll it'll reflect the transposition visually okay we're getting through all right so we see a question um can you tab through midi events like you can navigate along transients in uh in audio events all right so let's say if i'm here and i have just a whole series of midi events really all you have to do is just hit the left or right arrows and that will allow you to navigate so say if you hit the up or down arrows you can just move the pitch of the selected note but just the left and right arrow keys and then you can navigate all right so i just see uh superior drummer into cubase pro 11 so i'm not sure if this is from our earlier question um but um you know of like playing directly in to superior drummer so i'm not sure if you're sequencing in superior drummer or if you're playing into superior drummer but if you're playing the sounds you know you should be able just to kind of drag you know i think superior drummer has its own sequences i'm not sure if you can record uh like you know data from cubase and sequence inside of superior drummer or if it's you would just do that you know within itself so but if you could just repeat franco but you know check out if you're having problems dragging you know try to you know try to record in yeah if you're recording a performance that you're doing in superior drummer just try doing it directly from the uh inside of cubase and not record into superior drummer so here we see michael pierce is back and he's ready to lurk and cause problems so glad to have you back hope your tutoring went well if that's what you're doing okay so uh we see i think it's from shane adams when i teach virtually i use a virtual midi piano display it shows the key i play on my keyboard is there a way to route midi out of cubase um all right so it's a virtual midi piano display that shows the keys um so shane is you know is your the virtual piano display is that showing um in is that a vst instrument or is that uh something else so i'm not sure you know so we could route midi out of cubase to anything that will accept midi in so if it's an external you might have to do maybe like a midi loopback um device uh and maybe use the midi loopback to take the midi into the other application but let me just see something as well so a lot of times i know some people will use just you know showing like to indicate which keys are being pressed let's say if i just come over here to a particular instrument let's say i'll just do my hanging sonic se you know that as soon as we have you know so that once you have this uh midi coming here that you know people could see [Music] and let's see if we come over here to like if you had just maybe a sampler track also let's see if that is so if you had a sampler track activated and let's say okay you want to just and you just leave that midi activated anything that you play here you know you could just say okay we're going to and you could just kind of show what keys are being played kind of with an empty sampler track if you wanted to [Music] so you could say press these keys down you know but you could just kind of use that part of the program to show so i'm not sure if that's too small for your purposes but if you let us know if maybe that would work as well just to kind of indicate exactly you know what keys or if they need to be much larger for your educational needs but that would probably work thanks for the birthday wishes michael pierce much appreciated and from everyone okay so we see uh from matthew elston uh in london i've switched a new pc i installed cubase 11 pro and managed to transfer all my content however i load a project and it says 5800 files missing but doesn't list them so um does it indicate that it's audio files missing or content files that are missing um so sometimes people when you know they install cubase on a new system you know especially with cubase 11 pro and we go to the steinberg download assistant you know sometimes it's easy [Music] if you had you know projects that were referencing content maybe that was all installed previously in prior versions of cubase um you know make sure that you have all the content you know so let's say if we come here to your cubase 11 pro that you would see you know make sure that on your new system that all of this content is is installed um and if it's like when you open up a file you know and you get kind of that message like a 5800 files like maybe a particular file maybe um i would sometimes get this from people that would record a whole you know three albums into one folder one common folder but if you go to um you know if it looks like you have all the audio files for that particular project you could try going to the uh pool window and just right click and say remove unused media and save it under a different name and see if when you open up that project if it actually um still gives you the same message but if you could let us know if it seems like it's audio files are missing or content files like samples you know drum samples and stuff like that that would be helpful all right so we see from uh guitar lucius uh bounce selection doesn't print effects well render and place does is that the gist of it there so yeah that's a good way to think of it on kind of a very macro level okay so we see uh why aren't the pre-eq settings included in remote settings so we can't so we can't remote control it so i think it's actually let's say if i come over here to an audio track and we go to our quick controls um so you can come over here let's just say you know right here so you go to the standard quick control and then you could just come over here and have all of the pre-controls right there so if you want to do like the high cut low-cut filter so you could set that up and let's say if i wanted to do something new let's say if i come over here and open up the channel strip and i have to learn on so let's say okay i wanted to adjust the phase so or the gain i wanted to you know turn on so but check this out so there's a presets for volume pan pre-filter and first two sends right there so see if that would um so you could do a high cut on and off with low cut frequencies so you could automate you could remote control that all right so uno memento wants people to like the hit button so all right so we're doing well on time thanks for all the wonderful questions i hope everyone's learned something new so i just see uh 44.1 or 48 you know so really could depend on um you know what your final delivery format is so you know some people still just want to release music and we'll do it at 44.1 if it's going to be used for visual media uh having it at 48 will um you know is often preferable for the people that you have to give the music to for them to incorporate it into the video so um but you know there's probably not a huge sonic difference between the two i know some people like when dats were first new would record at 48k because i thought it sounded better but um i would say that if you know your audio doesn't sound good it's not the sample rate's fault these days all right reading through comments so thanks for all the great discussions all right so we have a question from oscar a high of an imac 8.1 version 10.56 2.66 gigahertz intel core 2 duo processor and i'm working with licensed cubase 5. i would like to know if i can update to a more modern version of cubase um i i don't know off the top of my head which ones work which oh which versions of cubase would work in 10.5 um you know if you did upgrade to a more contemporary version of cubase you know it will run so let's say if you got cubase 11 while that may not work on it cubase 9 or cubase 8 or 7 may so if you did upgrade to cubase 11 um you know you could run the same level like if you have a cubase pro 11 license you could run cubase pro 8 cubase 7 you know cubase pro 9 cubase 6 so you might be able to you know you know upgrading to the latest version will give you the ability to run previous versions uh at the same level i might be able to do some research onto which ones would work but probably if you just even take a look on the steinberg website you could find out but if you want to email me at club cubase at i could see if i could do some research if you can't find the answer so but if you upgrade to the latest version you could run all previous versions as well and then when you if you get a new computer you just install the latest version that you bought okay so just see uh this is kind of directed at cubase junkies that's next thing i'm looking at taking on his external midi triggering from within cubase i'd love to switch patches on my headrush pedalboard while playing backing tracks from cubase you know so a lot of times what you do in that situation is you could just create a midi track uh and then you know we call it headrush most of those would respond to like those patch changes would respond to midi program change you want to wherever you have the head rush connected to whether it has a usb port probably or a midi interface and then once you're in uh the part here we could uh you know at different parts of the song you could just have uh different program changes so let me just get to editor now uh come right over here and say okay i want to program change and you can say okay you know it's this program change here and at that measure it switches to this preset and you could automate kind of program changes which will probably change presets in your head rush so just simple midi program changes okay reading through comments okay um so we see a question from oren uh great to see you on the live stream oren hope you're doing well um how do i get sound to play using b designer plugin in cubase all right so when we're using beat designer what you want to do is to make sure a that you have an instrument loaded so let's say when i come over here i have this preset loaded and i will come over here and edit the instrument so i have sounds here that are loaded up okay so all right so there's an instrument here so now when i go to my midi inserts and i turn on beatdesigner and we open it up these sounds in beatdesigner will now play directly back so all i have to do is when i play beat designer we could think of it as its own little mini sequencer and i'll play this at a reasonable tempo sorry about that [Music] so if i was kind of starting from scratch let's say okay i'm here and i just wanted to [Music] so let's say okay just come over here [Music] so now as we're playing this will synchronize with the project tempo so when i hit stop it will stop when i hit play and the b designer will automatically just continue to play and play the sounds through whatever instruments not limited to groove agent works great with groove agent but you could program any drums with it including external drum machines or your moti for montage whatever you wanted to all right sorry my chatfield jumped on me okay ready through comments here all right so we see david m from liverpool's on the live stream so glad you found your uh apache presets so thanks for letting me know by email all right so thanks cedric for joining the live stream and for the birthday wish thank you hopefully we'll see you on tuesday's live stream and gareth wants everyone to render the like button so see lots of discussion on beetles or stones all right so i see uh hi greg what am i doing wrong with offline processing because what i get out of it differs from the sound i get when i use plug-in in the inserts tab on the channel all right so let's say you know one easy way of doing this i'm not sure how you're doing but if you want it to be like very consistent let's say if i have um like this little drum loop and i wanted to load up various inserts so say okay let's do all right and i'll just kind of load up a couple of these let's do pitch shifter make it sound weird all right let's do some and let's come over here and just put like i'll just get rid of the chopper and just throw a flanger on there okay so now that i have these i could go to my mix console here i'm gonna just hit f7 so if you're trying to manually recreate it so i i can go to my inserts here so go to my audio and it's good to direct offline processing and i have the event selected so what i want to do is just to drag these and then as we do this i can now bypass the inserts just like that so try you know just taking it from your inserts and dragging all the inserts right into the direct offline processing and that way you'll be sure that they sound the same always interesting to see just the beatles and stones discussion that always goes on so who is very polar discussions even back from the mid 60s all right okay so you see uh hey is there a better way to question uh is there a better way to reinsert a file from the trash pool uh rather than going to the actual folder and importing dragging it from the trash pool would be kind of handy all right so let's say i recorded [Music] on audio four okay so we'll have this all right so now i will erase the file and we'll go to our pool window right so we go to our trash we can see audio four so i think what you have to do [Music] um you know so i think if we just drag it to this level again then we could drag it right into the project anywhere you want so it's just kind of a safety mechanism um you know for to make sure that you know just you know because what it's like you know putting stuff into your trash folder of your operating system or your recycling folder all right so i just see um i want to be able to monitor my input of my instrument always meaning this question i want the monitor always turned on to orange so i can hear my input signal and recorded track at the same time um let me see if i have just a source that i could plug into [Music] quickly here give me just a second and grab a base and i'll try it out okay so [Music] give it a shot here so let's say if i sorry about that i had to find my cable all right let's do this on a new project [Music] all right so i'll just do a quick recording so i'll just play on the g string all right and let's say whoa listen to this all right so you know so i think it's kind of set up where the input you know if you wanted to monitor the source let's say as we're playing it back [Music] that you know you take that particular track um and at that point let me just try one other thing that you know you're monitoring either the input [Music] so as soon as you do that that cuts out the uh the playback but let me just see if there's if just indicated you know so a lot of times what people will do is you know just basically duplicate that particular track so if you want it to um or you know you could just add a blank track so you know if i wanted to play this so i could take this off [Music] but you know it makes sense that you know you will choose to um you know monitor you know you either are monitoring the source or you're going to choose to um you know listen to the existing information on the same track just so but i'll see if there's i'll just try a couple things here really quickly and see if there's a way to kind of change that behavior [Music] so you know it makes sense signal flow wise that it would do that but let me just i'll try one more quick thing [Music] with my audio connections i'm not sure if it's a ur interface or not but we'll give it a shot here [Music] um yeah so i think if you want to you know have that behavior that you know it's gonna either send a signal for you know it's going to send a signal uh you know from the daw to the track you come out of that or the input source uh what some people would do you know with the different monitoring modes is let's say if i was doing a punch in and i wanted to automate this so let's say if i grab this and i was punching in on this one measure you know you could go to the different tape the monitoring modes and the preferences so as we come over here we'll say we will come over here to vst and set the audio style to tape machine style so say and now as soon as it goes into record um if i hit record this time it would be in activate punch in so as soon as it goes into record i'll hear my bass and if i arm the track support record that would be helpful all right so undo that so say if i go back to the beginning i'm playing and then it goes back but i think that's pretty typical uh audio signal routing so just put my face down sorry if it doesn't work the way you want okay so it's good to move on we're doing well in time okay so you see uh cubase junkie saying uh halloween sonic has a melotron just in case you didn't know i see a discussion of melotron and jazz do got to see one be repaired in um in persons that must been kind of cool all right so i see can we get horizontal and vertical wheel mouse is zoom for cubase 12 so i'll i'll make sure to pass on the suggestion and request for it okay we have a question from john kostigan um is it safe to modify the project setup midstream uh change to start offset for example sometimes i just don't know enough when i begin a project yeah so certainly uh you could uh change those settings you know it's probably not advisable to change sample rate uh but every other setting i don't think you'll have any problem and you could do that if you're not familiar with it if you go to the project menu to the project setup so here's where you could do like different offsets and panning laws that are kind of associated with the particular project okay so i just see um hello can i make cubase look smaller in a 13 66 by 768 screen um so you may want to try to see if you're if your computer has the ability of doing scaling you know so it's not necessarily you know that's a it's that it's that particular resolution that's not really well suited for most daws where you have to see a lot of information um so if you know i know sometimes if you do it on uh mac os that some of like the macbook airs have like that resolution and there is like a little utility that i use because my mac won't give me 1080p resolution so um something you know so your maybe other things sometimes hooking up to an external monitor could do that but in my mac os so that i could create you know uh 1080p stuff i have a little utility called switch res x and this will allow me to kind of uh switch to different screen resolutions or when i have it connected directly to a display monitor okay reading through comments okay so you see um i saw you can transpose audio to midi uh can you describe it please so this will work for like monophonic recordings so if i wanted to come let's say with my lovely base performance here and my jazz base i need to get set up um if i come over here let's say uh and we go to the very audio editor i could now come right over here so we see that this is kind of taking us so this works for kind of monophonic sources and then we go to functions we could say extract midi and now we can see that we could have you know the same performance here in midi that we will have directly so you could do it just like that it's not really intended and doesn't work for like polyphonic material like cords all right so we see mark matson's joined the live stream thanks for being a part of the live stream today okay all right reading through more comments missing different controller discussions okay just a lot of great discussion going on just so my timeline just jumped on me okay so we see is there a way to control two or more insert effects parameters at the same time on different channels all right so let's say [Music] if i have this set up um so it could depend on the plug-in itself so let's say if i'm here um and i want to just come over here to an insert and say i just want to run through the vst base amp all right and on this track i just wanted to [Music] control a filter okay so let's say if i have both of these selected and i'll just go to quick controls so i'll just learn that parameter on that channel and for this channel i'll learn this parameter for quick control one you know and many plug-ins will also just allow you to [Music] um so if i come here let's say see if i adjust the position here okay then i could adjust eq [Music] and let's see if i select both of these so and sometimes you could right click depending on the plugins and right click on parameters and be able to assign different midi ccs to control um so that's a way of kind of accomplishing the same thing but it could be a little tricky all right so we see from uh daniel what headphones are the most recommended for cubase nuendo so any headphones that you find you know that work um for you you know some people will have headphones that are designed for mixing some people have headphones that are designed for editing some people have headphones designed for you know different headphones for if you're doing more spatial audio some people have some you know for tracking that you know don't bleed so you know there isn't really one specific headphone um you know but it's really you know and i i always seem to just collect headphones uh you know i used to go on a trip and left my headphones and get a pair and have too many different kinds but i wouldn't say there's one that works better for cubase or nuendo they're all kind of will interface the same way but some headphones will have better uses for different functions so it could okay so we see uh is it possible to change the key or transpose an audio loop to a certain key so you know it could depend on you know if we take if you know what the original key is you know like i could take this base recording here and let's say i copied it you know and i could just kind of click here and as soon as i do that i could choose to transpose so say i want to go up a minor third so at this point we could just kind of choose to transpose uh right just directly there on the project window so you could do that but it may not take it from c major to c minor or stuff like that so but you could go up and down okay so we see uh how do you make a sample mono in the stereo track in the sampler track okay so let's say okay so let's say if i have just uh all right let me just check my control room connections here real quick sorry about that okay so um so you know the sampler track will output a stereo signal um you know if you if you need it to be mono or if you just want it to sound mono you know so if we come over here let's say okay i just wanted to select my combined panner so now uh as soon as i do this i could just kind of go and you know just mono it you know i could adjust the stereo width so it sounds very mono or if you wanted to pan that but if you wanted to be you know some reason if you wanted to sound mono for like you know kicks and bass you could just do it kind of within the panner and that's you know kind of dead center but if you wanted to make it wider you know you have those options to do that right there so you say but if you wanted that to be very mono you could just adjust the panning and you know you could adjust that over to the right or to the left or just dead center if you wanted to be mono sounding which is often what people need and if you needed to go more than that you could also just send it to a mono group so as soon as we play this track it'll get routed in through this mono group for the audio routing all right so you see uh hi so to continue question so to continue with the bead designer how can i record this to my project meaning like printing it uh thanks a lot greg all right so if we have a beat designer project here so let's say if we just have beat designer open so we don't necessarily even have to record it but let's say if i have this um and let's say my cursor is at measure two and i look at my beat designer again if you go to this little drop down menu you could just say you know insert pattern at cursor or insert between left and right locator starting at left locator so you see these little drop down options and then that could be placed directly into the project you could edit it in the cubase drum editor and then it'll be resident directly in the project itself all right so i know we had a couple of questions that were mailed in before not too many i think we covered a couple but before it gets too late so make sure that we can get to them okay this is uh from um it says i noticed that bounce audio which was previously edited with audio warp sometimes it gets its waveform altered in places where it shouldn't be uh it's not edited in that region sometimes even waveforms peaks get higher resulting in clipped audio after several bounces and so i notice that when i use the function render in place this error does not occur however this process becomes left-handed if i want to do this operation for many tracks to replace the uh original uh unbounced files you know so i think the render in place work would work well for this it really you know you know because you could easily do you know render and place for multiple files so say for here so let's say i want to take um [Music] like these files here i'll just cut this all right so let's say um i needed to do a render in place across multiple files so all i would do is just kind of select this uh so a lot of people don't think that the render in place can work across you know multiple tracks they think of it doing it one at a time kind of like uh freezing but you know really all you have to do is just say okay i just want to take this and just you know render in place and do the files and you could just kind of render multiple files all at once so it really doesn't take you know more time than doing a bounce selection you could also choose to replace the events as well so so try just you know if the render in place works better after those you know warp edits then you know just simply uh try you know rendering and place multiple files it's fast efficient and you have a lot of flexibility with options for um working you know with effects processing and you could have the other tracks muted if needed so okay another question um this is my question let's say i want to make a master mix inside my mix session what would be the best way to unload free some processing so i could load my big mastering plug-ins but keeping me open to go back uh for some fine mixing correction and can you do it with the macro okay so let's say if we had our project set up here so let's say we have and i want to do a mix down of this all right so sometimes what happens is you may want to do a mix down but if we have like effects in our master processor here so let's say you know if i was running it through a particular dynamics processor i will do my export audio mix down okay so we'll come over here we'll say our export audio mix down and i'll just do a quick stereo bounce and we'll create this um uh we'll just create a new audio track so we'll say export okay so now once we have this let's say we have our mixdown file now if we want to you know quickly just kind of just jump back to this file what i would do is almost treat this like a reference mix um so if we needed to at this point put big plug-ins in this chain what i would do is send this to no bus okay and as we do this we can i'm going to say we're going to send it to our guitar q send so now when i play and i'll just kind of obnoxiously eq this i could listen to the mix with the original processing online and now we're only listening to this track now once i have this done i could still come over here and load up my big type i'll just do something obnoxious here so say okay we'll put a flanger on the mix so as we do this so i could listen to my whole chain and then listen to the original just by one mouse click so i can say okay this is my master with the master processes on it and now as we do this i could listen to that and if i need to tweak these settings in this mix i still have everything right there and i could tweak and re-render as necessary but this kind of gives me two parallel paths for monitoring so that i'm not again processing my mixdown file through my master effects change i used on the multi-track but i could have an independent uh array of insert plug-ins and again i could just kind of toggle back and forth instantly to listen to those two so send it to you know go to the control room and when you go to the audio connections um you know make sure that you have uh you know once you're in the audio connections here you could just create a you know a cue mix from the audio connections window and then it will show up here then you could just toggle back and forth and those will be two different ones and as the signal if it's a vst3 plug-in if you're worried about cpu resources if you just kind of come over here to plug-ins under preferences you could have suspend vst3 plug-in processing when the audio signals aren't received so that when this track isn't playing um or isn't passing audio if you mute it then it's not taking any signal sources all right so we had a question from brisbane in australia mailed in so is there a way to adjust the pre-roll amount uh it seems to be only one bar uh the only way to get around this is to adjust the left locator to the desired amount before punching point but this is at it work thanks okay so let's say if i want to activate pre-roll so let's say my measure now is at measure 30 measure 33 so when i hit play it starts there okay but we want to activate kind of a pre-roll so if we go to the transport we can come right over here and we could activate and see the you may have to activate the pre-roll amount um so we can see okay we have the pre-roll we could turn this on and you may have to just as we work with this to say um may have to kind of just go to the little dividers here and see the pre-roll amount so once the pre-roll is activated i could just grab my cursor here and let's say okay i just want it to be two bars so i think now when i hit play it'll pre-roll to measure 31. so if i do it again it's gonna pre-roll two measures directly to the spot so you could adjust it but you may have to just kind of come over here and if we just kind of you could hide that pre-roll amount or you could just see it visible so just kind of hold the mouse down until you see arrows to the left or right and then you could adjust the pre-roll okay and we did the next question we did in the live stream so i'll jump back thanks for all the questions and mailing him in and again if you have questions in advance please send them to uh club cubase at all right so let me go back to our live questions thanks again for okay reading through questions all right so john costigan's asking for more thumbs up so and we had to make john happy um so i just see from jeff szabowski says is there a preset that would be commonly used on acoustic guitar recorded with a condenser mic uh the tama is not a big sound but real real pretty i usually roll off the low frequencies anything else you know so when you go into uh track presets i would you know there's probably going to be um you know track presets for acoustic guitars let's just jump back to the beatles or stones project here so this has acoustic in it so you know and if you just wanted to come to different track presets you know just come over here to load track presets and you know there's hundreds of track presets that are kind of done so we'll say okay i just want to come over here to guitar acoustic guitar um and you can say okay maybe country i'll say acoustic guitar so you could now just kind of come over here and so let's say if i have this particular track open and we go to load the track preset you know these are always great places to kind of work with so you could actually just kind of you know just double click and say okay and then that could load up a bunch of processing and eqs as you see fit so you know always you know start with some of the track presets um but you know usually rolling off a low end is good microphone placement can be really critical you know sometimes using i used to get great results with like uh like small diaphragm condenser mics are really wonderful too and sometimes overlooked um so like i have an akg 451 that i you know used 30 years ago that i still love all right good see terminal nuclear war on the live stream and you see the jvi wants to ransack my headphone graveyard so i've been using the kind of the 200 dollar-ish yamaha ones that's what i use for all the live streams and they've been really good i have to say uh wonderful to see pablo on the live stream glad you could make it thank you for the birthday wish okay looking through comments i know we have a couple minutes left okay so as you see uh question slash suggesting uh recording into sampler track so you know we could do it uh it is a good suggestion the week kind of do it in hallian where we could have a side chain input directly in but you know you could just record um you know directly into the d8 into cubase and be able to kind of drag and drop but howling in does have that but you know that could be a nice addition for sampler track as well to have kind of like a side chain input so thanks for that you see michael pierce is also saying small diaphragm condensers on acoustic guitars all right so i think i'm caught up we have two minutes left so um we'll see if there's another question if not we'll wrap up a couple minutes early so everyone get there um everyone to get their weekend started i want to thank everyone for our wonderful live stream i want everyone to stay safe and healthy thank you for all the uh birthday wishes it means a lot so it's you know you get to spend a lot of time together with many people here at these every tuesday and friday so it's kind of a great community and i really value that and appreciate uh so i did a quick it was kind of interesting we did some stats for my boss uh we had i think it's 14 100 some questions 595 hours of live streams and one point over 1.2 million views since the pandemic started so some interesting stats there and want to thank everyone for making it such a great forum and a great community and making it really special for everyone involved so with that i will go ahead and end the live stream i want everyone to have a wonderful weekend we'll see everyone back on tuesday and everyone please have a wonderful weekend
Channel: Cubase
Views: 9,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: 3atnR7jSO_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 24sec (14244 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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