How to Delete an Existing Group of FX Channel | Club Cubase January 26 2021

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hi welcome to the january 26 2021 club cubase google hangout i'm going to do a quick audio test and make sure everything is coming through as expected sounds fine my name is gregundo i'll be the host for the hangout today if you have not attended a hangout before how it works is you can submit questions in advance to club cubase at steinberg dot d e or you could ask them live in the chat field this uh hangout will be available to watch afterwards if you're watching this uh not live you may want to just kind of skip ahead maybe five or six minutes while we get people logged in and then some quick introductions so uh so once again you could ask questions in the comments field if it's it'll be helpful sometimes if you could actually uh specify you know which computer platform you're running which version of cubase you could say i'm running you know cubase 11 pro on mac os or i'm running uh cubase elements 9.5 on windows 10 that that information would be helpful um as we are going through questions the ability to ask questions will far exceed my ability to answer all the questions we'll try to get through as many questions as uh completely and as succinctly as possible so if it if you ask the question over and over again when i'll probably probably be getting to it that's just kind of slows down the whole process so if we could try to uh not do that that would be really helpful so and we will try to have a live time stamped index for the hangout later tonight with all the topics that are covered uh last hangout we talked about uh after we did kind of like a little christmas like zoom after the hangout hangout uh right before christmas and some people wanted to do that so i was thinking of doing it uh the last hangout of the month where we could do that so friday's hangout we may go for three hours and have an hour of zoom hangout afterwards where we could actually meet each other and talk and you someone else could you know talk beside me you're probably tired of hearing my voice but it's a i really enjoyed meeting people that were in the last one so if you want to send an email to club cubase it's steinberg dot d e i could send you a zoom link i know we've had some people that had already received those so let's go ahead you know so feel free to uh send an email and i'll send you kind of the zoom invite so it'd be great to meet as many people as possible but let's go ahead and see who is on hangout i'm seeing a lot of familiar faces so let's see all right so we have sir robert from atlanta a long time very loyal steinberg user okay so we have robbie bowling from dallas we have rob from tarpon springs florida all right john costigan from kenosha we have uno from finland all right so we have vancouver washington senegal uh ankashare okay so we have jan who's uh always generous enough he created a website where you could search for all of our club cubase hangouts if you go to uh but john's checking in from stockholm we have taylor from pine grove pennsylvania okay so preston from lancashire all right all right so we have ted from sherman oaks good to see ted okay so we have norfolk in the uk soren from sweden all right we'll get started here in just a couple minutes we'll let some more people get logged in all right so we have denver colorado all right so just seeing kind of club cubase questions coming in as we do it so probably won't be able to read through that all right so we have michael teams from weatherford texas we have israel it in our minute or two then we'll go ahead and get started so if you guys want to start asking questions in the comments field all right good to see mandy lane on a hangout again and gareth is on all right we have scott from we're seeing wisconsin all right so i guess he was on the nam presentation we did last week uh norway milwaukee there's three people from wisconsin all right so we have oklahoma city new york so i guess from in the snow in new york we got a little bit of snow just enough for my son to kind of fill up a bucket and make a snow sculpture all right so we have netherlands italy all right so let's go ahead and get started um so question hi i'm thinking of buying shreddage 3 guitar plug-in for cubase 10 which requires a contact player do you think it'll be okay there without any conflict so we have lots of people that use you know contact-based instruments directly inside of cubase so it's a very popular playback engine so you won't have any problems with your cubase in terms of compatibility or conflicts so you should be all set with that enjoy your new library all right so question is it possible to see your vst inserts from your mixer window also is there a way to change your vst insert other than the inspector on the left thanks all right so let me just uh jump to project has some more tracks in it okay so when we look at our particular tracks here um so let's say i i could see my inserts at i can see my mixer at the bottom of our project here so as we kind of go along and we could have these two little icons here so this will allow you to see your inserts for each track and your sends for each track so your inserts could be accessed um kind of two different areas on the main project window so if you wanted to see your inserts here we could drag and drop uh you know inserts directly on uh plug-ins from the inspector but if you don't want to do it from the inspector just click on this icon here and now you can see all of your available inserts and you could add different inserts and be able to just come right over here double click on the insert to add to open up the user interface then you could also just drag and drop a plugin so if you wanted to you know drop it to another spot or if you wanted to copy it you could just hold down the i think alter option key and then you can copy it with all of its settings in the main mix console window what you could do is come over here and in the racks make sure that i believe by default you'll have your inserts selected and then you could click on the inserts tab and you could see all of your inserts and sends everything kind of directly there so if you want to see channel strip um you know so all the all those different functions of can be available as inserts and kind of the main mix console the inspector or just by again clicking here so you can see your faders inserts and sends kind of all directly right there in the lower zone mixer as well okay just thanks for all the great questions and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure that you subscribe and give a thumbs up if you like kind of what you're seeing on the hangout all right okay so you see four singers record on four tracks each sings a new take with the other three parts how can control room be used to adjust the volume of the other recorded singers using a remote mixer uh ie fermin hr6 so i'm assuming that maybe the furman hr6 is just like a headphone uh so i'm not sure let me i'll take a quick look on my system just to make sure i don't go down the wrong path here bear with me while i look up so it's a headphone amp okay okay so we have four singers record on four tracks each sings a new take with the other three parts um okay how can control room be used to adjust the volume of the other recorded singers so if you have this set up in the control room uh let me just create uh see if i have a project imagine we are going to be doing some vocal parts i think i may have some harmonies and um this project here my friend clay oswald lets me use okay so we'll go to let's say i think we have a vocal group here so let's say we have our background vocals all right so let's say as we're listening to it we wanted to and i'll get my keyboard working on the correct computer [Music] okay so how it's going to work is if we wanted to do our different headphone mixes um i could set this up where you know as we want to have our control room we get this configured just by let me just hide my input channels so i will come directly over here and i will select just uh my studio let's go to our audio connections and now we could come over here and click on a control room you want to make sure a that the control room is turned on and that as we kind of work with this we could right click and add um you know different parts here so i have four different cue mixes so you could right click and add a cue mix so you could add up to four different cue mixes so when we have this done our cue mixes will show up in our control room kind of at the top here so ideally what you'd want to do if you wanted to be able to adjust the different levels of the different sources for the cue mixes we'll do this in kind of the full screen mixer and we'll go to racks and make sure that our cue sends is activated so i will just go ahead and close some of the other components here so say we're going to have our cue send and what i want to do is to be able to go to my i want to select all the channels in my project so i will just come here and i will right click in the control room it'll go to all cues and first thing i want to do is to activate all of the cue sends so i will enable that and i want to use the current mix levels so i will come here and let's click on use current mix levels and what this is going to do is replicate kind of the faders uh and how they're set and that will be replicated in the control room so as we want to let's just say we'll select our vocal part here [Music] all right so we have these soloed now so what we want to do is we could say okay in our vocal headphone mix we could set different levels because you may want to have one particular level so just you know the singer may want to hear like you know i know one of the singers i used to work with a lot you know she wanted to hear the bass and that was kind of her foundation for her intonation and she would listen for that and kind of cue off that mentally so in that case what we could do is you know if we are feeding the audio output to your furmin and that's i believe just kind of a a four in or like a four out headphone amp i don't think it's going to um actually have multiple inputs so we could take kind of our one signal and i'll just look at it just to make sure on the input connections all right so it looks like it just has [Music] um i just want to look at some pictures of it okay so what you would want to do and is to take the outputs from the audio interface and the connections and we want to connect each of the different headphones to discrete outputs here and this could be analog outputs generally could be a headphone output from your audio interface but we need to define like our guitar the bass the vocals and drums here out of separate audio outputs now once those out and each of these outputs will then feed a particular uh you know headphone monitoring system kind of like your hr6 so the furman unit so as we want to do that i could now come over here to the vocalist and i could adjust what the mix is that's in my control room here and a vocalist may go i want to hear more of myself in my headphone mix so we could do is we want to send more of the vocals into their headphone mix so i'm going to take these vocal tracks and feed them into the headphone mix now when we listen to it in a control room we may not notice a difference until we actually go to listen to our different cue mix so say if i go to qmix2 [Music] so as we want to just kind of listen a little bit [Music] we could bring out other instruments so let's say if i want to go to like q mix one and let's say in q mix one for the basis they want to hear more of themselves i could come here and i'm going to feed the bass player [Music] now if i wanted to listen to like just the mix we can see that that mix is going to be different than what the bass player is hearing and let's say the bass player wants to hear more kick drum so i can say we're going to send more kick to the bass drum to the bass player's headphone mix but it's not actually affecting the mix of the project itself so we come here let's say to the mix now what the bass player is hearing it's gonna have him up louder and the kick louder so this way we could send more of this particular channel let's say the overheads the snare to the bass player to the vocals to the drums to uh you know the different cue mixes just laid out for you right here by adjusting these sliders and that way the vocalist can have a more me headphone mix the bass player could have a more me headphone mixed a drummer can and this way they could kind of get the best performance so again uh go to your audio connections you want to make sure that these are going out into your system uh into audio outputs from your interface that could be fed into a headphone distribution system um and it looks like i saw maybe like kind of like an ethernet connection so it may go into like a master unit and then be distributed where someone could adjust the you know four different cue mixes directly there on the furman unit but that's kind of how you get it you know from here from the audio outputs are defined in the audio connections and control room under the cues and again you would just right click and choose to add a cue mix and you could have four cue mixes and then each source you could feed to different amounts of the qmix so once you kind of get that set up that's how you could do uh kind of your headphone mixes and then they're actually stored within the project themselves so if that if that let me know if that helps paul all right all right so we have a question hi how can i print the click to a track and then send along to another musician for them to record to okay so i think this came in 9.5 but if we wanted to i'm going to just set up my left and right locators around the song and what we could do now is go to the project menu and you'll see signature track and what you want to do is just to render audio click between locators and as soon as that's done uh your click track is now just generated as an audio file so you could just kind of come right over here let's get to the mix and it's that's just our audio file right there all right so once again just set the left and right locators for the range that you want to do go to your project menu to signature track and render audio click between left and right locators and then you could have a separate audio file and you could feed that directly you know export that with someone else and have them play you know to the click track or you know with other tracks as well all right so a question uh using chord pads in pattern mode um how do you record the resulting output uh when i try notes are recorded sustained and it misses the first chord pad i press on bar one all right so let's take a look at it i'll try to recreate this so let's say if i will just do quick pattern all right you see how this sounds okay so i'm going to just drag this particular pattern out okay and then i'm going to drag this onto one of the cord pads so if you're not familiar with kind of the cord pads you can come over here and you know be able to audition some of these um so let's say so now i could trigger these and but we could also assign different pattern modes so let's say if i want to go to pattern uh so i'm going to just take this little clavinet part here and then i'm going to drag drop the midi part directly in into there so say okay so go back to my different chord patterns okay so it says uh so when using chord patterns in pattern mode how do you record the resulting output when i try notes are recorded or over sustained and it misses the first chord pad when i press on bar one okay so i'm going to um let's say i'll get rid of this particular part and i'll just turn my click track on okay so just come all right so let me just get the range here that i'm playing sorry okay so one of the things to check is that you actually could choose to actually have the chord pads as the midi input so let's go ahead and give that a shot so say i just will record and it could depend upon the pattern that's in there so this particular pattern let me just adjust the pattern here so it actually starts on on the first note so as i wanted to [Music] let's say i'll just okay so now we'll start this pattern on on the first note so i'll go back to my chord pads and let's get to the setup so you know depending on the pattern like that pattern didn't start on so now okay so now as soon as i kind of come over here we'll so we'll set the chord pads there as a pattern so and i'll do the two measures account in sorry about that move this all the way over so you know just depending upon the pattern so that pattern doesn't start right at the beat but that's kind of seems to be working but make sure try setting this up to where the chord pads are the midi input and see if that makes a difference for you all right good to see gareth on a hangout all right so we have lewis from chicago good to see you okay so you see gareth uh just you know he sent me some projects to play based on so i did get to listen to those particular files i'll send you an email about what other files you need the base parts on so okay so we have a question hi is there any way to i'll just do it with this project is there any way to take an audio track and transpose it up or down without affecting the timing cubase 11 mac thanks so there's a number ways of doing this so let's say as a replying if i wanted to take uh my voc my bass and guitar parts in this we have this transpose icon and you could just transpose uh directly there you could also use kind of a transpose track so if you wanted to kind of automate that process you could come here let's add a transpose track so and we could tell certain tracks not to follow global transpose so we could just um goes into info line but if you wanted to just kind of come here you could just say and say i want to transpose here and the pitch won't change so now it will go back to the original key here and then when it gets to this part it'll go down one semitone so you could do stuff like that as well so if you want to do it live just like that that's a kind of an easy way to do it question greg which cubase instrument plug-ins can be used in other daws so i think that if you just have the instrument plug-ins by themselves like if you have um like you know just the cubase instruments will be fixed to cubase but you know if you had something you know like we have people that will go out and buy the absolute four uh vst collection and if you have that those could be used in any other program so those will work as uh vst au and i believe aax as well so all the plugins that you purchase but the ones that come with cubase will kind of be fixed to cubase okay all right so we have peter checking in from portland maine got to go up there once it's beautiful all right so just saying uh cubase index website looks like a brilliant idea well done whoever that is so that's yan he's on the hangout today so kudos the on for that all right my chat feel just kind of jumped on me so bear with me one other thing i'll apologize in advance is you know like many people i have my families at home so i may get interrupted by my son when he's cooking he'll be very happy to um when his school is done for the day all right so let me just find my spot okay all right so we have nova scotia also checking claudius welcome to the hangout neurotic nexus good to see you i just see cubase is the best and so is greg the best teacher i just kind of show what the smart people in hamburg have created for us all so all right so gareth is now officially part of the cubase 11 elite so that's great right so we have someone from greece checking in okay so question is there any way to commit the resulting chord track follow tracks uh so that the midi data can lock in place and no longer be affected by chord track changes okay so let's go ahead and take a look let's just jump back okay so let's say if i have um i'll just kind of get a part here so let's say so i'll take this project here where we were clavinet part okay so let's say if i put this into a chord track right so i'll just put in a quick quick chord changes here okay so let's say i've now entered some chords in and what i want to do is to uh have this particular track follow the chord so we're going to say we'll go to our chords and let's go to our chord track so we'll say uh automatically follow the chord so we're gonna choose to um follow directly so let's say now we'll listen to it all right so i'll just meet the chord track sorry so we'll come here so let's say and i'll just go ahead and put some more chords it's a little more obviously obvious harmonically okay so you know once we have kind of so i'm going to choose to again follow the chords so once that is done all you have to do is just choose for it to not follow any subsequent chord changes then whatever chord changes that we have um so i'll just make the chord track a little larger here so as we want to take the chords i could i'll just choose to transpose uh based on the chords so i'll just take this and let's transpose and everything will the midi parts itself won't follow because this particular track is chosen not to follow the chords but if i say follow the chords now you can now follow those particular chords so just choose where it you know once you've done that just you could just select for it not to follow the chords okay so we have question um hi in the mixing window how can i delete an effects or group track that has already been created cubase 11 mac so let's say if i wanted to let's go ahead and add a couple group tracks all right so say we have four groups and let's add two effects channels okay so these will often show up in folders usually by default uh under like group tracks or effects tracks um so you may just see them here so if we want to look at it let's say in our mix console view i will just go ahead and hide so we see these are our effects channel tracks and these are the group tracks so if i select these two tracks uh and then right click we could remove selected tracks and then they're removed and let's go to our group tracks so if i wanted to just choose uh these four tracks right here uh and again just remove select right click uh remove or control click on mac and remove your selected tracks and they'll be deleted all right so it looks like i'm having our baseline to play so looking for that okay so neurotic nexus is watching the hangout while he's working out that's good yeah i was up early like six o'clock in the morning so i get my workout in all right just seeing if going back see if i missed kind of a quick comment they see a reference to maybe okay all right so go through the different comments here so to see um from daniel paschman maybe i'm not seeing the earlier references just says sorry i meant vst instruments haha so um i was just kind of circling back see if i missed that but if i think i may have missed it so just let me know uh question when can we see audio drag to core track and analyze the chords from audio like in studio one so currently it's not really set up for that uh so i know that the product planning is a well well aware of the desire for you know for that functionality so but i'll pass it on again okay so a question uh how to edit continuous controller across all tracks at the same time all right so let's go ahead and let me just add a number of instrument tracks so what a lot of people will do i'll just duplicate this one more time um is you know you can now just kind of paste so let's say if i have a quick part here okay so i wanted to draw in we just okay so let's say i just wanted to draw in modulation so let's say i have modulation data in this particular part and i now want to have modulation there [Music] uh and i have modulation there so what some people will do is you know you know what a lot of people miss is the ability to just uh write controller information so let's say as we record so i'm going to just move my mod wheel here and we could choose to um and there's different midi record modes so if you wanted to go to your midi record mode and you could choose to [Music] you know replace existing parts um so let's just say you know or if you wanted to overwrite so one way of doing it is just to come here and as you move the mod wheel just to record that modulation data uh into all three parts so let me just set this up so it's going to the right input on all these instead of the chord pads so now if i just move my modulation if i get to set up correctly sorry so when i come here i'll just punch in and now i'm going to record the same modulation data into all the parts but if you wanted to copy so there isn't a way to link the uh automation data but it used to be prior to version 11 that it was like really kind of odd because it would kind of take it would superimpose like the midi cc data on top so if we select like your midi cc parts um so say i just wanted to select this so we can now come over here and you know we could do kind of our typical right click and i wanted to copy and so if i do my changes here i can now double click and i could choose to right click and we'll just say paste it origin and that would take that modulation data that we've edited here so now when we want to again right click just in the controller lane to paste it origin so that way the same modulation data you can copy and paste so in and in previous versions it would kind of paste but if there was data kind of in between it would still keep the existing data so it was really kind of a bit messy so i kind of you know brought that to the attention to some of the product planning people and they're able to kind of resolve that so you could copy and paste uh more accurately but there isn't a way to kind of automatically do it but what a lot of people i see do when they do it is just record the midi cc data for all three parts at once and they find that works uh well all right good to see ambient dave on the hangout just for a quick uh pop by so hope you had a good birthday on friday all right so we have a question from louis uh che uh can i create vocal harmonies without a chord track so yes you could do it but it kind of guesses like the thirds and fifth uh but it may not be working within the particular song so you know if you have the chord track you could you know have the harmonies that are created be automatically musically correct based upon a chord track so um once you you know so if you do it without the core track it can kind of guess and it'll give you kind of like thirds and fifths uh but those thirds and fifths may not be the correct notes so you're probably better doing it with a chord track but you could just kind of randomly generate harmony voices uh without it so i would just make sure they didn't change that in any way so we'll take a quick look so let's say i wanted to do harmonies here so i'll just go to audio to generate harmony voices let's do three harmony voices and we'll see if this randomly works [Music] so you know so with the chord track it's going to automatically kind of just split it out correctly so um so it's always best to do it with a particular uh chord track if you can all right good to see pablo and a hangout from galicia espana okay okay reading through your comments okay so just saying uh for colin lewis it says i have a song with uh cc 91 reverb and cc 93 course can you edit those across all tracks at the same time so you you can't necessarily do that but again uh the ccs um you know so you could do kind of what we just showed a little bit earlier so or if you have just a midi file if it's going to be 9193 uh another quick way of doing it let me just i'll try just something else quickly here but if you go to let me you know if you wanted to go to to your tracks if it's you know cc 91 93 let's say you're on a midi track you could go you know just kind of leave this open and if you go to the midi control and then i think it's here where you could maybe it's under track control then you could go through like your gs xg1 and you could kind of tweak that easily but if you want to embed it in the midi file um you could just kind of copy that across but you may not want the same reverb on for your midi file for cc 9193 on every identical for every single track so but i guess you might have a situation so okay so i just see uh uh ted springman says uh discovered a cool trick drum sample tip trick while spring cleaning last weekend when i was clapping couch pillows together especially the heavy ones worth passing along yeah so i remember my dear friend daryl pearson who's you know done a lot of you know amazing records i mean he's michael jackson madonna justin timberlake does a lot of work with timbaland you know i remember him telling me a story that you know he's doing a session with dr dre and dr dre was just like you know they were playing basketball and you know in the gym and you know daryl's like how'd you get that kick sound how'd you get that kick sound he's like just listen you know you just do different things and he was just throwing the basketball against the the gymnasium wall and that's what he ended up sampling for his kick drum sound so you can come up with interesting sounds all over the place you know if you just kind of listen well um and one of my friends robert dudzick you know he's and he has the noir uh sound collection set and he's like an amazing sound designer so uh and check out some of his videos they're incredibly entertaining um and how he comes up with sounds but he's a guy that's recording every single door that he runs into you know just to capture it uh so you see question uh is it possible to do the opposite of detect silence keep the silence parts um so i don't let me think about that let me see if i have uh so say if i wanted to take this vocal and try to see if we could select um all right so like if you wanted to keep kind of like an ambience from that um so say if we're listening to our vocal and you wanted that space in between um so let me just take a look i don't know anything off top of my head i mean we have the detect silence function so if you have an audio file selected you can just come right over here and so say if we do a detect silence what this will allow you to do is to you know set a particular threshold where that won't so let's say um let's see if there's a way so say all right so see if i choose not to select silence uh let's see what happens so i don't know of a way to um to kind of do the opposite of you know being able to just keep you know the the particular silent areas um but you probably could do there's probably some other aspects that you could treat so maybe if you did like a hit points so let's say if i come here and i will we just let's see if we go to hit points um all right i'll just revert this quickly or jump to this project let me have some parts that may work so i i know that we can kind of chop it up uh so if i come here to the sample editor and let's get a hit points that we could you know create slices and then you know but i don't know a way to automatically select you know different parts that have amplitude above zero to select unfortunately okay so how to delete part of a track name using the logical editor delete a word and everything after okay so let's say i will do just a new audio recording here so say we have audio test and i'll just say jan 26th so let's say if i have that in the name uh so we want to delete part of a track name using the logical editor delete a word and everything after so let's say i wanted to delete everything that says test um and everything after so let's see if we could do that in the project logical editor so let's choose uh name let's say contains test so let's say so i could delete the words and let me just see if i could um okay i'll relabel this so i don't know how to delete everything after a particular word let's see so we could replace uh append so we do this but i don't know way to do that particular word and every word that's after it but if i wanted to just you know take any word i had the word test and you know let's say generate name um you know we we could do stuff like that so let's say from test to club i think we might be able to okay so let's say if i want to do in this case i'll just choose audio here so i don't know an exact way of doing that um but here i can say okay if the name contains or equals to audio let's say if we do this [Music] contains so i don't know a way to say delete everything after particular words um but i could play around with it more if you want to email me at club cubase at uh sorry about that all right so if sensium saying hi to everyone so i think uh vocal transposing up or down needs a seesaw type eq for like tone lux tilt to compensate for frequency thinness or heaviness does cubase have a similar eq function so i think usually the the vocal transposing algorithm is not going to be necessarily affected by the eq um so i think those are kind of different realms so but there isn't um necessarily like you know a eq that follows you know like chord tracks or follows you know transpositions that i i think there was one i saw one of my friends in nashville was using um that could follow kind of uh like chords that were typed into it but i don't think that it would make a difference for you know the quality of the transposition so all right so i see from just fun time i can't activate e-license so um [Music] so i'm not sure if it's a soft e-license or a hardware e-license so once you you know how you'll probably get a dac code um so in the dac code you could enter in your my steinberg account and then from your my steinberg account once it's registered you're going to be able to get a elicenser code and then that would just be entered in and created uh directly in the e-licenser program so once you kind of have that you could now just kind of enter in the activation code directly there so you'll just see enter activation code and you should be able to enter that in but if you're still having issues you know if you give us some more information that would be helpful all right so just have a question if you could show us uh an ambisonic project from scratch to export so i don't really have anything prepared for that but i could try to have something prepared for friday's hangout so if that's fine i'll work on getting it done for friday's hangout um sorry about that i will try to get something prepared so i can make more sense with it all right so you see michael teams wants people to hit the like button so all right so is cj checking in from las vegas okay so you see can you explain more about glide in cubase so a lot of times when we're uh doing you know different glide functions you know we could do this a couple of different ways using uh like the sampler track so let me just find i think i still may have a project here all right let me just find this quickly and i'll show you a couple of things that you could do let me look see if i have this one particular project see if this is the project i was thinking of okay yeah all right so let's say if i wanted to just come over here and i had okay so let's say i wanted to do kind of like typical 808 kind of glide so i just have a particular sample loaded in here so if i wanted to place it into monophonic mode i could click directly here and this will allow me to and we can set kind of the amount of glide so let me i'll just turn this up just a little bit so we could all hear a little better so if i keep the first note held down we could set kind of the amount of glide how long that's going to take so let's say if i just come here um but there's also this little kind of musical mode so a lot of times as i do my glides they're actually going to um you know start from the beginning of the sample when i hit the second note [Music] so keep one finger held down in the sample track but that starts it from the very beginning when i hit the second note it starts from the beginning of the sample but if i wanted to switch the pitch in the middle of the sample i click here on this particular icon and i could do and let me just adjust my keyboard down an octave either way so you could do different effects like that so those are some of the things you could try so make sure you put it into monophonic mode and if you wanted to change the pitch in the middle which is often used on a lot of glides you could just kind of enable it uh right there in legato mode so all right so someone's checking in from the basque country good to have you on a hangout uh so we have a question is it possible to have several midi tracks with different presets connected to one track rack instrument in the vst tab so let's go ahead and show you how to do that so when i come over here i'll just add i'll start with an instrument track so let's say i have halley and sonic se and i'll start off with um let's say just all right so i have like [Music] all right now what i could do is add midi tracks so i start with an instrument track but then i could add midi tracks so now this will all be routed to um so i'll just come here and i'll say midi track two so this will keep the same midi output port for the newly created tracks but it'll increment the midi channel so now i'm gonna have and let's say okay i want it to have a synth comp sound on channel three so now when i go to the next midi track down and when we do this you know that everything's going to be kind of mixed out of depending you know which which channel we're on i'll just load up a couple of additional sounds here so let's say okay so channel four and let's do something from christine aubin's instrument simple all right so so when we do this we can say okay you know midi four [Music] and now i go up and we can see that this is going to be synchronized when i select the channel we'll see it selected here i hit the arrow key up i hit the arrow key up again and now now if i wanted these all to go to separate outputs in my mixer as opposed to all going out of the so where you see that these are i see my midi tracks but all you'd have to do now is go to the mix part directly here and we could route these to different discrete outputs for each of the different sounds so now as we play i could just [Music] so we see the slots and that's how we could kind of do all of our [Music] so this way you know like if you had halloween sonic se that comes with cubase you know you could have up to you know 16 different tracks that are being routed out to it if you have something like you know the fall halligan that could give you 64 channels that go directly from the outputs here but all within a single instrument so you have several midi tracks different presets going to one particular instrument just that easily okay so i just see nightmare here trying to install groove agent content very frustrating so the easy thing to do is wherever the groove agent content is is go to your steinberg library manager this is a little utility program you could go to groove agent uh and you could see it here but you could also just wherever that vst dot sound file is right click or just double click that will launch the steinberg library manager and that will make the link between the instrument and where it's looking for that content that will create that link for you so just try selecting the vst sound file you most of them you don't have to install it's just going to be copying over the vst sound files do that right click on it you know and choose open in steinberg library manager or double click and that should launch you into steinberg library manager and then all those libraries should be available to see within groov agent okay all right so we have someone checking in from athens welcome to the hangout all right good to see millard brown gonna hang out oh he's it's always interesting that people apologize for being late like they're in school so it's i'm not you know not gonna hand out a tardy to anyone so i think it's interesting but good to see you on the hangout millard all right so my chat field jumped on me so all right let me just try to find my spot okay so i don't think i lost any questions um okay okay so just see uh from peter brown um uh can transpose feature also invert voicings as well so let's say if i have um just a quick so let's say i have just a quick part here um so i'll do just okay so let's say if i want to do this and let's go ahead and select um the midi transpose setup all right so you could you know set up different parameters if you wanted to keep notes in particular ranges so if you say okay the lowest note i want is set to let's say c 3 and the highest pitch i want is going to be let's say g4 okay so now i could and oh let me undo that all right so let's say at this point you go to the transpose setup so you can say the highest pitch i want is e4 let's make it f4 so i could say let's go ahead and transpose up one octave but keep it within those specified ranges to actually you know so that the voicings can be a little more consistent maybe with what you want um so check out if you go to the midi to the transpose setup that you know you have different options and you could also do different scale corrections so you could say you know i want it to be to a c harmonic minor scale uh that's the current scale and i you know let's say i'm in c major and i want this to be a c harmonic or let's say d harmonic minor scale and hit okay and you could do scale correction that way but check out the again in transpose setup if you keep notes within the specified range and let me just see if i could double click sometimes you can hit the midi note to populate the field but you know check that out within the transpose setup and i think you could probably get what you want okay so we see is just coming in to say hello i guess he's waiting for his therapy so he can't stay today so he'll re-watch tomorrow so good luck with your therapy darko and we hope to see you on friday's hangout all right good to see walter blackledge from st louis club cuba so i was uh participating in a st louis missouri uh club cubase meeting last night great group of guys it was a lot of fun good to see you on there walter okay so see from neurotic nexus uh great question issue i had once the issue that chords in a chord track didn't have the same note length uh ie one chord just played two bars while the others played until chord change couldn't find out why all right so let's take a quick look um [Music] all right i'll add one more midi track and let's just all right okay so let's say if i'm here and i have okay okay so let's say um i'll just go ahead and paint in some chord changes here so let's say it's good add a chord track all right i'll just go ahead and cheat here so sorry okay so let's see if i go ahead and [Music] okay [Music] so i think if you're using it in an example like that that it could be based upon how the the decay of the actual voice um until it's you know it sees the next chord track so it could be depending upon the voice sound that's being used so let's say if i wanted to switch uh that particular sound to maybe like a string patch so let's try like just switching that to a pad sound [Music] so now as we would play back the chord progression here we won't have that decay we'll see how long it goes so it could really kind of depend upon i think the voicing that's uh that's being used to monitor the chords so so give that a see if that makes a difference in your scenario if not just let me know did you see a comment from michael filigan phil and kim sorry uh says music class in elementary school was the best it doesn't translate so well for my son for uh virtual learning but he likes music but he doesn't like his music class unfortunately okay all right good to see sable winters on the hangout uh so i hope you got the uh invitation the link from last night okay for the uh post hangout hangout on zoom hangout so all right so from ambient dave hello greg i am just starting on some new projects so how many projects can i have open so i can work on them all at the same time you can have as many projects open so you know you have one project active but you can have like i have all these projects open currently and you could just simply choose to activate other projects so you have one active project at a time so if you click here i could take this project from being inactive and activate this one and that's what's going to play back so you have you know no limit to how many projects can be open so i just see a comment from john moore hello i used cubase back in the late 90s switched to reason and just now got back kicked into cubase 11 pro loving the workflow cubase these days we're happy to have you back john so uh we're glad you're like in your cubase 11s and thanks for coming to the hangout and we hope to see you on more hangouts in the future great reading through comments thanks for all the great discussion if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and if you haven't uh subscribe to the channel you could do that as well and you can just further comment from john's thanks i gotta learn this all over again but coming from background of various daws it's really intuitive that's great to hear and you see a comment from gareth that he likes to modular install options on cubase 11. so so any news about mac m1 native port so you know they're going to be working on it i think we may see some stuff you know there may be some minor developments coming soon so just kind of keep your eyes posted so all right i see hi from zeph realis uh i'm sure i pronounced that wrong i've tried to set up a win 10 computer with vst performer i guess vst connect performer can you clarify the setup for the performer as i can't hear anything on the interface so when you have the vst connect performer i think i have it on this [Music] machine so you may not hear um you know so you may not hear anything coming until it's connected with whoever you're doing the collaboration with so you're not going to hear the signal unless you're connected with that particular person so as soon as you kind of open this up you may not hear anything because you it's going to be kind of controlled and the signal is going to be set and controlled from the vst connect host so you know so that may be kind of expected so you could try um as soon as you're doing the recording then you're able to hear so see people missing salsa in texas and jam sessions so i think there will be a lot of great concerts coming up when the pandemic is kind of settled hopefully all right so i just see a question from millard that i could probably answer is directed to gareth what are the modular install options so with cubase 11 you know in previous versions you know we you know it's kind of a difficult balance sometimes you want to make sure that you know no one can mess up and not install all the components that they paid for uh but at that's at the expense of having a large single file download and that's how it was on cubase 10 10.5 uh with cubase 11 they broke apart the application the instruments the sound sets so that you can basically install the components one by one um so that you know we would have people like in remote rural locations that didn't have high speed internet access or access to broadband and you know they would spend like an entire weekend downloading a file and were very frustrated they just wanted to get their cubase and then you know once they kind of got it up and running to install the other components and that's why that's why it was kind of broken down into like a modular so you could download each of the instruments the sound sets different content for plug-ins all independently of each other so uh so hi greg where exactly must be the groove agent content folder i'm in windows and again this could be anywhere you just want to have that you know double click on the file to launch the steinberg library manager and you know so it can be installed anywhere in your system but you know just right click and open in steinberg library manager that will make the connection between the software and where to look for its samples or you could double click and that should launch a library manager and that connection will be made okay so we see from jvi so good to see you on hangout evening greg love these hangouts uh just keep learning that's great all right okay um so you see just a question from bob houston uh or huston uh do i have to talk about what you are doing now my question concerns artist 11 can you explain offline processing and flatten offline processing so you don't have to talk about what we're doing now so you know these hangouts are really just to um answer your particular questions once in a while we'll do like you know very specific topics like last tuesdays we did a hangout for namm you know for the namm show and that was more of a uh of a kind of a cubase 11 overview presentation so but let's go ahead and but for the most part these these hangouts are really just going to be for uh just answering questions that you guys have um so let's see um can you explain offline processing so we had this uh question was kind of submitted earlier so what offline processing is going to allow us to do is to instead of running effects in real time on particular files we could do our offline processes so if i wanted to a new day what dimension am i in so say i just have some vocals and i instead of like loading up an insert effect and doing automation just for a particular part what i could do with offline processing is i could select just a region and some of these capabilities may vary depending on version but if i wanted to start off just by going to processes i could say you know i wanted to do an envelope and i could say let's just do um you know straight kind of linear you know fade in if i wanted to so i could just say okay let's just have that file and you know fade in and that will you know automatically just kind of process that particular file now we could also undo that at any time but i could choose to say i want it to come over here to this particular um i just wanted to add a delay plug-in so let's say i just want to put a delay on just that section of the file so now as we listen to it and then i could say i wanted to take just this particular word and let's go to maybe our studio eq and i just wanted this to sound like that one phrase it's kind of more like a telephone uh let me just not do that but let's select just that one particular phrase and i wanted to do just a preset here so if i wanted to just kind of do like this quick filter kind of thing that we hear in a lot of pop productions right now so that's kind of what offline processing does now this will allow you to do that and if i wanted to kind of embed all of those particular changes so we may see this also like if we're doing very audio so if i'm in very audio and this is now in with version 11 and cubase artist um i could let's say i've done all of this vocal tuning and i'm happy kind of with the results of it um you know so this is actually you know like if i change the pitch of these this is actually just saying it's playing the original audio file and then saying oh this is now one semitone up we wanted to adjust the pitch you know the tuning we want to do this and that will do the processing in real time but if we wanted to come over here and choose to flatten the real time processing so that the computer doesn't have to do all these functions we could choose to flatten the real time processing and that will just play back a standard audio file for you where basically those changes will be written into the file so the original file will still be preserved but that way it just kind of doesn't have to do like 14 000 different you know processes in real time you could just kind of say you know i'm happy with this let's just you know print it be done get it over with you know just get it all uh applied to the file so i have to think about it again so that's kind of what those two functions do okay so in our question of silicon max which we already went over [Music] okay right so let me just i think i may have missed just a quick comment okay okay so i think we're seeing um uh don't forget about vst connect for jamming uh there's comment from ambient dave um and then i think there is further comment maybe from miller brown will that involve latency so you know vst connect isn't necessarily intended for like a real-time jamming scenario between multiple musicians what the intent is to really have just a way of remotely recording people into your cubase project so okay so we see lel c sec maybe ce uh cecc hi greg love your hangouts that's good thank you very much and hope you find them useful okay uh so i think we see a comment from jvi is there an update to the hub bug where you can no longer remove from list it's insanely frustrating uh opening projects from their folders so i think that will be kind of um i think that is probably going to be in the first maintenance release which should be out soon so all right so we have a question which scale would you recommend on the loudness meter to stay within the minus 14 luff's ebu uh 128 for example so you know when you come here let's say if we're in our con let's say our meter section and we go to loudness you could actually just come over here and you go to the configure the settings so here you could actually set you know your integrated loudness levels so your reference point so there's kind of two different schools of thought for reference points so a lot of times minus 23 loudness units is what's going to be kind of utilized for broadcast and you're going to have minus 14 i believe is what a lot of streaming services will use like spotify so if you just set this here so once again once you're in the metering uh click on the loudness meter here and then you'll see your settings you can now just double click here and type in minus 14 luff's as your reference point and then your loudness metering will kind of be optimized for that particular uh level that you're going for okay so to see how can we disengage cycle mode while in records i'm not sure if you could do it but let's go ahead and just take a quick look here so let's say i'll just put in record so as we do this so let me just switch my record mode to punch in punch out so i think you know if you're in cycle record mode it's really kind of intended to just do you know to stay you know directly within the cycle and if you wanted to do you know punch in and punch out at that's when you kind of use the left and right locators um then something that a lot of people miss is if you wanted to just do this to just a particular region that's independent of the left and right locators is to select that range and from the transport you could go to punch points and we could say set punch points to the selected range so let's say if i'm in cycle record i could still just have my loop be independent and then as i set that up i could just you know turn on i or o just to kind of turn on punch in and punch out at those particular areas so you could maybe toggle it back and forth between punch points and see if that gets you to where you want but it's kind of set up like a particular recording mode so i could see sub 403 on the hangout okay uh so it says hey greg uh hey my fellow bass heads uh question uh is there a way to show more info in the mixer meter bridge so let me just load up quick project so we could have one that has some decent meters on it where it makes sense okay so all right so if we wanted to see our meters here so we can see meters directly here a couple of different areas and we could right click and you could have different meter settings so if you say okay i wanted to hold forever or different meter positions if you want to see the input meter or post fader you know post panner so you could do that but if you're in a full mix console you could also have a meter bridge up top so you could choose to activate or just see your kind of meter bridge and as we do this um you could right click into meter types to select you know where you want those to hold forever so or you could also if it's audio tracks you could choose to have wave meters so you could actually see what's coming so again you could just see our tom fills and be able to see some of your different meter types and if you want there's also different preferences for meter colors so if you get to your meter display type or metering appearance you could have different meter colors for your individual sections that you want to have so you know over 6 db you could you know and these could be customized for each of the different metering scales all right hang on my son's knockout door so i think he might be on his screen break i think he's done with class hang on just one second i'll be right back all right so my son was showing me his new lego robot that he made so and he's done with school for the afternoon so he's happy all right so let's go ahead and move on thanks for all the great questions uh and if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button um so i just see hi greg are there any future plans to offer an ableton type session view and future versions of cubase so i haven't heard of any plans for that you know i've seen some companies kind of implement that paradigm but it doesn't seem to have helped you know kind of marketing or market position so um so i i haven't heard of any plans but i'm not really privy to a lot of those types of discussions so okay okay just going through some more comments here all right okay so i just see a question uh hi greg which one is better for recording cc for symphonic orchestra mod wheel or expression pedal um it's really you know it could be whatever you know so depending on the type of midi message that the library's responding to some people like the modulation wheel because you know as kind of a paradigm because you know they have more control with their hands some people prefer expression pedals because they can play they can use both hands for playing parts in and get the expression with their foot so you know so it's really kind of a personal preference you know and you could obviously take an expression pedal and remap it to modulation if that's what the library responds to or vice versa but you know really that's kind of the big differences so you know i know some people are really strict you know like one of my best friends who's probably you know the best one of the best drummers i know who doesn't play drums and programs everything uh from you know a midi keyboard you know he's very adamant that he uses four fingers because a drummer only has four limbs and you know he's like the funkiest drummer he does you know a lot of work with stevie wonder and other people uh my friend rob arbiter but you know and and he specifically limits himself to that so some people may do like violin parts knowing that the violin is limited in polyphony you know maybe double stops you know but primarily or like for wind instruments that they'll only play one voice at a time to you know to make it more realistic some people you know aren't don't bind themselves to those particular paradigms so you know if you're just doing like one particular voice i would you know some people would use the modulation wheel because they feel it's more accurate um they have more control you know most people with their hands could do more precise movements but if you need both hands for the part that's when expression pedal is advantageous uh hey um any remember where the folder is with my preferences hardware ins and outs uh key allocation project settings etc consider green stalling got way too many things acting weird so you know you could you know so it's different on mac or pc so if it's an app data on your windows platform on a mac you would go into the preferences but one other method is just to go to your edit menu and export a profile and then you could re-import a profile into a you know a you know into a different computer or you know back into the same computer if you wanted to just completely kind of start from scratch okay so i just see uh we do need a global favorites for external instruments effects in the event of a sound interface change i often have to remap manually so i've been trying to get like presets for those two functions and just maybe like a overall vst connections preset for a while so i'll kind of reiterate that all right so you see a comment from michael teams having a hard time finding steinberg cc 121 so um so you know when we you know it's kind of interesting like pre-pandemic you know we sold so many per month um and they do kind of all the production runs based on that and hardware components and yamaha manufactures the cc 121 and it's usually a pretty tried and true formula to make sure we don't have excess inventory in the channel all that fun stuff and when covid hit you know we sold like two years worth of cc 121s in a month so they don't have necessarily all the components and some of the components are shared with other yamaha mixers like you know the faders and stuff like that so i think we'll see some cc 121s coming in i'd heard earlier uh maybe a couple months ago that was february but i'll see if i could find out if there's kind of allocation coming of cc-121s all right um all right so we're i'm reading the pablo as a legend and a drum legend so that's good play some good drum parts all right um so you see a question which plug-in would you guys recommend in order to limit my individual channels or master in order to stay in the spotify true peak limits what i would do if i did like a mixed down file so let's say i have this particular file and it's not necessarily plugin based but let's say i'll come and let's do an export audio mix down and i'll just do a quick stereo mix down and i'll insert this quickly back into the project so i'll create an audio track i'll do let's say 2441 let's add it to the queue and let's start our q export okay so you know i wouldn't necessarily worry about individual tracks because the individual tracks aren't going to really matter so much it's going to be the final master of what you're doing so once you have this particular audio file that's been exported like your final mix what i would do and you could do this in wave lab or cubase is actually to normalize it based on different loudness standards so i'll just go ahead we'll actually just chosen a smaller section but we'll be done here in just a minute okay just kind of okay so once this is done we're going to go to our audio menu to processes to normalize so we're just about done with this okay we can copy it to the project location okay so that's good and close all right so let's say we have this particular file and what we could do now is just get to your audio menu to processes and you'll see normalize and at this point uh you'll say peak normalization but you could just choose loudness normalization and just say okay i want this to be to minus 14 lufs and that will automatically now just make that particular mixdown file the optimum loudness and if you wanted to again undo that just like we were showing earlier just cut or delete right click but again just go to processes and under normalize just choose uh loudness normalize and then that will take you know 99 of the uh of the guessing out of the system so you know don't think about it as an individual things are not uploading individual parts to spotify probably would be my guess you know so don't worry about that don't worry about a plug-in solution it's going to be more of just a quick offline process and then that will get you exactly to where you need to be quickly all right so i now see pablo is la leche so sub403 wants people to hit the like button so okay um so which plug-in do i use for limiting so there's a number of you know different limiting plug-ins inside of cubase you know check out the maximizer is a good one so if i want to take this i'll just uh so say if i want this you know we could come over here and we could do it on the channel strip if you want so you know if you want a brick wall limiter you could do that but you could also go to a maximizer and this has kind of two different algorithms there's just kind of a modern [Music] so you know if you were to bypass that [Music] and versus kind of the classic so modern is kind of really intended more for maybe dance music but it's not limited to that so you know i would check out those plugins and you could run those as individual plugins or within the channel strip itself all right good to see agent k in a hangout he's always nice enough to do moderation so i don't think jazz dude is on the hangouts i haven't seen him yet so hopefully he'll make the next one and maybe join us for the zoom hangout so once again we will be doing uh like maybe the last hour of friday's hangout we'll try to do this once a month of you know having uh just like a little meet and greet afterwards so you can email me i think i saw one email come in during the hangout so but then you know we'll get together so we can meet in person or via zoom you know the new meet in person mode of 2020 and 2021 so but email me a club cubase at steinberg dot d e and i can send you a link to that okay uh so we see a question is there a way to control the size of the final video when i export my soundtrack to video at the end of the composition in production so it's kind of fixed at the current uh resolution so you could do that but there are a number of different video utilities so if you need to get the video size smaller so they kind of erred on the side of having a high quality video and not necessarily doing lots of compression to the video but we have lots of people that you know use that video as kind of their final delivery format or alan silvestri telling me that you know he does that and some of the previews that we've seen for films he's been on you know we're just exported straight from cubase so that was kind of interesting okay so i see dj mechanicom is just asking if anyone's using a roland jupiter xm with cubase 11 so all right you see gareth is saying he's just trying squasher for the first time now impressed yeah it's just a wonderful plugin okay reading through more and just seeing a lot of discussion on spotify out loud's requirements um okay so a question when editing cubase tracks some ways and uh sl pro then cubase project file becomes enormously large sometimes um i save almost a hundred times sometimes i have a problem with file sizes any words in the subject so you know once you do processing and a lot of times people may be doing you know you know look in i believe the uh once you start doing it through the ara 2 uh for spectral layers that it will you know put everything into the ara folder like the subfolder within the cubase project folder so um so that could be something that you may be able to not back up or archive but you know so you may want to investigate that and see but if you have examples of that you could email me at you know club cubase at steinberg dot d e um so you see comment i come from reason 11 to find cubase to have many refreshing quality of life interface changes and less distractions with all the plugins cables etc so okay okay my timeline just jumped on me let me just get back to where i was okay i don't think i lost any questions okay so as from jvi says i'll simplify my earlier question and if i summon the guts to reinstall cubase which folder should i definitely copy to preserve all my preferences you know so as i mentioned before you know just come over here save the profile um but on a mac you could come over here so say and i could send you the location on windows as well so i'm not sure if you're a mac or pc uh but if we go to you need to on the mac go to your library folder so you do that by holding down the uh you know alter option key so i'll say let's get to library and then here you'll see under preferences so you'll see preferences and then you'll see kind of by host and at this point you'll see cubase 11 and that's the folder and mac on windows if you kind of start from like the little you know what was like the start menu whatever it's called now in the lower left hand corner and then you go to all applications and you'll see like the little cubase folder that will kind of show up in this area not you know just like when you're in the os like the little start globe and then you'll see like you know cubase 11 kind of and that will open a folder and within that folder you'll see just a you know start cubase 11 or application data folder so just simply choose the application data folder so and then that will allow you to um have all the folders that you need and you could do that up but the first thing i would do is just do a um just do the profile manager and that would uh you know get you 99 there all right sorry just have to respond to a quick text from the office okay so let's move on thanks for your patience all right so we see from daniel uzor uh my groove agent essie is not in my vst instruments what should i do so you know depending on the installation so you know which version that you're running so when you go to groove agent se so you could go to your plugin manager so go to studio to vst plugin manager and you'll see vst instruments here um and then see if you see groov agent se listed it's generally by default under the drum category so you see groove agent se here and groove agent if it needs to be if you're not seeing it anywhere and you could also just come to let's say you know your vst and once you click here you could type in group you know g-r-o-o-v-e and you can see okay my groove agent se now if you're on 11 it could be that maybe it wasn't in you know you may have to download it independently so let's say if we come over here to our steinberg download assistant okay so let's say i'll just skip the update here real quick but you could see kind of the in the downloads for you know cubase 11 uh so say if i'm in 11 you could just come right over here to cubase pro 11 and when gareth was talking earlier about the modular nature these are all the different install components of cubase 11 and you just want to make sure that you have you know you could just download the groove agent se plus all the different content kits that are you know listed here as well so so give that a shot but it is part of your license so okay so you see uh hi greg is there a way to split a tempo track in cubase whenever i compose for q and i get a request to change a tempo at the beginning of a queue it messes up the sync for the whole cue so what i would maybe do is let's say if i'm here and i have a tempo track okay so i'll activate my tempo track and let's say you know this is my tempo that i've had and you know i'm so happy with it but someone needs to actually uh you know change just a part of it i would maybe come here and do a track version so a lot of people don't realize this but you could have multiple track versions for tempo um and then you could just say let's duplicate that version and then you could say okay i just need to you know get rid of those and you could say okay i here's you know tempo the original tempo track here's my copy and you could also just now let's say i needed to get just a little bit of the tempo ramp here so let's say i need just that much of the tempo i could copy so i'll just just do like a command or control c um and let's come over here so say now i want to come here and i will do a paste at origin i think so if you go to edit um paste time at origin you could just have kind of your different tempo there so try working with the track versions and see if that helps i know my son is knocking one more time bear with me and also for tempo track information sorry about that uh some other things that you could kind of play around with is you know the process tempo functions so look into that as well and then you could you could kind of pick different ranges for different tempo processing calculations a lot of film composers use okay um so you just see the hanging sonic sound leading edge is very taxing on my system and my 96k my ie7 laptop with focusrite audio interface can't play several notes in a row without distortion can something be done so let's see if we could load that up um okay all right so i'm not sure let's i'm just looking all so i don't see a uh a preset for a leading edge so if you can that let me know um which particular library you know sometimes you could see if it's in you know which library it's in um that could be helpful i don't have every single one but when i just do a quick search here in all of the libraries i don't see one i'll just make sure i didn't have a typo so anything with leading that i'm searching that i see is is uh pleading stints but you know some things he could always try is you know raising the buffer um you know working at 96k um you know sometimes is you know not ideal if you wanted to be super you know cpu efficient but you know i think you should be able to get you know a couple voices with that but let me know uh i'll look in holly and sonic because uh just in case it's howie and sonic versus howie and sonic s e so let me just take a look at that really quick just to make sure i didn't out clever myself but okay here it is sorry [Music] all right so i'm just to play eight voices of polyphony uh but this guy didn't just kind of see okay so this is kind of a wave table synthesis so and i'll open up my studio setup and i'm probably at 44.1 okay but let me just i'll just do a new program and i'll do 96. uh okay and let me just you know and so let's take a look at uh our audio performance so you can see a 96k could take um some of your cpu cycle so that's kind of hitting it pretty hard but let's go ahead and see if we adjust our buffer you know it's pretty intense when you're doing you know the wave table synthesis like that so uh but i'll just go ahead and increase my buffer so i'm at 256 so let's say if i do 512 [Music] so it might be one that you may have to just kind of render because it is once you start getting into a lot of different wave table synthesize synthesis as well that could be you know pretty complex for doing that so and you know so there could be all sorts of and the one other thing that you could try is if you come here you could actually choose to let's say once we have i'll just go to record a part and sometimes this helps with samples may not work so much for synthesis but let's say uh if i come here and i don't know let's go to the options page here so one of the things that you could do inside of um so i'm just going to put the multi-core on so i'll just say six cores within howie and sonic all right so let's see if that i may have to restart it but you could also try to um set the amount of preload and come over here and try to you know make sure that you're activating um that you have the multi-core setup in the operation but it could be like it seems like it's a fairly intense patch but i'll kind of mention that to see if there's anything wrong with that but you know once you start getting into you know the virtual wave table synthesis that could take a lot so sorry about that uh hello greg is it possible to draw volume changes on an audio clip like in studio one or pro tools using clip gain like draw volume ramps or turn up low recorded words so yeah we'll show you how to do that i think we did that well you know for a long time so let's say if i wanted to come here so all you have to do is just grab the pencil tool and then you could just kind of draw in just like that and say okay i want my volume down so and then you could just do that and that's going to be pre uh fader so you could actually kind of use that to regulate different volumes before it hits the compressor so you don't have to do everything so just kind of draw in your volume changes and then you're able to just kind of have everything set up just that easily you could also just grab like the range selection tool and if you hit shift x then you could also you know just say okay this word like you know let's say that's a breath hit shift x and then you could just grab the center and be able to add i think 26 db of gain directly there as well all right he says my cubase is kind of brownish i hate it laughing out loud so if you don't like color schemes you can there's lots of different coloring options so if you want to go to um color schemes you could say okay to project area background i want you know the project area background to be lighter you know you could do stuff like that as well and you know modify a lot of different functions we want to make sure they could you know because we have users that look at cubase for you know 18 hours a day so we want to make sure that their eyes aren't bulging out of their head from too much contrast so and gareth has his appearance up in sky blue pink with polka dot stripes so it's good to know maybe his daughter set it up for him all right all right so does cubase 11 have all of the sample packs from previous versions i have cubase from version 3 and also sequence and want to know if i have everything i should in media bay so from version three there wasn't really a lot of content like sample packs but you know as it goes on all those sample packs from you know loops i think a lot of the loops started coming in maybe uh version seven was a lot of loops if memory serves so it was around 2009 no so um that's and all those loops are still and presets are still available uh in cubase so okay so are there i see a question um are there major changes if i upgrade i'm so used to the 7.5 version you know there's it'll function basically the same way you know big change for a lot of people was like the mixer in going from 6.5 to 7 was a new mixer so it took people a little while to kind of get their head around that because it was kind of a lot of new paradigms and new concepts but the core functionality is identical and if you once you go to cubase 11 your cubase 7.5 still runs so you still have that you know installed on your system so that's completely intact and your cubase 11 license will just run previous versions so you can go back to i think the cubase sx you know version 1.0 and still run it on your cubase 11 license so your 7.5 will be completely intact and you're not going to lose anything and you could always jump back if you need to in an emergency okay okay question drum editing i edit toms by cutting the event when symbols hit by using f7 and applying a high cut to reduce spill in close mics unfortunately cubase produces clicks and artifacts every time so what i would do if you know if you're um so a lot of times you know you may want to you know if you're doing that one of the functions that you can activate so that anytime that there's like you know any processing you know is you know there's a couple things to look out for that could you know that could help you help mitigate that so let's just let me just revert okay so as you do like an audio edit like and let's say if you do it um in the file make sure that a you have snap to zero crossing activated and you could do this on the main project window or in the sample editor so a make sure that you have snap to zero crossing turned on and that way you know it's only going to make the cut so let's say if we're looking at like our snare top here so i'll just come directly here so if when zero crossing is active it will wait until it will only do the edits where it's at the zero axis in the waveform so like right here right there but it's not going to make a cut so let's say i turn my snap off and i go to cut it's only going to make the actual cut at where there's a zero axis crossing point so i would make sure that you have that done and and those applied so it seems like a you know so when you edit toms by let's say by cutting the event where there's symbols hit by using f7 and applying a high cut to reduce the spill you know so i would you know there's probably other things that you could do to kind of mitigate that as well you know so you know while you have you know let's say a cymbal crash and you don't want that kind of bleeding into the toms you know i would just maybe take that particular area and just split instead of doing an offline process i would just kind of bring down you know the levels perhaps on stuff like that or you know just using the noise gate and you know just kind of using you know particular frequencies on your noise gate to really do because you know i don't know many people you know so i know people do a lot of drum editing and they kind of do alternate methods to kind of clean that up yeah and one other point to do is um all right so it says he has uh auto fades enabled so all right so let me just see um [Music] just saying kind of a comment from denny a rough estimate for upgrade so it you know the upgrades uh i don't want to i don't know where you live um so you know the upgrade prices you know i think from um you know cubase 10.5 to 11 it was it was 99 and maybe 59 going from like 10 to 10.5 so you know there are there are different kind of upgrade options available but i don't want to assume um like what country you're based in okay so let me just move on okay so i just see a question i bought cubase 10.5 pro last summer feels bad to step in too early for the next version 11 apparently why no year or half year grace period to upgrade real cheap you know we do a 30 day grace period so you know i think you know what you get for 10.5 to 11 for you know what if if you think of squasher getting a dynamic eq getting the batch export getting you know lots of great content libraries that it's a pretty reasonable deal uh i think it's very reasonable um but you know there are promotions throughout the year but sometimes you know for people that just have purchased their cubase 11 update we don't want to have a discount and you know people once you do a black friday it's like you know all the people that just purchased it don't necessarily want to you know feel you know we don't want to you know devalue you know their purchase as well so you know there's you probably got your version 11 in the summer probably on a discount so you could think of that and you know maybe you could do something similar like that okay so just see about the chord track note length was not related to instrument release because once dragged into midi track it was obvious that the note length was different so let's take a quick look sorry for misunderstanding but let's see if i let's see if i have you okay so i'll just take these three chords and let's come over here and i'll drag it down all right and let's say if i put in our chord in here let's say i'll just duplicate these so it looks like it's kind of holding it for two bars but if you have a specific project neurotic nexus that it's kind of behaving kind of inconsistently for you you know feel free to send me a link and um [Music] and see if it's you know if i could get it recreated okay so what is the difference between cubase pro version and elements so we could think of elements as being kind of a subset of the features i think it's 64 tracks or 48 tracks of audio or cubase pros can be unlimited you'll have more plug-ins as you know so there's elements artist and pro so as you kind of work up there's more functionality so you may have like a basic tuning plug-in but artist and pro will have kind of graphic vocal tuning with very audio so you know cubase pro will have more scoring features more instruments more content um more plug-ins so and there's pretty detailed um you know comparison charts on so you could kind of see you know if you're looking for particular functions you know but if you don't see a particular function uh and you want to know if it's in the elements version and they're kind of priced accordingly you know because there's a lot of people that want like a cubase to start at that's like around 100 so we have something at that price point and kind of going up from there as well okay so i just see i'm not sure if this is directed to me um what computer are you using so i'm currently running just a macbook pro i think it's an i9 with 32 gigs of ram running mojave as my os so we see a 2.9 gigahertz uh core i9 32 gigs of ram so it was kind of i've had a little over a year now so we got to kind of keep our laptops for i think two and a half years at least and four through the office so that's what i'm kind of using okay so i see sable winter's got her uh her zoom invite for friday's post hangout hangout so all right so i just see i'm so torn whether jump ship to logic or keep using 10.5 until the update 11 to work with either rosetta or m1 thoughts and opinions you know check out you know you may see stuff in your in your steinberg news feed soon so you know just you know wait a couple days and you might be have some more information okay hi greg is it possible to export the tempo track as a midi file i was using easy bass audio tracker to generate a bass sequence from a guitar track and it had options to import tempo from midi file so yeah you could definitely do that so when you go to export uh your midi file you may have to actually have just a blank midi part so you may just have to have a midi track um so let's just say you have a midi track here and it might just have to be so at this point uh let's say if i did a just um i'll just do a new project so say if i have a tempo track all right so we could export this but you may not if you go to export uh you may not see anything activated but if we add just a quick midi track um [Music] and we may have to just put like one single note in so now i i just need a midi part now we could export a midi file and that midi file can contain the tempo track uh and there's some preferences to be aware because i think when you import a midi file the default preference may be to ignore the master track events on merge so you may want to not have that checked i think by default this is checked on importing of midi files but you could export a midi file but you may you may need just to have a blank container part but the midi and markers can be exported as part of a standard midi file um hi can you set channel strip to be pre-insert by default when opening a new project so if you it's gonna kind of be how it is so i don't think it could be changed by default but you can um obviously for people that aren't used to this a lot of people may start off with a template where all those particular tracks or just saving uh you know tracks from a project or starting with a template where it'll you know be the reverse so if you're not familiar with this concept like if we have a bunch of processing in our channel strip and we had a bunch of insert effects so and we wanted to change the signal flow order between these we could now just come over here and put the channel strip before the inserts or the inserts before the channel strip just by kind of clicking uh right here so that would change the signal flow order but it doesn't kind of do it by default so um but many people will start off with a template and you could have that you know actually stored within the template okay so we see ambient dave is four thumbs up for greg's hangouts and my invaluable knowledge so glad it's helpful thank you ambient dave okay so uh from fred robinson uh question i have cubase 11 pro a macbook pro with external ssd i have cubase 11 on a macbook and libraries and projects on the external ssd is this the best optimal way so that works fine um you know sometimes you realize that you know you don't have it's not as easy to update the you know your ssd inside of the computer um so a lot of people will just have all of their projects and all their libraries for instruments just on an external drive and you know there's a lot of great you know external ssd drives you know a lot of people i think use a samsung like t5 i think it is but you know but it's a very common way to do it so you know ideally in a huge huge system you may you know if you're doing lots of audio and lots of vst instruments you may want to um break apart vst instruments from audio files but you know that was kind of probably more relevant 15 20 years ago i don't think it's a huge issue now so that's a great way to work having both your audio files and your libraries on a separate drive as long as the drive is handling it fine then you're all good to go okay so good to see anoa checking in okay we see a comment from gregory d brown i'm new to cubase i have cubase pro 11. this is so helpful thank you so i'm glad it's helpful if you have any questions please you know let us know and yeah make sure you give a thumbs up and you subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that all right so it says uh from uh you see you comment love these hangouts don't get a chance to watch live too often but later in the pm usually always learn something even though i've been using cubase since sx in the loja organ so thanks for kind words glad it's helpful and i think i learned something new in every hangout as well so all right just reading through comments um so lots of people having kind of x you know their libraries on ssd drives finding out that it works well all right just reading through comments so lots of people are liking our ssd drives i got my all of my libraries can on ssd have been negligent for a long time got it done a couple months ago so it's working much better okay um okay so you see question um hello can i lower the pre-gain of all the channels with one click all together not one by one in the mix console so let's go ahead take a look okay so say if i go into my mix console here all right so let's say if i go to my pre so i'll just select all my audio tracks here we give this a shot i think we can so i'm going to hold down enable queue link so it's alter option plus shift uh or and now you could adjust the gain here from the pre section for every single track simultaneously all right so we have a question how to put an echo on sound okay so if you wanted to just put it like an echo on a particular audio file so i think we did that just a little bit a while ago we'll do it one more time so let me just revert this particular project okay so let's say we have you know this we have this for let's say our vocal going on what dimension am i in [Music] okay so let's say i just want to put a delay just on like that portion so i'm just going to select it with the range tool and go to plugins from the audio menu and we could just choose delay so i'll just put a mono delay and i'll just do a quarter note and if i have auto apply turned on uh that will automatically just render that for you so [Music] so that's how you could do it pretty easily and then you know the beauty of this system is you could hit f7 again and at any time in your production process unless you specifically choose to freeze it you could go back and delete the process and you have the original file completely intact so give that a shot okay so uh other topic did anyone success successfully obtained an upgrade for cubase ai had a dac from my ur 22 and activated it with cubase ai 10.5 now wondering if there's any chance to get 10.5 ai to 11. so usually the oem versions are kind of based upon what the current what you activated at periodically they may do you know i think we had you know several million cubase le customers that were earlier versions so periodically there are promotions that will allow you to upgrade from le to you know to a later version i think some of them might have been ten dollars i could be totally wrong like to get the the current version of your oem product in case you know like you know some sometimes the hardware could be in a channel for a long time and it's you know three operating systems too old and it's been sitting in some warehouse somewhere so they'll occasionally do that but as a general rule of thumb i don't think that the ai or le versions that you upgrade to that you know you could upgrade from your 10.5 ai to le or to elements rather not to le but to elements so you could do that but a lot of times you know it's the le and ai there isn't an upgrade path for that other than kind of jumping into like the elements level okay so just see hi greg after doing tempo detection how do i keep the tempo at a fixed tempo can i remove the tempo track after the tempo set thanks so i'll show you how to do this okay so say i wanted to do a tempo map of this so we have no correlation between the two so i'm going to come over here and do a quick tempo detection and i'll do an offbeat correction so what i want to do now is to embed these tempo changes into the file itself so at this point i'll go to audio to advanced and i'll just say set definition from tempo and we could write that into the file or into the project and now i could just deactivate the tempo track [Music] so now like the tempo track is being ignored because we're so we told it not to follow the tempo track but you could also just come directly to the tempo track and say new version and just kind of activate the tempo track on this new track version so think of it like a parallel and now let's start to speed up and you say right at this point i want to be faster and steady [Music] so you could do stuff like that so you know once you have the tempo map go to audio uh and you want to just go to advanced and set definition from tempo and then what you could you know totally disconnect the tempo you could erase the tempo come up with a new tempo track and it will just automatically stick to whatever tempo you have all right um so to see uh so question uh will nuendo cubase ever have multi-touch capability for touch screen laptops or screens so you know i think it's you know i know that there's been discussion and investigation into it you know currently they're you know on the mac os there isn't um you know there isn't any multi-touch support so you know you know the problem gets to be do develop a whole system now and then have it not be compatible with any future stuff that could happen on both platforms so they try to make everything a bit platform uh you know independent or almost agnostic if you will so you know to develop something so deeply for one platform that you know the other platform doesn't have or may have a completely different approach to it could be problematic so i think that's some of the hesitation but you know there's lots of people doing you know third-party solutions but you know they're aware of that um but you know so we'll just have to see what both operating main operating systems will do all right so uh cesar from jamtrax reunion thanks on your glide demo today i was trying to get that exact effect on the base similar to an ariana grande song uh thank you next uh wait doesn't cubase 11 have new pitch bend editing so one of the things that like when we were uh you know we'll occasionally go out to different studios and talk to artists and just kind of pick their brain on you know what they want to see you know little you know workflow frustrations like oh my fantasy feature would be this no one's doing this and i really want to do this this and this and connect these four different workflows together so you know and one of the ones in our discussions i think this was um specifically with zed and you know team zed was when we come over here to let's say uh midi data you know there's 16 384 um i think you know i think 128 times 128 values for pitch bend so the problem is and if you draw pitch bend data in on a particular track that as you do this um you know one of the options that you have now is you know once we do pitch bend is you could choose to you know set the pitch bend range so we could you know show a semitone's grid and we could match the pitch bend range you know based uh on the actual instrument itself so a lot of times people may have been kind of drawing in pitch bend and they didn't really have like a reference of where it was hitting that you know so they may do a whole part and realize that they're slightly flat or slightly sharp when you're doing that so one thing that uh zed and his team was just really one it was the ability to come here and say okay i'm gonna go from here to here and as i do this i want that to pitch bend not flat into the note but right onto the note so that now we could have this snap to the pitch and you could just have that pitch bend editing as well so you're going to go you know and have those pitch bends go to a known known entity you know regardless of what the pitch bend range is for the instrument so if one instrument is set for an octave the other instrument is set for you know a whole tone that you could set those independently on each track so that was like one of the big things uh to kind of you know make pitch bend editing again which is a very kind of you know nebulous area within the midi specification but to be able to do that more musically was a big change so so you see a question all right uh so i just see a comment from neurotic nexus spray with touch screens probably only if apple decides to discard the keyboard support for next mac generation uh never mind just kidding so yeah you get where we're coming from uh hi greg is it possible to render in place freeze a track with sidechain uh guitar track with compressor triggered by vox uh when i as when i do this free track it seems the side chain disables i believe it's still disabled i know it's something it's you know it could be very complex to do but let's take a look see if we come up with a workaround i believe it's still kind of disabled with that so let's get a scenario set up okay so i'll just set up a like a base and a kick in kind of a typical side chain so let's say i have so i'll just take this particular synth part and activate the side chain so i'll see if this kind of works just for that so close this okay so i'll just try for like an audio part so let's just say i'll do render in place i'll do the complete signal path yeah so that didn't do it so um but let's see if i have this set um so let's say if i have this track routed to a group so let's say a stereo group okay so as we do this okay so i'm gonna send this out to the group and let me just add an audio track and i want to set this input to the group and i'll just record so now if you kind of route it out to a group and do kind of a real and set an audio track as that group input that will allow you to do kind of to print the result you know the resulting file of the sidechaining so um give that a that's i know it's not a render and place function but if you wanted to turn that into an audio file that's a way to get it done so i know it's a couple of extra steps but um but you know give that a shot okay so we have a question uh hey does anyone know how to hear beat by itself and not your own voice on bit wig when recording so um so i'm not i don't know bit wig so maybe if there's a bit wig hangout you could ask there so sorry i'm probably not the best person to ask but maybe someone else could chime in okay i have question i have cubase 10.5 le on my windows laptop someone has kindly given me an imac can i somehow also run this same version on my new mac without any license problem or how to go about it so if you want to take your cubase 10.5 le if you don't want it to use it on your pc anymore you could um you know there is a way if you go to the steinberg website to get a new license activation for like a new computer so you could do that but you have kind of one license that you go back and forth you could also purchase a usb e licenser key and transfer the license to the usb e licenser and move that back and forth if you wanted to uh hey i have a question how do i bounce selection in cubase 11 so if i had a bunch of audio files that were separated like this and i wanted to bounce the selection i could select these go to audio to bounce selection and hit re i could replace and now what was a bunch of independent files is now automatically um one contiguous audio file as opposed to a series of independent files in the timeline all right sorry my timeline just jumped on me let me find my spot okay can you show something about chord tracks apache and the new scales function working together okay so let's see if we can tie all those together quickly thanks for all the wonderful questions from everyone i hope everyone's learned something new and if you make sure that you've uh hit the like button and that you subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that again and again on friday we'll be doing uh just a hangout uh for about three hours instead of four we'll take the last hour and kind of do a live zoom meet and greet so um send me an email to club cubase at and i'll be happy to send you the link to that so all right so let's say if i want to okay so i have a base patch here um all right so we want to do chord track um apache so say i'll go to my midi inserts and i'll just put in our apache and this is like a real time kind of arpeggiator so i could just come over here so let's say i'll just i'll just hold down a chord all right so let's see how we can tie these all together in a creative way um all right so i'm going to add a chord track okay so i'll just add a quick okay and all right so let's say i have just a quick chord progression here so i'll just okay so i have a chord i have my chord track and let's say i wanted to take these chords and route them to the retrolog patch and the retrolog patch is now just going through so this retro log is now going into [Music] these chords are going into retrolog and it's being kind of just automatically generated within the apache here so let's say i'm doing this and i see that i want it to be uh maybe e minor let's say an e major chord here so i'm going to go to the scale assistant and i could say okay i want to this to be in the key of e all right and i could use what's based on the chord track or the scale assistant so now when i'm in the scale assistant i could just kind of look at this so and we could choose to kind of base our coloring based on the chords here so i could see that like this a sharp is not fall within the chord so i could actually automatically just come here and i could say let's quantize all the pitches or i could just make sure that the notes are going to be in the right key just based upon the color as i drag around so this way i could um only choose you know if i say we want to snap pitch editing i could only move these particular notes to within the chord itself or i could um come right over here and just say i want to show only the pitches from the scale assistant so i could choose to do that or show only pitches that have events so this way you can make sure that as you're doing different things you know if you maybe you just didn't like the chord or you know it's okay and you just want kind of a chord that has more color harmonically you could make those decisions so hopefully that makes sense um you see pablo is getting dinner i see comment greg trash talking win 10 with whatever it's called now so um i like windows 10 actually so uh so where can i send questions so you could always send questions to club cubase at or just ask them in the comments field here um okay so i think we did the bounce selection question already so okay so just see uh hello i've noticed in cubase 11 pro a problem with gui scaling on off high dpi doesn't work for 125 to 200 scaling on 1080p monitors the only thing working is resizing to 100 so if you have a 1080p monitor it's not going to be a high dpi so that's probably why it's not working you don't have a high dpi monitor so um so you and so there's no need to turn it on so that is when you take like four times the 4k is basically you know uh four times the resolution of 1080p so that allows you to do the scaling so if you if your monitor or your display isn't set for high dpi that's why um you know the scaling doesn't work because there's nothing to scale down to because you're at 100 percent basically already so hope that makes sense all right and then it says i remember cubase 10.5 is working well in many notebooks to go you was scaling to 100 for some users work fine not exactly will there be an update fixing this issue so um so i don't you know so yeah so once again it's um you know if you don't have a high dpi monitor then you know the scaling resolutions you know aren't intended for that task there's nothing to scale down from you know if you're if you're 1080p is the maximum resolution so all right does cubase does cubase 11 still support rewire function with reason 11. didn't seem to work for me the first time around but i was able to get reason studios as a vst plug-in which changes my known environment so i think the rewire has really kind of you know seen its uh time and it's you know i think with propellerheads saying you know maybe we should do it as a plug-in and as a vst plug-in so i'm not sure if reason 11 supports rewire um or if it's kind of abandoned technology i'm not sure but you know cubase does still support rewire so yeah so you see someone else is saying that they they're running it fine in cubase 11 with other programs all right so we see jazz dude on a hangout good to see you all right good to see grant nicholas on the hangout i hope you're doing well i see walter blackledge is saying the upgrade to 11 is worth the money okay so we have a question is there a way to tell cubase what track to put bounced midi result on i'm trying to merge three lanes into one midi lane or track i'm unable to get this to work consistently so let me just um i'll show you a trick you may know this but in case you don't so if i have let's say i'll just all right so say i have this midi part and maybe i have another part here so let's say i'm copying different parts so if i copy a part just hold down the alt if you accidentally move so hold down the alt key and move it up and then if you hold down uh alt or option and then command or control you can snap it to the part so now these parts are kind of layered on top of each other if you grab the glue gun and hold down the alt key or option key they'll now all be kind of on all those parts will be merged um just like that so that's how i would do it um so give that a try let us know okay so i just see what is this guy doing don't hear any music um so you know we're just answering questions for people on their cubase and steinberg products um okay so you see neurotic nexus is checking out so hopefully we'll see you friday night okay so i see fred robinson is like yep i have a samsung t5 is my external ssd how did you guess greg so it's a popular one as you probably know um all right so i see my audio my audio crossfade is grayed out do you know how i can activate it so let me just drag a loop in here okay so let's say um all right so let me just so sometimes you know crossfade could be grayed out if nothing or the wrong type of media is selected so if there's nothing to actually cross fade so if i come here and select an audio event i can see the crossfade but if i select not the event but just the track then the crossfade won't be there so if i just want to come here i could just say okay it's crossfade so i could take these two events that are you know overlapping or you know adjacent to each other and now it's just going to hit crossfade between the two events but it may be just grayed out because of what is or is not selected so just you know so once again if there's nothing selected that could be crossfaded it's not going to be an available option so make sure you have something selected um so we have a question hi greg what are cubase templates could you please talk about them so what a template is is you get set up kind of like your starting off point for cubase so many composers will painstakingly go through all their different sounds and say i'm going to use this string patch and i could use that for this scenario and i could you know this is my oboe sound and i need this is my long gobo sound this is my shorts this is you know i need you know a whole area of pads and they will set up kind of like a known starting off point because the last thing that composers often want to do is to actually go through and you know and spend you know 80 percent of their time searching for sounds when they know that they have them so they'll load up their sounds in templates or if you're working with bands you know let's say you're recording at your church um you know you could say we have 16 inputs you know and we want to do this and we're going to broadcast this live and i want this same setup when i go next time so what we could do is set up those different starting off points as a template so we would just come right over here and save as template so i could say okay we're gonna come and say this is my you know january 26th 2021 template so now when i start my cubase i could come right over here and just say okay i want to start a new project and i could choose my templates and say okay here's my my template that i'm starting off with and we could activate the project and everything is kind of good to go now word of advice it's probably a good idea when you have a template to decouple it from any midi notes decouple it from audio files decouple it from audio files that are in the pool i see some people will erase everything and like yeah every time i start i have these missing audio files messages from my template it's because the template is still referencing audio files so just a little word of advice there if you want to work with that uh sorry to see hi there any chance you guys dropped the e-license or moved to some software-based licensing and tariffs did and ours too it's just so frustrating still have this dongle just for cubase you know they're looking into different systems it's obviously a huge thing where you know many people like having to dongle and the security of that uh especially when having to reauthorize computers and set up new systems and work in different environments um but you know so they they are looking into that so and we also have to make sure that we're able to still stay in business and produce software that you know we're able to realize revenue from so we could bring new features as well but you know your you know your your feelings on the subject are noted and people are working actively on kind of a solution for that so okay so let's see um okay hi greg is there any way of moving the track configurations option to the top bar into the lower bar to free up some space um so let me just so i'm just saying where the track configurations maybe i'm just having a brain cramp um so if you can let me know which um it seems like i i think i'm just having a brain cramp on the track configurations if you could maybe give me a little more information that would be helpful um and when you say the top bar is it like the let me just see if i'm just saying anything's jogging my memory but i so let me know if um okay so we have a question is it possible to see the dsp load on your ur-28m or other steinberg interface you know so the dsp will is kind of fixed you know depending upon the number of inputs so every input you could have um you know one you know you could have you know to the insert you know so you could choose to have like the morphing channel strip or the guitar amps and you could monitor you know with the reverb so it it's kind of fixed depending on the number of inputs and outputs that you have so since it can't be reallocated it's kind of fixed you know based upon the inputs and outputs that's why you don't really see a meter because it's kind of known exactly what dsp is available okay so we see fred robinson has to kind of check out so we'll hopefully see you on the next hangout and please join us for the zoom hangout after the hangout okay uh is it possible to copy an audio quantization and apply the same to another sample so let's take a look um so let's say if i have this particular feel that i like i could come over here and just kind of determine the amount of slices here so i'm going to figure out those slices and then i could create groove so if i wanted to come here let's say okay and i needed to move let's say i go and do some audio warp stuff so i could do some free warping it's like i need this here that this you know i adjust these different things at this point i could just say i want to take this and apply this quantization to it so go to my quantize setup and i'll just say let's put on audio warp quantize and now i could quantize and that would take the quantized you know groove or the feel the you know the quantized preset that's been extracted from this and i could apply it to another one so give that a shot okay so let me just load up in our project here excuse excuse me just clear my throat okay so we have a question uh hi greg can you talk about timing corrections in a multi-track live recording drumming mistakes with bleeding and a bass a little sloppy guitar completely out of time thanks all right so let's take a look at this so let's say at this point i have um i'll just revert so say you know we gave the musicians a click track and uh maybe the drums kind of weren't as tight as we would like so say we listen to we do the dreaded thing and we'll play the drums kind of locked with the click track what every drummer hates you to do in the studio so i'd say okay that phil wasn't so good [Music] all right so that snare fill was a little it sped up it kind of came out so the tempo kind of fluctuated a bit there so what i want to do is to i'm just going to find the hit points of these particular files for my drums and what i want to do is to you know make sure that we're not having the tracks that are bleeding through so i'm gonna go to my snare track and again adjust the threshold so that we have our snare hits predominantly and not tracks that are bleeding through let's go to our hi-hat um and let's go ahead and kind of do the same here because this song is kind of based around hi-hat so we'll adjust the threshold kind of accordingly because you have tracks that will kind of always kind of bleed through and so i'll adjust my threshold down just a little bit here all right so what i want to do is i place these into a folder and i can now just apply this function called group editing so now as i want to do quantizing of my drums i could set my priority let's say i want my kick to be the highest priority and i want my snare to be maybe second highest priority [Music] and let's find um scroll down let's find our hi-hat so what i want to do now is i'm going to just slice the audio and why we slice the audio is we want it to actually create like thousands of little slices and we create these slices because we hit the snare the snares in the snare mic the tom mic the hat mic the kick i'm going to choose to quantize this to 16th notes [Music] so let's go ahead and just kind of jump back here um and then i'm just going to hit quantize um and as we do this and we zoom in it's going to create gaps and you can hear these gaps so you can see them visually [Music] okay so i don't necessarily like that so what i want to do is to apply the crossfade to all the gaps and now it's going to apply the crossfade so we just kind of cleaned up the drums very easily so we made the drums tight to the click track now if we get into situations where maybe we have to clean up a guitar or bass part you know i would just so let's say okay our bass was you know get like you know super duper picky and you know let's be anal about our edits so i'm going to come right over here and i could just double click on the bass part and we could do this and instead of hit points i'm just going to go to my audio warp to free warp so i just was doing some editing for someone so so let's say the base here was this note was late so we could kind of put an anchor point here uh so once we get into free warp and i could just say i want to put an anchor point maybe after and what i want to do is to have this note you know that fall right on the beat and we could adjust kind of the timing so you know kind of place an anchor point after and before and then you could just reposition notes quite easily um you know so i was cleaning up a bass player that kept missing a downbeat and you know just kind of would put uh my anchor points and these anchor points and these warp markers can be based on the hit points and then you could just do you know oh this is a little early a little late you know they missed the downbeat you know the drums anticipated a little bit but the bass player was on beat but i want the bass to match the anticipation of the drums and you can do the same thing with guitars as well so give that a shot all right and my timeline just jumped on me bear with me just second and i know okay okay so i see a question from jvi uh silly question why can't i why can i only see sustain pedal inside the midi instrument channel editor i can't see it as a controller lane data in project window [Music] i thought this was fixed but don't see it so let's go ahead and i'll just do a quick project here thanks for all the wonderful questions i hope everyone's learning a tip or trick if you have go ahead and all right so here's my lovely template that i've created all right so let's say i have a midi part okay and i want to let's go to say our sustain pedal or i'll just get a real piano part here that has sustain on it someone i can play piano properly okay so let's say i want to see my sustain information here okay so there's my sustain okay so uh why can't i see this controller lane data in the project window so it could be that we have to [Music] um all right so there we could see it kind of in the controller lane right there so you can see the sustain uh pedal information so say we just so um [Music] and you know there's also different settings to check out so it looks like you know you kind of see that there but you could also go to uh your cc automation setup and so let's say if you want to see cc67 as automation tracks so you know and then once you're kind of here we should be able to [Music] um you know see that as let's say you know automation so let's say i think if we go to f6 uh so you could kind of see the sustained message there so you know to give that try and let me know if i'm doing something differently but you know this is generally automation data this is midi cc data so you may have to kind of have those two you know tell it to to snap so [Music] okay hi greg is there a way to snap midi data to grid when duplicating uh for example select multiple notes and duplicate them and have the duplicates snap to grid you know so if we want to let's say if i switch this over let's look at this particular um part so let's say i'll just come [Music] okay so if i wanted to select you know these particular notes and i think what this question is probably related to so if i come here and i just duplicate um it will duplicate but it duplicates the events to right after the event which is often not what people want they may want to duplicate the measures so there is uh an editor i think it's a command or control shift plus i which is the in place editor and this will allow you to use the range selection tool so at this point i could just say okay i wanted to just use the range tool for these two measures and now when i duplicate like can uh control or command d it'll duplicate the range including kind of the rests so that way it could be on the grid all right uh you can set your bars and beats to start at say minus eight bars or so to speak uh have bar one eight bars later if you now get a ruler track and you set the counter to start um beat one at 0.0 seconds as well so it's kind of the permutations can be a little confusing with this but let's go ahead and take a look i'll just do let's say new project okay i'll just do a new project and not start from my random template [Music] okay so let's say i have a like an audio event here okay and i will add a ruler track okay so let me just okay so right now we're at measure one but our time is set to zero seconds um so if i wanted to do my offset i think we'll go to um so let's say if i wanted this to be um [Music] all right so let's say we want to do this at -8 and this this is this can be a little confusing so i understand so let's say if i want to give an eight bar display offset okay so now as we do this and these little questions are kind of critical you may have to play around with this all right so right now we have this at um at zero so this is now we have minus eight bars we have this but if you want this time um let me there's see if i can remember looks like one is uh all right let me just try from the setup so i may have to play around with this some more but let's say so now uh we're at 16 seconds so let's say we're at 16 seconds so i will come over here let's do a display offset and let's try to set this for 16. so i think that that kind of did it so that's at the that point right here at zero for your time and bar one so um so just do the setup and this is kind of what i had set up so i set the uh spark sparked this uh display bar offset to eight and i set the display time offset to 16 and i derived that value from where the time was at the position of the event so give that a shot and see if that works um so we see can our apache be used like a note repeat as an npc and also as a swing percentage so you could you know there's other stuff that you could do for note repeats so let's say if i have um you know say if i wanted to you know there is a midi echo plugin i think so you know the full groove agent will have like all sorts of uh different repeat functions so let's say if i wanted to come here we could just say okay i want to take this in so we could just choose to okay i don't want to do any you know how many repeats that you want to do length delay i don't think that there's um let's say 16th notes so it may not let's say if i just wanted to trigger this via midi so give me a second and but you could do this but the full version of groove agent will have um like you know kind of very much npc style of percentages and if you want to do swings on top of that you could just go to the quantizer plug-in and be able to kind of just adjust your swing feel there okay so from jvi on the chord track what does the n harmonic shift three possibilities do auto be auto flat to sharp so let's go ahead and take a quick look so say i want to put in uh a b flat but maybe i wanted so you know automatic can kind of be based upon a key but if i you know like occasionally like earlier i'd put in a chord that was you know listed as g flat but if i wanted that to be a sharp to be musically correct or b flat or just kind of to be an automatic mode and that could kind of determine based on the other keys so if you start off in f major it would you know it would if the first chord was f then it would probably you know be set up for um you know to do b flat as opposed to a sharp so so those are just kind of make sure that you have the correct harmonic um you know possibilities so auto will kind of look at it in context and you know flat will take a sharp chord to a flat and sharp will take a flat cord and harmonically switch it to flat so okay does anyone here have any tips for correcting latency with samples i have some spiccato contact instances and they don't seem to be on a beat due to sample cut in so you know most of the time you know you could try to you know sometimes you may have latency based upon like effects that are in the project so if you have like you know limiters and expanders on the master bus you could try to turn on constrained delay compensation but if it seems like it's um you know due to sample cut in that maybe to the particular library all right so um so how do i normalize an audio track that i didn't record loud enough in 7.5 used to just be able to click on normalized audio and it would do it um excuse me one second just emailing away um that i didn't record in 7.5 you used to be able to just click on the normalize and it would just do it but it doesn't work in 11. so let's say if i'm here i just select the file and go to audio to processes to normalize and then make sure that you have um auto apply enabled so and you could also just kind of you know just come right over here and i think that's on by default but make sure you have the auto apply on and then you know you could just simply kind of do the same exact functionality okay so i see jam tracks is like uh ah thanks greg yeah i tried the glue tool and it totally worked except i don't know you could do your trick about alt drag on top like that cool so that's good okay uh short and sharp all my audio tracks go to groups auxes question would i save any cpu or latency by disabling the group channel pans as any panning going on is in the audio tracks that feed the auxes so it really you know it's not going to um say see the panning is isn't going to be like a heavy cpu process so i don't think i think if there's any um changes that you know i don't think if there are any changes in cpu utilization i think it's going to be you know negligible at best so i don't think that the painting's gonna um to make a difference okay you have a question hello everyone how often do these hangouts happen i just upgraded to cubase 11 pro from my ai that got with the purchase ur 44c sound card so we've been doing these since pandemic started roughly every tuesday and friday afternoon starting at 1 pm us eastern then you can subscribe to the channel and get more information i know we had questions that were sent in so let's go ahead and get through some of those okay so this is also kind of in the dis in the offset category um let me just i'll just scroll up start from the top sorry okay so i have an interesting question i often edit midi especially drums i'm aware of the possibilities in midi control and so on is it easy to edit velocity to just one sound for instance only the hi-hat what i want to do is to change only one span of velocities let's say i want to i want only velocities in hi-hat between 10 and 30 to increase by 30 velocities over 30 must not be changed all right so we'll show you how you could do this so let's say i have um a quick drum part and we just wanted to do it for hi-hats only so let's say i will take this and i'll just quickly do in the drum editor but you're not required to so okay so now i'm here let's say i have a hi-hat and i'll just okay so you have our hi-hat kind of laid out for us here and we wanted to just adjust the velocities of the hi-hats let's say that are between the velocity values of 10 and 30 and raise them by 30. so for this we could go to our logical editor and we're going to choose under function transform we're going to say value 2 because value 2 is the velocity of of a midi note message and we're gonna say inside range of 10 to 30 and what we want to do is to take value two and we want to add 30. so now we're going to take the velocities that are between 10 and 30 and add 30 velocity values to those so now i'll come over here hit apply and we can see that those notes are the ones that meet that condition um sorry i'll just so these are the only ones between 10 and 30 and now those values have been raised so again uh function transform value 2 is inside range and this is where we specify the value range that you want and so we've identified that as kind of our target and what do we want to do with that target we want to go to our value 2 and add 30. so we want to increase the velocity by 30 and that's how you could do it uh so it says i watch one of your videos explaining offline processing to add effects to a particular section i did everything you explained range tool selected then f7 add effects but for some reason i don't get the sound when i play the whole thing i can listen to the preview on the offline box but i can't hear it in the whole project what am i doing wrong all right so sometimes you know one of the things that could cause this could be when we have um you know so let's say we have our vocal here you know could be maybe the auto apply is off so let's say uh i play this what dimension am i in so we could select let's say i wanted to put the echo just on that particular part so i will go to uh my direct offline processing history and if you don't have the auto apply on um you know i i could come over here and you could kind of audition your your results so let's say you know if you wanted to preview you know you could do that but if auto apply isn't turned on it's not going to actually render that file so make sure that you have the auto apply checked and then once you have that checked it's now gonna play back what dimension am i in so and if i just wanted to come over here let's you know so just make sure that you have the auto apply uh turned on or you could just click on apply right there and now as you play back so if you kind of have played around with some of the previews make sure you that you hit apply and i think that'll take care of it all right so i got this from marcini um i had to uninstall howie and essie recently ever since i have been experiencing an error uh when selecting certain sounds like i.e strat guitar chorus guitar clavinet and other sounds under the all selection it says the error audio files missing all the other sounds and any other third-party banks i have all work okay i've tried to reinstall checked library manager but to no avail so i think i you know i didn't find all those exact names so i'm not sure if those particular sounds i found some that were close and i did find a clavinet sound um but you know i found like you know not those particular sounds so i'm not sure if those are factory sounds or not but if um but you know it could be maybe they're in uh hallian and not hallie and sonic s e but i couldn't find those exact sounds so mark if you could let me know if those are the exact names that would be helpful all right can you please tell me if it's possible to use the supervision plugin nuendo also in wavelab pro 10 i cannot manage wavelab pro 10 to find that plugin or if there's maybe a special wavelab version of it i'd be grateful learning uh what i must do in order to be able to use that plugin in wavelab pro 10 thanks in advance for your answer so within wavelab uh we're gonna have a lot of uh that functionality already in so the supervision plug-in isn't isn't utilized for that so all right so we had a question is it possible in the cubase 11 sampler to adjust the pitch reversing uh or other audio manipulation of individual slices instead of the entire audio file so with the sampler track it's dealing with one particular audio file if you wanted to reverse a single slice or pitch a single slice you could do that within groov agent se but currently not inside of um uh inside of the sampler track we also had a question about uh this maybe been a continuation from last week but if we wanted to kind of you know change the contrast between like some of the notes between like uh you know the black keys in the key editor and how we could do that is we could come over here to preferences and if we go to um color schemes you'll see editor area background and now if you wanted this to be lighter you could just kind of come over here so let's say okay i want my lines to be lighter i could just come over there hit apply and then you could see kind of more contrast so if you wanted to customize that you could do that very easily so let's say i'll go back to my defaults um we had a question we'll try to get to squeezed in um i maybe i'll just do this on uh friday i apologize yawn about making the uh i just want to make sure i have enough time to do it to make the uh how to make an expression map so i will do that one maybe first thing on friday let's see if there's any other quick questions because we're running short on time thank you all for the wonderful questions okay uh so with the steinberg audio interfaces can you record in real time with the compressor and print it yes you can so if i wanted to come i'll just show this quickly so i'll just turn off this interface i need to disable the control room but i want to come to the outputs so if i wanted to add an audio track we'll just choose from this input um and uh from within hardware settings you'll see like a little routing and what that's going to allow you to do is just do a new project here quickly and let me just check my connections but yeah within that you can definitely have just the uh that you could print through the compressor so i'll just deactivate that but yeah so you could definitely have that kind of setup so uh with that we're gonna go ahead and wrap up because we're just about out of time jan i'll get to you the expression maps question on friday sorry about that i want to thank everyone for the wonderful questions and we will see everyone on friday and if you want to send me an email we'll send you a link to the uh zoom meet and greet afterwards so we'll do that but we'll go ahead and wrap up thanks uh hope everyone learned something everyone please stay safe and healthy goodbye you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 8,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 30sec (14370 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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