5 Ways To Make Your Tracks Sound Great | Music Production in Cubase AI and LE

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hello everyone on this video i'm going to show you five ways that you can make your tracks sound great in cubase le and cubase ai with all the included tools and plugins that we have available so let's get started number one use the channel eq to correct or enhance your material let me show you if you go on any one of your channels you can click on the e button and this will bring the channel settings for that specific channel in this case i have my drums i can swallow them and let's listen to these so this one right here in the center is the channel eq every audio or instrument channel in cubase has the channel eq right there so with a channel eq we have four bands and we can boost or cut which means i can enhance some frequencies by making them louder or i can actually take out some frequencies to correct problems let's try it out on these drums maybe i want to boost the top [Music] you know maybe i want to bring up this snare this clap right here maybe i want to remove this and maybe i want to add a little bit of low end now if you want to try with and without the eq you can just click on this button right here and you can bypass the eq so channel eq sounds really nice really powerful make good use of it number two use distortion to add presence and character to your tracks let's take these drums for example and i'm going to use the tube plug-in that we have in cubase le and cubase ai it's a really nice saturator it adds a little bit of analog tube warmth so let's try and make these drums a little bit gritty [Music] now if this sounds a little bit too much we can always blend it with the dry signal so we can get the clean drum sound but with the added harmonics and presence that that tube adds to our sound let's try it [Music] yeah so now these drums have attitude let's try and use the tube on this 808 sub bass here with that first [Music] so all these added harmonics will make this 808 cut through the mix and especially on smaller speakers you need a little bit of distortion on this kind of sounds let's also try the other distortion plugin that we have in cubase le and ai and that's distortion let's try it [Music] out [Music] so it gives it quite a bit of nice low end there so try using distortion on your tracks you'll be amazed on how well it works in such a wide range of material number three use the vst dynamics plugin to enhance and tame your vocals let's listen to this vocal that i have right here [Music] it's quiet right what would be your first instinct to turn it up let's turn it up and see what happens [Music] what do you hear what you're hearing is the vocal louder but you can hear that some phrases are still quite low in terms of volume so they get lost in the mix so instead of turning your vocal up what you can do is use the vst dynamics plugin that i have right here this is included in cubase le and ai and it has a gate it has a compressor and it also has a limiter the gate gets rid of all the background noise that you can hear when the vocal stops the compressor tames the dynamics and it catches these really loud phrases as you can see on this vocal and this way we can bring the entire vocal up like this and the limiter catches the final peaks you know some really loud notes here and there so the vocal sounds more even but don't take my word for it let's listen to this vocal with the vc dynamics plugin and let's see how it sounds [Music] see how much more balanced this vocal sounds and how well it sits in the mix that's because the compressor catches these really loud peaks and it brings them down and then we can make up with a makeup gain pay attention to the gain reduction here [Music] and the limiter catches the final bits so it helps us get an even more balanced sound let's move on to number four use modulation effects to spice up your tracks let's listen to this nice hylian sound that we have right here in order to achieve this sound i'm already using quite a few effects i'm using the bit crusher here that adds a little bit of grit now you can probably hear that there's a little bit of a pumping effect with this pad here in order to create this effect i used the chopper plug-in that we have inside cubase le and cubase ai so check out what it does if i turn it off it's flat i can change the speed i can change the type of the waveform [Music] so you can see how many different sounds and how many variations i can get from this sound just by tweaking the chopper plugin let's try out another modulation effect this is the chorus and this can really add quite a bit of interest to your sounds let's try it out [Music] so really really interesting and funky sounds there now another modulation plug that i want to show you as you can see we have quite a few here inside cubase le and cubase ai but one really interesting that i want to show you is the ring modulator this can create some really interesting metallic sounds or you can create some really interesting animations to your sound let me show you [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah and of course we can change the oscillator here as well [Applause] so modulation effects are really powerful they can really transform your sounds number five use reverb and delays to add space to your mix one of the most common uses for delays and reverbs are of course vocals so let's add a little bit of delay to this vocal here as you can see i've already set up a delay and let's open it up so here we have the mono delay here i'm using this delay as a send effect and i'm going to show you how you can do this very easily in cubase let's try it out this time i know this time i know it's over this time i know this time i know it's over so you can hear the delay that not only gives us the sense of space but also the sense of rhythm because this is a sync delay which means that it will sync to our tempo now let's be a little bit more creative and let's go to the reverb channel here and now i'm going to make this reverb go left and right for this i'm going to use the auto pan effect which is a modulation effect by the way and now what this will do is it will take our delays and move them left and right automatically check it out this time i know this time i know it's over this time i know this stuff and i can follow that if i want with one of the included reverbs and this is the roomworks sc to give my delays a little bit more space time i know it's over this time i know so what i did here is i added this fx channel to my vocals and i stack effects on top of each other delay auto pan and the reverb now let me show you very quickly how you can create an fx channel all you need to do is click on the e symbol right here open your channel settings and we have four slots so the only thing you need to do is right click and then choose add fx channel to send to and for this let's try and add a reverb roomworks sc i'm going to make it stereo and i'm gonna call it vocal reverb a track and we're good to go now i can also add some reverb to these vocals this time i know this time i know it's over this time i know this time i know it's over this time i know this time and i can set the delay and reverb amount separately as you can see so there you go guys these were five ways to make your tracks sound great with the included tools in cubase le and cubase ai i hope this video gave you some inspiration and i hope you make some great music with cubase until next time have fun and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Cubase
Views: 19,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great track sound, channel eq, enhance material, cubase channel settings, boost or cut loudness, bypass eq, clean dry signal, groove agent se, 808 bass plugin, harmonic and atmosphere, distortion and noise, vet dynamics, vocal range and dynamic, gate compressor limiter, pitch correction, cubase le, cubase ai, tips tricks, music workflow, music production, music software, daw, steinberg, cubase 11, new features, modulation fx, chopper plugin
Id: fOoNzjvC2wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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