How to Get The UR44C Audio Interface Tab to Show up In The Inspector | Club Cubase October 12th 2021

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hi welcome to the october 12 2021 club cubase live stream uh we'll get started here in just a couple minutes i'm gonna do a quick audio test to make sure everything is coming through okay bear with me just for a second and hi welcome to the october okay that all sounds fine um so my name is greg undo i'll be the host for the live stream today if you have not attended a live stream before how it works is you could submit questions in advance to club cubase at or simply ask for ask questions in the live chat field so you see the chat field there um so a couple of little things so when asking questions uh my ability to answer the questions in kind of a real-time uh manner is after a while will become impossible so i may be at sometimes 30 to 45 minutes behind the live questions uh i'll apologize for that we'll try to go through each of the questions in order as completely and succinctly as possible so when doing that if you have a question and if you don't get an immediate response uh know that i will get to it so if we could try to refrain from asking the same question repeatedly that just kind of slows down the whole process that would be appreciated also when asking a question if you could indicate if you are which version of cubase whether it's cubase you know elements or cubase 11 pro and which operating system that information is sometimes helpful so if you could include that that would be great um realize that during the uh during this time my wife will be working directly above me so you may hear her walking uh on you know you may hear footsteps above me and my son will probably be home for the last 30 minutes of the livestream so i apologize for any interruptions or just uh extraneous noise that you may hear a couple people i just wanted to uh give a quick shout out to so you know we will try to have all of the questions um we'll have all the questions covered in today's live stream uh pinned to the top of the comments field of the live stream uh several hours after the live stream with timestamps so you could refer to that but if you wanted to actually go and find particular topics that may have been covered in previous live streams you could go to and neon from stockholm who's on the live stream is will is has set up that site for us it's a great resource and also we have two people that serve as moderators so we have jazz dude and agent k so they volunteer their time they're not steinberg employees of the goodness of their hearts they will try to you know direct commentary uh take care if we have any people that just kind of start uh promoting irrelevant topics so um you know so we want to give a special thanks to them another another wonderful resource that people uh could use is the cubase nation discord so if you haven't uh signed up for that i believe jazz dude is involved with that quite a bit and that's a great resource for users to to have access to lots of tutorials and relevant information to their cubase so with that um i guess we will go ahead and get started so once again my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist primarily focusing on steinberg products so and i'll be the host from the live stream i'm presenting from uh outside of washington dc area in alexandria virginia so if you're watching the live stream please feel free to introduce yourself if you're watching it live please feel free to introduce yourself and tell us where you're from and that would be great and we will go ahead and get started okay so we see jan from stockholm and jazz dude and randy lee from texas and uh randy lee has our first question uh greg you said question greg can you show me how to timeline a non-grid music project old recording import to a specific tempo to be able to export to another user so let's say i have a recording that wasn't necessarily recorded with a click track so we'll take a listen to it here so let's say just like a band performance and i wanted to be able to align this to a specific tempo so we can listen to the click tracker as if there's no correlation between the click and the musical source they're independent of each other so what i'm going to do is to actually select the event go to my project menu and let's go to tempo detection i will analyze and this will actually create a tempo track as well as a signature track and you have some different settings so if i wanted to do like an off-beat correction or multiply divide by two so let's say if i want to listen to it now it's now automatically extracted the tempo from the audio file itself now if i wanted this audio file to be steady uh to have a consistent steady tempo um so i will come over here and just say okay we're going to put in our 4-4 like the downbeat so i could do this across a multi-track or a single audio file but if i wanted this to now follow a steady tempo what i could do is select the event again go to the audio menu to advanced and we're going to say set definition from tempo and what this will do is basically take the the tempo information at every single beat on the file and embed that into the audio file itself so we could choose this to store the metadata in the project or within the actual audio file itself so when i come here i'll just say okay we'll see this little icon appear in the upper right hand corner so now instead of following a tempo that's fluctuating um i could just come directly to the tempo track i could deactivate it and i could say let's just have it play 142 beats a minute perfectly and now every single beat whether it's on a single track or across multiple tracks will automatically speed up and slow down and stretch so that it's now instead of the tempo fluctuating the tempo itself will be steady so if i want to change the tempo to be perfectly 156 beats a minute [Music] or let's say i want to be 136 beats a minute [Music] so and then once you kind of have that done you could export the file and pass it on to someone else but that's how you do so once again go to your project menu select a file do a tempo detection from that tempo detection come over here and once that's done select the event or event and choose set definition from tempo and then it will kind of be like a musical parasite tempo wise it'll just follow whatever tempo you tell it to okay all right so we see uno from finland we have a jazz dude we have john costigan from kenosha wisconsin terminal nuclear war from serbia thanks for joining us and we have chris from columbia south carolina and we have a gaul from israel okay so i just see uh from lilia andrey uh question uh interesting many people performance mode clip scenes so if you could tell me exactly what you want to do like if you wanted to take a project and be able to kind of trigger uh performance mode so maybe uh i'll give it a shot but just make sure i i may be working under different terminology but let's come over here uh let me find a particular project so i could at this point just choose to have let's say different uh sections of my musical performance so let's say if i take this project here and i could define within a ranger track so we can add an arranger track so we already have one and at this point we could choose to define which portions of the song will be part of the arranger track and i could have a part within a part and a nested part within a nested part etc so we could define these different arranger sections we could play these and instead of playing back in a traditional uh you know in a traditional linear arrangement i could come directly here and once we activate the arranger track which we could do we could just activate this at that point we could play and instead of playing straight through we could just have it kind of jump and play out of order [Music] now one of the things that you could do if you wanted to actually trigger this from a midi performance if you go to the studio menu to studio setup we could add a generic remote by clicking on the plus sign so i think i have one here and we could say okay let's go to and we set our midi in and out and i could set different midi messages so i'm going to say okay i want to just come over here and click on the learn button so now i can just set up some different note on messages so and what we do is we define the midi message here and the function that we want it to control uh in the bottom so what i do is we say these midi notes will now go directly we'll try going to uh the command and let's go to arranger and we could say let's go to trigger arranger event one and let's come over here and again go to command and we could just trigger a ranger and we'll say trigger arrangement step two and command or we could just say go to the next event so i could say okay we'll just go to the next chain step so and at this point uh i'll hit apply and as we're kind of playing i could just say and i could go just by hitting a midi note message i could say okay let's go to the next arranger track [Music] so you could trigger the arrangement in real time via midi so let me know if that makes sense of kind of what you want to see um but that will allow you to have like different scenes that could be triggered uh for performance from a midi controller all right we see taylor sapp on from on the live stream from pine grove pennsylvania it was taylor's birthday yesterday or the day before just recently so happy belated birthday taylor glad you could join us okay so i see uh from taylor did you ever find a solution to my score export issue that emailed you about so i think we did cover that in the previous live stream but if you want to uh send it to me again i'd be happy to kind of review it but i'm pretty sure we did uh do that in a previous live stream but we're early enough taylor if you want to ask again all right we have tim weinheimer from mission viejo and mandy lane glad you could join us early mandy all right and mark rabin from montana all right and we see jeff sabelski from chico california okay so we see a question from ed rugman um i wondered if he had a chance to have a look at my rogue mono wav file that i emailed you caused some third-party plug-in issues cheers yeah so i i do i did take a look at that um i don't have any third-party plug-ins on this so this is the the project that ed had sent over so you know if we're just kind of so this is just like a quick mono file so you know one thing that you know i was just you know it seems like it's a pretty standard um you know and i know you mentioned that with waves version 12 that it was causing problems when i looked into media bay you know or in the pool window it seems like you know it's a standard 24-bit 48k um i do see that the file is locked here so i'm not sure if that has anything to do with it um you know whenever i kind of was you know instantiating any insert plug-ins so let's say if i do this like i don't have um this particular plug-in let me just see if so you see now we see the inserts so let me just come over here and i see that this um so i'm not sure if this particular file you know it wasn't kind of let's say if we unfreeze that particular track so if we go to the inserts now we could see um so i don't have that particular plugin but when i come over here you know the plugins that you had installed so but i didn't see anything i could try to see if i could download i didn't get a chance to see if i could download like a waves trial version uh to see if that was you know what was kind of causing some of the issues but you know so but if it's like this particular file so i'm not sure i know you mentioned that was when you drag the file in but it could be that you know if the file is frozen after you drag it in that you know you might not see uh like you know the plugins be able to be added right there but you know it seems pretty strange to me ed so if you could also let me know if it's doing it in every single project or only that one particular project that would be helpful all right and thanks for sending the file over um but seem to behave kind of on my system all right so we have uh munich checking in and and senegal see jeff sebelski saying thanks to yamaha okay so we have a question uh can you show how to install and load groove agent se kits uh it seems confusing to me so anytime that you download let's say if we go to uh the steinberg download assistant um let's see if i could maybe just down if there's a quick one i could perhaps download that i may not have okay so you know when i come over here let's say okay with my groove agents let's say um i'll do beat essential so i will go ahead and download the beat essentials all right so then i will open this up and once i have the files here i could just say we're going to open with the steinberg library manager so we will now come directly over here um these have been installed to our default location which you could set in the steinberg library manager so as soon as i hit ok here let's go and [Music] load up so if i wanted to add an instrument track we'll go to groov agent se then you could right click on the agent kits here so let's say okay i wanted to now come over here um and like here we can see okay here's you know some of the beat agent kits but you could see kind of all of the agents that you have installed and from there you could you know just load it up so once you click on load kit with patterns on the agent just right click and then any of the ones that you've installed will just be available to use directly there so um so like kind of just you know downloading it and just you know even if you double click the file it'll be a vst sound file then the library manager will automatically make the association with cubase okay so we see uh andrew from ukraine thanks for joining us okay so we see uh hello greg i hope all is well jazz got me to understand that native instruments installs to c colon slash program files native instruments can i move these files to steinberg vst plugins without problems i think you're fine so you know they've started to introduce some vst3 plugins and that will automatically kind of go to the vst plugin manager so i think you could move them but it's really probably not a big issue just to you know i think the vast majority of their plugins are still going to be vst 2 so you know and if you just click on if you go to the vst plugin manager under studio um you could just kind of click right here and just add the vst2 plug-in path so as long as you have the native instruments it should automatically you know be carried over uh and should be automatically scanned at that point so you know it's usually not a big deal to have kind of multiple plug-in paths as long as you have it defined but you could move it into your other plug-in folders and it shouldn't be a problem for you john all right so we have thailand from entertainment from thailand checking in and rodney from los angeles i see jazz dudes making a great point of just copying the 64-bit files all right we see michael pierce is checking in from a train ride coming home from work okay so we have a question uh is it possible to export two wave versions of my song one with all the tracks and one uh and another one without the vocals for example all in the same queue so let's go ahead and show you how to kind of get that set up all right so let's say if i just take kind of all of my tracks here um and i want to send this to a folder or let's say we will send all these tracks to a group track okay so i could come right over here so i'll take kind of all of my tracks and send it to a group so now all of my tracks so let's say but in this i don't want to send the base to um to the group okay so we take a look at this and we'll sello let me just do that all again so i'm gonna come here select all the tracks and we're gonna add a group channel to the selected channels okay so now everything's going into the group so if i wanted to do a quick export but exclude the base i could you know just not have the base or the vocals go to that particular group and now when i go to export and do my audio mix down let's uh say i want to do [Music] a single file of my stereo out so this would be everything and we will just come over here let's go to our export queue and let's add that to the queue and now i could say i wanted to export only my group so i could say aw sans bass or vocals whatever so since that isn't going into the group at this point uh we could add that to our queue and i'll just do just a small portion here and set my left and right locators and let's go ahead and export these into we'll create audio tracks and we'll start our q export all right so now when i come we could just play and listen so let's say okay i want to take all of the files here we'll make sure this isn't muted okay so let's say now we'll have everything and if i wanted there's without the base so that's how you could kind of uh do kind of an export stems minus vocals minus different instruments uh pretty easily using the export queue so send all the tracks to a group and export the group and then you could export the entire mix as well so all right so we have sworn from sweden checking in and we have alex checking in from stockholm so we have our swedish contingent okay so i just see um a question from alex a lot of one shots and audio files are normalized to zero db and i have to lower them to minus 6 or minus 9 db all the time is there a setting where i can set the import volume of files so let's say if i come over here to loops and i wanted to import a couple of files so let's say all right so let's say i have this particular audio file now i have my preview volume here set to let's say you know around up here so i can have my preview volume so i'll just double click and import that now i'm going to adjust the preview volume down and import the same audio file so when we go to look at [Music] our tracks here i think that you could let me see if i dr i think we could change the volume based on the preview volume so let me see if it's if i drag the file in from media bay to a new track so i'll just set my volume here all right so you see that the fast rocks if i drag it over um so we see that the mixer so i'm going to have this be really loud and i'll drag it to a new track and then as we do that the mixer volume if you drag it can be based upon the preview volume can take part so if i have my preview volume down about one third i could drag this over and then if we look at the fader for the channel that's just created we could you know just have the actual volume from the preview carry over so if you set the preview and if you're dragging from the media bay it will kind of create the volume from the preview volume on a fader so if you wanted to just drag that down and then drag the audio file in that will automatically attenuate it down you know so you're not always hitting it 0 db all right so i just see cubase 11.5 tomorrow then so i haven't heard of anything but you know usually they just announce when everything is usually you know when it's actually released all right and we have alexander from moscow checking in you see from randy lee says greg thank you i will now salvage a track for the next record thanks yeah it's a that's a feature the tempo detection has saved a lot of uh tracks from that we recorded on tape alright we have chris from poland checking in all right so we have uh says hi greg i have a question regarding dorico can you help uh i need to add micro tone slots to compose oriental music is it supported uh for such a need like sibelius so you could do it in dorco let me just see if i could um find it quickly but yeah you could do micro tunnel music in dorco so we'll just go to open up dorico here and using like a vst 3.5 instrument like holly and sonic se you could actually have it play back micro tonal music over midi so let's come over here let's say okay i'll just do a new empty project i may even have just a quick uh project that actually shows this i may have it on my other computer but i think if we in door codes let's say if we go to our setup that you could set kind of the instrument uh the tuning scale so let me just see if it's in kind of the project setup so i know it can do it um so if you come right over here to the tonality system um at this point you could just come over here and say a new tonality system so you could say okay let's say you need to do you know um you know more you know a tonal signature so let's say okay you want to do 24 divisions um but you could set kind of the uh number of you know so if you wanted to do you know different um you know you could do the pitch range here but just when you go to the tonality systems you could say okay how many uh divisions per octave and you're able to kind of um just kind of set that up so you could and if you wanted to do the uh you know different ones and you could set up for a tonal key signatures but you could set this up so if you wanted to even do like uh you know 53 tone you know turkish scales you could do that in dorco just by kind of editing the tonality systems here so so you could actually import them as well but i think if you just kind of click on the plus that you could set the range here so you don't need to use another program to do kind of different toning tuning scales okay so we have another question um if you have a plug-in in vst 2.4 and vst3 are there performance difference in terms of how much they load the cpu or which is the first choice so the first choice would probably be vst3 so it's going to be a more stable plug-in format that's but one of the features that you're going to have with vst three plugins is if you go to preferences to vst um and let's say if we go to plugins there's a little function here that says suspend vsd3 plugin processing when no audio signals are received so basically a vst3 plug-in if it's not actually playing or it's not actually processing audio it's not going to take any cpu cycles so that's a preference that you could have so at that point you could get more performance uh out of a vst 3 plug-in in certain scenarios so but that's a great feature so when in doubt always go for the vst3 it also will give you sidechaining it will give you you know the ability to automatically adapt if the plug-in is set up for different surround configurations so if you're doing multi-channel stuff uh it's really helpful for that and you know it's just a bit more uh contemporary for what people are kind of expecting so okay um so we see does cubase have some random midi options to generate some ideas uh just interesting so you know there are a number of let's say midi plugins so when i want to let me just come over here so if you're looking to just generate some different ideas you know let's say if i have a like just a piano [Music] and you know if we go to like a midi insert you know at this point you could you know do stuff like okay i want it to do um like let's say a step designer so we could open up kind of different you know so if you wanted to kind of just you know play different notes we could have it you know do stuff like that or if you wanted to set up you know our you know arpeggios if you hold down a chord you know you could do stuff like that so say okay i want this to be eighth note triplets and i hold down a chord [Music] so there will be a lot of stuff like that if you have kind of existing midi data you could also do a lot of random stuff so let's say okay i'm in the key of g here so i could say uh using the logical editor so you know if you just had like really basic chords i could say let's transform midi notes and i want to take value one which is the pitch and i want to set random values you know and at this point we could say between you know g3 and g5 so i could say okay let's come over here so we could set random values here and we could also say you know value 1 um is going to also transpose to scale and i wanted to be in g so i could just come here and just randomize stuff even within its own key so you do fun stuff like that so even if you it's not necessarily generating like a script you could just come over here and randomize you know any performance within particular keys so if i say okay i want this to be in the key of a so i could just come here and now everything will be within the key of a major or whatever scale that you choose there's a lot of different randomizing options for velocity but you know also going into uh midi modifiers so once we have the track selected you could go to the midi modifiers tab and if you don't see that you could right click here in the inspector and you could choose to randomize position pitch velocity length uh within and conf and actually define the boundaries for the randomness of your choice so a lot of great things that you do all right so we just see a question from jeff sabelski um um so uh in cubase pro halloween six chromatic sampling has ever shortening length of the note uh of the higher up in the octaves uh i'm missing a setting for five octaves to maintain note length uh in upper samples you know so if there's not like the higher so let's say you know if we're playing like a piano um we just turn off the uh so let's say you know if i'm just playing you know depending on the sound itself it may not you know like the voice may not you know sound as long and that would be natural so what a lot of times people would do if you're doing that within uh hallian is you could set up like a loop so and this is kind of a common thing like if you wanted like you know a short sample to sound like it's being held forever so if i have a hallie and six here i'll just andy had let's say you know one particular sample let me just drag over like this audio file to here so as we wanted to do this you know you could go into the actual sample editing you know because naturally it may not you know the note may not just sound as long like a you know a low piano note will sound much longer than you know the highest piano notes that you would play but if you wanted to kind of hold indefinitely you could come over here and say okay i just wanted to go you know to the sample editing and set up you know you can say okay i want to take this and this would be my sample loop that i wanted to work with so you could just kind of click on loop and say okay i want to do sustain loop i want to [Music] you know set my loop in and out points so that when you play the sample it'll just do that and it's a horrible example but you could take something that would just kind of you know take that part you know so it's perfectly natural that you know higher notes will not sound as long and sometimes if you extend it it may sound artificial but if you really need to consider you know going into sample into edit into sample and then you could click on the loop and then you could kind of set the loop you know and you can say okay if i hold the note down longer it'll just do this loop point and then when i release the loop will turn off or do kind of a release sample from that point so give that a try jeff uh so i just see a question uh greg have you considered doing any video shorts for spectral layers or spectraling or special layer hangouts yourself your presentation style is superb uh pace of explaining things are missed on other steinberg videos um i know that you know we have mike scheibinger who you know is set up to do the spectral layers so i think he's doing spectral layers hangouts um [Music] but i'm not opposed to doing it but i could check with the spectral layers team because i know mike is kind of that's his primary area of focus and he's much better at it than i am but uh i'd be i i i will mention it to them to see you know but make sure that you've uh add that if you know make sure that you have seen some of the spectral layers uh hangouts already or the live streams so but they they do already do that okay so we have a question um so uh hi greg how do we use auto fades so you know if we wanted to come over here we could have you know anytime that we have an audio file start or end we could choose to kind of have cubase you know do like auto fades and we could set this i think this is like you know on a track by track basis so let's say um if i have another loop so let's say drag this over [Music] okay so once we come right over here we could have the auto fade settings and this way you know we could have cubase kind of any time that you an audio file starts we could have it do kind of uh you know an auto fade in or an auto fade out of 10 milliseconds so you know sometimes you may get the point and you could choose okay i wanted this is my fade in or my fade out um so and you could have independent you could also have kind of the default settings for crossfade so if you want kind of logarithmic fade out but a sinusoidal fade in so you know as we um you know have that set up so you know now anytime that cubase would play back the audio file or if two files were overlapping it would automatically kind of play back with those auto fade settings um other things that people miss you know if it's not necessarily that what you're thinking of but you know you could obviously just kind of do quick you know fade in fade outs and fade ins accordingly you could also just select a range and hit the letter a and that will do a fade to the range so if i'm at the beginning of an audio file here i could select the beginning and then just hit a and that will do kind of an auto fade in based on the range selection but you could enable each track to do which can make editing a lot easier so if you're doing like a lot of loops and different samples that are kind of you know contingent upon being right next to each other in time at that point you could just set the auto fade settings but if you're looking for something else just let me know all right and if you learn uh something new in the live stream make sure that you do hit the like button and that enables us to continue to do these uh live streams in this format okay just finding my spot sorry about that okay so we have uh from chris uh question is it possible to make cubase only display um i'm sorry uh okay here's a simple question uh been a while since i've used cubase regular regularly where do i change the setting to turn on and off the playhead snapping to the beginning of an event when the event is clicked okay so let's say if i have these events here and let's say i'll duplicate them just control or command plus d so if i want the playhead to jump to the beginning of the selected area when it's clicked i think if we go to your transport menu and we just check use video follows edit mode so now when i click here the playhead cursor will immediately jump directly to the beginning of the selected event so once again transport and go to use video follows edit mode all right so we have question um is it possible to make cubase only display certain versions of plugins when you're selecting an insert for plugins that have vst3 i'd only like to display the vst3 version when selecting it so it's all kind of contingent on the settings that you have in your vst plugin manager so by default we can come over here and have all the plugins visible but what you could do is just come over here and we will just say we're going to take our collection here um and we'll do a new collection and we'll copy the current collection so we'll just say okay this will be our copy and at this point we could just go through and you know as we look at different plugins we could see and we could you know basically filter out the vst 2 plug-in so just do that within your vst plug-in manager and then that is what will show up and that way you could only have your default uh plug-ins the default vst-3 versions and the vst2 will just kind of be filtered by the program itself okay so we have a question uh from alex popp uh greg how do i use the squasher vst effect can you show us how to use it on the master bus okay so i'll just show it here i think i have a project that we could show it on so in this case i just have it uh like for an edm track i have it kind of broken down into um excuse me uh i have it broken down into uh like the kick and let me just find it here okay so i have a broken down into the kick and uh the rest of the track so but i think this will give you an idea so let's say let me just solo this track here sorry about that so let's say okay we have we'll start with maybe the kick in this case here all right so i'm just going to enable the squasher just on the kick itself all right so i'll just come here and what squasher is if you're not familiar is an up down compressor so let's say now we'll bring in like the rest of the backing tracks so let's say we bypass the squasher so let's say i'll just go back here so if you need that edge in like on a kick in the mix squash is perfect for that and let's say if i wanted to turn it on for the rest of the tracks so you could do this on a master bus or just i broke down a kick separately and it's just a master bus blue preset so again we add the squasher in the kick i think this master bust glue is a great preset to kind of start with and maybe tweak so we'll turn this on [Music] the kick come in again here in a second [Music] [Music] the day so without so like for and but what's interesting about squasher is a lot of times people think of it as like oh it's a great wonderful tool for like that genre of music but you could use on classical stuff use on soundtracks use on rock tracks and get wonderful results with that as well alright wonderful to see neurotic nexus on the live stream all right so did you see a question i think this might be going back to like our tempo map that we did um so question from rodney e foster senior uh can you edit the key of the sample as well as the tempo so let me just go back to this so if we wanted to do uh you know to transpose this we could do that as well so i'm just gonna come over here and we'll just put it into elastic pitch and let's say as we're playing the jazz piece so if i wanted to i can't necessarily take it from like a major to a minor from a mix but if i wanted to say okay you know we wanted to transpose i could select the event or events and just click on the transpose [Music] so let's go up in our to our semitone now there's also a thing we could use a special track called the transpose track so if we added transpose track i could say okay at this point this point this point i just want to have this transposition automated so as we listen to it you say okay we're gonna start in our home key and then we'll go up four semitones say we'll jump a little later and then we can go down minus two from the original and we get to this black portion we'll go up two semitones from the original [Music] and then we go back to our original key right here we get to yellow so you can easily kind of transpose the audio but it's not going to say let's go to an e phrygian from you know d major all right so we see a wonderful comment from mark taylor uh thanks for to mention i've been uh loving cubase 11 pro so much this week uh your tutorials and the help from members have made the biggest difference for me and my music thank you so you're welcome mark and that's the very kind of you to mention okay uh so i just see from taylor sapp um so it says i may have missed it but did you go through uh but but did go through each live stream about the export issue uh couldn't enter required data for export in windows 10 you didn't have any issues with my project on a mac so i did test it on a windows machine as well and didn't have any issues with the file on mac or pc all right so we just see um a question does cubase have vu meters like in uh studio one so currently we have you know loudness meters we have wave meters uh and ppm meters but there aren't any uh vu meters but there's a number of plug-ins which are shareware which will allow you to have vu meters so currently not that come with cubase um i guess you could if you had to some people will use like maybe magneto [Music] and here you can see vu meters so if you don't adjust the gain even if you turn off the plug-in processing you can still have the vu meter there so i guess in essence yeah you could have it but not on this on every channel [Music] so that's one way of seeing vu meters okay so i just say question uh my daw pc is offline i.e not connected to the internet is it possible to download the files anyway on another computer and take them over to my daw by usb stick so certainly so it's just the installer file so you don't you know the license activation can be done on another computer um and you know with your usb e-licenser and the installer could be copied via just a standard usb uh like flash drive all right so we see jeff sabelsky saying he's like our number 24 so and again if you um you know learn something new just make sure that you actually do hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that okay so uh when we see just maybe a further clarification from ed rugman who is having problems with his uh loading up plugins on particular audio files um and i just see it maybe seems to be only to only be problematic on m4a file files that were converted to wave like something in the metadata is wrong um yeah so if that's the case you know you know if you want if you have an m4a file that i could try converting it if you wanted to send that via like a dropbox link like you did the other file but sometimes a lot of um you know if it's like from a camera sometimes you know big audio files can have very like within you know different audio extracted from video files so like sometimes we have variable frame rates in the video like you know where it's not as steady um it's not as steady like you know 30 frames or 24 frames a second so you know if it's something like that that may be causing i could see where you know you know maybe that could be a culprit but if you um if you could figure out if it is files that were converted from m4a that would be uh helpful ed so thanks for mentioning that all right so we have deep low sax checking in and sarah go kasmir so thanks for joining all right so we have fred robinson from norwich uk i think i'm saying it right but let me know if i'm wrong all right we see that pablo is made to live stream from galicia espana okay um all right so we have a question um sorry can i question you once more in future cubase work without elicenser so steinberg has announced um that they are working on a new licensing management system that will not uh be utilizing the usb e licenser key so we're just kind of waiting to hear more information from them as it becomes available okay so we have uh theodore from london checking in says many thanks superstar for all you do for us so i try to make everyone else's superstar so okay so we have a question uh can work more in the note editor i want to see what it is um all right so let's just open up another project here so if it's going to be like in the midi key editor um you know so with midi data we could look at our data kind of in um you know if you want to see it in uh you know we could look at the midi data a couple of different ways so we could look at it graphically and we could think of this as the longer the note is the you know visually the longer the note is rhythmically like you know so this note is going to be shorter in length than this note uh if it's higher visually we could also say that this will be a higher pitch than this pitch [Music] now if i want to look at uh different parts also you know i could look at the same data here in a uh directly in my uh graphic editor but if you want to see that when you mention a note editor it could also be that you wanted to see it in the score editor and now we could come over here and be able to kind of edit uh the notation so and one of the things that we could do is we could say okay this might be 32nd notes here uh you know when we look at this we could you know double click and we could add you know our key or you know our clef and you know we actually have kind of a write zone here which is really handy so if i just click on a key i could choose my different keys if i click on my time signature i could see time signatures if i double click on a bar line this will kind of pull up context sense context sensitive areas so you know that's really handy if i wanted to you know just put notes in i could also just kind of do maybe like even a quick display quantize for you know different selected notes so at that point um [Music] you know we could just come right over here and just see that okay we have our 32nd notes uh automatically included so if i wanted to change the clef i could double click and say okay i could put it into guitar tablature different options here so you say when i go to polyphonic we could say i just want it on a single staff because this is probably just a violin part and you know once we come here there's two different uh edit mode so we could look at this in once once we go to our score editor and if you're looking at the part and you don't necessarily see like you know some of the score edit functions uh active so if you come here and score menus isn't open it may have to have a part selected for you to go into the score editor and then we could switch between kind of an edit mode so you could see more data or how it's going to be printed on the page and that's what page mode allows you to do now once we're in page mode we could do like really simple things like okay we have this little hand tool so i could adjust stuff visually without affecting uh like it's rhythmic playback so if i wanted to just indent the first stave or i wanted this one this measure to be spaced a little more we could move these different elements here uh once we have notes i could select the notes and if i wanted to you know change the pitch of the notes you know we could do that or again just come over here with the eraser tool and erase particular notes within the score editor and if you wanted to add different symbols you could just do that all directly from over here so that's a quick if that's what you mean by the note editor let me know but if i misunderstood just make a comment okay so to see uh when attaching an expression pedal through my keyboard for opening and closing the hi-hat in groove agent i use learn cc but it connects it opposite gear uh up is hi-hat closed and vice versa okay so if you um how do i flip it so it works like normal so there could be a polarity switch on your particular keyboard but um i had han zimmer kind of ask me a similar question with this um and i think what we could do is let's i think i may have saved it as a preset here in the logical editor or i may have deleted it so let's say if i want it to i'll just do it with modulation so i will come over here and we'll say type is equal to controller and we're going to say value 1 of the controller is 1. and in your case it may be 11. and then for my action target i think what i want to do is we'll take value one and i think there's like a mirror function but i think that there is kind of like okay so let's just say okay modulation okay so i think if we then say value to mirror and i think we set this to 64. and i'll just pull up my midi monitor plug-in okay so i'm going to uh start with my modulation all the way down and then as i go up it's actually inverted so come over here and what you want in that case to kind of invert the the polarity is we would just say we want to choose function transform we will say type is equal to controller uh click on the plus sign again midi controller is going to equal in your case controller 11 and then we'll say value 2 we want to under operation choose mirror and for parameter 1 choose 64. so i'm going to start kind of at the bottom of my modulation wheel and we look at this we'll see that the values here and value 2 will just increase as i go all the way up so i go all the way up i turn this on and i'm going to move my modulation so now at the very bottom it's 127 and as i move it up it's inverting it so that we could just go from 127 to zero so once again just kind of save that so i'm going to save this as my preset here so i don't have to recreate it again so i think if you do that that will do the trick for you and make sure that once you have that on that you actually enable the module for that it's something that can easily be missed so give that a shot all right so we see uh alex pop just saying cool regarding vst3 really great big thank you greg you're welcome all right so i just see um all right you see see jazz dude doing some moderation coming up let me just go back go back to where my timeline was sorry about that okay so you see from uh john opinion uh question uh i think there's a bug that disallows one from choosing alternate tensions from the chord editor in chord track although it works in the chord pads uh there are workarounds in version 10.5 was that fixed in version 11. so um so i think that you could you know enter in uh you know they're they're if you have like a specific chord tension that you weren't able to enter in uh one thing that a lot of people miss is if we go to um or under preferences we can see event display chords and pitches that here you could actually kind of define different chord uh progressions you know so if you wanted to say instead of a sharp 11 you want it to be a flat fifth so that any time that you insert um you know a flat fifth chord that it won't automatically make it a sharp 11th you know so there are ways of creating kind of custom chords directly here within the editor but if you have like specific instances and i think if it's done in a chord pad so let's say if i come to the chord pad i mean this is kind of the same exact editor so let's say if i come here um and i have that as my you know let's just say if i have that and i go to a chord track um that i think if you drag it from the chord pads to the chord track that the um that it should carry over the same um tension so let me if you have a specific tension it's not working let me know and i'd be happy to see if i could get it to work on my okay we have a question hi greg what's the difference between vsti and rack instruments what are their different use for them thanks so it used to be that um it's kind of more of a legacy based system so the vst brac instruments so and um so when we when cubase first started off we would think of a virtual instrument almost like a virtual version of like a rack module in that you could you know have multiple uh output ports and multiple midi channels and that would go into an instrument rack now what people wanted so we could add these as like an instrument rack so if i come here let's say okay i have a howie and sonic se and then when we do this we could as we add an instrument into the instrument rack we could create a midi track that's automatically routed to it now some people you know we're getting confused with okay i have midi tracks and i could send this midi track to the rack or i could send it to a hardware device especially in the early days when people are using kind of hybrid setups of keyboards and virtual instruments a lot of people have migrated to solely using virtual instruments that people wanted an easier way to do this where this connection didn't have to be manually done and that's what vst instruments tracks were for so if i add an instrument track i could come over here and just say okay i wanted to add a pad shop and this would automatically add the particular track for us and it would create an instrument track and it used to be originally that instrument tracks were set up to be a simpler way of playing a vst instrument a more direct way but the original implementation of instrument tracks at the time were limited to only being on one midi channel and only being one stereo output so as you start working with instruments like alien sonic or hallion where you could have you know 32 outputs into the mixer you know it made sense to augment the vst instrument uh rack or the the vst instrument track capability so now you can have multiple uh output ports within one instrument track so it's kind of started with kind of two separate distinct ways of working and some of the limitations of an instrument track have over the years have kind of gone away but generally if you kind of you know if you're working with software instruments it probably makes more sense to do instrument tracks because it will tie directly better into doing stuff like um you know render and place functionality as well because it you know cubase automatically knows where you know all the audio outputs are going where if it's going to be and if we look at this track we could say okay i have a hallian sonic se track here but i may have you know a midi volume as well as the channel volume on the hallie and sonic so you may have two different volumes and that could be confusing for some people because this is the audio volume for the virtual instrument and this midi track itself could have the actual midi cc7 data could be tied here so a lot of people have kind of evolved to using instrument tracks just because it's a little cleaner but if you need more flexibility and you want one track to go out to hardware and software you know a midi track that could be routed to multiple you know software or hardware destinations can be beneficial for that so i know it's a bit confusing um so i guess you see it's cubase 11.04 not the latest version seems like greg is not using 1104 maybe older or newer so i i'm running 1104 but sometimes my projects were done in previous versions so that's why you may see kind of you know cubase version 8 project um but yeah i'm running the you know the 11.04 version so we see the jazz dudes posted a link to the spectral layers hangouts and live streams all right uh so to see a question hi greg uh when importing a groove agent pattern uh midi not wave i can't seem to get it to match the tempo detected audio wave uh is there something i'm not doing um and it's from i guess it's steve in manchester uk so let's say i'll just jump back to the file here so let's say we'll go okay so i will just activate this and i'll just do my tempo detection from scratch here okay so i'm gonna do my tempo detection so we'll go to the project menu to tempo detection analyze okay so i'm going to find my downbeat so which i think is right here and let's go ahead and add a groove agent all right and i'll find something horribly inappropriate [Music] and i'll just say follow transport so now as i play i'll just select a quick pattern there so now as i play here's my new dance remix hit [Music] so this is kind of automatically following groove agent is following the tempo that was extracted from the event now when we drag the event over so let's say i want to take this pattern and drop that in you want to make sure one if it doesn't seem like it's following make sure that the track the midi track itself and it usually is by default is set to musical mode uh as opposed to linear mode so when i just kind of drag that over we can now and i'll just have that not follow the transport and we can see that that is just kind of sinking but if i had this uh set to linear mode um you know and let's say it was constantly changing tempos then you know it may um you know that may kind of not be in sync so so check that but it looks like that kind of works as expected sorry about hitting my watch okay so you see uh from jessa belski uh and spray in regards to the sample loop question for high notes when sampling chromatically and howling in six uh thanks for the loop samples repeating the loops reverse etc so i'll experiment more with my samples using the grain and wave table edits truly amazing [Music] td is not outside the scope of an oboist so okay so i see from brandon i've been trying to use soundly with nuendo and when dragging a clip or spotting a clip i get an error message saying error medium type not supported or invalid um do you know how i can fix this so um so i'm not familiar with soundly i could do some research on it but is it uh so i'm not sure if it's like a proprietary format maybe like for uh for doing um you know for like a sound library management so i'm not sure if it's a standard wave or aif file that you're dragging in or if it's another type of file if you could answer that brandon that would be uh that would be helpful all right so we see uh squasher looks sounds very much like ott so i would say that after squasher there's a lot of people that haven't been using ott it's kind of a similar plugin all right great that uh cedric could make the live stream i believe he's in india it's probably very late there see josh belski's just mentioning the reason there were so many one-hit wonders is because the guitars never knew how to transpose so there's lots of people on different instruments don't know how to transpose so i just see uh my spectral layer crashes my cubase 11 so if you can let us know exactly which version of spectral layers you have if it's spectral layers pro elements uh spectral layers one version seven eight six you know that would be helpful all right so just see a question greg are you using uh m1 mac right now so uh i'm on an i9 with uh 32 gigs of ram um so you know generally like when uh my company buys laptops i think they lease them for two and a half years so i'm coming up on almost two years so i'm not sure what my next computer that i'll get but i think the microsoft surface studio [Music] pro looks really cool um but i'm on just an i9 mac with 32 gigs of ram so i like having the memory as well okay so we see eric hall is joining late and we'll watch later so thanks for joining us um so i just see from uh taylor sapps just uh reiterating from his previous question from a previous live stream i'm unable to export scores in any project not just one i had to issue about any ideas that could cause an export dialogue fields to be dead so you know generally the dialogue fields when they kind of open up or very kind of operating system level so but i think if you maybe taylor if you start the program then hold down alt control shift right after you double click on the program and then that will allow you to start the program where you could disable the preferences and see if you start the program with preferences disabled if that changes the behavior for you so but generally like if you can't type into i remember you know the video you sent um or in the project you sent but it was no problem to kind of type on my pc or mac okay so we have a question anyone know how to make cubase heard on stream i'm currently trying to figure that out and having a lot of trouble so there's a number of tools that could allow you to do that so like if you go to um like here on my audio interface um there's so if i come over here let's go to my dsp mix fx uh on my urc interface there is a loopback function so you could do that for voice chat or for livecast and you could loop back there are some utilities for mac and windows like one that people often use on pc is voice meter and there's similar ones on the mac platform where you could kind of route the audio output what i do for my live streams personally and i'm sure i could update it but it's been very reliable is to take my cubase output into a mixer and my microphone into the same mixer and i use one audio interface for cubase and a the live stream you know is being utilized from um the mixer itself so i have one audio interface that functions for the live stream and one for cubase and that works really well so if you have an old interface laying around yeah maybe try that all right so we just see a question has anyone had trouble with cubase 11 not recognizing the ur 824 on boot up seems like i have to reinstall the drivers to get it to recognize it eat to recognize it again each time this happens uh windows 10 latest version so i i you know use a ur 824 often on one of my computers and i haven't had any issues with it uh you know i assume that you know you have the um the uh the you know the ur 824 actually connected directly to the computer as opposed to like through a usb hub something else that can make a difference is if you go into the studio setup and go to uh the audio system you know make sure and you'll see this on a windows platform it's not available on a mac platform but you'll see like the the power scheme make sure that you have the power scheme here in this window so again studio menu to studio setup select the audio system on the left hand side and make sure that when you go to here you'll see the power scheme make sure that you have the steinberg power scheme selected because it could be maybe that the usb port is kind of you know sometimes with an energy efficient computer that sometimes the usb ports can go into like an eco mode and they could kind of take a nap uh while you're doing stuff and that's often not the uh scenario you want with you know using a daw so but check your powers your power scheme as well all right so i just see from uh taylor sapp uh what could cause some missing bar lines in the score editor um so it would be interesting to see if you um so let me just jump back to this project here quickly so you know if you see the score editor here you know i guess you could probably you know there is an option and this probably isn't something that you did but just out of curiosity um i think if you select bar lines they can be hidden so you know it could be something like that and you could you know just kind of go back and make sure that bar lines aren't actually hidden uh in the score so that could be something to look for with that um but you know see if like you know if you zoom in and out like let's say you hold down i think it's control on the windows platform and we come in if the bar lines kind of show up there maybe at a different resolution and that could be indicative that maybe it's a graphics card driver issue like if you resize and the bar lines appear or if when you print out parts if they actually if the bar lines are there that could also and that would also kind of lead me to think that maybe it's a display driver but i really haven't heard of bar lines being missing in score editor all right so we see from atlantic uh atlanta guitar uh dropped the dongle so yeah as we mentioned earlier steinberg is in a process of transitioning to a new license management system without the dongle so all right so we see uh is vertical zoom here's our question is vertical zoom with mouse wheel plus key possible so generally it's uh as of now it's just going to be horizontal zooming that way so you know if i wanted to just hold down the alt or option key so i know that is a common feature request to hold down a different modifier key for for vertical zooming so there isn't a way that i know of to do that i think some people have you know remapped particular keys to do stuff but you could also just kind of use you know g and h which are very common and shift g and you know shift h and shift g to kind of zoom vertically as well so i know it's not using the mouse scroll wheel but if you're kind of using keyboard shortcuts that is another way of being able to kind of get to the same spot that way all right so i see some jazz dude is done some moderation for us thank you for that um so i just see so why do we need dorico then you know so if you're doing a lot of advanced scoring dorco makes a lot of sense and i think it's you know the two programs represent kind of different perspectives there's a lot of composers that will you know their whole concept of composing starts from a blank staff and filling in that staff and other people will sequence stuff so if you're coming from the perspective of a blank score and entering the data in and seeing it visually like that dorco makes a lot of sense and you know the engraving options are pretty miraculous uh the level of control over you know placement of each symbol you know condensing you know like you know all sorts of you know like you know dynamic um you know when you wanted to do you know dynamically linked cues you know so there really are kind of two different things you know if you so you know really could depend on you know there's a lot of people that cubase you know will do all you know the scoring features in cubase will kind of work um and cover everything they need but if you're doing a lot you know if you're scoring you know something for like a broadway show dorico would be you know a better solution for that all right so we see how to change uh preset in vst on track all right so let's just come over here once again thanks for all the great questions if you've learned something make sure that you do hit the like button all right so i don't think vst3 plug-ins necessarily deal with program changes but let's go ahead and give it a try so let's say if i just wanted to come here and i wanted to program change let's see what happens here all right so um yeah so i don't think a lot of the vst instruments will do that i know some people will just automate uh changes so like if you wanted to come here so let's say uh if i start with a patch load it up because you know because a lot of times we have vst instruments not really bound kind of by um program change you know for a lot of the presets don't necessarily work with program changes but let's say i'll go ahead and just kind of draw a note in [Music] yeah so let's say if i wanted to automate the parameters here so if i just say [Music] okay and let's see if that is let's see if i start there so if you automate the changes you could do it like that so it's maybe not as convenient as a program change but you could automate the parameters and move those so i just see a question in his hands still using howie and string so you know hands actually has his own uh sample library that he's used for a number of years um so where he's sampled kind of his favorite musicians from i think london symphony so he's been kind of just using that for uh for many many many years where and i think he likes it because they're actually um like he has multiple channels kind of configured so he could bring in you know more microphones from the top uh as as it's needed so but i don't think he's using like the hallian like the hallie and symphonic orchestra you know he has lots of sample libraries obviously um all right so we see dallas larue from las vegas checking in thanks for joining us uh all right so we have question um hello uh i have cubase 11 and i'm french have you guides in french to use it so i haven't looked for any particular guides in french i know a lot of the live streams you could actually have the translations like the closed captioning translated to multiple languages and that's why we try to stop at four hours um but there may be a lot of resources i'm not sure i haven't personally looked for um i unfortunately don't speak french but i don't really um look for french resources uh unfortunately but i know that documentation is in french as well as the program can be localized to work in french so if you come to under general you could change the language to french directly there all right so um let's see from sergo greg i would like to see main functions in dorco um so i mean we could spend like you know 10 hours showing kind of main functions in dorco but um and there are dorico live streams called discoverdorco so if you subscribe to dorico you could um you could check that out um and you know in you know it's a similar format i think they may have a bit more uh like a topic like a focused topic with questions but you could you know check that out as well and as jeff sebelski's mentioning you could definitely you know you could get a dorko essie and kind of check out the functions and have two voices to work with excuse me all right wonderful to see gareth on the live stream thanks for joining us so i think gareth has i think uh michael teams mentioned that he has a new job so we're glad that you're able to kind of sneak us in okay so uh from an atlanta guitar a big fan of the drum editor which is one of the more enduring and useful views tools uh if appropriate for the stream would it be possible to know when the requirement for hardware dongle will end so i think we may see an announcement kind of with more clarification uh but you know it's a big undertaking kind of switching the whole license management system so i think there may be an announcement soon that i've seen on some of the steinberg forums mentioned from some of the staff in the hamburg office so um so i don't have much more information but you know they were wanting to let people know that they were migrating away from that so to a new system that wouldn't require usbe licensor okay so a question from dallas larue i pulled something from the media bay that showed automation in the midi editor that sounded like pitch rather than velocity uh can you show the difference all right so let's say if i just do a new project here all right so let's say if we'll come over here to loops and samples let's find maybe a lead synth kind of thing okay so let's say if we [Music] okay so let's say if we look at this um so you know when we pull in midi data so you know depending on the patch let's say if we uh so here we can see that we're going to have main volume and velocity but if so we could see the data now depending on what you pulled in we could also you might have you know pitch bend data in the particular midi part and when we look at that in the event there is a preference so if we go to uh event display midi um we could choose to have it show controllers so if that is if that preference is enabled we would see kind of you know modulation and pitch bend and continuous controllers represented visually within the event itself as well so if you didn't want to see that dallas you you may want to just you know change that to not see the preference but what it's doing it's kind of interpret interpolating uh the controller data that's in the event that's contained within the event so you have an idea what's going on uh on the actual event itself so maybe that preference again under preferences event display midi and you could you know check or uncheck show controllers let me know if that will help okay so we have a question uh does anyone know why my original audio file turned white and went unplayable after i rendered and placed the audio with effects printed so it's probably let's say if i do this and i'll just render this so if i want to do a render in place so i'll go to my render and place settings so you know and one of the settings that you're going to have is where you could just say and it may default to this where this under the source events in render settings would be automatically set to mute source events so if i do this and we render and place that file it now turns white and why it's white is because we don't necessarily want it to sound twice when you render so all it is is it means when it's white is that it's muted so if you click on the mute tool and then just click you could mute and unmute the events but a lot of times people don't want the event to play twice once it's rendered so once you're playing back the audio file with the effects at that point you know there's no need to have of the file playing back twice which is why by default it is rendered so once again if you go to the render and place to render settings on this source event you could choose to uh it's probably just set to mute source events okay so i just see question how do i change the map uh map midi of drums i write notes for drums in finale and in cubase it comes up with a different midi map so let's say if i have a drum track so i'll just add a quick uh instrument track so let's say i get a groove agent se here i'll load the kit with patterns so let's okay so if you want to change the function so when you come here you'll see a drum map setup so it may be set to a general midi drum map if you're using groove agent se one of the cool things is the drum map can automatically be extracted so once we have the midi track set here um we could come over here and if you have groove agent that could automatically create the drum map uh if you don't have if you're using another source for your drums you could go to the drum map setup and at this point here you could for each of the pitches you could type in what the drum map name is save that as a preset under functions you could save and then you know you could choose to have a different display note so if you wanted to have you know different uh ways of you know so when you're doing like drum notation so that you know like your c1 kick drum will uh notate as f3 on the display but not you know but play the correct sound so once again just select the track and you'll see here on you it will probably default say to no drum map and just go to drum map setup and then you could create your own and if you have the groove agent se or groove agent that can automatically generate its own drum map names all right so i just see um so it would be great uh if there's a trick if you use the uh mouse wheel for zooming so you know i know that that has been um you know discussed many times so i generally kind of pass it along but you know it's pretty easy just to use you know different keyboard shortcuts as well so all right so we just see a question is cubase better than reaper so i think that i you know i i don't i've never used reaper but i think that you'd see that cubase is probably going to be the most most full-featured program so and you know is and kind of a follow-up uh so cubase is easy like cakewalk um so you know kind of one of my old lines is you know it's easy enough for stevie wonder to run uh and he's blind so um so you know cubase i think is um you know gives you kind of all of the power features without necessarily getting in your creative flow and kind of distracting you all right so just see um and maybe just as a comment i'm just wondering why prices are very so low and so high in price you know so i think that when you have kind of the more expensive programs they often include functionality that's you know only achieved in the lower programs by buying a lot of third-party tools so i think that often having it uh all the functionality integrated uh directly um you know having all the functionality um integrated directly in will um make a lot of sense in the long run it's a better investment so instead of having to buy like two thousand dollars of tools for a 200 program you could buy a 500 or 600 program all right so we see that cedric is uh it's about midnight for him about 12 30 now i think okay so i just see uh speaking of the usb dongle how do i replace one if it breaks i haven't had a problem since i bought it some years ago but don't know what to do in case so if you're registered with your usb e licenser there is a steinberg zero downtime so if you bought another dongle for i think they sell like in us like 25 or 30 bucks you could just have a spare one and then if you you know if yours got damaged your licenses can be deactivated from your other dongle and reinstate it to your to the dongle that you do the e-licenser that you purchased okay so we have a question from matthew elston um after your advice on my midi keyboard playing through howie and essie i'm still finding it out of tune with my guitar i've tried two different midi keyboards uh advice please um so let's take a look at howie and sonic se and just make sure that um so there is i think a tuning option in hanging sonic sc so often when i hear this it's going to be like a pitch bend wheel so you can see how i canceled meeting requests here all right um so often you know what you know often when that happens is like the pitch bend wheel from the controller is being stuck um but see here if you're in howie and sonic se there is a tuning scale so let's say if you're a you know a is 432 kind of person you could just kind of come right over here and have the actual um you know the actual tuning set up here so make sure that this is set to the same tuning scale that your guitar is set to matt and let me know if it's doing it with all instruments but if it's with hallie and sonic se just try to check right there in that particular tuning scale okay so just saying um anyone else having problem with the stock cubase eq the mouse doesn't catch it properly so i haven't ever had a problem with the stock eq so you know once i'm in my eq view you know i could you know just kind of do everything kind of as expected here so um you know so it seems like everything is responsive to you know what i am doing so but let me know if i'm doing something differently than you all right so we have a question uh when exporting a video i only see one option for its size quality of mp4 h264 is there no other choice excuse me i have someone calling [Music] from somewhere um so you know with the export video it's going to be set to kind of a fixed video size and a fixed video codec that's kind of a known entity so if you needed to convert it there's you know a plethora of you know there's lots and lots of different shareware options they converted for smaller file size so and i just see a follow-up from jay's comment if not can i make a feature request for different export capabilities so i know it's on the um you know i know it's you know it's on the feature request list so hopefully we'll see it implement it soon all right so i just see from atlanta guitar greg undo's been doing cubase demos forever i first saw him in 1996 at a mars music in atlanta he knows his stuff yep so i i miss going to the old mars so let me know if that was the one on buford highway so but yeah i remember you know going to the very first mars opening in tampa way back when glad you could join us for the live stream i see gareth is saying 1996 when i was still in my school uniform so i wish i was um so you see from taylor sapp says uh sorry to be a pain but i just tried uh disabling preferences and still have the score export issue any other possibilities so taylor if you want to send me an email maybe i could remotely log on to your system outside of the live stream and i should have some time tomorrow if that works for you so so let me know if you have some time okay reading through comments all right okay lost my space in the chat okay so i just see uh from eric hall greg concerning ur 824 missing i looked under audio settings advanced and discovered i did not have activate steinberg studio power scheme checked that should help with some of my issue thanks again so yeah let us know so that would be should make a difference in your overall processing capabilities probably are you alright wonderful to see cubase junkie on the live stream so i see a great comment from jeff sabelski saying hands has a music library that would rival that of a supreme court justice library of law library it's pretty pretty accurate so he's uh got a lot of great tools and he's worked very hard to develop them and how he works with them all right we're glad to see the gareth has the evening off and is able to join from spain and bilbao okay so we see uh from rob uh i've lost access to my sample files example in uh the media tab but i still see loops presets uh i have an issue open in a form and helper rayno asked if i uh did i try rescanning the folders how so if you are not seeing your files what you could do is just go to your you could go to like the large media bay and or hit f5 and go to the media menu and as we come over here we'll say okay let's go to the media bay and we could kind of scroll up to the top and go to this computer and what you want to do is just say okay in you know whatever folder that you have make sure that it is checked here um you know so you and this is just whatever files and folders on your computer uh if it is checked select it right click and choose to rescan disk and that should you know relocate and catalog and index all of your audio files so once again media menu to media bay and you'll see on the left hand side if for some reason you don't see this tree on the left hand side you can click here in the upper right hand corner you'll see three icons click right there and then you could just you know see the kind of the file browser window and then select the folders and rescan your disk by right clicking all right so we see graham witcher's uh joined from the uk he's saying it's getting a little colder in the uk winter is coming so yeah today was like the first day that kind of felt very much like autumn here when i was taking my son to the bus stop this morning all right so we see from uh dallas aru saying it helped thanks greg so glad that it did the trick all right so we have a question from craig so it just says um why does the recording midi fill in the entire length between left and right markers is there a way to have the event recorded only be the size of the duration of the recording so i think if we go to preferences um and let's say under i think if we go to record to midi you know there is a snap midi parts to bars um so that could do it but you may have punch out you know see if you have punch out activated um so you know and you could turn that on and off by hitting o but see if you go to again the preferences i think this is the default state uh snap uh you know snap midi parts to bars under record midi and see if that helps with that and i think sometimes it'll do that so that when you're kind of moving stuff around glo like kind of more of a macro level that you're not like copying an event that's you know like 60 ticks short of four measures when you're expecting it to be four measures so just kind of macro editing makes it a little easier okay so jazz dude saying smash the like button for jedi cubase master greg so i i just kind of try to help people but thank you for the kind of words and yes please hit the like button um all right so i see hi i don't see the media files neither the categories keywords but i see files on the hd using media bay how could i get them in media on the right window with the pictures of the banks thanks so if you buy like you know specific content you know that is like you know like you know that's kind of done by uh steinberg and done in conjunction with steinberg you know there's lots of third-party companies that will allow you to do this you know this will allow you to see kind of like the graphic image for the different library files if you have like you know extended you know if you purchased or want to see these pictures for all of these and uh and you've purchased and you have the license for them and you're not seeing it you could uh go into on a mac it's going to be into your cubase preferences so uh but you would see on the application data folder on windows um but what you could do is uh so i'm just gonna go to my preference files and sometimes you may have to uh so i'm gonna come over here and say okay we'll go to preferences and we'll say to cubase 11 and as we come over here we'll see like the media bay offline 3 db so i think if you [Music] take like this file i think the mediabay.mediabay3.db and maybe media defaults take these files and move them to the desktop and see if once you do that it may rebuild the list if you see missing ones but you know generally loops by themselves won't have kind of this graphics image it's going to be a kind of a vst 3 you know kind of like a steinberg centric you know content that you could buy from steinberg you know done by steinberg and third party companies that would be included and give you those images all right wonderful to see sable winters on the live stream all right we see cedric's probably going to bed it's almost probably one in the morning for him right quarter after one thanks for joining us cedric all right so we see a question uh can cubase render stuff in atmos yet or have you guys not yet worked with dolby for the renderer so you know nuendo which is kind of like has all the features of cubase plus more post-production and game stuff so nuendo has a built-in atmos renderer included so it's not in cubase but if you wanted to do atmos rendering so you know i think we're the first daw that actually comes with atmos rendering in nuendo so it's a nuendo level feature so we see atlanta guitar just saying i got a big throw out of using recycle then licensed to steinberg to chop up loops and send them over scuzzy to my kai s2000 in sequencing in cubase so yeah that was actually the uh it was actually a steinberg product but that was done by um the guys that eventually ended up going to uh stark propellerheads so yeah i remember showing that at the namm show i always have a distinct memory of showing recycle for the first time at the damn show i think it's in 1994 because our office was in uh based in northridge in three or four days before the namm show was kind of the epicenter of the northridge northridge earthquake so we had kind of three tables set up because our whole booth got destroyed um at the you know during you know as a result of the earthquake so i remember always remember uh having you know the computer with the with the akai sampler and sending the samples back and forth slicing it in recycle so okay so we have a question from uh graeme witcher what are the differences between freezing a track as opposed to actually rendering a track to audio the manual says freezing a track renders it to audio just wondered okay so let's say um [Music] i'll just undo a couple so let's say i have midi information here um and at this point you know i have midi notes okay so if i choose i you know we could think of freezing as being you know maybe like a 2002 kind of implementation so if and rendering is being more like you know 2017 2015 type of workflow so when i freeze a track i could freeze the instrument and i come over here and that renders it as an audio file that is in the background now i can't really edit this particular node so if i wanted to edit this it's frozen so and instead of playing back the virtual instrument it's rendering an audio file underneath but i still see it as a virtual instrument so i could render kind of one track or one event at a time now when we choose to do render and place um we have more flexibility so rendering in place is you know will you know basically come over and choose to i'll unfreeze the files so now that we do a render in place we could have a lot more flexibility so if i had let's say this file you know spread across three different ones instead of having this as one audio file in the background when we do render and place i could say you know i wanted these all as separate events so i could have three separate audio files one for each of the selected events or we could have these as one continuous event i could choose to you know have this be dry without any processing i could have my inserts and channel strips and eq add the send effects or add the master effects here we could choose to add a tail we could choose different bit depths we could also have different names for the files as we do this and we have the choice of being able to mute the source events or be able to actually just replace it with an audio file so if i select the track as opposed to the events we get some additional options in the freeze so when i go or into render and place so when i come here i could actually just say remove the source tracks or disable the source tracks so let's say this is a really heavy cpu you know like this is taking a lot of my cpu i could also just come over here and when i render i could just have the instrument automatically turned off and so it's not taking up any computer memory but if i needed to edit it i could just again right click and just choose to enable the track and move the note without having to unfreeze stuff so i could still have it here where i can you know even if it's been rendered you know um so let's say if i come here and we render this and one of the things that you could also do is when we go to freeze is when we go to the render settings i could choose to also just remove the source tracks so now the source tracks will just be replaced with an audio file so if you want to be clean now free rendering in place you could also select multiple tracks of audio in midi and render that into a mix down file whereas an individual freeze will you know allow you to work on one track at a time or one instrument at a time so rendering a place is a little more flexible you could have different naming conventions different signal flow you know the the inclusion of different parts of the signal uh like whether it's insert sends and you know more options and more flexibility so they're both kind of doing the same thing but i think the render in place makes a lot more sense especially if you're working and wanting to render multiple instruments at once because you could freeze one track at a time or you could you know render and place multiple tracks at once okay so just see uh from j rock nurse uh hi i only want to update my cubase to the latest version i'm running a macbook air so you shouldn't have any problem if you just go to this you know to the steinberg online shop and be able to do your updates directly there we see pablo is going to be going for dinner all right so i just see from fred robinson does someone keep deleting my question so i don't think i've seen it deleted but sorry if you haven't got it in but if you just kind of uh just ask again we could probably hopefully get to your question sorry if it's been if i it's been missed all right great that uh peter i think bataan is able to join okay just my chatfield moved on me so all right so i see this is maybe directed towards uh jazz dude says i have a question how will cubase show with hybrid mixing maybe that reason why some producers avoid cubase so you know if you're uh you know if you're so if hybrid mixing is using kind of you know a traditional uh you know software and hardware in uh you know in your projects you know cubase does that very well uh you know and actually cubase was the first program that actually did delay compensation for uh external processors so you know if you wanted to do hybrid stuff you know you could just come right over here and you know once you have uh go to your audio connections on your studio and you could have external effects so if you wanted to have like a reverb or compressors connected you could now just go to instantiate them just like they were uh software plug-ins and even kind of you know measure the delay to do delay compensation for them so so if hybrid mixing is using kind of hardware and software for processing you know cubase does that very well okay so we just see um from scambot terminator hello greg and everyone i am at work quick question what would be the best way to record in step midi and having a run of notes gradually speed up as the run goes alright so let's go ahead and create that all right [Music] all right and then we just all right so let's say if we wanted to do this so you know as we do this step input you could just kind of change the rhythmic value so let's say i wanted to start so we'll activate step input by just clicking here so let's say okay i wanted to do step starting it measure four i want to start with you know quarter notes and let's switch this to eighth notes we'll say i'll undo the last one and maybe we will do triplets so we'll say an eighth note triplet to 16th notes so and i'll just take that down and let's say okay we want to do 64th notes or whatever you want it to do so let's just say okay let's do 32nd notes so now if you just wanted to go back and listen to it we could just say okay let's let me just change the uh sound here so we can hear it a little better [Music] so as we just kind of entered that in we can now just and some of the just fine so that's you know you can find a better sound and kind of search around but it's really just kind of the same concept of just kind of changing the rhythmic values as you kind of just draw it in so you can just kind of switch this and accept key commands to excuse me to switch between the different rhythmic values excuse me okay so i just see a question uh from andy6358 i'm sure it's possible is there a way to use curved fades on audio without opening up the fade editor so let's say if i have like i guess this is for automation so let's say if i have an automation point here all i had to do is so i just kind of selected a region so if i have like a fade in to fade out and i want to do curves as soon as we have two different points here so you know i could select kind of a range of automation using kind of the range tool and if i wanted to just tilt to create a curve anytime that we create a curve now i could use the object selection tool and just do curves like that so let me know if that is what you want to accomplish with that all right so just see i may get more songs to play bass on for gareth around christmas that'd be fine whenever you have songs okay so i just see uh hi greg i imported an audio track its pitch is slightly high is there a way of importing to a fixed note so probably i'm sorry for hitting my mic but probably what that would uh indicate is you know um is that a sample rate mismatch so if you go to your project menu to project setup make sure that the audio file itself matches the sample rate within the project so you know often when you say the pitch is high i would say it's a 48k file that was imported into a 44.1 project and that would make it kind of almost a half step higher and there is a preference to kind of avoid this in the future so where you could say okay uh editing audio and you can say on import audio files uh convert to project settings and copy the project folder if needed so that's a preference that you could do but it's probably just going to be a sample rate mismatch all right so i just see um there's a problem with maintenance update uh e-licensor software doesn't connect to server uh how to solve the problem with the e-licenser um and i just see when it when it is full so um so you know one make sure that you do have internet connection with that so um so if you're doing a maintenance update uh so i'm not sure if you're doing it like a cubase maintenance or updating the e-license e-licenser software so you know if you're updating the e-licensor software it doesn't you know it's just a standard download um so but if you know let me so if you want to email me so and i'm not sure when it says when it is full i mean you could have hundreds of licenses on your e-licenser so i don't think i'm not sure if it's full that way but you know periodically the license server or maybe maybe gone through uh different you know maybe updating or something like that but i usually kind of get a like heads up email when that's going to happen so um but you know if you could send some more information if you want to email me at clubcubase at steinberg.d i'd be happy to to just check to see if it's uh um you know if there's any issues currently going on so it just and it's probably just a follow-up as anyone know with who i have to contact to solve a problem with full e-licensers so um i think i have you know if you could let me know how many licenses you have um i could uh you know my elicenser i think i have over 100 licenses on it so but it could be like the very first generation e-licensers held less licenses but i think it's still like you know 80 to 90 licenses so but if you could let us know how many licenses that you do have on your e-licenser but if you have a very first generation like from 2001 then those you know getting a new elicenser and transferring it to uh you know and just transferring your old licenses to the new e-licenser will give you more space okay so we see a question uh hi greg i love your work my question for today is what is vca faders and how is it useful all right so vca faders um kind of replicate the workflow of kind of older large format consoles before consoles had um a lot of work before they had moving faders how they would often work is they would automate the volume of the automation and so the automation was handled through a vca that would increase and decrease the volume so let me see if i have my file here real quick um i'm thinking of okay so i'll just okay so a vca is a way of linking channels and sometimes a lot of people can get it confused with groups so let's say if i'm kind of working on a so say if i have like automation going on vcas are really helpful if you have existing automation so let's say if i come here [Music] so let's say i have automation going on of all of my drums and kind of going in contrary motion where they're kind of going up and some are going down so what i could do is i'm going to take these particular drums and send these all to a vca so i'm going to select my drums and then i'm going to right click and i'm going to add a vca fader to selected channels so now all these channels are being sent to the vca now the vca as opposed to a group the vca doesn't sum the audio so it's not going to kind of capture the audio it's just going to control the volume and kind of basically what's mimicking uh an older voltage controlled amplifier so you know so we can't add processing on a vca group so you know a group we could take all the drums and add a compressor on the group but that's not really the intention of vca so let's say i come here and let's say i go to my snare and i wanted a lot of reverb on my snare so let's come over here let's say i'll just make the reverb a bit obnoxiously big all right so let's say i have this you know my reverb on my drums set on my snare said exactly how i want okay and this is kind of a crucial thing when we start working with effects so now if i wanted to go to my vca i could bring the level of my vca down and as i bring my level to my vca if i have existing automation my automation will kind of coalesce based on this so i bring my vca down the tracks that are going down are still going down but as i bring my vca fader down that we notice that the tracks are can still be going in contrary motion and still be going up but the level that they go up and down is kind of based upon the attenu it's almost being attenuated by the vca fader so let's take our snare track here and let's just listen to the snare now as i bring the vca since it's not actually changing the gain structure when i adjust the vca it's not going to affect the gain structure of the sends here so we could have our reverb and if i drop the volume of the reverb like in a group it would affect the gain structure of the snare going to the reverb so as i bring this down it's not going to affect the gain structure going into the reverb so we have the same amount of the sensor it's not affecting the gain structure there and so we have our existing automation let's say i automate the vca so i could take this and i want to bring this down but i have existing automation already that's on the track so let's say i bring up my drums now and we bring the volume up okay so i'll go to my snare track and let's look at the snare track automation line here so we go to our automation lane and i could see almost two separate values here for the automation so i can see the original automation and the automation what the automation would look like if we took the vca into account so we see these two values so if i wanted to actually say okay i want the automation to kind of coalesce to show me the result of the vca but you know we could click on the vca folder here and we could say combine the automation of the vca and the linked channels and now the automation will be you know even if my automation was going down while the automation of the track was going up we could just automatically coalesce those two together so that's when it gets into if you have pre-existing automation vcas offer a lot more flexibility and if you have a lot of effects you don't want to bring down the group volume because then the balance between the wet and dry when using effects ends can be uh can be altered uh unexpectedly and unwanting in an unwanted manner so that's kind of what makes vca's unique and special thanks for all the great questions again if you've learned something new make sure you do hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the um you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that all right so we see a question from jeff sabelski szabowski greg when scissor tool when scissor cuts are glued back on an event the event changes affect the event display a rectangle pattern at the bottom of the file and then access to the level bar adjustment am i missing something so depending on the edit so if i take an audio file and i've cut and let's say i remove a section and i want to glue these two parts together now we see that this has changed as jeff is described and if i wanted to do something simple as like okay i want to see my clip gain that my clip gain isn't there so what we've done is you know there's two different ways of editing data so we could look at it as an event or as a part so when we do and we glue two different things together we've now taken them into a part and this will show up kind of not in a sample editor but in a part editor and in earlier versions a lot of people would do comping using this because we could have multiple takes and kind of do large comping but to get back the you know if you wanted to you if you just go to the audio menu to get the kind of pre-existing event capabilities which a lot of us kind of use by default um just go to the audio menu select the event or select the part to rather sorry for confusing the nomenclature and just choose dissolve part and then it will turn into events where you could have your volume handle and have access to that as expected okay so we see how to split stereo track without merge the channels so let's say if i'm here and i wanted to split a stereo track all you have to do is we'll just we have our stereo track here selected go to your project and you'll see convert tracks and you say multi-channel to mono and then that will automatically split them and you have different naming conventions so once again go to your project convert tracks multi-channel to mono or mono to multi-channel all right so just see um does anyone know who i have to contact to solve a problem with full elicenser uh do you have any emails it probably the email address may be different depending on what length what country you're in because different countries will have different support systems um but probably if you just you know google you know it's like and this may be localized but i'll just say steinberg u.s support contact i'll just say steinberg support contact and this may kind of geo target me to the us because that's where my it's where my iep address is from but you just come right over here and say steinberg support and then i think if you just come over here um and just go to contact and there you could see you know the steinberg u.s support uh for these countries it's going to be done for other countries you could you know so you could just find the email address right there just just google you know steinberg support contact okay so we just see a question please what's uh this stream about so i can understand what i'm expected to learn from this so what this is we do these club cubase live streams twice a week and they go for about four hours each time and uh the the concept is that users can ask any question and we'll try to go through all of their questions that users have so there's not a specific theme other than answering end user questions directly here we see jeff sabowski was also in la area during the northridge earthquake yeah so when it actually happened i was uh at the airport waiting to fly to la for the namm show so had to go the next day it was just a very interesting time okay reading through comments okay reading through more comments so okay so we see from graham just saying thank you greg for the really in-depth explanation of freezing versus rendering i hope it's beneficial to other cubase users so yeah right any questions someone has someone else has it as well so all right reading three more comments all right so we see michael teams has been able to join the live stream so always now we'll probably start the virtual ice cream distribution okay reading through more comments okay so i just see uh max erinson saying uh greg for the people trying to get the e-licenses to work tell them to try switching browsers um so so yeah you could try that but generally the e-licenser doesn't utilize a browser i don't think i think it's kind of a direct connection so okay so i just see um so about the mixing down stereo so uh thanks for your probably that's just merging the channels i want to i don't want each one to be a mono individual okay so i think we covered that already okay michael teams wants people to whack the like button okay so we have a question uh from john pinion um does bouncing tracks have utility over rendering in place or what in what circumstance what circumstance would you want to use one over the other all right so you know when we do a bounce selection so let's say if i come here and i have like this audio file and let me just copy it here and if i do a bounce selection so this will turn it into one audio file but this won't incorporate any of the processing so this would still be one audio file that still goes through all of the processing that is utilized whereas rendering in place could embed all of the processing on the particular tracks into the file so that it's not having to process in real time so bounce selection can be useful for edits but if you want to incorporate you know the signal processing and the dsp and the effects and eqs into the rendered file that's when the render in place makes sense okay all right reading through more comments and questions thanks for all the great discussion all right so we see uh from steve leeds uh how can i transpose a uh how can i transpla tran uh transpose a bass part played on a guitar low e string an octave lower to sound more like a bass um all right so let's say i'm not sure if i have a file that will do that let me just see if i can take one of these guitar parts okay so let's say i want to take that little that little hook guitar part here okay so let's say i just want it come here and we'll select that range so this will be just so let's say i have that going on so it's like probably something played on the e string or a string sounds like um so i will i'm sorry i hit the wrong key okay so let's say if i could just transpose this let's say minus 12 and so if i just wanted to take that so that we just selected it and just hit transpose uh and said minus 12. so if i wanted to we'll just kind of loop that and let me just pan it in center just for this i'm sorry i mean just drawing button so if it was kind of not done with distortion you could just kind of select it uh and transpose just like that so you could select the event and choose transpose you could also select uh like an audio part and go to your audio menu to processes and you'll see pitch shift and at this point you could just say okay i wanted to transpose down minus 12 and you could just do pitch shifting directly there so and you could also just uh you know keep the time so that there's a couple different ways of doing it you know but you know as a bass player you know just get a base and that'd be great but you could do it this way as well so all right so bear with me a second i'll undo that processing um so we just see uh hello again is it possible to see how dorico integrates into cubase so the two are kind of separate programs you know but what you can do that's kind of interesting um you know so i think we'll see more integration coming uh but if i wanted to just you know select an event here so let's say okay i want to take uh you know a cello part from this piece and i have dorko open you know there there is kind of drag and drop of parts you know dorcos share the same uh audio engine so and you know many of the same effects and so we'll come over here let's just do a new empty project and let's say if i just go into play mode let's say i'll just say okay i wanted this to be a cello all right and then dorco you have kind of like a play mode so i could actually just kind of take a cello part here from cubase and oh just and you could just kind of you know drag and drop the data so even if you're kind of in right mode and then you could just see um the notation so but i think that will be kind of a you know a concept of coming of having more integration uh between the two programs but you know as dorco's a fairly new program we wanted to make sure that all the kind of core dorico functionality was already kind of you know we didn't want to hold up kind of getting all of the advanced uh notation features uh incorporated into dorco and i think the next steps conceptually that we'll see is going to be more integration between the two programs okay reading through comments so we see cubase junkies he has a habit of rendering in place see mark raven's asking if anyone's here from virginia so i i'm in virginia as well i think there's maybe some other people okay so we see from john costigan uh thanks greg for the vst file location tip i'm trying to use an alesis i o to send uh out midi notes to groove agent 5. the notes groove agent 5 receives don't match the alesis output anything obvious to you here so i'm not sure if it's uh if it's an alesis drum machine or like an alesis uh kit what you could do is let me just um there is kind of an easy way if you have like an electronic drum kit to make that work and it's pretty easy once you kind of know where to click uh so say if i'm here and i want this to you know to learn the midi note so let's say okay like you know i hit the kick drum pedal it's playing a symbol or something like that you'll see this little option here for use hardware controller mapping and then you could just uh edit learn trigger note so then hit the kick drum and whatever drum that you hit will will be captured to input this midi note to play this sound so once again just kind of click here and then you'll see edit learn trigger midi note so if you try that and if you have a you know there's an e-drum controller which i think is roland and you have like yamaha controllers as well where all the mapping could be handled here but you could save it as a preset as well once you have it all mapped but once you do that just say select the pad and say okay i want to hit the kick drum turn that on right click edit learn the trigger note boom and hit you know and just simply hit the pad and that will automatically assign the midi node to trigger that pad so let me know if that's what you mean by the alesis io okay so we just see a question uh can you use two or three e-licensers simultaneously yes you can use multiple e-licensers all right so i think jean-marie is on the live stream so great to see you on the live stream okay reading through comments okay um so i just see i will bounce when i want to force a discreteness from john opinion uh i will bounce when i want to discrete separate copies such as when making harmony vocals i don't know if there's a better way to do this yeah so you know when you create harmony vocals it could you know it will automatically create new audio files for you as well if you're doing it with the generated harmonies under the audio menu we see michael teams left to do a studio session thanks for joining michael and passing out ice cream all right so we're at i think i've caught up with the uh questions i know we had questions that were sent in advance and we have quite a few so let's go ahead and get to those and if you've learned something make sure that you learned something new make sure you do hit the like button and at that point if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well all right so i think i have a project i prepared for some of these questions coming up okay so we had a just a question um so this is a correction question can greg do short show up for uh steinberg electric uh base library uh an absolute five collection uh please show the two views showing the fingerboard and and view as halloween six instrument uh not macro view okay so let's come over here to the electric bass instrument all right so um okay so when i want to just look at it in um so let's say if i just you know just for the view um i could come over here and so say i've loaded up the electric bass and i wanted to edit um so here we could see you know a lot of uh like you know we can see some of the sound settings you know different zones midi modulation mapping some of the samples wave tables etc but most of the time when you see this you're going to be dealing with the macro view all right so we could sorry let's say okay i wanted this to be like um like just a normal clean jazz base let me i think i mean i have to jump up an octave [Music] okay let me go up one more octave here sorry let me adjust my keyboard [Music] okay so now some of the things that are cool about this is you know one you could switch between you know your your di and like an amp effects section so if you you know if you wanted to see like a full amplifier so we could actually kind of scroll over here and we see kind of the uh bass amp with multiple effects uh so we could dial that in and as a bass player i like that you know we could have like kind of a typical jazz bass sound uh if we want just be like a p bass [Music] and we could choose for this to be a music man so like a humbucker [Music] uh and you also will have kind of all pickups on [Music] and we could choose to have neck only of like a jazz bass or the more popular bridge only [Music] and you could also choose for this to be a stereo like a rickenbacker where you have two outputs the tone knob is actually physically modeled so it's not just rolling off high-end so you're able to do that now you could also choose to have this you know do different styles of players and these players would actually kind of indicate uh like when as you're working with it what you know notes you know that it's going to choose and you'll have different articulations so we could choose to have this be like a slap base [Music] so you get end at wood i may have this so if you hit it with like a soft velocity you can get some of those kind of slap articulations uh something a lot of libraries don't do well is actually just kind of like a muted base so if you wanted to you could also come over here and okay if you wanted to do different slides between different notes um you could take in and out of fret buzz and ghost note volume so if i wanted to come here so let's say okay we'll choose for this to be sustained so we can say okay let's put this into auto slide so if i have two nodes and so if i wanted to change the speed of that so i want the slide speed to be you know 16th notes and so now when i hit the second note and you can say okay i want the level of the slide to be to you know to be louder so you could have two different slide speeds now what's really interesting to me is as i play there's actual move my phone out of the way here but you could and the thing that really attracted me to the bass is i could come over here and i could play notes so say i play this g note when i have key switches we could actually have these key switches limit and pick the particular string so you know if you're an electric bass player sometimes you may play a g on the b string or the e string or the a string the d string or the open g so you could come right over here and just kind of pick [Music] you know the the various notes that you're playing so let's say i come here that's on the e string the d string the d and the open g so i could play [Music] the same note and pick which string it's actually being done from so those are like really cool things you could do and if you wanted to uh you know just change you know i want it to be a sunburst finish versus white versus natural or blue you know you could come over here and be able to set up the different elements like that so a great library um so it's kind of instead of just having one library for a jazz bass one for a p bass one for a rickenbacker you could kind of have all those sounds covered directly within this one particular library and pick the string you know and it's something i do as a bassist a lot you know sometimes you may just kind of slide up the neck to get a little more tension and have that note kind of pop out and sometimes you may want that note to be thinner sounding like an open g string you could do that very easily using the electric bass library all right uh so we had a question um uh so can greg explain what is triple notes and why are they so often used for guitar players it's also nice for other instruments too folks say i know nothing and this is from um it just says an anonymous friend all right so when we use triplets you know if we were to kind of play along so let's say um let's say if i was playing along with a rhythm and we could think of you know as we have a click track so i'll just slow this down just for so you know if i was doing like whole notes that would be like four beats [Music] let me just so if i play a whole note [Music] that would be four clicks half notes and then we have quarter notes that match the metronome then we have eighth notes so we go [Music] and we could have triplets and triplets what it is is just dividing the beat instead of by one or by two [Music] into three so again so you often say like trip triple triple it triple it triple it is a good way to think about it so you could just kind of take the beat and put three equal rhythmic notes into one beat so that would be like a quarter note triplet or eighth note triplet so i go so this would be quarter notes and eighth notes [Music] so you could go okay i want quarter notes [Music] so that's quarter notes followed by triplets so it's just a way of rhythmically dividing notes so you know you can't get into septuplets which would be seven divisions per quarter note you know quintuplets they're pretty rare um but you know triplets are just kind of an easy way to have a rhythmic variation on your part and it's again it's just taking you know three evenly divided notes and being able to at that point fit three notes of the same rhythmic duration into a beat or a you know or you know depending on the rhythmic value so you could have a half note triplet which would be you know fitting three notes into two beats or three notes into one beat with like an eighth note triplet so just think of it as you know triple it triple it triple it triple it so that's what triplets are so it's kind of used on melodies used on guitars um you know and just kind of to add a bit of rhythmic interest okay so we had a question i think i solved this by email but i'll do it for the benefit of other people um hi greg i've been seeing an audio track missing my ur44c rack in the inspector tab and this is for the steinberg audio interface to ur-44c like in the picture below and sometimes i can i can click on another audio track and it will be there it is it's my only audio interface i can't understand why it's there sometimes and other times it's not more importantly how do i add it when it's missing so for the onboard dsp to take effect you know the actual connections need to be defined so we need to have in you know a output connection that is defined so i'll come here with my ur 44c um so say i come here and if we wanted to access like the onboard dsp i you know we do this through an inspector tab and for this inspector tab to be visible it needs to physically have an input and an output so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to deactivate my control room and i'm going to go to my outputs and i'll set my audio interface to be showing up in my outputs and i'm going to just add let's say a mono bus okay and then i want this to go to input 1. so now when i go to add my tracks here at this point i could see my ur 24c options will appear now if this track is not set to an output which is the case in that we saw in the picture if this is set to no bus then there's kind of it's lost the connection of where to insert the ur 24c so we need to make sure that we actually have a bus an output bus defined and then the ur 24c will become the inspector tab will become visible again so try that and i i got confirmation uh that that already kind of solved it but just for the benefit of other users who would include that okay we covered the other one from red from ed rugman so okay uh so we have a question um i often use the midi modifier to keep playing in an easier key since i'm not a very good pianist but when in the piano roll whenever i move a note the note i hear isn't relative to the new key like a c is still a c even if i'm -2 on the midi modifier so it's a bit frustrating to move notes around and to hear the wrong note is there any way to avoid that i don't know if this makes any sense anyway thanks for the help from neil all right so let's say if um i have midi part here and we listen to it and we'll say this is going to be probably a strong tonality of c major [Music] okay but let's say i now want this to let's say i wanted to play in c major but i wanted to play in you know f sharp so i will come over here and we can go to the midi modifiers and we could transpose here so that we could play back so let's say um we'll come here so now as we play what was in c [Music] is now transposed up so this is these midi modifiers are taking the playback and then modifying them on playback but if i go to move a note you know what we see it sounds like that's actually kind of the right pitch but you know so [Music] so i mean that seems like it's not playing you know so let's say if i go back to my midi modifiers on the event so let me just come here and just check one other thing so if i go back to zero here and switch [Music] and so that seems to be sounding the like when i move notes that that seems to be so i'll just come back to the midi modifiers that seems to be kind of working as expected so let me just move the pitch here but i may have activated one other thing which is the indicate transposition so if you click on the settings here let's see if this makes a difference you'll see an indicate transposition function and that's disabled so so the midi modifier seems to do that but if you're still having problems with this you know the one thing that you can do is you know if we have the midi modifiers is if you wanted to embed the changes of the midi modifiers into the event itself is just to come over here so say i have this event i'm going to select it we go to midi and we choose freeze midi modifiers so as soon as i do that that would take the transposition and actually move the notes up but it seems like when i click here and i move the notes as you describe that they are kind of playing back at the correctly transposed event so but you could always try going to the select the event go to the midi modifiers and then those changes will automatically be embedded in the part so it's kind of the result of your transposition and settings and your midi modifiers will then automatically kind of be applied as raw as the raw midi data there okay so we had a question uh hi how can i assign a key range to each slice in a loop inserted into a sample track let's say an octave to have each sample with different pitch okay so if we have our sampler track here i could drag this into [Music] my file so let's say at this point i go um i have my so i could play back the sample here let's say drum loop something that will be sliced rhythmically so i will click on slice and now that i've clicked on slice each of the different slices will be chromatically mapped across the keyboard so and i think the question is how to change what uh what the range of these slices so let's say if i come over here and i do this again and i just select a different root key so right now the root key here is at c3 so i'm going to just set this to [Music] you know g2 so that would be my root key so now when i slice everything will kind of start that range not based on c3 but on you know based on the root key here so you could change the range just by modifying the root key within the sampler track okay so a question hi uh there's a way to control the audio routing of media bay i use windows 10 with ray dat in the system also main windows wdm audio was routed to channels 15 to 16 so it's not the default main out one and two and i can't listen anymore uh preview from the media bay so the media bay is just going to be routed to whatever uh you know your control room is set up to so make sure that you have the control room it and then you can just you know once you have your monitor so it you know you could set this to outputs you know 7 8 1 and 2 15 and 16 and then the media bay preview will go through the control room so go to the audio connections click on the control room add a monitor you'll just see i have four monitors already which you can have so right click and add monitor and then once you have that selected that's where the control room preview and your other monitoring preview signals audio signal will be sent to okay so we had a question i'm reconfiguring my media scoring rig i'm using uh my current version innuendo on an asus laptop 32 gigs of ram i want to run pro tools as a slave to nuendo hosting the picture i want to flexibility for this as an option to having video innuendo how can i do it i need virtual midi port how can i link both daws on one pc also can i achieve this between two pcs so usually when people run kind of like you know sometimes people will call it like a print rig uh you know so many composers just from years of working like before cubase even integrated video would have you know one computer that was just playing back video and one that was playing back you know all the audio and midi and eventually virtual instruments so that could free up resources because at the time the video codecs weren't as um you know weren't as robust uh you know so that you know it would the video would take a lot of processing power just to play back the video so people would have two different systems so running the video on a different program on the same computer you know doesn't really benefit you you know it's taking up more resources running it into a different program but what you could do if you wanted to do that is you could get like a midi loopback um i think if you get to get i think it's um like or something so say so get get like uh yeah you could probably just get this uh loop midi um and this is like a virtual midi cable so what you could do is just if you you know wanted to do it on a single computer is you know send the time code you know so when you go to the project synchronization setup you can just simply send uh like midi time code probably through the loopback driver and have midi timecode in the other program slave to that so you could do that but again running both programs it may actually give you significantly worse resources but you could give it a try but just a if it's on the same computer just a midi um you know just having a uh like a midi loopback you could try that so most and if you're doing it on two computers most people would use just again midi time code but when you're doing midi time code to a different computer if you're dealing a lot with audio you may have to have kind of a more expensive sync box that can synchronize the sample levels to the clock you know so you get a sync box that could take incoming midi time code uh and have the sync and also feed the word clock from the sync box to your audio interface so and that's how you could properly synchronize so i think that you know if you're doing it on one computer that you'll probably have worse performance than just hosting the video inside of nuendo okay and we had another question that was mailed in and i kind of sent a couple of follow-up questions and someone was running into an issue and it was kind of strange when let's say we had a midi part here um and i wasn't able to kind of duplicate the behavior so when they would come over here and choose to cut uh an event so i'll just kind of come over here so when they would cut an event and they had the synchronization between the project window and this set when they cut an event that the playhead would automatically go to the beginning of the next part now sometimes when you select an event you could have the playhead move to and i don't think it goes to the next part but it would just move a couple of measures so i've seen sometimes when you have in the transport mode and you have used video files edit mode that when you select an event the cursor can move to the beginning of the selected event but it didn't seem like it was really tied to that so i wasn't able to and i tried a number of different preferences that when i cut the event that you know the playhead was still kind of positioned right where i cut the event you know so see if just out of curiosity if it's you know if you have the transport and use video follows edit mode try to uncheck that so you should be able to cut anywhere and not have the cursor jump later in time so i think you know it seemed like your grid was set here correctly so i'm not sure if you know what could be causing that but you know try just out of curiosity if you do have that on and now you'd asked if he could uh share a project to see if i could get a sense of what's going on in the actual project but you know try going to transport and just try to use it to uncheck use video follows edit mode see if it makes any difference and maybe that in conjunction with some other preferences might be you know causing the particular issue that you're running into all right so let's jump back that's all the questions we had mailed in thanks for emailing me questions again if you have a more kind of detailed question you could send it in to club cubase at steinberg dot d e all right let me find my space in the chat discussion see people want me to turn off my click that's out of time with the track that they're working on all right so we see key based junkie says always wanted to go to cubase headquarters to meet the guys that make cubase i know it sounds nerdy but yeah i want to do that so yeah to me it's uh you know i haven't gotten to go since uh pandemic i was supposed to go like the week uh kind of right as the pandemic started um but i always find it really inspiring uh spending time with my uh create spending time with the people that are able to create the magic of cubase right so we see john coskins is the midi drums kind of that worked for him now all right so we just see uh does everyone write modern music using the piano role now so there's a lot of people that will just kind of draw notes in you know i if you go really old school um i know lots of people that still and they're incredibly fast uh like a friend of mine had done a bunch of work with nyle rogers over the years uh but you know he'll actually compose using this view and type in the notes uh you know which you think is crazy but he's super fast and just kind of entering into values because that's how they had to do midi in the early early early days all right so to see uh how to import track presets into a project uh i want group inserts and effects tracks and plugins uh for the tracks to be imported using import tracks from project does not import group tracks so i thought it did but let me just um let me just see if i can set that up so let's say okay so sorry i just had a quick email pop in so let's see if i come over here and i'll just create a group track so let me activate the project okay so i'll just do a new [Music] create empty so you can import the group track right here so um so you could definitely import the group track from use the uh and that might be in cubase 11 uh so if you have like 10.5 that may be slightly different but if we have track presets so say if i have my group track here i will come over here to presets let's go to track presets audio um so if i wanted to just drag presets to the group we could do that so i look at all my inserts i can just drag those particular track presets right to the group like so but if you wanted to so you know it seems like the import tracks will will work um so i see that you are using cubase 10 so um but one other thing that you could do is come over here so let's say okay i added a effects track [Music] so let's say okay i'm here and i want to add the multi-tap delay so if i select let's say my group my you know and other tracks let's say okay i want these tracks you could come over here and say export selected tracks so and i'll just reference the media files and i'll come here and we'll call it october 12th and this will work in 10 so and let's say if i go to a new project and then we could export the selected tracks and import a track archive and at this point we could just say okay we'll select all and export all of them so you could do groups and effects channels like that so try to just do an export selected tracks to select the tracks and import the track archive okay so we see mark rabin has was scammed by the tuttles in virginia they stole a bunch of money from him i'm sorry that happened to you mark okay reading for all right okay so we see faces forever on the live stream thanks for joining okay so you see michael pierce's gonna join us on friday so great to have you on the live stream all right so you see uh from kerwin young just saying greg thank you so much hope that information was helpful for your question thanks for joining us okay see some great discussion about about niall rogers and kanye and pharrell so all right so we have david from nigeria in the live stream thanks for joining okay all right so let's see how we are in time so we were about 4 53 all right so i think i got to the end of discussion and now we just had a question um all right so we see uh one question uh there is uh beside the mutant solo button in each track also the listen button but in my 11 pro it's always disabled how does the listen function work okay so the listen function is going to work in conjunction with the control room so if you don't have the control room enabled uh you may not uh actually the listen function may not make too much sense so let's say and what the listen function's gonna allow us to do is almost like a solo safe mode in a way so let's say um and i'll just kind of show it here so let's say we're playing along and you know we could obviously kind of mute track so let's say i go to the mix console so you know if i solo track all the other tracks will get [Music] will get muted but if we have the control room functioning and we could do this in the uh audio connections and just set up two monitors here for the control room so when we do this now we could click on the listen button so what the listen button will do is basically just dim [Music] so and we could set the amount of dim if we look in a control room and click on the main tab so now when i click on the listen the other tracks just get dimmed down and this is also really handy for like if i go to my reverb [Music] so if i do the reverb i hear kind of the reverb [Music] for everything but i hear the reverb with its source track but if i wanted to just listen to the reverb i could click on the l and we'll just hear the reverb return channel isolate it so instead of muting the other tracks so let's say okay i wanted to listen to uh the bass so it says soloing it i could just click here and listen to the bass and have the other tracks dimmed down and you can set the amount of the dim right here in the control room so like the musicians could be tracking and you can say okay i just want to listen to what's going on with [Music] and it's not interrupting the control room you know what the musicians are hearing that's just what you're listening to in a control room so if you don't have the control room activated the listen function may not work okay so just see can i change the color of the solo and mute buttons so i think that that's not really um you know where it could be changed so i think it's pretty standard industry practice and most pro audio gear to have kind of a red cello light um so i don't know of a way to change the color of the mute or solo button okay so to see a question uh if i set up multiple instruments and midi tracks um [Music] that feed into different channels of that instrument let's say machine and reason do i have to set up different midi channels for each so generally it's it's a common thing to set up you know different midi channels or different midi tracks for each you could come over here and when we have a like let's say an instrument track or a midi track you know if and you wanted to one track to send to multiple channels you know you have like channels 1 through 16 but you could also have it set to midi channel any and that could send multiple midi channels from one particular track okay so i think we're just about out of time we'll see if there's any last minute questions that pop up i want to thank everyone for all the wonderful questions i hope that everyone has learned a new tip or trick and if you uh did and you have not hit the like button yet make sure you do that and also if you haven't subscribed to the channel we'll be doing the next live stream on uh friday starting at 1pm us eastern and i want to thank everyone for the great questions and we will go ahead and wrap up just like a minute early so we can get our translations in for other countries but thanks again i want everyone to stay safe and healthy and we will see everyone again on friday thank you very much
Channel: Cubase
Views: 9,261
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Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: KfAd5tza2pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 0sec (14280 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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