How to Do Your First Recording in Cubase | Q&A with Greg Ondo

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[Music] let's take a look at doing your first audio recording in Cubase in this example we're going to be using Cubase le the first thing we want to do is to define which audio interface is being used to record our instruments or voices we could go to our device setup from the devices menu go to the VST audio system on the left hand side and far as your driver we want to select your audio interface I'm going to choose my Steinberg you r44 selecting the Steinberg you r44 from the drop-down list allows us to access some other functions including the control panel here we could adjust the buffer size and we'll take a look at this a little bit later in application but the lower the buffer size is the smaller the latency which is ideal for doing critical recording and but it's harder for the computer processor the larger the buffer size it's easier for the computer to handle so some people may record at lower latencies and mix at higher latencies I'll just leave it at a thousand 24 sample buffer and then we'll kind of show why that's important in just a little bit one other critical thing that we see here available is direct monitoring so not every audio interface offers this but we're just going to be aware that it's going to be found right here and we'll take a look at why we want to use that in a little bit so we've defined which audio interface and our buffer size from our device setup now we need to define which connections are which inputs and outputs of that audio interface we're going to use to connect our particular instruments and this is done by going to your VST connections or by hitting f4 we can see an input and an output source now - by default we see a stereo in and the stereo out and we could add other connections so if I wanted to add a mono source or stereo source I could add my mono input and I could choose any of my six inputs that I have available on my you are forty-four so we can select any of the physical connections on your audio interface for inputs for mono or stereo so at this point we've defined our inputs and we can also again look at our outputs and our outputs is where we're going to set the cables to go to our monitoring system either into a mixer or a lot of people will go directly into powered speakers so now we've defined what audio device were using in the device setup our VST connections will define which inputs we want to do and now we want to actually define our project and where the files will be saved so if we go to new project from our file menu there are number of different starting off templates which are really handy which will have plugins loaded up and are pre-configured but I'm just going to choose an empty setting here now as I do this I could choose empty one thing to be very aware of is we could think of you on each folder your you on each project in to be in its own independent folder so by default this will go directly into the Documents folder on your Mac or Windows but if you wanted to manually set the folder you can just click right here and then when you go to create it will ask you to with the standard operating system file dialog box to define a folder so think of each project is having its own folder so I'm going to come here and we'll just create and what I want to do is I'm going to add right click in this column here we have our track column I'm going to right-click or control-click on Mac if you have a single mouse button and then we want to add an audio track I'm going to record an electric bass so I want to come right here we're going to choose it as mono source if I was recording a keyboard I would probably choose stereo and at this point we're going to add the track now the track will immediately come up and be record enabled but we may not be able to hear the signal until monitoring is turned on and this could be turned on directly by clicking on this button now there's a couple preferences that could be handy if you don't want to have to enable monitoring for every single track one of them is by going into the Preferences - VST and I like to set my monitoring style to tape machine style so we've done that so we've now record enabled the track and we've monitored the track but one thing that's very important is we see that by default this track will be called audio zero one we want to name the audio track here and that way this name that we've defined is going to be applied to the audio file itself here we can see our inspector and by default we'll see this view here we can set our input directly from the inspector I'm plugged into input 1 which is defined as the left channel of my first stereo input here so even though it's a stereo input I could still use one single input connection so I'm going to set my left input here and now when I play my bass now as I've listened to this I could set the level on my audio interface now the one thing that is a little odd to me and you may notice is it sounds like there's a bit of a delay on the recording so again we'll go back to our device setup and then I want to turn on direct monitoring directly there and hit okay so now when I play so now our latency is gone away so basically the signal is passing directly from the input to the output so and again depending on how much of that delay is set by the buffer size that's been defined here so if I want it minimal input or output latency I could set that or if your audio interface has direct monitoring features like the you r44 I would just enable the direct monitoring now to actually record a track we see the transport bar here so let's say I wanted to start to play now if you want it to have the metronome or the click on or off you could hit the letter C on a computer keyboard or just turn this icon on directly from the transport let's say I wanted to do my recording I could come here and just hit the record enable button let's turn on my click track undo that let's rewind to the beginning [Music] [Music] and now we could rewind hit play and we have our recording and if I wanted to colorize the track I could click directly here and choose a track color so as you can see following a couple of steps it's very easy to do your very first recording if you found this video useful please feel free to like the video and subscribe to the YouTube channel you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 183,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music Software, DAW Software, Sound recording, sound reproduction, how to make music, how to make sounds, learn to make music, audio recording, beginners guide, define audio interface, device set-up, audio interface, inputs, outputs, stereo in and out, vst connect, how to define project, define project folder, add audio track, turn on monitoring, define buffer size, colorize recording, Greg Ondo, Cubase LE
Id: wzvLNd4xyWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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