How to Make a Vocal Sit Better in the Mix | Club Cubase January 22 2021

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hi welcome to the um january 22nd 2021 club cubase google hangout i'm going to do a quick audio test bear with me just for a second okay audio seems to be coming through okay so um what we're going to uh so my name is greg undo i'm the host for the hangout today so you see it's not kind of showing up regularly how it does on the okay so it looks like it's starting to show up now so let me just make sure all the everything is kind of working as expected on my end because the links usually show up a little differently on the youtube channel so let me just make sure that this is going okay okay so my name is greg undo i work as a product specialist for steinberg north america based in the uh based in the united states how the hangout works if you haven't attended one before you could actually just go and you could ask questions in two different ways one way is to ask the questions in the live chat field and if you wanted to also send questions in advance you could do that at club cubase at steinberg dot d e so you're able to submit questions in advance we have something that's maybe a little more involved so how the hangout works is you could ask questions there we'll try to go through each of the questions in a in chronological order i may lose an occasional question as my chat fields kind of get uh will reset themselves so i'll apologize if that happens but we'll try to go through as many of the questions as completely and succinctly as possible so um so if you know the ability to ask questions will far exceed my ability to answer them so um if you ask a question i'll i will try to get to it unless it disappears in one of those times but you know so asking a question repeatedly a number of different times won't necessarily you know make that question uh be answered quicker so that often kind of just slows down the process uh for me to kind of read through the same question over and over again so if we could try to avoid doing that as you ask questions if we could say you know what operating system we're on uh what version of cubase that's helpful so you can say i'm running you know mac os on let's say you know cubase pro 10.5 or windows 10 cubase elements 11. um so all those that information is sometimes helpful i believe today is ambient dave's birthday so we'll extend a special birthday wish to amy and dave i don't know if he's on yet all right so we see ambient dave all right so good to see you and happy birthday if my memory serves correct so um let's go ahead and if you want to introduce yourself and tell us who you are and where you're from we'll uh get started in just a couple minutes but we'll let people do some quick introductions i'm based out of uh i'm presenting from outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia so but if you want to tell us who you are where you're from and also if this is your first hangout that'd be great to know as well and again just kind of ask questions in the chat field and we'll get started here in just a couple minutes let's go ahead and see who is on so i'll just take a quick look seeing some familiar faces all right so we see robbie bowling from uh from dallas good to see rob we have the tuba guy from switzerland we have jan from cubase index we have john costigan from kenosha wisconsin all right so we have stefan from sweden all right okay so all right so we have ali from iran all right we have turkey represented all right so we have pablo from galicia espana all right so we have carlos from colombia so robert from um sir robert from atlanta um so we didn't really have any special nam announcements uh so the virtual namm show was happening this week so just to answer robert's question all right so we have tacoma washington haven't been there in a while love that part of the united states all right good to see neurotic nexus from germany i believe okay so we have canada india scotland stockholm slovenia montreal all right so we have houston texas my brother lives there saudi arabia uk all right so you have agent k and never discloses where he lives but good to see him on he's always incredibly helpful for doing uh some moderation for us as we need it so if you want to go ahead and ask your questions feel free to enter them in the comments field and we'll get started here in just about in our minute um all right so let's go ahead and jump back to my other feed here so let's go ahead and get started so people won't complain that we take too much time on introductions we still want to keep it all right all right okay so let's just go ahead um all right so we have timothy from las vegas all right so question from the tuba guy uh i have multiple tracks in group editing mode i want to free warp all together is there a way or copying warp settings from one track to another so currently there isn't really a way let me just go ahead and uh the warping is still kind of limited to kind of one track at a time i think it's an issue that you know the kind of the product development team is aware of but if we want to do um so a lot of people want it to do kind of you know like more of a multi-track audio warp uh and as you know if you're not familiar with kind of the group editing if you have a number of different tracks in the folder we could lock you know these folders you know these tracks together for group editing so if i move one they'll all be kind of uh locked together and this is often for doing like you know drum quantizing so if i wanted to you know cut if i wanted to adjust you know different components let's say sizing you know we could just have these different edits applied but the warping you would still need to kind of do it kind of on a track by track basis so if you wanted to do different free warping so i know you know that the product planning that they're kind of aware of this particular you know request so you know we'll see if it gets implemented in the future so but currently there isn't like a real great workaround to do kind of a multi-track free warping okay okay so we have a question uh what is the difference between post and pre-fader when using plugins as to what effect it has on them so let's go ahead and take a quick look at pre and post fader effects handling okay so let's say i'll just kind of jump to this project here okay so let's say i have a and this will kind of work for you know different reverbs and sends or in uh the insert effects as well so let's say if i'm have a reverb on the voice here [Music] so we solo this [Music] and i just had this dry so when i turn this on we could have this be pre or post fader for inserts and how it's indicated on inserts is when we actually see this green line above the green line is pre-fader below his post fader but now if i wanted to just right-click i could say let's move it to pre-fader and now i could have the same kind of effects level regardless of where the fader position is so that's not going to affect the actual amount of the send going of the audio going into descend whereas this is set to post fader and just right click the louder that the fader is that affects the gain structure going into the effects end and how much signal is going to be kind of going into to be blended with so so if i turn that down we don't hear any of the changes so if i don't want the volume level of the fader to affect the gain structure i could put that to pre-fader and that amount of the of the effect will only be done by the send here so that's not going to affect uh the amount of signal going into the actual effect as we work there so that's kind of difference between pre and post faders all right okay so it's just going through some introductions here uh all right so we see the tuba guy made his first 400 bucks with audio recording that's great congratulations now you can buy more cubase stuff so it's awesome um well congratulations on it so he's great i i remember when i got my first cubase as my last semester of college and you know i got it on a sunday night and i did a project for ironically my music my college professor who i was taking a class from uh was hiring me to do production work for her so so i made my you know i made 150 profit with cubase my first within 24 hours so i always like cubase after that a lot okay so we see uh from jonas from sweden here is it possible to hide unused insert slots it kind of occupies a lot of space so in the full mixer so here we could actually see all 16 insert slots we could see it i believe if we go to our mix console view here for the project we see kind of the full amount of slots but if we go into the main mix console we can come over here let's say if i wanted to see all of my inserts you click on the little drop down arrow just to the right here so you could uh where you see the racks tab so if it's in the full screen mixer we can just choose to have a fixed number of slots which will show all the slots or if we wanted to just see like one extra insert slot reverse you know in addition to the highest number of inserts so within a full mix console we could just choose to see uh uncheck fixed number of slots and at that point um you could and i believe that will also kind of carry over [Music] for sends as well so let's say if i choose fixed number slots i see all eight sends all 16 inserts or just choose to uncheck that and then i only see the sends and inserts plus one in addition to what i'm using okay okay let's just um alright so it's good to see uh yan from so if you if you wanted to search for different topics um you know that we've covered in hangouts it's a great website for that so make sure you check that out okay just so we see from uh hi is there a way to change time signature during the song in cubase elements so let me go to open up elements i think it's going to work the same way let me just so let's say if i have cubase elements here so this would probably be in conjunction with tempo track so let's say if i let's see if there's not uh it's under transport okay let me just see if it's under i always do it kind of the graphic way in the full version okay so if you go to uh the tempo track editor which is just control or command t um so at this point we could start in four four so let's say and then just click right click and grab your mouse tool and then you could say okay here i want it to be three four so i'll just say three four and then we could go back to four or four [Music] to two four and let's say back to four four so now as we do this say four four three four two four or one two yeah two four then back to four four so that's how you could so just hit uh control or command t um and then you should be able to just um that will open up your tempo track for you so control or command t and then at the very top just kind of select your pencil tool and then you're able to just kind of draw in your different tempo signatures in cubase elements all right so get back to our full version of cubase okay so a question from tim weinheimer hi greg tim from mission uh i think it's mission viejo california how do i put a noise gate on a noise plug-in i use wires by audio thing i want it to stay silent until that track is being played um so let's say if i just had a lot of let's just say see if i could set this up i'll just make my i'll just do a quick gain adjustment here and let's see if we hear just a noise floor so i'll just kind of come so we can see kind of just a little bit of you know so i could see that signal there and what i could do is just come uh so you know to use a noise gate to start with we could just go to your channel strip and here i have a noise gate kind of turned on so we may just have let's see if we like we could hear a little bit of signal here maybe i'll just turn that part up so we could hear it a little more so you'll just hear like this is let's say our noise floor that we're hearing so if i wanted to put a noise gate on i could just you know set the threshold amount so that that signal that gate is closed until the vocal comes in so that would open the gate there so that way we're not going to hear any signal now if it's uh when you say you're um it says i put a noise gate on a noise plug-in i use wires by audio thing i want to stay silent until that track is being played so if it's you know if you have a you know if it's a plug-in you know so that's how a gate works and this you know noise gate plug-in could be just you know put directly uh after so under dynamics at this point you could just choose the gate and after the gate at that point you could choose you know to place it after a plug-in if this is going into like an effects send so let's say uh i'm using my reverb so say here i have my reverence and if i wanted to do something like gate the reverb so if you go to the effects channel track you could put the gate directly after that and as we have the noise gate um that will just kind of gate you know the process right after that reverb so if you wanted to you know this is you know like the the classic phil collins you know drum sound from the 80s we have this huge reverb that just suddenly cuts off you know so without a traditional decay so you get this big like and then it just cuts off and that's just applying the gate directly after like a gated reverb so um but i'm not familiar so much with the wires by audio thing but if that's something kind of unique to him just just let me know in the comments okay all right so uno checking in from finland great to have you on okay so to see uh is it possible to copy the velocities mostly with midi and if it is not i'd like i feel like we should be able to select velocities and copy them so what you could do is let's say if we have if you wanted to save those as kind of a preset um so just do quickly jump to maybe a new project i'll show you a little trick that a lot of people don't know because velocity is actually a component of a midi note message so just quickly add an instrument track here okay and let's say if i just wanted to take some velocities i'll just record something in quickly unmute that would help [Music] [Music] okay so let's say we have something like this that has like how loud we struck the keys and if we want it to uh apply just you know that velocity pattern to another part um we could select it and this may seem counterintuitive at first but if you go to the little quantize panel drag and drop you know so let's say i'm going to select all the notes here and i could just drag this particular part right into my quantize window now as i do this what's kind of interesting let me just cut off the very first part here so let's say i drag this part in all right so i can see that we have this quantize settings here uh and what i could do is i'm gonna you could save this as a preset so if i wanted to now let's say these are all instead of our little you know different volume changes so what i could do now is if these were all the same velocity [Music] uh we could apply this as kind of a quantized preset uh and we can set the position to zero and the velocity to 100 so now when i select this event i could quantize and we see that the velocities i'll undo that if we look at the velocity patterns here i could just choose to quantize it's not going to actually affect the timing of the notes but just the velocities will be incorporated so you could carry over kind of like a different velocity patterns and build your own libraries quite easily so okay so uh question if vocal sample and vocals live vocal are not sitting in the mix what solution does greg have what is the most common mistake producers uh make to fix this problem so when we want to um so let's say with vocals you know i think there's a lot of people when i see projects um may spend a lot of you know i see people doing lots of just over processing so you know some simple things to make vocals kind of sit in the mix you know one is always to have a great singer you know that you know always is helpful you know it was my one of my friends uh ed cherny was a wonderful engineer uh you know one of his favorite quotes i ever heard could be one of my favorite audio quotes was you know it's like my mixes got so much better when i started working with better musicians you know so but let's take a look um just at this particular file [Music] into the here and i'll take a look at the processing you know just kind of bypass [Music] the processing that i have on this [Music] that was okay so i have just a bit of reverb [Music] our musical history so now let's say if i want to i've got to choose and i may just put a little bit of compression because now you're asking beetles and then a little bit of eq something bad that just sounds so wrong but let's do it away to start a fight take the right and i also have kind of the pre section [Applause] so you can hear there especially like on breaths you know kind of doing the you know the low cut so as we kind of come here let's say you hear some of those plosives so i just kind of take those frequencies out just leave it alone so that way you kind of get a lot of what could be mud you know kind of very muddy in there in those frequencies you know so that's when stuff tends not to work and could clash in mixes so that could just kind of affect some of the transients and then you know one trick that you know i was just speaking with a you know kind of famous producer you know kind of mr new jack swing himself mr teddy riley last night we were just catching up um and one of the things you know that you know that we just kind of were talking about in our conversation is actually you know knowing like i could say this song is in the key of a flat so maybe as i'm adjusting the eq so we can see that right now i'm at like g7 but i could just come here so i'm pretty much in a ballpark but i could hit a flat seven and then i you know eq based on the key of the song so you see so many people it's like oh vocals you have to always you know boost these particular frequencies well those frequencies change depending upon the key of the song so you know if you're eq'ing really heavily around d and the song is in the key of a you're kind of fighting yourself in essence so always be aware of you know some of the different components that are going on now something else that's really you know is checking out the comparison eq [Music] so let's say i have my vocals here unless i wanted to work with a guitar so i could enable this mode here and have the guitar [Music] and now i could adjust just the guitar eq by coming here so if i had like clashing frequencies i could just kind of come there and say okay let's listen to both the guitar [Music] and i could say okay now i want it to eq the voice where it's clashing hear it in context and just be able to switch between the guitar eq so once i have this selected i'm just eq'ing the guitar and now i could click here and i'm eq'ing the vocals you know so i'm not like super heavy-handed processing wise and i see people that will have you know 12 different inserts on their vocals and to me it reminds me of the guitar player that has you know 24 pedals that can never quite get the tones together because the pedals gain structure kind of fighting against each other and what one pedal is doing is not really contingent upon what the other pedal was designed to do so you know i'm like to generally keep things pretty simple as much as possible you know so some simple low-cut stuff you know make sure like on the reverb as well that you're on the reverb return that you kind of cut the lows out and that could add some mud uh in the lead vocals and you know eq around the frequencies that are present in the project uh and i think those things will help with yawn so uh hey greg what is cubase going to look like in 2024 will be more musician or engineer friendly yes so i i you know it's always fascinating speculating and i you know you know there's probably someone who has a master road map of you know where they anticipate different things but i you know i know with every release that the developers try to make sure that there's you know stuff for guys that are doing pop production or stuff for uh guys that are you know recording bands and singer songwriters and there's guys that are doing you know a lot of stuff with you know for composers so you know i don't think that we'll see it all you know you know skew so much and i think that's one of the great things of cubase you know is that you could work in so many kind of different genres and feel like cubase is working with you so i don't anticipate it going all musician or all engineer are all kind of beat programming but i think all those different aspects will be enhanced so but i'm excited to see uh to see where cubase will be in 2024 so and it depends upon the input that we get in sessions like this and from customers and as you know hardware components change and software concepts and operating systems evolve so you know it's it's a really fascinating process to you know see the evolution of that but i know that you know in 2024 when the new version of cubase comes out whatever it'll be called that you know like the first time i'll boot it up i'll still be excited to work with it so okay so a question how do i edit individual segments uh eq effects separate from the track settings so you know if you let's say if you wanted to edit so individual segments uh okay so if you wanted to apply effects and maybe this is where the question is if you wanted to apply effects um independent of the track settings so we kind of get this a lot like okay i want to take like the vocal here [Music] so say if i wanted to put a delay so say uh where she said the word naive in the vocal so i'm just gonna grab my range selection tool and i'm gonna select that and then hit f7 and this will open up your direct offline processing so and here i could just run it let's say i just want to do a mono delay and i want to be let's say a dotted eighth note delay so as we listen to this now that effect has been applied so let's go ahead and just [Music] so let's say and if you like you know so this is actually kind of processing the file but you could undo it at any time so let's say if i wanted to do maybe a quarter note delay let's do a dotted quarter and i'll just bring the mix down slightly so now i could just apply the effect [Music] so that way you could just kind of burn it into the file and a lot of people you know if you've been doing digital audio on computers for a long time have realized that this will actually you know is in early days was deemed kind of a destructive edit meaning that you couldn't you know once you did that you were kind of committed to it so a lot of people liked running the processing in you know as inserts or sends and automating that because it was a destructive process and you weren't committed to a decision early on in the production process so with this at any time i could go back and say you know what i just wanted to change uh that setting on the plugin that will update or if i did seven processes i could remove process three and you know change the order of them and still have the original files intact to work with so this is kind of a never ever destructive process and at that point you could just do stuff like that but if i'm misunderstanding uh timothy your question about that just let me know and but you know so you always have the ability of running your inserts and sends here independently but if you just wanted to you know put effects on on a track um you could just simply uh you know just do the direct offline processing um so you just see a question hi greg is there a way to use folder tracks on the mix console so you can close grouped channels and save scrolling across the mix console all the time so there really isn't you know the folder tracks are really kind of organizational tools that we have here so let's say if i wanted to go let's say to another project and let's say if we have like all of our drums in a folder track on this particular project so we're kind of playing along here all right so let's say if i have my drums in a folder you know there we have these visibility options as well so and what this could allow us to do is to say okay i only want to see these particular tracks like the drums are in this folder i could hold down shift and click and if i have this setting set here to sync project and mix console and we can do this where either the three mix consoles in cubase are for innuendo that i could now just see only what is selected so if i want to see you know base guitars whatever visibility options that i have here or i could just choose to say okay let's show show all tracks but i could just you know one click and just say okay let's just shift click and then my mix console is automatically updated now if i'm in the full screen mix console so let's say if i want to filter my input channels and i have my inserts let's say routing inserts eq and let's say our um [Music] so let's say our sans and i wanted this to so let's say i have this i only want to see my drum tracks again within my mix console i could just click on the folder with shift and then it's only showing those particular tracks so we could just have that kind of automatically show what's in the folder quite easily but these configurations can also be saved so i could say we're going to call this configuration drums and then i wanted to have a different configuration [Music] that was just bass and guitars and my instrument so i could say let's add a configuration here and you could just call these up through keyboard shortcuts as well and these configurations could include other different aspects so we could just you know if i wanted to see meters on my drums so say if i come here uh and i wanted to see my meters you know on drums so say i want to see wave meters so i could just come right over here and you know if you wanted to move different configurations so you know you could do stuff like that as well just to kind of see these so you don't have to constantly scroll back and forth kind of all day left to right so use the visibility options and one of them that's like really pretty amazing let's say if i only have uh showed on a different project we have more tracks going in and out you know so these visibility configurations if you haven't really utilized them so let's say you know here i have lots of different tracks going on but let's say we want to see tracks in the mix console that are actually where there are like where stuff is playing at the particular moment in time so there is [Music] you know where you could actually see only tracks that are playing at that particular moment in time let's just see if i can so you know you'll have different meter can you know different visibility configurations for that as well so really kind of explore your different configurations um and you know you can come up with some pretty amazing things but even here we could just say uh i just wanted to see my track visibility so at this point i could say show only tracks or they're playing at the cursor position and hide everything else so you know if you want to work in folders just synchronize the visibility with your mix console and you could do that kind of right here just on the inspector and that's where you could synchronize the visibility between what you see here in the mixer so if i in this if i only wanted to see my congas folder again it's just shift click and then i'm only seeing you know the kungas folder here so i'll just hide my input channels you know if i wanted to see everything or just now wanted to see only drums just come here there's only my drums here's my midi drums here's my percussion i want to see background vocals i want to see parts let me see my vst instruments let's get to the guitar tracks and that will synchronize very easily so so give that a shot matthew and let me know how it works out for you okay uh so we have question any word on silicon max compatibility so you know i i talked uh with the uh some of the guys on the cubase team last week so they're still doing investigations into it so you know they're obviously looking at doing it but there's you know there's quite a lot of changes a lot of people are currently running it under rosetta and i've seen you know different youtube videos indicating that but i haven't really um but you know it's being investigated it's it's quite a big undertaking it's not like flipping a switch so um so you may have to run it under rosetta mode for a while okay good to see paul from lynchburg virginia okay so just see uh from jazz dude good to see you on a hangout um uh greg would you please explain to element a i le users that the software eli sensor without a physical dongle is bound with the computer it can't just be used on several pcs so and in our comment kind of following it's uh they should invest into a usb dongle so you know if you have cubase lei which are the oem versions that you get with other hardware choices uh that you sell you know so if you buy an audio interface it often will come with cubase lei um you know and so usually third-party interfaces come with cubase le and then there's cubase ai which comes with steinberg or yamaha products so that's a kind of a light version in cubase so these use uh can be run off the software e-licensor and this also goes for cubase elements and with the software e-licenser you have a choice so you could have it installed to that particular to a particular computer or you can install the license to a usb e licenser so you can transfer kind of one direction so you could transfer a license that's already installed to one particular computer and then you you could just transfer that you could buy a usb e license or transfer that license to the usb e-licenser move that license to any computer install cubase on a zillion computers and just simply connect the usb e licenser with that particular computer so um so with that that's all you really kind of have to do so it's if you're planning on switching between different computers you know consider investing in a usb licensor because that gives you a lot of flexibility so hang on just one second my son is knocking at the door all right sorry about that i apologize uh and probably like many of you i should mention this earlier you know my family's at home so my son just had his school finish up a little early so he's very excited to start his weekend so so i will have a lot more work to do after doing an index today so all right so we see michael teams from weatherford texas on a hangout okay um so i just see about a macbook pro m1 i upgraded my cubase elements 9 to 11 for mac when i opened up cubase i saw just pink windows do you know any idea when the patch will publish so i don't know i haven't heard of an exact date for that and you know steinberg's been pretty careful you know not to say so i don't know if you've tried running it under rosetta mode but i've seen people on youtube doing that so you check that out and see if i'm not sure if there's settings but i haven't heard of any particular dates with that when when that support will be coming sorry all right so we have soren from sweden all right my timeline just kind of jumped on me give me let me just scroll back okay all right so we have timothy from nyack new york welcome to the hangout um okay so i see from uh jay from connecticut any chance of steinberg adding two features one uh menu color templates matching windows for color blindness uh into chord scale indication allowing us to select intended mood um so i'll i will kind of pass on for uh color blindness um you know so um but if there's like particular colors schemes that currently don't work for you jay if you want to email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e um and when you say the chord skull the chord scale indication allowing us to select mood um let me just see i'll just take a quick look i'm not sure if that's actually something that we could set um but i know that you know the guys you know who pick the colors they do like all sorts of research into this and you know we have many kind of high-profile blind users uh also [Music] so but i'll just take a look and you probably been through the different color schemes here [Music] so i'm not sure if like the uh so we could set up like your different faders just seeing if there's so for the channel strip um but i i will pass that along jay for you so but if you could you know let me know what you mean by intended mood that would be helpful or exactly kind of what colors you'd like to see uh being color blind so i i'm not color blind but i have like horrible vision myself so i can relate a little bit so okay so we have a question uh how do i move libraries to external drive so you know when you want to let's go ahead and give it a shot here so let's say i will just let's jump to this particular project so a library so i'm not sure if it's libraries for sample libraries or libraries for the pool um so if it is a like for libraries in in regards to content all you'd have to do there's a utility uh called the steinberg library manager so i think this is probably what you need to do so this way you could go to like all of your you know groove agent kits all your cubase content uh and then you could just click on move and choose a folder and then you could move all of the library content directly over to your new location and that will keep the link with cubase and that content together so this is kind of like um the catalyst to make sure that cubase knows where your content is now there's also libraries that could be exported you know from the pool so you know if you come over here and export the audio files from the pool so let's say we go to our pool window um here we could export a pool and we could just choose whatever folder you want and that that folder is often called that is technically called the library um so but if that should give you both library options but if it's another one let me know okay okay so question is it possible in any way to use multiple parts for audio alignment it does only work if it's one audio event at a time so let's take a quick look so i missed this initially and i did this like really high profile preview demo for all these like you know amazing producers and engineers and composers in la and then like you know and then i learned from the cubase product manager that i was doing it wrong and i made this like really clever macro and everything so let's say we have our audio alignment so i'll just play and what this is gonna audio alignment's gonna allow you to do is let's say we have audio not quite so rhythmically in sync so if i open my alignment panel i could select let's say this first one as my reference and then i could select multiple files here so i have like five files and i'm just going to click add selection so i click on the plus sign and now i choose align audio and multiple files will be aligned [Music] just that easily so again just kind of select multiple ones and drag them over to the plus and then you could see the five individual files right there that you're working with so hopefully that will make your workflow a little easier a little less tedious all right so we see it's one degree centigrade in stockholm okay all right good to see gareth on the hangout i hope that bass part was okay um all right so just seeing uh cube yawn from he's uh telling people to check out tuesday's hangout which is kind of a cubase overview uh so you see a question from gareth if i fancy a bit of bass playing greg so yeah i always like playing bass so i should have some free time this weekend if you get a project to me i'd be happy to add a quick baseline for you hope the last one was okay all right uh so we have a question if i record tracks to a project i've been mixing and that and the plugins i've already added cause lag on my signal being tracked if i can't freeze group effect tracks any tips on making this easier um okay so you know while you're tracking what i would do so you know what what it seems like in this from uh paul the guitarist in lynchburg i believe so um so i think what this you know if you already if you're kind of in in the middle of mixing a project and you have a lot of effects maybe on groups that are causing latency um and you know and that's and then it gets to be harder to track because of the latency so what you could do is actually i would try a real quick solution would be in the transport is just to activate the constrained delay compensation and what that will do for plug-ins that are causing a lot of latency that will just simply bypass those plug-ins so that you could track with minimal latency issues and then when you want to play it back you know just simply turn that off so that's really kind of the intention so uh try doing the constrain delay compensation function and then you should be able to that will turn off all the plug-ins that cause a lot of latency so you don't have to do it one by one by one by one by one uh and you know and then make sure that you re-enable all the plugins just click right there do your recording and then turn it back on all your plugins will turn on so give that a try paul let us know how it works okay so we have is there a way i can fast forward or increase the tempo when working on a single channel wav file like speech all right so what you could do um there's a couple of different approaches for this so if you wanted to speed up um you know what you could do is kind of you know put it into i'll just put it into an uh a new project here and i'll just i think i have a speech that i could add quickly thanks for all the great questions and if you learned something make sure that you hit the like button and that you also subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that all right so let me just find a speech file i think i had some when i was doing some training at espn and gave me some quick uh dialogue tracks for editing so okay so if um so i'm not sure you know there's could be two different approaches for this um so let's say i have dialogue here scott dixon joining us now and uh okay so i'm just gonna place this into let's say musical mode um so you know there's there's kind of two different tasks for this so one could be found let's try just a key command and i think if we go to shuttle play times two so let's say if i come and i'll just put this let me see if i could okay so you know if i'm just doing it for editing tasks you know i could come here this is the part i need to edit you know so this could kind of function like a scrub wheel that you could assign by keyboard shortcuts um another method if you wanted to add let's say a tempo track you know and if you wanted to the tempo to speed up without it without a changing pitch um you could just kind of draw in like a tempo change here so you could say okay i want to take this look at this list of all time open world champions i'll do something maybe a little more extreme here so let's say let's take this so as you know i wanted it to play back so let's say you know you've moved from that group of three so let's say at this point i wanted to start to ramp up in tempo and you know you've moved from that group of three which was an unbelievable group into that group of four-time champions it's mario andrews the only person above you on that list all time open world champions and you know you've moved from that group of three which was an unbelievable group into that group of four-time champions mario andretti sebastian board a dario and you the only person above you on that list now is aj sebastian board a dario and you the only person above you so if you wanted to play back slower you said it's a little too soon to think about that have you had a chance to think about the history that you laid down on sunday and uh it's normal yeah you know it's it's still a tough one right like you know it's it's uh for one i don't really like to to talk about myself too too much but uh you know i feel very privileged for one to be you know able to call myself a verizon indycar driver um so i wanted to slow down right there you know it's it's uh so if you just wanted to kind of speed up and change the speed of the dialogue track you could do that as well just kind of using tempo information so you could just kind of put it into musical mode and speed up and slow down by just entering in uh tempo track information so all right so a question uh from gareth does the arranger track have any options to prevent harsh audio cuts between sections i.e let an event continue into the next section even if the track has been rearranged so i think the you know you have to kind of with the arranger track often kind of define um i think i have a bit of a ranger track in this project like you have to kind of you know define kind of what the in and out point is so that you could as you switch between different arrangements that it will work so i don't think there's any real provision so if you haven't seen the arranger track you know what this is going to allow you to do is to define different parts of a project and you could have a part within a part and part within a part within a part within a part if you're so inclined and we could have all these parts defined and drag them up and have multiple kind of play orders so we could enable the play order track here so i'm just going to turn this on instead of playing straight linearly through what we could do is i could just come here and say okay let's just go to our play order [Music] so say we want to start with the chorus so instead of playing on it should just drop [Music] so let's say i'll just have this we have our intro and then i could skip here now as you do this you know because it needs to go from one section directly to another [Music] so what i see some people will do you know so i don't think that there's any kind of like little extra buffer so you know you may have to kind of make sure that the transitions are you know pretty clean to make that work so but if we choose to flatten the chain that will take kind of the linear arrangement and turn it into um or the non-linear arrangement that was jumping all around and then turn it into a linear and if you need to do cross fades and you know do like little transitions for midi notes that may be starting a little late or early you could kind of make it here when it's in when it's been kind of flattened so but there's no you know and it's if you wanted to you know be able to jump anywhere you want you know just make sure that the transitions between the parts um can you know are clean so i don't know of any uh just take kind of a quick i don't think there's any special settings or functions for that um so not that i know of so but to make it work kind of seamlessly to go anywhere you know just try to make sure some of the um you know make sure that those transitions are tight um so you see hi greg what is the best and easy way to render multiple layer tracks into one audio track so let's i'll just come here all right so let's say at this point um i'll be here and let's say i'll just record something quickly okay um so i just have a midi part that's recorded here so you play that back and let's say i wanted to um i'll just add a couple other instruments here quickly so let's say i want to do like a retro log and i will duplicate this all right you'll see this should be awful sounding maybe [Music] okay and let's we'll duplicate it one more time let's just add uh let's just add a pad shop [Music] okay so let's say i have these three uh sounds that are layered [Music] okay and i wanted to turn that into one audio file easily so you know the best thing that i would do is you know you could select the parts if you wanted to come over here to edit to render in place and i'll just choose that we're going to do let's say with channel settings we could include different effects and i want to mix down to one audio file i'm going to check that and then click render it's going to take those three different audio files i could and this will be all of those layers just as the audio file so that would take you know those three different sounds are layered together and as instruments and then put that into one file quite easily so um let me know if that's uh if that's what you wanted to do if not you know and if not just ask the question again okay so greg how do i get the track cursor to go back to a certain spot when tracking parts without losing without using the loop feature all right so let's say um so say i'm playing this part here okay so you could you know there's a couple of different approaches so one is you know as let's say like i don't have the let's say i have the loop set here on this part okay i have my left and right locators set there so if i have you know this set to you know let's say my re-record mode you know if it was like an audio part i could just come here so and i go to my record modes and i could just hit re-record so if i'm tracking um i could just hit the record button and let's say okay i just want it to go right back to where i was without any hassle i just hit the record button again and it will go right back so let's say if i turn on my metronome and then there's different preferences where you could say um so if you go to your cubase preferences you could say under transport to you know return to start position on stop so if you go to your transport controls here you could have return to start uh position on stop so now if i play and then i hit the space bar again it goes back directly to where we started and if i wanted to have that continue on you could also just you know deactivate that particular preference and now when i stop later in time it stops and we'll move on right from that point so give those suggestions a quick call michael and i think that will do the trick for you all right so we have cj checking in from las vegas good to see you on the hangout all right and we also see timothy's in vegas as well all right so we have jvi on the hangout good to see you again okay so um so we have a question how to copy color from one track to uh to another to have exactly the same color on both tracks all right so let's say uh i'll just pop here and let's just look at let's say i want it to be that color and let's see if i just duplicate the track so if you duplicate the track before you do anything that will copy the color over there's also if you have a different there's some preferences so if you get to user interface and go to track mix console colors uh you could choose to use tracks colors or you could choose to use previous track colors so as i double click here to create a track that will use the same colors so you know or if you go to let's say i want to i have this track as being let's say more red and i want to add an audio track just below that that will keep the same color so try keeping uh try going to your preferences and under user interface go to track and mix console channel colors and on the auto track change color mode try just using use previous track and see if that will kind of accomplish what you want to pretty easily you could probably set a keyboard shortcut just to switch the behavior of that okay question can you have two different projects using the same project directory this way the audio files and such could be shared for example so yeah you definitely have multiple projects within the same uh project folder you know so you could do that that could lead to problems later on like when you archive projects i've been on the resultant phone call of situations like that uh too many times in my career uh but you could definitely do it you know i i've seen you know entire people that you know have like you know three or four albums all in one audio file folder you know so it could be fun when you go to archive and backup projects all right so good to see capped energy music on all right all right okay sorry my microphone has developed a ground lift here right developed a ground problem all right all right so hey everybody happy friday so nice of you to give me a notification twenty eight minutes late so you could always um you know make sure you subscribe to the channel as well so that will help let me just see if i could fix this little buzz all right so i have a little ground problem today so i'll put one hand on the mic so it won't annoy everyone all right uh so just see a comment from cj greg that was a swell video that you did on tuesday for nam a great tool to show family how much cubase does so yeah we wanted to i think tanmay had asked for um some capabilities uh you know tammy asked for us to do kind of um a kind of a master class and we want to do something for nam and something you know i haven't had a chance to do too many actual dealer events i've been doing some but you know that's kind of a typical thing i would do if you came to a seminar i did at a dealer or training so but i'm glad that was helpful and hopefully if you have friends that uh you want to share some you know hey this is what cubase could do it's a good video to share with some of your friends and you know make them switch to cubase if they're not running it already uh so we see hi greg thanks for all the great info sharing sessions is it possible to assign a keyboard shortcut for the glue tool in very audio sometimes it's tough to hover in the right spot for glue all right so let's go ahead and take a quick look okay let's take this full screen and let's get to our very audio for tuning all right i lit all right so let's say if i um so i'm just gonna switch to kind of the show all smart controls um all right so if we wanted to you know so when you kind of go to the corner now i believe that there was kind of a keyboard shortcut for this so let's go ahead and take a quick look that might be applicable so [Music] um so i'm not sure i've never tried it in the editor but let me just assign it but under the edit there's a glue function to kind of do this so let's say glue so let me just try see if i could assign a keyboard shortcut that's not being used all right so let's say if i so so you know this is kind of a context sensitive tool so let's say um you know as you you know if you just go to the lower right hand corner you know where you see the little icon here and just go up so i don't see let me just see if i select this and then yeah so i don't know i'll just look to see if there's any keyboard shortcut specifically for the very audio editor so let me just click under key commands so it doesn't look like there's any specific glue function but if you go to the very right hand corner and at the bottom you'll see that and then just go up directly from there so you see where you have like the corners outlined so go to the bottom right hand corner if you can't get the tool and then just go straight up from there and then that will select the glue function so you could um just be able to glue that together so again like you know on this segment here where you see this particular corner and i believe this will check that this is in the default smart controls so you know i would switch the smart controls here to show all smart controls uh and then you could use that as an easy barometer to switch to that particular tool quickly so give that try and i think you know i would probably always have the show all smart controls by default turned on as opposed to the limited set all right uh hi greg since uh upgraded to cubase pro 11 i don't have any presets in retro log and flux is not in halle and sonic so i think if you go to the the steinberg download manager make sure so a lot of people um may not if you did the update from 10.5 or an earlier version make sure that you you know the installer is broken down into you know into individual components so that you don't have to have like a you know 30 gigabyte download so once it's broken down into the individual components a lot of people say okay i don't need to do howie and sonic or retro log because i have that already but there's new versions for each of those plugins and make sure that you have those new partic new versions installed as well but if not you could you know if and if you have those particular libraries you know you could just go to the library on your computer's hard disk right click and open with the steinberg library manager and you could see here you know just go to flux see if you have if your flux is listed here for instance um and at that point you could you know just kind of you know look at the details of exactly where that file is but if you see like flux.vst sound file right click on it and open it or double click on it and that will open it into the steinberg library manager and that will manage all the different content for you all right just um so i just see a question does the cubase community have a discord channel so uh jazz dude uh and i'm sure he'll reply to this because he's always so good uh but he has kind of an unofficial uh cubase discord channel with all sorts of um all sorts of great resources and tutorials and you know all sorts of great steinberg and cubase goodness uh so we have a question from peter lawson hi greg does mac have better audio output than pc please explain no there's no real difference um you know it could be that maybe the onboard audio interface might be better than some really inexpensive laptop um my you know audio interface but i think it's you know the ones that apple uses are the same ones that are most pc laptops too you know that you can kind of see it when you're on like a boot camp partition um and the audio quality and processing is identical between the two so there really is no sound quality difference between them all right so just seeing jay's comment for the sake of organization being able to opt an on off for collapsible mix tracks not necessarily in a folder per se but similar dynamic expandable closer it could be a great workflow so you know play around with the you know with the different visibility configurations as well so all right a question hi greg can you explain how individual channel latency affects a mix down doesn't matter if i'm not recording anything and should i adjust channels delay when simply playing back and arranging so when you go you know the audio engine inside of cubase will compensate for all the latency uh for all the processing anytime you add an effect plug-in you add an eq you know all those things that will uh incorporate some latency will be taken care of so you don't have to do anything with that so once you go down to mix down a file you know the individual channel latency you may hear it as you record you know like if you have effects a lot of effects kind of within the signal flow you may hear the latency but once the audio is in the in the project and it's playing back that track um is going to be latency compensated for so you don't have to do anything special it'll all be kind of taking care of of you kind of auto-magically if you will all right good to see matthias from hamburg i hope to get back to hamburg soon when we can travel again and things are safer i miss going to hamburg all right okay okay just going through sorry uh chatfield jumped on me again here all right just scrolling through okay so i think i'm back to where i was um okay so i just see uh question greg ninety percent of the time i do voiceovers i don't feel the compression i do compared to others like peter baker etc uh please explain with sam with samp with examples um [Music] okay so let me just i let's see if i have um may not have a lot of voice over stuff that is not compressed let me just see i may have a video that i haven't put compression on my voice let me see if i could import that and show some compression so you may have to watch another tutorial video sorry all right i just did a new project here quickly okay so this will be kind of unprocessed and it may seem weird because it's just going to be my voice and i usually try to talk so i don't have to compress so much but let's take a look okay so the sampler track two and some of it's okay so this is just a little bit just just a recording from video so it's not so compressed um okay so if you want to do like really heavy compression um so i'm not familiar with the like peter baker's compression stuff but we'll go ahead and just kind of show and i'll just do with the built-in channel strip so let's just come here take a look at the sampler track too and some of its creative uses and applications when we look at the sampler track we can see that the user interface has been updated so that parts are more obvious whether they're active or inactive so you know we can drag audio from our project window from media bay or even midi information is being routed so you can see that's getting squashed pretty well the sampler track and immediately play it [Music] if i wanted to normalize within the sampler so without that click on this icon [Music] and we could trim the sample by selecting a range and clicking on the trim so it's often when you have stuff that's like really kind of super soft and then loud and soft and loud and you know trying to regulate that so like you know as i do like base recordings i try to keep everything as regular as possible so that you know someone hopefully doesn't have to uh spend hours compressing my signal to compensate for my lack of awareness of of uh volume consistency so i i may not have such a perfect uh track like a voiceover track that to be compressed but you know you could do you know just kind of play with kind of the you know channel strip here and there would be you know we'll try some other new playback algorithms for different qualities so let's say if i just want to go to different inserts best extreme or vintage which is kind of mimics some of the classic 12 samplers so if we want to go through with drums we could drag our drum loop directly into a sampler track and we could choose to have this loop in different manners so if i wanted to play this back in a continuous loop so it's just kind of you know a subtle compression but again it's just really to kind of you know if you don't notice the compression um you know sometimes you know people will use compression as a very specific effect like on drums to really kind of just squash them um but a lot of times i wouldn't necessarily do super heavy compression on dialogue you know it should almost be where you don't you know if you're not noticing the compression you're probably doing something right that's how i would think of it so but if you have an example that you want to email me a link to uh i'd be happy to kind of take a look at it and i could use it in the next next hangout on tuesday um all right so a question uh uh from hamburg all right so multiple people from hamburg how can i deactivate or uninstall all third-party plug-in effects by single command in case of audio performance issues caused by nine steinberg plug-ins so um you know it's probably the easiest way to do it is when you start cubase you hold down alt control shift um you know on windows or con command option shift on mac and then you'll get to the point where you'll get like a star a safe startup mode so let's see if i could show it here on the cubase elements so as soon as i go to start my cubase elements i'll hold down that key command and you'll get this safe start mode safe mode and here you'll have an option to deactivate all third-party plug-ins so at that point you could just click there and then when you start cubase that will you know because once the plug-in is kind of instantiated and in memory it could already be causing problems but if you just hold down again alt control shift or command option plus shift and right after you double click on the cubase icon you could just start cubase without any of those third-party plugins so that's the best approach to do it because that will make sure that it's going to be you know not influencing other components if they're already kind of loaded into the system um so just just start it in safe mode and then you should be that's the easiest way to do that to kind of get rid of a problematic uh plug-in so i was just helping uh zed and zed's team with that yesterday so yep so you see my son's already watching some legos and he's so his weekend has started already so he's lucky okay uh so question i bought pro cubase pro recently now i don't need my elements which i bought earlier can i give my elements key to another person so that he would be able to use it legally so you know if your cubase elements is on the same key you're able you know whoever has that key could you could run cubase elements so um so it's the license is on that key what you choose to do there may be something in the end user license agreement but you know if you know if you lend it to someone you give it to someone you know then they could run it but if you've upgraded you know so one thing to be aware of is if you had cubase elements and then you upgraded to cubase pro you may not have a separate license because that what was your cubase elements license is now turned into a pro license but if there if you had you know the license on two separate usb e licensers you know whoever is in possession of that particular e-licenser with the elements license um they'll be you know they'll be able to run the cubase elements all right all right so we got a revelation today for gareth of moving the library manager the move function so i feel good and did my job today all right so gareth has to make sure he hits the like button so make sure you do that okay um so i just see uh clarification on the audio alignment um thanks for the uh alignment answer but i mean if one audio event has a cut it doesn't work that's what i meant so if you are dealing with a lot of stuff that let's say has a lot of cuts you know what i would do so say if i was doing like an audio alignment and that one of the parts had just a you know whole slew of different cuts you know i would just you know select all those events um you know first i would just take this you know if you're you know need to go back i would duplicate the track um take the duplicate track and just go to bounce selection so just go to uh bounce selection right there and re choose to replace events and now that's you know you have your original file and then you have the file kind of that's the same exact information that you could do alignment on and if you need to go back to the original you could do that and what's kind of cool about this you could even say let's do a new version and then just drag that over top so i'll just drag make a copy of that so then i could have you know one version here of the edits and one version that's going to be the actual file there so you know you could do it with you know track version so um and let's see if there's i think we could maybe even make that a little easier so let's say i'll just get rid of this particular track okay so let's say i'll duplicate this version i'll just start with this one so i'm going to choose duplicate version all right and now let's say i've cut a whole slew of times okay so at this point i will do my bounce selection so replace and then if i wanted to i could just go back to the original part or you know so you know you could play around with like track versions as well so okay good to see the gareth like the bass part i recorded for him i tried not to go too fretlessy on it for you but it was a fun project i enjoyed playing that okay um okay so yeah if you want to tell me like uh see yeah i said gareth if you want to send me like the name of the songs again that you want i saw there's some other folders but we could do that all right okay so i see question is this color fade a cubase 11 feature does also work in cubase 10 so um i'm not sure if it's like uh with the color fade but i don't think there's any differences this from franz or friends um said the color fade to see uh cubase 11 feature so i don't think it will uh that anything was changed in cubase 11 over 10 in that regard but if you get i'm not sure what exact part the fade you're talking about but okay question uh okay how to make a font in midi editing window easier to read with more contrast so let's go ahead and take a look at i think i have some midi parts in here so sometimes you know like the font so let's say you know i've seen sometimes where you know particular functions may be a bit demured uh until they're selected but let's see if we could take a look i'm not sure um all right hang on just one second my son's knocking all right so let's see if we could change maybe the intensity of the font there i'm not sure but so i'm not sure if we could change those so i don't think that's uh changeable but i'll pass it on to the team so okay just reading through comments see some comments about the mix console faders fader colors and yeah that did come in 10.5 let me see gareth liked it because he's into interior design so okay um question is there a possibility to figure out which libraries are included with cubase pro when i open up the steinberg library manager i can't distinguish let me clear my voice real quick i can't distinguish between owned and non-owned libraries extension so if you want to know what comes with cubase pro um you know so if we go to the steinberg download assistant so let me just i think i have it and then you just look in the cubase 11 download section all right of course has to do an update as we do this all right so once you're in the cubase section you go to cubase pro 11 these are all of the different content that come with your cubase 11 license so this is kind of all the different licenses that are available that come as part of cubase here so you could just download all of those and if you're in you know cubase 10 you could see you know with earlier versions you could see um you know the content won't be kind of broken down but some of the new ones are like six new libraries uh noir night call i think hard knocks bloom i think those are version 11 specific and the other ones are i think there were six of them in total of the loop libraries um but that's how you could tell which ones come with cubase pretty easily and i think if you do the library manager let's take a look in there as well that you might be able to distinguish you know what ones come with cubase right there just by clicking on the cubase icon here and then there's you know other libraries that are available but i think that will show you let me just see if some of these so i think these might be all coming from uh all people part of cubase directly there uh hi greg so we have a question hi greg last i used cubase it wasn't possible to scroll in a mixer without accidentally adjusting faders is it possible now so yeah you could do it so you could obviously kind of grab the bottom here and i think if you just let's see if there's let me just zoom in here so you know if you kind of hover in different parts so you know if you just want to just go to the bottom you could just scroll just like that i think there might be a keyboard shortcut let me just i thought there's maybe a key modifier you could use with your mouse to do it as well let me just try to fall but you know you could also just use your left right keys you know or but you know if you just go directly to the bottom you can scroll just there like that quite easily without worrying about your adjusting fader positions okay so we have a question uh hi greg in logical editor i'm unable to type in note name instead of the note number and parameter of the action section so let's take a look okay so let's say if i wanted to all right so let's say value one i'll just come here so let's say i type in g2 uh all right so it looks like it might be doing the same for me i will bring that to the attention one thing that you can also do is if you have this up just hit the actual key on your computer keyboard so a lot of people don't know that you just kind of hit the key and you could set the value once that is selected um but i think i can see what you're talking about so if i hit f let me just just see if i do capital yeah it looks like it's ignoring the letter part but try hitting just the uh key on on your midi controller and that will accept that as an input source so thanks for bringing that to my attention sorry that could be annoying so just say comment arranger mode like using song mode and most workstation keyboards you make loop and time together yeah all right so i see franz has never seen to play order the arranger track before so yeah it's a great feature so make sure you kind of check that out um so i see comment from uh says this is the great and bad thing about cubase it can do most everything and has been doing this stuff for years but people don't know about all the features you know so that's why we do these hangouts and uh just you know to give all sorts of tips and tricks because sometimes you know features implemented 20 years ago become very relevant in workflows later you know so but you know it's you know it's hard to necessarily show like practic you know like a lot of times documentation and manuals can show you how a particular function works but it may not show you applications of that function so that's why we do lots and lots of tutorials and video content at steinberg so see the pablo saw that in my project list we had the voodoo moon in there so and probably under recent projects so there it is so it's a little project worked on in conjunction i think with michael teams and pablo and with gareth so it's kind of fun to just be a bass player again so all right the only thing i think that cubase doesn't do uh is the ableton style trigger grid loop system but i bet that'll be in the next upgrade as pop-up so you can um you know there's keyboard shortcuts that you could uh set to do different um so if you want to trigger your arranger chains so if you come directly here to your key commands you know in the arranger track you could trigger the different arranger commands from different keyboards or from different uh go into your studio setup let's say you want your generic remote to say okay i want it this particular i'll just do a quick learn so i could say let's learn that note and i think we could do it from here as well so say command and let's go to [Music] i'm sorry i'll just do the command and go to arranger and then you could trigger event one you know and then trigger event two so as you do this you could set up generic remotes to go between your different sections as well so see gareth mentioned out of franz has had his revelation of the day so all right so seeing all right so i may have given uh gareth a new melody so all right okay so gareth wants everyone to solo and hit the like button so um so i just see from danny hi greg do you speak french a little bit um so i studied in high school i i took spanish i have four years of spanish you know i don't use it much i can understand it but i didn't i didn't study french so i'm sorry uh i'm just kind of the quintessentially ignorant american so only speaks mostly english kind of american okay so just going through comments all right so we have seiko i believe or sacco from montreal welcome to the hangout um hi greg can squasher be used to lengthen enhance the body sustain of a live drum snare so what i would use for that i mean you probably could kind of you know squash it pretty easily um let's just jump back to like a live snare track okay so i'll just mute one of them so let's say [Music] so let's go over here to dynamics and start i haven't really tried squashers so much [Music] [Music] you know the tool that i would use for that particular type of thing and you could i'm sure there's so much tweaking that you could do uh in squasher but i would use the envelope shaper this is kind of the anti-suck plug-in for drums um so sorry i want to adjust it length and let's say the release so i want my snare to be really tight but i'll just put it on kind of uh everything here quickly just so you can i'll just put on like a drum buss so let's say i'll just add a group track to this and you could actually just do this straight from the channel uh under tools you have the envelope shaper here [Music] so let's say we want more attack [Music] and this is for all the drums are you under a tight like mid 70s [Music] so where i see so many people using so many different types of [Music] you know if i would bypass that so you know even just kind of taking the levels being the same just turning that on [Music] so it's uh many of my friends that do lots of drum mixing it's like their secret weapon and to be able to kind of take your drums and beef them up you know it's when the drummer says yeah make my drone sound like john bonham and you're like yeah play like him that would help so um so i just see i would like to see an automatic sync option feature for all audio like ableton does automatically and perfectly great for doing remixes you know so you could do that you know super fast inside of cubase as well you know but cubase has a lot of you know you just have to um you know enable musical mode so if you are doing this in cubase let's say i'll just revert this project quickly so let's say i'm playing along here and i want to do like a quick remix all right so once i have kind of um you know if you go to your pool window you can see that these all have their original tempo and they're all in musical mode and we can do this on the project itself so i could just come right over here say okay let's make this 112 beats a minute let's make it 144 and i can say okay let's just grab a drum loop so if i wanted to i could just kind of double click i could audition that loop in real time and i could just say okay let's just take this i'm just going to check see if i have this on i could probably have it snap to grid but i may have it just off so i'll just take all these and so i'm just going to drag this i'll just hit j so i can have it snap to the grid all right so now so any loop that i just kind of throw in let me just find like a quick [Music] so i could just kind of drag that loop and place it into musical mode and as soon as it's you know so once you know your different tracks are in musical mode you could just kind of drop it right in and those will automatically just kind of play you know perfectly in tempo with the project so i'll just drop back here all right so let's say we're gonna drop this right at the downbeat and i'm gonna use sorry i had it set to our group quantize so now when i come um [Music] [Music] you know so any kind of just different loops that you throw in can automatically just match right up and align to the grid so anything that you want to do and even if you know where cubase does really well is when we have um like something that has varying tempo so i'll just just remove this track so say we have audio that's not really matched to a grid you know cubase can do a tempo map create the tempo map of the audio that's varying in tempo and now i'll just say okay let's and i could have this audition kind of in project tempo if you want so i'll just kind of drop this right onto its own track let's start it on the grid so now place that into musical mode and as this tempo is fluctuating on the original track it'll speed up and slow down the tempo of the other tracks as well to just automatically align so you experiment with the musical mode if you haven't it could be a big epiphany for you all right so we see ambient davis discovered quick controls so that's good all right so michael teams wants everyone to hit the like button so and pablo is adding everyone should smash it so don't hit your computer monitor too hard you see a nice comment or an intro a great comment from jazz dude if someone really knows most of cubase's features he can achieve a very fast workflow that's what most people recognize watching the pros in live streams okay so we see michael teams is going for ice cream he's probably already finished it okay so i just see from jay so i did see an email come through on my watch so i'll read over it about the chords and mood coloring schemes um so as i just see where can i buy a dedicated backlit cubase keyboard so i think um i i yeah i'm one of the people that just uses like the normal you know i just do more with um you know muscle memory of keyboard shortcuts so um so you know i but i think editor's keys makes a lot of different keyboards for different programs i think they have one for cubase i know people also just sell stickers as well so um all right so from jvi uh hi greg i'm going bananas i'm doing analyze tempo detection i have what i want roughly but some beats are off if i correct this the tempo dots go mad doing control z once fixes this um so you know once you do a tempo detection so let's just go back a couple steps here you know what i would do is you know so we go to your project and we do a tempo detection so you know it's not going to figure out every single you know there will be some parts that are just can just throw it off i mean it does a great job but if you find that it gets off like maybe on a drum fill so let's say okay i do this and i close this window so it takes you into what's called the time warp tool and what the time warp tool is going to allow you to do is as you listen to it [Music] you may go okay as we work with this you know this is where the downbeat should be so what you could do is actually just move accordingly here so just move like the measure or the beat accordingly and what it'll do is actually just re and do a re-analysis from that point on so that's why it kind of places you into this tool mode so that if you you know just play back and if you need to make tweaks that you can so that's why it kind of puts you into the time warp tool by default so but if you still have problems if you want to send me a download link to club cubase at i'd be happy to take a look at it for you okay so i see question is there any way we can do uh any way we can do installment for cubase pro 11 you know so if you have the license you could go to the steinberg download assistant and we showed that a little earlier so once you're here you can just download the uh the cubase 11 version and just do didn't do the program installation so so let me just punch this in really quickly sorry my caps lock on so if you just go here and then you can see you know the main application yeah that's the required part you could just you know download that install once you have the license like on your e-licenser but if i misunderstanding let me know kevin okay sorry my chat feel jumped on me bear with me just a second okay so i think we're okay you see we see that gareth will be moving projects his content to another external folder kind of is all the libraries so okay so so i see a question from brian sawyer senior uh hey greg great job at namm show thanks that was fun to do that we tried to get through a lot of information quickly uh quick question i asked last time about saving to mp3 does not show up in my list another issue is that when i try to input an mp3 it can't see it in files so make sure that you have and if you want to send me just a screenshot and you could email it to me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e but when you know sometimes people come here and they want to do a save as and they don't see mp3 as a list and what you have to do is export and choose audio mix down and i think last time you said that you only had wav and aiff but you want to choose mpeg-1 layer 3 and that will allow you to export as an mp3 so i'll just let me just add this to our queue so and i'll just add you know so if i wanted to come here i'll just so i will export this to my desktop and then we'll try to import it okay so this will now create an mp3 file i'll start my q export and we can choose our sample rate you know the bit rate of the compression all right so now you've exported that i will now go to import and again it's not like open but make sure you do an import audio file i'll go to my desktop and [Music] we'll see probably or make sure i put it there i'm just gonna check make sure i put it saved it to the right folder all right hang on mate all right let's see if it went let me just see if it's in the project folder for the jazz just find a file folder really quickly sorry about this okay let me just take a quick look see where put it into the documents okay i'm just going to open up my finder independently here real quick see if i see it so but you know so if you want to do just a quick screenshot you know make sure that you see the um you know if you could send a screenshot and see if you have the mp3 kind of inserted there let me know but i've done it a number of different times let me just try one more quick time here let me just see if it's under so here's our mp3 file so i'll just go ahead select that and we'll import it right in sorry for my brain cramp and there's the mp3 file that was imported directly in so it seems to be working on my end but if you could again send me brian if you want to send me just to see what it looks like and indicate again i think you mentioned previously that you're on cubase pro um but you know if you'd like just let me know the exact version but if you could maybe just email me a screenshot to club cubase at steinberg dot d e and just with like maybe this dialog open and see if that does the trick for you or if you can send that that would be great for me to see all right so just see a comment thanks for answering my question about channel latency greg this is why i love these streams i always get a reply simple to the point the way i need it that's good hope it's helpful um so for michael teams greg set up cubase 11 for external effects please all right so let's say i have uh maybe a lexicon reverb or a distressor compressor so i could go to my audio connections and we'll see external effects so um i want to use my lexicon reverb so i will or let's say i have a distressor here so i'm going to say this is going in and out of this input and this output so what we're going to do is basically tell connect this to our audio interface and our audio interface will uh so it's going to the output an output from your audio interface to the input of the unit the output of the unit to the input of the audio interface so once that is set up i can now go to my inserts and i will see under external plugins i can say okay i want to use my distressor there's this little icon here for measure delay so once i click on that that will ping the system so that will send like a little a little kind of little like type of sound measure the latency of that path and automatically compensate for any delay for outboard gear so that's really all you have to do for external effects so i still have some lexicons that i like um you know that i i could sell and not get any money for so so i have them configured in my studio for external plugins we're just saying michael teams is indicating to gareth that hamburg was a blast when i was there last year it's a wonderful city i've been there like 20 times so i always feel i could get my batteries charged going to the steinberg office so hi is there any possibility to change the main tuning of 440hz for example to 442 to 443 for classical music processing cubase pro thanks in advance so what i've seen a lot of people do you know you can you know record the audio at any sample rate you know it with any tuning precision that you want where it could come into play can be dealing with um you know different intonation issues so you know if you're doing tuning so you know if you wanted so if you're going to be doing tuning what a lot i see a lot of people do is just you know if they are and i get the whole like you know i know like stevie wonder is definitely like he's you know very specific that a is 442 for him and you know it's his perfect pitch so you know if what i've seen people do also is just kind of to take the audio here if you need to do like you know a lot of kind of very audio editing tasks um is just to come over here and you know you could select kind of the overall tuning here and you can say okay like i'm at 442 and or i want it to be you know but the tuning is could be set to um two four you know like the musicians have tuned to 442 and everything all my tuning here for editing is going to be at 4 40. um i've seen a lot of people that will just kind of do the tuning here uh you know and adjust the fine tuning and this is by sense and kind of do an offset in the fine tuning and then you could edit kind of at normal 440 hertz within the very audio editor so so give that a try of adjusting to fine tuning so you could go you know minus two up two or three and that way the whole project is kind of the basis for the project is now kind of offset when you do tuning okay okay how can i change reverb and chorus globally so let's say you know if i have um like here i have everything going into one reverb in this particular project so say we're kind of playing along here i'll just revert this because i've already done some horrific processing and out of respect to the composer here all right and the performer so say [Music] so my re here are my pianos going through the same reverb as is the vocalist so these are all going into like my reverb return channel so if i wanted to globally change the reverb i could just you know come so i guess i guess just browse then everything that's going out to this particular reverb is automatically going to be changed so and you could do that for you know so if you go to your effects channel track and then open up the inserts you can then change the the plugin itself in context of the mix so you see greg i hope you back up your computer i would hate uh for you to lose all your projects i have them kind of uh i have like several computers with the projects on so i kind of you know once i have a project that's really good for showcasing something you know i i have it stored in multiple places as well and a lot of hard drives so but yeah i try to be pretty diligent about that so okay question whenever i upgrade cubase i always have to spend an age refinding plug-ins uh audit around my pc and lose other things is there a way to make the new version sync with all previous version settings you know the easiest way to do it i found is just to if you go under uh the edit menu and go to profile manager and you could save uh you know once you have everything set up just export a profile and then you could just simply take that particular profile and import it into the later version so you know that way your presets that you've made your plug-in collections your macros your key commands your preferences you know uh all those different things are automatically stored within your profile all right so i see hi greg i would like to have a soft limiter whilst tracking vocals can you demonstrate i don't really i'm not really set up to actually track on the computer that you're seeing um it's a pretty convoluted setup to make the hangouts happen but i don't really um have a way let me just see if i have let me i may have a i may be able to plug a base in really quick bear with me just for a second all right so just see if i can get uh let's do a quick new project here let me see which input i'm connected to okay okay let me just get the right interface configured here [Music] okay um so it says i would like to have a soft limit limiter whilst tracking vocals so i don't have a mic set up but if um so you could record you know like as you play um we could you know have an insert effect and this insert effect of the limiter will um you'll you'll hear it but it doesn't actually affect the uh the signal so it the signal kind of gets played through the limiter so as i do this [Music] and i just will see and this could also be dependent upon so say if i wanted to okay so i'm probably in direct monitoring mode so let me just go to my studio setup here and select this okay [Music] [Music] so you know but it the thing that you want to do maybe you know i would try to avoid tracking with a limiter you know i would do limiters like for kind of like the mixing stage but if you come to the input channel where your microphone is connected here you could have if you wanted to apply the effect you know at this point you could say okay now i wanted to put on a limiter and affect the input source but you may not actually um you know so i would try to avoid putting a limiter during tracking you know i know some people will put compression on but you know it's like one analogy i heard is you can't unburn the stake you know once something has kind of been done but you know if you wanted to apply effects you know and embed them in the file itself you would just kind of put on the input channel so if i wanted to you know put on let's say if i just want to put on uh like a coursing on i'm not sure let's see should be kind of hearing some of the changes but you know once you have it on the input channel that will be embedded in the audio file but if it's actually um you know on the channel itself it's not going to be embedded in it but with limiters i would choose to probably put it after you know not during tracking um i would just make sure that you have your level set because you don't necessarily want it to be to affect kind of the dynamic range of the original signal if at all possible okay so just see from tom uh greg don't mean to beat a dead horse in reference to silicon max to runner rosetta it has to be 10.5 right 11 doesn't work at all for me so i i haven't tried it because i don't have a silicon mac but i'll see if i could get some more information on that but you know i'll see if i get a clarification just because i don't have one of the new macs we have to get like one computer for every two and a half years corporate wise okay okay reading through comments um okay so uh greg please drop your email at the end of the live session would love to send you an email the voiceover sample so you could always send it to clubcubase at and that's also in the description for the hangout videos as well okay okay so you see a question hi greg how to replace events in a range window by copying some events control d on top of them so let's say if we have a loop and we want it it sounds like it's maybe wanting to replace a particular audio files so let's say if i have an audio file used multiple times on a particular project so i will come here let's make a copy and if i want to replace it with another file we could just take a file and copy it over top [Music] and hold down the shift key and we'll get this little message says do you want to modify all events that refer to the same material say all and that will replace that particular audio file with the new audio file just straight over top so and all of them will just immediately be kind of just replaced so it's just fine so come here hold down to drag over hold down the shift key and then that will just replace the audio files in your project window um so you see hi greg what's the frame on cubase pro 11 trial so the cubase pro 11 trial is available um and it is uh for 30 days so i believe so 30 days from that so okay so our question hi hi from barcelona my usb licenser is not listed in my hardware my computer so when i want to extract it from my computer i just unplug it is it going to cause my usb e licensor not to work properly so you know connecting and reconnecting the the usb licenser doesn't um you know doesn't you know affect its ability you know to function or have licenses kind of the intention of it so but if you're not seeing it in the computer make sure that you have the e-licenser control center installed um but it it'll work you know i take the same usb e licenses and you know like pre-cove it when i was doing you know 100 120 flights a year you know i would use the same e-licensers and connect them multiple times a day okay so you see has cubase artist a plug-in that shows which eq scale is occupying a track besides seeing the highest peak in the eq spectrum you know so as we go to look at your eqs let me just jump back let's say to this project so if i'm looking i believe this is the same in artist as well so you know if you look just right here in the background and this is our vocal um [Music] so you know as we adjust our eq we see the frequency spectrum here um so when you say eq scale so you could see kind of the frequencies here [Music] you know as you kind of hover over there's also um i think i'm not sure if this is a [Music] it might be in pro only but if you go to the supervision plug-in um so let's say if i wanted to just switch this particular plug-in to um like a spectrum bar so let's say if i'm here [Music] you could actually kind of see the notes as well so that's another way but you know just being able to kind of you know and especially as you hover over particular frequencies so if you wanted to see like what's going on in the vocals [Music] so it may not show you like that it's in g major or you know um you know c major or you know a minor depending on the frequencies it's going to show you the frequencies are present in that particular but when you say eq scale so it's not going to necessarily show like a musical scale okay uh hi greg how would you set up to change reverb and chorus of a general midi file globally across all tracks okay so if it's going to be for a midi file um so generally the midi files let me see if i come over here there's i think um so generally the midi file is going to be i want to say controller 91 and 93 for i don't have any like standard midi files but if i wanted to um let me just see if there's uh one of the you know generally it's going to be within the standard midi file so if you come over here um okay so if you for the midi file itself so if it's a standard midi file you know there's going to be you know for and this will probably carry so there's kind of two extensions of general midi you know there is uh gs by roland and xg by yamaha so you could try you know so it may not so try going to the midi plugins to track control and often these will work for midi files and let's say if you go to like xg2 here you could see which reverb is actually being employed by the particular you know um so which chorusing effect and which reverb effect so i would try that so go to select the the midi track go to track controls and then try to one of the presets that you'll see uh will actually you know you'll see gs and this may not allow you to switch the reverb type but the xg2 um and it could be you know depending which you know these will prob more than likely will map so but they are you know within the midi file itself there's no real specific information but it's going to be just a standard midi controller i think 9193 but i could very likely be mistaken on that so um but check that out under the track controls and if you go to xg2 there you could set different reverbs and rooms for your midi file for your playback device so that's if it's in a hardware piece you know if it's going to be in something like if it's playing back the midi file from howling and sonic you would just do you know which will do it by default so this will can be controlling an external module that's playing back but if it's going to be inside of holly and sonic s e so if you just import a midi file you get a hallian sonic s e and when you go to uh so say we just load up a quick like i'll just do um all right so say a gm sound here so i have an accordion um and now you can go to your effects and once you have kind of like your different aux effects here uh you could choose that you want these to be different reverbs or chorusing directly here so the plugin itself will have there's different reverb and chorusing as well as other options so if the midi file is being played back through howing in sonic sc you could just do the effects there so hopefully that makes sense okay okay reading through questions um see some people go and getting dinner so in probably in europe time okay all right so roshni music studio or roshini music studio uh wants everyone to to like the video so okay what do i do if i'm getting cannot add more tracks the audio track count is at the limit so you know the the limit can be if you have like uh one of the lighter versions like an lei or elements will have a fixed number of tracks so you know there is a limit i think you know elements is 64 tracks of audio so you could mix down tracks but if you have the full version there's no limit to how many tracks that you can have okay so you know you may want to upgrade your software if you haven't done that okay so um we have a question hello greg every time i i got pro tools bounce files to mix they are imported in wrong speed and pitch i already tried to convert if needed option and did not work please help so i would make sure you know it definitely seems you know maybe the person that you're getting the files from is indicating the sample rate incorrectly so i would try to you know make sure that you know it's pretty easy um to you know for people to think they're working at one sample where it can give you files from another so i've seen that a lot so i would make sure that all of the files are kind of you know listen to it and you know try changing the sample rates and see if they're actually you know lining up to what you have so i i would do that you know i don't think there's anything specific you know if you're if it's always from the same person maybe they're doing something wrong or adding the wrong metadata in the file or something but it's you know pretty straightforward usually just a sample rate problem with that if you have a file you want to send to me you know feel free to um hi greg with the new scale assistant is it true that you have to enable record to use it no um so you could do you you can have it on record but let's say i'm in this track and i'm in the scale assistant so i'll open up my scale assistant here and i'm in the key of g so now we could say okay um so you could say uh snap pitch editing so now i could only move pitches like up and down uh within the scale so we're not in record um there is the snap live input function so you know if you wanted to you know only be able to play notes within the scale you could do that but you could also just choose to so let's say i'm in a key of g and um let's say i move this to a c sharp um you could also just choose to quantize pitches and that will automatically map all notes that are out of key directly into the scale and you could do all that without being in record there's also kind of where you could choose to only see the pitches from the scale assistant so that as you do edits and you move it up and down it'll be within the key so you could also kind of filter the views uh up here as well um so question from jay any new talks of native nuendo slash cubase touch screen workflow implementations to prevent need for third-party interface software from zenda medigrid and others so um you know i i haven't heard of any but you know a lot of times you know there's projects and development stuff going on all the time and they know that i talk to people so i don't they don't i'm not privy to a lot of early information so but i'll pass that on i've mentioned it to them in the past as well okay okay we see ambient dave who's kind enough to attend a hangout on his birthday with happy birthday again that he's learning lots again learning lots again and greg is discovering new things it's great that's why we do these okay uh hey greg for team work tracks uh i go play midi data with the synth sound how do i send this in one file so just the midi data with the synth and the sound i play on the midi data okay so you know all you have to do um you know if you choose to i think if you choose to solo you know so if i come here and uh you know you could just if it's just gonna be a midi part um you know so if it's just gonna be a midi file and if you're sending it to someone else it's running cubase you know uh if you want it to open up the same exact instrument you could take that midi track here and choose to export it as a yeah so if it's a software instrument there's there's two approaches you could always send a midi file and like i see a lot of people in the notepad data will just say okay we'll just come here say okay we're gonna have the notepad and they will just you know even come here and take you know within the notepad i use this instrument this patch you know just like a little description and you know you could export that as a text file and save that as a midi file if it's a virtual instrument you're handing off someone that's smart enough to be running cubase you could export it as a what's called a midi loop so if it's an instrument track so let's say i'll add a quick instrument track here okay and at this point if i have this part here i'm going to just get a file to export and do a midi loop now the advantage of the midi loop is it has the part plus it has all the information on what instrument plays it back um so but you know standard midi files also work you know just i think you could solo the part and just do an export midi file if it's someone that's not running cubase but if you're doing instrument tracks and the other people you're sending it to has cubase just export it as a midi loop and then you could just drag and drop or you could send them to project and they could import uh tracks from project and you select the project accordingly and you say oh i just really wanted to import you know these particular tracks um so hi greg uh how can i make it so that when i do it's from nick good to see you on a hangout i'm just gonna put my base down real quick bear with me just for a second hang on it's a heavy base it's sitting on my lap in the way of my microphone okay so i'm back sorry okay so um so how to make it so when i double click on a midi track i see all the controllers that are being used it seems i always have to go and make them visible after opening okay so let's say if i just wanted to click here um i could just say let's um all right so let's say if i just wanted to come here say show used controllers so let me just see if that's a keyboard shortcut option so if you don't know that so a lot of times you may just click here um so let's say i just want to show velocity only okay but let's see if we could and i think that might stick per track but let's see if we could assign it to keyboard shortcut so there's a show use controllers uh under midi so you could just simply have a keyboard shortcut for that so let's i'll just make one here just to test it so to say show use controllers so now when i'm in a midi editor i can just do show use controllers just right there so go to um so i don't know a way to automatically do that as a preference uh i don't remember preference with that but you can't assign a keyboard shortcut that you could trigger to do that but i'll just yeah i don't see i don't know of a preference to do that but just assign a keyboard shortcut under the midi family good to see on a hangout nick hope you're doing well all right so we're doing well on time thanks for all the wonderful questions i hope everyone's learned a couple new tricks and tips okay so i just see um for mindset uh about that he has version 10 i believe says it's limiting me to 18 audio tracks um so um so i'm not sure if it's 18 audio inputs or 18 audio tracks so i don't know any of the versions so if you could let me know mindset uh if it's cubase le if it's cubase ai cubase elements you know if it's version 10 if you let us know that that would be helpful you see michael teams just ask the same question uh hi greg is there any feature in cubase pro 10 that automatically adapts imported audios tempo without having to manually do it you know some of the files um so if you i'm just gonna make sure i have this right way around um so you know you could just do a tempo detection on that but there isn't a way that that could be problematic for a lot of you know different scenarios and could throw a lot of people off but there i don't know of a way to you know have the tempo automatically adjust based on you know an imported audio file you know you could do it afterwards but you know that could cause all sorts of weirdness and different workflows okay so you see mindset is it's fourth day of cubase well welcome to the hangout um so if you want to see what version of cubase i think if you're on windows you could do it from the help menu uh and on mac platform you could say about cubase pro and it'll show you here so you know when you say 18 inputs i wonder if your audio interface has 18 in physical inputs um or if it's you know because you could use the same input and you know use it you know so if you have a two in two out interface that means you could record two tracks at a time but you know hundreds of tracks depending upon diversion that you have so you see that ambient dave got a pack of diet pepsi amongst other stuff um as a non-adult beverage drinker here yeah my wife is a big fan of diet pepsi so much that she bought stock in the company so uh so you just see from nathaniel walker i like how musical mode is track based i don't like how it creates multiple clips when you use loops um so you know if you have let's say if we have a loop uh we'll just go ahead just do a new project so you know the event can also be musical musical musical mode as well as the tracks so let's say i have an audio track here um this track is in musical mode and i want it to have a couple of different loops [Music] so say i have that drum loop followed by [Music] all right so i could have these loops and if i wanted to select all the files and put them into musical mode they'll all kind of play back kind of at the tempo so just snap these let me just snap them to the grid quickly okay so now when i play back even though they're all kind of on the same track they're all going to play back and we could actually see these i'm not sure why let me just check my routing here so but i could take this one loop and just take it not into musical mode so uh even as we have you know so you know the the track itself could be a musical mode but the individual events don't have to be so if i wanted this to play at the original tempo i could just take these two out of musical mode and this into these two in musical mode and it'll automatically align to the grid so check that out and see if that helps okay so good just reading through um okay so you see artsy's just mentioning i just showed up to class late trying to figure out what's going on so what we're doing is just um you know answering questions so if you have questions on cubase just kind of ask okay so i see the uh mindset um says is cubase le ai elements 10 music production software so if you know that's probably what the icon says but when you go to your cubase it would let us know which version so um but you know it you could always upgrade i know elements has more tracks so all right so i just see mindset may have cubase le um you know so with cubase le that comes free with you know different audio interfaces so you know you could always you know pretty inexpensively upgrade if you need more tracks so all right so we see from kevin key genius hello greg how can i be part of this team uh like what you guys are doing you know so you know the you know club cubase hangouts that we're doing you know we started doing them during the pandemic just to help people and my travel schedule was freed up um you know due to covid so i was you know basically i wanted to instead of doing these things in person all throughout the you know united states i'm just kind of focusing uh directly on doing these globally for and help people get the most out of cubase so you could come and you know check out as many of these hangouts as you like but if you wanted to do more stuff you know just let us know you could email me at um clubcubase at okay so i see jvi will make a video so thanks for sending out along okay is my chat field jumped on me let me just scroll back see if we can get back to where i was all right just bear with me sorry okay so i may have lost a question or two but i don't think i was too far off so i apologize okay okay so seeing discussion on different editors keyboards okay okay so we see charles k and hang out good to see you all right okay just reading through different comments um all right so we have a question as i understand it in order to turn midi to audio you need to use the render and place option but elements doesn't have that available is there another way do i need to get artist so you know all you have there's there's several different ways of doing this uh in elements you know so if you have let's say just some midi information so let's say i i'm just going to check my connections very quickly bear with me i'll just open up another project see if that's gonna play back for me okay so let's say i'll have this and i have a virtual instrument going on so say i want to take this roads and turn that into an audio file so i'm just gonna solo this track and i believe this is the same concept you could do in elements but we're just gonna say export audio mix down and then you'll see probably just a single so i'll say stereo out and we want to choose to import this and you'll probably see like a little thing says after export and then you could just say let's uh you know create audio track or insert into project uh so i'll just add this to the queue um and i'll just know how i got 8-bit but let's say i now will so once i do this i just want to say i'm just going to solo that and then just we'll export audio okay and i'll set my left and right locators around the event so select event hit the letter p and export audio mix down so let's say start q export and this will basically and this looks a little more sophisticated than what you have in elements but the concepts are saying just do a single stereo mix everything is this is this track is soloed it's now automatically going to be rendered we'll put that into it's going to load into the bottom of the project so we'll close this and at that point you could just have the rendered file uh you know show up directly in your project so just do file export audio mix down and then you could just have that particular rendered file automatically imported directly into the project for you all right so i just see a comment from uh nathaniel walker need to get artist steinberg has some really uh in maybe ingenious limitations to the lower skus like no very audio but also no ara2 in elements laughing out loud so you know the the the fuller versions will have more features but for people that are on a budget you know if you're you know we want to have software at like a 99 like in us a 99 dollar price point and that will um you know we have those options but you know some of the more advanced features won't be included in that so and that's why we have upgrade paths as well so as your needs and requirements grow there's a cubase and a steinberg solution for you um so you see from charles k got here a bit late as greg touched on external equipment routing so we did that a little earlier so you may have seen it with the delay so okay just reading through comments um okay reading through comments all right so we see mindset's going to join the discord all right so we had a question from lauren can you go over track versions so we kind of discussed this a little bit earlier but let's say um let me just see i'm back i may not have it on this computer but i used to have kind of a a track version project but i don't think i have it on this laptop because my clever scheme of archiving projects i mentioned earlier all right so let's say you know if we were doing and often i may see this kind of with uh banned scenarios or maybe um so let's let me just jump over to like this project so let's say you know the whole you know we did multiple drum tracks and then what we're able to do what a track version is is let's say we have everything set up exactly as we see fit so i have the volume i have the eq i have everything kind of perfectly dialed in i have my channel strip etc kind of all set as expected but i may have multiple takes so what track versions will allow you to do is to say okay i wanted to take this and be able to do a new version that audio file disappears but all the audio routing and everything stays the same so at this point you could do another version of like another recording on top of that now some other areas where this is helpful and you know so if you wanted to take like okay we did six takes uh you know let's take you know the bands you know take five i could select all the tracks and switch track versions so they're kind of like almost hidden invisible tracks but and they're not only used for just audio parts but let's say i have um [Music] tempo information so i was unsure of the tempo i have my tempo track activated and let's say this is my tempo i'll just turn my adjust my grid here so i want this as one tempo track but maybe i don't want to make a decision so i wanted a different tempo track to have this laid out and i wanted to create another track version and i could do this for midi audio instrument chord tracks tempo tracks and now we could just choose between the three different variations on that particular track just like that so we could do that with audio information different audio recordings as well so if i you know and some people go okay why don't you use lanes for that so i would tend to use lanes for comping a vocal or a guitar solo and track versions where if it's okay i want to take the whole band recorded live and i want to you know at this point switch to take two for eight measures and then when they get to the bridge we'll switch to take six and then the guitar solo will be take four and then you're able to kind of take different versions of tracks without having to have multiple parallel tracks you know and copy over all the settings and eqs and processing so that's kind of what track versions will allow you to do okay so you see mindset saying he's probably gonna upgrade to the cubase elements so that's great you'll be happy you did it okay so uh i see question i've got elements 11 and saw the in saw with interest that you can create harmonies from a track with very audio is that tool available in cubase elements thanks david so i think uh the very audio is not in elements it does come in artists but i'm not sure if the generate harmony voices is an artist or just pro so but i know it's not in elements but you could check out you know on the steinberg website there's a pretty extensive uh comparison sheet and i could check if you want me to check specifically on that i could check if you want to send me an email to club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right so to see uh can cubase please do away with usb security key so you know they're currently investigating other kind of you know identity management systems so but you know the usb key has worked well but you know we realize that a lot of people don't like it so they are you know currently investigating it's a huge project when you have millions and millions of users um so but you know they are you know actively you know creating uh you know new systems for that so so we understand your feelings on that uh so i see when will it be possible to import tracks from another project which also keeps the input bus configuration given that both projects use the same input connection preset so let's i'll just give it a test so i haven't tried that okay so i'll just add four audio tracks here okay so i'll just call this one i'll just if you don't know this trick if you're naming your tracks if you type one and then hit the tab key that'll take you to the next track and you could just name without having to double click okay so okay so we have these and i will just go ahead and throw just a generic loop on each one remember me [Music] in the end okay so let's say i will save this and i'll just save this to my desktop quickly okay all right i'll just do a new project here so it looks like my mono inputs are preserved so i see mono in one two three and four that i set up so make sure that when you have that set here and you have the options you might have to make sure that the input output channels are also imported so i just did that and the inputs automatically carried over so with the input bus configuration so see if that if i did something wrong just let me know okay so just he had a question what kind of bass nice playing so i'm i'm rusty um but that was a warwick corvette uh fretless with babinga so it's my favorite bases love the warwick stuff and agent k wants me to slap the bass like people hitting the like button so i'm not much of a slapper all right so i see i'm having trouble having cubase pro finding contact 6 from complete 12 ultimate so you may just have to go um i think if you go to the vst instruments you may have to it may show up um you know under you know you may see native i think it may show native instruments you may see a 32-bit and a 64-bit but if you go to like the native instruments that you should be able to see all the contact libraries uh directly in there but also if you just add an instrument track so let's say if you just click on the plus sign let's add instrument you should be able to see and you could collapse or expand all these views and you should be able to see that there so you know tons of our customers are running contact so okay just reading through comments okay still reading through comments so all this great discussion so um so i see please update logical editor or give us better sequencers so let us know what you want to um what you want to do in a logical editor so it's pretty powerful for what it is already so okay so we have a question i played my midi bass line in tempo of 80. my friend sent me an audio file vocal in tempo 160. how can i fit my bassline to that vocal tempo so you know there's a a couple ways to do it so one is you know unless your midi track is set to be in you know unless it's set to be in linear mode it will automatically just play back the tempo so if it's to the point where um the part you played is half the length of the vocal and you need to you know uh let's say i'll come here so let's say you know where there's just like the vocalist or there's kind of a miscommunication on that so let's say i'll put this into a quick step entry um so as i come here let's say i just put in okay so i think you could go to the logical editor and i think there's even presets um for like doubling the length of notes you know you could also choose to double the tempo so if you wanted to do that so let's say i will just come here let me undo that move so let's say i'm going to take my length and position and multiply by two okay so i think if i do this i can now just kind of you know double the tempo or half the tempo kind of using some of the logical editor presets so i think that should be able to do it for you but you know but you know that's if it's like half the tempo of what it was so um so just see uh what is my email okay so i see agent k got it again you could always email me at club cubase it's steinberg uh all right good to see fred robinson in the hangout and also with the uh you know with you know with native instruments if you're not seeing it in the plug-in because it is uh still i think a vst2 plug-in after all these years if you go to your vst plug-in manager make sure that you click here and that that folder where the native instruments plugins are is actually showing up in there as well so try that okay so i know we had some questions that were sent in so let's go ahead and take a look at some of those bear with me while i get my document open okay a quick file set up here for this all right all right so when all right so we had a question okay so i know i think tanmay had asked me a question in earlier hangouts um he was wanting to know what uh the producer dj zed what sample rate and bit depth he uses for his projects um so i was talking to some of uh the members of team zed yesterday so i brought up the question with them so what they their sample rate and bit depth that they use are 32-bit 44.1 k um and one of the engineers was saying you know that if he was doing like classical recording or like americana country like a very acoustic based instruments you would definitely go for higher sample rates but a lot of times depending on the source material if it's kind of loop-based at that point they would kind of keep it at source and they've just found everything works kind of better at 44.1 for them okay uh so jan had a i think he wanted me to clarify so we had some questions in uh earlier hangouts about kind of the discrepancies between the color schemes between chord tracks and the new scale assistant so let's go ahead and we'll take a look at that okay so let's say when we look at our particular chords here um [Music] so let's say i will choose to base this on the scale slash chord track um so if we do this we could see notes that are within the so what i want to do is i'm going to just create a chord track here quickly so go to my edit menu and let's go to [Music] um or sorry project chord track to create chord symbols okay so now when we go to look at uh our scale assistant we could choose to use the editor scale so this will show if it's in or out of key but if we use the chord track so let's say we're in g now we could see notes that are within the chord notes that are within the key or this blue color and notes that are out of the chord will be red so depending on if you're using the editor scheme this will show you the key and this will show you kind of more information to indicate the chords the key and out of key so within the scale assistant in the key editor you could toggle between the editor scale and the chord track thanks eon for mentioning that to point that out okay so a question in cubase is there a shortcut to toggle on off all instances of the same plugin at the same time i've got a console emulations on all my tracks it would save me a lot of time if there was a way to turn them off on again without doing it manually thanks again so i don't know of a way to do it by the plug-in name but it could be done pretty easily by the plug-in slot so if you have so i imagine a lot of these you may start off if you're doing kind of console emulation you may want to have it into kind of the same plug-in slot um but i don't know a way of saying you know turn off you know envelope shape or plug-in or turn off um you know other plugins but let's say if i have a number of tracks selected here and i want all my drums to [Music] sorry just click on the right area oh sorry just hitting the wrong modifier key okay when it's operator error so let's say i'm just going to enable cue link by holding down alt or option plus shift and i will come right over here so let's say i wanted to put on um like tape emulation on the consoles on each of the drums i want all them to have magneto on the tracks so we look at this so if this is how it's kind of set up you could come over here and take all of track one all of insert slot one and just come over here and hold down alt or option plus shift or enable q link and just kind of turn off and on multiple plug-ins but if they're all in different insert slots there's no real way of saying find every plug-in named magneto and and turn it off or you know delete it so it could be how it's organized but i think if you organize it that way i think it's from larry um you know or from lewis rather sorry um just uh just you know give that a try and see how it is okay um so we see does cubase pro 11 have a built-in scope for phase checking i i know the old zoom in method exists thanks you know so if you wanted to kind of check phase so let's say you know we could use some of the uh plug-ins like in the control room let's say i'll just use like the supervision plug-in so you know if you wanted to check for phase between two tracks you could come over here so we can see our phase kind of represented here let me just close out a couple of these i'll just have kind of monster phase go but if i wanted to solo like my kick so you could see if these are you know so as you work with this you know we can see kind of the whole mix but let's say like if i have my snare top and bottom and when we see like the phase kind of go more left to right on particular tracks that would indicate a phase issue versus when we see it kind of more vertically oriented when you see it more horizontal that would give you an indication that the tracks are going to be kind of out of phase with each other so but that would give you kind of an idea of what's going on there so a lot of people now are i see we're just having you know the supervision plug-in kind of activated at all times okay okay so this is an interesting question uh trying to copy velocity data cc 11 velocity data 2 cc 11 in the midi editor page how do i select a velocity data without altering the velocity if i left click select all events and lane copy switch to cc11 lane and paste nothing happens so if we have a midi you know we can think of velocity is not its own independent midi message so velocity is actually part a component of the midi uh note message so let's say i'll just add a quick instrument track i will let's just throw in a couple of notes and you could kind of use one of the logical editor presets so let's say i have this as my velocity okay so and what i could do if i wanted to turn the velocity of those particular notes into midi cc data or i'll just play something in give gareth a bonus melody here or i'll just use that okay so let's say this is our velocity okay so let's go to the logical editor and then you'll see a preset i think it's maybe under um [Music] okay insert midi volume for velocity so change this controller here to 11. so what this is going to do is going to take the velocity value of the particular notes and turn that into use that as the basis for volume or expression in this case cc11 so i hit apply and now um we could see that the velocity information has been translated directly into midi cc 11. so that way if you have one instrument that's kind of velocity-based for dynamics and the other one that you copy a part to is set for you know to respond dynamically to midi cc 11 you could just have that translate directly over okay um so this is from johnny diaz uh you already explained how to change the tempo of a song after recorded by going into the pool selecting and changing it but what if i wanted to change just a part of the song and not the whole song this is where we could use a tempo map quite easily so let's just revert this quickly okay so let's say i'm playing my song and i have every all of my tracks in musical mode so so we have these selected here and i'm going to add a tempo track so once the tempo track is activated i could say okay we're gonna go right here and just put a tempo change in and let's go back so as we do this let's say i want to slow down right here now it's going to slow down and let's say i just wanted to ramp up so you just kind of do tempo changes and once those tracks are in musical mode again they're just going to automatically follow those particular tempo changes i often call it like a tempo parasite so that's all you have to do and just you know without skipping a beat it'll just kind of stretch that audio all day long okay let's go back to our live feed thanks everyone for wonderful questions um um so i just see is there an arpeggio or sequencer in cubase which is similar to the ableton once i don't know what the ableton one is um but i'll just do a quick new project so there's all sorts of different arpeggiators uh included so if i wanted to [Music] and you can see these as um as midi inserts so if you wanted to just kind of so i will go over here to midi insert so there's two different ones you'll have apache sx and you could actually drag and drop your own sequences into that one if you wanted to get started with a very simple one [Music] so kind of whatever chords you play so if i i'll just hold down a chord and say okay i want to change the play order [Music] i want to go up only okay but i wanted the lengths to be 32nd notes so let's say where i want the lengths to be quarter notes i want to set the key range and as i just hold down a different note here and let's say let's make this two octaves or two octaves and a minor third and the cool thing is you could actually just kind of come here hit record and i'm just gonna hold down one chord [Music] and now i can just say okay let's just do so you know and then that will actually record like the whole arpeggiator for you so play around with the arpachi and our apache sx uh midi plugins okay reading through some comments here thanks again for all the wonderful questions okay just reading through okay to see i need to use comment i need to use howing in sonic more in my production i also have italian six and have not used it yet you should definitely play around you know spend a weekend and dig into halley and sonic and halley and six it's a pretty remarkable program so we're seeing lots of people with 32-bit plug-in stuff and just good analogy to directx plug-ins all right reading through comments okay so just comment uh thanks for the scale assistant question from ambient dave once again i hope you have a wonderful birthday okay lots of great discussion that's a great comment from fred robinson i should be able to load an 8-bit zx spectrum game from tape cassette into my macbook pro i can't find a tape slot yeah so it's very apt comment i just see uh so i want to use cubase over fl fl like me is getting old so i think cubase doesn't really predispose a particular workflow for you okay so lots of discussion see how we're doing on time so i see we're just about out of time so i guess we'll go ahead and uh wrap up so again if you want to send questions in advance send it to clubcubase at um i know that some people when we did our little christmas hangout um were had asked if we could do that so i was thinking maybe next friday we could do maybe a three hour hangout and maybe an hour of a zoom chat so if you guys want to actually talk and see each other in person where someone else besides me can talk um if that sounds like a good idea if you want to send me an email to clubcubase at leave comments and if you want to do that we could maybe do the last hangout of the month and have like a little get-together where people could actually talk uh and meet um and if you want to do that leave a comment in the chat field or you could send an email to me and i could create a zoom link if people want to do that with that i want everyone to stay safe and healthy and we'll see everyone again on tuesday have a great weekend and we'll talk to you later take care
Channel: Cubase
Views: 9,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: QN1F1ac7PIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 25sec (14365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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